The Exeter Times, 1878-3-14, Page 2i, 1S48
Amon„ the eubaclib4ers t.) Auclub,.n's
magerificet1l. work Un ettlltnezlogy was-
Julie .fuze."( As'or. lie was always
zLdy tU eu o:irt1.',.,`t! eueu 1vtlrli:r4, :4t4d' 11e
put lite mime d. tli; a Olt AlldlibeWe beck
for +1,00. Dater the 1*r,,grese ot
the work, whi h peeved t,' t+e mere ex.-
peueive time luta hi ft et helu at'etivl-
pitted, '11r. AU.itto el *often tali:*d tutu-
eelf obliged to 41x{1 upon hi- geocrou,
hilt roise for It•.'; I.,LIL*'e,, ; but lie. dill 1144t
Call 41 0.,14, 11„ Ater with use {tear'
{flea till. the !elate. tete letee,11,11V11:1 ea,
1411,711 ttltl 1111.:1 deite•.:(y I,t4.ltwo' wttte.
1z:441,eVet, tea, 'lithe I tlettle- t .vWs:C-t1 leer-
t:it•t,:t-ter ie.
"Ale, .tti:, ,!i• 4.L'' V et," sell the Ot ee:
of tett:P,lt1.,, c I:t IL V4 -4.y U,4.4
1-1i1 1 11.4.t,1, 1,11.;
hart" t" \
lit N tilt! ere i"It.'lt`n1.t
.Eitel pert Lel, 1t
,cswllatt Ile Astir. dal not wttett
)bt1. bat it wes feont that etrwna
sire ,,rewerg stratieeer with. hitt years,
tilt ,pills ineeerty iitttl;t:t and eco 1t
este!. 1Vuv:t lie tied plait% Rtvay ark,J'4 t11011, 11111 drillers fir a, really
kelt 1'urpcu * , fly felt goad, as
mat feels goad wild else got rill: of All
itch#ti * t .t:t: a. i4 was the only wrench-
iug alv,ly ot" this ne.tuey that !tact Hint.
,A.t len 'rtl* .Au lltietn *!{heel the sixth
time. :1Ir. . ete*1' had L'-dtilil]i!11Cr.'tl to;
bP11141114 itis 1!'1' t. ii , *It.litl eft of v.t+ll
1,1.1 1, ls;&';u dell' 1.4 4tit t%; iheed.'1't''/vret:t*.Iltilc; iI1 1inittei'ii . of itu*
Little lvealtli little care.
The olfendei never !secdoes,
su *meet answer iti doing.
Ile is rich that walets nothing.
Preis 1114 seer, but keep en land..
a.tar lvitll Old evil al)ti expect good:.:
Stenetituee the beet gale iv to love,
'Motion gills ofteu lade bodily cls•,
feta e.
A gift 111 lc11 expecteei, is` pad not
otte heel es.tllll)le spoils luany goad
pre ee"pte.
:i else to 111 matkes more opportuni.,
' ti[:.. i n... a he fleele,.
tip' teat haftIi love iu ltia heart {lath
;41. 4'4 i1* hi, salt's.
i.' ► I' =1L 1444 plea-antuesa are great
*1' oe t laeuler.
t)ll aa errand hull
... i, the lust of mita and
# rVvr),viu4�,
*',:utile a 1144.'ips13 41411 i1elp 4
W 11111•41 1.10 14,11144?r friends or one.
i 111*;'ti.
it is allvay a stiff to; learn even our
t111C.liiea-- 1,-Adn1n enfe to venture to in-
Struet even our frieude.
lite lei mare voeet tit lterfor111 this
or ttlltt ; it ehOws 111) 1-1tt kTrt'1lgtli
elle! lltukus tltt'ct tide behind thysell.
.lull !last e hie il!'tt1uue iu optic{*
l)'4tt11^� 11ia 1#1•li'ii,t 01144, 1111ti 1111stt4 his
tf 4rii,,,Lni i i1. r h ttU1 ; itis 1k1Ur='1it11,'d.
the Iln;:ire its pure, there is
baldly Rfvtiiine which can ruielea
i :L'44te1 :ele \iill1 L'11, wile bet- std'' ,1,4i(l pet -',dial i:'41tt:tlrlial1ont.
t. i I :y t,4 **nolle!* beauty fun*. utility..
1•;41 ln'tn, it'i''t' it ,\4 4I 4tCVr 19 u ne VA ;;% l4't4a 11.vt- i. bee itt",,e,
,•4:.1 Your I,t ,t i'•, i, Si «"eri:l in it;'t that lV*1l;;rti .
i !tee to it t 4 • ti 4+ . 4 , M
.fR tlta i s11 Fel �.'+ 1 e •tl+.
re' lift* i4 1,is,eat-t I. i+r:'„ti
14- 4., 114 t:«•• -1 -✓4
�4'f4 i sin, 1R'.4,
4. t`iven 114114+. +.tee
it;44' 4 .l 11'45 E'Cii.
I1 'f lee! r""4", 4g, 1 .41,51 +'r a°1i , a9 y`,13 t
la,c4,1,', it, *tl4,i 1t' e*u i'«" 'it 1t1'"•,:1 IC ti1t1',
4• ll 1
4 {t:.
1 :i e1+41tt' n*"•ti Ul Cq�` � 141*� i;i 4+4'lit,41
C4, -e eO 4111.1' hire 14. I .I;,4.- l .L .1,� « y „iisi1 i; 1U4
ot.e' .' li id. 1:i4 i,.t : -:1 e,i: 1i,;a tit•rti'
* (4.I), t,i:'ia lit 011tees,. ' ry el .1,r",, t1/i,-
'..Vat•{ order neere . ,.Yti'n1 -*4. thieg r. tart''
Ito `14tent y.'ltr .1eiteee+'1''e 171{j '•v.•d, 44.1a•i
tli tt t it tri ,tC't + 11,1t'Mt, t yea: p,4et4ri
l+elf' .t tv
tr1:4*"4" ti ez.l
haft{ 1* _ l a,a"
t`1 41444-1 i`
tlllt:ii, 444: W *4111' W*nut, lea 1l.
tnii.le ? ” * ,
i:.1i'Ie:otte, 'lehn jewel* h,t.l ex! ee,t
hie bee, is it:t-wer *L 4'117{;•1e 'n;
alts; lh 1.1144 ii 1ef1,4.W lir t,4•4.1.;441: *11
t"ittllb1 wl,,1t: ,1 dei y 4:44ttn somett.4.144 4 I,.
1 {
jam, fee h Immo the eeett,lt.lz.tis
Of lee' lvdeer, tool he at*rseeL i't'41 C
"Yes. .1 0 11 lV 1ti !Uynite) 11,4 1 +�1*ttf.
the 1) 1».k )' \ 'w } '4t li , +t i1f4t'1,4.) 114
the (.'311 li`4tJn, 4,`i,i,till#i in the, Met-
hdilt "'i y$,:ts.1 J 4.
"Teet'tt ries, "� 1411i1
r;6 1111 I tN,4t"11 11.4,
ltt1e7+1:, 4I.. lttllib'*4*, 1i ai.i 6451 CAL.
# C yl)u u *peen f4'r the Int, .r \°,e"
tilt the, 111tlt1!1. rr
t1lx lover 1'14 ll,
44:1, ulity Have
1 -_..
A good stare ie toil! eu Ju.l'g*, ti.„.,veg1.
Miller, of Jeffts *sen City, which est' be,
Have hue never appeared a4, et mt. The
judge le ,. very l;uel:esefltl g1441itici1tt4
and at ono time knew every voter i14
the dietriet. Time, {however lies Lulea
the Jut1ge'e memory *i. little, although
he will tint 1ldiett to it. Ile shaker.
hands with, rind pretender to 'mow,
He was holding co:lrt it2 yfiller carer
ty a .short tune ago, and wee a141u'I,ltch-
ed. by a lone;, lubberty specimen of tli*.
Usage hills, who field up his €'#1w .null
"How tt'ye do, Judge ; yeti don't
know met do you ? ,4
"Oh, yes," said the Judge. "I:vw is
yam. father ? ”
{.eget--.011,1ze'$ boa deed eleven
JLl,I¢e—'i4Satre enough ; but how its
your nie)tnr)r ) '*
O4ngor---"Why, allays been dead
eighteen (ears 141 w.
Judge—"Well how the devil are you?
Yon ain't dead, I know ! "
Twin brougt)t doled the crowd, which
soon adj tluxlted to the llealt14t grocery,
to drink to ilia 11%e waxed health.—Sed.
4Glt4t Btseroo.
Qr iET' S1;c/f/Ent—A witty clergyman
two gime annoyed during divine ser-
vice by several young people who talk+
ed aud giggled. Pausing, he looked
straight et the disturbers and Mild:
"I ten always afraid to reprove those
who uliebchave, for this reason: Some
years since, as, I was preaching, a
yout)g man before me was c4tnbtautly
la tghmg, talking and mttkiug uncouth
_ grimaces. I paused and administered
a severe rebuke. After the close offthe
service, a gentleman said to me, .'Sir,
you have made a ;refit mistake ; that
young plan was au idiot.." Since thea
I have always been afraid to reprove
those who misbehave themselves in
ehurcli, lest I should repeat that mis
take and reprove another idiot." Dur-
ing the rest of the service there was
good order.
A Bio Coi4N.—We are surprised to
read in ad exchange that "the corn of
Mr.Itedmau, of Lycom*un county, is
seven feet high." We pity Redman,'' Notwithstanding tee` admirable
'We cannot imagine how he gets his school system in force in this country,
boot on over such a corn et8 then, nor it is pleiu that there are portious theie-
can we conceive bow he contrives to of where they "1. itch gunnery to young
walk, even when barefooted. It i= ideas" after a very erratic fashion.
hardly likely, we should• think, that Witness the following epistle recently
Redman hitreself is more than six feet received, which we give verbatim et liter -
high, and, if that is tiro case, that 801i- ((tir7t."et sl)ellatIIn
tarry corn of his must tower above iris P.—. June the 10th 77
bead. It might be a good thing to tie Sirs as we have organised A Sabbith
an n.rn'brella to, or he might carry a ackool we need a lybrnry Please send
flower -pot on his foot and have a hon- me your Prise list and tirms Sowe will
„ey-suckle climbing up the corn and know whot cind of Boodle you have got
ssoming uuder hie nose." and obliged yours
411 1 l.LMSi.14F.
"Why (1„ est,'t tl.45 ail'(,! keep 111!
fie:1 :t C'hte::L u 12:1: 11:er4et s
t4. 1,e1'41'4vea lllultaeti lildfeare:e ed,.111t{=
4*ut:11.74,iy yoked the stove ' ;rate, bal+a!
doll* hitter 1114'rni1i1.
"I4'1 so iiiucli alit+ you! 1e piped lett'
his wife front 14'•1 warm bed.
"Lite. Illy `)x I" he 4si.eleitllltd, stopping
his work. 1J,
'.l. lri 0.5 ,, e,
"i3,',;.1uae'," mad elle, ro imiehIy, f'It
1\ill p*1 l+ltt 11i°„',11t, l"
121 Gent LUSTR S,
a4nd'Yorkshilling PRINTS
Cheapest lot of Enabroideries we
have ever offered.
(counts rendered lit April.
77) t (18771
1`II.:E QLD AliLli, ITO LTS i
At all tiutew, end eart.ealnrtvIlt a period viten'14:a'1t,; la universally deprei,e:e'd arta money
s'au'ce. It 11i in tb.3 itlti.rie *elf revery lety4•r 111 !,.'11% 1111,1.1 Wile.41:51 1'.411 gut tlu4fllt{4`'11; to A•In lei'.
- - +a L 1
t zea e i
OW t nt�rt rain; I.
�a 1 alta„'}.ear :t4:nr.'�l et t,
IL ! t r'°�i+tit ',atm.*, 1 do ie4 with !,l'i•"P rniltid•
cage; it bt1111j I41er,0 etlre'f,111 ass .trtt et :4"1'i ;, i' et -.l than titter of tiny previous season,
114 41411artl,
1l.'440414•.ti 1,
.1l` is
Lathe Dry Goods
4* s:t/ii Of )110.4t r :t s',;1 4114*1 ist lli,luatrtl!
!!''11i ,ttt(`nll Il t `k V4: -'2y el 11uyere.
MI:Ze a:In lees ,d;;, 11.11"t'.A u> itollea,t
Ia Millinery
William !itching
wish.. tandem), the public that ho to ebette1'
prepared tarepair ail Binds of
Sewing Machines Watches
Clocks, Guns, &c,, that any
other person in the country, as
his charges are moderate, and
he guarantees to give Satisfac
tic IL
our*rawn kilus being uow in full operatic!! awl
tarrtlttg nut daily a larger elnautit3 of
that for WI parteuc e 3
cannot be surpassed in the Doniiu-
PartiPafront a+4410tH*++oau always be+e'si,liucl,
either at theor 41vit1'ord Uy W*uua atie++Ir
Cat, ecatiuucratil r e •8, Orll+rptrel4* t4 41i14h41144*
4 4owl•t4l' ette'fl + t.,. r.
11 S<l s l4 SC'1 t1 I'll,
s LW,7 1,., i *4 Pealfeel. 4'f`(411 141+ i l+1'ttt5;
:5411:4,16(4.1,,;:wllenri'1Ltt 1411 t4e4 tat,. rit.
4*4fl4 file t. 414
battat114'rie, Fle:Iver•,
\ elvctt, itihllouc,
atloworjlrice:4 than aver,
r4'its 11 e'•1Nx *'lift tan 44.{4.* .. .�.7.r,t'Cr.
•*-b-4, vearh*4 at x4aff.1"tea,,
ta,1;.I);L,lt4: 1) ' ,T,�^'a4"t mil'1'44.4 4ei'4' ;,4r* .i4'r: ti it*4;i'1`+M'to'r
t41t,'*"41t4t X4.1' e.•••,+y1tt.
,... MP.:S:+ C Ar.".
1tbti11 ``t, 3''von r
11i i4* .2'.'inf`alt 1if t i*41 111'1 it ., i, 1.4:1.'44" 4'.414 wait tilt* 11i416t lit ,ti'li4 Ul*. Our stootr 4i
1t3S,Boots a?1^ >'1101+:4.t`ttl:t+lll11 rlx'rI1s11 {tilt! ,r ,l«tCrut•
Shelli it tl 1'I'c avy Hardwarea'i.
4 4
4 .
r ,.
,lt Itr .e , it r ;; » ,
1 t4 5 , is
# 1 !tlltl4' •,
1 * ,t1 lnf.,tl'«1*l,w ant ltaa-• rt4lvili
i s• t i e.e'n1y 4..„F 41 5 4.„1111 5 1.d�'.4(e460; 4405 8.111*44 44.••• 11514'1{',
c4.ut<nit ,1st•ir
n x1+' , t 4'4 1« 11. 15441 4114..1 t
lu .t l t4 I1 415, 4 (.115t11. t '4 •1
e4' 114 ., -..1,64655• ."a
f t st s:
c11 { ' n , e •'t-. ,4, , i. 4,' 1 4
{ ., a i,,9 1 ' n „ I, I
1 t " 4 t tt `1
Doing now in receipt of alarge stock of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines ani
Liquors, Crockery, Etc.,
114.' nlun1141t't3 :s. 1us'tid g to n*mse1t, " Street, i - 1 1 - will
:., .. At leis Store, Main L:s�c,tt:1, which �.11l be sold at
and roomed to his 1, tp l4,
A young lady was at a party, during
whioel tlu'trrt'ts Between 11Ltisbat4d and
wire were di..t.1u red,
4"I thunk," 4*nid an unmarried older
"511, *"'hilt the proper thin;; is for the
hush •nd to h tvs it out 4.1t once, and
tete,, avoid 4111;trr.ds for the future. 1
woi:141 light 11 cigar in the carriage after
tin; wedding breakfast, and settle the
Zelitul1l11g I;111etltiun forever.
"I would knock the cigar out of,your
mouth," interrupted the belle.
"'D.4 you know 1 don't think you
would be there l " lie rern'Lr1ed.
Some gentlemen were talking about
1De111lne-44, when One said 11.4 kssev a
Maze on Le"iugton avenue sl he was the
meanest man in New 'York.
4t.11ow maaii i:3 that ? " a,t,he4
"Why, he is so mean that he keeps
a five -cent piece, with a staing tiecl to
it, to give to beggars. and, when their
backs are turned, he jerks it out of
their pockets. Why, this man is so
mean," ooutinned the gentleman, "that
he gave hitt 011ildeen tea cents apiece
the night before the Fourth of July, and
during the night, when they were asleep
he went up stairs, tuok the money out
of their clothes, and then whipped
them in the morning for losing it 1 "
"Does he do anything else ?
"Yes 1 the other dey I dined with
hirn,'and I noticed the poor little ser-
vant girl whistled gaily all the way up
stairs with the dessert ; and when I
asked my generous friend what made
her whistle so happily, he said : 'Why,
I deep her whistling, so she can't eat
the raisins out of, the cake l "
The inhabitants of Exeter anal vicinity need not feel troubled
at the want of a market 'wherewith to make money, but
call at the store of the subscriber and
SECU 11".11
• A R 4fiYi As
ere. to be had in Overcoat rig, F1all_c lotils, Broad -cloth
Doe skins, Sil;.ss,'\i%inceys, Dentines, and everytfrrug
needed in the Dry Goods line. The Grocery
Department is Complete. 4u inspection invit e'd
P 1�
No trouble to show goods ISAAC CARLING
Grocery and Liuuor Store
A large stock of
Green, Japan, Young Hyson an
Black Teas,
=urn Asanales , Canned. FRUIT,
Lobsters, Saimon
Bitter Sauce and Pickles, Brandies, Gins, Wines and Syrup
Rye, Malt, Scteh, Irish and Common Whiskies, Tobaccos
and Cigars, •
Wholcsa- e and Retail.
Main Street, Exeter.
t,1 •. ev t,
It IT- ei • t a n.,,esea t.,55. 414 •1'
< '_` 1.•••• I 4 e 44:4 t4, 4s5 '4l'' 4 t. 1
1s5 air.;, .. 41. 1`°4 #, ,•.• t 1'
t'.• 114 4 t 1,11 t 1 4 . t r- i i 4, - 4 -
pin^e4e1 .. .t1, 4,11.1.,1:;+,\I, 4,-
11(4.4.1145' 1, (414#'�,fl '.4tto. 414.i;rr1 .,
}4 r
er r.ay44T 'p
410411 ant:94!*r rgr r +; 7.C9Mtt 0 71.Caar'eCR.
Irri4'ttlia;1, '.t' e4 + X,ltllt"', 4.4. •••,141.1.` 4:1:1'145410
7*i)rault. o1l'c4 , ox). N,, F'1',;; iittcsuiule$ ax'.
Guff$ 141 lt,eae' 1144,455Y1.t41u L'alitt :ii,eit,•Ie..
Inn 0 r 411','4* fl1 air .'4.1114V, t :4, tree oe
tuu4.a y. tsw, ars.; 1151 rlt)4u•+ 1nt:.sli)iy
lis: 14,41 4.111 44' r, 1114, (Posh; 0411,y`
.4;IIUIS "i'(1 1 i 1) •;('.11,1,1. I'YC4 l k1! S, and
114111!61. t4i.# ill)}• ni tti4, Wuvtl1t45, Initiatfors
be oUetod. Sold ev44rTsvlseio.
rAnaN 1tt to 1I Priv* 4*45145514
111(.14'.1117.1,,1414:55- . i 11555 Jii. p"
per 1reee, 1 tasi.,z..1., ll4 a't 1 T, V4 tela•
1164"4 .611,
1 -111+4 :1, t',1,l 114 1 ith 4144,' Rotex A
Jit ettttlt, le Ci, l.•ve:4,, e, Co, In-mitt,1l.2.
St .lull, Mao^kinin 1, *ace 1,#.4x1 fo. 11t'ut awl 1lsrst
sntisfl ul 151 luark,q. It. Mout ...*.try large s#sut-
111 , 4n. 11 the l4 vt nt(11 x simple iltconstrue.
Yx r t, r z 1i. hr•lunuul„;Intl t w°.t awl . a+4 i*. «t
14 x1111,444 n.ugus zed, ter 5•4114.5 11111.144411‘'S to :, -1t in
'tueot tu*upu(ltrou r:xtlx the Agents .4.6 u -
t4 -,L 14*pIy 1ur 1(x114.' to, \\ uite aul!•411g2154c14:ne
Uua1Patuy, C'1e7Velaxud, 01xf ,
VIO S,4et:a (?int beautiful Tc4,pa'lz,se llautlkerrliitsf
r (lust out),inset)41#u. Lit.etutl iu 1111:14a5 to
theli1.tst1,4.114. irt'4#fur st,tnlp. 1L, L,k1xrt.,.21x-
land, Mass.
1 (GENTS W;1,N 11;11—'?:7 pale articl, s *AO made.
=`� weekly. Catalogue tree. Leel!, 1013'wl44,14.'Y.
r'ZM Batley € arils. Snowflake, D1lanasl., etc., no 2
66(2(2 4111(14 with amino, 1.0 0. Arassau Card Co„Nas-
sau, N. Y
J1flll loi uttith tl u 57us trod hair, you will a-.
for ce1Ve 11y 4444.1141111114111 a 0OT711ct j7hoo-
to,ratlli of your Futuro llnsb211'd or
Yourself rii�ge}v.Asltl ess W.bna;,lPQp li sv-
ox 90; tulttmville,11 Y.
Use 1110 W1,TIS, I1ICHAIIDSOI 111 00.'2
1'h1LPIIC'.l't11) 14UTT111 COL() is
Per - rceo1111u4711ded 111 *1x14 ag1'1c)i1t¢ral
. moss, ant.1450(1 by of the
Butter f ati JUi o 001041, 4ou d st httimie s les
O -.j..r, I, *nib. 4115-ct, bottle 001or8 4100'lbs atld
11(2(1* a ets, uorlb to its value, Alk your
Druegistor:Merchant for it, or sella for descrip
tiro circulars.
WL'LLi, l.IOHA.BI)450ii & CO., Prorn's,
1124'. Smi;t1L,hol1, do you net such good Bread
Exeter. IN -oral,
1t now being in full operation, The p10431iterhas
supplied his will with first-class now machinery
1114(11)140 eeeuredthe services of the bust Tliller
in"'4he country.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Patios from a dtstarice
can 111t1Te Cho114 grist to take 11emo withthom,
lmpoi to to B a vter Workers
0113 Gaal Acii;e.24;�'1141\V4nted in ev4•ry tolvn-
ship to 1 4141041110 1,40 :7'4114 13 U'1"i`f11 WORK-
ER. 4a 1epio lane/line free to Agents. Price
�+5 041,. 7.O0 and •SS 170 e n cli. 1 1101gt_lien to bo4aald
linDominion. Ap lyearly 141411 81004,,, for
cuts cz.4,ttta,Y4 he