Times Advocate, 1997-08-20, Page 4Paste 4 Times -Advocate, August 20, 1997 Publisher & Editor: 'Jim Beckett Business Manager. Don smith Production Mangier. Deb Lord Advertising; Barb Consitt, Chad Eedy News' Heather Mir; Craig Bradford - •Brenda Burke, Kate Monk, Ross Haugh • Production; Alma Ballantyne. Mary McMurray, Barb.Robertson Brenda Hern, Joyce Weber, Laurel Miner Iransportation: Al Flynn. Al Hodgert front Office & Accounlflfg; Elaine Pinder, Sue Rollings, Ruth Slaght.. Ruthanne Negrijn, Anita McDonald, Cassie Dalrymple, Carol Windsor The Exeter Times -Advocate is a member of a family of community newspapers .0* , providing news, advertising and information leadership a P ORI k Need inquiry remier Mike Harris should stop acting as though hes got some- thing to hide and announce there will he a public inquiry into the shooting death of Dudley George. The premier is warranted in saying an inquiry won't take place until two court appeals regarding the case are dealt with:.However. he o.ily harms himself, his government and • his province by not stating an inquiry will be held as soon as the court rules on the appeals. The Crown is appealing,the sentence given the police officer found guilty of - criminal negligence causing death; that sentence is two years less a day, along with the requirement •of.performing 180 hours of community service. The offi- cer found guilty is appealing the con- viction. Questions people have a right to have answered concern the level of provin- cial -government involvement. in the na- tive protest at [pperwash Provincial Park. The failings of the Canadian .fed- eral government in this matter are clear. . ee-fedsconfiscatedtandsbelonging-to-- the Stoney.'Point Indian band for train- ing.purposes during the war years, promising to give it back at the end of •the war; that promise wasn't kept: Following the disclosure of minutes of provincial.government interministerial strategy meetings, obtained by Toronto newspapers through the Freedom -of In- formation Act, it- is foolish for Premier- .m Harris to:maintain- the government had no involvement in the situation. It should'also be noted the senior aide •who relayed the premier's position re- garding the protest at [pperwash isn't the person who ought to be on the carpet. -- The people. who -must answer for any ac - •tions are elected politicians, as well as police office_ rs. who are charged with keeping the peace and protecting the public. • Besides the people of Ontario. it is likely the Ontario Provincial Police also wants a public inquiry into the Ipper- wash protest. - This is;one matter that isn't going to go away not if Ontarians are people who believe in accountability as well as I The Listowel Renner Publications Mad Registration Number 0386 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ons year rate for Canada subscribers - $35.00 + GST Two year rate for Canada subscribers $83.00 + GST Outside Canada - $102.00 Published Each Wednesday Morning at 424 Main St.. Exeter. Ontario. NOM 1S8 by J.W. Eedy Publications Ltd. Telephone 1.519-235.1331 • Fax: 519-235-0766 O.S.T. 18105210835 YOURS TICKING OFFTHE GTA MAYORS AT 9, THE ?0LICE uNIoN AT 1+0, ANDTNETEAcHERS FEDERATION. AT 31- 110 AFTER L.UN4►l„ Your Views - Letter to the editor Rodeo committee thanks Exeter and Area We needed you all and you all came cut and participated.... Dear Editor We didn't know if we could do it. but after months of planning and hard work we crossed our fingers. rhe Rodeo cordtmittee and Exeter Saddle Club would like to thank everyone that came out to watch the rodeo and those who came to the BX93 Video • dance: We needed you all and you all came out and participated. Build it and they will come:. Thank you E.' eter and area. you made the Exeter Rodeo a success without everyone. we couldn't • have done ii. 1 have not heard -any negative Com-. - - .ments about the Rodeo. if anyone has any ideas of how we could improve the Rodeo next year please feel free to call the Ree Centre add let us know. l Things we, should add Or Things we should do dif- ferent). 1 would also like to thank A -K Rodeo for putting on a great show and also all the cowgirls and ciiwboys for participating. Thanks to Ross Millar the announcer and good friend of mine.you did a great job. Joey the clown and that he is. good work. everyone thought you were pretty funny. A special thank you to Lynn. Farquar. Joanne Fields and Cam. you guys dedicated your whole life to making this work. Lynn and Joanne have to be, the two most organized people I know..1 look for- , ward to helping next year to make the Exeter Rodeo even bigger and better. -- If anyone would like to see the Cantcl Series final Rodeo put on by.A-K Rodeo it will he held in Alymer on August 30 and 31. Thanks again Exeter and.Area spectators. you came through for us. - - Patty Masntca Rodeo Committee and Exeter Saddle -Club member A View From Queen's Park TORONTO.-- Premier Mike Harris keeps • losing 'friends and raising doubt that he can win them all back in the next election. The Progressive•Conservative premier. who likes to say he acts on principle. has added to the list of those he has antagonized many who have been his most enthusiastic supporters in the most solidly Tory area in the province: These are residents of the suburbs around Metropolitan Toronto who want to get ahead -and felt overtaxed and voted overwhelmingly for Harris"the Taxfighter" in the 1995 election. - Harris has been more popular there than Ken- tucky Fried Chicken or Tim Hortons donuts. Hams. trying to cut bureaucracy'. ordered Metropolitan Toronto merged into a single mu- nicipality, but ignored a government report which recommended adding in the outlying suburbs as part of a Greater Toronto regional government. Harris seemed anxious not to upset his fans in the suburbs. But Toronto complained Harris By Eric Dowd Student Empioyment By Carrie McCone. Student office closing The Human;' . Resource Centre for Students will be closed after Thursday,;_ Au- gust 14. The office has been open since May and has completed , another successful summer. There has been a long road of , activities and events happening through- out the year. Some of the activities that the Exeter office held included a scavenger hunt, job shad- owing and a CPR course. These were the three ac- tivities that Exeter organ- ised but the other student offices_ held similar ones. Two of the new activities held this year included 'an interview work shop for students and a volleyball tournament. These two ac- tivities were very success- ful in the Goderich and Clinton - area.:Participation by the students in all areas was sufficient and the. em- ployer participation was '• tremendous when it 'came to donating prizes or giving discounts for food. 'Con- centrating on the Exeter area though, 1 would like to. give a great 'thank you' to all of thea employers who either helped me by partici- pating in the activities -or by giving discounted food items for the promotional events. As for the stu- dents, I hope that you en= joyed the events that [ or- ganized. If you hear of. these activities next year or if you see them advertised again. please suggest them to your fellow classmates .or friends. We are also in- - terested in hearing ideas from the students. It you have 'some sort' of activity that you would like the Student • Employment Offi- cer to arrange next year. . drop by the office and ask the secretary . to place your idea in • an envelope for next summer. One of the businesses in Exeter that [ am ;so thank- ful for is' the Times Advo- cate. They have been help- ' ful by covering the promotional activities to allowing me to .have my own article to'protnote stu- dent employment. . E have really - enjoyed meeting the Exeter em- ployers and the students. It made my job a lot easier by having all of you be so cooperative. Good luck with your business and for the students. do not give°up on your job search: If .I was unable to find you summer employment. there will always be employ Ment opportunities out there. You just have to ,set your mind to go and try to get the available employ- ment. , Sincerely. Carrie McCune was treating it unfairly by transferring more of the cost of welfare and social housing to munic- ipalities when a disproportionate number need help in a large city and'many of them moved there from the suburbs. Harris has now surprised by saying these sub- urbs will pay part of Toronto's social costs and his municipal affairs minister Al Leach went even further by forecasting this cost-sharing will develop into a .full-blown Greater Toronto Area government in the not -too -distant future. The heads of suburban municipalities who are almost all Tories are outraged that they will have to pay what they estimate as $206 million more a year to Toronto and May even be forced formally to join that city, which many of their residents escaped to live where they are now. They are talking of holding a plebiscite in the November municipal elections in which voters • will express their resentment at Harris and, as Markham mayor Don Cousens, one of their leaders and a former Tory MPP, rubbed in, this should send a strong message "because most Risk people who live in these suburbs voted Conser- vative in the election.' Harris has tried to assure the suburbs that his plan will not force them to increase taxes. but they will not have much confidence because he said this about an earlier planned swap of re- sponsibilities with municipalities which he dropped after it became clear municipalities would be stiffed. • Harris has been offending people since he be- came premier. They include welfare recipients whose benefits he cut, public sector workers who are losing their jobs and teachers who this week threatened to strike in a last fling before Harris removes their right to do so. Activists in unions are angry at Harris for weakening laws that helped labor, although many of their members like his cuts. Greens are upset Ontario has been revealed as a major pol- luter, ethnic groups unhappy Harris has got rid of employment equity and tenants annoyed at losing protection on rents. Many of these would not support Harris any- way. but more recently Tories have led protests at Harris's closing of hospitals.. Police who are natural allies of Harris are talking of working to rule be ause Harris wants to place them under a new compulsory arbitra- tion system which could work against them and a spokesman for their association said. "I have never seen our members so angry." Letters have started to appear in -newspapers from people saying they voted for Harris in 1995, but would not do so again. Harris dropped to 33 per cent in the latest poll compared to 45 per cent for the Liberals and 17 per cent for the New Democratic Party. He still has people pleased with his cuts in in- come tax, the deficit and red tape on business and tougher attitude on law and order such as a boot camp for young offenders and more help for crime victims. Harris will hope voters will respect him for these and other acts to come before an election, but there is no guarantee he can get them back on side.