The Exeter Times, 1879-3-13, Page 22
TZEB TINE S Mama 18, 137
The fine Mak wqi fautt wells i4 the
world wWe AR to gfow itn Fontisylvinia.
Quin{, visitors eV' the grealt white an -
pais Nell—tile electric light. It is
t,C'hemistry, indeed, that we owe al'
in, st all the comforts of eyery day life.
L>Lt ou the other hand, the possibil-
iter ct chemistry are almost too terrible
•ef4otor i u Lynn' bit►seeeheeettti • re. to be; contemplated. As the science at
pearly saw. a pair ► of kid boots made present stands, any student can, /f he
from the stook in just eleven minutes, have access to a well stored laboratory,
Amongst the .mostremarkable inven- carry awes iua pill box „matteraufli-
cieut to lay Loudod in rains, or to poi-
son the whole oommuuit • of it*inhabi-
tants. The chemist can, as' etery
school boy knows, convert water auto
Frogs sometimes attack both tenoh ice lu the centre of a rod hot crucible.
and crab. The get upon the bade of I He can construct a shell the size of a
the fish, and hold on to the eye until 1 oricket hall which will explode the mo-
ment it touched the water, and over.
wheltn in flames a hostile fleet. In-
deed the olletniet reduces the world to
its primal exements. 'For him, even
more than the engineer, nothing is im•
possible. He can take life, but he can-
not give it. He can level the city with
the plan, but he eaunot build it again.
lie can create prussic acid, hut he is
ignorant of its antidote. He is like
the fisherman who rashly opened the
vessel sealed with the ring of Suleimat'
Ben Daoud. The forces at hie control
are beyond;;hit command ; the p vers
he can evoke he caunut lay. It is the
old story of Cornelius and Agrippa—
those who trifle with nature's seotets do
so at their peril.—Ex.
tions represented at the recent paper
exhibition ,at Bertin were paper teeth.
They are said to be aiugularly durable,
the fish pine away end eventually die.
Yonhg ladies are employed, in the ob-
eervetories of Washington and Har-
vard. They make calculations but do
not make observations with the teles-
Washington's will is kept in a glass
case in the ofhoe i.f the clerk of Fairfax
County, Va. The writing has almost
all faded away,and the paper is au frail
that it will not bear llatidliug..
A leading cotton raker of Hale
County, Ala., lits introduced upon his
plantation sight thousand L+ nglilih
sparruws, in the hope that they wilt
prove effectual destroyers of the ootton-
Repent examinations of the Atlantic
Table of 1866 show that it i3 already so
corroded as not to be able to sustain its
own weieht, This seems to fix the
average duration of a cable at about ten
A breadfruit tree has been acclimated
in the State Capitol grounds at Sacra-
mento, and is uow in healthy bearing.
True fruit is pear shaped, four inches
long and three inches in diatneter,with
a cantaloupe flavor.
A fagtidinns Connecticut woman,who
went to a New Haven lawyer to take
steps to procure a divoroe, admitted
that her husband treated her well enough
but co'nplaiued that he "had no style
about hull."
The manufacture of jewelry from the
pure blood of the ox is flourishing iu
CYortnany. The blood is dried, reduced
to a powder, and then moulded and
polished. The ornaments thus pro -
ducted are capable of high polish.
A. Chinese almanac has been iasned
which is described as a portent curios-
ity shop. It tells when to shave, when
to ilig a well, when to make an arrest.
The almanac is believed in implicity,
ally by it people are married and
In captivity, elephants have been
known to sleep for months standing up
and in some menageries the keepers in-
fer the animal is ill if it lies down dnr-
iag the night. In fact, its legs support
it so well that one sportsman printed
an account of his firing at au elephant
.over and over again, and at ja3it,couliug
up to it found that ib had died.
A novel feature is a State Fair at
St. Pant, lliinn.,reoently, was team a of
elk. The animals were captured about
two years on Rice River, eight miles
south of Fargo, Dakota, when four or
five days old. Tliey are well broken
to' harues', thoroughly trained, and
gentle. Their speed is sixteen wiles au
A middle-aged lady, living at Spring-
field, Ohio, diced, quite recently, of some
disease of the brain, and au inquest
shows that death was caused primarily
by the use, for a long period, of chemi-
cal compounds for dyeing the hair.
There is said to have been a coating
formed over the brain, cawing some-
thing like paralysis of that organ.
Iti the International Exhibition, of
articles made of p.tper, on view at Ber-
lin, a stove composed entirely of that
Combustible material attracted much
lotion. Tho paper used for the pur-
pose has been rendered fireproof by a
ooatiuK of asbestos. It is heated with
charcoal, and is reported to be auswer-
ing its purpose very well.
Chemeatry is the world and of the
faders. Tue. bridge which takes the
engineer years upon,years to eon•'trnet
the chemist c,lu iu 'SUal
u many
-retitle° to etOtn9.
Chemistry has given us the balloon ;
it h,il put in our li.tnris gun p0w.l r,
nitro-glycerine, dynamite, told, above
1111, fulminate u! gold, au explosive su
terrible tliftt if an ounce of it be left iu
a stoppered b.,ttle its grains falling
a.iuong theulwelves by their own weight.
will aerate a convil ion sit flicient to lay
sl! 1, i-d•tu in rnii,a, It has given u-
p.)iiolls so subtle that; iv(tro the to
,fley a such means 111 warfare, we enllitl
sail la a balloon over the camp of the
e4l:np of the enemy and dr'`p upon
t a shell, the burting of whieu wodld
(l ill every hcrineu being withiu It toile of
i.r+t range.
Theo, ton, chemistry flag given ns
dki)rfeetante. To the chemist we owe
carbolic acid, chloride of lime and per•
magnate of 1 email, Cheullete baso
ttltigfis us to diei'ffoot our Rowel's and
,dwins, to ventilate our hone, to burn
rias insfeed of (nil, toel to li.lit our
I.t't'0ute with wh,tt i,+ inure powu' ful tlia]u
The predisposition to certain diseases
like gout or insanity, ofteu developed
after maturity, is transmissible ; and
also the liability to die about a certain
age. The famous Turgors for more
than a century rarely exceeded fifty
years of age ; and Insanity ofteu ap-
pears after the meridian of life in sever-
e! successive generations of a family.
The remarkable faithfulness of praduu-
tion iu the majority of cases is in fact
econewhat parallel to the growth and
maintenance of au organism, wherein
with the constant succession of cells,
each of brief existence, suetantial iden-
tity is kept ut . There do not seern to
be very marked differences in babes ;
yet from the same food one will become
a man of muscle and energy, another
of verve and brain, and a third a port-
ly man of ease -loving habits. All the
original peculiarities of each tiny hu-
man unclens pick out from a cominnn
nourishment elements like themselves,
rejecting the reef.
Mr. Creighton, the member for Grey,
has signalized himself by bringing in it
bill for the destruction of black knot ill
plum trees. It provides that every oc-
cupant of land iu the Province of On-
tario shall cut out and burn up all till
knot found on plum trees, and dig up
and burn all peach trees affected with
tate yellows ; iu the event of this not
being rigidly carried out tine delinquent,
upon conviction, will render himself
liable to a fine not exceeding ten dol-
lars for every such offence, Instruo-
tious have been given to overseers and
inspectors of Lighways to give spe2.iitl
attention to this matter, and they are
) further empowered, if the disease is not
removed after the expiration of five
days after they have notified the occu-
pant of its existence, to enter on tl:e
land and destroy the tree or trees ; in
carrying cul which they will be exoner-
ated from any act of tresspaes. The
cost and expense entailed by the over-
seer or iuspeotor in burning out the
complained of black knot or yellows
will have to be defrayed by the owner,
and in the event of the latter refusing
to pay the caste it will be within the
province of the Municipal Council to
levy on the land. '`ostringent is the
Act, that it enacts thai any officer nb-
fflecting to di,charee hie duty will be
liable to a hne of from $10 to $20, and
lalso gives power to all Justices of the
Peace to recover, by distr'liut if neces-
Aary, any penalty the owner may be
liable to on cflnvictinn.
tV 11311t1KIN 1 HAM,lateof
Exetet, if as commenced
b u s iuessl n the a:.'ve brana'l
atWineheIse a. and ispre-
pa ed tit do rill kind of black
emittiingnork Horse shoo-
in tip 3 tally attended 10, Proii p1uess cheapness
dudg u,tl Warne guaranteed, .A eall solicited.
le 4.1m W, 13UJ1CLNGHAM.
The Groat Blood Purifier.
Messrs. Miikburn,penttey' (I ,Pearson, --Sirs,
d feel it me** to teksta. you thatet spring
I lost molesting will e ear, and oi0'fa111'
lost the hearing t4 thq c er also, slipti,1 was s
afraid I would neve be a' 1e to hear again. 1
tried everything to bring Mick my ,bearipg .at
I eould,think of, -but . found it all in vain. At
last I made up my mind to try some of the
YELnow OIL so I rubbed a little on the outside
of my oars two or three times aday, and every
night aud:gloraing, .wet some veopl,witll the
oil and kept it in my ears, and in one week's
time 1 cot$i. hear se t jell as I ever could, but
still rub on the oil when the weather is cold,
and I keep wool also in my ears, I write this
to you that you might know the worth of your
Yellow Oil, Yours, truly,
tibut CLARE.
For sale by Dr, 0. Lutz; Exeter.
A genuine fluid °exec,.. of Red or Jamaica
S.trsaparilla, combine,) with Iodine rf Potas-
sium, for the cure of all di••eases arising from
imperity of the blood:
Nearly all the diseases that trouble the hu-
man 15(10 are influenced by thl state of the
blood. It is judespinsahle that this fountain
of life be in a pure acid healthy conditinu.
As a Purifier of the blood, a Renovator of
thesystem. and Preserver of the pow. re of
life, Carter's Sarsaeal ilia has no equal,
#' or sale at tho dreg stores.
Wholesale Druggists, Montreal,
Boschee's til'rman Syrup can now be pur
chased right at home, it is the most anooessful
preparation ever introduced to our people. It
works like a charm in all cases of Consump-
tion, Pneumonia, Hemorrhages, Asthma, se-
vere Coughs, Croup and all other Throat and
Lung Diseases, No person has ever to;ed this
medicine without getting immediate relief, yet
there are a great many poor, suffering, skepti-
cal persons going about our streets with a su-
spicious Dough, and the voice of consumption
coming from their lungs, that will not try it.
If you die,it is your own fault, asyou can go to
your druggist and get a Sample Bottle lot 10
dents and try it ; three doses will relieve any
case. Regular size only 75 cents.
Known as the Rodgervillo hotel,- Immediate
dossesstou, Apply to JP MARSHALL. Ecet.,r,
Is prepared to do all kfnds of:
Rouse Fainting, Paper -hanging
at:r'easonable prices and punctually:
J. KI'CHIN(*, Main st
Wonder of Modern Times
HollowsY s Pills &Ointment
The Pills Purify the B1ood,aorreet alldisorders
of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys ant' Bowels, and
are invaluable In all complaints incidental to
The Ointment is the only reliablere pedy for
Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcer , of how
ever longstanding. For Bronchitis, Diphtheria,
Colds, Gout,Rlleumatisnl, and all kind ofdiaease
it has no equal.
New York Counterfeits.
Spurious imibatioua of '•Holloway's IP11le
:tad Ointment," are manufactured and sold
under the name of " Holloway .1i: Co ," by J. F-
t{eery, Curran & :,. Company, Drug-
gists, and also . 3,. by the Metro
p al it an Medi -s cine company of
New York, with g ;_A inmistimed trade
• i b,r
mal k, thus-- . 1 --- Again one
Joseph liaydocl ' i of New York,like,-
wise 0118808 Off`'..... C011nterfeiLsnfhilt
own make uuclor the name of Hol.
oway&Co., having for ateed o mark a Creseut
and Serpent; =Reason & Bobbins of New Yells
aro agents for the same.
Plume persona, the better to deceive you, un-
blushingly oaui,ionthe public in the small hook.
of directions affixed to their medicines, whirl
are ror:lly thespurioua imitations, to Beware o
Unscrupulous Dealers obtain them at very
low prte s and sell them to the uuble in Cana
tis as my genuine Pills and Oihtin ents.
I most earnestly and respectfully appeal to t11c
Clergy, to mothers of families and other ladies
and the public generally of 13 ritish N oath Ameri-
ea, that they may bo pleased to denounce an -
sparingly these Lauds.
Purchasers should look to the label on the pots•
and boxes. If the at.dress t5 not .533, Oxford
Stro'1,Loudon, tuey are the eottuterfeits, Each
pot and box of the 3imintye Medicines, hears the
British Government stamp, with the word.
engravnd thereon: On the labegis the address,
533 (31-5 Street. rt0neoh,wbere alone they are
if nufao "c whomay be defrauded
a tar 1. Parties y d o
)yVendore selling spurior s "Holloways Palle and
Ointment as my genuine make sh, on com-
municating the particulate to me, bo amply re•
tat iterated ,and their t a me novel. divulged.
5,33 Oxford St., W.C-, London,Engkand
(Successors to R. Y. PIERCE, M. D.)
'lER ]; bat•In nc nt ed a
nn. ti V.1 PIERCE.
treatment n Chronic Diseases,
reputation f t the� 1
resulting Inca prnfb5slm11d business fler exceeding
his individual ability to eondnrt, some years ago
induced several medical getttlemen to associate them-
selves with him, as the Pieenity or the World's Dls-
p 11 lory, the Consulting Department of which has
since been merged with the INVALIDS' HOTEL..
The organization has been completed and incorpo-
rated meter the n:une and style of World's Dispen-
sary Medled Association, with the following officers:
lion. R. V. 1'tEUCa, Pres. P. D, PlEunr, V. Pica.
J10. E. PIE 11011, Sec. LESTEIt 11. 5111TH, Treas.
melee tied skill herr been chosen as the Faculty.
4311RRONIC DISEASE, of 1111 forms 0030 wltlitet the
province el. our 'several specialties.
LANG DISEASES. -'Plus division of practice Is
very aide managed by a gentleman or mature Judg-
meut avid skill." Brnnr.hhil, Throat. Ind Lung Ins -
envie treated with the most successful results.
DISEASES 01r WOMEN. --Especially etre 011 1. 010111.
ties of a superior order 1y11' the Cure of all these
chronic diseases peculiar to females.
35511) 008 D1SrfASEe.-1'ieral rids, Nervous Debil-
ity, Epilepsy Wits), taterea (St.Vltua's 1Auteel, Nea-
r Agia,
eo-r.tlgtia, and Other eerrotta allbcnnns, veoeivu the
attention of aro e.i:prrt hI 1111s 1433 dant).
original system of diagnosis we can (r'CaL ,army
C111131110 diseases as successfully without aq w1(1 a
personal cmtsaltation. For partisanard1140"Propkes
4.o 1011 8 Sense hladlual Adviser" (1,000 pages, sunt
Nmil -poll the'11Inv:tibis'r3111 Tourists' Guido
f noir "110t) papa to cents post-paid ).
SURGICAI. t'ASES.-Anuntg the operations which
we arc cannaa nap wost 3' nasally to pe, ('arm, aro
those rm.iNasal` Polypus i amli) Tumors, Fistula
ht Ano, .Piles, Benda 111111 1 1, 1lvslracele (dropsy
,f Mu orolun), Vtu'leurelr, Ovnrtai and Merino 'raptors, Calculi (Stone in the Bladder), Stricture,
etc., etc. We also treat sur: es411111y, by a hew meth-
i{nd without su'gleet operation. (cheers,
ephial Curvature, awl other dera'altles. (See peep.
1)nret enlltb•d'")lutlnn its a Curative Agent," b0113
eat receipt of iu colts.)
Addre8a, giorlt't.Dilpestant th5itdnl dttetlatteo,
Buvr,ti.o, S. Y.
12 00 ppnNAte tow0odst,yJe tiunasrtment of$
oportionalreturns every week on StookOptions�1 111TT'D a�� GRIST
0 �, is 20 $50, • 4100, , :(` 1t(..4�:1!
tial ito Reports and circulars free, Address,, ,
O p } order gives ever acct
T'or'rNn Wionx & co„ Baukors, 85 Wallet. N.Y. lacing in `good working o d 6 ,u ii b'
dation I,ossible in Krieting and ftt 1 8
A DAY ,to Agent• canvassing tar the and int feed delivered to parties 1e+.vine 1
FIRESIDE VISITOR forme and put- orders before one o'clock at J. BELL'S iyaltery.
et k're. Address P. 0, VICKERY, :;0'13Y1IN t:.'i (Nott, or at mil Wm. day e
Augusta, Maine:
114 xoter N or Oh
2nitro and Beautiful chrome 0131.8, with name
Q10o., postpaid, (leo. I, Bann & CO,00, Nassau, XX.
f� Lovely cards, noS atike,l0ote.,or to chromes
Li510o58. post -pard, J. B,1H08TltD, Nasstui, N. Y.
Fancy Cards, Chrome &
, Snowflake, e, no 2
30 alike with name, 10 ots, J, ranutaxe & Oo
Nassau, N Y
--- 0—
W M. 17177 1" Cl Iry
EXETER 1' 0.
a mon bin and ervetoes guereateedtoagents /� T THE1r S ntv & co Augusto., 111niue. .L"1.
$ti outfit free. & 6ust
DVERTISEIVtEMT ofdittltoanns
week in 300 newspapers for $10. Send 10e.
fort 0pagepauiphlet, O.P.ROW ELL & co,
10 Spruce st., N. Y.
Having my new shop now in full blast, I would in-
form the public that I ani prepared to do all kinds
of 131aoksrnithing, including repairing of all kinds
of Agricultural Machinery, shah as Reapers, Mow.
ars, Threshing Machines, and Horse Shoeing will
receive my careful attention, 13Orses that inter-
fere, and having tender feet treated in the most
approved manner, and satisfaction given.
Charges Moderate.
I have on hand all ki-ds of Agricultural Implo
meats from the Massey Manufacturing Co., New
r 'Romfenbor the plltoe-First shop west of the
Post O,boo, Hansell.
Wonderful Discovery.
ElailESS itairlr
ill I
An Internal & External
It cures Rheumatism and Neural ]a and
-1 salt )inti 1^attntiv.-"Deny it who can!'
Itis the only known remedy for Rheumatism
on the AericanContinent,l)rov,dby others:'
As soon as applied it gives instant eerie to tin
unfortunate sufferer, Itis rapidly a sorbed.
penetroices6o tihe Cory bone, enters the circuit,
tion, neutralizing all "Rhotni..tic Poison" c 11
culating in the blood, and expels it aro 11
system through the natural outlets.
Tooth ',clic, Earache, Headache, Neurnliu
Rheumatism, Sprains, Swellings, Inflate tition,
r. -Burns Cuts, Bruises, Pain in Side, Pain in
'+3Btick, rain in Chesty Pain in shoulder, Cough..
C'olde,l cost Bites, Chih,laius, Diarrhoea, Dys•
ontery, Summer Complaint, &o„ &c.
f It will cure the most ttgnuising pain, inter
t ;unl or external, in one iinstni,t of time. Pooke•
iv your prejudice and give it a tritbl ; the invent
meat is small and rellui em tail'. The greet
secret of its success with lClasses is owing
to the feet it is safe and 111rn11ess, pleasant
to take, gives instant ease, hurl Dau be applies
to a wirier range of 5110a90 111 every day life
with greater success than any prcparati0l
which research skill and "Medical Science
1115.111.- ndllced.
As a pprterof its great power over diseas,
any person, 110 matter who it may be, 11M1 ,
' or Pour, (11d or Young, who is suffering fron
any of the above named pein'ul complaint.
will call at the Office in T. sunto, anv day o
,the week, will gepractical qproof "Free o
:'charge," of its nubg� gicill power over pa101111 tont
Tostimonia is from all parts of tit e Dom iutw
tiro a nsta' tly coming to hand, giving expect
-ion to the most grateful gratitude for
J a.
tonisbing cures which it has performed, an,
<we would be pleased to receive testimonial
, from all others who nae it successfullyy.
Physicians of the igl est respectability 11
commend it 11.8 a 0051 0310011101 ''dornesti,
remedy"for the relief of Pain in cases of sud
den oniergpucy _
Carry it to your homes, and it will prove
blessing tom yol1 ' family and afflicted 11iends.
Druggists aro Rolling enormous quantities o
it w'ierevor introchlcod.
I el,allnnge the world to produce its a nal.
The Trade supplied through the wholesal.
Drug and Patent Meiiicine Houses of tdoutrs•
3l, Toronto, Hamilton ttnd London.
Price 25 Cents per Pottle !
Sold by all Enterprising Druggists.
Sept. 19., Iy. -
hIPri: I!Ictr1
does not effect the ow prices at which
Et. 8c T. IS S TT
areoffering their stock of
Exeter & Hensal
vhi011 consists of r 11 the latest and improver
atylel• of Kitchen. Cook and Parlor si ovei,Miif
bins, pante, and pails of Inc most approve(
tatter n, and everything inthe lino ; Algo, r
oodsoleotior of handsome
J'aave ti'our r f.�lr1 ;
.15 nsnnl,tOCeiroe everyattention, and dont
nt tits lowest figures.
lHaving %pened onta branch establishment
at licneall, 003 friones :^ that Oeighborhooci
c+►u bo suupli(st: ou ti,mehortost notice,
Standarc Sash.Doct F•�nd
FAC'T'0It 1
is coast nntly kept 01, 1•n, 1. in311, ,.do- . 'Idtni
material. k' leering Ford end , 3.?lumbi
age &m., sold the tai, Piaui n t Tihr,t'•a :.111 ` mine
promptly atl emit tt 11.
and malefaction gnitrnnt-•c(3, a: •. ve of
hand a 101110 slook of dry h, rebel. 'r• • re Dur
satisfying those who 101y Rive 1111
I2 `SS lift ' 4.011
T I -I li EY PI
Planln c I
hD0110 t
dementia 11 , :et
Iver Olve rd.
'By treading., t p.tictlCtnit
the inettinla_r ' Ulhs con-
tained in the .n medical
book 0'1.33'3101. is, entitle&
THYSELFPEF-Py$1. 1) ` Tmait
Yrionly $1. 3 /13011015
on receipt of price. It
treats of Exhausted Vitality, Premature Decline,
Nervous and Physical Debility, and the endless
concomitant ills and untold miseries that rt suit
therefrom, and contains more than 60 original pre.
ecriptions, 31357 0113 of whic1, is worth the pncc of
the book. This book was written by the most ex-
teneivc and probably the most skilfulpractitioner
in America, towboat was awarded n gn,d and jew.
gilled medal by the N utio tal Medich 1 A ssoctation.
A Pamphlet, illustrated with the very Swat-
Steel Enrrnvtngs-a mar -
of art and beauty -
sent TI'EE to alt. Send
for it at once. Address
INSTITIITI:, Na 4 Btil. r
tinrh St. Boston. blas.
)By Its great and thorough hloo<t-pnrtfring proper:,
tits. Dr. Pierce's (:onion Medlear Discover.o:urea
all Humors, 11•om ths, worst Scrofula to a cemented
Blotch, Pimple, or Eruption. Mercurial tlfrcaor,
'Mineral Possnuc, anti their effeche. are eradicated,
and vigorous hen lt It and a sound constitution estulr-
llt•lic 1. Erysipelas, Salt -rheum, Fever Sores, Sealy
or Rough Shin, in short, all illseas"q ranged by bad,
blood, lira =entered by 11114 powerful, purifying, tour
Invigorating medicine.
Especially bus it manifested Its potency in curing•
Tetter, hose Ilan,,, Boils, Carbuncles, bore Eyes,.
Suroroleue Sores and Sirellimes, White Swellings.
Goitre or Thick Neck, and Enturricd Glands.
11' yon feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, least sallow
color of slain, or yellowish -brown spots oil face or
body, frequent headache or dizziness, bled taste in
mouth, internal hent or chills alternated with hot
flushes, low spirits, and gloonyP)rebotlhlg8. irregular
3311531(11.1113 tnug✓ue coated, you arc suffering frons.
Torpid Liver, or "Ritlousness ' lit many eases et
Ltv.•r Complaint "clay part of these symptoms arc
experienced. Asa moon: lv for all such cases, Dr.
Pierce's (10lden Medical Discovery has no Neel, 811
it effects perlect and radical cures.
In the cure of Leone/ink.Severe Coughs, and the
early sta5e9 of Consumption, 1t has astonished the
needlcal faculty, and eulittcut pllybielans pronounce
It the greatest mcdleal discovery of the age- While
Itcures the srvernatCoughs. it.strengthens .the eyelets
and purlllc5the blood. Sold by druggists..I: V. PIERCE, 3I. D., Prop'r, Wortd's Dispensary-
ispcnsar -and Iuvallds' lintel, Buffalo, 1C. Y.
O 00
Urta '`le
Nouse of taking the fare, rcpwlslve. nauseone9►
composed of cheap, crude, and bulky Ingred este.
These Pellets are .carse17larger then mustard wag
Blatt entirely vegetable, no particular care is re-
+gttire 1 while using them. They operate without db.
turbance to 311e constitution,diet. or eccepatlrm.
Tor Jaandlee, Iieadsehe, flenstlpatlt8W
Blood, Pain !Atha Shoulders, Tightness of the (1h�.r,
Mistiness, goer Eruetatlsae tem the $tomaeh. Isl.atpl
Taste to the Sleuth. Btnou. attacks, Pain In gentles
et Kidneys. Internal Fever, Bloated feeling abort
Stomach, Rush et. Blood to need, tante Dr, Pleeafi
Pleasant Purgative Pads. In explanation of the
remedial power of these Purgative. Pellets over s<
great a variety of Menses, it nuey be Sold that thole
settee urea the animal e:enen7 is universal, not
[had or tisane saes Irate thetramtative impress. A 1
does not impair the properties of these Pclirl0
They aro sugar-coated and Inclosed in glass bottles
their virtues being thereby preserved unimpaired Mt
any denth of time, In any climate, So that 1 ley an
always fresh and reliable Tills to no tItc a veld
pills put up In cheap wooden or pasts r. boxes
Fm' all diseases where a Laxative. Altura 3e, 01
Purgative, 1sIndicated,
these little P
cict11 w ' girt
1 drumL
gab b
the V. j perfect .0.. tion. 7
It. Y. PIERCE, ht. D.. P1101011tyarld'e Utas'^•lsary
and Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N.Y.'
nctSYMiP''OM falling into sometimes pmfets0, watery, thtl'S
urulent offensive, a,^.
In others, a dryness, dry<,swatery, weak, or Milan: a
eyes, stopping up, or obstruction, of the nasal pas.
sages, ringing In care dearness, hawking and cough.
In`` to clear the throat, ulcerations, seaba front ulcera
voice altered nasal twang, otl'ensive breath, impaired
or total deprivation of sense of smell and taste, <I11.
:mess, mental depression loss of appetite, indigo*
tion, enlarged tonsils, ticklin cough, etc. Only s
few of these symptoms are likely to he pre- *•4• 1 u tag
Baso at one time. •
produces radical cures of the worst eases of Catarrh
310 matter of ho%.lollg standing -Tho iters 1 roman
may he muffled or tetter applied by tho use of Dr
riEEca's Douche. This is the only forth of ludas'
meat yet Invented with Which fluid medicine can tit
(.rrItei 301015 lir and r1St1'it0Tme AM'Ltftp to al.
parte oe the affected nasal pasaa3,r00, an l the ehusr
bars or cavitis eonunnnleatltlyt therewith, in whirr.
110106 and Meets. r7cquently exist, and front width
the catarrhal diilcha (tanorall proceeds. Its 1195
ti{ pleWrht and .iasl tmdorstood from duce/ fti
assomtnahylnf( oath lnitrametlt iO'. SAW,l a
tent Remedy curt,, recent attacks of 1.43.131 In atweed".by a low applinatlnna. It le n111,1 pluiY'
sot to Ilse 00utaln nit no etr0ny� ar etlattl'• '.1regs.-)l
otllsaeaa ,0 tt. vrll 1$J10e y pn Det o'r;+g�d d b '33y 1*
akwsdo sad iw1'*nda' dorsi.110(1410. lt, Y• r