The Exeter Times, 1878-11-28, Page 6WIFE. 'was asked. raped bach he contrived omposure, that you irit ?' asked ttestion that "Are you was the answer, le table. ek next ? He could aestions that he red, but he shrauk Partly because the veils were pres- 'feeling that it into the seerets he , ttating the Doctor would like some at the epirit now of your lane e sums - hie,' ek y youth - a then pro- of pencil wee 'opjoy showed it Were perfectle thee laid the downwards againet o autl held it !iamb. The gas was tvaii; and all eat in hid- eetitiv faiot tsefathutg h..•ard which laenti f'r a tlsree or four 43efeatitis. The Veit. then turned up a:44 the pr rinced. Oa it were the words. .etueliste ;tire. Leslie's witograph lied beet, •hilier tout distinctive. Th te eas "latakitig her twitte cif writiug hes le tor twit of autonho else, mot at. 4`riet" reeeg tized the signetutk war TrIVIES NOVEMBER 28, 1878 tended to do so; hut then never site Small need to tell here the story of would be his birthday ; would I prom - his wife's death had he eeen *toy ou e the courtship of Gawain Leslie and ice to wear the lcoket on that day ? I whom he cared for sufficiently to fall in Annette Temple. Leslie found in Au- was touched by the message. Per - love with, Had he been suddenly vette what e emed to him like a fuller ham after all, he des elate for me a einitten for the second time, who eau complement to his own life than he had little," 1 thought, and I gladly prone - tell what might have happened ? Iu fonna even in Emmeline. She was, in intl. Next day you saw me wearing a truth, what lie had told himself she was—a lady in manners and education; to him she was, in addition, all that a lover wishes the chosen one ot his heart to be. To her antecedents andhis daughter. In one sense I hairs family connections she bad never made been his victim as touch as you have, allusion. Gawain asked ber once whe- for, as Heaven is above me, I had not after his creature comforts to allow of ther her parents were still alive. A the faintest knowledge of the web that his feeling that he missed anything on Lok of pain came into her face and her was being spun round both of us!' that score. Ili short, Leslie had found eyes filled e ith tears. "111,y father is I and quite euro you had no,' said that, with seven thentrand a year and still living, but—I am alone in the Gawain, earnestly. He was still rsst- au digestion, a node ()teat- world." After that Leslie questioned ing ou his elbow on the grass, and gaz- tire could live a life of tolerable happi- her no more. It was herself and not ing up into her white fain. Two tears nese, eveo though his solitude should her relations thet he wanted to marry. trembled in the corners of her eyes. It remain, uncheered by the presence of a Give him but that treasure and he will; only by an intense effort that she woulda" ° tba3 ea nothing um'• kept herself born breaking down. Room Bat what. a difference that dreadl Even Aunt ;Nitwit% had ouly the mild- in the midst of his bewilderment Les- revetatiou in the Doctor's hack drawing- est opposition to offer when her nephew lie could not help saying to hitnSolf, room had made in his thoughts and told her lie" was going t make Miss • notv lovely she looks ! What a face feeliugs I Ile dared not tell himself, Temple bis wife, ter the girl leia Sem- for a Madonna." in suchpositive tt-rm. as heretofore.% outride, won her way iato the tyle lady's It has been a happy, happy dream,' that ha would not merry again. Hed affections. I hope sb C wee of 5 ,4t4id Annette, with a lialf-sob. The it not been told tum froni a source gotta family. Yen ought to ascertain king has come at last. I knew that which be could not diapate that he all about that, my dear,' she said to it wee ton sweet to must merry twain ; nay, more, that it Qawaht, *But why need tbe waking come, snoh a eab0 resolutions aud protnieea are liable to melt away like snow in spring. Bat Leslie, as yet, had been exposed. to no such :temptation. He bad his little Emmeline to cheer him whenever lie felt hipned, and his maid. en aunt Maria looked too, carefully locket, and it seemed to yon like a fel- filinent of the preJietion. But it has boon a plot from bettinning to arid to entrap you, a rich man, into marryizig with fore -ordained that he 611001 mar ry again ? The :revelation had boon oo smitten, so unexpected, that fur the lime-beieg it had seewed to shake tae very fouudetione of his life. But hours to her site kissed her tied made much weut by, end next they cause in tine of her, anti told her that she loved her (entree, by which time Ilia mitul had in as if elle were her awn child, some meoeure familiarised himself To Annette it all seemetl like a with the new and startling idea thus *Imam of Amigo and un,pealtable bap. thrust rudely into it, awl began to litul pirates. There was luiraly a day that f . at t to dwell u ton she am not sa to herself • b. cannot be A. few more hours 'weed, AO LOB' reals -it camo. be Item I Anil Wake all right nn that -yore, Aunty,' Annette e• $0141 (+twain, as be sprang he said, with a grew face, but a laugh to his feet and tried to take her hand. ing eye. Then the ola lady cried a 4 Why cannot we still areem ?' little, and when GaWaill sent Annette That is impossible,' so said, as she drow back, heed there was no pale - taking the decision of her tone. ' I cannot alit my husband as my Whs.- \mid have bad me win you. hays same pride left in me, thentli it may sound ritlienloue to say so, eeeiug whose daughter I nm. I was a trtward, I ought to have WM you at 11' 't who and neat thoughts beget) to protect thein• tennorrow and fool it nothing lent what my father Wag. iint rioldn't- 4441res woutier and curie -ity toward,* an nuenhstantiel eetottut of the I collide% ! And then I was so happy! tile unknown woman allow it Was pre- brain."' For the friend:,,,i, 41441,44-4Ht All th,t,k is over now. From this mom. .wrat4111Cti that he ehont,1 take to Ins girl what tie:me:iv it we. Ff0311 Cin- 011t, Mr. Leslie, your petit and mine heart. Awl hove ch•oieh he had 41PrePa t *a Witas ! She bud nothing: diverse for ever.' euce 'loved Asa cherished his poor to reer 'sett 4,- taelif with on the settle of She ceased, and stood ga•mr, at him Enunehee. Who wee eh*? Whet not levit e her Wry orieco. enfileieery with eytot ith which there watt a strange, was tate like ? Wee site yotteg or old, ; bad well her wholo 114 are pathetic ye laving. rich or 2 Yvitere %uvula, he look The Ara, deep fountaita ef Iter love. for her, or woull eite crose hie path in,01144w4.41 f r JIM ikholiO• tuttoonght ? 4 Th4r1 61'4 woman be It whottea but farm:Lei t to the day! yr° 4 St4irt, iteuld mod wearitot liearLehapiti fixrd IN. their marrifteelawain was imsuRn AINST ACCIDENTS 4,4eliet t turtputiatee' Ito latti 414-4 6,647,vbr in long caurtelupe—wheni not long to watt. !hey ft itn.1 thente.awee 011(1 (W. net In A44441.11t ati't ye:trly in the It .on the fonrth morning uftei where they Inet eft,- f mud theinselvee nn ifiTELE S' ash to Dr• P ifjoY tilet Mt- before—on the btu& of a garrelon• wont Lttalie, [Dwaine through aae can 4tieani" t 03t t*.' W4l." lli*e it it far row uup tits • :134 Afi 0 V ..A. 1,0 RA.0 would renaind his numerone 11/4.-i• Customers that he hal, remelt to the shop formerly occupied by Mr. Read, bore be will be fouud ever reldy to AtteatIto Alt bubillem in the 130trri&uS SEIOR Line. C. RAU, Orediton, C7,4/141, 4111 hitt Wt1,3, it1 th0it Ner thrP411 thrOU'll 010 IUobeIide Stilt how it wee thee Ursa! C.411.0 tit ieVf• mix meatus. garthot,i-iteounterel little heatt.el t H. Sada u„o 11,in 1,1 A/1111,410, WI! it HU bOilig the liftlitiWritlOg bid auto and Lots' ef.-"rio!!". 'MA Temple, a- his arm route] Is e wai•A.. 1 lia-Ver told wtte. Ho was more startled titan ever tat* dnor.t: nautti, Emmy &mantled Lb knew not what to think. ant' :it be kieted. Mixing e enplital with you. It NV 34 1;11 INE-,44,al that 111110 tar ompicion trithkery on the part se 1120 yollitit Wirt; peremptory rilirtetd, enoiso locket which you omit:times, wear tpioy bad over found lowlier:we aer lathe) replaetel her on tho ground - t. ii*tiitl it.WAS ;IOW Inthlulted for ever le he lensed his mind tondo he And pray, sia, uhat had my tnr- aat tue epitit uf &puma wife-- ititatily ethane!. Susp4.4 doa from Mise ("noise loeket to at) uith the feet of your ter mean he had hived et) truly and remittent neck by a ribbon of black 1 ring me 14 surliest iu tenderly—wne veritahlt velvet. woo a mar, hearieshaped locket Much. It was revealed to me at a etent with hum he could no louget asst turquideete Leslie lookea and ; n sporniunoien seence that the firet wont. A.tel she had loomed him than looked agaiti to make euro that he wk4... an should meet who wore a locket • was happy How dear tier mein nut mistaken, His eurerise expre•teen similar to yettre tmenta beceme ley toca.1 Ag,s;..1., or railv:sy ,n,, NTER'SAIISIFTER 1' 4.• wet) to Mtn still, and would con- itself so frankly iu his face that Miss second wife.' et to be throngla life 1 It was more Nipple it) her faun became surpri'osl. 4 It,Vreith+11 to you tat fl. spiritualistic n four years entice It had lost her, Teen she blushed ; then sire took little seance? Where did the seauce take yet there wee her well -remembered Emmy by the hula, awl, heeine mace ?' litiare nu that slate, written but a 4ravely, led her forward into tile 'Riese n • At ilia helm of a matt who called ,lite a '0 ! It teas all incomprellen• tier first care was to eatery herself in himself Dr, popieyo te—tt dread mystery whieh it seemea the glass. Surely something must be . Describe Dr. Pupjoy to me. Pho- profanation even nu attempt tt, amiss, or Mr. Leslie would not havt• tograph him in words.' stared s,)—either a pin mispleced, ti Perhaps the Doctor was growing ribbon awry, or something the matter patieet at Leslie's louts, silence. At with her hair ? But she could. ili.cort so v rate, be said, 4 Suppose we ask the evil it whether she has ally message for \ you; ' Leslie bowed a grave sesent. asisi e Vain; put toe queettou, ' Hass. you a, tier ineassgo to deliver to your hueleit. d ?" 'Yes, ‘ was the answer at once rapped out. ' What is it ?` * Gawain Leslie must marry again.' ' alerry again !' gasped .Laslie. 'No ' ."pl—erie blavpasr. tlit.0 spirit would prefer to write its inessa4p." suggested the nit. - (Elm So the tn te was again put i petsition wider t le table, and again the mysterions scratching noise Wtts audi- ble. As soon as it coasted the gas woe tented up, and the Message ou the elate read aloud by Popjoy. 4 Gawain Leslie must wed again. It is fore -ordained, and he must obey.' Leslie's face was very pale. A clam - lily chill wrapped' hiin from 'head to foot. He tried to speak, but could not, Once more the gaol was lowered, paid once more the elate was placed in pt. sition. Then in elow and impressive moults Miss De Vane put the queen tion: ' When and where shall Gawain Leslie see the woman whom it is foro. ordained that he shall marry. aud by what token shall he recognize her 2' Three minutes later the Doctor read out the an9wer that was written onthe slate :—'The first woman Gawain Les. lie shall meet who wears ithearteshaped lochket set with turquoises will be his future wife. Farewell." The seance - was at an eml, and Leslie went his way, dazed, stunned, utterly bewilder. el. To say that no thought of a see. ond marriage had ever entered his bead wonid be to state more that. the truth. but it was It t1101112,11t that had an+ver been seriously entertained. He in dne course. He went. back to din• hal told kiiin.elf again and again that ver with a strange feeling of werintli he would remain troe to the memory rind :elation such ad he ilia long Iinen a ...; herwhu au., gone, auti he fully is- .trunges to. nothing wrong. Never before had Mr. bogie losked at her as he looked to tier to -day. What could it meat. ? As for Gewalt), he wanted out into the garden, his hande buried deeply in hi pockets. his bat pulled over his brows. feeling like a man whose dreams haw come true, but after a fashion altege- tiler strange and inexplicable. A. governess for a wife ? Well, Brie, Temple was a lady in manners nod education; of her parents and connec tions he knew nothing. It was strange that he had never noticed till that morning what, beautiful eyes she had. and with just tie tinge iu them that ho most admired. Without being beauti- ful, she was indubitably niee-looking, with one of those delicate oval faces which, unfortunately for us, are oftener to be seen depicted ou canvass thau met with in the flesh. Where had his eyee been all the time? He got out into the woods, and wan- dered about all day by himself. The thought of making iIisa Temple his wife was anything but displeasing to him. His heart warmed towards the .irl already. Three mouths had passed *ince she filet came to Hinchcliffe. How blind he must be not to have seen lour ago what it treasure lay close to his hand ! And Emtny, too : would it not be better that site should have some one bound to liar by closer ties than those of a governess ; some one who would care for her, and look after her interests as well, or nearly as well, as her own mother could have done ? But through theeissue of all his mus• ings ran a dark thread of wonder, al-. most of dread, at finding how swiftly one portion at least of the weird spirit7 prediction had been fulfilled. Of a snrety, the rest would accomplish itself She was trembling by this time, as Gowain eoniti plainly feel. He des- oribed Popjoy to her as closely as he 13t11‘):141:11:1:44I's house that the first won:an • And it was tont you at a seance rit yea should meet who wore a turquoise 1,cltet elitsnld bocome your second ife ?' • Certanny it was. Four days after- af!erwards I AIM you with a tun. etioise locket round your neck. And you ere going to be my wife, are you not? Rather a remarkable prediction, I call it.' Gently Annette withdrew Gewain's aim from iound her waist. Then she imprinted one passionate kiss on his hand and rose to her feet. Her fano was colorless. Gawain gazed at her eith wondering eyes. Yon have been the victim of a vile fraud, Gawain Leslie,' she said. ' You have been the tool of a man without princiele or honor. He whu calls him- self Dr. Popjoy is my father, Aurelius Temple.' ' Your father, Annette !' He broke my mother'e heart, be spout her fortune and his owo. Then he turned leeturer and spiritualist, and because I would not become what be called a " medium"—in other words a confederate in his frauds—he oast Inc off, and has never sten me from that day to this. Once every three months I write to inform him whore I am. Even in the seclusion . of Hinchcliffe I had heard sotnething of the wonders' reputed to be perfermed by Dr. Popjoy. I had a suspicion bunt the Doctor and my father were the starve man, although he had borne a different name a year previously, but it was a suspicion that I would not .verify, as I might easily have done. 1 was afraid to know the trutls I did int want to think he was so 'laureate. One day a woman came to Lne—a stranger. She had brought me a meesaoe from any father, she seid. He lied sent me his love aud a locket 1 eith turqgoitear. Tlse iourrow evoor, ere we:lemur. nee. umber, Bat ,llester,i Tomato, Wine, 1,1111.01, 1144 erliat 01r4kter. 1.1cr 11$00.4 404 swum srut,Its iceisbistd As tot ar Tee. otily Since is Ms Lu* fiVs.4 (1.041;i0%.nti,ge 7V03.° world Use, to tar oats tsur ameittroricsaaa. Sol The, toticrallitt 624011 44111-fraantedaealt.ttocals. .1..11.1111.tiTkat, Sett Utat'r, tie 4=414 (3114i611411. 04. Michioln Lands For iniorzunti.,n concerning tbo FINS AND PAII,311vel LA -NDS elesTuen MIt'llIGAN, for sale by the mid Pere idarquetts Railway Company, addro L. WEBBER, Land Con'r, BAST SAGINAW, juDGE rfD ny sending 85e. with 4ge, het' .5* `'`I, tiler of e vs Mid hair, you wit trsYOURSELF. piT4(41,vViifilfet!'170:41Alt°41:::nbles baud. or wife, with 1141110 and date of nuirtiage Aei.ress W. FOX drawer 40, Fuitnnsillo, N r (mit Here, 25 lovelycards, ith name, 10 c. Sam- 4.1ples of Photo Vards,dc. Something 11CSV. PisltltY, Nassau, N. Y. $7 t.nDlail??, isAlioftanv,.Tgfir 0,1° fit Free. Address P. O. VIVIi:El(Y, Augusta, Maine. Fashunable Dressmaking Dresses cut and made to order MRS. G. ROSS, Main Street, Exeter, OVER THE POST 0,FFICB. pAINTIN t PAINTING .1. MITRING Is prepared to do all kinds of HousePaiuting,Paper-liang4c) acreetemattlearlees amt panel nelly, 41.saramit,m4114 et Exeter. 40Satin Floral, &e., (lards, with name. IC 0. Ont - UR) ets. VANN it: Co. North Chatham, N. f) ZlItcomo cards cupids, mottoes, Flowers, etc, 61i,JNo two ftlike, with name, k0 c, No.ssa, card co. Nal1011, "Y NEW BLACKSMITH AND DENERAUDBDIND SHOP5DEN 8 A ,C Turimg my now Shop no ir4 xrirfld h•rai tut th it L Ala prepared to. do all kinds of nbitstilittairo, 11iliu ropuirinq of till knish of Agri -alturtiMellitiery, filew erA, Titroshing Nu -ton'., cant I 1..,rsts Slicaing 'A itt Revei that utter - Rao. and hat tug tender -feet treated in the approvvil untautsr, null satisfaction given. Mr Styles of etude, 10 e, or 20 serool cards, 10 ots, witliname,post paid, J 13 Itusted,Litisssu Y, 4 0' gata.:Mat's,vliti:igt" l'ori;tas...:1,1g13.1rs, Z5Fancy Card4,with namc,10c., plsin or gold. Agent's outiit,10e• 100 styles. null & Co„ Ru. *5011, N. Y. Charges Moderate. OP hand all Li^41, et .tvrieiiitm-3: mesa• rreas tile gie:sey Maisufut.4 tro., Now ,tio. y,..c•Pontettaleer the phee•-riret 'shop 'west of tl-ti ro4. llensalt 107= lnniu JtaIr P•17t4. C•nu. Grocer/08'i Uonlectionary Smoking Tobacco 25 Gents per lb NeWspaper Advertising bureau, 10 Spruce st., N. Y HARDWARE 1 If you want any of the following it will payyou to call at O'BYRNE & CO'S CHOICE TBOACCOS AND CIGARS always in itot k. rear SPORTSMEN'S DE roz School Books, Stationery, ;Magazines Willi ALI: THE LATEST news N.R.•••Sewiug nchin, Nceilica of /every kind. A. T -OTD. NEW PIM CTORY At Woodham. Where you can purchase at bcttom prices :— Axes, Saws, Chains, Rope, Cow Ties, Straw Cutters, Paints Oils, Glass, Putby,Locks, Hinges,Naes, Lime, Bolts, Screws, Table andPocket Cut- lery, Gurd's wake of Guns, Revolvers, Powder , Shot, Caps, Scissors, Spoons, Spades, Shovels„Manure and other Forks, Grain Scoops. Scales, Bird Ca- ges, hewed Growth Indian made Illokory Axe Handles, re - climates' Tools, Apple Bearers, Sad Irons, Stencel Letters to mark your bags, Wheel Reads, Wove Wiro, Ls4ches, Hooks, Staples, Farm and School Bolls, iron and Lead Pipe, Lamp Glasses, Razors, Lanterns Coffee and Paint M.fls, Paint 13,uslics, 8411f19140 Machines, Gilt Moublings, Builders' Hardware a specialty. Money to /Attn. Marriage Licenses is- sued. BVOKINGHAWS OLD BLACKSMITH saor is still going, Mr. S.Backinglia= desirps to return his sincere thanks to Itis num e r 0115 pat.:one, w h ohave support , , , , od him in the .044', 1 p a s t, a a d would intimatothat, having recovered from .„ -.."-.......ts. ...,.. his lone ill- ness, he intends ---" In future, to take charge of the horse.shreing department Ait other work done in thevery best style aud at the lowest rates. Si BUCKINGHAM. -% BRAT & EDWAIID lawie, at con- sidvratle (reponse ,*Penrod the nest Ina - (Alien and Atignr the Pominlo,s,andluiveon hand a largestuck Of First -Class PuraDs and are prepared to make to order on the short eft notice Well or Cistern Pumps. 'Wells aud Cisterns coutracted for. All orders by mail attended to. ST. M S LIMEWORKS. • ourdrawn kilns hoinguow in full operation and turniagout daily a Large quantity of WHIZ that foraillpurpoece cannot be surpassed in the Domin- ion. Partiesfrom a distance arta 'slump bevy •• plied either at the kilns or deliverd by teams at low est remunerative rates. Ordersfrom distance promptly attended to. WHITSON & SOLITER. . YORKSHIRE Pac4ing Rou:o1 PIENSALL G. 8c J. PETTY Any quantity of Cured Meat constantly in stock. .Rolls,, Bacon, Hams, smoked, sugar - cured, Lard, stc. Any quantity of PORK CUTTINGS conetantly 011 hand AU S AC1M Wholesale and. Retail. All orders for cured Meat promptly attended to, "