Times Advocate, 1997-08-20, Page 8Page 8 Times -Advocate, August 20, 1997 Back in Time... By Ross Haugh from the archives of the Exeter Times Advocate • ' 10 YEARS AGO August 19. 1987 - .An excellent parade, choosing a Junior Miss and a demolition derby were some ,of the features of the weekend Summerlest-- in Crediton. Shannon Brennan .was crowned Junior Miss by last year's winner Kelly Glavin, Mike Veal of Exeter won the top priic''ol Sl.000•in.the Summerfest elifnination draw. The Sotith Huron Youth fair Christ quiz team won the grand cham- pionship at Dclevan, New- York. Members of the winning team .are Lori .Henderson, -Jacqua Loibb, Bill. Rhynard, Kathleen Little; Mi-• cholic Whalen, captain JeffWestlake and coaches Pat Westlake and - •Ron Westlake., • .. •• . • • 30 YEARS AGO. August 21..1967 - The Baptist. congregation in Ezeter has been given approval to erect their new .worship centre,Monday. The new church will he built on the south side of J-furon Street,- just' east •of the railway tracks. • • Gary Middleton,•Excter's assistant rec director and arena manager has. been named.fire chief to -replace Irwin Ford. Middleton is prob- ably the youngest t'ire chief in the •town's history- The former SH DHS basketball. star is 31 years of age. . , 1'hc population of Exeter, jumpl:d this week with the arrival of 36. workers, from Trinidad to -assist with the.corn.pack 'at Canadian" Canners Ltd. The men wilibe in Exeter for a minimum of six' weeks and some ..will be here slightly longer to help with the canning of carr(its..They are_ kink housed in:privatc homes in the community. . The departmenl of transport has advised Exeter, council that traffic. control lights at the ce►rner. of Main and Sanders -streets are not war ranted... ' - . • • do,YEARS AGO " August . -19, 1957 -.Nineteen-year-old Voldemar Gulens, son of Doctors Voldemak• and -Mirdza Gulens of Dashwood became .the first student at SHDHS to ,receive, first. class honors in nine -upper • school suhjects. • - • • Highlight ofihc.back-to-srhooi season in this district -will he the opening of tht' new $120,600 Hensall public, school which was con:.: 'structed this spring. Apprlovao(: the building of a ' 14'hcd nurses' residence for .South' Huron Hospital was•rcceive.I, from the .Ontario -Services Commis- _ sign, Tuesday.- • - - Seventy-five district boys and girls,.passcd Red .Cross swimming tests lost Week following instruction at Exeter Kinsmen playgniund this summer. ' • • .. rr 45 YEARS AGO Augysi'20, 1952 .Only landscaping remains tobe a done at the new Kirkton:dam built by the•,Upper Thames Valley._ Conservation- Au: thOrity. . • , The South Huron Hospital Association is seeking -applications for `the positions of hospital', superintendent and administrator. 'Phis- is the first -step taken•hy the Assolciation-to-organize a working admin istration fin- the hospital: • ` • • - • • Mr. N<n-man• Martin, •a London optometrist,' has 'purchased the practice,of'John Orchard on Main Street. - -•' Four complete grain handling units arc the outstanding features of _ _ _ .. the_,neti;%--plant-built by-=W:G.-Thompson,-at-=Hensall: The new -mill- -- ,- ,was built to replace the bile destroyed by-fire'iastyear; - -,55 YEARS AGO -- , August 21, 1942 With work. progressing rapidly at Camp leper- _wash, the Canadian Army's million dollar advanced infantry train- " ..ing centre between•Grand Bend -and Forest, it was- indicated: that -the ' - big centre will-open.September -15. Several of the 48 buildings being erected on the 2.200 acte.site are nearing completion. Distrihution,of more' than half a million perniancnt-ration hooks • started through the post office on Monday. The hodks•will be valid. .September 8, - • - 80 YEARS AGO - August 22, 1917,-• The Exeter Fair Board hats engaged the. Juvenile Highland hand •-of London -tier Fair -Day. Highland pipers, fancy dancers. etc. should make a special feature•Iorthe fair:' - Among those attending Toronto Fairthis week are Mrs. -G. Hock- • .ey; Mrs: F. Boyle, Miss Stella..Southcott, Miss Laura. Harvey, -Mr._ and Mrs. W.S. Howey, Miss May Ann Tom -and -Mrs. Al Cann. • Mr.• -and Mrs, W:C. Rivers ol'hxeter received a telegram from Ot- - tawa informing them that their son, Pte. Ben• Rivers. who enlisted l' with the. 161 st •Battalion and went to the tiring line shortly after their .. arrival in England, had been wounded in the'sic and -leg, recently. COMMUNITY Zurich area gearsup for bean festival By'Cartinel Sweeney • Zurich correspondent ZURICH -.The Zurich Cubs and' their leaders went to a Huron Dis- trict Cub -Canoe Camp on August 8. and 9 at Camp:Attawandaron. ' - Any girls -_interested iu playing hockey this year should phone. Fran Bedard at 236-7716 as soon as pos- sihle. There. are two age -levels: Jun- ior Girls team (ages seven to 12 years) and Senior Girlsrteam".(ages 13-h9 years). . The annual Terry Fox Run will • be held September 14 at the Zurich Park. Anyone wanting-towalk, run, . ride a hike or rollerblade to raise _•" money for cancerresearchcan reg- ister.that day at 1:30 p.m. as,the run . begins at 2- `p.m. If .ydtr can help, phone Wendy Rowan. ' Residents of 4urich arc -getting • ready for the bcan festival `this • weekend. it begins with' a pancake- . breakfast from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m: ' On Friday night there will be a Cruise Night (a lineup of antique - ;r. ears) goring from Zurich through i Blake to Baylicld and back to- the 1 r.1 w�vNyyNN,1vUNaNy ��t�l9LV4vyvNyyUVUv'a -�t1-1/4vvvtiv.,--.-,-, It, AKZO NOBEL T. T 4 't L sIkkEns . ,o -r-4-4. r `' - ��0. i . x �, .too t�=�= g� ,%t1 --imp z . t lion t t t 2 L' r. ' Time: 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Li Place: Exeter I Date: Thursday, August 21 on hand to answer any questions and to do demonstrations • , . (Exeter Only) Dat Centa Sales Representative ti Exeter 235.2081 LRS �ti•�.t�t �'�titi���a.�.i���waa.Y . park for fireworks at dusk, fol -`- lowed by a casino_in the communi ty centre. • • On Saturday the bean and barbe- cue potic chop dinners will be served fronil 1 a.m. to 7 p.m.. Personals - Tracy and 'Wayne Lockhart -of Sherwood Park, Alberta spent last week visiting with her. -mother, Hel- ene Ducharmc and relatives in the area. - Jim and Veronica Bedard have • moved into their'newly built hone at Parkside Subdivision while Rob - . and Tracy Rau have moved into their . former : home - on Rosalie • Street over the weekend.. • Belated 85th'birthday-wishes to Ida Soudant recently:. happy :90th • birthday to Annie Becker on Au- gust 14; happy ,birthday to Mo- nique- Gclinas on August 18; to Bernie Denomrne of-Exeter•on Au- . gust • 21; and to Philip Denomrne who will be seven on August 24. Happy anniversary to George and -.Elaine .Keller on August 23. • Recent visitors :with Ralph and Audrey Smith were her brother - Tom and .Rhonda Dodge oI Sas- katchewan. They , an. attended . a nephew's wedding in Kitchener. The family of .Marie • and. Percy Bedard held an 80th birthday party_ for Marie at the Zurich Community Centre on August 17. Her birthday .fs•August 23. .. . . - The annual - Becker family golf tournament •was. -held• in Eiceier• on Saturday, followed with a.meal and prizes. • Recent- visitors with Ralph :and - Audrey Smith -were her brother Tom and Rhonda Dodge from Sas- katchewan. -A surprise 80th birthday party. was .held August 9 for :Hilda • -McAdams at the home of her son Duward and Linda at RR 3 Zurich. . . Get well- wishes •Kit io ( Iarcncc Geoffrey and Brian Ucslardine who are in thc,hospital. " • Brady Mark LaPorte, sun ot Mark and .Luri, was baptized .on August 17 at St. Peter's Parish, St . Joseph, by Fr. Morris Sympathy.ofthe community goes to'Ahe and Cimnie I)eMouy on the loss of their son Rob last week:- . , -Peter eek:..-Peter Cornveau and son Kyle ot • • California . are visiting with his, •. . mother Laurcne Corrivcau. His - • brother Doug was -here from Cal. " gary last, week, - Diane and Amanda Wilds spent .. two weeks visiting with her brother: - Larry Smith 'and • his wile and two children " in, British Columbia re- cently. . r Flipping it Family fare. Queensway Retirement Home administrator Ted Underwood flips burgers at -the Hensall home's annual Community Seniors Barbecue last week; More than 150 residents, staff and their families enjoyed_ 'burgs, potato salad and other 'barbecue fare at the event held to foster family and community involvement in the home. Quilt show at - Huron County. Museum GODERiCH . Once, again this popular show is presented by -the Huron County Museum. It will take place between .August 9 and'Sep- tember 21. .at .the- Huron County Museum.- 110 North Street, Gude- rich..The Museum is open Monday • through Saturday from 10 -a.m. un- til 4:30 p.m. and on Sunday from I pin. until 4:30 p.m, for quilt view ing and self -guided 'tours of' the Museum,' Admission to • the Mu- seum is required ib view the Quilt Show: Many unusual and artistic quilts. as well as historical quilts Will. be on display. many from Hu- ron County. Some quilted articles wilt be for sale and will be clearly marked.. - • nIts—yea7thri-Qrairshow will feature Women's institute quilts from Huron East, Huron South and Huron West Districts. Other crafted items ,and keepsakes from many Women's Institute Branches will be on display- beginning August 22 and running until October 28. • As the 13th in this, series. the show attests to the quality and ex- cellence established at the Huron County Museum. The participation of quitters in the county. through the loan of their quilts. demonstra- tions and actually quilting through- out the show make this a memora- ble event for all who attend. See w there! 493 MAIN ST. S., EXETER Member of the ACUPUNCTURE COUNCIL OF ONTARIO 235-4892 FAX 235.2589 Thurs. & Fri. LUNCH BUFFET SUNDAY BRUNCH 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. ...$4.95 THE HURON -PERTH COUNTY ROMAN • CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD STUDENT REGISTRATION JUNIOR KINDERGARTEN -GRADE 12/O.A.C. Parents of Catholic school age children who are new to Perth and Huron -Counties may -register their"children on the first day of school.- TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1997, 8:45 P.M.- 4:00 P.M.,. or .during the week of August- 25 to August 29, 1997 by contacting their local school. • : - - KINDERGARTEN children need to be'4 years -of age on or before December 31_1997.: Please. bring Birth Certificate. Baptismal Certificate and Immunization Record Card - of the child you intend to register.' - - • - FRENCH IMMERSION classes .are being ',offered at Jeanne Sauve, School, Stratford, and St. Mary's "School. Goderich. ST. MICHAEL CATHOLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL is a Catholic Secondary -School serving Stratford and Perth County from Grade 9 to 12/O,A.C: - . ST., ANNE'S CATHOLIC • SECONDARY SCHOOL is a- new Secondary School serving Clinton and Huron County. It"will offer: the Grade 9._ 10, and 11 program for September 1997 with the addition of the nazi grade .level annually until completion to Grade 12/Q.A.C. _ St. Joseph's School . (Kingsbridge) 529-7-646_ St: Columban School'(St. Columban) 345-2086 Our Lady of Mt, Carmel - School .(Mt. Carmel) 237-3337 "St. Joseph's School (Clinton) - 482 -7035. . Precious Blood School - (Exeter) 235-1691 - St;Mary's School (Goderich) 524-9901 - St. James School (Seaforth) 527-0321 _ St. Boniface.School (Zurich) 236-4335 Sacred Heart School . (Wingham) '357 -1090- $t. -Patrick's School (Dublin) . 345-2033 _ St. Patrick's School (Kinkora) • 393-5580 •. • Holy Name of Mary: School (St. Marys) 284-2170 . St. Mary's School (Hesson) 595-8929 St. Ambrose School (Stratford) 271-7544 -St. Joseph's School (Stratford) 271-3574 St. Aloysius School - "(Stratford) 271-3636 Jeanne Sauve School (Stratford) 273=3396 • St. Michael Secondary_ School (Stratford) 271-0890 St.: Anne's Secondary School (Clinton) 482-5454 , Parents who expect.thattheir child will enrol in the optional • French immersion Program in Grade 1, in Mitre years, have the option of enrolment: for Junior/Senior-Kindergarten at either (heir local Catholic School or the French -Immersion Centre (St. Mary's School, Goderich or Jeanne Sative School, - Stratford) at which they expect to 'enrol their'.chifd fora French Immersion program. . Michael Miller Chairperson of the Board • Gaetan L: Blanchette, Director of Education, Meet Ion Brown author of Ghost Towns of Ontario A Field Guide Get a first-hand look at the oldest existing sites all across Ontario. Places you'll never find with an ordinary road map. Toronto's Lost Villages Get to know the city in a completely different light. Old Toronto lurks in some very unexpected places. - Ghost Towns of Ontario an" gold r a--, Toronto's Lost Villages • • Tomnw you nest OM* si RON BROWN Vanished Villages The fascinating stories and characters behind Ontario's whistlestops, mill towns, relics and ruins of Old Ontario. "Nobody knows Ontario like Ron Brown" CBC Radii, all paperback $17.95 BOOK SIGNING THURS., AUGUST 28 -1-3 p.m. 424 Main St. Exeter Can't make it? Call (519) 235-1331 to reserve your copy.