Times-Advocate, 1996-05-29, Page 15Panh•rs win Huron -Perth Championship
South Huron senior boys soccer team earn WOSSA berth after clinching first H -P title in 11 years
EXETER - After an 11 year
draught, the South Huron District
High School senior boys soccer
team clinched a Huron -Perth cham-
pionship sending the Panthers to
the WOSSA finals.
South Huron defeated Listowel
4-1 in Exeter on Monday clinching
a WOSSA playoff spot in Sarnia
on Thursday and Friday.
Dave Farqubar led the Panthers
by setting up South Huron's first
two goals before scoring the last
two himself. His cross -field passes
found snipers Chad Gilfillan and
Souban Inlakhana who scored on
the play.
Farquhar was backed up by team-
Souban Inlakhana works for the ball during a South Huron
senior boys soccer game on Wednesday. The Panthers
beat Seaforth 4-1, and went on to defeat Clinton 4-0 and
Listowel 4-1 to clinch the H -P title on Monday. Souban
scored two goals during the playoff series.
mate Marty Debruyn who set up
both of his goals and Adam Jean
led the defense in what proved to
be a one-sided game.
Moses Drummond scored for Lis-
towel but South Huron was too
much for the visiting team who
had to concede the Huron -Perth ti-
tle to the Panthers.
'Me game started off hard but
we got a couple of goals and got
more confident as the game went
on," said team co -captain Adam
Jean. "At times we felt pressured
because we haven't won Huron -
Perth in so long."
Jean credits the team's sharp
passing and their ability to work
the ball around the outside for their
success, and he said they will carry
this to WOSSA with them. "We
have all the skills it's just a matter
of of putting them together," he
Pat Rowe, Athletic Director, pre-
sented the team with their medals
after the game congratulating them
for bringing the H -P title back to
South Huron for the first time since
This was Coach George McE-�
wan's sixth trip to the H -P finals;
but, it was his first win.
"He's been here six times I'm
glad to see he's finally got it , per-
fected," joked Rowe."
This isn't the firsttime we tad
what it took to win," said McEwan
recalling the talented teams he iters
coached over those six years. "But
it feels good to get there."
Nobody was really surprised at
the outcome. The seniors reigned
supreme going undefeated in regu-
lar league play with . six con-
secutive wins scoring 27 . goals
while only allowing three. They
continued to dominate . it1 • the
playoffs beating Seaforth 4-1 last
Wednesday in the semi-finals, and
shutting out Clinton 4-0 in the Hu-
ron Finals.
The Panthers looted spnkey
against Seaforth in the'frst half or
the game after battling their op-
ponents to a 1-1 tie, but.a better ef-
fort in the second allowed them to
go uP by three-
Debrttyn, Farquhar, inlakhana
and Gilfillan each scored for South
On Friday. Debruyn's solo effort
earned him a hat trick scoring the
third goal in fine fashion with a
well placed penalty shot. Geoff
Mauer scored South Huron's other
"We did what the stats said we
could do," said McEwan about
their run to the #I -P championship
but as far as I'm concerned we're
only half way there.
J •
unior boys soccer
The junior boys soccer team lost
their bid for a WOSSA berth after
losing 1-Q to Mitchell on Monday.
May 21
Bullets 3atNiko Rubies 5
Goals: Kelly Pukao. Amy Taylor. Alicia
Goakamders: Vey McLeod. Shannon
Next game: May 28 at 7:15 at Nabisco 1
The Kicks 7 vs. The Dynamos 0
Gods: Corey Bloke (4). Mitchell Over-
holt, Tim Bilcke, Michelle Vanasbroeck
Assists: Paul Rijjnab Michelle Hawn
Brent /ohm. Mac Potter
Next pram May 28 Kik vs. Olympics
Strat roy Rockets 1 at B i*r 0
Goalleoden: Leanne, Nicky
Next game: May 29 at Stradroy
Dashwood man hooks winning fish
GRAND BEND - A Dashwood
angler hooked the winning fish of
the Grand Bend Salmon and Trout
Dwight Shepherd of Dashwood
reeled in a 21.32 pound Salmon
taking first place in the annual
fishing derby which ran from May
18 to 27. Theresa Brenner of
Grand Bend carte in third place
with a 19.25 pound saltnon.
The top fish in the trout division
went to a London man who
weighed in an 1137 pound trout.
This year's event was extremely
successful compared to the last one.
A total of 435 fish were caught, an
increase of 145 fish from the 1995
"That's a big increase," said Der-
by Chairperson, Bob Green who
believes more fish were caught this
year because the derby was de-
layed for one week due to the slow
recess of toe on the lake. "That
worked to our advantage and we
caught a lot of fish because of it,"
he said
The weather also cooperated as
this year's derby enjoyed sunshine
and calm writers.
"There were no blow -outs, the
weather was excellent and every-
body got out every day," said
Six hundred single and family
tickets were purchased for the der-
by, however, Green estimates 900
anglers took to the waters over the
10 day derby.
According to (JrCi j the high
number of fish caught this year will
• help promote the derby for the fol-
lowing season as fish stories begin
to circulate among sport fishing en-
"Usually, if we catch a lot of fish
we'll sell more tickets the fol-
ollowing year. This will have an im-
pact on ticket sales next year for
sure," he said.
Loyal pullers appear on television
Members of the Bluewater Tug -Of -War Team are taped by TVO in a
documentary about the sport and its association with Hay Days
By Claris Shakos
Ty1 Reporter
DASHWOOD - Members of the
Bluewater Tug -of -Wer Team en-
joyed a brief period in the lime-
light as TVO television network
aired a 10 minute clip on the sport
last Monday.
Erich Freta. couch of the Blue -
water team said he was contacted
by the television station in April
asking if the members would be in-
terested in patticipattiag in a small
Preiter said they were looking for
competitive teams In Ontario that
were already practicing for the up-
coming season.
At the time, Bluewater and a
group from Simcoe were the only
active teams so Freiter and Dave
Oliver, coach and meager of top
Simco* squad, teamed up lo help
fill the station's taping deadline re-
alizing they could use the coverage
to their advantage.
"We} (Bluewater and Simcoe) de-
cided to work together on this be-
cause we felt it would benefit the
sport as a whole," said Freiter who
is also on the Hay Days '96 Steer-
ing Committee.
Freiter Mas so far been un-
successful in sparking the interest
of television companies and other
news media to promote the tug-of-
war event scheduled to take place
this summer during Hay Town-
ship's 150th anniversary celebra-
"I was surprised when they con-
tacted me because I've been bar-
gaining with several TV stations
for the lad six months to get some
novenae for Hay Days and all of a
sudden they called me nut of the
blue. I was shocked," said Frena
adding he seized the opportunity
tight away.
Freher, along with Bluewater
pullers, Matthias Metzger, Joe
Vermmtt and Blaine Pryce travelled
to Simons to create a simulated
pull in front of the cameras with the
Simcoe team.
The 10 minute clip, aired on May
20 at 8 p.m., and according to
Reiter, it depicted the spott fairly
and accurately, casting aside the
stereotypical image of tug -of war
as a church picnic activity and por-
traying it as a historically rec-
ognized sport that r.,quires tech-
nique, strength, stamina and heart.
"It couldn't have been any better.
It's going to peak the interest of a
lot of people," said Pryce after
viewing the video tape of the clip.
Freiter agreed.
"It's going to help get the sport
out of the cupboard and let it be
recognized," he said adding he was
flooded with phone calls at his
home after the clip aired on tele-
*The general stereotype of tug.
of -war bas been our biggest stum-
bling block. It's a world class ath-
letic sport. it's not about muscle
bound beach guys holding a beer in •
South Huron found themselves
under pressure for most of the
game with not many scoring op-
portunities. Goalkeeper Trevor
Skinner turned away many shots
but eventually had to give up the
winning goal.
Up until Monday, the juniors
one hand and a rope in . the other." -
The clip also mentioned that Zu-
rich will Bost an ibterniitibtiil te -
of -war competition in June fea-
turing some of the premier tug:of
war teams ever sen in North
Pullers from Canada,' the Unttbd
States and Switzerland will codi-
pete as part of tbd special oeiabra-
tions scheduled to htiMot^'. . tray
Township's .ae*quioattabtdai reedy -
i1 r- .
The evenevent!, pfill folio* ,ipier-
national Weiland is Idled tis a
world class attraction. This was
made possible after The Tug -err'-
War International , Federation
(TWIF) officially inducted Caw*
into . the world-wide govetais*
body and October.
The international recognition
meant Canadian pullers Gaal corn -
pelt stood the globe. it also
opens the door for interhati6aal
teams to qome to Canada.
made a pretty good run in Huron
defeating F.E. Madill 1-0 last •
Wednesday and shutting out Clin-
ton 3-0 on Friday.
Goal soorers for the Panthers
were Peter Fragiskatos with two,
Chad Monteith and Ryan Beattie
notched one each. 1
Exeter Golf Club
May 23
A f1 rot
Low net Don Dearing 37
Low net Bob Pickling 37
B flight
Low netParsons
Low net Jack Bnntnell 40
' C flight
Low net Ken Hermann 39
D flight
Low net Art Webb- 32
First Don Dawe ' 43
1 Ken Hermann
Art Webb
Ron Johnson 42
SecondBob Fickllng 37
Gad Slaght 44
Ray Warner
Peter Sutherland
Closest to pin: hon Dawe
A flight '
lit low gross Wanda Reynolds
2nd low gross Jo -Ann Middleton
C flight
1st low gross Jeanette Tartar
2nd low gross Ina Browning
le low gross DLiz Stephens
2nd low gross Ede Boyle
May 21
1st low gross Hel . Webber
2nd low gross Mt>igbtorie Rowswell
B1stlowrposs . Audrey Scott
2nd low gross • Ina Browning
C Bight
1st low gross Jeanette Turner
2nd low gross Donna Memer ,
D 41
1st low gross ' Boyle
2ndlew gross . Eileen Maks
: May 21
A flight
First Darren Mason
Second Jason Heywood
Third Bill Farquhar
Fourth Haydn Gozzard
Fifth Ken Bergmann
Sixth Brian Horner
Seventh Don Coughlin
B flight
First John Hater
Second Don Smith
Third Brian Munro
Fourth Hal Snoddy
C flight
First John Urquhart
Second Ken McConnell
Third Don Hodgins
Fourth Lee Webber
Fifth Jerry MLean
First Cord Clubb 48N47
Second Lloyd Robison 48
Third Sid Daley 48
Fourth Jim Hughes 50N49
Fifth Dan Bnntnell 48N49
Sixth Dean Barclay 50
Closest to pin: A&B - #12 Darren
Mason. 515 Jim Hearn; C&D - 513.
John Urquhart, 518 Murray Morri-
son i 1
Skins: A&B - 510 Lamy Jolins4' -
C&D - 517 Ken McConnell
May 13
Low gross
A fit. loan Heywood 42
tit.'�Harb , ,,.y ,:... 50
t. V 55�
Skins F
Janet Wedlake 10
Joan Heywood 11.12
Mai; •ti 3114,15,16,17
C&D 8 ,.'
•1 •.•• 0,12,15,16,17
Cindy Coates 11,13,14, 18
.Bingo balls: Hazel Beaver, Doris
Hackney, Vicki Vandergunst
Pot of gs1 *, 8 - Carole
513 closest to the hole
Haydn Gozzard 40
Bob ids 35
Low gross
Low net 2nd LG Dave lason
2nd LN John Snell
B Flight
Low gross Ted Wedge
Low net Jim Lewis
2nd LO Yvon Lorin
2nd LN Brian Brooks
Low gross DougFlightRiehl
Low net Billnney • 35
2nd LO Mike Nice 48
•ird LN Ron Mason 37
May 2S
First Bill Darling
Joe Pins
Ken Hermann
Clyde Spears
Second Don Cowan
Haydn Gozzard
Bill Thompson
Joe Regier
Third, Bob Fletcher
Bob Brown
Bud Preszcator
Lloyd Cushman
Fourth Don Ross
Al Preece
Mike Barclay
Ken Hockey
Fifth Brian Wedlake
Andy DeBoer
Biu Green
: 48
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Before May 30, 1996