Times Advocate, 1997-07-16, Page 15Page 14
Times -Advocate, July lith, 1997
This Week in Sports...
• Centennials have league lead in their sights - page 15
• Express continue to impress - page 16
Cadets soaring at Huron Park
By Craig Bradford
T -A Reporter
-spon3orctl air cadet program -that is
co-ordinated by the Air Transport
Association of Canada..The cadets.
who have federal. scholarships.' for -
HURON PARK - •Young wan- thcir,.sludies, arc accommodated at
nahe flyers destined to defend -the. Centralia International •Academy.
nation's skies are hack training at •an added bonus that provides for
Centralia/Huron •Airpark. r - the-mfensiyc.'study the cadets -have
Academy Air Services'• (AAS) t,, — all cadets mostly dq over •
three full-time and one part-time the :cxen weeks is cat. sleep. study
employees are hussy training' 16 air :and
cadets from all over Ontario. A -AS "The concept Was to teach" avia-
chicf•- flight instructor Dan Vachonlion on a professional basis and of -
said four : extra instructors . have ...ler "housing." .AAS owner Tom,.
been brought in to, help tram the Lawson said."•The only other_ place
gung.ho cadets over the seven week• like this in Canada 1 know of is in
program that stat- , Moncton. NB.
ed June
"11's neat to See Lawson added
Long-time Huron AAS ,is onty. one',of
air cadets hack
ParkiCentralia res- VI two nigh) schools us
'dents might he cx-. training again ing : London's Di-
pericncing .Spine aniondAircraft Ka
deja vu with air cadets gine again -tanas (the 'other is :inVictoria. BCI-
mingling amongst them ; Central- . and that being awarded the contract
ia/Huron Airpark was a Royal Air- , to train thc-caJets i quite. t -feather
force training Kase during the -Sec- in AAS's cap. .
find- World, War up until about 21' " "We tic) s'ery honored, to. he se;
years ago. - • - Ieot d.'• Lawson -said. -
"lt's neat. to sec air. cadet. hack ., The residence. top of , the line
training again.'" :Vachon said. -"lin equipment and talented staff make'
Mire for pe.ople of ..the .y46 it's nos-. AAS a school -to Watch. Vachon
talgic for them.^ - . ' saki. - -
Flight schools apply " to -the De- "It has ,the potential to heconie•a
parlment of National Defence- large. school _' because of these
-things." he said. "Our plan it to two Cessna • 172s (single • engine
grow on the side of advanced train- four seaters), a twin engine Co-
ing:" • manctle. and a "state of the art"
AAS will also apply next year for flight simulator for both single and
• more air cadets,•Vachonsaid. twin engine flying.
Air cadet. Nazar Lichtchinski; 17,- Dan Vachon said a. variety of
of Etohicoke and • the 142 Mimic() people want to become pilots; from
air cadets, -said he -wants to fly with the 16 -year-old dreamer to the 55-
'ibe military `after he attends King- year-old who has always wanted to
• ston's Royal Military College. take to -the skys.
amazing," Lichtchinski :said -"The one thing they have in cop -
after his first solo flight and before monis they say they always wanted
the customarysoaking done by his . to fly," Vachon said. ',We hear that
cadet -mates while he finds his, a million times a day around here."
gfiound legs. - _ While,the school started out with
Next for Lichtchinski is naviga- both recreational and career:type
tion exercises, emergency. training, the
-procedures in the.placticc - • "It's nice to school is _ak-
area and lastly studying , ing on more
for his flight test, : said have people so
., career training
AAS instructor and. Cen- keen to learn . alt the time.
tralia•native Gary Wilson. There are 10
\'ach6n's wife. Ann Marie. who people studying for their private pi -
docs - most of AAS'S logistical - lot's licences,newt •
• work. said the cadets training with • While the owner of" the flight
them are "the cream of the crop. . school :can often be seen there and
'-lt's. very exciting." she said of. has a pilot's•licence, he leaves the
the' opportunity to train Canada:s training to Vachon and his crew.
future flying defenders. "It's nice to 1 just hang -around because I
.have pcopleso:kecn to learn." - , Iovc airplanes," , Lawson said,
- Established in, February '96 by ."These two are the experts."
Lawson • (Grand Bend's former. AAS also . operates a satellite
*mayor): AAS boasts five Katanas -school with one aircraft in London.
(single engine. two seater. trainers , Lawson said.
-• Vachon has been. a flight in-
structor since '87 andd-has taught all
over Ontario. He has. also owned
his own school in Owcn Sound.
The Vachons - left Owen Sound for
Huron Park because he grew tired
of running the business. wanted to
get hack to 'training full-time (that's
what he loves most about the bust
ncss) and wanted to be closer to his_
familythat lives in ,Kitchener. The
piles :of snow Owen Sound is fa-
mous forr might have also played a
minor"rolc too. Ann Marie said'.
Fury put up two goose egg games
EXETER - The Fury senior men's soccer
team couldn't get their offensive engines in
gear last week on their way to two shutout
The Fury lost 2-0 in Delhi on Sunday. Exet-
er was behind 1-0 at the half. Increased in-
tensity and more scoring chances in the
second frame didn't improve their plight.
Keeper Jeff Sauve was ejected following a
fracas with a Delhi player and Sauve's re-
placement. Jason McFalls, let in an in-
surance goal.
The Fury lost 5-0 at home to Bosnia last
week. Though Exeter played a stronger
game than the week before, they couldn't
control Bosnia's strikers. Luck also wasn't
on Exeter's side offensively with two balls
careening off a post and the crossbar
keeping their side of the scoresheet to nil.
The two losses take the Fury's record
down to 3-8-1. The Fury next play at home
versus Morningstar on Sunday, a 4 p.m.
start at Nabisco Field.
Barracudas show their bite " at Exeter meet
Exeter Barracudas
Swim Team results
EXETER.` The Exeter Barracudas swim team cleaned up at
the meet they hosted on Saturday,
Many Exeter swimmers put in stellar p rformanceS includ-
ing Sean Ellison .who stroked to four firsts in the age 9-10
hogs division. Adding three firsts to the cluh'v hit list were.:
Matthew Miner in the.8 and under hoes: Sti an Miner in the 9
rand 10 girls. Kiatelyri Oke in R and-undergirlsand Nathan -Sp:
vey in the 11-1:2 hovs
Not all wet. Top photo: Exet-
er Barracuda Swim Team
member Erin Pride gets ready
to enter the drink during an
age 8-9 girls 25m breast-
stroke heat at the club's
meet on Saturday. Bottom
photo: Nathan Spivey of Exet-
er shows his winning form
during the age 11-12 boys
50m breaststroke final.
Joh 12...
Competitor Event
8+ under girls
Lindsay Blanc . 25m breaststroke
Meaghan Ellison 25m freestyle.
25m backstroke
25m butterfly
Abbe) Oke 25m freestyle -
25m backstroke
25m breaststroke
Oke - 25m freestyle
25m breaststroke
25m butterfly
Michelle Roy, . 25m backstroke
-.25m butterfly •
• 8+ under boys
Mitchell McKay • 25m freestyle.
25m backstroke
25m breaststroke
Matthew Miner 25m freestyle
25m backstroke
9&10 girls
.Mandy Marsden 50m freestyle
25m breaststroke
25m butterfly
Saniantfia McKay • -"-----25m backstroke
25m breaststroke
Susan Miner,. 25m backstroke
25m breaststroke
25m butterfly
Stacey Platt 50m freestyle
25m backstroke
25m breaststroke
9&10 boys
Michael Alexander 50m freestyle
25m breaststroke
25m butterfly
Seam pion.. 50m freestyle
25m backstroke
25m breaststroke
25m butterfly
• 11&12 girls
Jennifer Baker 50m backstroke.
25m butterfly
Jennifer Wigle 50m freestyle
Nathan Spivey .• 50m freestyle
25m breaststroke
25m butterfly
13&14 girls
Harmony 'Spivey 50m freestyle 6th
Open Boys
Greg Roy ' - I (IOm freestyle
100m breaststroke
Medley Relay 13&14 boys -1st
Nathan Spivey. Jennifer Baker. April Knip. Harmony Spivey
Free Relay - 9+10 girls - 1st
Stacey Pfaff. Mandy Marsden, Susan Miner. Erin Prydc
Free Relay - 8+under giris - lst
Michelle Roy. Abbey Oke. Katclyn Oke, Meaghan Ellison
The Barracudas emerged victonous over teams from Godench. Lucknow,
Kirkton and Clinton. The team would to thank all the volunteers who helped
make the meet a big success.
2nd .
3rd -
1 st
l st •
l st
1 st
CaII Sports Reported Craig Bradford
with your sports tips •
(519) 235-1331 • Fax (519) 235-0766
F7rst solo. Top photo: Air cadet Nazar Lichtchinski of Etob-
icoke, )eft, gets a.congratulatory _.handshake from Academy
Air Services flight instructor Gary - Wilson of Centralia after
his first solo flight. Bottom photo: Lichtchinski can't help
but smile after getting the customary soaking by his school-
mates after his first solo flight at Academy Air Services, but
because he's on his way to achieving his dream -- flying
for the Canadian Airforce:
Lucan pigeons home first
By Al DeHaan
LUCAN - Starting work at 6 a.m.
Saturday is for the birds. That's : x
actly what. happened one .recent
Saturday in St. Jerome. P.Q.
Twenty-four pigeons belonging
• to members of the Lucan Homing
Pigeon Club were released shortly
-- after, sunrise. Rising above the
mists draping the rivers and lakes.
the birds hcaded_for home with thc-
wind in their faces and the sun on
their tails. •
They stayed their course. their
flight -path seemingly" -erratic. as
they dodged high-tension wires.
high-rise apartment complexes and
tall tree lines. Adding to their flight
was the rise and fallin altitude as
the birds road the most favorable air
currents. • •-
After having been on the -wing for
1 ? hours and 41 minutes, a pigeon
belonging to h:ucan's Norm Hardy
dropped onto its home loft. Twenty
minutes later Al do Haan clocked
his first bird. followed by a second
one nine. nannies later to take, the
first. and second.spots.
Scrcch's pigeons flew well in
this race and captured positions
three. six and. nine. Jim Southern, a
new cconcr tr the- sport. took.posi-
tions. four. five_. and eight. .Whit -
'worth -placed seventh_and Norm
:.Hardy :brought up the' rear. a most
unusual position for- Hardy 's birds
to* in.
Booting around
Tyke power. Amy Lightfoot, 7, concentrates on a pass dur-
ing Exeter Centennial Soccer Association tyke action last
week. Lightfoot's team, the Honey Bees. took on the Exeter