The Exeter Times, 1878-6-27, Page 7uND 27, 1878
Don't argue with a fool, or listeners.
will say there are two of you.
Money is a great lever in the affairs
of !nate : so great a leaver that some of
118 cats never ltcep iL
Scientific agriculturists speak of the
"fruit belt" of the South, It ie where
green apples strike the small boy.
The man who loves onions is the
luau who wants to catch yeu by the
ani and give you his confidence—and
Itis breath.
He sot him down on the steps—that
bad been newly painted—and when he
riz to travel 11o'tle—that gal of his--
> he feinretl.
The girls of Tuscola, Ill., place- a
blue ribbon and a mitten oil the table
when their lovers case to race them,
anti say, "Cleoeee."
A wen beet pin
Meal en a eltair.
Will cause . .n
teaa floe
To I:unp and swear.
"Naval castnrnes" will be worn by
ylich !tidies this year. Common la -
Timms s swiss nv Foca ><ENGTUS.
Pittsburg, Pa., Jnite 20. -The .scan
race between Evan Morris, of this city,
and Edward Hanlon, of Taranto, will
take place en the Knultote Course,
twelve miles above tins city, at 4:30
tide afternoon. The weatheris fine
and the water is smooth.. Morris is
ill fine condition. He will row at 160
pounds io a. paper boat. Hanlon is
in perfect training. Ile will pull at
150 animas, and use a. ceder boat.
Several private bets of $1,000 ouRan-
lon to $800 on Morris have been made.
In the pools Haitian sold at 50 to liors
tis at 30 and 40. Tho indications are
that an immense throng will witness
Pittsburg, Pa.. ,Tune 20. --The five
utiles single scull race between Evan
Morris, at this, city, and I heard Hea-
ton, of Toronto, for a puree of $2.000
1'0 � ofAmerica.
Rl ➢ i Ia41lt
and A ell n 12
a dal$
rowed on the Ilultun course this After -
dies will have to get lilting stint a ni11i !loon, and won by the CttnadiRlll by
dress and a fifte='ih deltar lint. nearly four lengths.
It is estimated that a crowd of 15,(l00
witnessed the race on the I alike and:
1ltll-eittei+, both sittes of the river being
lined with spectators, among who
eros -many ladies, E eurt+ioht tr %i'481
The thin, panne man. who k cantinas
aPy groaning over the wiokedness of
the world, ie in ire trnnbled with dye -
Ji tai« thin t,leesed by religion.
Tne latest style in vests is to out i ran up on both hides of the Allegheny
them l mg will butt In thee!? high, so ash all the aftiirnonn, anal towarde five
to €Five the weea,rera a clerical appear- t,'claiklc tus eseite:l:9nt tt'as very groat,.
. twee and prevent theta from spitting 1>nnl oohing at the course was lively,
en their Slat e+ bOSOIras, but not touch money tette invested, the.
i1.a1'ttlier men hits shot
a burglar otltlii beiig slightly in favor of l:t.'titlatrl.
--tlli4tirnte in 13ra+iford, ka. I3060° Both suets appeased in excellent ai�iiits,
gel g through a Meuse, burglers should
malate cure there is nobody but men
In the brit,=alt li'xie,an of American'
youth there ie no Huth word as fail. A
halt merely b •elves emberaesed and
camp:elin -we cliff* hie creditt►rs for
thirty cent:, n;l the a alittr,
Edienn has iorf eted a fag -horn that
can bti heard ten matte, but when it
tomes to an ION-00i9n iter getting his
hire' girl up in the meriting, he. nnfles
sadly, and fiats to musing en the in-
and were greeted with hied eimei nig oe
they came int« !eight- Morrie for hitt
o dors wore white, and Mullen rad awl
blue. It was stmt+ *Mantes hofote the
got into ilctaiitien, but at 0:10 all w
rtttdy. The word given and the inen
t4nt duvet to their wera in gond alio,
ilntl°til took the lead at the start, and
a heif mile from tate starting post wee screen,
Still ahead. and pulling 81 grace per
minute. 'Morrie now made a vigorousf
spud, and as the then paelsed ant of
sight around the bend of the river, was Rai
gradnally closing upon hie adversary.
19liztibi'tit :'Ellen, in a poets, asks, . When the :nen e;uno in eight of the
'"Oh. willow, why forever weer :�" Ibb16 nfQanlure hin ss sevenl a timingljis njl int
aelizabellt ie a little mietwkea as to the . orris had aiuen two lengths, and the Il isn't tits wllow that weeps !Moriehaamonginegts,the
itttt�nsn, Burris iwna tllepl pulling 3 a es, Jobsters, Sahnon
boor end c.f it. ,
By an Immense practice, extending through a
r vied of years, having; witiun that time treated
•j Sny thousand cries of those aliseoses pecellar to
woman, I have been enabled to perfect a most
potent and agreeable medicine that meets the in-
dications presented by that class of diseases with
positive certainty anti exactness.
Being now in receipt of a large stook of To designate this natural specific compound, I
Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines ano
Liquors, Crockery, Etc.,
At his Store, Main Street, Exeter, whisla will be sold at
The inhabitants of Exeter ana vicinity need not feel troubled
at the want of a market wherewith to make looney, but 1
call at the store of the stabscriber and
there to be had in O erooa in4, Full»��ltatbs, Broad -clot}
Doe skins, Silks, Winceys, Delaines, and everything
needed in the I)ry Goads line, The Grocery
Department is Complete. Au inspection invit-ed
tro dile to show goods
rogery and Lienor Stare
A !targe stock ot
Japan, Young Hyson and
Black Teas,
Currants, Pziu.
pies , Canned.
"Wes your sister Annie ever say
anything ab•tut nae, Rigby ?" naked nn
itfixious lover of a little girl. "Yrs,"
"tits the reply," "she mid if you find
rockers on your shoes, they'd snake a
nice cradle for my doll."
A it'wly married enuiile of Mrs. J's
acgneintanue •'n L,'ine asked the other
day. "What was the difference between
a bride and a laridegron:n 2" immedi
ately replied, ''Ally, ono is given away
le Mali enrresjloudent says :--CRin•
stud the other is mild." atla ham, ad I before stated, been grime.
Robinson, of llackensnek, does not ed four *genes of seven feet square
r 1
bidet). On these, during the last week,
have been completed, chiefly' u: der the
t;upervisiou of 111r, Selwyn, four very
creditable smaller trophies, typical of
our produce --gold, coal, timber and
plumbago. Thu first of these is siitaa-
att•d on the side towiud the Indian pa-
vilion. It is a lingo guilded octahedron
(the crystalline form of gold) and its
cubic conteuts represent the amount of
gold Canada has produced, viz., 4,178,.
0-30 entices, of which British Columbia
claims 8,852,000, Nova. Scotia 271,000,
and Quebec 50,000 ounces. On the
same stand, surrounded by moss and
topped by small Canada firs, are a gi-
gantic crystal of apatite, great masse,
of iron and cooper ores, a piece of jas-
per stone from Lake Superior, and
a chromic iron boulder. The coal
trophy faces the machinery gallery,
at,d also makes a very fine chow. The
4ttoltes to the minute. Hamlett tnrued,
the bony four lengths ahead, and, de-
spite the !efforts of the Pittebnrger,
niaint.:inod that distance on the homepull, cr•, the winning line about
four lengths ahead. Time, 38 tuinuteci,
think that bis daughter s beau tillnuld tt nut d her large trophy at the Exhi-
stay so late in the evening. The other
morning she was praising the beau for
his s'rcngth of character. "Yes," said
Ii, lb'insnn,"he has great staying pow-
flit City 7lerrck:--If another week
rolls round and we do not read of a
valuable hive of horses being kicked to
detail try a team of been, or something
like that, we will begin to think all our
best newspaper men have gone to the
Paris Exhibition.
"What wars the principal element of
my success ?" asked a reformed milk -
num ot wealth at a workingmen's con-
vention, the other day ; and behold his
modesty overcame his assurance when
a ragged boy from the t:altery answer•
eta back: "Water, you old cheat."
Had his eyes opened— An old Scotch-
snan,on marrying every young wife,wae
rallied by his friends on the inequality form is a truncated square pyramid 20
of their ages:. "she will be near me," ft. high, and it is composed of large
he replied, "to clo: a my sen." "Teel," blocks of coal from the different mines
remit it another of the party, 'I've of Nova Scotia. An imitation level,
had t a wives, and they opeued my timbered in the recital style, has beet'
ern t" driven through the base ; and on a pair
We have never been able to under- of rails laid in it a typical coal mine
stand how it is that 'a woman, who is truck is placed. Ab ave the eutrauce
apparently deaf when her husband asks two mining picks and a shovel are eros•
her where that half -dollar is he left in sad ; the whole effect savouring thor-
his pantaloons' pocket before going to ouglily of the depths of the earth. The
to bed, can hear the wail of her two third trophy of wood is a particularly.
week's old baby down two flights of fine exhibit. The front is composed of
stairs and through three deal doors. the great section, 8 ft. scross, of the
Forgot the ineident.—Waterford, N. AbiesDouglassiifromBritish Columbia,
Y., has the cha.rpion absent-minded standing e on end, with a thick ve, plank
young woman, She tens recent! mar- from the same tree reared above, and
y gy ornamented with a design of saws and
rind, and a few days after had her fur- axes. These were both at the Centen-
laiture insured, but the next day ap- pial. Behind, radiating' from a .con-
;leered before the agent and wanted tee, Amite ham all our chief trees are
the policy changed, explaining that built aroundwhile above all is placed
she had forgotten that she WAS 'tame
a. fine Canadian pine growing in a large
ried, and bad had leer maiden am pot, The fourth and last space is oc-
inserted in the pulley. cupled ba a great mass of plumbago,
A Iieutucky man who was pullednearly four feet long and two feet
out of the river by the hair, has sued square at the euds. - This magnificent
his preserver for $10,000 damages. it specimen is on a stand, and protected
is hoped that the latter would h ave to from handling; by a glass case placed
come down with the cash. To bo over it. ` The rest of the exhibits from
mulcted in $10.000, damages might the Plumbago Company, consisting of
teach him a wholesome lesson against crucibles of all sizes and numerous
!fulling fools ont of the water by the
• !lair, and ,crippling .the protiperity of
Lille town.
Bitter Sauce and Pickles, Brandies, Gins, Wines and Syrup
Rye, Malt, Scotch, Trish and Common `"4 hiskies,•Tobaccos
and Cigars,
` `"l:i<>l.e:s l: o arid Retail.
Main Street, Exeter.
4.1r0 [1N p, CLA .1,. HE
bits mueh pleasure in informing his eu
in every department.
Exeelle+fit Value
l,xeullent value
Excellent value
Excellent value
Excellent value
Excellent value
Esc:bent ♦ slue
Excellent value
Excellent value
Excellent value
Excellent value
Itxceilent value
Exctllent value
Excellent value
Excellent value
Eecellent value
Excellent value
Excellent value
Also Groceries,
l Produce taken as
specimens from the mine, are Dow be-
ing planed in one of the show cases l Produce taken to exc a a
around the large trophy.
stomers and the bnblie Haat his stork is now cotnulete
lu goods the season requires he is showing
ata La'Ves' Linen Costumes.
in Dress GOMIS and Cashmeres,
in Sunshndoa nth1 Parasol..
in Ladies; Silk Ties and Ribbons.
in Ladies' and Children's Lisle Gloves.
in Ladies' and Children's Hoisery.
in Frilling and ltuchings.
in Laces, fringe anti Buttons,
in Prints (a large stock.)
in Grey and White cottons.
in Table Linen, and Brown Hollands.
in Towels and Towellings.
in Plain and Checked Ducks.
in Brown and Blue Denims.
in Tweeds and Coatings.
in Beady Made Clothing.
in Felt and 5 raw Hats.
in Boots and Shoes.
Crockery, W,.il Paper, Etc.
usual, and the highest price paid j
have named it
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription,
The term, however, is but a feeble expression of
ugh .appreciation of its value, based, upon
my own personal observation. As a close uo=
server, L have, while witnessing its positive re-
sults in the few special diseases incident to the
separate organism of woman, sitlr:e i it not as
el.caeC tse"asotvmdna.rer U'1 mrrit a titie,
sate, and etfertual remedy for this class of dis-
eases, and one that will. at all times anti under all
circumstances, act kindly and in harmony with
the laws which govern the female system, bam
willing to stake my reputation as a physician.
Nay, even more, so confident am I that It wilt not
disappoint the most sangaino estaectations of a
single invalid bade whe a=es it for any of the
ailments for which l: reeommerei it, that I °eer
anti sell 11 melee A POSITIVE Gi AIIAN
byte tigie t obeneficial
third oft he is
volae Lot-
tee are used, I will, on return of the bottle. two-
thirds of the medicine having Leen taken tomer l-
ing to directions, and Ole case being -m:0 for whiicl,
ter Gr Ii it I not>iitu most refund
its virtues, I collet not offer It as I do under _O a -e
commons; tee having witnessed at. tint nidr:tca-
lons cures is tholtianda of eases, 1 feel wart.
nd a.fefe itIkg
befit rateId,
um repttduIperatlou actlyndsatel)' ;at riis)' arint
Its merits.
'he following are aateong tltn'e dl=ra.'es in
tvhich my iFavttritO Preseriptlata hzs,wur>,•
ed cure- as if by magic, and oath a
. t,ntr
never before attained byany medicine: Len -
Corrine; Excessive Flowing, Painful blotithly
Periods, SIp +re sinne when from nenataratl
causes, irregularities, Weal; Il:tel:, 1'ra'.ap;n} or
falling of the t tea n, Anteversion and Ilctrov er.
enin. hearing flown Sensations, Interval neat,
Nervous Ile(iIrd 1 it, Iac•bliitc, ale smuts: vs.
'I'ttl'eatenet. ai,;earriage Chronic .Congestion. In.
damnation and l k erstion of the ['terns, nsImps.
teneev. Barrenness, or Sterility, k einale Weakness,
and ver ebonite many other ehite,lase a e+. i n !lent 10
wnin:la not mentioned bete. In an of echoes tel
this nature. me Favorite Presenptt' n works
cures --the marvel of the World. Tan..
tnedirine I do no; extol as a cure an. haat it
admirably amens a singletsew, of par.
pose, tieing a most eeriest -testae In a:1 elar•aie
ea of ntlyuei,ia
nn dbal)insexual la di nn arty elate
or rondtuun.
I'tn. a wile desire further tnfermatinn on these
sale et•can obtain it in TUB 1'r:ate t s Coalnu
tiBNS' "le. a b.n n of ever twe
page;, enc inlet paid, un receipt ot S' ,G It
treads minutely of 'nose ltisa ee.; esteet tt
Females, 1 We tt3igives mag .n2Qtr. of hh set. Sect Ube in re -
R. V. PIERCE, M. D., Prap'r,
Bf l"I''eiLO, N. 1'.
The subscriber, 8.15..7ones, wishes to thank she people of Exeter, and surrounding country, for the lib
eralpatronage which he has received since among yon, as a Watch maker and Jeweler, and also in-
form you that I have a large quantity of goods to dispose of, some of which are
and a great quantity of which aro not, these will ho sold very cheap for cash. Clocks sold for $5.50 03.00
4.50, $2.71, now sell for $4.25, $4.00, 0835; 0425. Vetches that sold for $30.0e 525.00, $ 20.00, $15.00, naw
sell $20.00,•018,00, $14.00, $10.00.
c 00
or sugar -Coated, Concentrated, Root
and herbal .voice, Anti -Bilious
Granules. 'l'IIE «LITTLE GLINT"
CATBAR'ilC, or itlnittttn itt Parvo
Tao notetty aif modern Iltedlcal, Chemical, and
t'itarnl at l ntie:tt Seienae. Ne vie tit anv longer
taking the large, repulsive. and 115050na5 pills,
,'tin ittt ,'tt of etie tp erwlc and bulky ingredients,
8111811 net.u8, by careful tppti.•atzon tit01lem1051
s('ten,'c oxtt;tet all the etch a tit• and ether•• meet -
renal properties front the dinst valuable rentstnt,t
t .t ran
e^ , eft cwu fie ahem
h .b, m1 n i
scarcely larger that: a ntllstard
taoed, that elan be readily sn:dtnlrett by those el
the most seil•iitl1C stomachs' anti fa-tidinns tastes.
Stich little Purgative Pellet represents, in a
utost concentrated form. as =ell cathartic power
5.1 lc embodied 1n tum 01 010 large pills toiled ter
sale in drug -shops. From their wonderful cathar-
tic power, in ennlparisom to their size, people who
have not Inc.!ithem are apt to suppose that the
are lineal* ordrastle in coot: bunt such is not at all
the ease, the diu'erent active medicinal principles
of which thee are composed being so harmonized
and nlrnliileci, one lir the othets, :la 10 produce
a most searching and thorough yet
and Mildly operating, cathar-
$500 Reward is hereby offered by the pro-
prietor of these Pellets, to may chemist who, upon
analysis, will end .in them any calomel or older
forms of mercury, mineral poison, or injurious
Being entirely vegetable, no particular
care is required while using thein: They operate
without disturbance to the constitution, diet. or
neeupation. For Janitdice, headache,
Constipation, Impure Blood, Pain in
the Shoulders, Tightness of the Chest,
t) zziitems, Sour Eructations from the
sta,tnaeh, Bad ta'.te in the month. Bil-
lon. attacks. Pain in region of Kid-
neys, internal Fever, Bloated fueling
about Stomach, Bush of Blood to
Mead, Iii h.colored urine, 'Vaso tale
bitity and Gloomy Forebodings,
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative _Pel-
lets. le explatnntioe of the remedial power of
n1w purgative Pellets over so great a variety of
di=cases,. I wish' to say that their action
upon the animal economy is univer-
sal. not a laud or tissue escaping
their sanative impress. Age does not
impair the properties of theses Pellets. They are
sugni-coated and inclosed in glass bottles, their
virtues being thereby: preserved unimpaired for
any length of time, in any climate, so that they
are always fresh and rettable. This is not the
case with those pills which are pet up in cheap
wooden or pasteboard boxes. ltecnlleot that for
all diseases where a Laxative, Alterative,
or Purgative, is indicated, these little Pellets
wail give the most perfect satisfaction to all who
use them.
They aro sold by all Druggists at 25
cents a bottle.
Z. V. PIERCE, It, D., Prop'r,
Cit O TO
—FOR ---
Always New and Fresh.
Soap G-iven Away
—21 Bars for One Dollar.-
Solid gold Watches and Chains a specialty. Do not fail to give me a call before purchasing else. Copd Vinegar. 2ko. per Gallon, Cholas,
where, as I think it would be to your advantage. Syrups. Market Baskets—chnap:
1ii,B. Don't forget the place—R. & E. Sid-
e° a great number of Table Cruets, Cake Baskets, Butter Coolers, and a great many other things to per's, opposite Mr. E. Christie's Hotel.
numerous to mention. 'Violins, and Violin Strings. In fact everything in the lino ohe.tri foroash.
Lan .efor eons.