The Exeter Times, 1879-3-20, Page 44 Tat TIMvs 14:f.1,1tCiI 20,187V
sand shout "Ruin, ruin!" before the this command would uttezly destroy I only in this place, brit er^erywbero e
effects of the tariff are seen,;only make knowledge, and reduce men to a. hurtle will endeevnr to 1114'd abroad still more
themselves ridiculous. Common sense of iguoraut Savages. For wb 'u a, per- and snore the glori(,us light from the
is a etrauger to them, When the t'ari#f son takes ttia first step in the path of . hmie of knowledge. Let' mo now spet(li
works us iujnry, when the events of learning, no one G:at say whether he r.,f some of the Izettefird Khlch this des -
time prove it a fraud, then is the time will be permitted to Jour4 y on to the pi;e(1 `cl/tile lt'tarniug" confers n})„tt
to elaznur for its repeal, and then will enol of his glorious (weer.; health may(uauk!)1(1, It tills tile mind wi.i l ental
the people, not .a soured and (llsap• fail, other aircurnstisecei may iutervetie, 'tainttig tilt.}tt {htw,G,l"1'1.0Gtd nihil' gi0 srn0sq
pointed faction, demand its repeal in a and the studetto be eumpelle(t to reline anti r(•tint)s slur ixll0aink)rs, aliul 4417]le it
tone as decided as tlltat with which quiet) his favorite permits, and be clas• citable, tis to transact Ont own (Onetime pastiest -
THE '1'AIIIFie, they called for its olltiou But we sed atnoug those who have hasten but kr daily beeineee wits) ehret�•ilnese and
Ft]X, ?ti?r ;jrart,nit,, ha5'e every cctllltit}nee th(Lt before a eli,gllly of the stweet Motel's 0f the form- erectdiou, )t prolnnge oar years And
i1>a;l1tY C. B1i WYl li - IL4NACtitli, The budget speech of Mr. Tills}", T'''1•— great while every class of people will .Dint suppose health to be granted, endows ne wile the perpetteo nee of
LOAM: To PATteltite, e c (trata,fiilcl their lot an easier laud a happier obedience to this c�+tr=,otitis}d tlauld. tie- knowledge, it inultilllioe the pieces of
ioneyadvanced tofarmers oneasy terms, onthe Tr nanoeeattllyter,w5A delivered on 1 0 (0th3R It is to dt1y. prive very Inauy of the elements o1' our abodes, weenie us eesiosieoes, el'
ew t promissory notes with one or more good en-
dorsers..1.1.•=7..1•1•1,67:10, Noluprbo)4ggrgqnirqd as security. night lags. Though made at aGOm THE 11�iL1iitl1'Vt11H sugar l'6finer',ia learning, and w)lld previce,t all bet the every clime nod of all ngesi, slid while
SAVINGS ut.xlctiiraa LTUIIINir parative]y Isle day in the n rich from attempting to rlegnlre know- yet 1(1 the tieeh it tt'1au.$porte tl$ from
fie, ¢e,Lt, into/estate/ea on i,1)osits. was, considering the nature and extent about to re -open, This 1s one result of hedge, Hata would keep the poor forever earth to heavelentei Oleos nA' enne1g the
Gold and ¢nrr0uaydrafts bought antlsald. Stor of the work L78Ceysal'y to arrange 1110 the National Policy. in a state of igen/mime. Many, yea, by star.. ,['list humble and obscure heti-
no .Nlsohunggbought and sold,
far the most, are permitted, th oughvii I g11U 11(ab acquired tt title teaming
new tariff,as soon as any person in rea- "Lust evening Alone Wright, M. P., King the ntrrowoese of their parents' fortune alio deserted his leisure lettere to the
son coule expect. \Vhen a competely ' of t1Le Gatineau, entertained quite a ntunbar of
p p y ilia aabjeats to diuuar at the Culp tolls' ilea- to devote only a few years in Ptll ly life ;only of history met chronology, rosy
now tariff hard to be submitted, it was taurant. There wore no plates or spoons itis- to 8011001 work, for when appraa0hi"g i ease ie well ttegnaiuted with the n,ble
f i,A ,i ��i��'I• ��c necessary that the greatest cora slzoalcZ sill►, after teefest'vul." tnauhOod cones the strueg1e for daily stoke, 0,Ut bulimia. actors of b.y'pw t
,`I« `Fle'(r 6��Zf•�c7'e be exercised. A harry to present t1le T le above is from the London ecll'e)'- bread, and ell their time and alltheir eii' ugas, y •t tat Q 1'1,(arl 11
lt6tlr'.. This suggests, two ideas : ,tTlay(1a sabot' must be expended in of o is to ob- Ills 1nUdtlog1l1t1Kddttl'i „Id Tlt11)Lt11111a1E ; {l•ltly, 1tll11 :lOf
talit"r on the opening of the Home mZe tilt '1811. an honest livelihood, `i., these, hd ;se n:7lli,tu: t>•ul spectator ot:Ltor of file
have caused imperfections which would cone of brother Cntnercu's stall tilos an then, a rigid enforcement of this inj000
dreamt of the world's silts', nla!rr,ifle' t
bevelled a most injurious influence on
inv/:atiou to the slimier, or maybe the tion would be a COM pike extrin•siou but iue ont+lt:te, tied which ssill not be
A PROPOSED NEW R ILWAYthe cieuntry: This it wasthe duty of the Reformers lime) renew' to think it en fromthe noble aceatuulatiuns of inter- fittist+ed until tune iiseif eh ill b' no
Minister it an utln.,u)tl thine far an M. P. to teet sal wealth, and scootdi'Ig to the inert.. lie sees the curtail 'rise at 0('e -
Finance nister to pistol against astla 11et1PRy foul fieroenees of their pee. mien's dawn, and e solitary )ere nlilgi'
far as possible, and he could only do give to dinner without 104114 suouns' etuns,their exigence would he as beaststhe father of all rllttnlii,)1(1 I> •t 85('4 Tlrmu
so by havwg the tariff made as perfect In the House tite other night, M. C. of buv'dee or beasts of nrry, But the the singe, and to . bite Rnccet^els the
tis souls be upon the date he had eol- Cameron, Esq, Q. 0, i1I, P. pre tens ult.ereets of lcaatnling i self, require Chet Ltut}lo array of the great Cued n!' ibe
leete(1 OF course there are people in y this order should be nuneede
ed,fer eel). Lxtit—moo who hlavesletp„(lthe (sear:e
ltateet tll!LtSir. Juhu t1la((lon'tld existed out a wide and apprrci.Lte atl(lisoe', of eveute for centuries after tley were
the country who were endeavoring to as a pli,llie man by etealiug the brains of tearing would perish, andgenius 11ne0- dust and ashes,
anti their ,sole but is
provoke dissatisfaction at what they opposition. The reply was prompt tite eomraged would languish land Elie, It (tins tradition, lie Wit,c'sses with en•
were pleased to call the delay and in tlno neat: D:,ce thehou,)rablegeut.leman 19 a greatincentive to labor and oxe l• refine 01 seize, the birt 11 of freedom out
menu to charge tine with lett larceny ? lenge ill gifted mortals to Ito sov that Lheir of slavery ; the triumph of right over
g petty y fellow -men will judge of their wurleatel Wight, truth c0rulueriuz error error
M. 0. did not feel quite eo happy the ewlLI'd them praise acceelwg eta they lung straggles and i,cvelest N,•ffel'i,7g.
rest of the evening. mei it it, but were ieareiui, coufi,tnd to Again, he who 1158 11 taste for Genera -
the Vel'y, ve"yfew, elnnletinit, and love illy ((11(1 its Cognate soieltG('4, "Serene'
of applause would be powerless t') ]Hove and Zoology, may travel i(t evert- 0.0111 -
men and the temple of knowledge
would lie in ruins. The hi$tory of our htriys canon(1 }tolxr(t.labulue ehS'$m'n)teZ, )ose11011 S1
1haet tef lisll-
race aff •1'(1.. 10111)le and notable ploof of meets are raging fie]ct'ly wit host, the
the 0 wrc0100ds of thi(l ubyervrlti w. wind howling rotted hie dwelling, the
.from the rlec;Ldeooe of the R.,lnan ern- mite battering an his ro,F, or sltow-
pine to the revival of letters io the fir- 8101-1us retuleriug all 00101111131icateet or
teeiith ce1lnly, a period of more than Ont-guilii,' }'•rl't1Uos, or at least dlflietin,
a thousand years lint few works of fany11(5 furtnuhte possessor z)1' a little leant -
rnerit were prod,1ced, the old '11'del• of hie may riloge amid the lOtinrarlee of
things wits passing away, the new had the tropioalwo)]d,its georg one p1111,ty,
not yet begun to appear, 5(111 the pee its, fereci •us animals, lied its niyriit(1
pie were stook in barbarous ignorance. Forme of strange reel llnftlmili5r life, lie
Ever and noon, there wield arise tl may tuinhirethe naefnl and hardy plants
— teacher teacher of wisdom, calling to better and nalironls of the temperate regions.
..WE notice tli'L1 Sir Joh. Mecdonnld thioge, bet the eec's of the mnititn le and marvel at tine vigorous, though'
wVer'e shut through stupidity. their ytuute(1 life of the frozen berth, And
leo appointed (J(?Vbral aasig,less in v:LrZ- malts did not respor)11 to his noble apt ile who remembers that he i4 not neele
our fILrtt of the it inntry, but heli ten peal;$, 1118 words were n'1heeded, and i iO (ice (11e b••11St, of 111e field /tilt lifts
i;leote:l Heron. Wo don't see why the 11(8 vo ce was dentne(1 amid the (lie- Isis Lyes to the starer, atld gazes 011011
cipaliiiee to be benefitted placed in a review the entire tariff, which,withthe Sheriffs, uritis are 1)11(1 good 1tl arle4 fur 0ord(LnG noises thtlt1ssue(1 from the sure those worlds that 4hin@ afar, Mas rt vol.
!)08it1(tn to Vote on the bollIlCes which
budget speech, will be fulled complete p.i'f)rtning the.dnties of their .6e.
sounding moral all(/ pi)ilUluol darkness. 010e nurt.lied before him luminous will
thea will require to give. St, Marys 111 our large supplement, would be an should have a 111 mnpoly. There ought
ant duringG)1el(Ldt three hllp(1PP(1 years stile light (if heaven itself. '1'U'the i'�-
�cill submit, and, NVB aro informed by an im}iossible task ; but we mey stLy tG be iL greater choice to select frons if after the long tut'n)«11 had ceased, rand 11010,1 t the Il)oti')lts and plisses e1 the
gentlemen of i.fluPncE in the town, 1 that that portion of it which most con- _ the elven of prinrin) had rendered f Ce1HHti'Ll bodies have in every rounuy
this section, and upon which the a than 19 sn ullfortlznate as to bee tine the eiffueion of knowledge more easy, 1 and t'veryttr00 been a timid source of
will carr} a U 01118 of i•i0,Ob0 or AGO, ) 1 1- len ius,)]vent. The essigt.ees do not and conse(1U3ntiy more rapid, the sym• 'terror and (li,n,aseaud a blazing comet,
(100. They are determined to have the
'Western Peuul.ula gave forth I T1 in any sense b'-C')Il]e a bnrde•t ou the 1)tttil}• m1(1 ILpprUv:0 of the m'llly tvh(1'a failing meteor or a darkened wool),
read. cost what it 0�a}, and the rnniti• certain sound, the duty on eg)•icnitnrat (cu.ttntr ,aa they are only laid when
have but little learning have excited were renar(te(i with si)perstilions rive,.
)Iac1nn 8 cannot fail to he eminently ! y y ! the few who have lntlnll,tO lloblee(ffol'tz lint learning has robbed these myeteri-
eipalities lying between St. Marys and 1 ' 0II1 IO}ell, and then out of the estate. diet have cauduced to our intellectual 'ons nxedseraget's t)f their earn] t'inl)ifl•
'Woodstock appear to be animate(] by a.
satisfactory. both to 111@ cnnanuler and IThore 0!tu be et) objection to a few uleasnre and our material benefit..— 011000, and the strident con c1Llentfitlr
eistiiltlr feeling. The rand to 1St, ibe prodneer. Thcugh the prices may (001e its limon. Therefore looking to the 'yell -being of, with exactness the return of an eclipse
b.Iar} c, we believe, mai be cosseted on not be advanced es a re+ul(, yet the nor common ltutt
muity and the ptairt•es4 ora comet,and even 31)ensnl 0 the
'est a cortninty. The company and the farmer Can safely count en having the SPEECH of our race, obedience to this command weights end (ietenees of the 111(11(0):5
people of St. 1�IF1r3s are naturally de- tn'trkets free from Alner'ic'tn COlnpeti- DY.LIVr;RBD BY 1(8. Ro1i!.RT 1))RT TI AT TBE
tenet be regarded a4 impossible. and I themselves ; 1111 (0111(118 ilnpI'00$ed will,
t1o11 Ritanld the )110 9 be give" an i111 • YoRnt". al't;NING UI' T)Ilt w000n.\3I the, command itself deelne1 itheartl• the Immensity of spree, paid he anti
sheets to Pi: ell(/ the line to Ilill(e'IY11r- 1 ' g• i PUBLIC SCHOOL.
Atrtl wee for the opinion 01)011 whlell others can exclaim from his 11051'1, ',the
on, as they would have rt,ly acen:n
ward tendency, while, iF tome be ice• -- thl.a 0ornlntuld is based. =(A 1little hemems declare the Gloss, of Cod."'
piislt el part of their object by terms- "art.r(1 or offer"( f"r sale, no uta Hal) After a few preliminary remarks, Mr. teaming is a dlangerons thing." G 11,- Finaily a little 1earniug fnrnishro the.
'sating, the real at St. Marys. 'There nrenmble, 0,0 no one 0111 be asked t0 pay P,u'tei' 8pnite (1,4 10111) WS :--,Ttle subject fees that thele 1d a RO)nblenen of teeth unit 111Pan8 of self-}nprote1nrnt. M531V'
are two points on the Lake whiell they t11P. 111113'. of my short Itel'f1'eud to you to•nlgilt, in this harsh judgment, b(!(:,111se 'ear- wen celebrated in after Ts'ar's, owed
I' , belies and gentlemen, will be two fait- i'11? is sometimes misapplied, and in- their fame nn(1 nse'fnlness to the little
ore con=idErrr:Y, 13:L3fielti a,.i/1 P.o4 From every part of the couetry the ,tit: lined in Alexander Pope's Essay ou stead of being a bentf]t to its nubs) tv learning rl y,.
,f1.,3' {; 1 I . lla ming nc hired in earl 1if '. 131
1'r;tnk. one of 111080 points, u1)11 T news comes that the tariff is received Cririeidin poseeesnr, It is ruin to himself and an gr,tt)hy viediClLtes the truth (f this ea.
any circumstances, they ere (let@i'n)l!]• with rt',j,ioine. and that fulfils the ex- ('AIfttleleartiue is (ndnug,al't)LIS.thuig, i„i'tr}' to t.hnse serronndi'rg. Litt. this sense), and its pages are brilliantly'
rel 1r1 melt. iii Melt of 111001 presents Protections of the penile. The various Think deep or saute not site Pierian Silting.” eff•'Ct is not soused by a little learning studded with the names of those will)
r 4 't i9 not tint in(011- in(lnstries whish have been lenenisbiug The general (liseemination of ruin -
but 1)y much vice, end stile blame hes hk1ve gained haunt and ran,sl n through
fhe better Pelt ( l r awelt) a man's head, brit it) his hurt 'self -hes In ides/ration, t will select
tion nt present to diyeuss. what cors, for want of eneTuritgement will receive memory education has not been with t,nt in his mental attainments but in ;rL few Dames from the aunitls of n1}•
('(res lis Ls 11a1s: that a rails tad from •1 fresh stilnelns, and there is good res- out its opponents, and neon of hightoea sial standing, and great Ir'a1t1(1L1 anti hit ninrals. There is no good which 00'» 01(301 i'y,aul other 111u(l4 have their
i'7e, Atlantic r000lu t'd .(vol traverse this eon to ]col( for an abnndllnt influx of taerhirers ability have enteleineed the..wa (enjoy, which may not be miuulireot• glorione records too. Hugh illillar.t.ho
tl•`l1. It -till]}' 001)10 to Exeter, E:• and Galllta1 to extetl'l those enterprises nuro ling, of 1L few leaves of 111,4gI'e51 ed 11(1(1 Ish)lie(t, anr1 it as a 0,1(00100 "In' ,true•. In14n11 of Oriental ty. had 1lC(lillred
r _cwhich bail nn ltepe .of snaaels nutter )Mint with moralists and sern1•Inizers but a little len) Moss wherein earlyears
doboots of knowledge t) the eves and mind, 4 €� y
110 bn less will, if sn11i0ient iuduce}I]Pnts the nits order of things. Tile ego id 00- of the (01(5804 of the pen1)18, fes tklereb, th(11 or Fjf id's liteldi(tg( roan t•,o rflen he was obliged to cleanse a c Illing for
lie leld out in the )`'ay of 1L liann1—tL o. show themselves at 01106 r0Ud(51'iIlg them r1dte49 and. daitgar• make 1'(1.,1) for the devil's wank. The himself, whereby he /night 011(11 an
blotter yr ,01, 100 or X5,,21),000. 0 1 Ante; may not sa v Und, rl'h se In11 nssei't ttlllr, frr)1n 1111= t(141l3011011tnofthe engrav('rwereiuve((t' honest living. Bet tLnngll spending
tilt ether ha.n(1, it arty not ^-on]e, an(1 fur 11W 0 u111tr'y had sunken Po sleep in 80anty gild superftci'Ll knuf,vlorlge which '11 (.tn(1 are need in the practice of en 1110 first year of his apprenticeship 10
the sto(t;;h of desp'rideney tiles some q honest 10111 a 1>eentiful lnecheilicel arts the laberioae work of a tlltl'ry man,
smell inducements clay bP- held not by s') many cull only acquire, til we they9
y• lion'1]]flal Plapq U.(3€'rP it can b3 lifted evils to s']ci('ty, nuulurana and dill"ieatlt but 1101uf111 depravity bee eulployed and many sub egeeut yta(s of toil as a.
other places on Il. lhnie direct lithe tothen) i)1 the fl'ianlnlPnt art of the eaen- ninths•• mon an(1. 811lle•, et 115
to (iv 'resine; that people who cannot l y y'
terfeiter. Th
reLti 111,1011 51)(1 think (113801, nail better
()f the clerk or honk• did 3111 a -gleet the meau4 of self•i(tl-
Iao't read or think lit all. I'i1Hy further kilotons la a }iai'ml•NS 3(1)(1 tisef111 tiring 1)rnvenl3•'11, of s 111Ch a little leaning
Harm 1111Lt•the 0111y ('04nt which 1(13 (Vtlt'il Degasses -1 in legltitnate work, blit 114(1 given hien 0011ll00nll. He became
so•a:ori ld friends ill' the people levee aa- in the 1,0.18 of slur forgF'r 511,15m10)10' 111e author of many tales end sketched.
f,L0(31 embezzler it hes spread rule and written in the purest stud utn,,t, grace-
r)ld'1oty 0V(r1' whole (1' tn(ttl'Iitiee. The rill filig11(11 81) 1P, 110(1 a aooingia1 stir•
!;hire OF the shoemaker or the hammy; 1 (mooed 1)1 (1(1(18 of hi., c(lntelnln)tariPs.
of 1ln blacks 11)t11etre useful tools tt'h1ll Not Only in eeiems8 slid he excel, hat
svir!hle,l by the respective workn)en,bllt „8 a. 000trovtir,ial truer• lie hell .few
le the gruslp of the ln,trderer the 031J t,drt1.1�4, he smashed the ereeli•tri''s ,f
These pelted the throat send tile) o11+er his (1l>p n0 ms's; to lie 1188(1 to ;eine ' the
hes sineete (1 rho sestina 80me wretch' (;topes 10 hie daily Weir ; and his peer
OA vlot hu. N 'w the force y, the coma. was n8 efeetu:►1 in the eetn.blish1111111, of
tork'ili ,g and Hmbeza;omeuts (1i.1 not 111,e press Clinrel, in So )(Monti, ae the
The Molsons Bank. be right; They should ventilate the
question, and let us have the benefit of
�'epitat, $2,000,000, lest,, $400,000, sliest opinions. Our 001(1 )1)8, las usu.
al On an questions affecting the inters
HEAP OFFICE MONTREAL. este of the village.and country of which
oars meteor, Pigg.. - - - • - .Prest4e20.
itox. T,3o)tvs WontotiN, _ Viee•Pres,, It is the geopraphictal slid trade centre,
T ,1 ('r„Extras, Yteo•Pres sus Unto 21 Ins 0o
Ron I) I= )Iso eerson Senator, are open to all m
who desire to dismiss
it te aha1)her?,Pwr��es Ottawa liuerxavte Co
tz lr�yta�t o 1401800,111' 1P, 011188 Williams, the proposal its any farm,
oL1f'1111L8rAN TIraa(AS, 1)B(. • Cashier. ,r ,�•+n+,w..,,�.•–r,. �
1, UEAxox; i+lags, • - In peetor.
zxconronwren 131 ACT QV PAni,lAat990`1
collections suttee in tL11 parts of the Dominion'
and rebttrn8 promptly 1)tly remitted AG lowest rated o
Exeter, 4l'gust ism 1878, t1-zr1
THURSDAY, 11:IAf 011 20, 1879.
On Sater(ley. last Exeter was visited
by Mr. James A. Patterson, chief en-
gineer of the Credit Valley Railroad,
who was accompanied by 111x. Alfred
Wilson, of the Canada C+)inpany.
Both gentlemen were on business con-
nected with the railway wl7)Cll it is
pratuord to run from Woodstock to difference of the Government to the
some point on Lake Huron tits St. bad coudition of the ;country. But
end Exeter. Several of the these persons were the sauce who cis-
Marysleading.rnen of the place were inter. snared for the introduction of the N. P.
viewed on the subject of iferensed rail- while Mr- Mackenzie and his colleagues
way acrammodntion for the village, and remained glued to their portfolios. It
the scheme laid before them. How it is'Uot 13 cause for much wonder, then,
was received 1(1 all cases we are nut that these efforts have been dilly ap
aware, though we untlerstat(d that by Predated by the intelligent people of
some the Proposed undertaking was the country and have resulted in
seriously considered. The surveyors, naught.
soder the direction of Ilir. Patterson, To those gentlemen wllo, during the
have gone over the greater portion late Gampaigu, 00t1 tell led 11151 the Con•
of the route proposed between St. ser•vative party were insincere in their
tin -
Marys and Woodstock, and are proses
professions, and would, if elected, tin-
e0tiitg the survey with a view to tom• iter 9. little at the tariff, and cell it pro.
it at the earliest possible mo- tectiun, the new,lidt of duties mint be
silent, 80 that the other preliminaries, a 8011000 of greets;ratICIOstiuu, as shosv-
80011 ns ascertaining the estimated ing shat their prognostications were At.
coat, ( lacy be prepared, and the multi- near tbe,fELcts as they usually are, To
DURING the general election, the
Conservative p•art.y premised to reduce
the expenditure, and the estimates sub-
mitted 1.) the Holm Show a reduetiou
of !about $SOD,ODD in the controllable
eapetditbre. This proves that the
Conservative party carry out their
promises. The public may see Nem
tide that the oppositi,)n in the Lecel
Legislature, if placed in power, will
(111 t113 sane thine. ?1.. J.Lckson
pledges himself to economy.
1118 Inlet ns to (11,110' it e-xpe'dient for the to the surf ice•:n.ud pioce'l once 11101'0 011
()111(1110}' to giVI' 118 the go•1)3'. `l'1)P tll(3 snfe and send road to 11('ORpet it.s'.
g71(`txo9iH ellen (x111,.11 are pl'esantl3d For
Tile 0,110 which wee Observed in fr(t-
008W .1'14 5(1' : W 111 it 111y the tow() to 111111g the ((0111 14 made manifest when
give this gnome en(1 seem” the 1aI1rn(ic1 (30 00e shot "''se artclea which (00111111. conet11,4 e(1 hither:sr, is to uneetl18
with its 1)(lvl0l lege.- ; nr will1t pee to 1 b 11ro.luttel r') 0 Ln1(l.1, arr8 nol'niti el teen's 01111(11 1n. 1'eferruce to lone. 08.
s=ave that anomie Rad see the road run I fret, Anil timers which eon baprod teed, tttbli4 20(1 opinions, ernineuily bt)uefi sial
to the well.being, (go•ul n )rel:, and
in`(1 eteue ('1(51(1 village? Tilly iv a sell- I but, are not exollu1, 5'e taxed tor the s,11'aty of society ; (1 (1 1,14105 l of msalc•
Oils manor, 1.110 tvonl(1 do 1
an41 the ).4n 110(1 ite perOnee of pr�tteo'l (n W111 rai4-
1 lot; !11111 ,n lett Y14110118' mire ii,,b,i'1`1•
wee to give it th»ir eia(Iv (1.11(1 (0011est 1 dill it revenue to colo1' the (1' f1•)it or the l en. 4, Ill Ire 113.11.511(1 in g, they have (le
C(nl$l(1(')'nti�(1I • for (het th(',y will in l i'1'seot CCM'. It, trill alio be 0104(31(513(1 gra(l.t(1 th?rn to 11 fl lois, 0otnen't,ti4t4,
i I tri ,I little .• t6(tl (1 t')' 'IVs l tI :Lt, t1)•)dt 1311ICiQ1 w111Cal w' impost 111,1l(1 free-te)vers,thet 1hey have d1,•,trove,1
t)1( L( Il e hF Tirn ) tC k a 'fr:+1n .1�1)0.;;Mu, in tilts trey dineeIlli• t11(3 p1[111l+(1 '(331>Lte f yr the oleo -tease re- rY
13,111104 1'srtede the reeler'1oklnly there i hat)!1.(. n.R fs1' 118 18 C-)11,i81elit 111'11'1)10 11^111.0,. f')1• the rlgllt4 (4f property, am) .ti' l+,!:'UI am olevlr (1r the en- moiling eheit ')IC0,. „r the trent 0101}•.
tri r he no (1 11111 'f. s. If St. Mures bon- 1 .011Ye17)le of • )rotection In fetter of the li forr tins enoee;ity steel prHCLlce Of pt11)11131 gr'n•V('t'd tools, hilt ill the Hollowing mein. \Deemit 41 little lea( nils(; flow
318 in, tlwri td, 1(rt1 ( thee, e , 1( shoals Lifer smother e)ltlitry. j(1.0)110y x'111 InOr1Llit}'. 111 91101'k, 1.111111b1'1110 of the di41o(4('st rltsoele who utttny w.,iliil 11at'lat.()1111/11'11 or Itnn1lrn of
l t W. sh5l(, (n) d )hilt 110 (1' 03(1 :y 0)111.1 he we 1 profs,see to ba the fri eel of `eh 14(1(1 1116111 for Gll0 per ISO of ()Wain' Till;gll 11 i, 1'r t^ And at fila present 'lay
(1('eo the rflll(, ,101. i7(' 4(lt d ,,V ll tL', 4tin 1. r ' d I l (`ars )Ips. (11111 1'1'1 -tit- 1 th(! people b 1±aillc•1tjlO' 1heira, is {boil. 11'1:: 11ri)0et•tV 10 wf11(Slx 111P, 115s1 !lr) 1"14)' there ('43 11.' tit) tee (l('T+h- (30411((1'15 tsvo
pl.(i,i ti ah ITt 114 1 8 1 d ,(1 people y
ttt`a(nillliiseed Feet. If te.' refuse eels t..., (1'` P )I'w ttarill' 11ntV It taLG'i the •'leat•Eat enemy, h )1(1Ci1l*' a'itilill tiit'i'.IClil'lll, mor (lydtl11t+11e!r l(Il'lt 111 the". 1(',lff� IUP. in '.tr4 hninllle Cl('0n1x14ta00e.a ilk,
lee f 111 • ( I ,j I rs ,
1( .411,.St''' .•F (i'!Ilrs^, 11'11( rn0(tr the sly•' 's• • 1 '• 1(311, 111111 11x`18 5r. 1111'1 til41 rend( 8(1011 a cl.t11 (1r0lai Wek )011' a4 taVI' 1kLi1:111°r,.bttt 1!1 t)le bi'111143 (8(1(1 Or (1"e(1, 5(113 'll1('S1I'la BO ,vards, Fl tt•ilri eor
. 11 C I i n L I. , 1, , I r� 1.
e s I'1' of 1ho 1'1)1111(13' Corn ),1li$' tal'rl 1 b('P)0t ; hat it, 18 1) 'Iter F')t' .ill ttles^io,9 or; little hmeoin ;, 11(1.'1 t.11('y' On.01nd•1 tlr'lt l't. It who ;stetted Ida 11111013 in 1)14 ehoetreieer, Out vet 1111•,r(lg11 ee1f eh'i, a
I • , y j 1 1 ler ,Anil'•, bl )el, C'le OCC 3.,4 11Sa} Inld' ftLflll)113 t,a�tll't411at,t14(a ntll t' Ii herr Dick
I huiess,tu t('i1lull '11L• b eel Ia)l;;lrt Ian l foie G'))trunt!(it}' to tvriit until they sr,,, j r,' yt( rtt)tnt rv)ntintr l%) ,rtrt71e1, you lrt(.. (
1 whether the (mina ((('e Improved or. 1,miter not etfiu'rito fit fill. It. (4. mV ((')"- 11()))10 II 1.'4", 111f40. of rt gond girt is 11nt "}1: W11116081 It all°+)' i8 klif1tV 1 tai! A, eoi'•.
mu 11)a.y 1111 „resew, (1 to ti:(1 11 stn' ( t 8u '(1 )1 •(11 a(' 13 U )Ot t(7 real' alt }l1 ,n i 1t (4.,d bo10,01)lt• of 130 mean attain.
' Ina(le wor-n, and u'h(alte'r they (tress pose to ex ose the, f1.lhlcy ur Ili4 ep?rr• tt
111(1(13: 1.1.(('e'rs-er, 11)""'0 rir5 5nnl0'toll (E3I1 l to lav higher priests on the ;ioir, atl(1 to '-01iv e11180 Whir 1b r,'en• from (L(3quiriog it for tlsemse]vhy, 140(1 (]1Onts. 13nt hi m.o. 1.0101 r3 there ie )tin
bestowing it epee ethers. anti 1 trust
sem ,nest es 11'110 tlrl ((()hist 011,(1(lor ! seine 111(! ))41P, before they Cn1r1p1lLln. nlal]'1 f nettled 017 t11CA 0111 1 , 1 wl•, +'id bestowing 1 example Uf how tnl7()11 a itttlP 1ef1.T'1tT,ttr
that ace 0,111 81511(1 1)118) 5110. alley 1111.1,Y Tilu;le rens(/' w'll.) throw ti11 their taruse be totally disrei Iu'tled, 0..).: listless to that 1110 Hanle of a little ]orarnerg, Tlul ; properly employed may do 1 a'8felr to