Times Advocate, 1997-08-06, Page 3The Exeter Playground was on a road trip. Thursday as they head- ed eaded to Wally World in,. London. Jackie McDo nald (back left) of Mur: - phy's Pub and Eatery was on hand to -see the kids off. Murphy's sponsored ` the trans- portation costs " of the trip: - - the purple turtle co.. Final Summer Clearance 50-60% off Clothing & selected toys New Fall Arrivals Daily Infants -16- 355 Main St. Exeter 235-1500 MAYFA FACTORY REBATE AIL HURRY . LIMITED TIME OFFER! MAYTAG WASHER/DRYER PAIR `60 MAYTAG MAYTAG WASHERS RANGES ® 3 Z:117 40 SO /1 • Consumer Rated # 1' • Lasts Longer Than Any Other Brand FACTORY_ _REBATE MAYTAG limmillDISHWASHERS 11"47"7:::::: $ 6 0 FACTORY_ REBATE • Consumer Rated # 1• • No. 1 Racking Capacity FACTORY_ _REBATE • Super 4.0 cu.ft. Capacity Oven • FREE 5 Year Element Replacement** ■ MAYTAG REFRIGERATORS SO FACTORY_- REBATE EXETER APPLIANCE CENT 390 Main St. S., Exeter 235-0705 • 1N THF. NE Times -Advocate, August •f, 1997 Page 3 Minister announces burning ban in portions of Ontario in designated areas all open burning, includingcampfires, is prohibited TORONTO - Natural - Resources linistei Chris. Hods*son has ordered a ban on. all -cam_ pores and open burning aerhss rriost of the eastern half of On= wrio an(t-3• portion of northwestern Ontario'as.:i.re- sulr'of the growing,torest fire hazard. , "The. ban went effect at midnight. iuly 31. and will remain in•effect unit the. con. dihons improse.-' stated 'a recent prey • release. --'Forest conditions -are .ery dry- .and unfortunately. most ,if' -the recent fore,[ fires. that we have responded to in eastern, and northweste'rn;Ontario bare heen• the result of human carelessness. .OE; 79 new tiresreported in the • province- in -the post two days. -5.4• were in these two areas and most • Rainy Lake and including Queticn Provincial Park, and' runs- northwards to Vermilion Bay and from • there lands 'east .of. Hwy.. 105 to• the CNR .railway. The northern boundary.includes lands south of the • rail _line which. runs east- to the Wahinosh. River, just .west of Armstrong. The lands west of the . Wahinosh River, Lake Nipigon and the Nipigon- , River' .to the pine Portage Dame are also included.. . All lands west of Dorian. and • McTavish townships. and ,north-lit'•-,btaeGregor and McIntyre townships are • wishing the Restricted Fire Zone houndery. The sotithern hnundary runs north of Highway 102. and:the Graham' rail line to Hen and west, of,Con= mee. _O'Conner. Gillies. Pearson anis: Pardee townships. Under the tire zone•restricdons. all: open burping- is prohibited. including • ,:amptires for cooking or wartnth. Per sons planning. recreation or - work-' related trips .into the forest must, make . alternate .provisions for . cooking.. and warmth such ..as. „portable propane stoves or_ charcoal hurners intended: for that use. Campfires• in approved hurmng• in - "Fires across Ontario this past week have started easily and spread quickly." --xver alma carie&- ih the East Fire R, Tion, the ,Restricted Fire. -Zone -include, the area n,, 11 or a hne-beginning at rhe -Quebec border -lust ,,,uth of Ai -nor -tor. and running west along the Trent-Se=ern Waterway and Hwy. 7, north oil-.Peterhor,'u h and OriNta. to the southern point of Geuratan Bay -.near Vi.0 ria Harbor; [t tn- �ludes all lands- n. rth of this .line anis west of the Quebec herder. an,f is hounded off the .west by a line running_ north.frnm- he shores of Lake Superior •running north - just east of .Marathon. -and on the north by James Bay Ana the Albany Riser. • - le the West Fire Region, the RFZ's western boun- dary. includes land; east of Hwy. 502 starting at r37laikins 'are permitted• in approvedorgani;ted -- • campvrodnds. Campers are advised to check. •with •the ,:amp•ground operator. -. ' "Fires across Ontario this past week have started ' .easily and spread quickly:" said- the Minister.. W. . -need 'all of our -initial attack"resources to keep any- ,, new Mires in check and hopefully. with the. public"s • cooperation. we can. keep_ human -caused tires.to a . minimum." ' MNR mire management and district. •staff • have been instructed to indease " tire prevention and en- forcement' activities n-torcement-activities to ensure compliance with'the bun on burning... • . IMP Your Views Letter to the editor A beautifultown "The flowers were beautiful, the store- fronts tidy, well presented and inviting: Dear Editor- - My.husband and I had the pleasure ofdriving through the Town of Exeter enroutry to Godench last Sunday- We were so ifnpFessed with your town that . I just felt [Bail had to write and thank- everyone. ,-oncemed for helping.to make ourdrive such a • pleasant one. The City of London would do well to take some lessons from the :powers that be' in Exeter in their attempts to improve the irrearancr of the down- town core' - The flowers were beautiful. the store fronts•tidy. -well presented -and inviting_ The overall effect has prompted us to plan for a Saturday ,Afternoon visit so we can wander down your Main Street and do some, shopping. If during your beautification process, you were planning to entice people to stop and visit. rather than (inve right through -. your goal has been achieved. -• , - Congratulations to all the citizens and businesses - yeu have done a wonderful job! •: - Sincerely. Jeanette. Diggins Hospitals form restructuring committee EXETER - South Huron Hospital Board Chair Versa Russell isued a press release last week announcing the eight Huron -Perth hospitals have agreed to ad%ance their plan- ning for consolidated governance by each appointing three board representatises to a .Pedal com- mutes to he formed in early- Sep- tember committee will investigate and recommend the best ways to govern district -wide hospital pro- grams and healthcare delivery as outlined in their January plan and the recently announced Rural Health Framework," " states Rus- sell. TO date the goverhance work- ing group has investigated where governance can be improved and has now agreed to use a specially- appointed group to design the best governance system for the health of the residents in the two counties. The group will begin meeting in September to develop a_ schedule and terms of reference including how to best work with other health planning agencies. The committee will included South Huron Hospital Board members Versa Russell, chair, Dr. Jerry Jadd, chief of staff and Doug Hoover. "Integrating our governance work with the planning efforts of the Dis- trict Health Council and the Rural Health Framework is critical," states the release. The eight hos- pitals in Huron -Perth have been meeting regularly to best determine . how to •make administrative and governance changes and implement restructuring of hospital" care the two counties. The hospitals worked together to develop a restructuring plan in Jan. that called for site care in all existing eight communities and district -wide cooperation in the provision of quality' health services. The Rural Health Frames. released July. 26 by the Minister of Health in Godench, outlines broad directions and according to Russell, generally supports the health careplans de- veloped in Huron -Perth. $1.4 million for long-term care (From the St. Marys JoYrreel- Argus) QUEENS PARK - MLA Bert Johnson announced Friday. July 25 that long-t'erm .are facilities in Perth County will receive $1.4 mil- lion more in funding. "Last year at this time changed the way facilities were funded and directly linked the dol- lars spent to the care needs of res- idents." Johnson said. "Through better management of the system, we are putting the needs of the patients first by increasing the amount of nursing care they re- ceive and adding new funding for care from other professionals." The increase follows an an - we nouncement made in late June by Minister of Health Jim Wilson and Cam Jackson the Minister Re- sponsible for Seniors, that On- tario's long-term facilities will re- ceive more nursing care and improved services as a result of a reinvestment of $lop million. "This .equates to an overall 9.99 per cent increase in facility funding in Perth County," Johnson said.. "This is vital to seniors and it is an important step in ensuring the suc- cess of hospital restructuring." The reinvestment wtll result, on average, in a net per diem increase of $5.56 for 11 facilities in Brun- ner. Listowel, Milverton, Mitchell, St. Marys and Stratford. Police investigate damage complaint . GRAND BEND - Police arc-nt- - . vestigating a damage complaint ' •that occurred on Woodward Ave - nice in the village ;,ntetitne ever -.- night on .Aug. _- ; The viciitn parked ,t 1.993 greed -Pont Tvtitpn .doing the street and -- • the driver's side, rear view mirror was broken, .It is believed the dum- age occurred near midnight. Dant- ages arc est iniitted at 5l0O. Man caught for marijuana possession GRAND BEND - Pnlicc ,:;tueht• "- sale tirposxesxU,)n,it`minlir`tn i stn tbGrand Bend \lam Street un Aug. 4 at approximately 2 a.m. - ,North Lamhain OPP :aw ;emeses , in.4 car and upon.speakine to the -man• moquette was seteed frorn - the, vehicle. The.man will appear in Sarnia Provincial Court on..Autr;25 tier. possession of •i controlled -Arlie. Police seek assistance in solving • vandalism case EXETER - Ponce are asking for the public', assistance in solving a ease of: willful damage. •On Aug, 3. at about 2 a.m.. some-. one threw a Targe rock aka 1996 GMC red Jimmy vehicle that was • parked in the rear parking lot of an • Exeter Main Street business. Damage to the windshield and hood of the vchiele.is estimated at $500. Contact the Exeter Detachment at 235- 13(X) or the Huron County Cri- mestoppers at 1 -8(X) -222-A477. Taxi driver assaulted by two passengers GRANDBEND - A taxi driver was assaulted by two males picked up at Mr. Mugs in Grand Bend at about 3:45 a.m. on Aug. 3. The driver was instructed to take the males to Oakwood Inn and was then directed down a sideroad when the back seat passenger grabbed the driver around the neck, forced his head back and started hitting him in the face along with - the other passenger. According to,police. when the. Oakwood Security guards ap- proached the taxi, the two passen- gers left. The first suspect is described as 6 ft. tall, skinny, with curly black shoulder -length hair. age 30, wear- ing'a tension bandage on the right forearm. The second suspect is about 6'3" with short blonde, well groomed hair and a muscular build. Police ask for assistance in solv- ing this case of aggravated assault. Contact the Exeter OPP Detach- ment at 235-1300 or Crimestoppers at 1-800-222-8477.