Times-Advocate, 1996-01-24, Page 3Times -Advocate, January 24, 1996 Page 3
Gas pipeline meeting held to inform public
Brenda) purke T -A stab practices as .well as environmental
LUCANRepresentatives from features, issues and solutions.
Ecoplans Ltd., and Union Gas Ltd., Meeting participants were sup -
held a public meeting at plied with an in -
the Lucan Community formation package con -
Memorial Centre on Jan. taining maps, meeting
11 to inform the public agenda and contact
about a proposed pipeline names, an outline of
to be constructed be- the meeting's purpose,
tween London and Bid- a diagram of Ecoplans'
dulph Townships. study process, environ-
Ecoplans has been mental issues and solu-
commissioned by Union tions, a summary of the
Gas to complete an En- landowner contract, a
vironmental Impact As- comment sheet, Union
sessment study for the Gas information and a
proposed eight -inch di- "What Happens Next"
ameter natural gas pipe- list. -
line between the Hensall "Hopefully construc-
Transmission Station and the Lucan
Gate Station.
The preferred pipeline route fol-
lows Highway 4 from the Trans-
mission Station north to Ten Mile
Road where it parallels west to
Wonderland Road north to Hwy 7,
jogs west and continues north to the
Lucan Gate Station.
The presentation included in-
formation on the study process and
planning, route selection, servicing
opportunities and construction
"Natural gas
is about as
cheap as it
was 12 years
ago... We feel
that there's
about 150
years worth
(of natural
gas) in the
tion will start in the summer of
'96," said Union Gas environ-
mental representative John Kirwin
of the project that began in the fall
of '95.
Construction is set to proceed
from the beginning of August to the
end of September.
Jim McBride, of Union Gas'
sales/servicing department, pro-
vided detailed information about
the company including natural gas
advantages of cost savings and en-
vironmental safety. According to
McBride, natural gas is 39 per cent
cheaper than fuel oil and 65 per
cent less expensive than electricity.
"Natural gas is about as cheap as
it was 12 years ago," he said, add-
ing, "We feel that there's about 15
years worth (of natural gas) in the
It's just a rumor that there's a
shortage of natural gas, he added.
Explaining the gas line route
could have gone up Hwy 4, he said
using the shortest route, which con-
sists of one concession east and
west of the highway, means less
pipe is used and thus construction
costs are lowered, Also, along the
proposed route, new customers will
be gained.
"Common sense says if we can
get a few new customers, then
that's what we're gowtg to do," he
Next, John MacMillan explained
the step-by-step process of setting
up the pipeline.
"We do keep disturbance in front
of your property to a minimum," he
Anne MacMillan, an environ-
mental consultant with Ecoplans,
Vehicle- insurance a necessity
drivers are aware there are serious
consequences for driving a motor
vehicle on any public roadway
without insurance. In fact, the min-
imum fine that can be imposed is
$500. and could be as much as
$2,500, along with a year's licence
suspension. It should also be noted
that producing evidence the veh-
cile is insured has to be done im-
mediately upon the request of a
police officer. There is no allowa-
ble grace period for producing evi-
dence of insurance as there used to
be many years ago, before the
present Compulsory Automobile
Insurance Act came into effect. Of
note, there has been numerous
charges laid of late against drivers
p ri vet tgecki
with making
unsafe pass
EXETER - A Staffa arca woman
was charged after a motor vehicle
collision took place on Saturday on
Usborne County Road 11 at the
Hibbert-Usborne Townline.
Exeter OPP reported the collision
occured when a 1993 Dodge pick-
up, driven by Brad Haase of Mitch-
ell, slowed to turn left from County
Rd. 11 onto the townline. The
pickup was struck by a 1986 Ponti-
ac, driven by Cathy Kfaver of Staf-
fa as she tried to pass.
There were no injuries as of re-
sult of the accident.
who have not had insurance slips
with them at the time they were
stopped. A simple way to avoid
the nuisance of such a fine is to
keep a copy of the current valid in-
surance slip in the vehicle it is in-
tended for.
A slippery section of Highway
402, between Forest and Recces
Corners interchanges, had to be
closed to traffic last Wednesday
afternoon when numerous cars and
transports slid off the roadway.
Others that sustained reportable
damage occurred when three vehi-
cles driven by Mike McCormick,
35, of Sarnia, Martin Vanderkant,
49, of Arkona and Darrel Walther,
51, of Clio, Michigan, collided.
Other damage reports included a
single van driven by Anita Smith,
57, of London and two vehicles
driven by Nadia Stasin, 71, of Sar-
nia and Austin Foran, 52, of Arn-
prior, Ontario when they collided.
Other accidents investigated due to
weather conditions included one in
which Daniel Soetemans', 36, of
-RR 6, Forest, vehicle left the road.
Another was a vehicle driven by
Cherie Beatty, 29, of Camlachie.
A two car accident on Townsend
Line in Forest was investigated
when cars driven by Doris
Kaempk, 55, of Forest and Jack
Whitley, 75, of Forest collided.
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mentioned project challenges such
as crossing a creek, constructing
near older trees and building across
lanes and driveways. She also ad-
dressed audience concerns about an
older cemetery along the route as
well as questions about safety and
mral needs.
Before construction of the pipe-
line may begin, fieldwork must be
completed in order to assess the
preferred route. Also, input from
the public meeting and an agency
review must be incorporated into
the plan.
Construction details must then be
put in place along with an Environ-
ment Assessment Report and sub-
mission to Union Gas, which cir-
culates the final report to review
agencies and, if requested, to land-
Landowners, agencies and the lo-
cal government are contacted prior
to construction and notification of
the schedule and negotiation pro-
cess. Bend, Zurich, Dashwood and Bay -
If needed, possible expansion of field areas as well as Exeter and
the gas line may include Grand Hensall.
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