The Exeter Times, 1879-1-23, Page 4The Mo!soins Bank. equally as much at fault for the in. Carling, who is well known and re. x�oolaYuiin'ratrr nx nor ax+ rannraarr:Nm, x85.5. crease. But whc), we ask is the chief spected by .all iu the old. Teoumsetll steward of the people ? Surely the division. We feel assured that his ap- Premier ie, aud as be ie responsible to poiutlueat would give general satisfae• , the people, he should not have allowed tions the Grab tobe made withotut'first con•�y,s observe that the Baine of our suiting those who !;laced him in the members Mr; B 1' gisleo) does not figure position of trust. At the time the Grab In the first division list of the Legisla- 1Paa made we denounced it as unjust, ture. Considering that the elections and are of the same opinion still. In are never at hand, there are some times like the present, when almost ev- as cardinal principles" in Bic. Morris' ery farmer and business man iu the amendment to the address which Mr, country is tsutting down his expenses, Bishop may not deem it advisable to we think the Local Government in an- uounoiug their policy to the people vote against, iu the speech from the Throne should SUICIDE AT CREDiTON. have made some refereuoe to the ro• duction of the expense of the govern- A man named George Geiser, resid- went of the couutry. Mr. Parltleill,the int; hear the Village of Crediton, in newly elected member tfor Simeoe, has seen fit to move for a reductionfand be- cause 11Ir, Meredith supports -.tire am- endment to the amendment he is abus- ed through the Government journals, Theme papers may grind out their abuse to their hearts' content, but it will not change the opinion of the pub- lic, who are determind to stand by the men who are endeavoring to have the cost of our Provincial system of govern - 'went lessened. Even if these men have been guilty of takiug a false step in voting fur the increase of ealaries, they now manifest a willingness to ac- knowledge their wrong doing, bat the supporters of the Government have not got the mauliness to own up to their fault. Mr. Bishop, the present member for South Huron, in his speech at the Reform Convention held at Hensall on Friday last, attempted to defend the policy of the Government with reference to the Salary G-rab. We feel "confident that the electors will not sustain Mr. Bishop in the Salary Grab business when lie seeks re-election, but will return Mr. Jackson, who is iu fa- vor ofretrenchmeot in every branch of public expenditure. award., $2,000,000, Rest, $400,000. HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL. Jolts Mot.sON, Esq. - - - Presi ieilt. :Des Taoxits WoILR:,F:IN, - - Vice-Pre'r,, T.1 Cf Ax1WN, Vice -Bros Sun Mutu rl las Co Hon 1) r Macpherson. Senator! • it W Manhunt, Pros Ottawa River Navte Co 1:Iorat o Nelson, MF P, Miles Williams, P. Wort'r:iurtas Tuoatits, Esq., • d.cshier. 11 , Fir .avox, Esg,, • - Ins',vu'eto'u•, Exeter Bran'th.. HENRY 0, BREWER • - MANAGER. LOANS TO FARMERS, Money advanced to farmers on easy terms, on their (.tv.e promissory rotes with ono or more good en- - No mortgage required as security, 'rNGS BANK D'oPA1 TM111NT unt, Interest allowed on deposits, ourr000y drafts bought aud sold. Steri auga bour;,ut aud sold, ;bus made in all parts of the Dominion, 'us p,umptty remitted at lowest rates of r, August 15th 1878. 0-m re1q wigs. TI-IU1tSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1879 HOLDING O. TO POWER. We are sure some of our Reform friends will be somewhat surprised at the determinatiou of the present On- tario Government to remain iu power, after, aoeording to the British North Am,'rio.au Act their term of office ex- pires. The B. N. A. expressly provides that the House of Assellubly shall con- tinue fur tour year from the return of the writ' and no longer, Therefore. according to the alcove-meutinued Act, the prese.it Horse dies, or ceases its functions as a Parliament on the 2nd day of February, 1879. But the chanc- ery lawyer, who manages the affair; of the G.rrernmeut, has discoverers a technicality whereby he chicle ire can continue his term of oliee seven mouths longer,. icy the plea that the evrtts- fir Algoma were not returned n•otil the 14th of faeces, 187,5, and by this quibble the great R.form party of tale Province are determined to take from the, people seven months pay. wheeir they are not entitled to. On the 2;2'nd of December, 1874, by proclama- tion in the O,atar io Gazette !lis Honor the Lieutenant -Governor dissolved tire Parliameut and issued the writs fur a new election, making tlteln re- turnable on the 2nd of Feli'uary, '1875, stud the Legislature way summoned to, meet ou than day. The Lieute❑ant- (ir.rveruor 'lid this by and with the. ad.- vice dvice of his adviser, . knowing that Algo- ma was unrepresented, and four years feo.n that due tire rnamllers term of otfiee should expire. Parliament waa prer.gued from the 2ntl of February to tue 13th of Maretl, and still there was no return from Algoma, and Mr. Mow- at thinks he and his colleagues can hold office for four years from the time the :returns were received from Algoma, a r1 thin draw seven months extra sal- ary, and' perhaps put tue country to tue•ex•pense of another 'session. Mr. !Mowat no d,ubt wishes to stave off as lo•rg its possible -thee evil day and doom whichierevitably awaits him and his colleagues wheu they seek reelection; brut is this Reform ? If the Mowat Ad - TELE REFORM 'CANDIDATE. The Reform Convention met at Hen sail ou Friday last, ,all the municipali• ties being fairly, represented except. Goderich Township. A goodly number were nominated, but', Messrs, •Bishop, McLean, Greenway and Dre Stewart were all that stood to be balloted for. After the voting had taken place, it was found that Mr. Bishop was the choice of the majority of those present, he having received ttke largest u umber of votes. 119:r. McLean stoud second on the list, Mr. Greenway third, and Dr. Stewart fourth. After the resuit was made known, Mr. Bishop, who was then made the uuanimoue choice of the convention, gave an account of his stewardship, and after thanking them for the so❑fidence ,,,,,placed in him, launched out into a defence oft`be Local Goverument. He endeavored to viodi• este its policy, and hie own actions in reference to the "Salary Grab," which he did, no doubt, to his own satisfac- tion, but some of his Seaforth, friendb on their way home openly dleclared that Ininietratiou has colne•up to• the ex•pec j.they kuew nearly as. mulch about the lathe ib of the peoule• why ars' they J'uiatter when he sat dhwn as when he afraid to feels' their constitueuts aud Ioomnneyced, and that he had made a 5.,:+k thereat to approve of their actions at grand -break down. As a successful the poles at the proper time ? statesman or politician our ' friend Bishop has very little claims ou the electors of this riding, which he has representei since 1873 he has sever Tire Toronto &lobe' atreli the London` ;%1'appeared as a brilliant debator, nor has j luertras well as tide lesser lights I he ever been the originator of one of the Reform party Leave lately devot- i measure since he has had the honor to co eeiderable apace to' abusing Mr. ';represent this ooustitnoncy, although Meredith the leader off the O'upoeition, we believe he claims to has got one and all who favor a reduction iu the brill passed through the House, in refer - salaries sof mewbersstud the indemuity once to drains. Allowiug hien the cred- to Aliuietere. The 7izer of the 17th of au gild act revamped, what has he Inst says the action the Oppositiou done to warrant a coutinnenee of sup• Lave taken in the matter le disgraoefol, pert. The votes ou the divisions in the r lute,uptible, ; and utsparlia.zieutary. House only show hint to be a pod ItIr. Meredith his been accused of be• ' voting maehiue, ready at the pull of Lig guilty of a breach of faith ou ac• the p ;lisle:&l wired,to do the voting and he stand he has taken ass co tut of t uu pocket his sessionarullottanee. 4 4d S tl+sry Grab question. Toe fact id, that wheu the Reformers came iuto power iu Otstario they put their Lands into Ma) pockets of the people, whom they are 'Ju )t used to deeva, and with. out theft approval or Consent made an 1 `uricase ••.lis -linsuebere' salaries.••'.I1ie. li people w •illi one accord denounced both 11ie iuerua.,e and thetnanuer in wraith' it as tl*. de. t1r•,- Mvtti'at and his follow - 'La a ,s,lee the Cdeea,ayetitus of being THE SALARY GRAB. Tint death of tlie`"Henn. Donald Mc. D mithl eWhioh took place at hid resi- d ince in e I'urunt o on Dt malty last h s erased I vaear,ucy in the Senate. De- ceaetitel was elected senator iu 1858 fol the ;C,!t;tetneetll Drvisi Dnesseyhgc.li er)m orison the counties of Lltiron end Perth, apis'reiee itiiri which he held to tho tithe of his death. 'We hope this veceincy will be filled by a lottel 111441. day Mr. Isaae the Township of Stephen, being tired of life, attempted to put an end to his existence by cutting his threat on Mon- day night. Mr. Geiser occupied to room in his brother's house, and was accustomed to light a fire iu his own room every morning, but on Tuesday morning lie did not rise at his usual hour, and his brother being alarmed, tried to gain admission to his rooni,but found the dour securely fastened. No sound was heard in the room, and the neighbors being acquainted of the fact, opened the window and were surprised to find Mr. Heiser Lying in bed with his throat out, but still alive. Medical aid was at once procured, but all ef- forts failed to save his life, and he died. on Tuesday night; Deceased was respected, and the cause of his com- mitting the rash act is unknown. As we go to press an inquest is being held.. -.— Dominion News, A young man named Gratiaan ef, Napa❑ee, received .a stab in the neck, on Tuesday last, the knife splitting open one of his ears, while in au alter cation on the street corner with a wo- man of questionable character. 11 gave the ineukt and got his reward. Charlesnompsnn alias "Piano 'Char- ley" and Charles Durand alias Clarke, two noted American er'iminele, were yesterday sentenced at the Asizes to five years each in the Penitentiary for rob• bing several jewelry stores In Toronto. Two Grange Yonng ?Britons were brutally assaulted A. few nights mice at Ottawa, tvbile :rn their way home, by e parsy of roughs. Both received severe wotrucls in the head. On Friday Meriting about G o'clock the barn and stable of Henry Mark, ou the 7t11 con. of McGillivray, were de- etroyed by,fire. There were s'st horses in the stables at the tirne,four of which perished in the flames. A quantity of hay and grain was destroyed. liesnr anceon stock, $300; on building, $$300. Canso of fire unknown. Mr. Milner Harrison, of St. Marys,. presented the Knox ' Church congrega- tion with a building site,a few evenings since. They intend building a hand- some church during the summer, eaLed the gift is peculiarly opportune. ...+-4 On Friday nightea shoemaker named ?olid Mathews, residiug at 192, King William et., Ian.ilton, died very inddenly from a fit of appuplexy. The looeased bad -been eomp)aining for some two weeks beck of a difficulty in breathing, aid was yesterdayafternoon taken with a Fit., an before medical aid could be proonred life was extinct, He was an Englishmau and 62 years of age. Ald. Limy Fitzpatrick the senior Alderman of Hamilton, who has been a member of the Board fur 17 years, died suddenly on Friday evening last at 11.30 in the Council Chamber. He had just moved the usual annual grant to the Mayor, and then went to an ad- joining committee room, where he was found a few minutes later in an ape - pleetto fit. Medical aid was at once summoned, and restoratives applied, but withont avail. The deceased has resided ih that city for over 40 years, and «'as highly respected. BIRTHS. Wes'rarAN.—In BicIdulph, ou the 23th inst., the wife of Mr. 1). Westmau, of a son- ANnrnsoN,—At Anderson, on the 13th inst., the wife of Mr. Daniel Anderson, of twins (boy and girl.) Winn.—In Granton, on the 11th inst„ the wife of Bir. C. M. Well, of a daughter. FosTrn.•-In Granton, on the lltlr inst., the wife of 1VIr. Charles Foster, of a son. Mxrcnr ar.•-Ill Granton, on the 21st inst-, the wife of Mr. Joseph Mitchell,. of a daugh- ter. MARRIAGES. CONonoN—Gn&NT.—At the residence of the bride's father, by the Bev. A. F. Hartley, of Exet:r, on the 18th"last., Mr. R. Y. Congdon, of Streetsville, to Laura, third slaughter of Tames -Grant, .Esq., P. M., • Granton. - DAPrP5—STINsorr.-0u the 22nd lest., at the B. C. parsouage, Exeter, by Rev. John W. Butcher, Mr. Robert Davies, to Mips ' Matilda St'rrsrn, both of Usborne. DIED. GLrNN.—In Exeter. • on• the IStlt inst_, Miss Margaret Winn, aged 37 years. ZVirrri .—Iu Exeter, on the 13th hist., Eliza- bt:th,rcliet of the late Jarnes Wilkie; aged. 70 years. STOCK ESTRAY. `'12ItAYL*) from L +t• 82. LU(.. lte.rtd 1►J7 Suss, Tp Hay about 1st Oetabor, 3 steeas, one corning throe, re.i, with bull, and 3 yearlings,. one all red, and another rod and white• Also one re • toss. A libo al reward will bo given for re- covery. JOrLN J. TAYLOR, Brewster, Y.O. TRAY i.AM.ee-Caws+ on the prelnis- L., es of the subser.3 or, Lot 7, 0mi. 4, Usborne, on or about the 1stlllroo., a r.uu two or throe years old: The owner; is requested to prove property, pay espeuse:tend take it ;away. RICHARD EIVNT•ER. s� OOI3 FARM .EOR: SAI ,E- ? ees, 0: ter, To be sold by pr i ate con triint,. Lot, No.10, Con. 15, Hibix:it, County OL Porth ,.l00. alms. about 80 acres elate -ed. Possession wiiien required. For particulars apply'to By. V. 5 LL10T,,Sotiiciter•, &e., Exeter, or to Mrs. L1;XT.,N, Lot S,:Con. 3, Ueborne. Pbmpeii. . Excavations at Pompeii prove the city to have been one of ttoe most fsysh- ionalrle and beantiful of Homan sum. mer resorts, and but for the .eruption it might have remained so' to this day. .1s with Pompeii, so with thousands of e people who have beauty of form and feature. They might always be admir- ed but for the eruption, that makes the face unsightly, and betrays the presence of scrofula, virulent blood poisons, or ,general' debility. There is but one remedy that positively owes these af- fections, send that remedy isD• r. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It is the best knnwn tonic, alterative,. and resol- vent. It speedily cures pimples, blot- ches, li'etr spots, and all diseases arise- ing frome impoverished or impure blood. It alert cures dyspepsia, and regulates the ]iverand bowels. Sold by druggists. Omdd :` 5"g cp rEr't iD1115 0 : I3' c ki CCDD 0 Q ►'� et - 2.25 Cl) O 5 1 -- (DD I J 1-4 cr O O,arn I.3., 1.4' iy kg CD CD 4. t7q e+ e ce CD` ,Q-1 CD 0 Marble Works. W. D. WEEKES Dealer in MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, MANTLE PIECES. FURNITURE TOPS, &c. Cemetery Work of all ]duds neatly executed. g Doors North of Drew's•il[all, Main street, EXETER. E3'urral for the sign OF THE Piano and. &ewino . Machine ��I11Gll�l1,,`flll(l�IPIE °° I ENV hl: ,-7• .,. '? ii II IIh .ill .11,. t'IIIVI 11� I I' J�� �IuI.Il I i PI X I I�l r►rI•P,{iI!-"' rPI, i.jllielI�1�i I I1I 1 1I 11'II 1NIIN QINIIIS�mmrtmum )11, I'll I,.1 iI�I1�11I . I1 Lo.:1.4f:I1i I!il 11.mat' TfIHEIARGESTA:ND BEST STOCK OF Siilverwame, China and Delf ever aeon m the Wes t, at E. DRE'RT'a E TORE. Mr, Drearhas just received an excellent stoeko Silver Tea Setts ,Butter Coolers,Doublo and Single Pickle Cruets, Cake Baskets, Card ltecoivers,Com- munion Setts, etc„of the Best Quadruple and Title Plate, and is offering the mane apricot' that wourd ASTONISH YOU FOR CHEAPNESS! He has just oroned'tintii new aid'aompiete est sort, exit` n of China, Mails and us a S touewaras. A largo stook of Lampe just arrived. Call and satisfy ynuraojfas to (tuality land i,'genneRsil Como and ry•our tustrninouts. Music Toaolier, stili on hand. SerJiaesat'lowotitfljiit•es. fpeeial arttontion called to the rtayond Sewing erdshiuri. OrRwaia' dnei•,P7iuixla'itnsm(ti't1YNsed for beauty of design, and quality of tone. t 'A/1UABB5: 23 1370. Exchange Bank tat' Canada. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. Capitol said up, - - - $1,000,000 DIRECTTOAS : M. H, GAL"r.;r, President. 1`t10MAh 0AVJiIt8ILL, Vicc•Preeiclenti A, W. OGILAVIE, M,P,P„ E It. (Titt''1l:n•U THOS. 1'Tl''l IIY, - AL18li, r1UNTIN, JAME8 Cit ATHM: IN. 0.. It, MU1tltA'i, - • - Cashier: 3110ROL BURNS _ - - Inspector Exeter I.3ranch. •Roll'NERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRAN- SACTED. Money loaned to farmers on their own notes with g.rotleudoisers, bracts issued ole Now Yerk, SAVINGS BANK (DEPARTMENT. 5 per cent, interest allowed ou deposits of ore oiler aud upwards. OOFWCE HOURS -From 10 to 8; from 10 to 1 on Saturdays. W. A. HASTINGS, 1*falinger. Exoter, Aligns t'L@nd,1878. 51.1v. { Ship Grocery. --:0:-- TEA T T, °3. ! TEA TRY MY 75 at. TEA t TRY MY 50 ct. TEA !'!' Every satisfa.otion. SUGARS, COF1'LlfS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, CANDTED PEEL.. OYSTERS. CTI;ANGES, LEMONSi. FLOWER d`• 111:181) IN CON:W:(:TION. TOBACCOES, CHOICE CIGARS. •Goods (Wavered to all parts of the Village, •---e-- Agent for Great Wester'i Sts'hp Go; New 'York to Bristol. CAPT ItEMP, Miehigan Lands For iufnrmati.. n concerning the PINE AND FARM .% LANDS Ju CENTRAL MICHIG AN, fen.• sale by the Flint' and Pere Marquett • Railway Company, address: WM. L. 1't,:t. i:+:ll, Land Com'r, EAST tis -U:;.,1, 7:101-. A D.1 V' to 'corrta canvassing for the. 1 tIYar,Allal.'. t i boli. Cerny. and Out- fit Brea. A.1.1 •E111RY. Augussta. Maine. ,eenn rare and Beautiful cirromo cares, with name ‘41$4, 10c., postpaid. Geo. I. Iia,ED & co, xasian, 5 Styles' most lovely cal ds' I ever sold, with • rrame,10 cts; 1 Ii Rusted, Nassau, N Y 2 1�5G Chrome Cards, ,he,Cupids,111ottoes,'Flowers' LJiJ No two atikc, with nacre,. lUc Nassau Card Co., 'Nassau, I' Y. h� clrrom0 cants New' Styles, with frame, 10 eta rr/ SPsscrn ,C se_, Nassau x, T„ 30 Fancy Cards,Chromo, Snowflake, o. no alike with namep1U eta, J, MrrtLEB & Co - Nassau, iN Y Aimed cards, with name, 1 ce^t. Agents, 'XV outfiut 10 eta L J+Cr'ES, t Co. Nassau. X Y LIVERPOOL,, LONDONDIRRY, ASGOW ALLAN LINTOP Royal mail Steamships. The favorite route between Canada„ and Great Britain. ors.rTER SF:IZT li.E. THE MORAVIAN will sail on Pobreuary 1st, Sh wtest sea pnssago.For speed, comfort; economy and safety are equal to• any other.&ltlantic Lino, and being n. Canadian. Line,shouh' he patronized by all Canadians. For• particulars as to passage or parties sending,•for their 1rie.:ds, apply to CAPT. G. KEMP, Exeter. !!!E hA1 Y!a White dE (successors to G. B. Smith) Mr. Duncan Henderson (of the wholesale firm of ti. B. Smith and Huudorson,•'l;orouto) is now in the European markets buying our retail spring stock for St. Marys as well as'our wholesale stock for Toronto. Our wholesale Ewen is sending us goods now at less than mauntteturer•s' priced because they 110 Making a gran l• wholesale sweeping clearing stale .before stocktaking end, therefore our ousto rers got their goods the same as if they wore buying direct' from a wholesale house. A large shipment o3 good to hand this week, Now.t'resh Goods arityiug almost every day, a living stret u; pouring in and pouring oilt. all the time. Goods retailed. at wholesale pricer Look at them, see them and. boodle them. The price tells and every customer is not afraid to toll tho pr ce. We are dotot inodto sell! Sell i it will be done,See sell Ill It must be doper and Pear Canadian Tweeds at 85,40 and 480 and one that is cheap a: 750 -at 50e.pet yard which lulls rill" monition. Twilled Gray Flannels for 15c, testa; Factory Flannels for 770, per yard loss than the maker's price. • Nice plain and fancy Dress Goods from 8, 10, i01 and 15c, up. Nothing to beat thuiat, in the market.' All wool heavy French Cashtnore*. r ndid vacuo for 750, now 5 . n tliorinoe m to a � d r Wiuoeys at prices thutastonish every' ono who Secs them, A'•0.2o. Wiuesy for •5c., Ono all thb• way down tram that to 5o. per yard, equally a enid' Mantle ..nd Millinery Department running in full blast r n.1 doing splendid. • Mantlss and Jackass inrstook from 7.10. tip toe f$. • Such value his no*or been efferod in this market. Soe them. ANoe ;ear Mnfl Silk Tilted, for $1, • +s • esitooesseie',to a X.' Smith. St. Marys,