Times Advocate, 1997-08-20, Page 20Page 20 Times-Advoca August 20, 1997 nfl Birth Announcements Cards Of Thanks In Memoriams Ilk refFill 11 KEMPS - John and Susan IMizzi) are hap- py to announce the arrival of Samantha" Sheila Ann born July 20: 1997 weighing lbs. 4. -oz. Grandparents are Tom and Sheila Richber of Exeter and Shirley and . Joe Kemps of London. 14• OESCH•NEiLANDS - Ron 'and Bev and Tom and Kathie are thrilled to announce the birth of their first grandchild Aaron Thomas. who arrived July 6. 1997 at St. Joseph's Hospital. London. weighing 10 lbs. 5 In oz.. Proud parents are Ryan and Kelly. 34c . Cards C)f Thanks BULLOCK • The family of the late Wm. T. •• Bullock would •like 'to thank relatives --and friends (or their floral tributes and kind . words of sympathy. Thank you. also. for the many generous donation to The Gideons. the • Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario and the Canadian Diabetes Association. -We • would also like to extend.our sincere Thanks . to Dr. Whynot. •Or Gomes. the ICU staff at Strathroy Middlesex -General Hospital. Park- hill ;Ambulance Service and M. Box and Son • Funeral Honie Your kindness is very -much appreciated 34* Wilrna Bullock and farnily • COLE A great hig thank you to everyone . who attended our, SOth. Wedding Anniver- .-sary parry. for cards. gifts and phone calls received. An extra special thanks to our wonderful families and grandchildren and fnends.who made the party a day that' -will always be remembered For those who at- . tended OW -breakfast and donated so gener- ously to our local food hank: to the friends who helped organize -and worked so hard for a successful morning - Goa Bless You All. • .Milt and Joan dome Wnrohtp tuith EXETER BIBLE FELLOWSHIP 9.30 a m Communion Service Sunday School for all ages 11.00 a.m. Family Bible Hour Tuesday evenings 7:30 p.m. Bible Study 94 Orchard Street. Exeter Everyone Welcome •.n� ,w�i�•s EXETER CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 332 Huron St. W. Pastor Peter Tuininga 235-1723 August 24, 1997 . 10:00 a.m. Moming Service Sunday School just for age 3 during moming service Nursery Available 7 00 p m. Evening Service Everyone Welcome Sunday,Radio CJCS 1240 8:30 a.m. CKNX 920 10:30 a.m. Daily T.V. Faith 20 Global 5:30 EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 187 Huron St. W Exeter Pastor Kevin Rutledge Assistant Pastor John Boyachek 235-266i - Sunday, August 24 Morning Worship 9:30 and .11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.. 7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. Family Night Everyone Welcome August 24 9:30 a.m.-11:00 p.m. Worship Broadcast on Community Channel 7118:17 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN 68 Main Street South 235-2784 Minister Rev Daniel Roushorne Courtesy Car: 235-1967 Youth Worker. Tracey Whitson Bahro Sunday. August 24, 1997 11 00 a.m. Morning Worship Aug. 18-22 Vacation Bible School daily Aug. 28 Choir Practice 8 p.m. Kerygma starting in September Visitors are most welcome EXETER UNITED CHURCH Corner of James and Andrew St. Sunday, August 24, 1997 10:00 a.m. Rev. Cordell Parsons Junior Congregation 10:00 a.m. Social hour following service Courtesy car: Audrey MacGregor, 235- 0972 Time/TalenvTreasure Auction September 13, 1997 All welcome COOK - I wish to thank Donelda Lewis and Donna Smith and everyone who helped make my birthday such a happy occasion. 14• Margaret DFS4ARDINE • We would like to express o'ur appreciation to all our friends and neigh- bours Tor their lovely cards. Masses and phone calls. gilts and good wishes on the oc- casion of our 50th Wedding Anniversary. Special thank you. to our wonderful family , for making this day so special for the won- derful meal at ourvdaughter's home. Special thanks to the couple that took us for a horse and buggie ride it will always be remem- bered- Thanksagain. - - 14* ' _ - Nonivand Madeline EXETER FZRUFIGHTERS ASSOCIA- TiON - The Exeter Firefighters Association would like t9 thank Fire Board members. re- tired firernen. firemen's wives and families for helping at the Rodeo breakfast:A special thanks to KFC, Murphy's. RM. -Taylor and the Town of Exeter Rec Centre and staff for their donations. help. support and use of the facilities. The Rodeo was a huge success and - we hope to see you there next year ' .340 .. HEIMRi('H - To all family and friends who greeted us personally or by mail or to those who joined usat our 411th Open.ktoane and. Dinner, thank you 'forsharing this spe- cial anniversary. You gave os. joy' TO Lau- rie. Phil. -Mark, Dave and Wendy and to Stephanie, Ashley. Lauren and Ashley, you've put a song in our beasts, Sincerest thanks tg all. 14* • Manlyn and Ron KORICINA • I would like to ,bank all of. our friends and neighbours for the beautiful bridal shower that was given in my honour All of the wonderful gifts and well wishes mean a great deal and will be cherished al=- ways. To Suzanne and Katherine Devlae-. minck. Dolma Smith. Diane Andrews, Mary Conlin. and everyone else who helped. thank you for making it such a special evening. • 34• • Janet stt;DCATS BALL CLUB = The Vludcats Ball Club wish to thank all teams. compa- nies and individuate who participated in our armament August IS -17 Hope to see you next year: - 141- • TRUEMNKR - 1 would like fo thank ev-ery- one.,for prayers. cards, flowers_ treats. phone calls and visits while I was in Universily- Hospital and since returning home • Margaret In Memoriams . WEIGAND - In,.loving memory of -a dear ' sod. brother and uncle. Doug. who passed away one year ago. August 21.'1996 Those we love don't go away. • - They walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard. but always near. Still loved. still missed and, very dear. Lovingly remembered by Dad. Bill. Don, Andrea. Mark and Jodi: • 34 • Death Notices ATKINS - M Stratford General Hospital on Tuesday.. ugust 12, 1997. Susanne (Knotts Atkins of Exeter. formerly of Carve•Lake in her 47th year; Wife of the late Larry Atkins. -Loving mother of Karen, Norman and' his' wife Kim. Gloria and James. Dear friend of Jim Shuhrook. all or Exeter: Sister of Rick, Noonan, Amos and RandyKnott all of Curve Lake and Gloria Hillier of,Allrston Friends called at the Curve Lake Church on • Friday: Funeral was Saturday, •Augu.w 1 h •at 11 a.rn_followed by cremation. 34c BAFCHLER -, William A ` l &chlerof Ex- eter•in • his itOthi.year. Beloved husband of Mary IYantzi) Baechler, tear father of 'Sharon and Jim Blomfield and 'Pauline and Brian Horn all of Waterloo and Elaine and Ron Couch'of Kiichener., Pmud and adored •' grampa of `Kevrn - and Peter Hom 'and Da- nielle and Graenle Couch. Dear •hmtlier of , Verda Baechler and Gladys and. Neil Ginge- rich all of Zurich and Irina and Floyd Bueh- ler of St. Jacob*. Predeceased by sisters Eva Gascho'and Genie Steckle Fnends called at (be Hopper Hockey Funeral Home. 370 Wil •liam Street: I west of Mai _Exeter on Mon- day 2=4 and 7-9 pm. syliere the funeral ser- • vice was held on.Tuesday. August 19 at 11 • a.m. -with Rev. Cordell Parsons officiating. Interment Exeter Cemetery. Donations to the Canadian 'Cancer_, Society or :the V O• v would tie appreciated by the family' - BU1,I.00K • Williu(ji Thomas. Peacefulls 'at the' Strathmy Middlesex General Hospital • on Thursday. July 31. 1997. William T. Bul- lock of McGillivray Twp;, RR #1 Parkhill. in. his 780 year. Reloveedhushand of Wilma ' 1Schram) Bullock. Lgvifig father.:of- Ruth and Doug Kingsburyof 0i -dila -Manor' Ley- ._len'and )tnb, Holden of 'Parkhill. Betty and Mike Glavin.of,Crediton, Barry Rullock of • Parkhill. Eleanor and Jim Weigand of Dash- wood. Susan -and David.Voigt of Waterlrio bear. brother of Rheola Bullock of Parkhill. Dear grandfather of 18 grandchildren and.4 great-grandchildren., Predeceased hy his par- • ents George and Cora 1 Stewardciin► Bullocks son-in-law Ron Leysen..- Rested . at the .M Brix. and on Funeral Nome: -183 Broad Street, Parkhill: where the funeral service was conducted cin Sitiiday. August ; Inter- ment Parkhill Cemetery. - i4• EINKBEINER. •• At -South Huron Hospital. Exeter on Sunday. August 17-1997i Gordon Charles. Finkheiner of Exeter and, formerly of Stephen Township in his 73rd year. He - loved husband of Florence (Gedcke) Fink - twiner. Dear father of Ruth and John. Tim- mermans of Staffa and Helen 'and Barry Hicks of Thedford. Dear grandfather of Me- lissa. Shane. Travis and Dayna: Dear hmthet of Allan, and Irene Finkhetnr of Stephen Township and Howard and`Mary Finkheiner 'ofLondon -and brother -in --law of'Edith M9 - son -of Listowel. Also survived by, many nieces and nephews, Predeceased by a firoth- er Walter. Fnends called at the Hopper Hnckcy'Funeral .Honie. 370 William Street. 1 •west, of Main. Exeter on Monday 2-4 and 7:9 p.m. where the funeral service Was held Tuesday. August 19 at 2 p.m. with Rev. Cor- dell Parsons officiating. interment .Crediton Cemetery. Donations to South Hymn Hospi- tal or the Exeter United Church would he ap- preciated by the family' , . 34c., HUMMEL-- •'To!enjoy.your work and to accept your for in life that is indeed a gift fmm God" Eccl. 5:19. Suddenly at her home on Friday. August' 15. 1997.. Grace Alien Hummel of Clinton in her 444h year. Dearly beloved daughter of Rita Hummel -Pot and step -daughter of Ralph Pol of Goderich and the late Andrew' Hummel: (1979). She .will be sadly missed by her family. brothers and sisters Henry Hummel and his wife Henn of Blyth, Angus Hummel,and his wife Rose of. Clinton. Ann Troyer and her frfend Earl -of- Dorchester, ofDorchester, Albert- Hummel and his wife. Frances of Exeter, Herman Hummel and his .wife Conine of Owen. Sound. John Hummel - and his .wife Annette. of Godench. Margaret Medd and her friend Doug of Clinton. An- drew Hummel and his wife Joyce of Kippen. Brenda -Murphy and- her husband . Bill of London and Janice Osten and her husband John of Stratford. Also lovingly remembered and sadly missed by 34 nieces and nephews and 11 great-nieces and great-nephews. Fnends were received at' the Beattie - Falconer Funeral Homes. 153 High Street Clinton. Funeral service was held at the Va-' nastra Community Chnstian Reformed Church on August 19: Interment in -Clinton Cemetery. Memorial donations to the Cana-. dian Mental Health Association - Huron Chapter would be appreciated as expressions of sympathy. 34c KERR - In Toronto General Hospital on Tuesday. August 12. 1997. Helen (Penhale) Kerr. Mrs. Kerr was horn in Exeter in 1912. Survived by one son Cameron of Toronto. sisters Jean Ellenngton, Exeter. Shirley Col- • by. Australia. and two brothers Harry Pen - hale. B.C.. and Thomas and Marion Penhale, Exeter. Predeceased by one brother William. Also survived by several nieces and neph- ews. Cremation. Memonal service in Toron- to. Interment Exeter Cemetery. Donations to Heart and Stroke Foundation. . ,14c FINKBEINER -= In loving memoryof a dear son and brother Kristopher William , Douglas. who suddenly left us 2'years ago, August 20. 1995. , The moment when you died, Our hearts were split in two. -• One side filled web sweet memories. -• The other died,with you. We think of you in silence. -. . We always speak your name, For all we have are memories. Your picture in a frame. They say there is -a reason. They say that time will heal. But neither time nor reason. • Helps the emptiness.we feel. For no one knows the heartache. That hides behind our smile. No one knows what we would do, TO sit with you awhile. Your resting place we visit. Place flowers there web care, But no one knows the heartache. When we walk away and leave you there. • Always missed' by Mom. nod and brother . Jeff. 34c FiNKBEINER - In memory of our grand • - son Kristopher, who passed away suddenly August 20. 1995. August comes with sad regret. The month _the,eay. we'll never forget.. You slipped away without a goodbye.. But memories of you will never die. • Lovingly remembered by Grandpa 'and Grandma: • 34'. FINKBEINER - In memory of our dear cousin. nephew. and grandson. Kris Fink- • healer. who passed. away 2 years ago nn Au- gust 20. 1995 When you died. 1 felt empty and alone: 1 fell like a flower with no pefa ass. There are signs of love in my dreams ex- plaining and showing me that you are happy. My dreams tell 'me of bright and colourful sounds in heaven. Sounds that are so beautiful you can see. . My dreams are like messages (nun you to us. My dreams show us that you love us. • I see angels dancing joyfully on the clouds with flowers all around. When I awake from my beautiful heavenly dream I no longer feel empty or alone. I feel you.in my hear, and I know -you are there forever. Written by Smith Forever loved and sadly missed by Gram - pa. and all your Aunts. Uncles and Cousins. 34c FiNKBEINER - Kris. Another year has come and gone, And indeed life has gone on.• But there's a sadness in our hearts each day. Because you're not here to laugh and smile and play. . We miss you! Love Jeff. Sheona and Gary Baker. 34' PASSMORE • In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grandmother. Audrey. who passed away 2 years ago, August 20. 1995. Those we love don't go away, You walk beside us every day. Unseen. unheard, but always near. Still loved. still missed, still very dear. We saw you suffer, heard you sigh. We could do nothing but sit close by. We have lost but heaven has gained. One of the best the world contained. Forever loved, deeply missed, always re- membered hy Lome. Sharon and Bob. Paul and Darlene. Beth and Jim, Keith and Shel- ley and families. 14c VENNER - In loving memory of our rear father and grandfather, Lloyd Venner, who passed away August 26. 1995. Your presence is ever near us. Your love remains with us yet. You were the kind of a father. Your loved ones would never forget. Sadly missed and lovingly remembered hy Eleanor and Enc. Paul and Susan 14' PAYNE - At Queensway Nursing Home, Hensall on Thursday. August 14. 1997. Carl Griffith Payne of Hensall in his 91st year. Beloved husband of Hilda (Hayman) Payne of Hensall. Dear father of Wayne Payne and his wife ins of London and Mary Merritt and her husband Gary of Poway. California. Loving grandfather of Amberfy Payne and Gregory Merritt. Dear brother and brother- in-law of Marion Rerdan. Muryl Payne. Emma Payne. Munel Hayman and Winni- fred King. Predeceased by 4 brothers Clair. Floyd. Glenn and Guy. brother-in-law Bo,. Berdan, sister-in-law Jessie Payne and a granddaughter Lisa Merritt. Also survived by several nieces and nephews. Fnends were received in the Hensall Chapel. 120 King Street. Hensall one hour pnor to the funeral service which was conducted on Tuesday. August 19, 1997. Rev. Stanley McDonald officiated. Interment Hensall Union Ceme- tery In lieu o( flowers. memorial contnbu- lions to the Canadian Diabetes Association, Queensway Nursing Home or the Hensall United Church would he appreciated. J.M. McBeath Funeral Home. Zunch entrusted with arrangements 14c CHESLEY MARKET OPEN FRI + SAT + SUN NEW & USED FURNITURE, HOUSEWARES WOOD PRODUCTS, CLOTHES & MORE. CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME CALL DON (519)881-6199 Buck & Doe for ,TEFF ((HIPPER) (IIIP(H,tSE & CINDY NEIL Sat., Aug. 23 Exeter Ag. Building Tickets $5. each. D.J. Lunch provided Age of majority required Buck & Doe for Derek (Soupy) Campbell & Sheri Struthers Fri., Aug. 22 Hensall Arena Ice Surface, 8 - 1 a.m. Music by: Dr. Darryl D.J. Age of majority required. LS5. person. Lunch provided moidi Buck eDoe Jeni Mae Pfaff & Derek Desjardine Fri., Aug. 22 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. South Huron Rec Centre, Exeter OPEN HOUSE for Bob Gardiner Celebrating his 80th Birthday at Staffa Township Hall Sunday, August 24th, 19972-4p.m. Absolutely No Gifts Happy Birthday DIANNE DE WYS Love Pete, Kim, Brad and- Karrie, Lori and Brian Congratulations and Best Wishes to our Dad and grandpa LOUIS WEIPND on the occasion of his 85th birthday Aug. 22 t'r', Bill, Doris, Andrea, Mark & Jodi N -PERTH CENTRES FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH and THE HURON -PERTH CENTRES FUND invite the public to attend their ANNUAL GENERAL MEETiNGS Wednesday, August 27, 1997 7 p.m. at the Livery, South Street, Goderich The Centre is pleased to announce the appointment of the new Chief Executive Officer of the Huron -Perth Centres TERRI SPARIJNQ JOIN US AT THE ANNUAL MEETING TO WELCOME TERRII • Memorial Day Service Zion Cemetery Usborne Township Sun., Aug. 24 at 11:00 a.m. Speaker: Miss Deborah Carter, London After 31 dears, we are delighted to have you home HAPPY RETIREMENT HUGH Love Hazel, Heather, Michael & families • Beef Baitogge Centralia Community Centre Sun., August 24 4:30 - 7 p.m. Adults: $9.00, Children $4.50 Proceeds to Centralia Community Centre & Parks Board (Following Lions Car Show) RICTIMMIDENT AFTER 41 YEARS AT SOUTH HURON HOSPITAL ALEX MEIKLE ` OPEN HOUSE Exeter legion Hall Sat. Aug. 23 24p.tn. Everyone welcome Best wishes only 4P" -The Township of Biddulph extends 44 an invitation to an OPEN RECEPTION in honour of • 22, p.m. Hugh Davis r• i (• Cen August 7:30 9 in the main hall at the Lucan Community Centre YARD AND ARAE SALES YARD SALE - Saturday, August 23.- 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Rain date August 30. 10 Norwood Village, south end of Exeter. .winter clothes. bedding, lamps. b. bottle collection and much more. (34c) - - . • MULTI FAMILY YARD SALE :402 William 1St. Exeter. August 22 and 23. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Movies 2 for $5:00. Lots of bargains: - YARD SALE - Saturday, August 23. 8:30 a.m. 65 Victoria St..W. Exeter. Baby items, bikes, furniture and more: (34c) - - YARD SALE - August.23: 8-2. Furniture, household items. clothes, etc. 71 Thomas St. (34*) Coed lgVit at The Exeter Convention Centre (Ranch House Inn Complex) Chris and Larry Live Friday August 22, 9:30 p.m. • Some language may be offensive • Age of Majority required Proceeds to be donated to South Huron Hospital Tickets available at: The Ranch House Inn, Triangle Discount South Huron Hospital, Anne's Fashiondtion, Looking Good Alik ii.itA.l►AILiiiiiii ii Ad OPTIMIST CLUB OF FERGUS presents... Ii 9 Saturday, Aug. 23/97 1:00 p.m -Lr Sunday, Aug. 24/97 1:00 p.m. .11% Fergus & District Recreation Centre Adults 310. • Children (5 - 12) 56.00 - • Family (2 adults, 2 children ) $30.00 • NfLef8ACt e/0/A'4 S4001f 8R2#C.e/O/A'f B,fARfl RAC/# • D• ance to: TRANSIT W Sat. Aug. 23, 1997 at 9:00 at the Recreation Centre $15.00 per couple ti $10.00 single Beef Bar4.Q Sat. Aug. 23,1997 at 5:00 $9/Adult • Cowboy Breakfast Sat. & Sun. $5.00 / Person Visit the BUD'S O.K. SALOON Frida Au!. 22, 1997 after 6:00 P.M. 0. Entertainment & Fun Friday Night Starting 6pm. COWBOYS Are Coming!! '5 n