Times Advocate, 1995-11-08, Page 24OPEN HOUSE
85th Birthday
Isabel Rogerson
Sun., Nov. 12, 1995
2.4 p.m.
Love & Best Wishes from all
your family.
Best Wishes Only, Please!
Liv 7 DAYS At'1!It.Br
Racing from:
Woodbine Raceway &
Churchill Downs, Kentucky
POST TIME: 1 p.m.
Saturday. November 11
1ST TIME to Jonnys....
"Canada's Best Comedy Show"
starnng Larry Smith & Chris Pongrac
$3. after 9:30 p.m. -
Showtime 10:00 pm
CAUTION: Vile, Ornery Language
Exeter Legion
Ladies Auxiliary
Thurs., Nov. 9
7:00 p.m.
10 Regular Games
5 Specials
1 Share the Wealth
Jackpot $650
No one under 18 admitted
Lic. #M125539
Dance Hall
(1) 9 p m. I a.m.
Line Dancers Welcome
Fri., Nov. 10
Sat., Nov. 11
Carl Keese and the Golden
Fiddle Music Company
Sun., Nov. 12
Christmas Craft &
Collectables Show & Sale
Community Centre
Wed. Nov. 8
Bingo starts 7:30 p.m.
Regular Games
Jackpot Game
57 calls or less $2400 bonus
Total prizes $3000
Due to the licence regulations,
no one under 18 allowed to play
Licence #537495
Coming events
1VEEKLY MEAT DRAWS at the Royal Canadian Legion, Exeter Branch, on Satur-
day afternoons between 4-6 p.m. All proceeds to support the Huron -Middlesex Army
Cadet Corps. Everyone welcome to attend. 43tfnc
DON'S PARKHILL FLEA MARKET, open Sundays, 10-6, Parkhill Legion. Ven-
dors always wanted. Call 294-6915. 45c
EXETER ODDFELLOW-C.P.T. EUCHRES, second and fourth Wednesdays. 8 p.m.
beginning November 8 at 1.O.O.F. Hall. Admission 51.50. Ladies please bring lunch.
SEW SPECIAL Christmas Open House featuring handmade children's clothing, craft-
ed items and ceramics, November 8 to 12.9 a.m. to 10 p.m., Lionel and Rebecca Wilder
home, 2 1/2 miles north of Hwy. 84 on Cty. Rd. 31. Everyone welcome. 42-45
HOBO LUNCHEON, Caven Presbyterian Church, November 10. 11:30 to 1:30, $5.OQ
235.1 1 18. 43-45*
ELEGANCE & LACE Open House. Fnday, November 10, 3 to 9 p.m.: Saturday. No-
vember 1 I. 10 to 4 p Custom designed sleepwear, sizes S -XL, loungewear and un-
dergarments. Great Christmas gift ideas for her. We pay the GST and PST. Additional
savings on specially marked set. Definitely a must event. Jo -Ann Middleton. 235-0105
(519). 55 Sanders St. E., Exeter. 45c
BAZAAR AND TEA, Saturday, November I I. 2 p.m., St. Marys Anglican Church.
Brinsley. 45*
CHRISTMAS CRAFT SALE, Dashwood Community Centre. Monday, November
13. I p.m to 9.30 p.m.: Tuesday, November 14, 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Free refreshments.
door prizes. Admission SI.00. Lunch available. food booth. 45*
Dessert and coffee at 1:30 p.m.. meeting 2:00 p.m. Reports on Toronto Fall Conference.
Speaker Rev. Henry VanEssen "The Liberation of Holland" in commemoration of the
50th anniversary of W.W. 11. 45*
GRANDMA'S GARDEN OPEN HOUSE, Wednesday, November 15 to Saturday.
November 18. 10:00 a.m. to 9 p.m.. at the home of Dave and Loralce Marshall. one
mile west of Kirkton. Huron County Road 6. Quality handcrafted floral accents. 229-
6464. 44-46•
HIBBERT UNITED CHURCH Ham and Egg Supper, Wednesday, November 15. 5
p.m. to 8 p.rn., Hibbert Unitcd Church. Staffs. Adults S7.50, children undcr 12 $3.00.
preschoolers free. 43.44,45c
CHRISTMAS FASHION FANTASY, Thursday. November 16. 1995. 7:30 p.m.,
South Huron Recreation Centre. Admission $7.00 plus a non-perishable food item. Pro-
ceeds to Huron County Christmas Bureau. Sponsored by Bank of Montreal employees.
STEEL MAGNOLIAS, a romantic comedy by Roben Harting, presented by St. Marys
Community Players at the St. Marys Town Hall Theatre. November 16-19. 23-25. Tick-
ets at the Village Groomer, St. Marys; the Big V, Stratford; and the Grand Thcatre, Lon-
don. Advance tickets $ 10. At the theatre S12. 43,44,(45)•
BAZAAR to be held in Trivitt Memorial Parish Hall on Saturday, November 18 from
10 a.m. until 1 p.m. Home baking, mincemeat, deli, crafts. tea room, 44,45.(46)*
CHRISTMAS VILLAGE FAIR, Russeldale, Saturday, November 18, 10 a.m. to 5
p.m.; Sunday. November 19. 12 noon to 5 p.m. Gifts for everyone. Lunch booth. Ad-
mission, gifts to chanty. 45,46c
Exeter Rec Centre and Hensall Arena. 45
SNOWFLAKE BAZAAR, November 25, Lucan Unitcd Church. 11:00 a.m. to 2:00
p.nt. Hot noon lunch. home baking, crafts, quilts. jam and pickles. children's table.
CALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS! You are invited to participate in a one -day work-
shop. sponsored by the Ontario Genealogical Society and the Ministry of Citizenship,
Culture & Recreation. Date: Saturday, November 25. Time: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.. Place:
McCurdy Public School, Huron Park. Cost: S20. which includes lunch. Topics include:
running an effective meeting; getting and keeping volunteers: program planning to at-
tract members: effective communications tools. Guest speaker Alison Lobb. Computer
Consultant. Clinton, Ontario. Everybody welcome. Join us! Contact: Roben Graham,
228-6795. 45c
CHRISTMAS PAGEANT, Exeter United Church, December 3. 1995, 7:30 p.m. Come
and celebrate the miracle of Jesus' birth. 45.46,47c
THE CHRISTMAS TRADITION of Murray's Christmas House is open every day
until December 23. 10 a.m. to 4:30. You've seen us on T.V. and read about us. Please
don't miss all our fabulous exciting and unique gigs and decorating ideas, tour 10 excit-
ing rooms. Experience the ultimate Christmas. Treat yourself, your family. and all of
your friends. Don't delay. come today! Ten per cent off every purchase, 50 per ant off
select merchandise. 7304 Richmond St.. Arkona, 519.828.3398 or 1-800-575-1974.
1996 NEW YEARS EVE DANCE, Hibbert Township Sesquicentennial Kickoff Cele-
brations! Sunday, December 31, 1995, $25.00 per couple. Dancing from 9:00 to 1:00.
Full buffet included. Period costumes optional. For tickets and information call: L.
Gray, 345-2423; D. Johns, 229-8720: or T. Melody. 345-2152. 37,41,45,50c
Superannuated teachers
Huron -Perth fall dinner meeting
SEAFORTH - S.T.O. (Superan-
nuated Teachers of Ontario) Hu-
ron -Perth District 9 held a very
successful and enjoyable Fall Din-
ner Meeting on Thursday October
19 at Seaforth Community Centre
with a• large crowd in attendance.
President June Boussey opened the
meeting and welcomed everyone.
0 Canada was sung accompanied
by Mary Moffatt on the piano.
Ralph Smith did a toast to the
queen. Howard Sinclair did an in
memorium for the deceased teach-
ers with a moment of silence.
Grace was said by Bob Hamilton
and a delicious meal was served
by Marjorie Anderson and helpers.
They were thanked by Bob Moore-
head. June Boussey introduced the
head table and Dave McClure in-
troduced and welcomed new retir-
ees. Guest speakers nurses at
Woodstock, were Janice Koeke-
hakker, Ingersoll and Linda Mat-
thews, formerly MacDonald of
Seaforth. John Hayman introduced
and welcomed them, and follow-
ing their informative. and delight-
ful slide presentation, they were
Game #1: Violet Jones, Exeter,
$50; Game #2: Helen Hayley,
Exeter, $50; Game #3: Claire
Dauber, Exeter, $50; Game
#4: Bonnie Gwyn Exeter, $75.;
Game #5: Alita Struyke,
Exeter, $100. Jackpot: Velma
Ea Harvey, Exeter $100. +J
SaNday Si,9ees
November 12, 1995
7:00 - 11:00 p.m.
Country Band:
Lunch Served, No Blue Jeans
Call 284-0550
thanked and presented with gifts
by Ian Munro. Janice and Linda
were volunteer nurses who went to
Oklahoma City last April follow-
ing the bomb disaster there. People
were forced to move out of their
homes and were rescued by Janice
and Linda who applied first aid,
gave out supplies, helped them
with "brotherly love" experience,
sadness and differences, proving
that even though it was a serious
thing, there was love to be shared.
Tragic events happen and Janice
and Linda showed us how to deal
with these situations.
A business meeting followed
with the following reports - secre-
tary -treasurer - Eleanor Smith,
Perth Unit President - Bob Moore-
head, Huron Unit President, Ross
Eerrington, Goodwill - Perth, Dor-
othy Balsden - Huron, Alice An-
drews. Health services - Harold
Wisternoff, Newsletter - Ralph
Smith, Political Action - Joan
Hamilton, President's remarks -
June Boussey. .Howard Sinclair
came forward with a nominating
committee report as follows: past
president, June Boussey, president,
Ian Munro, 1st vice, Dave
McClure, 2nd vice, John Hofstee,
Archivist, Mary Moffatt, Constitu-
tion, Lilian Hallam, Goodwill,
Alice Andrews Huron, Dorothy
Balsden, Perth. Health, Harold
Wisternoff, Membership, Carol Si-
mons, newsletter, Ralph Smith, En-
tertainment, Mary Hoy. Social
Doug Weeks, Carl Damman,
Tours, James Chapman, Alice Her-
bert. Publicity, Dorothy Dillon.
John Hayman was presented with
a cheque for United Way. Pins
were given to June Boussey and to
Eleanor Smith. Eleanor was
thanked for an excellent job by.
June Boussey, and June was
thanked for her excellent accom-
plishments as president by John
Flowers were won by Joe Hogan
of Exeter, and then the incoming
president, Ian Munro finalized the
21#141405°"10110-2"v4osi-zPv*Itos"velly-ae° -1"' 1
Christmas Open House
featuring handmade childrens wear, crafted gift
items, ceramics
Nov. 8 to Nov. 12, 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.
44t_ at the home of Lionel & Rebecca Wilder
2 1/2 mile north of Hwy. 84 on Cty. Rd. 31
Everyone welcome
010) Oft
Annual Christmas
Craft Show & Sale
4,0 Lucan Community Centre, Main St. Lucan ��
Fri. Nov. 10 4 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Sat. Nov. 11 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sun., Nov. 12 11 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
ADMISSION: Adults $ 1.50. children .501, Preschool free
... over 160 tables offering the finest in affordable craft items.
Ikxx Prize: Donated by Oakwood Inn, Grand Bend. One nights
for more information: 22'-4442 ask for Jenny \ - /
Lucan is located 15 miles north of London on Hwy. #4
CallIng M1 Vo1irntttn
You are invited to participate in a
one -day workshop
sponsored by the Ontario Genealogical Society and the Ministry of
Citizenship, Culture & Recreation
Date: Saturday, November 25
Time: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Place: McCurdy Public School, Huron Park
Cost: $20, which Includes lunch
Guest Speaker: Alison Lobb, Computer Consultant,
Clinton, ON.
salalsslrfllf111f111111!> 1•11112 afpllrti 1113 111111>r) a
topics Include: * nuudndon effecuvd mostkIll
* getting orad; ing volunteer
* program planning fO mstribeh
SolusseaSsisnIZI scot
Everybody welcome. Join usl
Contact: Robert Graham, 228-6795
Times -Advocate, November 8, 1995 Page 23
Craft show and sale
The Annual Exeter Craft Show and Sale held last week-
end at the Legion was an excellent opportunity to get
some Christmas shopping done early. The exhibitors '
ranged from woodcrafts, gift baskets, needlecraft, • folk
art and small furniture.
Johns promotes the
spirit of volunteerism
EXETER - Huron MPP Helen
Johns supports a government ini-
tiative aimed at promoting and en-
couraging volunteerism in Ontario.
In the speech from the throne,
Premier Mike Han -is said Ontari-
ans arc a generous people working
to make their communities Netter
places to live. The Premier direct-
ed caucus to support and nurture
the spirit of volunteerism in the
Johns, said the mandate given
this government respresents a re-
jection of institutionalized "big
government" and a return to the
belief that we all can he more self-
reliant and accept more personal
"We cannot continue to expect
government to do everything.
There must be a new partnership.
Setting new directions for fiscal
responsibility means there will be
more emphasis placed on individu-
al responsibility," said Johns. "Our
government will clear the way for
increased volunteer activity. "
Helen Johns noted our communi-
ties'could not function without the
dedicated work and fine ethics of
volunteers who give so much of
their time and energy. Volunteers
have a longstanding history of de-
riving personal satisfaction and a
sense of well-being by putting
aside their own interests and doing
something to benefit others.
"Volunteers make a commitment
to the less fortunate. Volunteers
make a commitment to our com-
munities. They express that com-
mitmenl in a variety of ways, ac-
cording to their means and
abilities." added Johns. "Volun-
teers share their expertise, energy
and time. They don't volunteer be-
cause they seek personal reward.
They Volunteer because they
Bud's Driving School
St. Marys, Ontario
PRE -REGISTRATION for livening Classes
Beginning November 21 at St. Marys D.C. & V.I.
& November 22 After School Classes at S.H.D.H.S.
25 Hours Classroom, 10 Hours In -Car Training
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D.S.A.O. Insurance Certificate and Reduction level 1 to 8 Months upon
successful Completion of Full Course
To Register Call (519) 284-3348
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Your Huron County Specialists in Mobility Products
koreNebealtboa INC
1 Rattenbury St. E., Clinton 482-3046
the Exeter Firemen's Association invites,Eou to
come DANCE 6- PARTY with
featuring great rock & roll of the past
at the
South Huron Rec. Centre
Saturday, November 18th, 199S
9:00pm to 1:OOam
$25.00/cafle, $15.00 dingle
(lama s al' d)
Watts from any Sutter fireman or call 235-1951