Times Advocate, 1995-11-08, Page 23rZ_Zi_T_i T%=T.TN3T3S:T _=S_t.
1 Centralia United Church
Supper i.
Fri., Nov. 17
s 2 seatings 5 & 6:30 p.m.
Adults. $8.50, children 6-12 L
yrs. $4.25, advance tickets !•
Jonly. Centralia Stewarts or call L=
1 Larry 229-6304 40
Page 22
Tittles-Advocat oventber 8, 1995
Births Cards o Thanks Cards o Thanks
II& rail 11111
CLARK - Mike and Lynda are thrilled to
announce the safe arrival of Mackenzie Lau-
ra Ashley. November 2, 1995 at Toronto
General Hospital, weighing 7 lbs. 5 oz.
Proud grandparents are Bob and Eleanor
Clark. Exeter and Paul and Georgina Bull.
Brwnpton. Great-grandmother is Thelma
Frayne. Forest. 45'
HETHERINGTON • "A little miracle sent
to do a big miracle". Prayer is the key to
heaven. but faith unlocks the door! Orland
and Mary Lynn Hetherington thank God for
the safe arrival of their precious baby daugh-
ter Brianne Tara Hetherington, born Novem-
ber 2, 1995 at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon-
don. Ontario. First grandchild for Claire
(Mowat) Webster of Port Colborne. Ontario.
Watching from heaven are Grampa and
Grandma Harry and Audrey Hetherington
and Grampa Roy Webster. Special thanks to
Dr. M. Rebel for her help in creating this
blessed event and to all the nurses and doc-
tors involved in Mary Lynn's and Brianne's
care while in St. Joseph's Hospital._Thanks
to all our friends and loved ones for their
support and prayers over the last nine
months. (Insured) 45c
gela are pleased to announce the safe arrival
of Tyler Robert John, at St. Joseph's Hospi-
tal on Saturday. October 28, 1995. Proud
grandparents are Monty and Deb Plumb,
Staffa and Robert and Helen McNaughton,
Seaforth and Lyn White. Florida. 45c
Cards o Thanks
DIXON • Thanks to the friends. neighbours
and relatives who attended the opet, house in
honour of our 40th anniversary. Also thanks
for the cards. phone calls, gifts and good
wishes we have received. Special thanks to
our family for all the preparations they have
done to make it all possible. Everything is
greatly appreciated.
45* Bill and Marilyn
FRANCIS - I wish to thank my family,
friends. relatives and neighbours for the
flowers. cards and visits while 1 was a pa-
tient at Victoria Hospital in London and
since returning home.
45c Laurel
GLANVILLE - Thank you to our wonder-
ful family, relatives, neighbours and friends
on the occasion of our 50th Wedding Anni-
versary, October 28. 1995. Thank you for all
the cards, flowers. gifts and to our many
friends who carne from a distance to help
stake our day one we will not forget. Thank
you to our neighbours for the beautiful sign
and again thanks to our family who put in so
many hours of work. Love you all.
45* Loretta and Harold
GRADY - The family of the late Leo Grady
extend a special thank you to relatives,
friends and neighbours for thgir beautiful
floral arrangements, Mass cards and memo-
rial contributions to the Heart & Stroke and
Cancer Foundation. A very special thanks to
Father Paul Beck, Dr. M. Lam, Dr. D. Hod-
der, Staff and nurses of South Huron Hospi-
tal. also to the Homemakers and V.O.N. and
the Ladies Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion
for the luncheon: also pallbearers, Hoffmans
Ambulance and Hopper & Hockey Funeral
Home. Your kindness and support will al-
ways be remembered by his wife Mary and
family. his sisters Mary and Helen and
brother Joe. 45'
RICHARDSON - We would like to thank
our family - Erin, Brian and Lori, for arrang-
ing a lovely 25th Anniversary party in our
honour. Also many thanks to all who assist-
ed them in any way. The cards, gifts, flow-
ers and phone calls are most appreciated.
Special thanks to all who attended and made
our anniversary such a memorable occasion.
45' Janis and Don
ROWCLiFFE - Thanks for all the cards.
visits, phone calls. flowers, fruit baskets and
especially all the delicious food. Special
thanks to everyone who helped us out in so
many ways after my fall.
45* Mary
STEPHEN - The family of Don Stephen
wish to extend our sincere thanks to friends.
neighbours, relatives. Business Associates
and the staff at Stephen Printing Ltd. for the
love and support shown to us during this
very difficult time. Your messages of sym-
pathy through cards, floral arrangements,
Memorial donations. and food brought to
our homes have been very much appreciat-
ed. Thank you to Hoffinans Ambulance,
Hopper Hockey Funeral Home, Rev. Cordell
Parsons. The pallbearers, Exeter Legion La-
dies Auxiliary. Our special thanks to Ma-
riette and Andre Bilcke. Bob and Pat Fletch-
er. Weir and Marg Taylor, Dalton and
Gladys Skinner. Janet and Frank Winters.
Bruce and Jodi Burg and the Poker Club.
45 Always remembered by
Joan. Mark. Heather and Randy
68 Main Street South
Rev. Daniel Roushome
Courtesy Car: 235-1967
Sunday, November 12, 1995
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
11:00 a.m. Church School
Nursery Available
Wednesday, November 8
7:30 p.m. Board and Session meeting
Thursday, November 9
Choir Practice
November 10
11:30 to 1:00 p.m. Hobo Luncheon.
Tickets $5
Everyone Welcome
187 Huron St. W. Exeter
Pastor Kevin Rutledge
Assistant Pastor John Boyachek
Sunday, November 12
Moming Worship 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship
Wednesday, 7 p.m. Family Night
Everyone Welcome
November 12
11:00 a.m.-12:10 p.m.
Worship Broadcast on
Community Channel
670 Main St. S.
Pastor Vemon Dean
Pastor Dave Austin
Christian Education Director Mike Stehle
Sunday, November 12
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
11:00 a.m. - Laotian Service
in gymnasium
7:00 p.m. Celebration and Praise Service
7:00 p.m. Kids Clubs and
Home Fellowship Groups on
Wednesday and Thursday
nights et 7:00 p.m.
Nursery available for all services
November 12
9:30 a.m. -11:00 a.m.
Worship Broedoest on
Community Channel
A place
to meat Clod and a Mend*
Corner of James and Andrew St.
Sunday, November 12, 1995
10:30 a.m
Rev. Cordell Parsons
Sunday School 10:30 a.m.
Courtesy Car:
Betty Coates 235-2626
All welcome
Corner of Gidley and Main
The Rev. Fay M. Patterson
23rd atter Pentecost
November 12, 1995
11 a.m. Morning Prayer
Sunday School and Nursery
Everyone Welcome
9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages
10:30-11:00 a.m. Fellowship Time
11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour
7:G0 p.m. Communion Service
Nursery Available
Tuesday evenings
8:00 p.m. - Bible Study
All services are held at
94 Orchard Street, Exeter
Everyone Welcome
Main St. North
Worship Services
November 12
10:00 a.m.
Sunday School for ages 3 -grade 4
during morning service
7:00 p.m. Evening Service
Nursery Available
Everyone Welcome
Sunday Radio
CJCS 1240 8:30 a.m.
CKNX 920 10:30 a.m.
Daily T.V.
Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m.
:Jesus loves your
In Memoriam
SMITH - We would like to thank Dr. Watt.
Dr. Tilbie and nurses at Goderich Hospital
for their wonderful care, Rev. Dan, family,
friends and neighbours for flowers, treats.
cards and calls. Thank you.
45* Harry and Donna
WILLIAMSON - Words can never express
our heartfelt gratitude for all the love, sup-
port and prayers we received during the trag-
ic loss of a son. loving husband and father.
The many acts of kindness and sympathy by
neighbours. family and friends for the floral
tributes, phone calls. cards and food were
greatly appreciated. Our thanks goes out to
the Stephen Township Fire Department.
Hoffman's Ambulance, Exeter OPP, Lo -dell
Agri -Services. Ron Riddle and his hien for
all their help and support in such a tragic
farm accident. Also thanks to Betts Funeral
Home. Brussels for their compassion during
such a difficult time. A sincere thank you for
the donations to the educational trust fund
for John's infant son Derrick. Your thought-
fulness is truly overwhelming and a very.
very special memorial.
45' Heidi and Derrick,
Ken and Anne Williamson,
Richard and Judy Israels
DIGNAN - At Alexandra Marine & General
Hospital, Godench, on Thursday. November
2, 1995. Mrs. Marie Dignan (Fairish), in her
44th year. Dear wife of Wes Dignan of RR 3
Goderich. Dear mother of Mathew Hoy of
Goderich, and Courtney and Lindsey, both
of RR 3 Godench. Beloved daughter. of
Mary and Jack Farrish of RR 7 Lucknow,
and daughter-in-law of Harold and Revada
Dignan of RR 2 Hensall. Also survived by
two brothers Jim and wife Nancy Farrish of
RR 7 Lucknow, and Wayne and Mary -Jo
Farrish of RR 7 Lucknow. Visitation at
Mackenzie & McCreath Funeral Horne. Sat-
urday 2-4 and 7-9 . A private family funeral
service was conducted from the chapel Sun-
day, November 5, 1995. Interment Greenhill
Cemetery, Lucknow. Donations to the Cana-
dian Cancer Society would be appreciated as
expressions of sympathy. 45c
HARBURN - At Parkwood Hospital, Lon-
don. on November I. 1995. Henry M. Har -
bum of Staffa in his 87th year. Beloved hus-
band of Betty (Black) (Huston) Harburn and
the late Irene Daters. Dear father of Kathy
Tsounaris of London. dear father-in-law of
Alex and Audrey Meikle of Clinton and Dan
and Evelyn Huston of N.B. Also survived by
9 grandchildren. and 6 great-grandchildren.
Dear brother of Marvin (Pete) and Lillian
Harburn of Florida. Predeceased by a daugh-
ter Norma, a son-in-law Angelo. 2 sisters
Milds and Mary and a brother Frank. Friends
called at the Hopper Hockey Funeral Home,
William Street Exeter where the funeral sed -
vice was held on November 3 with Mrs.
Irene Richardson officiating. Interment Stab,
fa Cemetery. Donations to the Canadian Dir
abetes Association or the Ontario Heart and
Stroke Foundation. would be appreciated by
the family. 43c
LOVE - M.E.L. Lulu Love of Trillium
Court passed away October 26, 1995 at the
Kincardine and District General Hospital. in
her 89th year. Mrs. Love was born to John
R. McDonald and Dorcas Horsey, April 16.
1907, in Exeter, Ontario. She married Rus-
sell Y. Love. deceased, in Hensall, Ontario,
February 22. 1937. Mrs. Love was also pre-
deceased by her one grandson. She was a
Past Worthy Matron of Bruce Chapter 253
of the Order of the Eastern Star. a past mem-
ber of the Kincardine Kinette Club. and a
member of Kincardine United Church. From
1949 to 1973. Mr. and Mrs. Love operated
Russ Love's Fancily Shoe Store in Kincar-
dine. Mrs, Love is survived by three sons,
Douglas and his wife Carol of Whitby. Onta-
rio; Dr. Robert and his wife Dr. Mara of
Kamloops B.C.; and Murray and Susan of
London, Ontario. She is also survived by
four grandchildren. The funeral was held
October 30, 1995 at the Davey-Linklater Fu-
neral Horne in Kincardine. with the Rev.
Clarence McCleneghan officiating. Inter-
ment was at the Exeter. Ontario Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Jack Pym, Wayne and Joan
Hartwick. Margaret Harper, Dave Small.
and Dianne Pennington. 45c
In Memorials
BAIRD - In loving memory of a dear hus-
band. father and grandfather, Tog' Baird.
who passed away November I I, 1984.
We remember him with a smile today,
He would not want the tears,
We reflect instead on memories.
Of all the happy years.
The smiles he brought. the way he spoke,
And all the things he said,
His strength, courage and laughter.
We remember those instead.
Sadly missed and loved forever, Carl, Del-
la, Mona and Bill and Norma and families.
BRINTNELL - In loving memory of a dear
husband and father, Richard A. (Mort). who
passed away 5 years ago, November 12,
God looked around His garden.
And found an empty space,
He then looked down upon this Earth,
And saw your tired face.
He knew that you were suffering,
He knew that you were in pain,
He knew you would never get well.
Upon this Earth again.
He put His arnne around you.
And lifted you to rest,
God's garden must be beautiful.
He only takes the best.
Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by
your wife Marlene and children Kelly and
Darcy. 45c
BRiNTNELL - in loving memory of a dear
friend, Rick (Mort). who passed away No-
vember 12, 1990.
He had a nature you could not help loving,
And a heart that was purer than gold;
And to those who knew him and loved him,
His memory will never grow cold.
You're not forgotten, dear friend,
'Nor ever shall you be.
As long as life and memory last.
We shall remember Thee.
Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by
Jacqui and Charlie. 45c
BRINTNELL - In loving memory of a dear
son Richard on November 12, 1990.
You are not forgotten son,
Nor ever will you be.
As long as life and memory last.
Sadly missed by Father and brothers and
families. 45•
HOGARTH • In loving memory of Victor.
a brave soldier. a courageous man, a kind
and loving father, grandfather and great-
grandfather. who passed away on November
9. 1988.
Precious forever are memories of you,
Today. tomorrow and all our lives through,
Wherever we go. whatever we do,
We shall always love and retnember you.
Sadly missed by Elaine and Larry, Carole
and Peter, Bonnie and Conrad, Brian and
Margaret and their families. 45*
McDONALD - In loving memory of Reg
McDonald, who passed away November 10,
We do not need a special day.
To bring you to our minds,
The days we do not think of you,
Are very hard to find.
Deeply missed along the way,
Quietly remembered every day,
No longer in our lives to share,
But in our hearts you are always there.
Sadly missed and loved forever by your
wife Gladys, Barbara, Bob, Susan and faini-
lies. 45'
WOLFE - In loving memory of our dear
mother. Mae. who passed away 3 years ago.
November 4, 1992.
You can only have one mother.
Patient, kind and true, •
No other friend in all the world,
Will be so true to you.
For all her loving kindness,
She asked nothing in return,
If all the world deserted us,
To our mother we could turn,
To those who have a mother,
Treasure her with care,
For you will never know her value.
'Till she is no longer there.
You will live in our hearts forever.
Lovingly remembered by your daughter
Darlene and family. 45c
75th Birthday
McROBERTS - The family of Elliott and
Audrey McRoberts would like to invite
•frientls and relatives to share in celebrating
their 75th birthday on Sunday, November
19. 2-4 p.m. at Exeter United Church Par-
lour. 42 Jaynes St.. Exeter. Best wishes only.
Stag and Doe
for Jen Sadler &
Mike Conlin
November 1.
Ailsa Craig Community
Centre 8 p.m. - 1 a.m.
No minors Light lunch
provided. $5. ticket
South Huron Hospital
Managing your Diabetes
Practical and Helpful
4 short 2 hour classes
Start date; Wed. Nov. 22, 8:45
a.m. to 11 a.m.
Fee: $20. (includes Resource
Registration: call Dawn McGuffin, town
dietitian, 235-2700 ext. 5239.
In stormy conditions classes will be
re -scheduled
Annual Meeting
Kirkton Community
Wed. November 22, 1995
at 8:00 p.m.
at Kirkton-Woodham
Community Centre
Everyone Welcome
UM *Grass
For Rent
Yard Signs for Your
Special Occasions
Birthday - Anniversary
Birth Announcements
3 Days Notice Please
Call 235-2679
e,a1Cay Nixon
, of Exeter
'who' will be celebrating a
special birthday on Nov. 9tb
From berfamily in Ottawa.
Pa, Rita, Fran, Sue and Pat
Merry Christmas
!lilac is still time. to hunt,
that party or dance
li.iilitiiinal to rata, Oil Country
`nmol. 01 S(1'> (C (ill's
Live Music for All Occasions
Call (519) 294-6582
110 rr i1��1 1111 l llllUlll l 1111 111111111 :1
o December 2
O January 6196
O February 4
Doug Ellison
Toll Free 1-800-265-7022
65tH ltedfliiig .11?))iversflJ'il
The family of Richard and Pearl
extend best wishes and
congratulations on the occasion of
their 65th Wedding Anniversary -
Mt. Carmel C.W.L.
,gfivot: Amor
Sat. Nov. 11
10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.;n.
Door Prizes and draws
It Bake, Craft, Penny and Plant
Tables W Fish pond
tF Tea roorryand Quilt draw
Everyone Welcome
5Otli'11 ciiiiinqAnniversaril
The family of Emil and
Katharine Becker wish to
invite you to an
Open House in celebration
of their parents'
50th Wedding Anniversary
on Sunday, November 12
at ARC
146 Main St.
from 2- 4
Best Wishes
Only Please!
.�►r -,rte►—
Sat., Nov. 11 ll a.m. - 2 p.m
Exeter United Church
Delicatessen, farmers market,
baking, crafts, luncheon
Residents of Hay Township "Celebrate with Light" this
Christmas season. In honor of Hay's 150th Anniversary,
the Hay Days ' steering committee is Inviting all
of Hay Township including Zurich, Dashwood
North and Hensall West to tight up this
Christmas and to a lesser degree throughout
Hopefully each residence, place of business and
institution will participate so that the whole area will be aglow to
begin the 1996 celebrations. those with outstanding displays will
be rewarded for their efforts with a commemorative plaque.
Bus trips through the township to view the lighting are being
planned for some time during the holiday season.
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