The Exeter Times, 1877-8-23, Page 441-MusT 23, I877
•ifl010 10 manage a JJaatt.
presently the stillness of the court-
room wee interrupted by the entrance
of a elan, wtio came in with a shuf-
Zing, uneasy step, and with his hat in
his hand. He - halted and leaned
ngninet the railing. Nobody tools the
:,lightest notice of him, However. At
last lie took eoatr:a e and spoke t
"Is the judge in ?"
The clerk. iturtle.Thdely awoke Hes
.' ,ll, ,whet d, yota want ?
Till loi^kisag for to j Db, at3ur Heuer.
'Ire Been Feer work over a
newts: Pa."
"•Tliere'ti nothing for you here."
"I thought you o.caasioua.liy calye;
jury mets six jeb, '.I don't read news-
taa ser , tate] befit" a straeger iia tenses I
hagee' got Any prejediee m sec at:aay'ne
4 -yard of mine aerate d.a.rtl to me 4t;.
Reno, last week, an' said that tate jury,
heeit>E,'.es tap bete was fret r., .L:a
t.stilted i',LV to Cettli: Up. As 1 ,.t.i suets r�'
air al team senna as tittle kr41 We. 7 14.
titan <Bt sinal nerve} f er .a kxte or t'e a tar
nalfAptiee iii]' yen ..its tjrc nls;at 1 tats
"What are year Untie T aalcfac a
4:711. trml milt is nnfai:ita a jnry
age, . N . inriee ant. get hang if I'm
*+u je et 1 . low tilt they: take
the .' t bey " ",t Bee the ismle>r-
aty , .aF- ti rest into it. I cam
t➢i:c n .e hawser Unity. 1 Can '
straw 'eta uik pt ^ al they never tutu-,:
ble4j µ� Ie.•f"=e a .i,t•taaaaes I leave to
re -.4 twice', tut selaluna. °nee, down aat;
Trtaer:ee. In a, n. ureer case, there were
:a couple of fellowe etaed'ing out tight
I a tats', azul after anrguizt' with "eta aas
yrs a.,t4t mut gentlemanly as I caths far
ever a quarter of air its nr, I went for
them with waste, tial. by the nese 1
ti as l eted tea an dozen q secs s off tarn -
Rare e4er 'em, they were glad t z 4 rho
iu %yawls at, rereadof x"Matrtlrr in tits
first dena.a" and the fo^,1.;41: wee levee
not n afte:.taard. Irt faked jet -ea.,,'
courts I Citi ,re.t' w:a tl":t keret, ail" tlf
you'll at! give LW 41 .,ia,i; int ta, 19 a4
aft 174t4t thCi : a Lt tet g.t, I"1t t*.tlr.tte,, +"
to fetch in the verdict you assts, ter tial
take as t".eet."
The man wee told to droll ratted
again in a day or so and they wt nal
try and make a vaeeney 1" r tem. In
order to eI i eta, however, Smoot reenter
jnr; -feast] will have to be t1i;ca:treed
I'av aceta (Wu t'a'au•a+r.oa'd'a•
.1 Petition dalStrere i.
A lath* A-10 liltal two charming tittle 1
fraught, r3 tini one ni.,ht a.Uantniane;}
from the nursery ilea tai ince wee pre -1
paring thane for their cribs.
"'Say 3tea ^ pressers; ;assts get into tied,";
seal. "and I'1} come bads and tuck 11
you its." �.
When n she reamed, however, else `
found them still on their k, est, and iu
a perfect tumult of laughter.
"What tare you doing; ?" she asked. I
"draft you know it is wrong to laugh
ovr pew prayer ?"
"NVt11, materna,' said the elder "I
guetas you'd laugh if you heard what
easter sold,"
aWhtat (la she say, then ?,'
"'\Vby she said --0, materna, it wild I
So fealty 1 --she said, 'Oh Lard, for
Christ's sake give sue a new green par-
asol t"
The mother was delighted with the
little one's faith, toed the "anew green
pawn'', was forthcomiuge
wlty are Swedish gloves like naked
babies ? Beeaase they're undressed
Blessed is the maa who never says
Tris anther's pies were better than his
wife's are.
A sho>'keep lr generally shafts up at
sunset. His wife isn't apt to xshut up'
till she falls asleep.
Considering the large amount of
"tell" in flick wanes, the Russiaua are
stow jai 'couziug up to the scratch,
Let your treadles 1"e what they ray
never a;ay die. Let your hairturn gray
or white, but :.ever sea} 'die.
'Are those seeps all one scent ?' in-
quired a lady of a juvenile salesman.
'No uta ate, they are ail ten cents,' re -
pied the inneceut youtagster.
The 1tewspaper odices have begun to
who were wont in the wild days to in-
dulge in exciting beverages. A staid,
quiet, moral and intelligent communi-
ty havesupplied the place of many of
the early settlers who left the country
for the country's good f and ohurely's 1
and sohoaaI-houses are now prominent
where the '. doggery " glade wild work
with the peace .and dignity of elm state
and the respectability and decency of
partionlar ialdividttaals,
In the old tiines there came into the
village of a Saturday evening a com-
pany more promiscuous than select,
who gathered, like bee's at the month
of the hive, round the doors of the gro
eery. On one of these oceasons a
scene occurred which I think worthy
of coinnlemoretion ; and it may be re-
lied en as authentic, in the main, as it
seizes out their annual exenrasions, but carne regularly before the Court as a
most t f them are c"•nteut with praising part of the prcceetiiugs in a trial of a
the gezztletnat.lylaaaatllord two. courteous ' State epee,
cite la Jonas Sykes was a very valiant man
'free editor of a New York paper when in liquor. But Jonas, like as
elves tete real e to *ell #leas on rt gs ; good many other valiant men was more
p,,..►,.i, them fur fir.) mtatil esiu eaulpbine vaalieett iaz peace than war. He trans a.
area than an his on fire. .i Ito etIe:et is very Samson in fight—but, hire Sa. m-
iasstaaaeetnaeatus, on. lie likes] to tle battle with that de
;A ltveyer a tat the bar was Qeelt1 to be , seriition of weapon which so scattered
in stout asziet, for eitna.y sheltie; a Mo. 'tlict I'Ttilistme hosts—the jnw•bone--
tufts inc curt, It wee we:91 111'1mJ» hew- o;ao of which Nature had fa:rnisbed Jo -
ever, tltilt ko made a wotiou to throw nes with. Jonas was prodigal in the
au iad:seaal d at the head of tate Court, jaw -work and wind.worlt of sa fight,and
Tin! strew en Albert street yesterday
meriting was promptly 4iurIled, The
old lady metalled upon the a>cello with
a broceo, and the boy took tee saw
and returned to work on the wez3tt t+ik
apt old rates.
The statement that the coal ficins of
the world will be exhausted in two
tbe,r aand yearn, brings no permanent
seiaee to the 111 t MO' has to carry dog clamed—as lie wee the more held
the present daily amity satiate up three ! eta
Pair of stairs. Jonas ]seed ,l"i,'":ea1 a q ru rel with ai
P. d. C..Ayer reiaa ins insane, aanel
it the sari=sinal ree'ia a rlA6au1d be kat tltt a' 'lies „ demure fellow eef av tQ assts et
a et:141 woule never !mow ahat his "i11;z i:�:untia�l ;1laa+easy, and ltayis➢zeit nittilQ
were beetfear-�a8x:, atata:atitas, t:.astatiaQaI i. that fellow's s liver, soul acids eyes many
ea ertaeeieans twee fervid theta polite of
tk,u, eperia, *Ito rot, atceide te, nett -
relate. lsee a stat ]seas, or what.
Tao p owe, Lett `r mei an Lia man
ton age, when tine of
tis, hi 1141 th" 11'100aJieta',:i 113 ''aS ]scull
,et 1ti al=., :FOUL titi34", tv UV, 1441Vr, iii'.
r "S.,ta.,'r itei.'•t tli i z,'.'ti.
4ttL to, y la nit l„eitli y .a Iteger
then tateh of ser.°
A t'reiQutati lea he: wife, seam the tiext
ecett m t!. L-' _ii, ttaL1 MS ixo,v wife
he stems] "outwear our army in b°ItanT
,Tera." He had method in his madness,
too, as be showed in selectiug his ene-
mies. He always knew, or tha;ght he
knew, how remit. a man email stand
before he cointneuee t abusing hirtn,antl
his wrath grew the fiercer aeeordiug as E:
the patience of .tis enemy grew greater
and he was mere fie ea—lite a bull -
Being now in receipt of a large stock of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines
Liquors, Crockery, Etc.,
At his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will be sola at
The inhabitants of Exeter s inei€:init a not €
� e �, feol troubled
at the want of a market wherewith to make money. but
call at the store of the slbscriber and
SECUrE TH4- 1311,11.0,1LINS
There to be had in O;*erooatJing Full - cloths, Broad -cloth.
Doe skins, Silks, Winceys:x Dela nes, and everything
untied in the Dry Goods line. The Grocery
Department is Complete. A,:1i inspection hw Qed
No trouble to show goods ISAAC CARLIN G
G O „#..J , "i t RC EC
.9e 71oral Fedor y.
Slowly and sadly she turned away
from the home of her happy wifehood.
Her unconscious hnsbalad and chil-
dren, ignorant ofher f}ig,it, lay F1eep-
iug the sleep of innocence, while she
was severing their heart String:at every
stet,. Tho catty birds of morning twit-
tered on the eaves. The early sen
gleamed upon the cool waters of the
lake. The old well and the old bucket
put on a sorrowful smile as she passed
them by. The garden gate gave quite
a litade groan as she pushed it open fcr
the last time. Then she flung back
her bonnet from her flushed forehead
anti stepped out. Sa adenly a lark
whirs ea up from the poppiecl wheat
field and gave his matin song to azure
above. She stopped, and a strange
hungering look came into her eyes. 'I
will go back again,' she murmured. A.
favorite dove hopped on her shoulder
And said, 'Coo.' 'I must go back again
she said At the end of the lane,
Tommy the blind pony, ran up and
rubbed his nose against hers, 'I will
go back again,' sho cried. She turned
her face once again towards her home.
There was a look of determination in
her eyes, and with bold brave steps he
opened the wicket door and wont up
the gravel path. On the threshold of
the door she halted. Batt the souk of
the lark burst out -again, awl nature
triumphed. 'I will go in again,' she
whispered, I know there's another dol-
lar in his pocket, and he ain't awako
Lend. Sant sto^.1 it for seats time. but
at length lihe a terraria with seals on
hiss brick, even lei slttna;ieh spirit could
aitand it no longer. 1 e began to retort
esti Jonas sunt+ of the inverted entnpli
nt«"itt;n with which <I•, -nus ]fate's beepriult-
led hies. Whereepon Jonas felt hi
cltivelry so ni'ved thereat, that 1i
ehallestned hien to mortal combat.
Now Jonas. as most bnllies dil. n
Four idersi Engineers meal Machinists.
kiANTFACTLItrate Q1'
U d Iliug I'1Lrifners of ivai roved kinds.
A riaultural. Implements., PARLOR ANJ) BOX STOVES
1'eataslt. Kettles, Scheel seats, tic.
Iron and Brass Oa tires t&Ort1e] .
Fir anlo eheap—Second t- Second baud Boilers and i a i p o
n� >' s St"a and a a
%In:;le, and Heading adaieltinery.
Repairs on Boilers, Eeeioaies, Mills, sirs:,, promptly attended to.
xO1) ''IUCH, Out.
a -]inti kine to lake, h r scut i i Lee, Ilse 9 the tune, wont armed. Saanrut i had no'.
felt Marietta that she elemlel hovel rre•afeiax.s, a4 he called - lhoee daengerom.
Li$e re re epect tier leis deeeitet l wife Implements, and gave the fact as an
tliaan (ha 1, teal ::aaiais 'Yon dint, I rhie«p apolagE fair ant accepting .}class kind
out teat uno.le,r v«eut,+u so soon atter the, iaiysta'}nn. llut T rens tyasttid not bear
t a env she'll paltry Peen's*, ; he &noun
e 'd Sam as a white -livered poltrn;,te
wile would insult a gentlema"t and then
ranee him entiefaetiuti, and s oro he
world post liitn up ali over the town ;
a, d give him hi; a ela«mn w-erd and
honor that if ile wanld ouly fight bin)
he wonldh't hit hint an inch above hie
hip -bone, which certainly was eueour
fe ri e.
Sam till ita'otesteal that be was wee.
ls.tulese. 'Well,' said Jeanne, you silent
have tbaat exeuee any louger. I've got
two lisped pistols as was ever bough'
aft Orleans, and you tnay have choice.'
ane pulling one out of either side poek-
e , he produced two pis!ols very much
aalike, and advancing to Ste::', put his
hands behind h+zn and shuffled them
from hand to hand for a moment or
two, and held them forward—one ra-
ther in advance of the other—towards
Sam, at the same titre telling him to
take which one he chose. Sam took
the one nearest him, an.i Jonas celled
out to Bob Dab's, who stood by, " to
death of mine frau
:l man tura c t ry aL lama i of uai t eon.
cenle•d lu. his tori rt:=1 soul for year,.
and hi,le, it avilh a r nearing of h elleiv,
heartiest,, deceit'ul e.miles, but t1
docsi.'t take five tniunttes for the
thoughtless world to ,,be rve and un-
derstand the one•aaltaaul-lored gait of a
man tvhilso larboard suspender button
has parted.
An excuatsge pants an article head-
ed 'Preventing S t1},eeati+an by Smoke.'
Tine is an age of ianpr,ivement, lint we
s1L,anld never ha• e thought of al-
temrting to ptevont sufiaec,Ltinn by
snlaake. Our esle+"rionce is that it WI 1
eauzaae about a,y lively a case of euff.+e:a.
tion at9 auythitlg erring man has to
ca•.zifront in this perplexing werl3.
'And 11uu,at say, tilyssos,' remarked
elle. Grant, tics she pat on her night
cap, while the General swallowed his
e', 'Milldam (_teLstle t'other night, '1
must Qay it was very . rude of you to
as 'if the meter wa.s frozen' when they
1 lit the candles at dinner. You know
how hard tithes are, how high gas is,
and what a tinge family Vietoria' has.
I dare say she, poor thing; has to exon -
melee all she can. Ynu know we had
to when you were King --I mean Fres•
ideint,' and the good soul droppe"t off to
sleep. Leaving his Ex-ness to wonder
whether Ditu et mon Droit, over the fire
place meant. 'No smoking in Bed.'
A. good one,—One of the best jokes
we have seen is told by a New Yorker
who took up his residenee daring the
'heated term' in a watea ing place,
where the shop keepers evidently do
not have the fear of the Lord before
their eyes. He had some time since
purchased a quantity of sugar and
found it sadly adulterated with sand.
'Next day he inserted the following par-
agraph in the local paper :—Notice, It
bought of a grocer in this town seven
pounds of sugar from which I extract
ted one pound of sand. If the rascal
who cheated me will send to my ad-
dress seven pounds, of sugar, (the
Scriptural measure of restitution), I
shall be satisfied. If not, I will ex-
pose 1 im.' The next 3ay- nine seven
pound packages were left at the adver-
iser's house, there being nine grocer's,
in the town, and each supposing him-
self to have been de►acted. •
.1n affair o! Soarer
In the pleasant village of Patton's
Hill there were several resorts for the
refreshment of the weary traveller, an
for the allaying of the chronic thirst of
more than oue of its inhabitants and
the country adjacent. They are closed
now, as are the gaping portals of thotie
\5 t 1:eve retell `s d a conrilnaleant o
IA idea wi,t be “o1.1 eheap, a.1so Harvest Toole, useIttading J
8a�'tl:' Sn.a.thes. Cradles, Forks,
Rakes, ':
O'BYBNE ia CO., 1Liunwem, Da eeens.
AC eT, t. COST
,IUH:i TE1;I3LE would rets •- thanks
to Ttis cu=stomers for the very "Loral
patronage toestowedonhim itithe est
:sant would respectfully aennounce -
ttlem tont he ;bas greatly
the prices of harness, as will 1,3 ro..0
by pert+-4anp the arise bet a
0 o s 1;
Lang Tug, Black, le inch. ..256
" It "" ... 27
" 'Bite " ..... 29
" Brass " . 2i
Single Harness, 12 anaunwards,
.111 other workia the ai:irnes3 tate atp oportiontaily low peens.:tale.sirini dont with neatness
ileal+ ie. a an. asses+etch
put them through in a fair duel, and at lea tilt;; brush of the trate, every off in is inadcto sapplybast articles an
called the crowd to witness " that he
done it to the —rase :al according to
law. Bob wil'inely at eat el the bon-
orable position assigned hien ;comman-
ded order, made the crowd stand back,
tuna:Aired off the ground, ten• paces,
and stationed the comoalants side-
ways in duelling position. Bub then
armed himself with a scythe blade,
and flourishing it in the air, swcre
death and destruction to alt who should
interfere by word, look or sign.
Bob took his position at a right an-
gle between the two and gave out in e
loud and sonorous voice the pro-
gramme of proceedings, aGentl4mene' selling and are ►s`i'e11ing cheaper than e ve
said he, 'the rules are follows : 'The
parties are to be asked -'Gentlemen
are you ready ?'-answering yes 1, as
mutual second, will then pronounce,
the words slowly, "Fire : oue–two–
three," the parties to fire as theychoose
between the words fire and ,three, and
if either fires before or after the time,
I shall proceed to put him to death
without quarter, bail or -main prize.'
Bob then proceeded to give the words
ont. At the word two Jonas's pistol
snapped, but Sam's went off. the ball
shriking a button on .Jonas's drawers
and cutting off a little of the skin.
Jonas fell, his legs flying up in the air,
and shouting, 'Murder 1 Murdor 1 he's
knocked off all the lower pal t of my
abdomen. Send ' for a doctor quick,
Oh Lord, I'm a dead msc, the other
fellow got the wzoug pistol :" Anrl so
he had ; for ou mutating Jonas's pistol
it was found to haus no lona in it. Jo-
nas, by a mistake iu shuffling, had
given the loaded ono to Sena suit kept
the empty one himself.
Have reduced price of Goods -
Call at