The Exeter Times, 1879-2-13, Page 3ThtsittlAily 13, 187)4
BRISTOL CHAMBERS OF COM- of her men ont of proOt41:le sJdIhd
111.E1t0I1 A.ND PRINCIPLES labor to qui), etervation wages in a pot),
OF VELE TRADE. pit. Other indestries were being grad
'laity extinguished by foreign 00uipeti.'
A special uteethig of the Bristol •tion, and labor weal perforce driven to
Chamber of Commerce was held on the few that remehted, which the for.
umineeday, in the hall of the society eigner left us because there was net
of Merehant Venturere, for the purpose ouougli profit in them tor hint,
z !erred to termer yeers, M. Hare
asked could they hope to see theme *ez.
ports rise up to the level of what they '
Intel been. ilo said " No ;" their great
item in the past had becu menefactur-
ed cotton, luta they were geitcluelly but
surely losing their held on foreign
nutrients or that item. Another prin.
eipal export evas iron, and this was
of coneidering tile desirability or other.
wise of placing ou the husicioss pro.
gremme of the Assoeiation. of Oh in,
here of Commerce of the United King
dont, to be held in London iu the mouth
4r,f February next, the following resolu-
tiou, to he moved by Mr. Charles Fele°
Bare :—"' That this Olotinbee, while
illineing its .thorough belief in the
prineielee of free trade between nation also falliog away. The upshot of this
eind natiou, views with apprehension was that they could not expect their
the great decrease in value of British exports to increase but to decrease.
exports and untutifectures, and the The only way ill which limy could
-vastly increasing proportions that im- hope to get an increase in their exports
ported manufaotures bear to them ; )V1t3 by putting an impost duty on for -
1111(1 0 of the opinion that as 320 natiou eigu inauufaetuves, unless the feeeiten-
will, at the present time, receive aur ers gave them au nelventage—and the
god e duty free, .we ,should impose a sooner England diel this ehe eenner
duly on the.r mantifectures of stiff. they would he hIe lo carry out the
eient eteintint. 101 to be on the one hand principles of true free trade. in put-
a fair source of tevemie, and on the ting an ininort duty on forty-three
other to maintain to this eonntry the millions of mannfiteturee goods -should
Manufaolure of those goods f or which it prove to be prohibitive—these forty -
see asa acieally adepted, while admit,- three millions would be saved to the
ting, duty free, all re el, raw prielueo, country, anti dietributed ae in increase
and ineteriet, neassieted by beteities m the amount of wages paid. These,
from sendieg nations," in their Writ, would be spout here, and
Mr. G. de Lieie Buell (Presi lent of the nation at large would be benefitted
the Chamber) took the chair, and there by an increase of purchasing• pvver,
was a large ftitendanee. Ile clid not anticipate •that the duties
The Chairmen., iu openieg the meet- tie suggosted would increase the• prices
feeliugly allieled, to the lost the of articles to any great extent. In
Chamber had sustained in the death of reply to a statement thet the Britieh
Mr. W. AL Gibson, one of the Vice. farmer would suffer, he remarked that
Presidepts. though the corn might" pow .be cheap,
Mr. 0, F. Hare, in proposing his re- yet the farmer gat ea increased price
snlation, argued that theelecline in our ou his :neat. Another vele, 'in which
exports was the principal cause of the they played into the hands of the for -
present great depression of trade. Our signer, for Win to got the best of them
population was ebony 84 millions; our iit to one-sided free trade, was by means
entitled consumption ofwheat 254 million of ths Patent Office.- In eonclusion,
.querters. Of this we could produce' Mr.. Hare said it was evident that ,we
here only nine millions, so to pay for could not look for any iuereitee in our.
the othor thirteen millions, vvithont' exports owing to foreign competition
reckoning animals, or the various otherand the increased strength of foreign
sorts of food which we must import, protection. We must therrfore do the
we were entirely dependent oil whatwe next best flail& not to buy from the
could sell to the foreigner, and the. foreigner what we could do without, at
profit made by our shipping. Roughly, the same time telling him that when.
we may say that two out of every three ever he chose to let in our goods free
men in this kingdom obtaitted their we were prepared to do the same for
food front abroad, awl had to Pay for it, hira. He earnestly hoped they would
by their labor. it was, therefore, of, pass the resolation, which implied ne-
ttle greatest impertance—firstly, that. tional preservation rather than protee-
they got the uoeessaries of life, such as, tion, and affirm their belief that one.
food and raw =Aerial, which they hadsided free trade, without reciprocity,
to get from abroad, at the minimum' was au Utopian theory defended by
cost ; secondly, that our exports, and sophistry, and, i(1 a manufacturing
he peolits made by our shipowners' country like Euglenel, capable of pro-
eencl freighters, were of a sufficient val.! duciug the moi-taeerious injury..
tie to pay for these imports ; aud,third.` .14.
that we aid not buy from the for- TWO COUPIeeS AND TWO
eigner anything we could do without,: BUGGIES.
or make ,here equally well, unless he:
enidartook to give us a reciprocal ad- On last Wednesday night two bug•
eantage taking a greater propor-; gies stopped at the Putuaen House, in
elan oE what we could offer him' Fourth Avenue, and two gentlemen
t o ad v an tage on a fair free trade basis. j a inped aol .131 111051 simultaneously end
lie would endeavor to show them that went into the hotel., leaviug two ladies
while we were giving the foreigner in their reseective buggies.. •One of the
every facility to sell his goods here, he men came out in eilvauce .of the other,
was most effectually barring our ex. and by the uncertain lig,ht thrown
ports to bite from want of compulsion from the hotel was led aside from the
en our part ; and that this diminution actual feet in the little matter of getting
of our exports to protected ,countries into the right buggy. In a word, Mr.
had produced I iss of employment; and J. g t in with Mrs. F., who tveze as
those hitherto employed in certain totally unknown to each other, so far
-trades could not turn to other, for as acquaintanceship is concerned, as if,
tbey had been appropriated by the for- one had died ten years ago in Africa,
.eigners, who, at the slightest intima- and the other hadn't been born. As
tion of opposition, could, by applioa- married men often do, Mr. J. drove
lion to their Governments, teceive a some distauce before speaking. Fin.
bounty, directly or indirectly; or, by ally he remarked :
raising their prices ie their own cow "I've got a corn on my toe—the one
tries by means of a protective duty that you persist in putting your foot on, too
Dept out our good, could forego a pro- —that hurts about as bad as the oom-
fit on their expel Ls, and afford to sell mon run of things generally do."
here below real value; and thus by fair The lady. was very much surprised
or unfair means make it impossible for and rather haughtily replied :
the working wan eo earn his bread iis "You've been trying to pick a guar -
inmost every branch of industry. Mr. rel with nee all clay, and now to make
Hare then proceeded to quote statistics the matters more exasperating, you
to show the progress of the Euglisn change your voice to an unnatural
home and foreign trade during the last growl."
thirty years, and argued that from "It's you, madam, who have Chan-
-those figures they could see that the ged. My voice is natural. 'You screech
.countries with whom we were carrying tike an old gat ."
en trade at the present time were re- You are an old fool."
eeiving far mere benefit from it than " Give myteeth here; you 'sha'n't
we were Mirseives ; for, with the excep- wear them auother minute,..'
tion of Germany, who had been trying " Teeth! teethe , What in the world
a semi free trade policy for the past do you mean ?'
two years, no other country was in But just then'driving through a flood
:such a depressed state as our own ; and of light, the parties recognized that
while our exports were falling off year- they didn't rseognize.
ly, those.of our competitors in martu• " Madam," said 1,1r. J., stopping the,
lectures were steadily increasing. Mr. horse and straightening himself, " I
Hare then went at length into statis. would like to know how you eeme in
ties to show that.the diversity for skii-, my buggy, and furthermore, rd like a
led industry in the country was being' little intelligeuee as regards my wife.
elestroYed and the nation being forced What have you done with her ?'
to .clePend on the staple manufactures "I don't know what you mean, sir.
.of 25 years ago, though foreign compea Get out of my buggy 1'
lition had reduced the profile en these " Your buggy Why, madam, yell
things to a fraction of What' they were are beside yourself."
in former years. Another important " Yes, and beside yourself. whiell
fact was, that though atertitanY, Hole fact I deplore to siic an extent lintel
land, United States, and Belgian re- will be forded ta call to the police."
fused tei take Euglish manufactured,. Poliee police I" was then shouted
gootti, they. Wer iIfngth takeihe
coal—the eointeret"es very life blood. It
was a megniflcent thing for the for-
eigner 'thet he 'wits griiduteIfly making'
mitt sending Gseat Britain all the
things ,she need in 'mike for herself,
HurrahQ the P4tez.
'Piano and SewingMachine'
5 t,
Silverware, Chloe and 1)elf ever eeen iti
tee woke, at
Inettly, and wised offieer Ditly watt to,
the spot the woman iusisted on the
man' e arrest.
bugay was elven baek to the'
hotel just in time .to meet anollter.
buggy,,the,otletteeagof whielt bad bad!'
• .
‘55 ---;Ort
- fiiJ
'MOM ArTar,^
Mr, Drew kas Just received an excellent stook.°
iIvor Tea Se tts, Hu tter Co olora,Double an astute.°
risme Cruets, Cake BitsketS, Card iteceiverCom-
munion Set ts,etc„th
of e Rost uadr Lurie and Tr iple
Plat (,4 andis,olfering the Same t prie es that would
1 -tae 1.18 11 opened out a. new and complete as-
sortateut of Clikat, Class 1311(1Stonewures.
• large stock of Lam psjust arrived. (lull aud satisfy
yourself 03 t0 tralitY and tameness, Come and
try our instruments. Musio Teaohll er stilluiz
hand. Services (It lowest figures.
Special 'attention called to tho Raymond Sewing
Machine. Organs and Pianos unsurpassed for
buttnty aosigu, and quality of term.
Iles just ammo/aced buathees one half mile
litteet of Desinvoed, and is preeseed to idea»
Clocks,Watcbes and Sewing lacbiaee. Urn*
brellas repaired and Organs iced Meieeiane at.
tended to. Those in want of his services
should- eiesliim a eall bc fore goii.g away from
home. ()lunges Anoderate end entire satisfac-
tion guarnteed
Is prepared to do all lands of '
HousePainting, Paper-hanging\Vhituniiig, whituoing,itc.
at:reasonable prie PS 111151 pane t
!Shingles for Sale
PROM $1 TO $1.00 PElt SQVARE,
At G. &3. Brooks' `a,771/15.11
WAD, '1,"P 0 1' HAY,
A good supply of lImaloeh. Luxaber andCadar
Posts constantly ou hand
THZ Gabscriber begs to itillIOUTICS' to the ietabitants of Exeter and the EFITTOlUlding coml.
try, that he has opened a PIN earl s row, DEPOT in the store nearly opposite Mr. G.
A. Maces Grocery aud Liquor store, Main street. Exeter, where he is p,epated to fill all orde.s
Cook, Parlor and %other Stoves
At Manufacturers . Prices.
Tinware, cheaper than thu cheapest, and made up by practical
workmen on the premises.
Ee-Troughing done to order, Carriame Plating a Snecialty. Coal oil Chinmeys, be
very best and none cheaper.
Intending purchasers will always find me at my pos,l, ready to attend to my own business
and prepared at all , times to treat customers courteously and supply them with a good and
cheap attic e. Depend upon it that uowhere eau you get batter value for your money.
The very highest price in Cash paid for Hides and Sheep skins.
Exeter P 0, October 15 1877.
Wholesale and Retail.
G. A, ALC.T41
mom SI reet,Exeter.
H you would be put in
And get some of the Bargains to be bad in
&C.. &c.
All marked down to prices which will close them out speedily.
The Tasteful, the Careful, the Discriminatin% the Severest
Economizers, all Delight to frequent RA.NTON BROS.
Because they keep the Latest and Most Fashionable Goods
and sell them at prices to suit the times. Call and see.
No trouble to show Goods.
using her 00ai) and tithing thoqmdti similar expeileuee..
Eacreati Bieck, opposite Sainwellats Pickard's, Easter
0. Sou.thoott 44 Son
Take pleasure to ir form the innabitantsof Exefrr
'add surrounding coati trv, that they have just
op eaed out a11 esaiillout assortment of
Tweeds, Coatings, Festory6 sic.,
in the la test styles a 0 d patterns,and feel assured
that in ta am attar of clot -ling, they can suit the
a °situ s t s tit stns.
By reading p,aeuelna
the inestimat.o. -7utbs con-
tained in the . ,rs medical
book ever iasto o, entitled
THYSELFPrice only $1.. Snit by mail
on receipt of price. 11
treats of Exhausted Vitality, Premature :Decline,
Nervous and Physical Debility, and the endless.
concomitant ills and untold miseries that result
therefrom, and contains more than 50 origitudpre-
seriptilons 507 0131 of which is worth the price of
the book.' This book was written by the most ex-
tensive and probably the most skilful practitioner
in Ammica, to whom was awarded n gold awl jew.
elle d medal by the National 'Medical A scociation-
.A. Pamphlet, illustrated with the very finest
Steel Engravings—a mar-
vel of art and hemp— HEAL
sent rrtrn to all. Send
for it at once. Address
finch St.. Boston. lass.
ALLAN'S ANTt-FAT is the great rented v for cesee.
tetnaceyt.s nInt is parole vegetable and perfectly ht:
the food in the stomach, preventing 1'4,on-
version into fat. Taken acconling to titrertionm.
will reduce fat person from 2 toS pound" tt
111N:wing lits remedy before the public a a peal.
U vo cure for obesity, we do so knowing its ability to
cure, as attested by hundreds of testimonials, of
which the following from a lady la Coltzulbus, OItio,
Is a sample: " Gentletnens--Your Anti -Eat war 'has*
received. I took It according to directions and It
minced me five pounds. I was so elated over th-
salt that I immediately sent to ACKERMAN'S 5'"55E -
store for the second bottle." Another, tiplivsivi.,11,
writing for a patient from Providence, B. 1„ sal,s
"Pour bottles have reduced her weight from 1119
petunia to 192 pounds, and there is a general itolwo ...-
tuna in health." A. gentleman writing from Tior-
ton, &13S: " Without special change or attention to
Met. two bottles of Allan's Anti -Fat redueed 1110 four
atel one-quarter pounds." The well-known Whole -
&t(8 Druggists, SHIM, DOOLITTLE St SMITIL of
ton, Mass., write as follows: `5 Anti -18a1 11:1;;
ilcTtl a lady in our city seven pounds in dove
weekr." A gentleman 4,4 St. L01113 writes: "Allan's
Anti -Fat reduced me twelve 901313135 113 three weeks,
and altogether I have lost twenty -live pounds sbwe
commencing its use." Messrs. rowin.r.& NLIMPToN,
'Wholesale Druggists, of Buffalo, 11.Y.,_writot "To
mem—The MI lowingreport is from the lady who tar. 1
Allan's At1-Fat. '11,11110 Anti-Fatl had the desired
editet, reducing' the fat from two to live petuals a
week until 1 had lost twenty -live pounds. 1 hone
never to regain what I have lost'' Aatl-Fat : n
unexcelled -blood-purifier. It promotes digestion.
curing tlyspepsitt, and is also a _potent remedy f ,r
rheumatism. Sold by druggists. Pamphlet on Ches-
il 0 sent on receipt of stump.
BOTA.Nie MEDICINE CO., Paor'ns, Buff:11°,11.7..
By an immense practice at the World's Dispen-
sary and Invalids' Hotel, having treated many thou-
sand vases of those diseases peculiar to worm a, I
have been enabled to perltmt 501051 potent and 1 (a-
tive remedy for these diseases.
To designate this natural famine, I have named it
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
The terat however, is but a feeble expression,ot
sny high appreciation of its value, based upon n01.-
1(850 observation. 1 lutvP. while witnessing posi-
tive rosttlRi hi the special dkeases incident to the
organism of womaio singled ft nut as the onions or
erowoloe gent of my medical careen 1001118,
its 21 p011 1100, safe. 11101 ethic teal remedy for this class
of diseases, and out: that will, at all times and tort, r
all eircumstatices, ttct kindly, I itm Willing to stake
my reputation es at physician; and SO Onnlidont sin
that It will not 5115appoint the most sango ino ex-
pectations 0) a single hnly who itses I t n,55 1.9y
t)filmalltormts for W111011 I reeotnmen I 0 01.0 I
and sell (1 under A POSITIVE GUAIIANTEE.
'''1)11111,013 see pamphlet wrapping lmtill'5) ,5f
The Ibllowltm are among these enseases In 11111
iv Povortto PreorrIptIon line worked tuxes, ns If by
18) 11) eel. tai it t y 21e001' befort.111t11111811 132
,11" medicine: Iptivorrhaltt, rxecastve Flowtox,
%filial Monthly l'erlods, SappreSsions when Peel
imataral CetliSeS, irregularities, -Weak hack. Pro-
, p,11 8., or Falling of 111(1 ITiorns. Antevorsion and
.etrovtysion, Bearing -down Sensations, Internal
lent, 18 ervoirs Depression, Desponileuey,
,hreatend >
elisearriage, Chronic Congestion, la.
latanialion and 1 ileoration of the 'Uterus. Impottmey.
t, SVrIllty, tool F0011110 W011(00'33.
11 toz extol this tuedteine RA 8 ' but II
1,11nirshi!,: n eInglenern of purpose, being it
tort pertect .p'''tis in all ehronle diseases of, (lo
areal system of W0111/111. It 18(1[ not disappokkii nor
11 it 1 hrm, any state or oonzlition.
Those ineutinatiOn Thofte 01118.
.028 ean ohlaln 11 1/1 Tin, PROoLleS COMSIONSENsit
AlP,"1310t, hoolt et over 000 pages. rent,
d-nahl, r.srelpt of 51.80. It tr,:tts mittetely of
ose diseases pee1:11 dt to lczerdiles, 11 rivP, linkv11
doable advice 1,1 h,93,1.1 to the manageuroet of
vfJ optur, old th.mrt.k.
intaten. M. it, Vrep`t, •Vorld'e blsocurzary
• LIMOS' 11014 0411111 Ar.