The Exeter Times, 1878-5-2, Page 1r
Vol Vs
No. 35
110110 '0 of these figures, and that if the comnari-
N, J . OKE ,
seee etenterte attemle111/1e GO 1 EL\ MEN 1 AND 111E sou were drawn between the la' whole
re. sees ot reles :.:,mrzzA. 1.t this
OPLL'. year of the Ilacel000ld adminietration
and 1873, e still wider difference would
T-131:1; NYOFIrlatITI/AVAOAKCP r Mien eneoests tante. be exhibited. The mer '-e of pepuna.
teiess eat Mil,. won •••,'„.,,,;=:2,U non does not neceesarily increase the
t. rit-iutr * cc, .„
143: ,11 par. rue P.:Furor the 7 isle's.
tire 14a0..1; . government's outa
ly ; the sawing of
. • S1R.-Ainongst the many profeesions wort; performed is the criterion to go
f i ellen etletteeten by the 11,e. A• !2)e exception of the 814311
NNTED.- A ItiQtt tv-1YMeelieem
zie et 1U feHowere when in" gsit•V if Trice Edward Ieland t
ovvosition, tiotac., were ne t1 C134 fi'Setettere ankl Legisletore is
'It'11"Ar4 3119.11 thrit of ecenenty in s3 in both yeere. Th4 number
le .7. tee_ 1 P 4tc tho OW It miliajonp, Or passed through Pitellatuent is
NT .1. CLA111;., .astetit fer the L. Bet eniee their metesitie to power this 're. S more in 0174.
e trees Wliat =arrP 4 mi. in Om tlint •riu, hw.• I the atIministration of jastice le
itt-• •i-e-r.•eet co. to: 1,r3 by ; *v • *
tlti i. 1t. neon thrown Aside, unit WP 11341 t'l•tlay p teipell3r defrayed by each Trevino°
eeouomy. I hould be borne in mind
that the Actual expenditure is in excess
ling money to be expended on Public
works, to benefit the farmers and 11381.
° bermen of the Weetern States -combi-
ning to expend Immense sIMIS to deep-
en the canals to compee with these
linea or railroad built largely by tillt
own bard Cash -canal$ winch wire
enfficieut for many years to :erne for
all Canadian commerce. Worts of
great magnitude, involving leauthatla of
thonsaude of dollar, have been carried
on in cenneetien with the Parliament
buil tinge at Ottawa- work% ourely of
an otuatnental kind and when eetn,•le•
Lod of very ipteetortable beetuy. Feb-
; ulotet pricee have been peel io tho
struethn of harbourg anti Lb...041 113
phreee where they eau only be need' for
s .• • " ' that in evert; breaen ef the ptiteie fa their own special Guido, and by liteitkA Inca Purtwoo1.1,11
3. 110
it it -tuns
`e,S. (.A.M.1.1111iLlie ritovt:NCIAL
verse a large ittareeseli «1tenee plane. the 1) 1113113 thivornment, Wit 11141y partietins revel in bloeted teettracts ar
1t 11 Br.oett i tio,spek•eli sefely infer no such inert:a:et am ono 'li buten in well tetitl ellieeo, the Prime
•"'3"1'4.; Lanigo 1.441•11131 intelits thine 11 it loveliest and fifty per ceut 441111 have Minister, the patent sett dine' bearer of
„, eiseet reeses eieer: claim': the .ltdattlenizie rleverunteet ile- 311131)1 place in Met din artment.
ea. si .e 1 offtlf.' +It 11,•^%.3. 'titled to rule. 11313 when, we rement. , aud building of raitrormiti through the
r her that nearly five years have already unsot tied tho Editor of the linens
'totems of our territory, are.
advised hies for his own good to change
his class, and hie own action at 13rnee-
th•ld proves the Exeter judges to have
been cerrect. When lie refused to
eIlauge his class at. Exeter, rather than
sst ti hint off without a prize at all, roil
'It sympathy for him they offered him
the eecsnd prize, and as a reward for
their Madness Ire abused them. The
Isis Mr. Hill any abut the Exeter ann
Ilehe 44 slows the better foe the
• ereglit of hie horse.
pablic morality, with a perverseness, a
Li% NI:"; , Strr. tiorreA credit lila./ this iecresee hes not U'eler the bead of Lamle:alio% al. blimenrine moat a et), treets with con-
neerer. ef oneenso no• been more. There may he 'matt truth though senility lumber of Emigrants temet the appeats of the Coneerveeive
t;5.. "1'44. 1"1"'' "r"""1 dint argument, whee wo remember 1 has been brounlit in, the expense in. •epposttion to stay hie lavieh !owl, anti
s nneete "ti 111- etee"1--• • t ' f Ant, 4,4•1-k. •• 'vl w, 0r0a401. A, most extraordinary increase) reeerve the freele wider his contrrd for
en; ::0111 III, 1 41•0:-.. I: Z•14.34`rik,7,'•' zit t - ‘4.1 rem • • 1 • - • r 1" 2 r
e .1 -t 11iff 131 331433 of eltin ring the ft et. weenie. 'of :;3115.000 la vieible the 00114 °lion; werna of greater teseessity, aud from
„Lc • .1,1ettnint-enteen to power, the ntrober of rel nisei ;of revenue, while it is well known helm whiell t13e eeuritty wonlit veep mere
';1-1•nnen 1°, 34 11.4 lt id 4.1 ax10,1 bungling of the tittanee Tiwy palette;
by well t'aiti '1,14,01; Un't- innPitn,14, or the t'Artwright 'VV.:1011.W ; 4Al1t 3 1 hice filet do trolley new spent,
• • -4 *s." ' ' 33383*11 loi•ie of ri.4.•• Jut ham twela celik otel. het why the ex, frittered awes; warree af 1333 1
, ne - • e ne e • e 4,4 i" 2 ' • were noted lly hit 1.1.31 ; PN1q1.1 01111i.021114 81011ini be a tay,d0ry if iirP!;orverl anal 0. *330*238 3113
1 13 3 3.4'1 ef personal reit: [-abbe 143.111013 eau ollir SolVi'd by the feet.. went 1 g • a long way in the. healing of
t.• sen 1.. t:' r ...;
13300.393 tlieunfet eel:antes ' utireceseany eferits wore Q111013'03' AIM!. 311'1 11 i. It 31 1 1:41' %%Ida 31
iN 33*3333, gam!, tetty and ;Faye 3,1 t.k.), Tye wiele/4 irseerred. 111 the *nee- - eettlenneits (If our 11.1i,t4.4311 tcreitorik••;
•14-4.-3 -
f.'.,';,•te leen -1 et., t. -.1 A.c7,-;;c14 14 11144 satistue-ory PXfalaUfl- 3(1* 180133 of the loon. office S11110104 A • tench Ina hie caroler are
„ neese nee:, ens . r ti 1111 Is 11,0 3,1;tt eyes WAr43 rispiirel 1.1e77. Bet itt,'1101 fitr, by pie•nie speeeLiss at 11.111
.„ „ ...; - e 1
11, u;1.101-;;,10 '/C 10d, r 414 tux•rtycr,-, whom, *loans ar0 eleatr.• 1, the subsides to etvartiberee, railrotele ',vents eisee ; his waste, by the reetir.
or are ,311 4011 4,4 1'10' cOccc 12c' tr-,IF I
, I -1.4;fft.s 4if'r-44 9.301 illr<O1V01 3j03 ':3211.1 011130fli'43i'M fit 1.101-41)AsfOrit aro retrain of nu dead ri•480.1 Of twenty
4/ 13 31 ••" 1110 5331 ijr,, to mitn•fy Ho greedy elawourd 8101d1C3.1 With amentits granted by', yews ago.
t" •";,,itovr. euhigud politiciato. 1 by Ito d, 3110 roritter NOrilltliglt. Ill what wily
ntenTw mein:wen „ tritttNielt to exaggerate the faitlts
of the eau 1116 att,miona1 (•xpen-o ariestunt•t
, t ,t .,„, '11„, at ,ll3i , present incumbents in power, nor am I e't for ? eau stay exonse he utft•rtel for/
t r cf143 rric one, Of t1 (1343 bieleveANOTHEIt Flet/31 IXR
1t, L. that tho eon- t1*i' (.313*e:sena. ('*.IILU ?
e, „e, e.Te, 33343 tr, a011118e/Vti i•arty ie the only party en- loth ie werke, opening up canals .DOYE.E.
.71.3 hen, I 3,11.i if.. rs tees, anise we ie.
re 81:
LAKE, Vetoed:Asia/1er, 'neer. ,13M0,41.1 s enorrnontl tom of money ex / IMP?rtallt tin tiilti thtiralVing on :Ow Do .
811/,--1 feel great pleasare in being
'e3ta,' ".."1'".11!".',111„L,1141'tiq '3' .,',Vtre` vended by the Iti form oarty-lio itn• mutton authorities. The in'ttro gneet-
tit.,,s8 0/. dd.., e „Into, win &rend on the ithlo tel e •Intrittailitte y,13, Hutt, yen have
Ilan „.W.,,':.",e:,'n'Selel,..e. 01 1*. no %1st ful nodes of ttny
Tho ono izontiont us rosining in Exeter, who .)11,1VATie FU'N111'i to loan at 8 per magnitude untertalcen; that the mean33! manner they aro perfor isf0 ht.
118(1. I 11‘t patience of lob te work nut the
of tire UM i-,11 are frittered away in petty 1 preeeut Reform, Crovereinent have ..
joired' , ilade 1110* except to gran the lt proved thernseivee utterly vie te ab ''"
le of '“ 1 '• • ., i. . 4 Vl
talppen 3 of dud/krill CialtifitaigliS-tipg ,I. 113u141111133 these practical queeti Mil. Sfl 8111 111'1 111".-Tre of mi°rmthg 111111 that
I wait 11(33 rte usorritut of the magnitude eesvrta-ANTING. _ Dean, .3,1::e, over ,till,000,(100,(9) are already sunk in lintent bave they been in stt engthen-
1,0 „2„013 of the pm qinfettou as 110 supposed I
4 1.',"4. W.n.f.S3'.111.4Wn 'El rowmalple terws indliing, prelitniMi ry surveys of the Pa- in m their peretion in office,
The next thing now is my 89111-•
eiiic Railroadettel but 45 miles graded- of their time has been oacepica iu de- 709 -
(Ina of that (wetly farm. Stdation-
I-T 1t• Almorr L. 1).8..11.11.C.D.F. that most 0011133 liable increase 1lasi 114,011 , &ding the el 333314 of Heel p tin le .1 eine
.11, • • '12• X 612 - 48013 ; then 1(3 4*, x 4000 2
iiratinutti of It.val (.0,114 /.4k id 11121110 in the expense of maintairtine the Iporters, itt the making of Ile x allures
-...281. 474,076,710.06; then 1le1.474.-
111)11TO.WES 1101.7t11r.
EN1IAL 8UlsiG BO N S. 11
oovernmeut; surely it is time for every
iatelligent man te investigate this mat -
Ogles In Pinvinen 8l,,e1c,-13Ilig• obi annul, nester. ter. Tho old stock, ory of "John tl..
eXtraVagatiCe" is woru out, it cennot to
-1 a refuge longer for Morns Shiners. -
to haven larger pattonage to distribute,
that the aff tire of the csun try are over.
looked, in the nieteemly scramble for
place and private profit. However
necessary it may be that public, works
141.01Lun LIST. Wo have before us thi estimates of two should be attended to, there is one duty
=ens- eassessee.e.' aesesesseee-sesese-.......sese= ye irs, from June 1878 to July 1874,a1111 which only and enhroly belongs to the
FlOI1 teA.LL WD.WHELSEIA- • trent June 1876 to July 1877. the for- jurisdiction of the Dominion Gavern-
House aml Lot. Coon stand fi.r a shoeing -
her, A eerner lot, For miriiculars. appl;:lly 143 141
Cr ta-raimullv to ISALUY BROWS. Wnwheleta p.o
VAIt'11. FOR SALE. -East half of
,,.. en to 244 con. rehorne, containing 33/terve
. Dirrnan=.
all improved and under good cultivation. Thera
are tot tha premises, /Louse. Barn. Stable and I Charges Of management -
Driving lianse,(with root cellar under), all framReform,
e: 569,100
two good wells with pumps, ands. gout young or-
Conservative, 59,550
chard. Two 10313474 3230111 rxeter. Apply to
Bounarr FANsoN or 1:1103tAti ALLIN,
Exeter P. 0. 99,550
Less p'a for P. E. Island 4,000 -
Civil Government --
Reform, 53)89,021
Conservative, 570,000
mer under Coeservative re9tme, the
other miller the boastod Reform. The
figures are as follows :-
aud two Lots on Ann Street, Exeter. The
11011803s storey aud a half high, frame, new, =I.
aontabi8 eight large riUmas. Stable and other con-
veniences on the premises. A number of young
fruit trees ou the lots. Apply to
))ONA.Ld ThYLOB, Pxeter,
-le scriber offers for sale his farm, Lot 13 -
Con. 14, TOwnship of 'Osborne, 0 linty of Enron,
SO acres °lea o3, tho remainder rod bush, well
fenced, and in a300(1 state of cultivation; under,
drained, good orchard, splendid well of water.
frame barn 30x60,1o,,,, stable 2,4410, log house, and
oonvenimit to school and three churches. For
further particulars apply to
BBICANS, Hiatt on, P.O., or
5111. B. V. ELLIOT, Attorney, Exeter P.O.
lepton' No, 192 North of the old Wesleyan
Cluumh will be sold at a bargain and on maim. -
able terms. For particulars apply to
WILLIAM Efuemsx, Orsditon,
or to
B. BISSETT, Exeter.
Lot 90, N. S. Stephen,. °outgoing 50 acres
About 35 00308 clearei, and m a good state of cul-
tivation. Good log house said stable on the ore-
mises. Three acres orchard planted last spring
Any quantity of fence rails nn the lot, split and
piled. For areas auply to OTTO SOLDAN P. 0
Iiasbmuod. 51. 1443
The bsoriber offers
.12 for sale, let 13. concession 5, Stephe.1,
four miles and a half from Exeter, comprising
100 acres. 90 aeres cleared. Good log house
and frame barn, splendid water, soil fit for
dairy or grain, alsor splendid brickyard on
the premises, For further particulars apply
to EIMILIID YOUNG, on the premises, er to Exe-
tqr,P 0 •
_Li. the subscriber wishe4 to leave for the
North West, he offers for aale that desirable va-
let.° property', situate on the btu* of 1=0:vex in
Exeter North, lots 31, 32 and 33 on Elizabeth,
Street -three-fifths of an acre. The lots are in a
high state of oultivation,with f uit trees in a good'
bearing condition, consisting of apples, pears,
peaehes, plums, cherrins, currants and grapes.
A new dwelling -house with cellar 38 x 24, concrete
floor, a stable, also a well of water and pmts in
well on the premises., Jopiv nn this premises or
by mail to JOHN KILVATRIOE, Exeter P. 0.
Administ'n of J'stice-
Reform, 046,325
Conservative, 17,000
lieform, 0304,158
Conservative, 211,713
Immigration -
For Agents, 526,000
Canting's, 54,000
Gen'l exp's, 150,000
Total $220,000
Agents, 521,050
Conting'n's, 14,000
Gen'l exp's, 150,000
Total $185,000
Stean:boat Insp'n-
Reform, 5697,591
Conservative, 602,237
Coll'n Revenue -
Reform, $697,531
Conservative, 602,237
Culling Timber --
Reform, 81,500
Conservative 78.000
Post Oce -
Reform, $1,732,500
Consorylive 1,316,000
meat ; that is Protection. I do not
mean by this, proteution in a trade or
manufacturiug sense, but protectian to
the lives and property of all honest
citizens. Indeed by some political
economists Ulla is considered the only
legitimate duty of any Government.
Everything else they 'maintain should
be left to private euterprise and exer-
5,55° tion, and that the laws should bays
only one object in view, individual lib-
erty aud the protection of thrt property
119,029 which rightfully belongs to him -pro.
Wade° from criminals at home and eg-
ression from foreigners. I do not con -
e9,325 cur altogether with this theory. Never-
theless I am of the opinion the defence
of the nation ought to be secondary to
no other obligation resting with the
ministry of the day. Yet is is an ob-
ligation which has been wilfully ne-
glected for the last five years, and the
only position of the public, service iv
which Mr. Mackenzie has attempted to
economize. If the reduction were made
in the expensive staff officers, the hall
of whom might very well be dispensed
with, he might claim some credit, but
the economy commences at the wrong
end, in a contemptuous penuriousness
in the treatment of the rank and file of
our volunteers, in thedeetruction, from
want of care,.of their arms and emu -
3,800 trements and an entire absenco of en-
couragement of that military spirit so
essential to the maintenance of a free
95,354 and independent people.
For the last few years a great cloud
of depression has overcast teary branch
3,600 of industry. Goodshave shrunk in
value, prioes of all products of the land
have been low, aud ging wn. Under
416,500 such circumstances .would it eet have
been wise and prudent for our legisla-
tnre to introduce retrenchment in the
public expenditure. and as far as pos-
eible reduce the burthens imposed by
taxation ? But the policy. of our
Reformers has been ..f an opposite
character --increased taxation on ar-
dgeneral consamption--borreW-
Total Increase 5800,445
So that we find an iucrease in the ex.
poise of managing these departments
of over three quarters of a million dol-
lars, by a government who have made
such loud aud repeated professione of
076,710,05V x -i diental by 1,000 will
give the same result as that obtartnel
by my most esteemed friend. Now,
Mr. Editor, as Mr. Thos. Gregory con-
sidered that the above question was too
simple to engage the attention of the
Huron teachers, I think it would not
bo much nut of place to give one or
two that 1 learned in the Transatlantic
World, which I hope the teachers will
take more of an interest in than the
Yankee question. 1st. It is required
to find out at what distartee from either
en 1 of a board umat it be cut so as to
make two equal parts of 13, the board
being three feet at one end and six feet
at the other, and tw.e•tty long. No. 2
will concern our loiglly !piloted Queen
Victoria. Every child in the Demisdon
knows the Qilee/1 wa4 born on the 24th
day of 131117 -so now let the old folks
tell its what day 01 3110 week she eon
born on in the year of 1810, A. I/.
The above two are not vague imegioa-
dons, aud whoever will he good enough
to 1 -end answers for publication to the
Editor nf this geol, domestic aril patri-
otic parer, will bo meritorious mid in-
deed uo nitmompe p.
Hester DOYLE.
To the Editor of the Times. '•
DEAR notice in your issue of
the week before last, that Mr. Hill, the
owner of the norso "Young Scotch
Miracle" complains bitterly of the treat-
ment be received from the Judges at
the Exeter Spring Show. It is II3 n y
piece to .defend the judges, but 811 11.8
horse and mine were exhibited in the
same class, and as my lerse is the ore
ho leers to as that whioh should have
been shown in another class, I hope
you will allow mo a few words in reply
to hien. My French horse is an agri-
An'tural horse and. has always been.
shown as such. Mr. Hill says his
horse has always been shown as au ag-
ricultural horse. At Brucefield he en-
tered Lim as such and tooli him into
the ring with the agrioultural horses,
but seeing that the judges 'paid no
tention to him, he Auietly withdrew
him and entered him as a generaltpur-
pose, showed in that class atel took the
sewed 'prize. ' At Exeter the judges
tsbeenei April 27th, 1878.
Strawberries have already hem
gr4wn in tho northern part of thili
e013 3ty.
A. buggy has been shipped how God-
erie:t WAustraiia.
A, young man named Smith was
drowne 1 at Ltke View, Towusbip of
Ltity, on Tuesdey 16th host.
Mr. Kaiser is erecting a now hal: at
ilvt.1)1,eit'till:oltIot Ina, a little son of )Ir.
31331'19114, 1.4orter'8 1.1111, was kicked 133
the ferelrea 1 by a horse anti badly hurt.
Lest week Mr. John O. nion, of
the hayfield litre, lest a flee liorso by
Tee came of the Brucetield ceielzet
SAM 11 11111Rate:flimy,
num ; Pr. St,iwart, Pres.; Mr. Bose,
Vier don 11. Cameron, See-Treas.
Tire besinees men of Brussels have
agreed to c1is their etoree over eve -
nese, tiestopt Setae. ley, at 7 o'cloelc.
The C mssreative Aeeoeietien ef
11tylield lost elected the following otli •
are Wainwright, Pres.; 11. tr.
rieon tool W. W Conner, Vise -Preen;
F. C. Aileen, See.; Henry Howard,
1:reeta:e*warki is offered for the couYietien
of the preen or pereous who set fire to
Joeepit Womb's Vern in the Toweship
or they.
Mr. Samuel Scarlet, of McKillop,
has sold to Mr. Joseph Forester, of
Maim, Township of Statile)... a two yeav
ohl tberoughbred Durham. Bull for the
sum of .,585.
Tho popnlation of the Town of Clin-
ton, according to the last 00118119, is
A few days since a son of Mr. John
011130, of Colborne, wits riding a colt,
when the animal became frightened
and threw his rider. The young fellow
fell with considerable force breaking Lis
foot at the ankle.
Dixie Watson has resignetl the po-
sition of organist of St. Paul's Chureh,
On Saturday afternoon last the Ex-
p -es s coming east killed two animals
belonging to Mr. Geo. Nixon, con. 3.
Lendor township, at Hyde Park June.
tion. Mr. Nixon bad turned them out
on the road with the intention of taking
them to pasture, but was detained be-
hind in driving them. It should be re-
membered that, according to the muni-
cipal by-law of London Township, no
live stock, with the exception of sheep,
is allowed to ran upon the public high-
Oa Monday evening six detectives
and five policemen surrounded a gamb-
ling den at No. 166 Adelaide street To-
ronto, and succeeded in arresting ten
gemblers, named Jahn Fleming, Rich-
ard Young, John Gorman, Charles
Wise, Fred Walker„ Peter Green, and.
Seth Triganue. Three men escaped.
The gamblers heard the police coming,
and bid a Dart of the tools. A faro
table aud some cards were, however,
secured. On the police marching their
captives to the station, it was surreund-
ed by 40 er 50 ineu aux1ous to give
bail. A wheel of, fortuee, or sweat
board, was also seized et the races.
The Police mean to Proceed vigernne-
ly against all gambling dens in the city.
On Monday et ening last abont 300
Union men o ngregated. at the 'Welling-
ton' Bridge, Pcint St. Charier', near
Montreal, to assail the Orange Young
Britons and their friends on their wey
home from it concert. During the me-
lee a Mrs. Meehan received four :bul-
lets in the leg, whioh Dr. Barnes s ut-
eeeded in extraoting. Corporal' ,Lang,
of the Prince of Willett Rifles, also re-
ceived a bullet wound. • Two Union.
men are reported mbot •one is dang,11-
ously wouuded in the Lad.