The Exeter Times, 1878-3-14, Page 44 TEM TIMBS 80.1314.1 HURON LI•B:EIBAL -Conservativ Anociation. .1 Sl:'1 CIAL MEBTIN 1 of the Liberal Conserv- 'ative Association of the South 'tiding of Huron mil: be hold I \ IntrAntat'IeIln, ON THURSDAY, MARCH 21s!} AT TWEL'1'I'1.O'CI,OCN, NOON. for the p•irpoSe of selecting candidates for :the next elections for the HouseCommons and I_,egislativeAssembly of ,)ntario. As this will bo an important meeting, a large attendance is respectfully requested. In. u.Iu1TCHIXI, Q. E. JACI{SON, President- Secretary. lie 'x> ter THE PROPOSED POOR HO•USE.. The sction of 'tile County Council in sending :a deputation of it members through, the country to the various poor houses wbioit unfortunately and unnecessarily have beeu ereoted in Canada, appears to our mind to have been premature. Before any import- ant step is taken wllioll affects tete whole county and the expenses of which hale to be borne by the people without distinction, it should he neces- sary to have the people in all portions of tate county :clamoring for such all institution. To wait until this were TDUB$DA.Y. IUA.RCU 14, 1878. done would chow a desire on the part of the representatives of the various towns,villages and townships to be guided by the will of the people, and at their dictation. To have waited until ernment of Quebec did not resigc of• every municipality , or at least the ma- fice, but were expelled therefrom by y'arity of the wuuicipttlities had spoken the Lieutenant -Governor, M, De St. isotdedly 1n favorof a poor house in the Just. The only reason that can be as-! ((Maty wetted have beet' eleaPly paying signed for this outrage upon the people proper re 1pat2t to file people. But to of that pxovince which h lana the Tessler- bring p the. quea;tion at one meeting to be governed by one of the most+ and a a at the same meetiug to determine bitter pat tizaus of the Dominion is that the railway l,)olioy of the 13e Boucherville G lverl3lnept dill !lot uteet the approvtst of the -Lieutenaut•G ver. Icor, But this will not stand examina- tion and justify M. St. Just. In that policy the Government was sustained by at largo majority of the people's rep. rise ltativea, itnd by the people them -trivets. The. tick+ of public opinion had .tot turned a);aiust the Govenunept in euy degree, much less Wail the tone ot ;;ublie opttliee eo decidt'diy iu con Oeuatntion of the Goserninent as to ':'arrant M. St. Just in taking a step .vhieb is withoct precedent in the an stela of ecustitutionaf Government and withouta parallel is coute2nllJra- neoue history. '.Vhe people and not the delegated power of the erawu have he right to say who their rulers shall be, and go contrary to the expressed will of the people, as has Neu clone in l though, we dr not for a 11l nitwit doubt this inetance, is to do that which would raw - not have been tolerated for an instant hammer of th3 gentian] en bat rata - .i the .tugs when the It minus pat theira or think them of the highest integrity, empire up at auction. The Gevero. tuent, who are the people thetn4elvea, have a ptlrfect right to frame their own polies. and to :embody it in lc'g!'.iattive enaettneut so little," as they do ltothiug ultra vire,. In thti matter of the rail- • only what would calltit•!li their views, way bills, tllt•y were Lining nothing nee. oonstitntienal or beyoud their power. WOW reader thein iutreuaillle to per But the real explauattion of the groat' haps a great many thingli whieh tell outrage offered not only to the people of Q,lebee, but to all lovers of responsi- ble Government in the broad D nninien is foetid in thio flet that in the Fruv. limo •.f foiti••bc"e, tnare rttrticul rly, the Clrnvernm(ut of 1.r, Mae.11eilzi,i liar filet with the almost nuivcrsa, orNt ;wn:a- tivu of the temple. Tlr,'ty knn;t they have nliegovurued the e niutry, they know the fate that awaits thele as sure ly as tea cull rules in the east ands 'ts in the welt, they kuo,v the verdieb that will be returned when they cannot avoid asking the people for 1 n expression of opinion up(ln their mat -administration. and no effort will 1 e 1 ft uudote and no stoma unturned in their dire ex- tremity. To contra the treasury beeches of each of the Provinces is the grand aim of theGuternrnent at Ottawa. mei when dais purpose could not be aorurnp(i' hes by .fair meaus they have Frorn the various conflicting tele - THE QUEBEC 0trritm E, Aa the Couservative stress through. out the country maintained, the Gov- up':)u seeding. a deputation to exautiue into the worsting of tete peer houses of thecau nary is evil J11OS that thatdigt2iffed b•edy, tate Queut). Conned, have in this wetter acted with uudue haste, and without for a moment coosultintg the feeliug of the people, to whore will in set IAittera, the will of the Cottecil tl!weld be subservient, We have uta idea whet manner of report ei.1 bt: u►•eseutetl at the next meeting of too Council by the gentlemen elle were delegated to perfartu this duty, nor de wa taut what were the opiuioue of the members of ;"lett contrail:tee, prior to their appointment, teu king the estab- litihuiciut of tepocr .house,• but it infest. be evident tha. it they Were iu favor ot ouch au tuatitutioll bore, they could easily ileal :luta upou which to found a vary favorablereport. If they were in fever of it, than a wide margiu meet be allowed on their report ; for, and iuoat):abto ttf attempting to d.la121Yet the 1)141)1E4 still u )files the ett'i•llt }mints of the iestituliotts they vi,ited lead a etrikiatl;iy nufavuurtble appear• wee, their natural eaago;uees to tied tti;ttiltet the ettece,sfnt workiugs of a poor tease. With regard to the no- eesiitytor a poor htluse iu the C.tu:,ty of Huron we du not ofu.)ursepre e,,d to speak for all parts, tint wo beti,.:vu we are expressing the sentiunuts at least of the people i.i tins district whet! we say than the proposed poor house i. by no means acceptable. The patipt•re arum d hese are few and far between, and so far as the people hero art. 0011- cerued, tliey'canoot possibly have any reason to wish for any extra expense be Ing imposed an them Merely to support Gadetieh paupers. pr ! ilesitatte•1 to resort to the fonleit, and thereby to cat reproach upon and satirizti that freedom of our cunetitu- ii ii and security of one Jawe. 7 he %Li lizig of time and .aceestion to power ia:al.e vast ehanges in reform rand a difference in the understanding of From John O'Groat's to Cheviot side, And thence to where the Cornish hills Look out upon ttie swelling tide; From where the North Sea's foam daises steel) Wave.piled along the yellow Bands, To fair Caernarvon's casted step From vales, that lurk'xteath t kiddcw's height From busv hamlets clustering thick 11 here rolls the Severn broad and bright -- Comes up the voice of rich and poor, Of men whose great ancestors bled At Cress, and at Agincourt, Half in contempt, in anger half, To ask of England's royal beast; "Art thou lion, or a calf r' :373 NOW a..6 the time to give your Horses Perry';; Celebrated Condition, Cough,. and 'leave Powders. A FRESH STOCK ALWATS ON HAND, ALSO PURL: DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, D'x'E-STUFFS, &c., &c,, dee.,) THE FISHERY AWARD, Considerable opposition has beep stirred ug in the Linited States against the fishery award of the Halifax cam- mission. The chief reason urged against the payment of the Ave million dollars is that the appointment of ore of the vomnliesiono's1 Delfoese, was Ant objected to by the Americana, but dually cemented to by them under the urgent pressure of the British Govern- ment; alt(1 that he acted througtlout not as an arintratorbut as an advocate. Senator ]3laiueheads the opposition to the payment of the award. tv11i1e other Sonaters Itiaintain that the aacvard should be pain for the take of they honor of the country. Utile award be. not paid unpleasnut complications be- tween tete ltritittl! and United Staten Gevermueuts may arise, the upshot of :� 11X1► it wotlii be difficult to foretell. Englaratl has allays readily and cheer- fully bowed to the deeWtn of arbi' Ireton; en 111Lernatlt'11ai cineetions, sed there can be no good and sufficient reason why the 1, ted States eaouid' not do likewise. f' 0NSEItV.A.T1V1'; ItOLIGr. The present condition of the county' demands that a protea,ive tariff shell be nut owed ou all articles camitng into the country which We Cap ()ursttivee ltttCt . What We cannot frad Tr C shall tutee ie free. This will strentllou iter cripplt;tl iudastrieeetutl nerve them to f telt ext•rti we. But when the conditieu el' tete eottntry shall have ahangee, when wo 6110,11 have 8me(1e'etl• ed in driving ethnpeetitotd from the field that should only belong to ourselves, end plaited our rodlike -11 IIs to poeitiou to control t lit' markets, and n lien they ghlalf have arrived at such a stage of adv;tweenwnt that they cite do without lt1'0teetion, thou the volley of the Con- servative party bhnll be cllaut2ed to tett the c.tnditieu of the country. They ell not hold fatuously to any pol- icy,. but their cA nmereiel ''ality iia' moulded by the ircuu stances of ti!() people, the condition of the c •sentry and oar relation to neighboring nations. PENNY lIkta ,Isos.--Tete fenny read- ings entertainment will bo held in Paulson's 11 ill next llunday evening. A. good p °gliunn1e may be expected grarus regarding affairs in the.: East, are gather that the efforts to Convene a C ngretts of European nations to. whom, Y 'the terms (if puce between ltuasitt anal Turkey shall be submitted for approval 1 and ratification, are progressing static- its principles. Out of office they were f,tctorily. England demands that ardent lovers of re=potteibte and consti tutiou;tl Governillent and eloquent as Geeesta be repteuented at the congress, fenders of the sacred "rights of the and that the entire bases of peace be people. Ili office, they scatter tbelr laid before the congress for concider;t- tiuu. The demand for Grecian repre- seutf,aiou a as for a time stoutly resist. 1 ell by Ituesia, btu at last c•,tnplilance 1 was yiel led. To the (lermautl that all ell the. points of the'pre)i1,.tinary treaty het a eon the late belligerent but now 'When Bt.SL, Just inclines -MS liewl-iirprasrr• a anlict4lile..:po vera -be .:.subnai'tted, the' fl ssittua urge objections; but we have W>, haveIuct•ived a moan ago fear that. once. the British Govern - containing an atuN.lyt,is of. 1110 evidence went !mikes a dellitblid.resting on jllst- given at thea i'nve.dtigation• into the lice. ittlill not, see that cifuiaald re -pec cllur3es pry:f,.rred against the Centred, ed.. An:etican u(:.wspap is have a Iier- committee isp Teel fail.: ,No floubt can 'feet right to taunt'England with cow• exist io the rntud of any: reasonable tstdice,'but tll2•ougbout this cuniplicat- .n tli, after. as ca.refgl . perusal, of thio cd affair thd. Iiri,cisli ( ovetianieff'Uias pam pillet, that '.hissrs. vid acted alike With flmiFss ii;d jtlCl- co" ns K.e.Laittan were lucre thief guilty-sfaae. prndenoei. Were ot;cnsion to demand )stay use the 'expression-- of every it, the Britten iiwt ;would show PO Charge made against them. That they are c.lrrupt and dt•filed ,latest be theveyed ire `the folleti";u+ lines is without' ,f yerclist o, every honest mail. promises to the Waal(ti. snap their fin- grers defiantly in tite :',ace of Principle, lied euV, Ula: )1'la1S 1:17113 ((C"JJ13 C•1a+11111' t0211 Cela !" • 1a Satan trembles when ho sees The vil.at sinner on his knot: s, Da great surprise he'll surely ,stare neighbors that the it_sinuation con - 1 1!ru •--i (MEAT WESTERN STEAVISHIe LINE! NEW YORK c& BRISTOL, ... ENGLAND) DIRECT. ,tee_.-.. 87'RAAISIrIPS : H0:11T1lSi';T, 2CCt) tons, Capt. Western, CORNSS'i1�L, 130uu do .• htanq.er, A1t11,At;ON, 1500 do,- b3/son,, D111;'t,iv, tib uo„ i3ttteane., ,SAIL 10111 V1UII1LY. The Steamers a this nee have superior aecom- in:mations for all classes of pass •ugers,greatcare having t,(: 1, taken i • the u +nstruetion or tau vos- selstu aecureguodverltilattou, uud ere••:• attention i 'it x 1 1 t h " Th pan c, rua(T t an( oulultu at. t o ).5HSUS0. O etla•tt i3 o: a, lknd IU nit itixeut l -algia to ,wad ltOni. the \Vest of bngt.tuct u.td. loath aina, Vuralwul1, Soiuet 04, Dives, S1Jatuuu aft and t 1utiaes0,t', Capt. Gest, Kern!), AGENT, EX.ETE . TOST.—ON FRIDAY, l'.1413. 15'1'1J. 4 a nota (1rn wu iu favor of A, Dinsmore or bent t:r, .tgaiusll Ab: ay & ]v clwards, dtttsd •,,r\,ugust s77. st five. ntynt8s. All liartids• aro egutton51 a ;alnst accepting such, as above is 1,fci t, AsrtAS at: >;vwanns, A. Dzrrsleons. • AT TIIE DOMINION SAGO ATi RY. NCI$IQ BALI AND SawingMach/Tao Emporium PIANO S, DELP, Organs, PA it. china ware TiR. E. 1U1EW would.. annoltnce to the public; that be has opene•l o)tt a Music Store and Sewing:ila:trine Eiepuxieun, DR .IV'S BLOCK, where he uiU have "onstantly ou hand a IOU a5,orttucnt of PI ;Nos. ono eN5 ANII:MITWAG Ihb'f1€1.-M NTS of an hiutip its well as a incite variety tit GIa.+tsarr ILA e awl t•.;,iatn war, ntatt;'•.t at ttnrcbt ai;;tlit 8. tea C'telett;itt 1atl,le !r':trht•r Ua h And. whose servicesma! be lien at the horst i;ttes. i lustnt ttt I:ts and Restm Machine,t.rou,Ittlt 1e tvai.t'd. V. DREW. Z' I3 T1)rt tl'a Heil, etravu the Mlueae tire;.+, to runt for puidie etttertnlatneuta. `AT THE i. Standard. S s Door `EIxn(1t F A C.T. 0 It Y, WTI ANNIYAL REPORT —ole 'um— A111)7ORS,OF TIIE VILLAGE OF El TEM FOR. THE YEA1t t'NDING DECEMBER 81, 1877. 'lit the lietae and Connell cf the T'iilage of Isxeter,. GEI+'rIAI:MVA Wo heg lame to state that we have carefully audited tete T'reasurer'rt boar; of the llruni'lpalitg of the P iU igo u. Treat , and Intl theta cnrraet, rotor u.g a t►alattee tett llautl . f 1.;4J0, l•aat t ere+ are bila e iota); ant' for tl+17 tv! 1(11 wnui•t rt duce t8' Lnluuea iiia'.t,ic rttt•ly. il.tnax tt , wp hast• to run. i`ttt salt! aur ratepayers on tho careful unmet. at notch their rants:. nave neon a atoned. Below ynu ABSTRACT STATEMENT. is fr3Ualantly 13,1,1 ria hand, all 1laads of tidied vg•' utaturial. l'1r,orLag hard and sort, S1,1ir 1lloul3l iag+s &o sold 3ilio.,.1,,!1 hsutng Jigaiag,llitl•'1'Uin tag' promptly, attended to, BUILDINGS CON'TRAC.1:ED :FOR,' and satisfaction guaranteed. As .eve have on hand it largo s oak of dry lumber, -we feel sure of cabs Iyiva those who may; give,us:a gall, RECEIPTS. Balance on hen 11 st January. I5:7 Revolved from l,icen.t ltltl'lMtrtttt'N' k inea,.. 1.11 T a' .... Government Gritutfer 1h77 Wray ftc.etve ketid............... B.n e.1ary tuont y • Flick Taxes Loan front iteascots Pauk Received other sett:cis ,...... Taxes for 1e77 F xetcr, February `:5.1515. $�1A1!\ TIS CI 11EXPENDITURES. *4760 h . PatdT'ahric improvement. ......... eel 51 rm. 11rl+arttu ut ...... ... ..... .. .1.1 tai t;t'llurd yrturt.s _e41 tri 4)! til 1 Del. nturts. convene. County caul . 14'• fes 1. Township Matra ......•....... 1118 10 ...... `.1 r4 ' 1 Sul lric!t .. 15 0 Oe 1.t nt t tlont'c ::.;!;.17 In 1*si..tiurt at:.1 S,tetk.xwrs 78 �. ..... 12110 0,) f' tither impieties . ........ na t10G 23 10 Valence on Mind ..... 3194 10 • 145aR 010,000 01 ti 8112,"M) 64 We are, Gentlemen 'Yours truly. 11 011YitNE. l At/Melts. 17011.14 ,teePosimm, at frig P A IN T I N J. KITC INO Is prepared to do all kinds of TtousePailltiug, Paper-h1.nging Whitoninh, etre. at reasonable prices tete punctually. . ,t. KU'.INJFUNG. ;tistrn st AS A KElAtLDY n a large class of wasting diseases, Physicians have founts o exert remarkably rapid taratiro action, and 'l)y!liepsia, ereu of chronic type, has, with. equal rapidity yieldal to its powerfully insidious ac- tion. Mixon :11r s.r;n tk C o., Druggists, of Toronto, writes as fellows :—' " We hare sold more PIiOSFOZONE titan' we ever slid of any other preparation in a given time. Where we sell a bottle, it is generally repeated," Jan. 31. 6-m. 11 �' Snlitlt,1iau' do you set suck good Bread. 1 GET MY. FL J II'R AT T HE FLOUR, and GRIST MILL Exeter North It nowboiug itt full (quire -4n. 7.')to propriter has ' supplied his will to:thfltst-eli:as new machinery an*t hits secured the services' of :the best' 141111er in'tlxe country. . .(OusTINtw: P1t4»irTr.Y ATTENDED TO. Satisfaction gyaranteetl, .,Ptitios Rion} u dtstat!ce Sy 8i0i Have their grist to take horse with them. ,•. CVR.5,0-CENTStt•eiv111se11 1Y VV 't0 stay a ((!` ,.,lra.a ?Siee ve -Sudo* �1Ndress els tut s is Watch Chain • eet,5m t,st i r,-1.Collar Button LeAvyy piain'raug, 1 P,.rjsioa dia. _1 - 'mond pin- ltutsil larite :1:1, 5100,. ' GO ® 000 stock most be sold. Illustrated +catalogue of jewelry, 'watches, slit. sent with every lot, Silver watch;, to all agentsn Watchfree. Ii0�6# B T¢Oti: & TA:Oli, JJewY iFTa Za ..1•A L , N�OVL+ LTY GO. Stooktaking Sale NOW GOING ON AT White at 007SX (successors to G 13, Smith) -WHITE c , CO., Being part of a Wholesale Flinn, the wholesale part being in Toronto tout the re- tail part !n 51, t.nty's, I,ut goods: to quttutitieu Lind at nricoa that cannot be touched by any re- tail house inthe County. Our ,lir. G. it. Smith and Mr, Hendersen In Inning their ripe experience to bear in the selection us goods, places us in it posi- tion equalled -by few in the Dominion. The con- stant receipt of new ataxia, the determination at all tithes to increase our turnover, a1 d always below the market and price, will, the think; prove aiceptehle toour customers. OUi1 BLACK COC, OS. Those are improved Makes. We keep on hand ;till ranges, doubly waro,Alpacal' rod Lustros. 'These goods are remarkable (1st) for the ualfo'miry and weigh) of their manufacture. (an, ) ror the excel- Ie'nce of their fluid). 3rd' or the unet uclledper- ieetiou of the Lustre. (1th) fur the superiority of tete dye, Our woollen goo2e—Seo the prices—All-wool tweeds for r2c.,du,,50, 65„ u. a ,nnwares. Healy Satiuett at 23c„ about one third less than regular prices, Our tVinceys,-Na part of our stock will give greater satisfaction than this. We simpl say that the vuluo a,nmot be bi•aten, Our Staples -these goods n e do well. Compe- titiol, in Staples alncatget lietallors 18 UOW 110 keen each one :viewing with Lis neighbor in the low price at which he can otier thous, that to sell close the goods most be non ;ht elnse. The public will find our prices buttons fignres,nothing below thecal is this or any other maraot. our 13oo''s th .echoes are the "vendor of anyone wit. Sees tens, t1.110.11,41 are often aske•1the tluestiou—•'Hew tau you sell thorn so thesis ? WHITE & CO., St Mary's. TiIOKINGRAM'S • OLD:. I3I.bAGKRMITH snur is still going, Mr. S.Kaekingl)sin his sinoore I1U111e r01ta have support },a s t,' a.•it that, having desires to return thanks to hi s ptt:ons, w h O eel hills in the would iutimitdta rocuvered iruxu ��ra. •.�, his lour Ill- ness, he iutons • .171 future, to talo charge of the, hosso-sliroin department liisit*elf. Ad other -work doge W the very best style and u t the lowest rates, • •$.13UCKINGfiAli. 1 Exeter,Dee:13, 1877. rnportan t to B iter orkers Ot)e Gored Aeti. a Agent Wanted in every towel, ship to introduce the V1110'1)11 13U 17'1;1I''W01,1i- 1,1t. Sit epee Machine tree to A(;eitts. Price 415.00,1t;7.00 and $8.00 mush, 1)11e5ILlioti to be sold ;n theDominion. , Apyly early with staurd', for anticircula:,, to the i'I( OR WRING:511