Times Advocate, 1984-12-12, Page 36Three First Year members at Kippe
by Margaret Hoggarth
K.E.W.I. celebrated the
50th Anniversary of the foun-
ding of the Institute on
December 5 in Brucefield
United Church. Guests who
were former members of Kip -
pen East and representatives
from all branches of South
Huron women's Institute,
numbering about 100, were
registeredby Rena Caldwell
and presented with a book of
"Helpful Hints" by Grace
Eyre and Grace Pepper. They
were entertained by Pastor
Moffat at the organ, and
Mary Broadfoot at the piano
to beautiful seasonal music
Institute Grace was sung
and dinner was served by the
Kippen East members in the
Ladies' groups
mark Christmas
P.C.W. Christmas Meeting
Carmel Church P.C.W. held
their December meeting on
Monday December 3 at 12:30
p.m. with a delicious pot luck
dinner. Rev. Knight opened
the gathering with grace and
everyone enjoyed a bountiful
President Mrs. Dorothy
Taylor presided for the
meeting which followed. Mrs.
Elizabeth Faber was in
charge of the devotional. Mrs.
Taylor gave a presentation on
Christmas articles found in
the Bible. Thirteen members
took part and ended up with a
beautiful' table arrangement
centered with a candle.
Mrs. Kenneth Knight was
the guest speaker, giving an
excellent message on "The
Gift of Christmas".
Business followed and the
following officers were
elected: President - Margaret
Hoggarth; Vice-president and
Secretary - Cathy Bell;
Treasurer - Marlene Bell;
Assoc. Members - Jean Snell;
Glad Tidings Sec. - Emma
Campbell; supply Comm.. -
Eleanor Thompson and Win-
nie Skea; Cradle Roll -
Elizabeth Faber; Pianist -
Edith Bell; Cards and Treats
- Cathy Bell; Quilting - Mar-
tha McGregor and Gertib
Moir; Friendship and Service
- Florence Hyde; Queensway
Rep. - Marylin Campbell;
Group Leaders - Marlene
Bell, Cathy Bell, Martha
It was decided to install a
loud speaker system and a
donation was made to the
board of managers. Shut-in
boxes will be packed Dec. 12;
Next meeting Jan. 7 in after-
noon. An exchange of gifts
concluded the meeting.
Unit Four Christmas Meeting
Mrs. Nan Britton opened
the Christmas meeting of
Unit IV of the Hensall United
Church with a poem
"Candleglow" followed by
singing "While Shepherds
Watched Their flocks By
Night". Susan Purdy read the
scripture from Luke Chapter
2 followed by a very mean-
ingful Christmas Prayer. The
Roll Call was answered by 15
members with a total of 101
visits to shut-ins reported.
Mary Roobol reported that
she had delivered or mailed a
total of 57 cards during 1984
including 16 Christmas cards.
Mary requested each
member bring an unused
card to theJanuary meeting.
Myrtle Sherritt reported total
givings to date $950.75. The of-
fering was received by
Dorothy Mickle dedicated by
Nan Britton. Dorothy played
"Bless This House" most
beautifully. Hilda Payne
reported on the business of
the U.C.W. annual meeting.
Shirley Luther had the
Study and observed the im-
pact the Christmas has on
everyone. Even those who do
not acknowledge Christ still
put up lights, trees, etc.
Shirley read many passages
from the old Testament that
prophesy Christ's coming.
She said that the New Testa-
ment is concealed in the Old
Testament and the 01d Testa-
ment is revealed in the new
Shirley said "A gift is not a
gift until it is Received."
God's Gift to us is His Only
Son, but we must accept the
gift of salvation through faith
in God's Son Jesus Christ.
"Silent Night, Holy Night"
was sung. Shirley closed the
meeting with prayer. Dorothy
Mickle and Evelyn Flynn
served the delicious
Christmas cake and lunch
provided by all the ladies.
Rebekah Christmas Meeting
The Christmas meeting of
Amber Rebekah Lodge
No.349 was held on Wednes-
day evening Dec. 5 with N.G.
Eunice Aikenhead presiding
assisted by V.G. Lois Jones.
Lois reported for the visiting
Committee. A donation was
made to the Huron Day Cen-
tre for the homebound for
their work.
Following the meeting
there was a short program of
readings and Belva Fuss
played several Christmas
carols on the piano.
An exchange of gifts was
made revealing the identity of
the "Secret Sisters". All en-
joyed a pot luck lunch of
Christmas goodies.
Fellowship Hall. The Presi-
dent of Kippen East, Grace
Drummond, introduced -the.
head table and musical
numbers were provided by
Joanne Verlinde, Dianna
Verlinde and Susan Lachnit.
Frances Kinsman gave the
History of the founding of Kip -
pen East and related some
of the accomplishments of the
branch over the years.
Dolores Shapton, the Presi-
dent of the South Huron
District Women's Institute
brought greetings from the
District and gave an infor-
mative talk on the work and
aims of the District. Helen
MacLean presented the
"First Year" members of
Kippen East, Rena Caldwell,
Grace Pepper and Grace
Eyre with gifts. Two other
"First Year" members were
absent: Dorothy Bell is in
Florida and Carrie Graham,
the first president of Kippen
East in 1934 was hospitalized
and unable to be present.
4-H leaders Eileen Town-
send, Joyce Wilson, Penny
Savage and Margaret Hog-
._ ggrth were presented with
gifts in honour aii apprecia-
tion of their work with the 4-11
Margaret Hoggarth
Carmel Communion
Rev. Kenneth Knight con-
ducted the Communion at
Carmel Presbyterian Church
on Sunday with Carolyn Love
leading the choir in the ser-
vice of song. Joanne Verlinde
played a medley of Christmas
music on her guitar.
The Arnold Circle Evening
Auxiliary decorated the sanc-
tuary for the festive season
and had a beautifully lighted
Choir practice will be held
on Thursday evening. The
choir will be assisting at the
carol service in Caven
Presbyterian Church on Sun-
day evening December 23 at
became a Postmistress in the
early days and did an amus-
ing monologue on the duties
she encountered. Ruby
Triebner and Rena Caldwell
gave their interpretation of
saving on Christmas
Mona Alderdice introduced
guest speaker, Shirley Keller,
a well-known writer in the
county. She spoke of life on
the farm in those early days
and life as it has evolved in
this day and the adjustments
that people and organizations
must make in order to sur-
vive. She was thanked by
Frances Kinsman, a
schoolhood friend. A roll call
of former members was
taken and each contributed
her memories of Kippen East.
Mona Alderdice conducted
a draw for lucky members.
One of the gifts was made and
donated by Thea Wisch who is
holidaying in Mexico.
Kippen East was thanked
by all the Branches. The
evening closed with the sing -
FIFTY YEARS — Grace Pepper (left), Rena Caldwell and Grace Eyre, first year
members of the Kippen East Women's Institute, attended the dinner and special
program in Brucefield United Church to celebrate the branch's fiftieth birthday.
Missing: Dorothy Bell.
Mrs. Bertha MacGregor,
Phone 262-2025
U. C. Christmas
The United Church was fill-
ed to capacity on Sunday mor-
ning when the annual
Christmas Pageant and Carol
service was presented. David
Brock greeted the congrega-
tion and Joanne Moir and
Pauline Bell were the Senior
ushers with Kari -Sue Kyle,
Karen McCullough, John
Rooseboom and Bill Towten
were the ushers.
The pageant was presented
by the children of the con-
gregation. Diane Stebbins
was Mary with Andy Phillips
as Joseph. The shepherds
were represented by Rick
Albert, Shawn Wurm and
Scott Gould, and Jason
Phillips, Shane Wurm and
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Thomas Scotchmer were the
Wise Men. Angels for the ser-
vice were Jaime McGee, Jodi
McGee and Terry -Lynn Elder
with Mary Taylor as the lead
Representing the animals
in the stable were: the cow,
Jeremy Reid; the dondey,
Jamie Brock; the sheep. Tara
Pepper; the Iamb, Kim Scot-
chmer; the cat, Lori Gould;
the dove, Richelle Elder; the
dog, Ryan Kyle. Those
reading the back -ground
scripture were Tim Brock.
Pam Gackstetter and Chris
Campbell. The Readers for
the pageant were Derick
McGee, Wayne Scotchmer,
Elizabeth Thompson. Mark
Brock, Jodi Sararas, Lynda
Shirray, Gordon Hamilton,
and Bevan Moir.
The Junior Choir. with
Belva Fuss as pianist, provid-
ed the ministry of music for
the service. Soloists were
Mary Taylor as the angel
preparing the way for the
other angels, singing "From
Heaven High"; Jennifer
Taylor singing "The
Shepherd's Lullaby" by
Albert Zabel. Robert
Gackstetter singing "Star
Light, Star Bright" by Albert
Zabel and Victoria Bisback
singing "Away in A Manger"
Mindy Bell and Amy ('amp -
bell sang a duet "Come and
See" with the choir as
background echo The whole
choir sang "From !leaven
High" and the very lively "Go
Tell" Those singing in the
Junior Choir were Robert
Gackstetter, Jonathon ('or
belt, Jennifer Taylor. Angela
Bell, Angela Gould, Amy
Campbell, Mary Taylor.
Cathy Corbett, Victoria
Bisback, Teresa Dayman.
Ann Packham and Minda}
Reading the Scripture for
the Lighting of the Advent
Candle was Angela Bell and
Lynda Sherray ht the Second
Advent Candle. Much ap
preciation goes to the children
of the congregation for
presenting the Christmas
message in such a beautiful
The United Church Sunda}
Church School held their
Carol Sing and Christmas
party on Sunday evening. The
different departments, along
with their teachers and some
of the parents. went
throughout the village singing
carols and wishing everyone
a merry Christmas. Upon
returning to the church they
enjoyed cookies and hot
chocolate. Santa arrived. in
his busy schedule ana visited
with the children, having each
child sit on his knee and talk
with him. He brought along a
nice big candy bag for each
child and then went on his
merry way to his next
The Young Teens met on
Friday evening in the United
Church fellowship hall with
good attendance. The study
for the evening was on "Pre-
judice" and an excellent film
was shown on "In the Eye of
the Storm."
Steven McCullough opened
the meeting with Prayer and
the leaders for the discussion
were Pam Mallette and
Sharon Wurm. The next
meeting will he a recreation
night on December 21 when
the group will he going swim-
ming and back to the church
for a pizza party.
Arena Activities
Dec. 12 to Dec. 18
Moms and Tots
10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Hensall Juveniles vs
Deayton Juveniles
8:15 - 9:45 p.m.
Figure Skating
5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Hensall Old Timers
7:45 - 9:15 p.m.
Minor Hockey
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
FREE Public Skating
1:00 3:00 p.m.
(sponsored by legion
Power Skating
3:15 - 4:15 p.m.
Public Skating
7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Public skating
1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
Rec Hockey
6:00 - 11:00 p.m.
Minor Hockey
5:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Figure Skating
5:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Henson Broomball
8:45 - 10:45 p.m.
Ad sponsored by
Donald C. Joynt
n East WI 50th
ing of "We Wish You a Merry day School and Church are
Christmas." seldom brought up in court.
Kippen United Church Barhara Cooper accom-
Pastor Don Moffat presided parried the singing of the
in the pulpit for the second. Christmas hymns on the
Advent Sunday. The purple < organ. The bulletin reminded
advent candle was lit, purple of Sunday, December 16 at 7
standing- for repentance. p.m. in Bayfield United
Pastor Moffat's sermon was Church, the Candlelight and
based on "A Church That Carol Service with special
Behaves". He reminded us music by Mollie Cox, Don
that people brought up in Sun- Moffat and Rob Adams.
Mrs. Bertha MacGregor
returned home after spending
several days visiting with her
son and daughter-in-law Mr.
and Mrs. Don MacLeren, Jodi
and Brooke in Oakville.
Unit 3 Christmas Meeting
Unit 3 or the Hensall United
Church held their Christmas
meeting on Tuesday in the
Fellowship Hall. President
Dorothy Parker welcomed
everyone and read a poem.
The worship service was con-
ducted by Dorothy Brintnell
on "Thoughts About
Christmas". The Scripture
was from Luke 2 Vs. 8-20.'•Joy
to the World" and"O, Come
All Ye Faithful" was sung,
followed by prayer.
A "Thank You" from Ed-
win Dick and a letter from
Mary Nichol were read.
Vera Ross played a much
enjoyed medley of Christmas
music on the piano.
Rev. McDonald showed a
film "Merry Christmas,
World". Helen Roberts gave
two readings, Marg Cole
reported on the bazaar.Rev.
McDonald closed with
An exchange of gifts from
beneath the tree followed and.
Secret Pals identities were
revealed. The social commit-
tee were hostesses in serving -
a delicious Christmas lunch.
Queensway news
On Monday afternoon we
made tree ornaments with
slyrafoam balls and
Hensall Bantams
Hensall Bantams continued
their win streak when they
managed to come out on top
in the close game against
Huron Park on Dec. 5. Jim
Dickins assisted by Rob
Taylor opened the scoring for
Hensall in the first period on-
ly to have Huron Park ice it
a minute later. Jim Dickins
from Chris Campbell again
scored to open the second
period, and again Huron Park
tied it a minute later.
The third period the fans
were kept on their feet as the
boys battled from one end to
the other. Brian Moir assisted
by Rob Taylor scored for Hen-
sall midway through the third
period with a minute left in
the game. Huron Park pulled
their goalie to play six at-
tackers as flensall was serv-
ing a hooking penalty.
Jason (manse was fed the
puck by Brian Moir from the
face-off and skated to the
empty Huron Park net to
score. Both teams played an
excellent game. The next
home game will be Dec. 12
when Hensall will host
Times -Advocate, December 12, 1984 Page 15A
miniature marshmallows. We
plan to fill our Home with as
many homemade decorations
as we can before Christmas.
Rev. Clayton Kuepfer
from Zurich Mennonite
Church led our Church ser-
vice Tuesday afternoon. Mr.
Elmer Potter lit our second
advent candle. Thursday was
a double feature movie day
here at Queensway. The first
movie we watched was
"Mystery of the Deep" which
explored many strange
creatures of the sea. The se-
cond movie was an animated
version of the delightful class
"A Christmas Carol"
Friday afternoon we baked
some Christmas cookies to
prepare for the holiday
The Hensall United Church
Carol singers who treated
residents and shut-ins to the
sound of their voices on Sun-
day evening were very much
., :', t T/i:Vitf� >r/:'.>yt our
PLAQUE — Kippen East Women's
Institute secretary Helen McLean (left) and president
Grace Drummond admire the plaque sent by MPP Jack
Riddell to mark their branch's fiftieth anniversary.
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