Times Advocate, 1997-08-27, Page 6Page 6 Times -Advocate, August 27, 1997 f Balloon fun. Klass the Clown entertains -Vie' kids ih eluding Zprich's Jenna Degroot; left, Amy Masse and Leanne Shanks, of ter one Of his shows at the Zurich Bean Festival on Saturday by making balloon animals. Top youth. St. • Boniface School's Brandon Overholt, left, and Zurich Public' School's Jolie lnthavong, both 13. were named the first ever winners of the Gertie-F!eischeuer Junior Volunteer Award at the Zurich Bean.Festival on Sat- urday. Fest chairperson Jody Durand is at back. The annu- al award is given to the top volunteer in Gr. 5 -to 8 from both schools. FleischaTrer • manned-Zurich's--tourist-infor- mation booth • for 'many years and a " commemorative plaque .bearing her name and the names of all future :award winners will be displayed permanently at Zurich's • Bank of Montreal located beside Fleishauer's " former home: Popular pies. Zurich Mennonite Church members Norma Grainger, left, and Evelyn Vincent show off one of the 100 pies congregation members* made Tor sale during the Zu- •-rich -Bean--Festival-on--the- weekend. The selection of gooseberry, eldeberry, , rhubarb. apple, cherry, .pecan. ' strawberry and raisin pies sold out in less than two and a half hours. Proceeds from the sale go into church coffers. Cruisin'. Zurich's Ron Desch, wife Bev and son Darren, 16, enjoy the -rays and car lover com- rades at the Zurich Bean Festival Custom Rod and Antique Car Show on Saturday in their '63 Chevy Impala. More than 650 cars from throughout southwestern Ontario and Michigan filled the sports fields next the community centre for the show. '97 Bean Fest another success ZURiCi X - The throng of people descending upon Zurich' for the 32nd annual -Bean Festival -were hungrier than ever. Fest chairperson -Jody Durand said about 4,300 pork .and Kean meals, the centre piece of the festival; were gobbled. up this year. up substantially -from lastyear. . • .. But overall attendance. -may be down. Durand said; be • - cause of wet conditions. Though about -20.000 people at- tended the'testival, Saturday morning was slower than an- ticipated and only 650. to 700 customlantique cars could'be jammed into the soggy fields next to the community. centre. But organizers aren't fretting over what could have been. "It was -a tremendous event;" Durand said. • New this year is the G.er<tie. Fleischauer Junior. Volunteer - Award that was handed to Brandon Overholt ofSt. Bon-. ifacc School and folic inthavong, both42.-during the open- ing;,ceremonies of the festival. The award is giver- to the top volunteer -in Gr. 5 to S from both St. Boniface Schoot and• Zurich Public School. The late. Fleischauer-manned .the Zu- • rich..tourist infcirrnation Hoath for many years. The official_ plaque bearing.all'award •winner names will he hung in the Bank of Montreal -beside Fleischauer's former home. Those wanting.to know more about this year's fest can check out its web site at hitp.front/front/. ww:w.:hitroticap.nrgkiirlihrnean/heanitidtix.html. Fine form. Exeter's Carl Rummell shows, his, technique dur- ing the Zurich Bean Festival -Horseshoe Tournament ori Sat Grday: ' . Jump, froggy! Dennis Tieman tries to encourage his frog to jump for the gusto during the 23rd annual Dr. Wal - lace's Frog Jumping Contest at the Zurich Bean Festival on Saturday. Tieman's frog did eventually leap for 24 inches over three hops.