Times Advocate, 1997-08-27, Page 1r SEIP'S valu-mart 4 & 83 Exeter 235-0262 Agent for Sketchley Dry Cleaners ;e'rt ir)r, f ,.l ', • SEIP'S valu-mart 4 & 83 Exeter 235-0262 Film Developing $4.99 roll 24 prints Inside Bean Festival Annual event draws more than 20,000 See pages 6 and 7 Lions Youth Camp Local student returns from Germany Crossroads See second front Phone book will be delivered on weekend EXETER - The popular Times- Advncatc Home Phone Book will he delivered hy.thc weekend to 7.000 households. Home -"subscribers in Grand Bend. Lucan, Ailsa Craig and Parkhill will receive' their copy in the mail. All other homes in the.T-A coverage area will havtstheir phone book delivered with the FoLus Weekend super Saver. Police investigate car theft GRAND BEND - Police are in- vestigating the theft of a car that occurred on Aug. 20 at about 10:30 a.m. According to North Lambton OPP, the victim went into a busi- • ness at the corner Of Ontario Street and Green Acres Crescent. leaving the keys in the vehicle.' The victim noticed the 1993 green Saturn with Ontario license 371-RNM was .gone at i I a.m. • Police remind motorists to re- move the keys from unattended c- .hicles, regardless of'where they parked. • Township extends garbage contract STEPHEN TOWNSHIP -'The township has extended the garbage collection contract with Lewis Dis- posal & Haulage for another year beginning April 1. 1998. The contract extension will in- clude a five per cent increase in the cost. Public meeting scheduled STEPHEN TOWNSHIP - Coun- cil will schedule a public meeting for Sept. 16 at 7:30 p.m. regarding the Toning amendment application submitted by Centralia Faith Tab- ernacle affecting 98 Prince Leopold Street, Centralia. Ilderton Fair competitors Ambassador competition. Four local youths will be competing in Thursday night's Ilderton Fair Ambassador competition to be held sit the New Ilderton Community Centre beginning at 8 p.m. Those entered include Bryan Hatt, Jill Borland, Lisa Hardy and Sally Vail. S4,500 damage to Stephen School OPP have no suspects and school staff are still cleaning up By Craig Bradford T-;1 Reporter STEPHEN TOWNSHIP - Van- dals caused more than $4,500 damage to Stephen' Township Public School overnight on Aug. 18. Exeter OPP Sgt. Brad Sad- ler said suspects got onto the flat roof that was under repair and caused a num- ber of ceiling tiles to fall into rooms. Heavy rains over the last couple of weeks soaked furniture and equipment in two kindergarten rooms, school custodian Mark Laye said, and one room had al- most two inches of water in its corners. "I just came in and the two rooms were under wa- ter," Jaye said. "Almost. everything was soaked." The vandals also tried to, put three-inch to four -inch screws through th€ '.res of a lift truck, Laye said. Sadler said nothing was re- ported stolen from the school. School staff were still cleaning up and accessing damage at press time. The OPP ask anyone with . in-, formation on the incident to call the Exeter detachment at 235-1300 or Crime Stop- pers at 1-800-222-8477. Ron Brown brings Ontario's history to life through books Brown will attend a book - signing at the T -A this Thursday beginning at .1 p.m. Many of • his titles are available at the store By Heather Mir T -A Reporter :EXETER - The Tirr.:s Advocate coverage area; including Huron as well as portions of L'amhton. and Middlesex counties;' is rich with.history. Some of this regicin's heritage as well as many other.. pans ...of On- tario and Canada have•hecn traced and recorded by au- their Ron Brown who will be appearing at. 'the T -A .for a hook signing on Thursday.. Brown is the author of many well-known books in- cluding Ghost Towns. of Ontario - A Field Guide. Toronto's Lost Villages. Vanished Villages. 50 Un- usual Things to Sec in On- tario, Backroads, of Ontario and The Train Doesn't Stop Here Anymore.• . The- community of.St..Jo- seph. along the Lake Huron shoreline. is •one of the nearby towns brown documents, in his book,• 50 Even More Unusual Things To See in Ontario. During a- telephone interview Monday. Brown told the T -A St. Joseph is a community he likes to describe -as a''Dream Town."... He explained how. Narcisse Cantin dreamed of making the Lake Hu- ron shoreilne site a place of economic boom by building a canal from Lake -Eric, straight across On- . tario's -southwestern peninsula. to Lake Huron. AI- though a few French-Canadijn, families from Mich igan were convinced to -settled in the area, dreams • of a grand hotel and -a hustling business community •were dashed by a political scandal and the First World War. "He was so optimistic that he went and he laid out . several hundred lots," Brown said of Cantin's plans. "He tried to lobby the Canadian government into building a canal right.to where his town was." Cantin, a true :dreamer. also tried 'to start up an electric rail- way line. But that idea -"never went anywhere either" said Bnncn. More Unusual Things also re- counts the legend of the Black .. Donnelly's. in Lucan, south of Exeter. Many books have been written about the events over a century ago. but Brown also fo- cuses on how the scandal was hardly talked about. without re- percussions, even up until the 1960's. Today however. one can purchase a souvenir t -shirt or ball cap in the.town where an old Irish feud brought about the murder of five members of the Donnelly clan. "That (50 Even More Unusual Things) includes the story of the Donnelly's, as neutral as I can get it," said Brown. "You hear about similar stories in the States, and they make movies about them there. But i think we ir Continued on page 2 Controversial proposal may be presented to EBA EXETER. - Exeter Business Association chairperson Tom Seip told the Times. Advocate last week that -any .move to split the area served by the group into two separate parts would be regressive. .. Seip was responding to the possibility this action will be.suggested at the regular meeting of the association set: for Tuesday, Sept. 2 in the -Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.:- The .m..:-The T-A,has received information that -someone will propose split- ting the EBA into two separate bodies - one for the area between Huron Street and Sanders Street and another for a yet to. be de- termined area. Originally the organization was known a' the- Business Improve- ment Association and-was.comprised of downtown businesses. It has since eyolved into the present format in which all businesses are represented. Meetings are-usually'attended by only -A few• members but this meeting could attract a considerably larger number because of the controversial topic. The-EBA. will also hear a second and. final proposal by John Bar rett of Huron Security to providecore area businesses with service • including a nightly foot patrol and in-town.patrol vehicle. Barrett -has made a pitch for such service in.the past but at the sug- gestion of several concerned merchants; has modified the price of his proposal. The participation of (east 50 businesses is required for Barrett tt-cover the cost of providing•a.foot patrol. He added local • - . business people are • concerned with criminals from larger com- munities such as London targeting Exeter and the response time of - thc OPP. - Open house focuses on services for. seniors LUCAN - .Helping keep 'senior healthy and in their own homes is a key goal of the_ Victorian Order iif Nurses Helping • Other Maintain Middlesex Elder; (HOMME) pro- gram. A special day is being held on Septa -8 to provide information about the services ayailable?for sen-, dors -and disahledi adults- in their community. The open house will be held at the Lucan Scout Hall on Market Street beginning at II a.m.- with a . Well- ness' Clinic dem- onstration. in- structor Angela, Clarke will he lead= ing an/ exercise class specially de- ' signed for the older adult. The ex- ercises work with balance, upper body strength_ and flexibility:, The public is encouraged. to participate in the class or observe. Spaces are available in regularly :scheduled classes by contacting Clarke at 472-7730. Information about how to get involved. and he assessed will be provided at the open house. "They. can see the benefits," ex- plains Coordinator Cheryl Curtis., "The people who will be doing it are the people who come regularly and the public will get a chance to talk to them." The afternoon program,. from • 1 to 13 p.m., includes an information fair to let caregivers. seniors and dis- abled adults find out how to receive services such as Home Care (now calledCommunity Care Access Centre). This is an opportunity to Meet and ask questions of local per- stsnnel. including - representatives from Public Health,' Community Care . Aecsss Centre itS an and Volunteer, Pro-- ity for grams.-• VON Nurses will have a blond presr to get , ' syr clinic as well as information about hearing aids and hear- ing tests. chiropractic. massage ' therapy and reflexology. St. Johns Ambulance ' will also `have a display and in- forniation available about equip - Ment rental. "One hears about all these chang es filtering through the health care system. and they're confused," says Curtis. adding, This is an op- portunity for people to get in- formation about what's available in the community. The people who are. coming arc the hands-on peo- ple." The information fair is made pos- sible by the donation of the Scout Hall and organized by the VON HOMME program. "This opportun , people inform about available comma ation what's in the nity. ", Amos brings home silver The Ailsa Craig native won the medal at the Canada Summer Games as a member of the Ontario under 19 field hockey team AILSA CRAiG - Sharon Amos and the Ontario under 21 field hockey team . did their province proud by bringing home silver medals from the Canada Summer Games in Brandon, Man. British Columbia beat Ontario in the final 1-0 to take the gold on the weekend. "We outplayed them but they managed to score on us," Amos, 21. said. "We worked right to the end. We just couldn't put one in. We gave it our all and we walked off the field with no regrets." Ontario beat New Brunswick 4-0, Manitoba 3-1, Prince Edward is- land 6-0 and Quebec 3-0 'to reach the final. Amos, a third year administrative business and commercial studies student at the University of West- ern Ontario, starts .practicing with the UWO team tomorrow. Dashwood (Mt. Corrado!), Ontario (519)237.3450 LABOUR DA Mein RENT ANY EQUIPMENT FROM FRIDAY AFTERNOON AUG. 29 until TUESDAY, SEPT. 2 for 1-1/2 days charge 519-237-3456 • 1-800-265-2901 COUNTRY CORNERS RENTAL Dashwood (Mt. Come), Ontario (519)237.3400 1.100-200-2001