Times Advocate, 1997-08-13, Page 12Woodgrain & Black Reg. $299.99 Sale 99 219. Page 12 Times -Advocate, August 13; 1997 CQMMJIL\I1TY Exploring the night sky Left, Mark St George, a member of the Astronomi- cal Society in Lon- don explains the use of one of the telescopes set up for public viewing. Pieter Van. Der Ley, right and his sister, seen here having a book, signed by Terence Dickinson a renown astronomer, author and journalist, were some of the 200-300 -people who turned out to the Pinery Prdvincia! Park Outdoor Thea- tre for an evening "Exploring'the Night Sky". A surprise visi- tor was Tom Bopp, a co -discoverer of the Hale -Bopp Comet, seen in the sky this past spring. Blue Water residents take countryside tour ZURICH - It was off 'to the support they have received in dons- Friedshurg Parade fur residents Hil- tions toward. the wheelchair bus da Rader. Pearl Miller. Florence' I fund purchased -in the summer of -and N lauru:e —.D nomuu. —Herbert__ -. 5-The_lesidents.-haveahade -much. S'chlunit. , Louis Weigand.: • Clara •use of -the bus- for• picnics. trips into •Hamil4m. Dorothy, Dietrich • and.... 'the country. shopping trips. medical Rose Tenter on .August 2. This appointments and -' family social w as a return (funic fir many: 'as -events. However. it appears it -is not they had lived in the Dashwood - the only. imide -of transportation for area most of their dives. ,Ervin seniors. Rose Merner, a resident of Steinmann. Blue• Water Rest- Hon* the Home was seen mounting her • riraintcrtance personnel who resides son Tom's motor hike (with no side , in Dashwood. was the volunteer car) and touring Zurich on Friday driver for the event. morning, For 'the record. manage - Ci‘ ie Holiday Monday the resi' - mens has no plans of procuring a dents enjoyed (aridly ' and friend motor hike for the resident usage. visitation and a good game of P9ke- Friday afternoon Art Coker of no. Oii Wr:rIne.day the residents en-. ' Bayview Subdivision. wanned the • jo ed a drive into the country view- hearts of the residents with popular • ing Zurich. Goshen Road South. ; music played on the organ in the Dashwood.' Crediton. the (lower . Chapel while his wife Barbara vis- - gardens around the Hoggarth home- ited with the residents. . stead. the golf courses. and the dew Saturday 'afterndon the residents Christian Reformed Church along watched "The Honeymooners" star - Huron Street and • the, Iluwcr gar ring Jackie Gleason on. the large dens and youngsters swimining at ;h. V. screen. SI:hL Naughton Park. Exeter. Volum- •Sunday morning residents' Phi - leer. dmer Jim. Purvis pointed out lippa Steckle. Mabel Kyle, Mabel the many Iluwcrhed arrangements Riley: Roy Gingerich. and a:„ng route to Mabel Riley. Harry 'B.W.R.H..tenants Beatrice Rader Mlaas. Clara Hamilton. Kurt Gebel. and Seleda Steckle attended scrvic- Rose Mlerncr. Philippa Steckle. es at Zurich Mennonite Church. Pearl hiller. lads *wrier and Bill Best wishes go to Nettie Tinney. and Jean Burr.. 'a tenant of- B)uc Water Rest Home Rey. Gerald \1 ikon. Lake Htiron apartnicnts who is a patient at ',aninunity Churih. Grand Bend South Huron Hospital. Exeter. .nrducted Thursdiv afternoon The residents look fiinvard• to a Chapel Service. Fr: Matthias Wren- birthday party with Hcnsall United .Lr. St f;4,ndaee .Church. .Zurich Church Women on August 12 and.a cclehi.ucd \las•. • - ,picnic at St. Christopher's Beach The thine 1, %cry grateful Ior.ttie. Gtmderich:`nn August 19. genen,•uy of the community in the Horticultural Society preparing for show - By Liz Sangster Hensall correspondent HENSALL - The Hensall and District Horticultural Society will be meeting August, 18 at.8 p.tn. at•the Hcnsall United Church. This will be the pre -flower show meeting and the. theme flower will be the lily. If -you have any lily flowers or related growing tips, trivia, etc. to contribute, con- - tact Liz Sangster, 262-2715. The- Hensall and_.District Horticultural Society's -Ninth- Annual Flower Show will be held August 20 at Queensway. Entries must he submitted be- tween 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Entries will be On view between 7 and 9 p.m. ' -•- At Hensall United Church, John Thomson welcomed the new minister Nancy Fraser. Mark Garlough was.organist lir the ministry of song. Jean and Raye Jacobe were the ushers. John Goddard gave the prayer of illumi- vtu J Does Your financial Institution make you fee/ there are not enough hours in the day? TRY THE CREDIT UNION BANKING DAY! TELLER HOURS: Monday to Thursday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Clinton Community Credit Union Limited . 48 Ontario St. Clinton 482-3466 118 Main St. N. Exeter 235-0640 nation and read from the Old Testament. If you are in need of pastoral care, call 262-3935 from 9 to 12 a.ip., Tuesday to Friday or the' manse at 262-3216. - . - . Rev. Grant Darling will be the guest minister at Cannel Presbyterian Church on August 17. The service begins at 9:45 a.m. - Property owners in the Village of Hcnsall are reminded that property taxes are due August 15. Taxes are payable at the Municipal Office, 108 King Street. • The Hcnsall Kinsmen, Parks Board and Fire Department Beef Barbecue and 'Elimination Draw is this Saturday, August 16. Tickets are available from Club members, -the Hcnsall Arena and the Municipal Office. Dinner will be served from 6 to 8 p.m., and the dance begins at 9 p.m. Awards will be given out. to the 1997 recipients of the Volunteer Appreciation Awards, Ron McTaggart. Marg Cole and Linda Randall. Beat the cfvew,geve cct4 � C#1'ea ads, at Exeter Do -it centre tCD Computer Desk 404 #801-3418 Woodgrain & Black Book Cases Sale Reg. $169. 129 99 ■ Book Cases Sale $99 2■ ModelTB1 #7000344 24"W x 31"H x 11"D, white 3 shelves Reg. $31.99 Model CU270 #801 3420 Corner TV Stand Holds up to 27" TV Black and Woodgrain Not exactly as illustrated �ap�p 13a TV Stand #7000557 Reg. $31.49 Model #WB2 #7000391 30"W x 24"H x 11" D Woodgrain Reg. $31.99 Sale $13.99 Other Book Cases on sale as well Model 4000 801-3419 Desk w/Hutch Sale $149.9 ■ Corner System Model 777 #801 3421 Black and Woodgrain Reg. $289.99 Sale egg 99 EXETER MAIN • AiLSA CRAIG (529) 293-3282 • ILDERTON (519) 666-1300 • SEAFORTH (519) 527-0770 PH: 235-2081 ST. NORTH • FOREST (519) 786-2312 • PARKHILL (519) 294-6252 • ZURICH (519) 236-4393