Times Advocate, 1984-10-17, Page 5The readers write Town officials take exception to edltorial Exeter Ont. October 13, 1984 Dear Bill; I pili k citing in response to your editorial October 10 "Can it be justified"'' which refers to members of the Ex- eter Economic Development Committee seeking approval to go to Germany to speak to industrialists wishing to come to Canada. Your editorial must cer- tainly leave the ratepayers of this town feeling that con- siderable sums of money are being spent toward industrial promotion with no tangible results. This is just not so! Anyone involved in economic development is well aware of the fact that it takes many months of planning and research before one can begin to promote a community. Ex- eter's committee has, in this area, certainly proven themselves. A brochure has been developed of which we can be proud. Many hours have been spent by members of this group researching each in- dustry in our town, becoming familiar with the people, pro- duct and marketing methods. Lists of available lands, buildings and services have been compiled. A file now ex- ists on all government agen- cies who can assist us. Recently a large firm mak- ing inquiries in Exeter sent a letter to this committee stating, that the packet of in- formation sent to them was the most thorough they had received from any communi- ty. This, to me, is some in- dication of the caliber of work being done by our committee. Following the trip to Ger- 4 6 Country Buns 994 doz. many two years ago, our members were asked to meet with Ont. Gov. officials to ex- plain their methods of success in speaking with 22 German firms. These same two members have been asked on several occasions to present their methods to other com- munities who wish to get in- volved in economic development. This can only lead me to believe that the people outside of town are aware of the ac- tive, aggressive approach our committee is taking. To answer your question on tangible results, one firm from Germany wants to come to Exeter but is prevented from doing so by government legislation at present. Our committee has been in cons- tant contact with our Prov. Govt. and has applied pressure to have this legisla- tion changed ( hopefully this fall ) thereby allowing our first tangible result. You question the need of two members being sent. One only has to picture oneself in interviews with knowledgeable businessmen from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for four days ( working through an in- terpreter) to know that no one person can possibly grasp all that is said. That kind of responsibility carried by one person is asking a great deal. The normal procedure for a municipality embarking on this type of economic develop- ment program is to hire an economic development of- ficer either full time or part time. At the very least the cost would be $8,000 - $10,000 a year added to our budget. The ratepayers should Oktoberfest Buys Tasty -nu Bread Fresh daily, sliced 24 oz. white or 60°, whole wheat 794 I-' Specials Delicious Butter, Cherry Dark German or lemon, 6s Pumpernickel Tarts $1.49 Bread 95 Ci loaf Highest Quality Medium Cheddar Brick, with caraway Cheese $2.99 Ib. Cheese $2.99 Ib. Bulk Sultana Raisins 79 4 1b. We have bulk popping corn, snacks, baking supplies and fruit cake ingredients. Exeter 235-0332 astyu Zurich 236-4912 Bakery & Cheese House know that the chairman of our economic development com- mittee can be contacted almost daily at our town of- fice, where he spends many hours answering inquiries, seeking and compiling infor- mation and promoting our town without benefit of any monetary compensation. We cannot continue to take for granted this type of dedica- tion and will seriously have to consider, aS a council, the ad- visability of a salaried person for this position at some future date should we wish to continue our pursuit of industry. To bring industry to a municipality takes many hours of planning to develop solid ground work and this takes a dedicated committee. Exeter has been blessed with just such a committee func- tioning at a cost far below what normally would be invested. I believe that we as ratepayers of this communi- ty can be proud of what has been accomplished here by Bill Miekle and his committee and rather than question their intent we must support them in their efforts to keep our town a viable, active and growing community. This approach can only benefit all the residents of Ex- eter in the final analysis and at a cost that is more than fair due mainly to the determined dedication of a few. Sincerely Dorothy Chapman Times -Advocate, October 17, 1984 Page 5 quutioning if trip abroad can be justified Dear Bill: It is not my policy to res- pond to editorials or printed statements in the media. I let my civic activities speak for my beliefs and as an elected representative on Council, the electors will decide in the ap- propriate way and time, their feelings on my service. Bill, the Times -Advocate editorial "Can it be justified", raises questions beyond the few criticisms expressed in the article. To this end the editorial does provide a focal point for thought about the future of Exeter's Economic Developnlent program. Coun- cil developed and provided funding for this activity. The Committee has stayed within their budgets and developed EPS STUDENT COUNCIL — The new student council at Exeter Pu• is Sc oo was elected recently. From the left are vice-president Holly Beuerman, treasurer Fred Steciuk, president Spring Cushman and secretary Mandi Fields. T -A photo Exeter UCW unit meets Discuss The October meeting of Ex- eter UCW, evening unit, open- ed with the members singing "They'll Know We are Chris- tians by Our Love." Unit leader Audrey Mac Gregor presided for the business por- tion of the meeting. Audrey reported that the Bi -Centennial display at the fair received first prize of $20.00. The committee of Flora Doerr, Elsie Tuckey, Melva Ecker and Avis Cud - more were thanked for their splendid efforts. A Bible Study group under the direction of Mrs. Cora Miner and Mrs. Beth Batten will be organized this fall. Us- ed stamps are needed and may be left in the UCW cupboard. The church library will be greatly enlarged with the ad- dition of new shelving, lighting and a reading table. Marion Dearing has been ap- pointed as our representative on the Camp Bimini Board. October 22 will be a special Workshop day, presenting yoga, meditation, fellowship and music. Those who had en- joyed Mrs. Birkholder's presentation at Alma College •inner beauty. presented Ideas, quotations and scripture passages on qualities which develop and demonstrate our inner beau- ty. Mary Fisher discussed ac- tions and truth. Jean Mills talked about politeness. Barbara Sharpe spoke on our manner of speech. Millie Jones reflected on how our thinking controls our actions. Ada Dinney quoted 1 Corin- thians 12:7-11 to show us how God's Spirit is revealed in the different gifts such as healing, knowledge, prophecy etc. which we may possess. Shirley Perry was introduc- ed by Ada Dinney. Shirley spoke on how qualities such as love, joy, patience and peace in our spiritual lives will enhance our physical ap- pearance. The inner soul of a person must be healthy before she can show true out- ward beauty because it is Christ who is the "originator of beauty". She gave an in- teresting demonstration of color analysis with the assistance of Barbara Snarl*. She explained how the proper choice of colors in clothing, makeup and ac- cessories allows our natural encouraged everyone to at- tend the Workshop to be held from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and to bring a bag lunch. Marion Dougall asked com- mittee members to have their reports ready for the General meeting in November. Norma Hooper reported that the Worship and Music Committee had services lined up for October and November. Anyone knowing of new families is to contact Roy Pepper. Marjorie Tuckey reported on the bazaar to be held Saturday, November 10 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Helen Coates, Stewardship and World Outreach, reported on the presentation by Wesley Morris at the United Church Tent at the Plowing Match. Mr. Morris was a missionary in Lesotho for four years. He is a nephew of Mrs. E. Jackson. Ada Dinney's group was in charge of worship. Ada read "My Task" followed by an ap- propriate and related prayer by Barbara Sharpe. The hymns "For the Beauty of the Earth" was sung. The group members programs to promote Exeter and contact clients interested in this Town. The Economic Develop- ment Committee cannot guarantee success. However, if we sit on our hands, success is less likely to come. It is a rule of thumb that Industrial Committees will make 150 contacts before they could have one sincere interest. I believe my record is better, even though we haven't created tangible benefits. Many variables must come together to help achieve a tangible benefit. Such things as community pride and spirit, taxes, services available, land costs, market accessibility, labour, etc. I do believe the promotions and activities of the Committee have had indirect benefits to Exeter businesses, industries and citizens. There is no guarantee of success in this program, but if Exeter doesn't continue to hussle for opportunities, then success will be less likely. Bill, when someone is in- volved in industrial discus- sions, confidentiality is of prime importance. The last thing that an interested par- ty wants is a break in con- fidence, and once this hap- pens the prospect could cease to be interested. If this lack of confidence persists, then new opportunities cease. It has been our position to provide as much information as possi- ble without destroying con- fidence. This is a fine line, and if your editorial should create questions of what has been done by the Committee, I can only state that we are con- stantly in contact with poten- tial clients. It must be understood that what maybe started today, may not come to a conclusion for months and even years. The contacts that visited us from Germany were sincere in Exeter, or would they have visited us? Whether we suc- ceed in having them establish in Exeter is their choice. I believe we have the inside track if they make a move. We are presently assisting them in their endeavours to establish in Exeter. One step of continued discussions is face-to-face talks. It was our belief, which is questioned, and a wise deci- sion taken by the Committee that these face-to-face discus- sions and the opening of new contacts, Exeter would be represented by two people. There are many beneficial aspects to having two representatives at discussions that offsets the dollar savings. In the editorial the question of dollars seem to be the prime concern. This is fair, but the consideration of the Committee was the concern to haveproperrepresentation within budgetary allotments. beauty to show to the best ad- vantage. Colors are grouped under the headinngs of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter and each person looks best in one of these groups. DARLING'S IN EXETER ARE GROWING To serve you better Darling's ask your indulgence during the construction at their Ex - ('ter store. We will do our best to keep inconvenience at a minimum while the work is being done.... and in a few months we'll be able to intorudce a vastly improved store. Plenty of Parking at Rear For your information, we yvill not be going to Germany because our method of establishing the sincere intent of respondents to our invita- tion was not confirmed by a sufficient number who initial- ly indicated their desire to meet. Therefore, our oppor- tunity to also meet at this time the companies that visited Exeter will be put on hold. Bill, when the Council established and funded a Committee to actively pro- mote and seek industry for Exeter, the level of activity and response presently at- tained is beyond the vision I had in 1981. I believe we have come to a crossroad in this Town, as to the future of this Committee. The cloud that the editorial could place upon the future of the Economic Development Committee must be dispelled immediate- ly by Council, so as to retain and maintain confidence in Exeter's intent and the Com- mittee's functions. Good ground work is in place, good government con- tacts must be maintained, good overseas represen- tatives must be supported, good promotion and industrial related material continued and the established recogni- tion in the industrial com- munity assured. The Exeter Council will have to make decisions now on the future of the Economic Development Committee. If an affirmative decision is made, - your editorial raises the question of how much funds can be or should be expended on the development of this com- munity. This also must be resolved. Presently, approx- imately 11.2 mills of the budget is available ($8,150.00). Being so closely involved with the Economic Development Program of this Town, I therefore will not and should not take part in these decisions. In closing, Bill I thank you for showing concern in the editorial. Yes, the trips and how they are developed can be justified. The Committee members are excellent peo- ple, making sound decisions. We are fortunate to have their interest in this community ac- tively expressed. The Com- mittee is playing a vital part in the development of Exeter Benefits accrue to everyone as growth continues 'l'he budget statement for 1984, showed what growth means in tax benefits. I'm sure that the citizens want their communi- ty to develop, so as to provide new jobs, new retail oppor- tunities, a better tax base, and above all, a Town where we continue to have pride. Exeter has the potential, it needs continual cultivation. Best regards. Yours truly Bill Mickle, Reeve Chairman, Exeter Economic Committee Have I got a deal for you! LARGE SELECTION WIDE RANGE OF PRICES •MASKS *DISGUISES •MAKE-UP •COLOUR HAIR SPRAY •MAKEUP STICKS •COSTUME ACCESSORIES BETTER QUALITY Hallowe'en MASKS ALSO HALLOWE'EN CANDY BE NOTICED!! , MAIN ST., EXETER 235-2202 t111.11■a EGET GKR688 REBATE FROM RCA GK R689 RCA XL -100 color TV performance and value ■ 63 -cm (26' )' console with ChanneLoc Keyboard control tuning for direct touch -button access to all channels ■ Automatic picture control systems ■ Multi -band cable tuning • Unitized Xtendedlife chassis ■MWilYMeii1411110MININa*tot Rap x' I:t {:rt REBATE FROM RCA FK R479 48 -cm (20")* ColorTrak TV with remote control ■ 22 -function digital remote control with on-screen time and channel display • Automatic color systems ■ Automatic light sensor ■ Muth -band tuning Superb big -screen RCA XL -100 colour plus the convenience of remote control ■ 63 -cm (26")' remote -control console ■ Automatic picture control systems ■ Multi -band cable tuning ■ On -scree► channel display KCSU • RegstereA Trade Mark of RCA Inc Exeter Electric 311 Main St., Exeter 235-0730 1 1