Times Advocate, 1997-08-13, Page 1SEIP'S, valu-mart 4 k 83 Exeter 235-0262 Delkious Not Foods / i . �� to go • Serving Exeter and area since 1873 .. . • Roundup The rodeo returned to Exeter in full force on the weekend. Large crowds enjoy the fast - paced action of the event sanctioned by the Ontario Rodeo Association. Events included barrel racing, calf and. steer rowing, steer wrestling, ,bronc and bull riding, mutton busting and team penning. The rodeo is ., ac• . . • By Kate Monk • TA Reporter • very pleased with the weekend. ' • "It was really good.;excelleng. t." said Karyn. addin. ' EXETER —After a 20 -}ear absence: the rodeo name There way a good crowd. It really, helps when the hack .to Exeter in .full force.. The weekend event was. crowd gets involved. dubbed•: sueeess by 'nide() Workers on Sunday -night at • Al Foster echoed -Karyn's -opinion .saying die c.om- i wrap-up gathering: • • . triunity iiivailsrmcnt and good weather were. key etc,: • "' "It turned mut really well." said Lynne Farquhar olt merits of the weekend's success. - the South_ Huron Recreation . Department and -Exeter' _ '.*The to sn .has a ro ko.,atmosphcre. There are id - Rodeo Coinnnttec- : ; •ready people here alae know enour.h :Mout rodeo. . - `There w•a'. a liar capacity crowd on Saturday and the - 1:_'eter's rodeo heritage was in Went at Iasi_ week-, stands were full on Sunda_ afternoon t press time: .end's csent.,Pas presidents of t Exeter's rodeos Were in- • there were nirfinal:financia:\ l or. attend,in . figures •al-.. traduced and given :t warm 'welcome at the start of Sat though seating w•as'availahlc t or-inore than 2.000 pco-. urday •s event. . plc-. The audience was made:up of s isitors from across' Running from • 19b6 to 1977. Exeter's rodeo was Ontario.• known as the Calgary Stampede of the cast. ltoss Mil - According to r(dco organisers. the eowhoys said lar. the master of cerentonieu.-said when he's- in Cal - they were treated tetter in Exeter than anywhere else. •: gar" and people find out he's from Ontario. they often Telly -five "participants 'ware. in each of the two sho«s retention Exeter's rodeo ' - - The two and' one -hall hour rodeo featured :t full menti of rodeo event. Acer wrestling. bareback hronc riding. saddle'hronc riding, barrel •racing. calf roping Learn roping and hull riding. Thrum rateg,Irlc. sere in - _were 1n ,attend: MCC ' eluded in a number of 'events.. The mutton busting >\Ithough•iumpetrturs.caine from across Cart dr-and—i vi nt gave -youngsters who.arc_a'piring lo_Li cowboy s • the United States. one of the Champions has a local and cosy girls a chance to start•out on sheep rather- than • connection. Shawn Turner. I(1.: was the junior steer rid -horses. , ing champion and tied for firstojer ll on the weekend The Kinsman's team penning event• was on Saturdity in his age category. Turner is -the son of -rodeo cum- Hollowing the main rodeo presentation..' - - petitor Barb Turner (nee Parsonst'and grandson of.Hel- Event organisers anc .already discussing ideas to - en and Bill Parsons of Exeter. • • • - make next year's rodeo even Nigger and better.. Al and Karyn Foster of Corunna. owners of A Bar.K • For more rodeo coverage turn to page 9 ` Rodeo Productions in:ynaged•Exeter's rodeo and mere _ with more 200 in attendance throughout the weekeml.• Exeter's. rodeo was a sanctioned event of the Ontario Rodeo Association with riders competing for plants tor the pr incial-chantpionship..fvlins nl the top rider. Windsor death still under investigation EXETER - Thc shooting death of John Douglas Windsor, 29. of 73 Sanders St. W.. Exeter. is still under investigation by Huron County OPP. Const. John Mar- shall said. Windsor':as killed after he was shot in the neck by a single .20 gauge shotgun blast to the neck at about 5 pin on July 30 in the Hul- lett Con .en.iuonArca northeast of Clinton. Windsor was hunting with a 52 -year-old companion at the time and OPP have not released that man's name. When• asked about the persistent rumor about Windsor taking out a sizable life insurance - policy. re- cently. Marshall said -investigators are aware of all • Windsor's in- surance policies: "it's still being- considered an accident." Marshall said: -• SEIP'S valu-mart 4 & 83 Exeter 235-0262 New Release Videos 199 r ; Everyday Policing costs released Beginning'Jan. 1, Huron house- holds will each pay $171.80 for OPP policing - By Heather Mir T -A Reporter EXETER - According to Omani Provincial P6- lice- 199.1i preliminary climates, - Huron County res- idents that don't currently pay, for policing can ex- pect to he charged about $171.80 per household for their current level of OPP . police; coverage. 'If es Bolles are correct. Huron will have - the second • lowest policing bill in the province. The release of thts'figure comes stnclal tax -dollars then it's equitable," atter months -of speculation that she said. adding some areas in the prov- made it. difticuli for municipalities ince can't .afford to carry the cost. ' ' facing provincial downloading and After Jan. I, when Goderich switches ' restructuring • to predict' budgets. to OPPpolicing.1�inghurn •will be the Consultants preparing -the amal- •gamauon .study. for' . Exeter, Us - home. Stephen. (;rand Bend and Bosanquet used the. fi4ure 5250 aper household in determining .if savings could he achieved hs restructuring. ,The pros trial tigures were -based on actual work Toad; in each municipality , tracked over the past two -years.. This ttital was divided 6y the'numher nt households in the county to arrive at an average. The estimated tux per household cost for-Lambton. County is- S S) 97. =tor Middlesex is $347:30 and for Penh is $255.23. That kind of variation did surprise me.".said Ex eter. Administrator .Rick Huntley of the_ differences between counties. '- , '. . . . The Town of Exeter has a contract for OPP police" . services and- each household pays approximately 5255.56: for policing. The contract will be up for renewal on Jan. 1 and has been adjusted each year fsx inflation: ' Usborne Reeve Pat Down said the township has response time not policing or patrol service. • It seems like quite a bit for a low service level;" Said Down of the per household -charge. ."But on the other hand, we were one -of the lowest.%' - Down .said, she- believes township residents are satisfied with the current levet. of OPP,service they , receive but suggested they may want more once the charge is implemented. Down aided she is. disappointed the , provinciah government is taking this route to fund an essential, ser\ ice "If it comes out of.the genetal pry- , "If it comes out of the general provincial tax. dollars then it's equitable.", only municipality in HurbnCounty that still has its own, police _force. , Each household _in '-Wingha'mpays , ap- proximately $351' for its police service. Listowel. in Perth County, also main- tains-its ain- tainsits own municipal force and each hqusehbld is charged about $281 for policing. The next steps fir, those mrinieipalities that have enjoyed free OPP service will, be tip contact thepro-, vincial police to determine their, current level orf service. Municipalities, rt}ay,lhoose to set, up a jojnt pollee -force with neighboring communities or ne- gotiate with the OPP for a 'reduction Sri their current 'lesel'of service, td lower the cost..'How•es .r; all. mu- . nicipatuies are required to lirovidt: their' community with police services: _ • ,• Weed burning starts fire EXETER An attempt by the town lo remove weeds along mu • - nicipal streets went -awry when -smoldering plants set tiro to the - - wall belonging to the Triangle Dis- count .store `on Main_ Street last Tuesday afternoon.- The Bayberry Cafe was tilled with -smoke and the - Golden City Restaurant also suf- fered minor damage. , According to Administrator Rick Hundcy.•the tiiwn's policy is to re= •rase weeds along roads and side- walks. as trine permits. , In the past. chemicals hast been used to kill weeds but -regulations prevent the tgwn fromusing high concentra- • ,tions anywhere chemicals might'en-. ter storm;drains. -As a result, this • method proved not as; -effective as burning Wand was labor intensive due to, rePeat applications., . Other municipalities; including Kitchener -Waterloo have used a propane torch, to burn weeds and -found --this .to he: -more 'eost- effective. In the future, however. - the administration will ensure burn- ing instructions are clear and no' .horning" -takes place beside -build- ings. "The potential was there for sumething_greater." said Huntley. . adding the issue is of "great con- cern" to the;town. According to Exeter. Fire Chief John Morgan, the 'insulation in the wall caught f ire,'but it has not been .determined if store stock was dam- aged by smoke. Building damage is estimated at 51,000. Morgan said the town will not longer be burning against build- . inns. Beaten cabbie comes forward Fred Ellis believes he knows who is behind the assault Fred Erns By Craig Bradford TA Reporter "They didn't •take- any. money." Ellis ,'said • of his twit attackers. "They 'tried to 'take out my eye- sight. They tried to take my sight so I could never'drive taxi again. Ellis said police reports detailing the, assault didn't say how serious the attack was and that he might .have "permanent .cosmetic damage to his face as Well as some sight im- pairment in his right - ,eye.• Ellis received a --- broken__ :nose.. 29. stitches to the area around both eyes • and serious ,bruin- I'd be ing. ' At ' about 3:45 a.nt: on Aug. 3 Ellis picked' up two men at Mr. Mugs in Grand Bend who. told him they wanted to be di -tipped -off at- the Oakwood inn. -When they arrived at the Inn. the two instructed Ellis to drive down a sideruad. Once he stopped and turned on the interior light.so the two could pay him. the, backseat passenger 'grabbed him around the neck, pulled him back and started punching him in the head. Ellis • said. Thc front seat passenger GRAND :BEND - A•taxi driver. that Was. horribly Neaten early on. Aug. 3. says the people responsible• for theattack were trying to blind hint. Fred • Ellis. 36. said he has been threatened several times since he started. his 'Beyond. the •'Bend cab and carrier service leading up to the ' attack. - - "If it th security joined in the fracas at that point. he added, - - The two.continued to beat on El- lis until two Oakwood Inn security guards arrived on the.scene. The at- tackers then left the scene. Ellis said. - "if it wasn't for those two,secur- ity guards I'd be dead or blind;" he said. . wasn't for ose two guards Ellis said • he be-. lieves he knows who is behind the attack —and he is- still -re- ceiving • threats dead or against his life. . blind.'; "I had to' leave my house and spend two days at a friend's house." he said. "1'm very afraid for my life." But Ellis will continue .to drive taxi. - - "They've got .me :down but not out," he said. - Huron County OPP Const. John Marshall said the investigation into the attack continues and Ellis' al- legations are being "looked into by the Huron County.a, ; Grand Bend OPP." . nM9'Imo'n1mn1111nIr1m11mm0m11111Wlmin rMITITMIREIMUOUI lrrmll11m1r MISI111191111Rm101111iPmnmm11nnnmmlrllmllnmlrrlQI111 IgmMmlrn111RMIt$11101111ro1mranrurin1M/IN/mI11/11MM1n.71h irIWIDmrmlrrlmnNMlNm/,Umnnml111/11 min11111nlnlmnrHnnrnmmVrnnnunnunl rtrrrnImiiqmwItIw,l,II1uIIfl.!IfllII1 int linty n ln,n nrNmnnnnnnninunrnu'11 n11,, In Concert Friday August 15, 1997 HEADSTONES (y[usic BAR STOOL PROPHETS & BUFFALO BROS. SPONSORED BY THE PARKHILL LIONS CLUB INC. L,L.C.B. 111'111111'111M1111U11L.111'I'.II III U. 1.111iinU111.'111.111111'. 1111'.11111'',11 1 11 1 11 1 II I11P1,1llurnl. 1 11 II Il1I. 11111'11r'unl, 1'1111111 1 11 put 11 1'11 / 11, 11,1, 11 1 n1'4' 11 I /1 111 1"11 1 11 111 1 I1 11 1 11 111 1 if 1 11 1 11 1 11 111 111 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 111 1 11 11 111 111 111 1 II 111 I II 111 1 0 1 '1 ,\ Advance Tickets $12:50/$15.00 at door Parkhill Arena - Gates open 7 p.m. Tickets available at all Ticketmaster locations plus: Parkhill, North Middlesex Arena, McLeod Street, and Beckers, Main Street. Grand Bend, Barefoot Pedlar, Main Street Exeter, MacLean's Source for Sports,Main St., Exeter