Zurich Citizens News, 1980-11-20, Page 1,1 ler
NOVEMBER 20, 1980
Surprise! VI
In what appears to be
a mix-up in communications
the village of Zurich has
learned from the Ausable-
Bayfield Conservation
Authority that the village
may have to pay for slightly
less than 50 percent " of the
capital costs incurred in the
development of the park
situated to the north of the
ball diamond near the area .
Clerk -treasurer Sharon
Baker told council Thursday
that resources manager-
William Mungall had in-
dicated to her in a telephone
conversation that the village
would be held responsible for
work totalling around
According to Baker.
Mungall said the ministry of
natural resources will pick
up 50 percent of the ap-
proximately $22,000 which
has been ear -marked for the
work. The village would then
be responsible for the
remaining 90 percent of the
50 percent. The conservation
authority would pay the
other 10 percent.
Baker said in a copies of
agreements which -the
village possesses there is no
section which states the
village would be responsible
for the project's capital
Reeve Fred Haberer said
council has been operating
under the assumption since
discussions of the park work
first took place over five
years ago that the authority
would be picking up most of
the costs. It was understood
the municipality was
responsible for the main-
tenance of the area.
It was suggested by Baker
that the financial
arrangements concerning
the park may have become
lost in the shuffle of
managers at the authority.
Former authority
resources manager Don
Pearson told the Citizens'
News Friday that the grant
structure as told by Mungall
to Baker is correct. He said
over a period of four years
the ministry '. reduced its
grants for capital works
initiated by authorities from
75• percent to 50 percent of a
project's total cost. Since
Zurich was designated as the
benefiting municipality it
would be responsible for a
majority of the costs not paid
for by the authority.
Pearson stated the grant
formula used for Zurich's
park : would not be the same
for work completed at the
Clinton Conservation Area
since it had been deemed the
Clinton park would benefit
more than just the residents
of the community.
Members of the village's
recreation, parks and
community centre board will
be approaching the new
councils in Hay and Stanley
townships concerning input
by the townships or its
In the rec committee
minutes it was specified the
Hensall hopes to
secure pharmacist
One of the items which
may be on the agenda for
Hensall's new council could
be the securing of a phar-
macist for the village:
At the final meeting of the.
current council Wednesday
councillor Harry Klungel
said many .of the com-
munity's older people had
mentioned during his
campaign for reeve that they
were forced to take a bus to
Exeter in order to have their
prescriptions filled. -
Klungel said he agreed
with the concerns expressed
by the seniors and inquired if
it would be under council's
jurisdiction to advertise for a
pharmacist. He suggested
that there could be a market
for such a person as he could
serve the surrounding
townships and smaller
Reeve Harold Knight said
the last pharmacist in
Hensall found there was not
a large enough market.
Klungel replied that fewer
physicians are selling drugs
these days and suggested the
community could support a
semi -retired pharmacist.
Knight then brought up the
issue of cable TV for the
community and said this.
might be the time for the new
council to re-activate.its
industrial development
On the cable TV question
Knight said the only way the
village might get action on
the matter would be to
present a brief .tethe
Canadian Radio a
Television Commission when
the company's licence comes
up for renolval.
Council gave their blessing
in principle to a request by
Hensall Motors for a change
in their. licence.
Alvin Campbell told
council that the change
would allow the firm. to buy
accident -damaged . vehicles
for the purpose of repair.
Campbell said the company
--had no intention of operating
a wrecking yard which
would be permitted under
the licence and that the
change would make it easier
for the company to buy the
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CHRISTMAS DECORATION -- Carmen Mathonia admires a
Christmas wreath at Saturday's bazaar of the Bluewater Rest
Home. Staff photo
To hold
rabies clinic
Due to a vast increase in
the incidence of rabies in
Huron County, a series of
anti -rabies vaccination
clines will be held
throughout the county.
"Dr. W.J. Thompson, of the
Canada Department of
Agriculture in Seaforth,
reported this week that 69
cases of rabies in animals
have been confirmed to date
this year.
By comparison, there
were only seven confirmed
cases throughout 1979.
A list of the clinic times
and places is included in this
"We strongly urge all
owners of dogs and cats to
take advantage of these free
clinics," Dr. Thompson
noted. They are sponsored
jointly by the Canada
Department of Agriculture
and the Huron County Health
Of the confirmed cases in
Huron so far this year, .30
were in foxes and 26 in cat -
Please turn lo page 2
approach which the parks
board would like to take,
with councillor Leroy Thiel
voicing opposition to the
"You're doing it illegally,','
Thiel stated on several oc-
Ile said if the rec minutes
were approved as is, it would
force the village to go along
with the recommendations,
regardless of the input from
Price per Copy 25 Cents
ay for park
the other councils.
Rec committee members
Bob Fisher and Jim Bedard
disagreed the motion as
written was intended to keep.
village councifiabreastof the
board's moves on the
After some more
discussion, the board
minutes were approved as
written with Thiel voting
against their adoption.
Thiel also voiced concerns
over the use of the
auditorium by local auc-
tioneer Don Van Patter.
Thiel . questioned why Van
Patter is being charged $60 a
day for use of the facility
when the rental charge for a
wedding reception would be
Fisher replied the board
had given arena manager
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NEW BEAN FESTIVAL EXECUTIVE — The Zurich Bean Festival held their annual meeting
Thursday and elected their new executive. Standing are president Charlie Erb and vice-
president Rick Fisher. In the front row are treasurer Nancy Lee and secretory Deb
Fisher. Staff photo
No donations this year
Festival at stoplight
Several people suggested money towards it. He said he
that the bean festival would meet with the Lions
committee should look into Club and the Chamber of
getting a stoplight installed Commerce concerning the
at the main corner of Zurich. sign.
Members felt that if the bean In recent years the bean
festival group spearheaded a festival committee has
petition to the provincial donated over $20,000 for
government, the village community work including
might be able to get the $10,000 for the community
much-needed light. It was centre, $6,500 for the
suggested the bean festival children's playground, $3,500
people work with other for village Christmas
service groups in the area on decorations and $1,000 for
getting the stoplight. the Meals on Wheels
A committee was formed program.
to look into the possibilities
of having something for
teenagers at next year's
bean festival. Many people
felt that it was too bad that over $ 1 0,000
the queen was crowned at
the end of the festival, and it
was suggested that she be
crowned at a Friday night
teen dance.
It was pointed out that
because Saturday night's
dance is licenced, the queen
is not allowed to attend if she
is under age.
Charlie Erb said he would
look into having a sign
erected on the playground
equipment saying that the
bean festival had donated
After spending a sub-
stantial amount of money to
upgrade and renovate their
building, the Zurich Bean.
Festival committee has
decided to hold on to the rest
of their profits until next
In the past, the bean
festival committee has
donated profits to worthy
causes in the village. This
year, however, they have
decided to hold on to their
current balance of $15,917.04.
The committee felt that the
money would be needed next
summer for initial purchases
toward the festival.
About 21 members of the
bean festival committee met
at the Doninion Tavern for
dinner and the annual
meeting Thursday night. A
new slate of officers was
elected. Charlie Erb will be
president this year, with
Rick Fisher as first vice
president. Deb Fisher is
taking the secretary's job,
and Nancy Lee will be
A discussion about
projects which could be
undertaken by the bean
festival committee followed.
Damage total
Two drivers were taken to
hospital for treatment of
lacerations following a two -
vehicle collision in Usborne
Township, Saturday.
Drivers involved were
Marie -Anne Archibal, RR 1,
Woodham, and Ivan Brock,
Woodham. They collided at
the junction of concession 10-
11 and sideroad 15-16 and
damage was listed at $8,500
by Constable Bob Whiteford.
The two were treated at
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