The Exeter Times, 1879-2-27, Page 3II_ lll)t 111` '�i,tw'I
\VI'1' AND klG'1IOIt.
1':kclleilt wash foe the fette--water.
•, Softly reela the belle," Sang the
taut; lu(ly, i+s aIle (lowly (lisr(.b1 d,
It takes a good deal of grief to kill a
women jlt;;t after silo hlte, got a new
Suu.I (4kifl Hncljue,
" Truth (invitedto earth will iso
again." Flo will a bet b( barrel hoop,
tspeoially the and yon ll,;u't stet) 00.
Ket linl'ttl," ata the printer said when
the ell tir he sa(t dotvlt ntl Wasu't there,
Itud be httade(t on the flour.
ils-unarol( says lie will make the Com
uluti ts tar the mark. No doubt they
would rather too the (l3ls)lnarcl(.
There is believed to be Dally ane think'
slower than lllelitsse)i in Jat,ntu'y, and
that is a lady making room for another.
lady it) 0 ,1 met car.
It is a filet felly understood by rail-
road 111011 that the linea having the tneet
long 1,1100(4s on the route secure the
bulk of the bridal tone trade,
„'Twenty years ago," said a colored
philc!sopher, niggers was \VUf a then
salad delle•;s apiece. Nnw,tley would be
Beeth at two dollars a, elope.). It's 'e ton-
haw do race A10 running down,
,A• young nia11 \VrOt(1 ell OM editor, tisk.
ing where hell i+. The editor replied :
" 1)on't know ; never wee thele. A>I(
your minister." And he wondered
ultaat made the n.iuietor bio cool toward
him afterward
Smythe —" Ugh i it's o'ld's a helm
]aero, 'end I'm almost fr, inn to (1('ath.
I never (1i(1 kunw you to have a fire
when yen hinnlllnave."1lrs. S (meekly)
Well, Henry, if you Rhm11Ii be fro
len to death, you would SOOli tlla11•
out, hear."
" Y1:Itt flatter me," as the orange said
to Judue David Davis when he Rat
flown (1O)l1 it.-- Ex. "Yen induce 11)
to rise," responded the judge, as the
ora ego's life blond penetrated the dome
of his i antaloolle.
The New Dublin Stock Exchange
has boon opened.
Daring, the lunnth of December
there were 62 fres in Duplin. The 01'
e.roPe 1111tiiber per month is from 18
to O.
Great objection has been taken t'
the eereen i'1 Chriet Church Cathedral,
Dublin, which lute beer, recently rester
(,d by M1tr. Henry Roe, the distiller, at Il
cost of a (jnarter of as million.
There are abont 700 cotton, woollen
and cillo operatives idle in Newtotvn-
a:rdlt, and great destitution prevails,
'rhe distress, indeed is groat, in all thr
rlianufacturing districts in the north.
Archbishop 14'E'Hale, in a letter ad
•dressed to the Freeman's ,Tnurnal says i'
is high time that an end ahn111dbe' p11'
to the disheartening divisiene that pre
veil in the ranks of the Irian pnnnlar
representatives in the British Parlin-
An old pensioner, named James D'1
hent', who was 108 years of age, ha,
been bntied at Clnnmet, The deceas-
ed was formerly in the 60th rifles, and
served through the Peninsnlar cam-
pailrn1, and colder General Johnstone
in Ireland in 1708.
A congress of Natinnrtl School tench
era has been hell in Dublin, at which
reenlntlfn1 were a(1nnted regiiestine.
the Commissioners of Ethication to as,
similete the programme of extra snb•
jects to that of intermediate schools for
extra subjects.
A desperate attempt at aaRaRsination
is reported from Westnl'atli. It an -
nears that a farmer named flole, resid
ing near ICillncan, had retired to rest.
when he was aroused by Rome noise in
the yard, and on going to the door n
shot woe fired at hirn. The hnllet
grazed ilia ehonlder, but did not injure
him. In his deposition Cele sweare
that he believes the nntrage to be rf an
agrarian nature. Up to the present
no arrest has been made. Annthe,
outrage was committed near Thnrle,
nn the same evening. Mr, John Lang.
ley, J. P., Siokfin, abontone mile from
Ballymonty, while riding on a horse
from one part of his father's property
tpanother, was fired at, and the horse
which he was riding was shot
Fortunately the young man.egoanell un'
hurt. The fattier of the young man.
evicted several tenants from tliei,
holdings, and it is believed that thi
hae'some connexion with the alleged
About twenty years ago, when
Browning & Sloan kept a drug store on
the north side of West Washington
street, I happened ht as 'Dr. Neweomet
was ordering a fiy-blister for the feet
nt a female
which had been bad
ly frozen. Spine one asked
the phil
osophy of' theprescrietion, to which li'
replied that the cause of the itching
and other disagreeable pains' of frozen
feet was the dea(1 cuticle, which cbet'ttc
ted hetilthy actions of the poles, 'The
blister removed that, and the new cut•
iols would allow proper puespiratin'
and the itohtng would cease, The ph '
'1117^ _'rFiST',r"•lsM4 Vial. onat Rologs.tmecus.mVas •sz-arm:., .._........., _ ......:..:. ....: ._
oanplly Article (110 as eonlul, but the fly. •t7d. `.r a a for the ii A
blister a vas objectionable, both as ft
matter of 0tlltvf311ienee andexpense. 0. ' 1'1i1,
Having two feet that had been itching ,x
1I 4livIers for twenty years, I resolved .Sal .O a .y d. e Ari
eo IVIachine
to try the experiment of reuinviog the
cuticle by a elwailer and more c,uveal
eat (11et11oc1, I got solve lumps of creel)
lime and made as foot.tllb full of strong
whitewash uuxture as waren as I could
cnuvonleutlyWar lay feet in. At night,
just as began their nocturnal itotting, I
.3•1(15(1(1 them 1(1 hot whitewash, 'TIN
relief was hail antaneeue. It felt really
eutnfortable. At the end of thirty uliu •
uteri 1. t)ull( thele out, all shrivelled up,
but free from pain. '.).'hen began a brisk
rubbing, and tl.lere mime off great rolls
,(1' (teat) cuticle; then I anointed .ity
feet with 0 little mutton -tallow, put on
Some cotton seeks to preserve the bed
from the tallow, went to bed al,d elepl
well. I repeated the application two of
thin tinges, aIld have Neve(' suffered
from frozen feet since longer than it
a't,nl(l take to get the white0)1111 ready
011 each 0(C(arl'enee of fvt".t bite. As 1.
took out ne patent, Dr. Newcomer and
:til other doctors ttt'e at liberty to nee
the pr'escr'iption, It 1s cheaper than
Sl)at'tir111 liiee, 11011 to areal dont! brit.
Ir roe aro stifferillg with a Dine, uo uu. 1. 1
10 try • HaorA1u)'s P.CTORAT, I3,)1,5 (5 ; 11 •
Lally relievin„ its hundreds throughout or r
.unu.tiuion, 11 is nlclas(0(t and palatable. For
sale by Dr. C, Lutz, Exeter,
law -unman P. 0., Trnnn, ONT.
A. Tainsnr.—Constant grinding at the Lail
of life, perpetual loss of vital force, will drat:
.1)0 Strongest' load to the dust ; it is lllallife-t
tint •efure, that tote- system must bo kept sup-
plied with a dile amount of oxydizt(ble phos-
phorus, The pleasantest dud most palatable
way in which it can 1)e introduced into tilt
sytstuui is by the use of Vic:TOIUi 1•lreornes
(ranee, WI(il it is the greatest brain, 111000 am
nerv,, food iu the world. For sale by Dr, C.
Litz, Exutor.
1I1a1)L(C114 is a 101em11 thin;—a clinics Loi
life; be careful in tee choosing. Antl be ean'e•.
fol tit choosing a remedy for female com-
plaints. 13e save to ask your dea'8r for Vit.
roma Duman and Elva. Ltzlsi. Itis now extolls
ively presctibed by all respectable physicians.
Bright's disease of the kidney, diabetes, ele.,
may be overcome by the -Bimini if talion it
Gime. For side by Dr. 0. Lutz Exeter.
Uli{i inn_Ilu � `11,,
anI to �lili�I�i � I 1
M`''iff: T/A11GES).` AND BEST STOOK O1'
at., Silverware, Chine anti 1)elf ever seen iu
the West, at
pnwvirs sTor, 'i,
Air. Drew has just received an excellent shock e
Sliver Toa Sett:, Butter ()oolers,Douldoan1 Single
i,'folrlo Cruets, Cake liasltets, Card Receivers, Com-
1t)uni1,1) Set ts, otc.,of the Beat Quadruple and Pr iple
Plate, and is offering the sumo atprioes that would
)lo ltna just °ported out a note and complete as-
em:talent of China, Glass and Stonewares, A
large stock of Loan ()sjust arrived. Call andsa1isty
yourself 09 (0 quality and Lheaness, Come aur.
/1 it fil � I aY 0ur instrument,. ATusie 'Teacher still on
17:4,...„„, � ,,, '' ,il}l ,•il, Iu lI ll_ 1 7 land. Services at lowest ilgures.
4 i Iii_... ylea'a ro
-c3; "'," u ll "1 t • mu 1 1 1 ttention called to the Raymond Sewing
°tit , cit Saclxtue, Organs and Pianos unsu?ttassott f.1
ueanty pi design, and duality of tone,
111i,u aubseriber begs to announce to the iz•habitants of Exeter and the s grounding 00(15
L try, t11at he has opfue(t a TEN and S 1'OVI: DEPOT in the store nearly opposite 11r. (i
' . )Laces Grocery aria Liquor stoma, Main street. Exeter, where 11e is p.epai ed to fill all orde,:
Gook, Parlor and other Stoves
At Manufacturers Prices.
Tinware, cheaper than the; cheapest, and made up by practic'1
workmen on the premises.
;ttve-Troughing (lone to order. Carriage Plating. a Sneeialty. Coal oil Chimneys, 1)•
very: best and !tune Cheaper.
Intending purchasers will always find Ire at my pos., ready to attend to my own busuie.
Incl prepared at all (lines t0 treat customers Courteously and supply them with a good am
lllsap arida e. Depend upon it that nowhere clan you got better value for your )honey.
rhe very highest price in Cash pia for Hides and Sheep skin.,
"V • �y
1.i s iviiab10 Dressniakinp r .rxeter P 0,
October 10 1377.
Dresses cut and made to order
-- BY
MRS. G. ROSS. \lc
Main treet, Exeter,
linker proprietor. Thia hotel hg,:
teen newly furnished and fitted up 111 first -clan
:tyle. barge and convenient Show Ror:ms fo)
.'on:meroial 'Travellers ; best of liquor- and cigar:
:t the oar. Attentive Resters always on hand
11 01—)3u1. WILLIAM BARER,
()HANGED HANDS, --The under
i_Jsignotthavinn rented the DufferinIlouse,Cut:
walla, for a term, it will befound a t1 -St -class hr
to I, with every accommodation fr the truvo111111
ublic, Convenientto the Station. (loo0Liquoe
Ind cigars at the bar. Attentive hostlors.
CLIN rON. G. SWAR:TS having purcbaset'
111e above hotel, and fitted it throughout, now of
`ors first -a -ass accommodation to travelers, Goer
10(uor .ud cigars at the bar. Goodstabling am
.tttentive hostler on hand. Every attention paid
to guests.
Shingles for Sale
FRC I :11 TO 51.60 x111 SQUARE,
&t G. & 3. Brooks' Sawmill
A good supply of Hemlock LumberandCedai
Pests ooustautly on hand
dos just commenced business one half milt
Meet of Dashwood, and is prepared to Own.
utocks,Watohes and Sewing Machines. Um•
areolas repaired and Organs and lfelodianp at-
tended to. Tnoee in want of his servioel•
;11uu10 giv S him a call before goii.g away from
t(Onle. Charges moderate and en tiresatiafac.
tion gaarnteurl,
Christmas Comes but
once a year ----but some-
body's Birthday every
day, and a present is al-
ways acceptable.
Dominion Laboratory,
If you would be put in
And get some of the Bargains to be bad in
All marked down to prices which will close them out speedily.
The Tasteful, the Careful, the Discriminaatin ;, the Severest
Economizers, all Delight to frequent BANTOIN BROS.
Because they keep the Latest and. Most Fashionable Goods
and sell them at prices to suit the times. Call and see.
No trouble to show Goods.
Eacrett's Moak, opposite Unwell t%c I'iekard's,Ezolter.
GtAT .ti' ! CATA111111_1I USE
t 1 ',he great
Slei'ra Nevada Smoking Compoun.'1.
The onlypi)sitive culefu101(10rl'h yet discovers: 2,
1'511 KALI) 811
W, L, 00(11hi, Gs .neral Aleut, Ar:touu, 1)1t,
$120012001)1014(111160 ,ii ys izlves
ii1Nortlt 1i'eit,Jauxaty
Yropnrtfuul(irvtureS every week on »tel k Option,
of �r'L0, fi,,l), 4104 - sort,
Oftleittl Reports and etre-tilers free, Address,
T. l'u 00Isrs \V10= St co.. I3ankei5,'11 W4Idi 81. 1 ,
A 1)AY 111 +, ,,tut• t,at(Vas:ltig ter 1L,
I T11l S11)1 1 tyl'1'()lt tt(srtua (aii(1 u,.,.
tit Free. .Lddres* 1'. 0. A-'I(1I(E13y,
Augneta, Maim.
Zf3 1:are and Beautiful (1111'tl Ian 1 (11 4 lylfh 1)1(11 ,•
fee„ postpaid. (leo.l:lirl,ltna: ci, 1a4salr,.1',.
Lovely cards, not: aloin, iocts.,<:r i' u1a1o511,
41`710ots. post-paid 3. 11,111 memo. Na,sa1 N. 1.
30 Fanny (lards, (Harnlno, SnowliOOo d:c, u,..:t
J (111)10 with nalno, 10 etr, J, U151�1 1:)1 & C..
Nassau, N Y
�i rya month0)11)11true,,auduwlaonausgua)•tintrudton(,e•)lt.
! 13xn\c dt co, Anguxta t 111)11.
j!tiLDITERTISEMBMT of l lines in.
bel ted rrFEr
week in 300 newspapers for A10. Send li a•.
for 110 pageuatuphlot, 0.P.lco\VIit,L.1 r.s.
10 Spruce st., N. Y.
liming commenced business for the
rail andWinterTrade
VP are prepared to purchase any quantity of
Pork, Snhjl:et to the following reglt'at'On:l:
'e will take off two pounds per hundred - if
ry, an:l three previa if soft• Shoulder stat:.':•
tellty-ifve cents. 11 ally of the b.utr gut i•.
left in, 'l,") cents extra will be dcd.tctecl,
;10 pork will be bought et any price ij
—AND-- -
Pork Cuttings
on hand at reasonable rates
15 want all Hogs Cutting srigllt thr )o)1(
,:cast to Lead, and (lams opened out to tail.
ALLAN'S A:ITr-FAT is the great remedy for is rpv.
lency. It it pnrel,' vegetable and perfectly harmless,
It acts on the food 111 the stomach preventing ns eer
version Into fat. Taken according to illrectimm.(11
will reduee a fat person from 2 to li pounds u wool,.
1g, placing this remedy before the public a, .t
(Ivo cure for obesity, we do so knowing its ability 10
cure, as attested by hundreds of testimonLds, 1a
which the following from a lady In Columbus, Olds,
Is a sample: "Gentlemen: YourAnt)-Fatwasduty
received. I took It according to directions and le
reduced me Ave pounds. 1 was so elated overthr re-
sult that 1 immediately seta to AaasaMAN's Greg••
store for the second bottle." Another, u pbvsil len,
writing for a patient from Providence, Ii. 0, says,
, Pour bottles have reduced her weight from 5
pounds to 192 pounds, and thereto& general improve...
meat in health.' A gentleman writing front Dna.
ton says: "Without special change or atnmflop-1.o
dict. two bottle,: of Allan's Antl-Fal reduced me eda
and one-quarter pounds." The well-known A hok'.-
Bait Druggists SMITH, DOOLITTLE & SMITH. of Doi -
ton, Mass., wri1i
te as follows: " Allan's Anti -Fat 11,4
reduced a lady In our city seven pounds 1g, Ill' s
weeks." A gentleman•. St. Louis writ's: •.1)taa"i,
Anti -Fat reduced me twelve pourers In three *1eNs,
and altogether 1 have lost twenty -ave pounds shire
commencing!.. Its use." Messrs, l'OWELL& th.t0rr104.,
Wholesale Druggists, of Buffalo, N Y, write: '7h
men, one following report is from thelady who 11W11
Allan's Antl-Fat. It 1'the Anti -Fat) had the desire 1
effect, reducing the fat from two to live poutoh a
week until [ had lost twenty -ave pomuls. 1 MI/-
never to regain what I have 1041'' Autl-Fat is a.n
unexcelled blood-pnrlaer. It promotes digestion,
curing dyspepsia, and is also 9 ppotent PC101915 foe
rheumatism. Sold by druggists. Famplaet on Oberk-
1tv sunt 00 receipt of shun m
BOTANIC HEDLUND CO., Pnor'ns, Buddo, N.Y'.
By an Immense practice at the World's Dispen-
sary and Invalids' Hotel, !caving treated many f ear
sand 0)11119 01' 1(1010 diseases peculiar to women, 1
have been enabled to perli:ct a most potent and post
t)ve remedy for these diseases.
To designate this natural specific, I have named it.
Or. Pierces Favorite Prescriptioi
The term, however, is but a feeble eapr'est*100, t
any high appreciation of its value, based upon pen-
s:onut observation. I have, while witnessing Its peal..
tIvo resuIrs in the special diseases incident to the
eororuWmnalsungl toef wonfam(n7, tuedltcnl tareura8. the
Oe (.ab 0te0: (1or,
a,s a positive, ante, w1,) effectual remedy for this e(asa
of,lisr Ices, and one that will, at alt Wmea and uuldcc
ell i11t111nshtntts, act kintliy, I mg, w1111ng to stat e
my repdtatlou as it physician: anti en enitlhlentam
1 that 1t will not disappoint the most sail gul8eet-
pcctatinns of single Iuvalid lady who uses 'Lim. any
of 110151111101118 rOr wbI„h 1 recommend it. that 1 (Ike -
and sell It undo• A POSITIVE GUARANTEE. (kor
aenditlotis, see pamphlet wrapping bottle.) yt
'The following are among those diseases In v. Molt
my Favorite Pre.eriplion las worked cures, as 1f by
magic, and with A certainty never before attained by
'tar medicine: Lenoorrhaa, Eozcessl o Fl0WGty,
manna.\tontblt Periods, Suppressions when hates
anrl,tttira( caws, Irregularities, Weak back, Pro,
!apses, or Fulling of the Uterus, Anteversion and.
i:enoversinn, Searing -:gown Sensations, Interest
neat, Nervous Depression,Dn
b(t3Des n
srfbfuttuted k11sMlrlfa a hm ie Congestion,u M-
a Hon
aanmcent nt the tts s,inttcyIurleurnsS,, Or Sterility, and remain Weakness:
two not extol this nmdlita' as at ''' curt -an,” but it
admirably fulfills w Nnelcness or porpMttl tieingN
most perfect s►leviac In a)l chronic diseases of he
slxl1a1aystem of woman.. It will not disappoint, mar
will it do lmrin, In say stat: or condition,
Those w)lo desire further Infnt1ontlah en these 9111a
tecta can obtain It in T1(5 P0010109 Column Sn(4 tie
afnldedt. A1)'ls:ch. 1 book or over Ste 'pages, wee
C1111111 -pole, 01) reeelpt. of 01.01. 1t treats tulbutefy 1Jr
hest :Itsoltses pectin tr to Females, males, and elves Wendt
fa 11111,' advice In regard tO 1110 h48ll* "en3eI$
Moss :auctions
,Pn 119e„ r\tp. ttle)., 1.414)rI, at1foitit
a'rbxlt4 ,(rat
tad Invalids'llotet, Bu4'ali, N.
Y. ,