Times Advocate, 1997-08-20, Page 5IT'S.YQllR B(fSI;VF.55 Tintes-Advocate, August 20, 1997 Page' S Fish Tales - new -Grand Bend fishing charter Three Exeter anglers have turned a love of fishing into a part-time business By Heather Mir f -A Reporter (,RAND BEND - Three men, a host and a love'of fishing have re= Gently combined to form a new fishing charter husincss namciI_Fich Tole c that operates out" of the Grand Bend hart or. . - Entrepreneurs Tont .Patterson. Jiro - Patterson and Tim- Wilcox have • hien friends since childhood, growing up in -.Exeter where • fishing was a big - part. of each Soni: mer. • • "We spent half our • summer at Morrison Dam." recalls Toto: • . adding anywhere -1 waiter flOvyed was a Potential fishing spot. " Jf it fooked-like it had fish in -it. wehad.a line in it^" That enthusiasm for the pastime has not diminished for the partners who . began offering Lake Huron fishing charters in• May: Thein 25 • ft, cabin cruiser is equipped with tour electric: downriggers. a .fish finder combined • with a (,PS hal Positioning Satellitol` system. a temper cure -probe and a. devise . that imparts a slight charge into the water cuntpen'.tting" for the charge ,:rented by the hoar. All this equjp- "We sp our su Business Directory, AUCTIONEERS MOUSSEAU r� o AUCTION SERVICES Hensall Ont. :-0a-'at Or Brad Mousseau Auctioneer (519) 236-4558 ******wtrtiri►st*irl **** Filson & Robson « M FULLY LICENSED & BONDED. CALL OR FAX t • (519) 666-0833 3 Auctioneers for the Price of 1 • # • With modern equipment • Pickup and sell complete or partial estates « • Specializing in Farm. Real # • Estate and General Sales 1r ir tatataths tt+csaatsYttisttatat AINGMQQ KEVIN McARTER _♦ . , (519) 235-3963 / ' Exeter, Ontario • Complete auction service: . • • Pickup and delivery available • Will purchase confplete estates ror consignments, REPAIRS Sewing Machine Repairs to all makes . Free estimates 90 Day Warranty Experienced since 1952 Sew and Save Centre Ltd. 149 Downie St., Stratford Phone 271-9660 TAXI EARL'S TAXI INC. 235-1013 TAXI. CHARTERS, COURIER. ACCESSIBLE CAB RON WALKER President Merit. betters the odds for paying 'customers to land a fish hut nobody can guarantee success. . The three sten still hold full. -ante jobs and offer day -long charters on• weekends for six hours, as well as shorter three-hour evening trips. - Full-day charters cosi a, mjnintum of $24() and three-hour excursions are run at a minir}tum of $120. Lake Huron is. a source 'of many tyres of fish in: eluding at least four species of • salmon, - lake trout, brown trout and occa-,' sionally pickerel. Even after years of fishing in th'e lake and rivers of •Hu- _rob ,County: landing a hig• one-. starts the adrenalin. pumping and all three men agree the,part-time �h•usi- ncss is hardly work. Afier ;only a few short months. the Fi.rh . Tales charter boat has logged 485 miles once- it was put in the water. and has taken WI at least I: 'roup. The clients con- Slsl tsl bilslness 41•tlups.-•visitor's and One t y... t was to families. Int- re��r w made by a son who wanted to take his 72 -year-old mother taut as a birthday gift. Visitors from C'ech• uslovakia hooked a charter. hut, if ent half mmer at Morrison Dam." ter the wife became sea -sick and had to he taken hack to the dock, .• the tour ended up with •a long swim in -the lake. Tom and Tim said they have to share the • credit far getting Fish Tales off 'the ground'Iand• out of• rhe harp► -with •family and friends who offered moral support as well as labor. The idea.of making some- ' thing they lov.ed into a business be- came a reality' 'when Tim's•parents offered the use -of their boat after . trading a , floating cottage 'for an R:V. -After ref'urhishing- the, cabin crtfiser. during the winter months and spending all their savings on • equipment. the charter was ready to take clients: And ,when 'an article • ran in the London Free Press Busi' ness Monday; the phone started -ringing. But perhaps_ the hest ad- -vertisement' of 41 is the boat itself and its place in. the Grand Bend .harbor where it -ifi 'occasionally dwarfed by 51 million -plus yachts. ' • The three teen also. thank the Vil- lage of Grand. Bend for the re 'ception they got and especially the harbor master for "taking good care of us." Bookings J'or .the , fall are still available and o:an . be .feserved shy' a{ling 4519) 235-3667 or e- nlailing Iishtales,l23t€ hotmail.conv Heather Redick Decorative artist returns from teaching in Japan ZURICH' - A change in careers eight years,,ago has taken. dec- orative- - artist .Heather .Redick' around- the world. She recently re- turned .from -Japan where "sponsors brought 'her. and . two .other in- structors to teach the art of: dec-. orativc painting, Sometimes-. re- (erred to as tole painting. - Redick first learned the. craft in 1989- when she took a class in the • Ottawa area. • I've been painting ever since." •.1y7iL l t. sc ti _ r:r:olor.. acrylic and oil. "It came easy to me." Later the same year she . began leaching and .designing. and now . • operates a retail -wholesale • hum - ness named The Tole Booth. 'ut of Zurich. Vluch of Redick'._hu.i- ne.s, that include. the .ale 1l, pat- terns. paints and manufactured wood pieces is done by mail order and most recently through the In-. ternet. Decorative- painting is something that .Redick says anyone can do be: cause the patternpackets 'provide complete m.trucuun on how to ap- ply' the paint. what ctilors'to use. even how to finish and trim the. pieces. "You don't have to be able •to draw.". she says. adding. as a de- signer the process is very different. "I 'demo everything. that has to be done on the ..piece." Although the tern tole painting is sometimes used to .describe dec orative art. true tole painting is done on metal and has a traditional history with a region. In North America, decorative painting is usually done on wooden pieces in- cluding lamps.. boxes. eggs and plates as•well as furniture and' even large milk cans. A popular new project for Redkk has been a fire- place,screen pattern: She used his- Flsh; Tales charter captains. Tom Patterson, Jim Patterson and Tim Wilcox have been friends since childhood. The Exeter natives operate their fishing charter out of Grand'Bend Harbor. ' nmamun CORRECTION NOTICE We wish to draw your attention to following' in in our Current 'End .of Season Clearance' ilyer that was Inserted In 'our '75 Years Pnce ,Meltdown' flyer' -insert Page 4 Scltted animal lawn - decorations, sift-1N11?ti. 'The . tlhiso-anon is incorrect and should 001 - ,show -the. tseagte •puppy .tad silly frogs dechral tons.. ' . • We sincerely regret any Inconvenience we may have caused you. _ ' e,note 131-t)? runos .111 AERNARD COMPUTER t'rainiI g •Centre 93B Victoria St. E. 235-4890 Beside Exeter Public School ONE DAY COURSES Saturday, August 30 Buying your first PC? from 9 - 12 Saturday September 13 Introduction to the Internet from 9 - 3 Saturday September 20 First Look at Windows 95 9-3 titrical buildings in the Village of ' Zurich ,to ,create a winter scene on the.screen panels: - In .tddinon to operating a flour- • ishing business-. and travelling . throughout' Canada; .the United States and now the Far East. Re- dick has also, published two dec- • • orative .painting .books. The first . . book gives detailed instruction for creating .Russian Floral. pieces (Zhostovol and the second uses the' Canadian theme of Anne of Green . abtes as a sun)ect fol: aecora ive - painting projects. Redick was pleased and surprised when: a wom- an in Osaka. Japan asked her to au- tograph • one of her books. Being recognized world-wide is • some- thing Redick will have to get, used to but the says her„experience in . Japan was very rewarding -and looks . tiirward to teaching in Sin- gapore next . year: - "They were very attentive- and talented.” • she said of the Japanese students. • adding. 'The people made the•trip.' Redick will be offering a three- day',seminar in Zurich from r Noy. 28-31)and. will bring - world- renowned artist and designer Pris- cilla Hauser to The Tole Booth from Sept. 19-29, to teach two basic classes. • Hauser, based is. Tulsa. Oklahoma is Credited with making the craft accessible and known to people around the world. Spaces are still available in both sessions. If Redick wasn't busy enough with travelling, teaching and de-. signing, she is also expecting a lit- ter of English Setter puppies at the beginning of September. Her champion show dogs are another passion that always keeps life in- teresting in the Redick household. • Redick can be contacted at her website at: HTTP//WWW. to- lenet.com/heather/. Have a news tip? 'Call the Times -Advocate 235-1331' you're Invite6 Thursday, September 4/97 at 7:30 p.m. Hessenland at St. Joseph Topics include •.Retirement • Investment Alternatives•for the 90's and beyond, '• Taxation - You & your estate , Cottee and dessert provided Sea,tin,t; is limited so make. your reservations today by calling 1-888-235-9260 Sponsored hv: Y.I.S. Financial Inc. YOUR INVESTMENT SHOPPERS Lawrence :N. Beane Don Thompson MAKE YOUR HOME A COMFORT ZONE Spend less, get more Upgrade to a higher efficiency natural gas furnace before October 18, save money and make no payments until March '981- Terns 98t Tums and Commons • Represents heated enemy sabres ee en comparted calcitic baseboard or torted air lumace with a h$gfrefncrency natural vas hrmate. Any *pkabw toes art not nnuded ,n the cakuiattom. rsatwai Gas ruses as of June '97 $0.211999/cu.m. The tremor 'au ned In cakulaliorn fm electricity was 50.072 and 50.422 lot fuel oil, gates vary .%cross Unto Gas hence arta Phase call your Union Gat Saks Off kr to Find out what the ,octads art In yar arta t Deferred offer and discount! are armlets to Ur,ron Gas residential customers on approved credit demob unlet Gs. An oVier filen not Applicable. 01ret olid frau Arµ 18 tow. Time are no ii*tip he or earn Coruna ixnalws For Gnahlrµ • Reidletlr neater, only cn homed credit and only t1 Frered doer Unial Gas. eUnles Gas Lwasld 1997 Heating with natural gas saves you at least 50%• over heating with oluctricily and at least 30%• aver oil.. It's so oasy to convert to'natural gas. And you .can take advantage of convenient.L3illiitg options tow". Don't go another winter without the comfort of natural gas! Savet $200 off a high -efficiency furnace $100 off a raid -efficiency furnace $100 off air conditioning with a furnace purchase $100 off a fireplace. Call 1-800.860-2223 before October 18, '97 Call Union Gas today, and make your home a comfort zone. 0 miongas energy for you e n e r g y