The Exeter Times, 1878-1-24, Page 44 fhe ftfier ttttg3. RURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1878, aiti.on of Ur. IMI'aokenzie'is Cabinet makes two who are tainted with ills- } loyalty. The sooner the whole inti- l tutiou is shattered to mitts the better for the oredit of the country; The position of Aliuiste> of 'Militia was evneldered under the Macdonald PIM DEFEAT OF HON. UR. VAIL.. JA_NtLi + 24, .,.:.,8 IMPORTANT AN .L RG 1N ' BARGAINS iRGpN.BARGAINS! TO_ FARMERS! If you requite good serviceably implements, get Collards Flexible Iron Harrows. Cultivators awl iron combined horse hoes. These implements aro extensively used and hove gtxcn and continue to givu general satisfaction. For strength, efficiency d e as: see e The most disastrous defeat the Gov- and urabltlttythey canuoi b sux� Th le, one of the host important ill the Trim can bomsdo to cut any w Jth Of •;round ornment ever euetained was the defeat �efln P lanysixaofironnenniicd. hfae.y nbiectto Governnteut but it has been made the them bee/atuso they are %gig vy, Thts they used Mr. 'Vali, Mr. Mackenzie'f3' ` 9PttPdPaHIaraatPwniRitufticturing]1a17on'SSnit • 111 Itnlster of Militia, in Digl y County, t otlda and ends corner by Mr. M' aoiie,t- • areleSe eine 'tyamar0want."gin©% i°oI iceilt; nova Scotia, on Saturdaylast, by the zit, suet !nit) it tall the refuse of the eneation. Agentswa ted. c-eo Gii l%s `efuu. patty Is pticllforkell. Loyal Reformers utacturee, aann,to2ue. Ontario. . .=audeome majority of .three bemired t . s±id lieventyh-tiro. The victory was ,z.� must feel acutely a sense of the deep - glorione one; the defeat was overwhe1- liugl,illation :.t the arty in thus hav. .i ing-•^a terrible, crushing blow to the i in to submit to the office of 3lin !,ter -Administration. It indicates the utter annihilation of the Reform party its the of Militia being fitted by iter. Jones. now Ur. Mackenzie clot expect to re. Province of Nova Scotia. It indicates (tet a elle catilidence of even the small. the class of the Mackenzie rola are est ttortiOn of the independent elector - that when he. is cotttinualty: flying ie the ::est drawing to a close. aunt that the I face of date, justice ami common sense, fawn Ora brighter day is at eland. It le mote tillan are etul understand. 'eidicates that the ware of Cot;;serr •tire i i exaction, whish Reformers affect t ..epise, is sweeping with resistless lxce front the Atlantic to the 1a'ateit'Ic. :1: is a complete told thorough vitetiiea a:e11 of the character of Sir John Mac- .eiaald, which bee ben ao cenmmonely and do frequently assailed by the titer power, stud it ie t► netnifest contlera. ;Aden of the wn•Qanadian policy of the fackenele Government. The defeatof t,, Minister of the Crown e such a tretnf enttnus majority as 172‘, u tt Froviuce ebicll was supposed to r3 Unswerving ill its fidelity to Ur. r▪ eekenele's Government, and in a con- :tuency wtlere beet fou years non tit( e v defeated Minister w,aa eteute4 by majority of clearly 8OO is almost. 'llslut rt parallel in the political lala�, ry of at) * country. At the lest gene- - Ur. Mackenzie appealed tom; people with fair promisee of reform ..,t economy in the public service. The ' . ivinee of Nova Scotia, seemingly ' cod the utmost cnnfitlence in 111.11, e ' 1 Dr. Tupper was the only mall sent: Ottawa to represent the Conserve- t1 iuterests or the rrovince, Now n a member of the Government, tttructi by the prese,et moribund Ad. til all the influence Attaching to that`fntttlstrottuu tel t<et:uro;% Deet ;Ole of ~Riot), is bea►en s0 badly that lie will: power. At atlutiet eve ry dock in t,;(t Lily venture to show hie ,face in the : el,t{tetra', Gt3vertttlhelet etagine't'rs otic] ,nstitlleney for some time to ciente. surveyors hire been 1.1941, c;tsting their etluag ooultl leave caused this tem*, l eyes •shwa• .t y o sty tet twhat Riarper ate reversion of tillilIO sentimeut ilr a money o atilt} bn alpeu lt,al for the Genu- a .e short stance of f:aur years Kett the tit of the people, but afore eche oiath :e.;)st flagrant vintatien of In iueiple and for the bi.itelit or the l ,•Renter who 122. the most lett Mess 'Xtravnguuee in a l ' tends to inn at tile 1,t-xt electiainf -or : inisteriug the afl:tite of the (mutat 1, tine perimeter con.titutei!cy in ttW b such dock duty bo eitnatced. Two tial . bets in thia section }16•o been vi-itod to our knowledge by Government eu- should lose confidence in Mr. lfaelren- t;ineers tyhe live been lo king areeuntl ie. A.Ir. Wail had takeu a contract to see in what particular spot a I'e. :rom the Government, ilielpen violation, (extra r•toltt:s evtettiel lank be r better. ��e t,ec'(l not be surl'ristif to hear (,fit 'DWI - Tit a lanost recent dent's from the Oily 0f Jlailafltx leporte tll.at tl°e pre!s1'eet of defeating Ur. Jutted is very geed. `I be Government tbe; nst Ives have given np every hope, and theelevnti•ia of iter. Jones t) the Cabinet ittilieatee that they are witliirtg a tlesperete effort tri retain their holii.ott the condtitueney. To prevent the defeat t'f tau Members. of the Gavernlelentie a many •ween•: the most etret;uous exertions 1► It be put forth by the Minuet• riali-.ttl, and Ilex (1•010t a geed malty, influenced by I i tele fear 44 eolal hefty annlibilistinl; she Lt'OYera Ment party LI tin i roviuee, wilt beinduced to v to for Ur. Jones, If tee be defeete(l, the beat. thing Mr. 3faekenzie shad du ie to 4iesolve the Hoesch bud appeal to the country at Thiel, of cnnrse, be a,('ititl du if sired only ti occupy a l Aeitiatn in 1e is sustained by the voice of lee petaplej but the defeat of hie entire Catthiet would not tuaakelhinri loosen lois grit+ en the ptablie treetsury, Bemeteree no btlme •vigil be left un - The cause of ;11r. V'ail'e resign atiuu was in itself a sufficient reason why he yl:ouli be defeated, and why tie pool le of the Independence of 2arliauleut Act, and with 1111. M ii:keuzi8 s knowledge :anti sanetiote Had his :ase been the only elle, nr batt the 'coir root been. inadvertently taken, and without the knowledge. that in so doing he was transgressieg the law, postiiI:y there eeigitt be the faintest shadow of an ex. ceso far the culprit. But his.i,1 not by • any means tits only M25. Speaker Anglin bad to resign for a like violatioe of the law, and it is said that between thirty and forty other members are placed in the einne uncomfortable fie. And this under a Recorm Adiniriistra Icon ! Are the people surprised that Mr. lfrtt:kenzie had such a teem melons majority in the House ? And can they longer sustain that Goverr,n,ent ? Reformers attempted to account for the defeat of M. Laurier, another mem- ber of the Ministry, on the ground of priestly interference, but this &second ad still severer blow they have re ceived in the Digby defeat, will surely oonvince them that the weakness of his oaten alone defeated Mr, L 30. Clover Timothy for r warrant by the application and use of niy Clover Thresher ,Attachment, to (*overt any Tltreehinghiaeldne into the best�('lOvet and Ti'u- otyThres erInexistence. Satsif,ictionguuranteed or money refunded. Senator certificates to Joz *r- TUAN lraow:v, P. 0. Oox No. ell, -Willer. Com;t{ Elgin pat. NVanteda. good agent hu every ('ouuty in Canada. S SII T II & WEST CENTRALIA, are offeriu • Over Coats, all kinds Blankets Robcs, at cost. Also a lot of Underclothing, Scarfs, and lathy woollen Goods, which Must be cleared out at any price. ` d Shoes, Hardware Seery low, They Hatt and Caps, fleets aTt also have a good ORGAN and upright PIANO (German) whioh they will sell very cheap fo3., cash. Came and set: kr yourselves. IaR-fJGS .1 All about its soil, ('llm..to. Resources, Prodaets, L;Yvrs,attaits people are even in the KANSAS Val). AfJ-1:, 010 -page weekly, in itsl5th year. Post -Paid 8 rue 011e. Address J. Li,. I-JUDSON 'l'olaeha Kan- ta Has gntc kty taken o. hitch ;dace among agricul tnr.11 journals.--.A.F.TriLune. 1V o hare e. ttsidere t it among too best of our ere:lenge s. and t.•wo thy ropresentntivo of the West.--1'reeticut Fter,sae,� 1']tila. Our Kansas frit ods shoal t feel unch prhda in the itigit elation:tar and sterling worth of their SttCo agtieniturut paper. \ i', +;tat Lire stock Jo%r'u 4. \Vo cheerfully a cent it' with hctuft POO of the best edited of our wt .ttwn agricultural' ex.hanges. Spirit of t;2e1'zrnss N.1'.. COUGH, COO 09 Sou TlifOe'ix 1'EQUI1:FS ilk MEWATE ATTENTION. Acnntinunnceffarany lenglbertimoorossee 1rritattion or tiro Longs, gs, os• soma ahro do. Throat aftbrtieu. Neglect aftenthues re. milts is some incurable ltautg aiaettsta. BROWN'S t3RONCH1AL,TROCH ES bays ;►row -d Max efficacy, by a test eat manly eters, and will almost invariably ye, immediate ate roller. Obtain only Owr411 f$ltONC81.41'r TBOGl1IS, and dwnot take any ortiie worthless inaltatfone that may y,. offerod. Sold everywhere. E"WHITE" Sewing Machine is the easiest sell rg and best scetit,•inxin the Market, 11 Bass very large shut- tle; makes t'1(.lock Rtitli: is,.ittlLln hi construction very 11':ht;uuuiul;,ttnd almost noiseless. it is id. most imps .ible for other machines to sen to raet competition. with the Wix'P;•' .:)en iie anted A,1p1y for terms to White Nen; ,g .0:n hine Co, ('levelutul, 0. A GREAT OFFER 2''"A HOLIDAYS l i We a wilt during tka+•e L t d times cud toe help- •flea dispo.'o of .CO,vow id to ri nl or;.nly, of first, Blatin nntlie lit low.)u e $ f r n a:i. r inst:cil. ineut,e, #Mart over b fbtte a>a•Xered. R ut fee I'iauQS a; dooms ms >;t a the" Best mad-, w 1 acted far o )e•ae•a, fel. C it el:mei-111110o, tfried nit:. melds to tltetra•ee. 1' ung:, 7 tic• va ••t1 r et tv. 1:.0 Organs 3 •iu^'ti 7.l i+t;nN d , ntu.,•..4;1;tis slots, ,11; lt. to k .,i i ar Li acct«i unttL+ ei t ee tr. , 4rl.net ie .; is once, 11<)lii('f. Vi:+ i 1 1t8 & HO,e ata ou'o...t+I. tul,.', de i:.istl.tle Sts set, Now 3 •,r:a. 14.A t� T ) 1 0 M E 1111 cel e'ith unite, iuc. C. Walker cc Co., Chatham i !r t,nge, N. r. SI \ITU & VleST. AND O A LARGE FRESH STOClt. ill! sae y's elebrated oxiditio;nPo• AT IDE DOMINION LABORATORY. . OPENING A I~t!?�j tGFHENT.,, .TOTIN N a Ras opened that Store dandy occupied by Stanley S4 Jerin»ni IN DBs 'S BL.iOOZ,. with a largo atn.i well assorted stock of DAY t300DS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, BOOTS h SHOES, BATS t&: CAPS, Ti i- ll`A1tE, F�'1'4. .M the aubrcr ribs. late • for Cavb only, end deals with the Best lioasee.lto is deteimined not to ba nu. Jerrold by Ray hn Ids liue or busrt.eas. P( were' Prod -nee Taken in Err Maybe frir Goode. ;1. call re. crtruilli solicited. JOHN b.LINT. In tooirown localities. elutvaasvti:iffor the Fire- side Visitor, /enlarged) et t,1.1y and Mc nutty:-• f.arg St paper in the tiwt ted, uith lion» utitb idim tasfrae, Adsron I' t► Vl.'1te.ltiC, Augusta Mahle. 40 tiaxnA FLrr: irixt;L t'r.nre, With uvu'e 10 eta.,post•Int d. t..J,ixer,.� 1:0. .Assuu,N.Y AN'itt:^tail 171'ict1; r,`Oik) niely r WO. 1';tr- lirt)rt.ift;(ire,• m•1).i•,.-i,. 1`a larfrae,S,Atiit.L1'.1t7.;1'r"i�, A\'U.sIY- ington, N. Y. 2M A DAY rt, AGENTS, Iasi t:mildes No manta •.•;)J i scut Te'ete. WV. A. 1:,,51Yti\r, . Manton, 51%08, ' T'bztc (successors to G. 1). Smith) l3eiugpart ofa, Wholesale Firm, Buy about as ninny g,,i da as ell the other dry goads houses i,s St, Ainr1'.t I.ut tut Uwe, and tluttis the reason the can t.(-11 iewda at s;;ah detiheratel, lur. h'i'de i. Irl aur Millinery lend ll:ent;e Ilelitirt- inent,Staple Dteparltunnt, Woollen I)enartmlelht, bud heat ten t Sho 1)..liartuttl,t, Wo eon aunt uneu A great at sale, a steady sale. an inc,rceasiug sale. We have not got a million hiatltlesand Grovels to teller the 1,ubht , but awn latve,a %i•lei ti%1 vx:ri. tv. ul. •lust every l,rice andat4le. Our fir l.inricaxt d n:c n is now in the. l- uropear. 1ua1, : ta. V, 4. the eloseat beeyi , sro 1 the •h.set et !ling a awe vi..it thew competing markets ut England, $tutlen:l, letnd and America. White & Co's cheap store full of Bargains White (t; Co 's the cheapest spot in town for dry goods, ClAthin.,,Eats and Cr} s, Pars, Boots and Shoes. . .HI�1'titt-CO., St Mary's. T he Ssp Grocer .,e o e) nU4oilwuattlr:gqu.1R. win) mato, 19C,'i i.itp- NllwisTlil'; rl'niE't' '1�(jT,•i,itE IT LtiiJtrune,natxww10c.13Salni,,les,with your nutria G u.Agoutiwanted. Outfit 10 u. NV, Stogy e Co. Troy, N. r. .' ONLY FIVE', DC)LLARS F011 AN ACiil$ of the best land in.Alae ricti,3,0� ).0.:3. erns In lust- •r.t xe..rtsleut on tho.11i;n ut ihu Union Pacific iiuiiroad, newv for ,al.e. to yours crwlit g,vou, iu- tore. tonly 0 Der teat. 1'h.'se aro the only lands - for sato on theitno of this (treat llailroad the Word's Hip iwav, Send fur toe Lew "Ptos> r.;' the Leat11aper for these seeking new hems, ever Vrub- {Iiah�cl. I'ulllufoi,natlou, with maps, shot tree.- , O. F. i)Avxa, Laud agent, 1.7.P. It. B., Omaha, Nob. bee of m art Gelate set to work u12.en all the docks in the c nutty. Mn. MACKENZIE must bo losing the confidence of the House, as the coun- try has loss cnnfidence in him. The coming session premises to be a more then lisutlly bitter � one, andW•will pot Mr. ltiaalcenzie to his best to keep Lis already tottering G.rvernruent from coming down Stith' a C•aah. He has uticlressed`8�'ricate circular to each of ►ifs snpf,orte,•s tbronghout the Dominion, urgently calling upon them to be pre- ;ei.t eft the openies of tate House. H has every reason 10 show the Strongest front `possible', hitt hie m:ijo ity inns: he small iudee(t, compared %tith the 106 majority he had four years ago.. Then be, scorned the opposition ; Doti it has grown no strong that he is forced to call each men to his support. Oen ally one point to such a tal'ing off •in fate years, r, ilni'ler. --..... THE Malt,finds fault with this part Ie. any man in the edautry deserves of the country for providing so man to be beaten et the iiolls it is Mr. Al converts to Mormonism. If people f. -:ed Jones, of Halifax, recently created have fa desire to become elor Hoax, let a member of Mr, Mackenzie's Cabinet. them riot be preveuted. It is desirable .it the time of Confederation, Mr. Joues teat we should know who are the idiots shade a speech in I .alifex, iu which he of the country, 1 nd'there can be no expressed the hope that at no distant better tent than sttbatittiug a man to day the Stars and Stripes would he the persnasiun of Mormon elders. ftoativg over the citadel. A man who "".*— - _.. ._ a_ uld thus openly give exir•essron to FOR 50 C€NT$ : will aqua to any qC at'cia seditiees seetiments ought ter be wins dress.eleganlGents WatchChait, « ' pair Sleeve Buttons, ttliven out of the country iladtettid of seaOdi,teatu hi, 1 Collar Batton.hoaryplain ring, t tA.�risioa dna being elected to ' e2reseub one 01 the n Mond pill. Retail brine 53. At100, COLO 000'atoolt must be sold.. Illustrated Moat Import ailtv.eities in the 1).:111311 �0, c,i talogue of jewelry, watches, .kc. aunt vvith ever3 lot. Filver watch it el 1 subse(Inee fly rihi.led :t0 tlre#_dignity to , it axenta 1Vwtolitrca, t „ , •lei ri ;tit' of the (7:'0 'r . Tteo !id- re 1.,.7 }�Y ?ti:y'r,t3 'LL CEIV "i. T'( (X' �,. ii sn e. $.fie. l'!l L 1`. {3. A FAVORITE Winter Resort, J.zi2MA ICA. Six to seven days' voyage from New 'Yurl1 110 the Atlas Com ,any:, steamers, wili convoy sou to the flutist ciincetet. the wo,;l.l, .where there is le mice of to:n,,erature and the most 'beautiful scenery, amid „onntatne Valleys, and 4Viuding Rivers. The climate is dry,,tu•i wvarue, highly recommended by i.hysiciens us being ttpectal:y adapted for ittvali de, un ' also a favorite resort for tourists. The Atlas Company's British built, first-class 'you steamers, carrying the British colonial a -in United states ;Vrt:ile, leave Tow York twice i,. month. FARE (SALOON), 50 - Ak. GOLD. APPLr1.0 D. Batershy, Agent, 118 St. James st.. Mon- tt eel, nondeal, Mess. Morgan 84 Co„ 87 Young st., 'Toronto. • • PRIM, FOItWOOD fit C,)., G matt e AGENTS, 56 Wall Street. New York. I CURE FITS ! !" Wh•n I say cure I do not mean merely to stop theta for a time, and then hove them return again I mean a radioactive. I ani a regular physieiau and have made the disease of le I i S,l EI ILEPsY OR FALLING SICKNESS o life-long study. Iwerrant my remedy to cure the worst cases. Because others have felled it is no reason for not nowreceiviug a mire from me. - Send to me at once roe it Treatise and a free Bot- tle of my infallible remedy. Give express andpost- odice. It cost you hothing for a trial, and I will euro yyou. Address Dr, H. G. )000T,183 Pearl St., Pew Yart. SAFETY IN STOdIC OPERATION $Pa33oa 1tliiod In six daf8 fronte •tin +r optten on L. Short, December's, MARGIN and. PRIVILEGE izo rz s oN ;1G0 `n . •oo 'da •s >< tltr an u ' c. Nt.ve n b a'ox l-onI{ s s a t Y P �550 b er 20 New System of Assured Profits. $012 50 returns it 3 hours on Eel 5 Lack., Dec, 1, 5100 buys 100 shares, 50 lniys r.0 sllares,.25 buys 25 snares. No further liabilities or risk 'td'Ions. Pull details given freely by letter and stook .re. Bibles, bealltifr ll i sn to f✓O c 0ll( j31,ii orywveco11iiir•,wvBlockStt. Stoneham "Muss. Grocer!es Oen fect ona y Smoking Tobacco 25 Gents per lb. CHOICE TOBACCOES AND CIGARS always in stook. 1 SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. . School Books, Stationary, Magazines �VI1Il ALL THE LATEST ilelvs N.D.--Sewing Mach.) t Needles of sir' y A. i,tl1 ), THE Exeter Bazaar. rust Received at J. R CLARKE' S varied assortment of Fancy Articles, includ- ing ehoine Albums, Ladies Companions, Fancy Boxes of Stat,oneiy, Gold and. Silver Foil for \•mottoes. Dolts in China and Wax, Watches and Chains, and all desoriplions of ELECIA.NT TCiT- YOU • GIRLS AND BOYS a'so'u parlor Pooket Books and Purses, Cann-' ditto Diaries fiir.187S from 15 Dents, pencils, pens and holders, Ink and''Paaper, Envelopes in bilxesassorted, and oiheetfangs numer- oustoo too mention. Come, bee, and buy from,, ne, • Saye J. B. C. Don t for et the act r` � n ] e on e ode t o rth d N K nn,,'a tob.tcco Stole, .•t .in 5treut. SLEIGHS 0,1i IIAND, • Berlin Wools in every > '6:s,d. • r3n{rlawl 1 T. PotterNVright t co , • e1111St {'ti`1'� 2741 Y;f recti :..'u '1 { .+;1, ., i , e'$. - bo ii:a Axd- TEAS, SUGAR, SYttUPS, CAN ()TED PEEL SAGO, TA PIOCO, NEW FRUIT, FRMS, CAftRA(iS,C000A, Chocolate, Prepared Corn and all the leading Groceries, fresh and New. TOBACCO STORE Tobaccoes, and Cigars, Pipes in 1lreerscham, Wood and Clay. smox its REQUISITES.' G�igars and Tobbacco, Whole.. sale. CEO. '. at,L' P. C , W �I� Awarded ONLY GOLD MEDAL at World's. Fair, Vienna. Also, highest at Centennial. =aCanada. !r/ Lowest prices in Send for last 1' of Planes and Organs. • O 8 Adelaide *it. East, • , at'o>ttOAf1!t Col NORMS ! siJ!ffrtrrs ��c S.