Times Advocate, 1995-11-08, Page 5Page 4 Tines -Advocate, November 8,1995
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Time to work on future together
Mrtday night's referendum
(October 30) was such a slim victory
that no one in Canada should see it as
anything else but a clear signal that
change must take place. And the onus
is on English Canada.
The outpouring of love and support
that hit Quebec was like a big juicy ap-
ple hitting you on the head and asking
to be eaten. But few people in Quebec
saw that last minute support for Quebec
as anything but fear that the country
would disappear. And that, say the sep-
aratists, is not their problem - it is Can-
ada's problem. Many here felt that the
extended hands from across Canada
were empty promises from people who
were very afraid of change.
Let's hope that's not the case.
Let's hope that the outpouring of love
felt here last week was finally recogni-
tion and understanding of how Quebec
feels. Let's hope too that it was finally
recognition that Quebec is the heart and
soul of Canada - that Canada will be
nothing but a shell without Quebec.
The question now to all Canadians who
asked Quebecers to stay, who asked
Quebecers to vote no, is - how badly do
you want Quebec?
So now that Canada has been given a
reprieve - a chance to bring about the
change that a majority of Quebecers say
they want - it is time for all Canadians to
take an active part in working towards
that change. It will not be easy. Bringing
about the changes that will bring Quebec
wholeheartedly back into the Canadian
family will be greatest challenge to ever
face this country.
Prime Minister Jean Chretien, who is
very unpopular in Quebec, but quite
popular in the rest of Canada, has his
work cut out for him. Ordinary people
have a role to play. They must tell their
politicians that they do want Quebec -
on Quebec's terms.
The referendum result shows very
clearly that if Canada is to survive, Que-
bec must be given its just place in the
country. If not, Quebecers may be back
at the polls sooner than anyone wants -
and the next time round, the answer
won't be no.
Karen Macdonald
Quebec Chronicle -Telegraph
Letters to the editor
Now is the time to work out
differences with Quebec
"We have the opportunity to
prove that this is not the best
Dear Editor:
In response to the letter published from Jody Mos-
urinjohn regarding the outcome of the Quebec Refe-
rendum, 1 would agree that the issue will not disap-
pear as a result of the `no' vote, and I share her
anger towards Lucien Bouchard and Jacques Pari-
However, it has never been more important than it
is now to put aside historical grievances, real and
imagined, and to make a sincere and energetic effort
to find ways to work together. Preoccupation with
tired arguments has been indulged far too often on
all sides, and I think in this way all the momentum
for positive change is drained away in hopeless
wrangling. Frankly, if that is all we can manage to
do then perhaps we don't deserve this fair land
stretching from sea to sea.
The people of Quebec who support a Canadian vi-
sion are in the majority, however slim. To suggest
that their friends, relatives and co-workers who vot-
ed `yes' constitute a "fanatical fifty percent" pre-
pared to arm themselves with the assistance of the
Quebec government is very irresponsible. It would
seem that hard core separatists, far Tess in number
than half the population of the province of Quebec,
are prepared to turn their backs on Canada. We have
the opportunity to prove that this is not the best de-
cision; there arc more reasons to stay and work out
our problems together, than to leave, which would
diminish us all. If we fail to recognize what is valu-
able in each other and reach out to build on that,
then the sovereignists won't need to arm themselves
to break up the country by force because we'll have
given up on Canada all by ourselves.
Janet Mason
RR I, Centralia
TORONTO -- Former Ontario premier Bob
Rae has broken a taboo by accusing Quebec
Prvier Jacques Parizeau of being drunk in
charge of a referendum campaign. If the Que-
bec premier had not resigned, it might even
have helped force him out the door.
The New Democrat opposition leader said on
a TV panel that Parizeau appeared to be under
the influence of alcohol when he blamed the
separatists' defeat on "money and the ethnic
vote" with the nasty implication that non-
francophones do not have the same place and
rights in Quebec.
Rae said it was "the most disgraceful speech I
have ever heard from any premier of any prov-
ince, and perhaps alcohol would be an explana-
Rae said later his view that Parizeau had been
drinking excessively was "a gut reaction to
what I saw and based on the usual things. l
couldn't smell his breath over the television, but
he seemed flustered and his remarks were in
extremely bad taste."
Rae said he also noticed, as did other viewers,
Parizeau pacing up and down behind a curtain
with a glass in his hand, and added that his per-
ception that the premier had over -imbibed was
shared by his co -panelists.
An allegation by one politician that another
drinks too much is extremely rare, although ob-
viously a proportion of politicians like the rest
of the population drinks excessively.
Politicians probably are under more pressures
to drink than the average citizen, because they
are under tension, spend. a lot of time away
from home, commonly need to meet people in
social surroundings and get plenty of offers of
free drinks.
Politicians clearly are aware that some of
their number drink excessively, but shy from
raising it publicly because they fear libel or be-
ing thought vindictive or feel they should stick
to Issues and kap quiet unless they can prove
that a politician's drinking is hampering him in
his job.
They also recognize that there, but for the
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\novillk Wawa
's news?
Brenda Burke
Cop cards in a world of sports celebrities?
Following the efforts of police
departments in Winnipeg,
Edmonton, Calgary and Sault
Ste. Marie, London police are
promoting the KOP (Know Our
Police) program which involves
the distribution of 120,000 cop
cards in an effort to inform the
city's youth about various
branches of the police force.
"Today's youth are so
distracted by so much
nonsense,'! London Police Chief
Julian Fantino said in a recent
London Free Press article.
"This is an attempt to carry a
positive lifestyle message."
Fantino is willing to include
his photo among the cards,
which, given out for the first
time by London police on
Thursday, include safety tips
and 'lifestyle messages' such as
how to avoid drugs and fights.
Amid complaints of serial
killer cards and a public
obsession with sensational
trials, on the surface it may feel
uplifting to hear about
something that has the
possibility of influencing
children in a positive way.
Individual officers are not
actually identified on the cards
but if the program proves to be
successful, future cards may
include their names along with
brief biographical sketches.
Interesting... But will it work?
The program likely targets eight
to 14 -year-olds since that age
group qualifies for a Tim
Horton's draw aimed to
promote the cards.
Day care and primary grade
children may just scoop up the
cards and begin a hot, new
trend. This age group tends to
be receptive to role models such
as police officers, fire fighters
and doctors.
But older kids may not have
reason enough to collect KOP
cards. The popularity of
baseball cards is largely
attributed to the popularity of its
star heroes. Will a 14 -year-old
actually think it's cool to carry
around photos of local cops in
his back pocket?
grace of God, go I. News media for most of the
same reasons avoid reporting politicians' drink-
ing excesses.
After Brian Mulroney became prime minister,
several books mentioned he had been an exces-
sive drinker before he became PM and because
of it got in nasty arguments and even shoving
matches. Media reported this briefly as an event
of the past, but certainly no politician made any
allegation against him and the affair was al-
lowed to die.
When John Turner was Liberal opposition
leader, after he had been prime minister, he was
asked by a TV interviewer whether rumors he
had a drinking problem were true.
Turner replied: "I like a good party and I have
enjoyed myself over the years, but I have never
allowed any pleasure or distraction to interfere
with doing the job," so the allegation got on the
record and other media reported it and it added
to Turner's already deteriorating image.
In Ontario, when NDP MPP Morton Shulman
shouted, "the minister is drunk" one day as fi-
Such a thought may be
embarrassing to adolescents,
simply because police officers
represent authority figures they
may not want to idolize at that
particularly sensitive,
independent stage of their lives.
when enough adults are telling
them what to do.
A baseball card displaying
Mickey Mantle's photo is
collected because of the sports
celebrity he was, not so fans can
flip the card over to get advice
on batting.
Even if KOP cards eventually
identify the officers they depict,
due to the informative nature of
the program, it's unlikely any
famous officers will be
highlighted for the sake of
KOP cards may not do much
to help bridge the widening gap
between youth and police.
Perhaps Tim Horton's should
spend money on a more active
youth program rather than
continue what may be just a
new public relations plan.
nancial and commercial affairs minister Leslie
Rowntree was lashing into the NDP just before
the legislature adjourned for lunch, it ended the
minister's career.
The hansard record suggests Rowntree spoke
as lucidly as the average MPP, but he was
known as a heavy drinker, as usual this had
never been said publicly, the politician's allega-
tion gave the media an opportunity and they
felt an obligation to report and within months
Rowntree had gone.
Parizeau for some time had been said private-
ly by some in Quebec politics and media to
drink excessively. but the media had barely re-
ported it and when a Quebec reporter asked if
he had been drinking on referendum night, he
dismissed the question as insulting.
But an allegation by a politician of Rae's stat-
ure might have hung on and added to criticism
in Parizeau's party that he lacks personal appeal
and has a rust streak.
Pariieau may be lucky he decided to make it
last call.