Times Advocate, 1997-08-20, Page 21J Dashwood Bible School The Zion Lutheran Church hosted the Cir- cle of Friends Ranch Bible School Program last week in Dash- wood. With 116 chil- dren registered, the week-long program had the rodeo theme. Above, Peter Datars. tells a Bible story to grades 2 8 children. Left, Julia Tieman leads a rendition of "Here we are together" Varna planning community yard sale The community -wide sale will run on August 30-31,' By Joan Beierling Varna correspondent • • VARNA - The Varna -Goshen pastoral charge will worship on Au- gust 24 and August 31 in Goshen. Anyone interested in volunteer- ing their time to help with Sunday School can contact Joe Laurie or Tracy Crick as soon.as possible. Best wishes to Paul Hill and Monica Meade on Saturday when they get married with an open wed- ding reception afterward_ at Hessen - land. All women who are going to see " Brigadoon" at the Huron Country, Playhouse should meet at the Var- . na Church at 5' p.m. to car pool to iMillington's in Brucefield for sup- per first. Baseball is winding down and anyone with results of tournaments may contact Joan Beierling at 233- 7443 before Sunday evening. The annual Community Yard Showerheld in Cromarty Joanne Wallace was honored for her up- coming wedding. Roberta Templeman Staffa correspondent STAFFA - -Cromarty Church women hosted a shower honoring Joanne Wallace on her upcoming wedding. Carol Ann Scott wel- comed everyone. Scott and Alice Gardiner conducted a contest. Sara Christie performed two solos. Joanne's sisters assisted her in opening the gifts. She expressed her thanks to all and a social time was enjoyed over lunch., Joanne, Kelly and Mathew Dono- van- have returned home to Harare, Zimbabwe. after spending six weeks with relatives and' friends in Ontario and Quebec. The August meeting of the Staffa Womens Institute will he hosted by Marjorie Drake. at her home in Staffa. Everyone is to bring some- thing for a potluck dinner. The Templeman family members enjoyed a golf tournament at the Mitchell Golf Course on Sunday. They returned to the home of Da- vid and Karen Templeman for a potluck supper. The community wishes Alice Gardiner. Murray urr y Christie, Gordon Colquhoun and Duncan Scott all a speedy recovery. 7eit ' t.4 7Veddrac9 Alrfoceoelutetwy The Children & Grandchildren of Sayted cued Era neuritic would like you to join them in celebrating their, 50th Wedding Anniversary SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1997 9 PM - DASHWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE No gifts please, a donation can be made to Jessie's Journey or your favourite charity. "Exeter Elites Baton Club" Don't stand in line, follow the band and sign up for Baton! Make new friends or bring your friends along. Registration & Classes begin Sept. 3 - 5:30 p.m. - Exeter PS or call Sandie at 519-284-0450 Evenings • for ages 5 and up• Cost: $100.00/yr FREE LESSONS FOR SEPTEMBER! Sale will be held August 30 and 31 at the Varna Complex. Any me wanting a table should con act Marion Coleman as scion as possi- ble at 263-5354. Has he been violent with you? (Hit. slapped. pushed. etc.) Does he stop you from seeing friends and family? RENASCENCE SERVICES FOR WOMEN. FREE, CONFIDENTIAL infor- mation, support. out -reach services, counselling and group sessions for women living with abuse. All ages welcome. FALL GROUP BEGINS SEPTEMBER. CALL 482-3933 Times -Advocate, August 20, 1997 Historical collections put on display at Tweedsmuir workshop Participants each brought an antique pic- ture for the roll call. • By Muriel Lewis Granton correspondent GRANTON - A large crowd en- joyed the annual Firemen's break- fast at the firehall on August 17. Cyril Lewis of St. Clair Shores, Michigan visited with Muriel and Larry Lewis on August 15 after at- tending a golf tournament in Mark- ham. Sunday was decoration day at the Granton Cemetery and also Pros- pect Hill Cemetery when many lo- cal people remembered their loved ones. At the Granton United Church•on Sunday,- Pastor Normalie Voakes entitled her sermon 'Wisdom the answer to a prayer': At St. Pauls Anglican Church in Kirkton Rev. Glenda Meakins'mes- sage was"about having faith in God, especially in tines of great •transi- tion. History workshop • The London Area. Womens Insti- lute Tweedsmuir History Work- shop was held at Salford Commu- nity Centre on August 12 with an . attendance of over 90 people. London Area T.H. curator Jeanne Leitch chaired the meeting as dis- trict curators answered the roll call - with a hand made, old picture. The morning speaker was Jack Hedges who gave a slide presenta- tion and commentary on the churches of Oxford County. In the afternoon, Eleanor Gardhouse spoke about cemeteries and Lucan Community Centre Bingo Wed. Aug. 20 Bingo starts 7:30 p.m. Regular Game $1,000 Jackpot Game 55 calls or less $1800 bonus Total prizes $3000 Due to the licence regulations, no one under 18 allowed to play Licence 4537495 nnermnmrrvmm.mmimmmne nunevrnrmmlmmnniermmnnmrmmnnmrmmmimmili mimlmmrmmmrmlmmme PIANO LESSONS Taught by senior high school student studying Grade 10 Piano at Western Conservatory. 2 years teaching experience. Any age, any level. For more information call Julie Darling at 235-1302 or leave a message at 235-2208. Limited space available. Lessons be: in in Se tember. IrIU11usit111111111m111111111111111111iumi1IIIIIIII111111111111a111111111nI1U1111111111111111uU1fU11111111111UIIUI111II W1111111'm11u 111111M1111U1 WEAVERS HOSEA LARCENY ALLOVER ASSAM EQUATOR �. VILLABORGHESE _ _ GUITARS EDITS AGE TBA ANA DUO MUM MUM MU o®oaoo© 000000'ao©a O©ooa©©°Oo©©O°a°o©o°©oo OWMWMMM DOM OOMMUOM© DDM© MMII IIMMO MDOmOMMOMM IMMhUMC1 ©ooa°Ii MMEI ©©a oo°a°m©WM MOUOEOo M©©D© 0000©°a °a- UNO MOO[7OM WWW- ©©©©D MAMMA M©ML OUDIN J ©OO MWM MOM MUM ammo MUM©,M© °aE90UM©Omllo°o O EIMMM IW MDi9O© MAMMON! oao©°D© °©MOO 000°Mo° Join us before the curtain falls on the 1997 season! Lerner & Loewe's August 12 - August 30 Sponsored by: 0 Union Gas oon BOX OFFICE OPEN!!! Monday to Saturday 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. (519) 238-6000 or 1-800-706-6665 showed slides of many kinds of tombstones, explaining the symhol- isms on thein. Numerous displays of history hooks and collections were set up and comments given on them. A motion was passed to he sent to the Federated Women's Institute Of Ontario Board regarding the preservation of documents at the land registry office, opposing hav- ing them destroyed because of lack of storage: Huron South district issued an in • - vit;,, , .) host the 1998 workshop. TARTS THIS WEEKEND GEORGE OF THE JUNGLE plus Dan Aykroyd in GROSSE POINTE BLANK • Gates open 8:30/Show at 9:30• w WWWWWWW Dance Hall 9pm tarn 349-2678 Line Darters Welcome Fri. Aug. 22 Country Boys Sat., Aug. 23 Country Justice AWOMMUWWWWVWW Thurs. & Fri. LUNCH BUFFET SUNDAY BRUNCH 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. ...$4.95 Page 21 Forthcoming marriage - Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Parkinson and Mr. and Mrs. James Gorman wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their children Paula and Paul on August 30, 1997 at Trivitt Memorial Anglican Church, - Exeter at 3 p.m. Open reception at South Huron Rec Centre at 8:30 p.m. Forthcoming marriage - Bob and Helen Coates, of Exeter. along with Ron and Nancy. Wight of Paris are pleased to. announce the forthcoming marriage of their children. Elizabeth Jane and Brian James. The wedding will take place on August 23, 1997 at 3 .p.m. at Exeter United Church. Open reception to be held at South Huron Rec -Centre, Exeter. Jillian Collings 1996 Winner Exeter Agricultural Society invites Contestants and Sponsors to participate in the Ambassador of the Fair Competition to be held at the fair on FRI., SEPT. 19, 1997 Contestants must be 17 years of age by August 1, 1997 Call Doris Weigand 235-0814 ' or Linda Johns 229-8272 Coming events PARKS BLUEBERRIES U -Pick Blueberries, open 9 a.m.-6 p rn. daily. weather per rnndng. Located Hwy -1. east of Thamesville. 519.692-5373. Saturday. 'August 16. Blueberry Festival; Saturday- August 30. Antique Tractor Show: Saturday, September 27, Scarecrow forms due: Saturday. October 4. Great Annual Scarecrow Contest. 31-17c PERTH COUNTY PLOWING MATCH will be held Salurday,. August 23. west of Russeldale on Hwy 83 tPropeny #61501- This years match will feature Tractor plow mg, walking plows, log sawing and nail dnving competitions For non: information call Bryan. 229-6745 or Bums. 229.6328. .13.34c CORN ROAST AND YARD SALE, Sunday, August 24. Siddell Farm. Denfield Rd and 87. 55.00 each. 2-7 p.m. Tickets at gate or 455.98(18. Proceeds to 98 Beaman Reun- ion. ' rte. BEAUTY AND THE BEAST ends in September. Our final escorted all-inclusive tnp Sunday. August 24. 6:30 p.m. performance. Call Diane/loe Rys 519-881-1957. 34c SHDHS COMMENCEMENT, September 26 at 7:30 p.m. Everyone welcome 34-36x Music for Young Children TAi • Keyboard -based curriculum • child, parent and teacher area team • small group instruction • singing, rhythm work, ensipbles, theory, note -reading, and fun in every class, NUM llitlh• Manmumw t.i Mom alogIO CaII Laurie Erb A.Mus. at 2367722 m, mm,,,,nm„ 1RIRiR1IRHlflfffllfllffl Zurich Bean Festival August 22 & 23