The Exeter Times, 1877-8-23, Page 7•
A.ticnJsT23, 1877
a rapers P-" t
Choice assortment, Entiliehluaut'
Window D1inas- ..
Glazed, Green and Figured, pretty katt
16 varieties of Base, Fancy a ml lull cr 1,
arietles--all priceli.
u, the flies t the horrible fine t
xonud lexe eleotinn,',liea,
oUnd like a maniac's dream,
tee nal lute the cream;
the number of "trained" teachers hav-
aving oharge erf our public schools was
very small compared with that of un-
trair~eci teachers ; also; that a very
cret. iter. Whiston, for buhnoriet, and
Mie Etas, the contortionist, are greet
attractions.---Guatielt ,The carte.
%aloes all over the breast, large proportion of those who were CEJt it4L a •1•
zra cud Belding your head, trained in the Provincial Nornne.l
seine, Tee Buse to die.- School very soon left the profession. CEN %nems MArtEST.--•We are rand!
Dopgo • . - the nasty, pestiferous hal It was couridered better to give the pleased to near that the ltieesrs. Bute11-
third-class teachers (who censtitu+.ed iaea of hue' n, bane rented the stemu!
Mil W. J. Stewart baying as•;bout three-fourths of total number)a".
house at the station, and lrithild ant
hag npon the grain buying business at
Cientrant% in full eeriest.
TMeDICAL hiss oBliT,---Dr. • Button tans
come to reside amortg us as a p1hrei•
e au and surgeon, thus .nut}l'IT ing a
want that has beeu long felt. 1 e
briuga qualifications of the highest or-
'Mee Times may be had for S etc, net. copyl
,II,Nt.flusebrugle's and el.Grif0 Hock
E,cutee,-There .will be as total
Ealipso of the moon to -night.
Stoew.0 tw Ittisais -Mut sidewalk ap-
preaching the Saubla bridge baa been
rctlseft, which will .make travelling ith
that porrtun of the town, a trifle more
enjoyable during the fall mut spring.
132:Atlattrvr. '''►dere,---011 ;Monday
last, :air. It. Staul;tko sliowed us r.
specimen of red coati wheat, l;' own on
his farm near Grand I3end, wooed is of
rohrlt, frau ei naiity, mist will yie'lu
twouty£lve or thirty bueltols to the
I.r nose. -Put your round, ripe, nisi
tomato into hot writer for a second, au
that the shin will conte "ffoasily. Leave.
the elcor° tomato upon the ice 0701
night, so that it is as farce Aa a (mow.
ball. In the morning have it' brort;lrt.
fresh and cold in, a deep saucer, and
with pepper, salt, vinegar and oil enjoy
a dish tit for the gods.
SUASItr u..---Qa Saturday afternoon
lata, Mr. McLaren, of Hodgson & MC -
Laren, want turning on the street iii
front of the weigh scale% alien ono of
tiro wbeeyle slipped into the orevice bee
tweets the framework and the settle.
Owing to the rapiditl of the horse's
memento and the tight placaiu which
ill wheel was, it may retndily bo con-
ceived why be was out five dollars
paid to the wagon.waker.
A. YRAlt or Px.Elsxx.-Tlho nut crop
this year will be abundant, the street•
nut, hickory, butternut, and walnut
treea`all being fairly loaded with fruit.
Besot nuts are also in great plenty.
The principal failure seems to be in the
staple, the scarcity of ibis fruit corros-
pouding to the remark that the trees
bear plentifully in alternate seasons,
plentifully in years of an even num-
ber and sparsely in odd years,
IRs n.Awee.-- On Saturday evening
lest, Mr. Will Hooper had "Galt Re-
porter" out for an airing, when be (the
dorso of couree)seeing a span of horses
going down street, made for their
company, notwithstanding Mr. Iiama-
or'a efforts to hold him. In. order to
get there away from the team, he was
hit n couple of sharp outs with a raw-
hide. Not relishing such troatmort,
he went as the wind, carrying his rider
with him, to Cottlevillo.
Baena euro Lao.—On Sunday even-
ing last, as Isar, Charles SueIl was re-
turning home from a church he had
been attending in the country, ;t cow
at the side uftlhe road rose up from
whereit had been lying, and frightenedidea that his house was being burglar -
the horse. It tat tied qui;.kly to one ed by thi chair, and respoudel to in ized sprang out of bed, seized his gun,
side, throwing dr. Snell out, and feeling manner by AIT. Strathy, who at and fired. }lir. Purvis, when be sxw
hreakiug his an'de. He was speedily the saline time acituowledged the honor the flash imagined it was the striking.
taken home, and had the fracture at- shown tilru. Stl atlly, by the mention of of a match, but the report and his own
tended to. He wilt be confided to the
her name in con .,action. A most en- feelings at the time convinced him that
joyable evening was spent. he was shot. He then gave hie name,
house for some time.
I:a• a. Low STATE.-80/De few weeks Tun Excussro.T.- Probably the most but Baker being doubtful would not go
since, Mr. Harry Hooper, a youlig rsion of the season
thpoat which twill take place fr m here twill o and ou the road ar him. Purvis
to the n fhiredt the liman,
man in the employ of Dlessrs. Still-
tiro- part Staple on Tharsda of next
well & Pickard, of this place, felt pains week. , It well occur under the auspices with whom he returned. Medical aid
which so resembled rheumatism thatwas' summoned, and five shots were
he treated it as such. Feeling no re- of the Sabbath sohool of tale S. C. extracted. This rather surprised Bun
lief, he went to Loudon fur further me- starch here, who invite all the sur• ker, who was of the opinion that the
died aid. Arriving there, the pain rounding churches to take part tihereln, gun was empty. He, however, is doing
became intense, and localized itself in and. no doubt, owing to the lose figures all he oun, paying the doetor's bill,loss
the region of his spine. On consulta- .at which the fare has been placed, viz., of time, eto. The wounded man is a'
tion by the doctors it was decided to 75 cents for adults and 41) cents for preseut at his home iu Exeter, and sill
perform an. operation, -and a small children. it will be well patronized. soon be around again at his work. •
boue was leteched. Since then, he For the convenience of all, and to pre- PULLMAN & HAnxxLTON'6 GREAT Lox -
vert s beeu sinking, and. but vert dispute, it would, be wine an tlhr, non Sans mon,-On Saturday last a
small hopes are now entertaaiuei of his part of those going, to take the proper novel and entertaining - exhibition,
re:overy. - - change from the ticket office. Rev: under canvas, was - given in the after -
A FAVORITE DEAD. --On Wednesday :`Ir. Butcher rellnetste us to ask all to noon and evening, and those who at-
mori,ia.a of last week, Mr. Will Hoop- be at the station as early as 8 A. M. tended Were almost unanimous in pro-
er went to the cage of his mocking- Serra Holum lacENse .Eburs: The uonncing it to be one of the most pione-
bird for the purpose . of feeding it.- following is a atatement of the . ani- ing entertainments that has ever been
Those of our readers who have listened otwts .received by the several mtu:i- offered to the.pnblic.The band, in a
to its beautiful notes, which it seemed eipalities of South Huron from the li• carriage drawn by eight horses, par -
never to tire of warbling, may imagine quor license fund, for the year 1877: tided the streets in the morning. At
bis sorrow when he licked up a dead Stafo'rth, $1,303 43 ; Exeter, $345 olio o'clock a balloon ascension took
bird. The bird was a general favorite, 37 ; Bayfield, $248 91 ; Stephen, place, when Mons. Gasoon went high
and will be much missed, and seemed $257 57 ; Hay, $203 91 ; Usborue. into the heavens, having for a seat a
to be in excellent health. Ile had re- 8128 77 ; Strnley., $150 24 ; Tucker- trapeze bar only, on which he per-
fused $75 for it a short time meatus. smith, 1128 77 ; Goderich township, formed some very daring feats. The
NARROW ESOAPra.--Ayonug man nam- $82 20. The total amount thus div• aerial ship, after alinost disappearing
ed Thomas Campbell, son of John tributed is $2,791 17, whioh together from sight, gradually -same down and
Campbell, Biddulpb„narrowly escaped with the snare of the Provinoe$r837 11, soiled about, a mule to the east of the
subtsining serious injuries while feed- makes a total 11 $3,627 28 collected town, where it was safely anchored.--
ing a threshing machine in a neighbors for licenses in South Huron, eselusiye The tableaux were very fine, and the
barn on' Tnesday. Leaving the oylin- 01 all expenses. ghost -scenes of the most mirth-provok
der to gather the loose "grain be was OovNTY MoDitL SOHOOLa.--As many ing character.' Figures floated through
'c11rxl1t in a joint of the tumbling shaft
anti Ids clothes riddled in a moniant.
The. oely i1:.jury received was the
xi euclii,,,, of hie arm welch under the
sunned the sole control of the Adore
Hotel, the public will find him always
attentive. IIi• card, will be found in
another column.
Prvrts.-Tire highest prieo in cash
will be paid for any quantity of plume,
delivered at Mr. Sswenert.anas .t,ake
Road, or at the Express office, Exeter.
Bonar volt Duncan.- Messrs. I. -a tc
Carling, B. V. Elliot, It. Bissett, P.
Drew and R. Elliot, and bars. I. Carl.
lop, Mrs. T. Bissett. Misses Flora: and
Lizzie Carling start to -day for Duluth.
DserrATIUN, _-. A d4phtation of the
Eincardine Town Council parked south.
yesterday morning aver ths L. IT. it; 13.
$orae degree of training by means of
County Mode/ Sehoe le, than to expend
large sums of money in building and
maintaining new Normal 'Schools.
which could only Accommodate a small
number of students.;
Bo nor i'Vii-,....Qafdsr..... On Ieln-
day evening last, tutee Of B+'•feter de# *tie with a little patience and per -
'North's fair damsels Were driving along sever auce, cannot fail of soon becoming
Alain street. nearly opposite the cricket lluccessfully established•
ground, their horse backed into the Monw New Ctrizu:ie.--W. Parr Lee-,
ditch. The walked home, a�ud one +from Escutt: in the County of Leeds.
of the s\•lice u resembled the name of a has rented the house barely vacated by
Russian general that had bcrorzte ac-
Airs. (lifirorrl, and is roofing, into the
g4aintea with a�Turki:sb btattery earns with tris fetmity. He is 11lneb
ft Goon Pv�ur.. P'rc balrly suppesillg pleased with the village, and has seen
1 • th t noro:attrac:iv
on their way to Louden to 1nspeet the there WAS a pueeicy et la c•ss items ala 1 ate au
' c
(.s scossors to G. 13. S'with)
Have the question often asltcc
them by customers •
How is it you sell agoo' s so
cheap ?” •
Wo say, `*Because we. have
a �r'llc�letale- House Connected
with our j.Eet•ail House, and
tlieneiore we sell goods Retail
at Wholesale Prices
r:irTo band Ohm weep the sl S, aucnI of
gods teugbt by 'Jr. Henderson sl, ee this ar-
rival in I.un,pc+, ant the c.xtaaz.rni..,ry value
in these g ;dss matte the people
pt uple/c�..trr.d r-
St- Marfa.
fire system of that city, with a Tien% .�'4c�a ore. William liu�cl-sl►aw, Juo Drew' "`ir.rAehti Scinanl..• Prolu the stir"er• •1,,�` '
1 1 school I bclf r pee.
Rubber �j.�.�►�
probably, of nurohasrng ono of its end rlo n., H Iowan ,air Tuesday la:it, ; fn, st nils. of the �c Tao , w l e.
Mu The Ki:teardine people sesta made sal effort to fill the supply, Alr, spire that lilies Atkinson bis ngaiu err
to be alive to the tlecesailf of more fire' Thos. Prier was stlhnding in front of tered upon Ther itutiee for another erre,
protection, but paxtioularly dead to pro-
viding it.
lleooxtt' Mtr.n..--•'1Iuving had occasion
' short time since to Maas the above
mill, wo were struck by surprise at the
a 'l' 'e ss aced bythe
it 1 neo fact tat a e
tine 1
obliging preprietors to turn out lumber.
Pore/were from a distance of twenty
and thirty miles obtain their supplies
here, arta seem united in General sage-
factian given.
Pensonen.-lir. J- 1`7. Hooper, who
has been en a trip to Duluth for that
benefit of hie health, has returned,
toolelug and feeling mucic better. -Mr.
George Sanders, also returned on Sat-
urday eveuing las, from a trip to the
earns place, having added fifty per cent
to itis health, and greatly refesha•d.
Ile, tike Mr. Hooper, apt Os well of the �animatian had scarcely yet fid, for ale
rreatnhont received, and enjoyed hie 1 egnally noble eve,Abeu, of a R: ayiah
trip immensely. hue. Hie pockets were depleted to the
W. Marorip, of Mesara,' Janes amount of $2.50 by the traR1'asretian.
That sante eveniug the beast, a solitaire
life not being m prefrreble as the one
he had just lett, broke jail, and soon
was iu tLa nosaessiou of the pound -
keeper. Seventy-five cents Moult('
bim, and then $1 buried him the next
day. Tito beeves are a bad thing to
pure, especially when the medicine is
our office with his butcher wagon,
when the three Ita,Aaed gentlemen pro-
posed to try the strength of ins pont
by !holding the wheels, For a few
seconds it with doubtful whether num
but a
v successful,
n be s won l ro u
r at would
few cheering words from Mr. Prier's
arnenier organ, MA the day for the
horse. Thanks, gentlemen, for the
.dw EQwrwha s-Sloiteettnee of LirP,• One of rf our town merchants, known as
an extrelao lover of borae-lleeh, and
who never takes a "stump," met with
a company of travelling gipeiea a few
clays since, and mnnnged to trade to
them a number of bullet piled upin the
altar a of a torte, the:vertebrae being
exceedingly well . defined, out of which
AIoscrip, St. Marra, interrupted the
the usual calm that pervades our sans-
tutu by trespassing therein, on Mon-
day lhtat. Wo were glad to nee hie
freak, jovial fete, even if we hadn't a
quarter to give him that he might lav
tali it upon our health..
-- On Saturday last, Mr. Wan. Drew
returned from the Knights of Pythias applied lay gipatea.
excursion to Cleveland. Ile and the
"Forest Laity," of Ohio, seem to like
one another, as be speaks in high
terms of the people, and of his trip as
--Rev. Canon Iiincke, formerly of
this place, now of Ingersoll, will preach
in Christ Churoh here next Sunday
morning and evening,. and at Hensel'
in the afternoon. Rev. Mr. Ryan, of
this town, will supply his Idace in In-
Co u11,1MBNTAltx DINNE11.--On the oc-
asion of his leaving Exeter for Owen
Sound, Mr, W. Strathy, of Malson'a
Bank, here, was entertained by a num-
ber of the buminlss men of the town at
n c0anplimenthiry dinner at the Central
Hotel en Monday evening last. Inane
Carling, Egg., occupied the chair in the
geniel and haply manner customary
with that gen lemon ; lir. D. Johns
ocaigned the vice -chair. The toast of
the (:welting, ""Uatr Guest,'" was propos-
Slier BY AitsTAncn. --On Thursday of
last week, Mr. Purvise, fish pedlar was
nearing Bayfield, when he mat with the
hired naan of a farmer named Baker,
who resides in the vicinity. Knowing
each enter, Purvis was astfo4 to stop at
Baker's on his way home with his fish..
He declined, on account of the lateness
of the boor, but afterwards consented.
True to his word he called on his re-
turn. Eluding the door yield to hie
touch he walked in, expecting to meet
his friend by appointment. That gen-
tleman, however, was absent, and had
neglected informing Mr. Baker of any
of his arrangements. Sumo time before
this it appears that some, one had at-
tempted to break into the houre. Mr.
Baker, resolved that the next visit of
any such individuals should be met S11sPIclol sxv SUDDEN DxArn. Aman
with irresistible rtrgntrent,'borr red all
livinghere named John Regan died
gnu. When Mr. Purvis entered all
was darkness, and Mr. Baker, with the suddenly Saturday morning under very
saspicuius circumstances. An inquest
will be held to enquire into the matter.
her perseverai ee is very conuneradalde
and is deserving of a :laudh gn aber-
patronage. We .rust every I:nrent itr
alio village sill herd art aa. ahaany little
echolare aa possible. •
Ilnerzoror.aa.-IR a communication
from, the old c, uutry we learn that lar.
Itichardson's long cherished idea of
building a town upon strictly. Hygienic
principles, is likely to be calmed out Ab
once. The its ehoieu is M Courtlond
near Wortlung, Eng. It is to be call-
ed ".h{Sgieolrulis" or the '-City of
Fox Siii;.-- Mr. Trivitt in now of-
fering for sale eeveral sonall home-
etetads, or park letsof4t nem each, as
Canatnen Ennui pricer. The hold ie
elenred Aral of the rielteot dercriptien.
abutting on P. ince Leopold street
(nswly surveyt t) on the w elf, side of
the station. Vi-lage lots also in great
variety from $513 acid upward. Sites
tor mills, factories, . &e., on this new
street, gratis. -
H I rv'HER+BE.o.
Sicul.ri SuAstuth.--O*r Saturday even-
ing,-ise Mr. °eorge Turnbull, a com-
panion and s dug were passing along
the St. Mary's Boad, they easy an in-
dividual approach, ssltom they suppos-
ed to be Air. Tarry Brown, of Wiu-
chelsea, a friendly, good-uatured fel-
low, and very intimate with Turnbull.
Thinl'ing to play a joke,, they got be-
hind a hie g> r ,voed, and awaited his
drew opposite, one
the roam, turd the
dog. Mr. Brown
threw out
other sent ou
playfully picked up the stone, in the
darknee not knowing whence it game,
and pitched it at the block. Turn-
bull, who was behind it,rectived its full
force on the skull, smashing it in. He
was at once conveyed to Kukton,
where Dr. Irving did all the could for
him. He is now doing well and will
Fruit s ars
Patent Wire
.. er .
- 3rST Ai:1;UVED--
Ax% d on and
Sticky Fly Paper
Central Drug Store
axxc ere' Stare.
Grooms Oon f'eotonary
Sn7Qkln Tobacco 25 Conts per lb.
aiscxya iustoek.
Far Boils and Carbuncles.
From Rev. Ittelhard Edes, of 13olton,
;Tor years I was a sufferer from
boils, so that my life became weari-
-soine through their frequent and per-
sistent recurrence. A oarabunele,
which ultimately occupied a space of
three or four square iuohes, formed in
the small of niy bank. During its
progress large .pieces of decomposed
flesh were every day or -two out away
and the prostration and, general dis-
turbance of the system were great.
B. fore I had reeovered from this at-
tack two smaller ones broke out hil,her
up, and 1 was again tbreatned with a
recurrence of the sufferings to which'
had so long been subject ed, It was at
this time that I commenced taking the
PERUVIAN SYRUP ; I continued Making it
until I had used five bottles ; since
then I have .nae nothing of the kind. I
attribute this improved state of my
system entirely to the PERUVIAN SYRUP;
and I feel that I cannot expre:�s m}
obligations to it in terms too strong,
For years I was one of the greatest
suffers. Other medicines gave me
partial and temporary relief ; but this
remarkable remedy, with a kind of a
intuitive sense, went direotly to the
root of the evil, and diel its work with
a thoroughness worthy of its estab-
liated character." Sold by dealers
persons do not appear to understand the air or remained su=spended in•
the reason why the new model salmis strange attitudes, and inviting chairs,
are established, an explanation of these when. attempted to be sat upon gave no
matters will probably lie interesting. support. Of course the manner; of pro -
School Books, Stationery, Magazines
N.B.-Rowing kir ,blue Noedlesof every kud Ia,
wale. G. SANDERS
The nndergigned would beg leave to acquaint
the Pabiio that tint they have opened out a
On the street leading to the B. C. church and
that they are prepared to contractfor ail' kinds
Plans and specifications fc•--` bed. and from
their experience in sue Dustless, they fee
confident of giving satisfaction to those who
may favour them -with their patronage.
Felt Roofing coutracted for on Reason-
able Terms.
...While shooting, Mr. Nathan Ellis,
of Puslinoh, bad the misfortune to
have his gun burst. It was a Roper
gun, and the eylindet woo brown, out
at the breech.. The dog -head strilcilg
his thumb ant clean:, through it and
ther ghar. sett i ff the metal in the. grin -
core cit Dr. Lees,tbna been made all When the Hun. A. Crooks became duoing the startllh,g effects iathis toys- stock, strikinig him in the head and
- riebtu. Minister of Education, he found that te•ions,representation is a feteutifiose- enttit.g him severely.
Theundei•signed would inform the iuhabi
IL th ants of.Exoter and vicinity that he ha
one door south of his Blacksmith shop andhopes
the same liberal patronage that has beer ac
corded to humin the
lino will be extended to him in his new branch o
business, DU meat wagon willcall at the rai-
d= of hevillagersthree times earl weekend
Inds 1;eTtconstsi.tll cn i
$lsackemithing and wag% n alting carried ou
usualin al) its branches
�Just published, a new addition of Dr
Cuiverweir s Celebrated Essay,ontheradt
cal cure of mica Weakness or peralnator
rhcea, induced b -Abuse, Invpluntarp Fmie
sione, Im otenoy. Nervous Debility, and Impodi
ments of marriage generally; Consumption
Epilepsy, and ''its; Mental and Physical In-
capacity, &e.
The world-renowned author, in this admirable
hfecture, clearly proves from his own experience
that the awful consequences of elf -Abuse may
bo effectually removed without medicine, and
without dangerous; surgical operations, beug.les,
instruments, rings, or cordials; pointing out a
mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by
which every sufferer, no matter what his condi-
tion may be, may cure himself aheaply,privatety
i. PhisradiLecture will prove a boon 3o thousand
ant under sal in a plain envelope, to any ad;
dress, on reoeipt ui si cents, or two postage
tamps -