The Exeter Times, 1878-1-17, Page 22
JAw'vAB 40.7,1878
1iy children dear, let ev'r'y leer
Far from your hearts be driven.;
Whate er you de, yoe'l1 all get' reengle,
And reign at last in Leaven.
Bez>:.eeab£x how er.,y sa:utitof old,
As sacred Scriptures tell,
Through. many sins and doubts and setas
Were t.reu„ ht iu heaver), to dwell.
Remember born the ancient . world,
Who with eta Noah had striven, ,
At ,one eraii seso,k± r:ere getbere.t un,
re reign, with Goa in beaver.
while ii. his Box e•l.1 Oto m
• From wave to wave 3'33 driven,
These happy souls, in countless shoals,
Wee floated; gaff to Iereven,
Your Brethrea too, the Seilemitee,
,At pious Lot's retire',
went lu a tri:aa: to paranliso,
Oa raeid wings et ta,e.
S.t ut B ear;aoh 0,41 .1403 Mislay 114E€,
Bau kteval,haereeeises;
6i 1;1-esekl' ."v;t'f ;e lc.or. rtzt•irn vice rye
Fre weer e;alie ver.
„e aerie rie ut t v ? i:. the eau rl nitee
,bat tt;e,.• M.:";,,
to i ed term cti to :tezveu.
G=•161 F 1% tl:c`.? 4R4laatiS %sete too bad
T.1 eel Jett v- ° itieid la)“
t ii the t., C;6 tip.
` o dwell at les le lit Vaud.
Evan Jed .. N 1.-tielinas %%-'reek,
Ere. s tl t i.e Uo. i,l ace.1 ct,
"Yerlel,...•f ,.' tl o,et-west less Lord,
A:,EI •':'w, to heave ra
To ew-c'Ih s1:ix@ t € %e'.ii ,4alfre pelf,
E'' l•l lee ere 4..-- Lo 4.
t -ser %wit till *sorrel! l! a. Flip xrii"vee r
'ea( eelet les 4
In this search for some one to watch trio eyes. 2te coup: not imagine them
the Mead Harold found the tenantof looping coldly upon a beaten lever -.he
the hoose, one Kflagge, a ghoul, Who could imagine them lighting up with
syinpathetia joy, .1r softening into vout-
fort. He tonged to know by what
tame to call tier. But, aneanw#ile,
bow should he tell her that ehe was
alone in the world ?
lie looked at her gravely, end1t+1id
of erod to sell him the dead body for
anatomical purposes.
Every natural stnstirect rose IT in
Harold. It was nothing to biro, but
110 co144 not bear the thought of that
sweet-faced, pureetyed girl coming out.
of St.'ialartiu'e to find her reother dead the ring before her
—but not buried, and unable to find eo 'It is well with her now,' he eel&
!much as A mound- of turf to mourn He took her hand that she might not
aver, Without another word to kr, feel all alone, and turned hia fate that
Knaggs he returned to the room belied elle Alight weep freely. The tears
left, and 1liaisolt became a wtateher cavae, And then she Stabbed bitterly ;
of too dead—he himself could not have but Iter hand -c *ng to hie as if it lied
told, alld indeed be never asked him• been a child's and with a touch as in
self, wily. He closed the eyes of the nocenc. The tears oalue :into his own
dead woman, and coverod her Taco 51e. eyes,
cent;p, '1 will see you again,' was all else he
Tilen.•�-it wad a g Rstiy'process---Ile said to her. He felt be was giving
sit 'himself torch the deed for tite ealt° her etrsngth by being there; and soon:
of the living. In that house of ghouls,: elle would have to face theworld Notts,
tell the ry led bowling round, be felt 'What's her name ?' 11e asked a' nurse.
almost like a murderer as he searched 'Alice Deapar&
the room for any artie1ee of value, to 'Will sbe get wen,? he. Asked ate
prevent their fellinee into disheneet surgeon,
hands. Ile did not find muvh—only 'Who eau tall?' Blithe looked *No.
on nal n to
portrait 1 a atanae 11 man, Herold 51111 x taarnedhie lodgings .
tho } a strait of a t ltd y i; , , , x oDrell'-
brow tidieired and brown.eyed ;. a !maid nigh boart'brolten, 'iwllte lost half min -
re, well painted, and aet in n black rte bad lost Tarn fortune, love, Shope al.
velvet Gose ¢1111 game. Tbie be took ; most, and half Billed the sweetest face
alld thein, with a sort of c-'llscious sae and voice he had ever seen or hoard,.
rll.'ge, chew from the dead fourth fiuger But when he reached home his
elle woman's only ervazuont-a wed• room was occupied—by a policeman,
ding ril,g. and a 'Ce#mp*lnioe in plain clothes The
Ile sift down at the window, drew np :latter said, before he mold ask *sir
* 1rthe blind end did not dunk it anon. bueinees.
lege to 'fight a cigar. 'Yon aro Hartild iraynaad, is am it
'Only half a ruinnte --he renlcltlbee- constable. And 1 arrest you on a
eel the wordy of his first ce3.mien. And
let that moment the clock from gear St.
- 1artin's struck one. Only half a Ian
uts late --only seven hours and a ,bar
ter. The enol -bull rolled and grew.
litertdd Maynard was grocwi,ng Imo-
. But he felt like a sentinel at lit
}1 mat, anti it was too late even to dream
elf dinner now. Se be dreamed; of Letty,.
aultl looked at the ntnra.
Next morning, after intluiring about
10 young lir! at the hospital, aarolal
;►'net zeef hese zone luta:? ae
a eel t ;.<tt eel itt Pix»..>n1. 3'%v'l1 t7ri: t
," ln.- 4114 to yo:?r 412 .441,
.4"•". ,W1 tr:1 1:-:'e , ei.o, mei thief, mad liar,
Eike re. ;'.• P:,;7.11,et Feeta,
A11t 4.4 a,l3/4.4+09 talt'e ala {.T as i epee
Algia e 't.) ,,.t 1, a • piens„
All. al9 to well-_. ,rte is no bell,.
Nt x n ac devil, ;so
T1Ileac a;•"°liliojre 'II steely cone
1V,i.'rd'8 1r, a%cir'sa .°iS'e to re,
4.1,141? A 11I N L .PE LATE.
The 'ilri.tmae number of Louden
?beep is this year one of the hest
51a111ilig's worth of the sort that bus,
been issued. It i9 felt t'f ge otl tilg s.
end rapers, and p ems,anti it is net d.
less ver ley that it is beautifully iltu,-
tratt' d. As a sent} le of the coltents
of the number we ':lay mention thea
story with the title above quoted. The
hero of it is Harold .1laynard, n g.•o.i
:no';itl ytlfitl,a Ivan, iv3th no pros -
wet but hard work, from which hew -
ever, he would not Sl'rink: if he could
got it to do, \rrtaen i Itroduced to us
he Inas jot ret*dived a note from his
friend miring hila to dine that night
with the writer and old Desperd ((n
China luerch;nt, wbo wanted him to
'go out ti hong Kong), nut the father
of !:itty I)eripard, baween whom nna
Harold there was au understood afree.
tioe.. Harold had promised to be at
tiro place et rix sharp—Las was, as 23
Yue". , horribly rt1'~canal ;. but jest tie ha
1v,as going to 1wn1I 411e bell to tell the
charge of wilful murder.'
"What in heaven's name 4o you
mean ?'
'The murder of lane Desparti. And
you'dbetter collie sham quietly, as
yon must, atnd not ray a lard."
Harold 11ay nas•d—and wllfal milk.
'The surgeon called in by the police
had Toned that the woman in Kuagg'e
house, in P•lwss•p1Reo. Jane 1,)ollpard
by name, bad been euffoc;ated, not he
leolied. a}, old Despard to explain and, nattue, but by man, who dose every.'
apologise. ^thing touch more ar�istically than'ehe.
By good fortune, or rather by pima. Sue/mien at flrst fell naturally upon
tnal management, 11e found old Des. the;millerii. But he in the first place
para at Volae. The China merchant sol,llateered an ikef'iectual search of the
was a tall, rather fi11e•loolling luau, promises, and, while still i t custody,
with signs of tie'l'tliner,s. Ilandaawea gavo certain of llutntiell th'it pot a'.
brown ey
es andiuxr
rt} !air -a ea1d*fierelt complexion7
► x
11, A
tnel'ebti captntiet, every inch of dial, gentleman lead come from St. llartin'a
Ile had al.libra,ry., though he never' iloapital while the poor lady lay dying.
retial; and here he received. tayl,artl,. (ecu r3arEn ov PAW: TIIIIEE,)
"Take a &teat, pray. Y ur business,.
if yen please?'
'1 a as to have bad the pleasure of
tfleeting you ,rt my friend 11,'inter'e.'
'Indeed '
lie prevented—but it was to nr
raeg0 about ley going out for you tt.
Hoeg Kong.'
'Ail, well. 14 ilii your litter? II
I. --yes ; Harold ;tlayuexd. Never
initials, M.. Maynard. I never do,°
I was informed yon were a nuteini41
Ulan. In my busiuess ;punctuality is t'
iudispen able.'
'I p.ide myself on pulletunlity.'
'An excellent pride. Ai $ you say in
y'ur letter you know what a u.inute
tn'ana, Yonr letter is a written un•
siert using to be at a certain place at. It
ctrtniu time. I d'en't re.nember meet -
her yen at my nephew's.'
'Nothing e:'nld It .ve vexed me Mare.
13nt--we11, I ran, or my cab ran, over
as gill in the street, and I had to Hee
girl to order a bans in, Itis ere f.•11 on.' her to to hospital----'
svnlethieg in the evening paper whi,al, t 'That was not business, Mr. IIay-
nartd, There is a time for all things.
Yon should not have done so.'
'What else e..uhd I have done.'
'':relit yang appointment. Bat toe
late is too late, if it's truly half a min
rte, Mr. I%iaybnrd. Not having *net'
Mowers and Reapers
he felt eenostrained .to read. He reed
it, and Hien 3 ang the/tell.; -bet he lead
lost hall a ;Dipole. YIN Reale Would
have it, his cab got in it barrow street
just as a horse 1'.11 *down end blocked
the way, and the half minute grew to l
o mmefe. In making np for tbie delay , Yon t hays this morning engaged an
a.`'s eel) ran over snnle1 o her gentleman, who, I t -rust will not
031? ±•n the street—a 1`o111v•dress d''waste my time in running over gilts int
with the features of a l.idy. the -streets of Hong Kong. Time Imes -
He took ler iti the cal) to St. Martins'e les, and the Ganges never delays au
Ifnst± tali, acrd fnuuii that the bait t ltortr,' •
n)iante hail rolled itself into fifteen..
'Ss there anything I earl CIO for you `''
he said gently end ashamed, tonchiur
her wrist slightly with lila fingers.
Only --Help me to go home. I ,nest
go home.'
'Harold It±ct1.Gd at the sergeon. Tito`
sureecn shrink his head, and si erifiid
"Impossible jnst knew ?'
have a inntiler, and Rho --is dying.
and dile has no .friends lint me I—I two sovereigns :lin the world, and one
have hone blit her. She is dyiug— 111rrowed, and no prospect of'eacniug
alml0. t %eat ant lar help, fwd—' mo'e.
The lid's agony w128 be3o-d tears. Norse than all, Lefty gave bine ups
'Coed Ciecl i' said Harold. 'T will ge incense he had cared so meet' for a
—trust 1110, sly poor girl. Tell me girl lie bad kuocked down in the atreett
where she hues—her name. Will you els to take her to a hospital.
trust me.?' Tho lose of 'Lefty-.lnight be tinbear-
The girl's eyes gavo loin at long look. able, but it had to ibe borne. The
Apparently they were satisfied ; and
they thanked hie in 6bat simplest and
honesteslt of lauguaagee .that Iles ;no
tong -no.
20, Powys-please—tin.; third floor. Lotty'b awake;,; now he must say it once
Mru.--Desparl.' • for all, and for his own. ant.eyen bis
The e1',eb etruiif a quarter "t9 seven. pressing need did not keep I1im .&ole
From the bell minute !lad grownafarfy. ealling at, the hospital the nest +day
five. with the, g: s1's.ininiatnre and ring.
T:erold, itra lie hncl prom isecl. went to She could see Win now. HP set
20, Powys•pi ace, ,vid on inquiring. for down by her bedside., .an.del .oked for a
Mrs. Despard, lead directed tel the ceninenb or twe into the await, pure
:*hied floor back. He was jest in time eyes, wondering what:lie could say to
That wretched half minute 1 It'
-teemed turning, into n live thing.
time milts he have supposed that al
erraud of common charity would have
ee:St him so much mere than a dinner?
And liege, jest !reenlist; he had delayed
in pulling a bell rope for au inappreci-
able specs of time, he was as far from
Hong I .ng es London, as far .fromr
Let ty 330 from. Hong Tieing ; with only
of our celebrated
Single Mowers
Single Reapers
in all'kindaat Grass and G chin, antlon n.11 0012
it Mous of son and 8ut'tam
012 NO 8.tLE
Wo also offer a Trial of onr Wrought lana
Teta Bar„
ltiaebiues supplied with
1°Ivo Pitmans,
Two .Ltrag-birs,
Two Finger -bars.
Four Knives,
Forked and Keyed. •
Self -oilers,
etc., etc.,
Can bo channel from .older
to Reaper
Eyastnoval of four bolts, au 5 finless than fifteen
minutes' time..
Please call at our works and inspect
oar Machines before purchasing
wort d must still
go on, 'for Harold all elsewhere,
17ilyinlg and no selling; all hunger and Send for Cctt tlornteH.
'00 food. S351l'letltillg must be done
go said so a thonsend times for THOMPSON&WI_LLIA?t' a
NlanufacturineCo., Stritfor'1,..
Wonders of Modern Times
Eo Uowa, o Fills &O ntment
The rills Pori fytbaIllood.,cirrectalldisorders
otthe Liver, Stowaclt. RIdne s dna Bowels, Rua
era invaluable in all coalp ,lnt5 ioeedeeta.l to
The Ointment Iel the only noliableretnedy for
Bad Legs, 01.114 o. ude. Some and Meer , of how.
over long st uding. For Bronchitis. Dipht_er:r.,
Colds. Gout, Rheumatism. and all hitt Bataes
its sae equal,
New York Counterfeits.
Spurio23s iulitaat•,Otta of "3i011oway'e Pins
and Ointment," aro rettettleetnved atl.l soli
under the Agip?of"ii.•llowayrkCo:Coby J F.
l our}, t urratu . Company. Drug.
vs.s, and cbo by the
AJet o•
NiawlYorrk, watt m e u a'i.tunettiade
,Yeeeph 11syneel ;, '1- ofNew 'Sarl.-,it:e•
Viae passes ell coshterfeitsoflaiR
Ow,n matte under tee eerie, refiol.
Iowa!? 4C9.,1N-trim; ter!,, trgelo anllti n t•rosetat
and Serpent; szoNesseu .i ltobbins O! lets Toriz
are agents for tho sante.
Theae person& t11e11et1(8 to, deceive ton, nR-
blushingly caIItionthe publish; tele small boeke
of dfreetnoosailised to their r,te-te:nee, which
arere.:ty thespureone i3111 trene,to Ilnworo o
1; ascraaoallosts Dealers abtant t"r:e,tl at %•cry',
low lrree. c^dxElt ti,e:at to ft•? nld'LO tet Cana
do r n u•v geni1''i w 1'+il . Wel tlqat
f 19O'.tearat('.2'y *suit resiect'ttlIF..±pealsthe
Clerks. to mothers of fanlanles ,d re ser tallies
and tee patine I.83.1:C$vae 331'.of )3.1G altio.te.dwe.
ea. that a1•e} nae, he l±luatic.t to de4:0a1.40 i't3•
s* ar tef ly *tie d f :414i.
I'UreteAFeret t.'ton'.Ilooh tela".? 1 1 eIo1 the Pot%
,123.1 beteg, If : •e adet pw as nae ',.:.t, 9.'tt:.t
Etre wt. London. %:fav asv 1:00 eon ow *ohs. L,eit
)eelA11410t0%of tLetleonicnR3 tllcd t uca, t,car3tete
Ilr33aa,a Government statue. % 1 t tiny words
"II.1r, ..1),t:°R PN,1s A't:I far\.%e , I *' .'on;'
aana;r.1%0I3 1.1*! :row ('.t toe la%t,el ox 4 n n.t,l;crs,
. 3313.'%'7.2 Ntrert. 1.i,n,,.o:-.1.`ae• .. 404-4 af• tu,e i (t:;,.
lsfors:P:a;::z, 1. 14%,t'4+i Vita ea•t, 230 ,I.- :used
try Waders ee'iiaogspur 4yra'Jt.'lr:iw. f..1':1', and
Qatltute312 n'.,.1y genuine tease .t,0
. .1 COM.
010.24 it112:3 the i.a•-t^col:%tIt ROOM tee drip" 2 80.
Mt-aeta,ed,Moat t..e r a Irene lteVe:s0 va Nt-Il.
FOR 50 OENTS*0 'usail'
pp Lip ,dress elegant U
tlLE . ' pairGents Sleeve 13,
,sot omat,stt. de, 1 Collar 33utton,
heavy 1)321111 Ming, 1(P3+Fiap,O6.,a+:a
��• mond,pltiu. Itet.i,ii,price $3. $100,
000 stock wt be sold. Illustrated
catalogue of jewelry, -watches, &o.
sent with every lot. Saver watch,
to ,111 agel,ta,. Watchfreo..
at'± _ Q
1NTle'AL NOVELTY Csee ,Hers:lesua'cbreathe ler•last, thane They were dlff.reut from Lea
MOIST 11sA r. o.
?akin douse
G. etc J. PETTY
LIVEN AWAY.- .A beautiful Ianl,ortet Oliva/No
and 00l;lesant }Sired: visiting Cards, 2�ic, s3)
for JOe„ no chro.u4, 1oYdL Can» Co.,; Tort Ley'.
V//1..�ctr06..25 styles, 13c.; SO, elegant caret, no 41
1,t*1iko.10e', with none?. Secoanbe; 1 Co.,i index
hal!or, . Y.
.-Xy Ms., ostl aid,, L.JAiss.5 Co, ,,asSdt h. Ire. Y
�e t' >ta u, i��Y
$22, 5 A IgA$' TO ,AGENTS, x0&0 Sarulllca
4/ 1coritt 0330 spelt *Ise, lY. d, Vo rAir ,
1306103!, ]`lass.
.i� sl ei7vros y0, 0Bvens, $nuuo t,ccoN i'
2 frucv canis, sooivdaGi e. Dwma,;e, etc, not 2
ali;te,'aith12a140,10e. y1bb.,t,•aidCa,tiaslaan
QQ11•�n s dpa
ay t4 n;euts, Full Thor tree.
CONFIDENTIAL Notices toagents. New Q:g;;ant
16atopa 1aJ20.113.' 12 1-18.7.0, $80". Pa.ios.e1.
yr•.se.rGill.oulyaft2e. Ot.0 eL1. Beatty", S'lat,lls
rngt01 N .1.
ork For All
IN their own focal it'es., ii Jg for the Fire-
side Vi1etor. "sular„ed) Wet ly and 8300132121.—
P'2'1 in Gine tcornl with 1lanin1Otft
i. rn Gene tree. Addre* I' t) i'1t:EE M4, Ab user
ONLY GOLR 1140A*. at i21cr34'+1
eons, Aire, highest at Centennial.
prices in Canada, t3' firma for tat
r.� 02 7t'tt,ues Kee (rgsna,
ceta AdelOdo St. ret1t, Tone/gm
FOR PARTICULARS ADDIi)05 nwiNG zit.toras COtIPA1117.
8;10 Dreadway, N. Y. City;
Chicago, III.; New Orleans, La.;
Or S.ut Francisco, eel.
1.[ days f a+.h ;iota
•¢,eta .,al„S%i;ti.t.Ilre.',00tep c 1,
.&re prepared to pay the highest'
price in CASH for any
quantity of frogs, dead.
Any quantity of
constantly on hand.,
Wholesale paid Retail.
- All orders for cured meat
promptly atteucled to
T. ,1S'S L1.11EWOTES.
ou•rdrawn kilns hang now infu operation and
to ruing outdaily is largo (luautIty of
oaten.+.1 ll ''O CS
cannot be surpassed in the. Domin-
ion. •
i artiestrora'a distance can al ways lieerToned
either at tire 33320.4 or Qeiive,'t1 by wales ntla.v
eat TOtouited'al'tVe rates. 3) t((2113 from n '.distance
promptly attended to.
Furniture, T4rwere, • arc
Havin0 t•urchase,i the ?tock and Buildings of
W. J. Gilpin, will give
r✓M 4 T"a, ."1.C. ,I1'S•
in all classes of goods, 8e,as to
Reduce the Stock fully 011e half before re-
Bargalca May etc obtained at either of the I
• 1J.C.G1L VIN.
Wholesale Druggist
Riohxloto;nd St., London
0N":" 'Z -R t•
It, 5►FiS oNg1(In
•A tU C1 4t0.4 t.
ye, C .¢.230 2$nei *S;liao.:*�
ir.,er _2
:It+w System of As'lured l?rollfs.
nor,e'Niemen; ai ➢toutsmn Del .t l:.aek„ Doe.l,
,x1230 buys lull 10141%0-5 %,l Inn* all •1e r oe. 23111:1;n%
28 seare4 '.s fol die r 3. 1,.8 3.80 or . 85 ol lots,
heat deta.4a wee ta.ely by tette? and e.aa:tt To-
Geld and 1 T. i'otter i1(t fi (•o ,
sized l�
Walsers; No.08an at,,: ow ler*.
9 7i '%
T1 o aflrin.6a v l .i8ue;na.g7t'1( free to each .,un
,%b ee:ller.3r2 8 ttllan.1691110 inMt (•,0312%3'.g
tat „e
8.2.0, Toe l taat►:ot to use of Wee WIT 438
(12 ct+ torat papers l nb,tr.,,, 1l aarteelata: e.t.ere
a. en *1230 roper. 923(3 C.Iito.t I.% t=ractoa,l
x,200. .r,3082121'ettc .i0nt&eelr 1'dr y:ettr.*en
8003211' of witted we will at;••,a11,150 end nVOIR31aeu•
(142'1,008o, If yon ratgla,r... r 1 ao bt/.cnn tda
the I.3fl1n3tisthe paper t. I:ee,p a+s1'eszcd.
S3'load;41udlteementi to agents. at„ .• r.aa
T'ohrtston tti Gibbons
I)et,-o'. atia11.
Winter Reeo its
J.za_M A. 1. GOA,
81z to seven. 4a% vov. from Now Tor.. by
'20 Atlas ['out •:1.11 n 6.e:, (11. 4.1..31 (2021832*' 711
to the 0n311, r •• an, o ''+ t':'h 9,1,:b2, 91W170131,- a: `e
a0,10100 0t (mune ;n.0 u.1,1 the ltvrathe, o 'tut
scenery, aul.d nock?... Vtelevo, and, 11 n':ug
I,ive'a. loo Cl' da.o , d"y atmw to, t •ae
tecolowentled by 1.11 e;;1n8 es Ueen1,',j Live...+5V
l0112%lte.2 for lova: nttl t;'3.0alave „ c c80atfor
Tho plans Con+"•npv's I: '1 tis+'1t. tl' • t•c"ala
I3 Oa steamers, ca • • tut, 11..2 ' 1(Ave. 1' ' end
t.0?tad states Aina_", iSave New To :z twice a
I?AIIE (SALOON), 5') Ak. ti0i,37
nerLT To
D. Batorsby. Agent, 15& St. Aiwa at., Mon-
3less. Morgan S: Co., *27 Young et.,
PRIM, FO1t1VOOD & Co., Gneener.
AGENTS, 50 Wall Street, New Yerk.
POI 1%53 Its co, ta'3 34119,23.r for ceN.,u12.-
A 110:3. A,•it your .1 3'2,'133.5 f..r it.--
Cir utnoo t oo. a1.10te3, 9. [i SSO:Iia, l i Cot
St. Now Tors.
50 ('� nnoccAttrpo+,tafur sale 141. u'e e
(�nv#t Meet destroys el ob.:.
tug' pests can h, vn t, sur de.
livered at any 8201,00 Moog Ibo L. IL.* 31,1., for
II; eos.apest,or.rut o'tueet. 1'CS at Rs cel, -0r
8 cls. Bound orsquare ceder anyleurCU, 01 di-
m< tn ion cat and sawed t'lo.der. Ap'.'yto3. E:
O .r,n,inthel.dealeriu t 'Jar pos:-, 10nee 1rtn-
tr;1' bud:in Uo Co.
C. Bouthoott Som.
i'ALLORs and Cf 'i't1.i'fEts�
Take plea spa e to it ro''m th° in habitantsof tido
add surrounding •couaary, that they have jus
ope.100.0ot 1212 oscellent astiortlllent of
Tweeds, Coatinrjs,`T.;estings etc.,
of the latest styles and patterns, andfeel assure,'
that intim matter ofcloth tug,'they can suit the
most fastidious tastes.
A number of Waaaor r Sewing maclbi*cs
witlbe sold at aSeer; lice to oiean'o'it stook.
GrocerJesCon fectionary
Spl:oking Tobacco 25 Coats' per lb.
always in stock.
School Books, Stationary, Magazines
N.i3.—Sewing !0 etfkkt..lieedle8 of every Rills.