Times-Advocate, 1984-03-28, Page 13Houseleague - The houseleague basketball teams are starting. The captains of these three teams are: Gary Austin - Vipers, Todd Rum - ball - Cobras, Russ Fink- belner - Boa Constricters. After houseleague is over the best players are picked to go to the basketball tournament at J.A.D. McCurdy Public School. Randy Hoffman, Michael Vincent On location or Studio Bart DeVries PHOTOGRAPHY - COMMERCIAL - PORTRAITS • WEDDINGS • GROUPS - PUBLICITY Mounting and Laminating ,w V. WY•.belq•. pow -..M .e to have •agar• .1cal w Telephone 235-1298 137 Thames Rd. East Exeter, Ont. Tiger Times 1 from Stephen Central Pancake sale - Tuesday, March 6 Stephen Central held a Pancake sale for the students. The pancakes were sold 3 for 50t. We have held Pancake Tuesday for a number of years and we enjoy it. The cooks were Mrs. Bender, Mr. Brand, Mr. Negrijn and Mr. O'Rourke. Mona Brand Charlene Browning Hay Swamp - On March 7 the Grade Seven students went to Hay Swamp. We left the school around 9:30 a.m. All of us rode by bus to the corner of the 8th and 9th con- cession and were dropped off there. We walked for a couple of hours and then stopped to make our fire and make lunch. Some groups had a very hard time trying to get the fire started. Also each group had to bring their own lunch to eat. After lunch we started hik- ing again to another part of Hay Swamp. When we arriv- ed at this spot, everyone played a game called "The British and The French". As soon as we had played a cou- ple of games, everyone head- ed for the highway. When we all got on the bus to come home everyone was exhausted. Even the teachers, Mr. Brand and Mrs. Weigand were tired. Kathy Hendrick Laura Draisey Science Fair - Tuesday, March 27, Stephen Central will hold its annual Science Fair. Grades 5 - 8 will be par- ticipating. The two sections are biological and physical. We will set up on Tuesday and they will judge on Wednesday. Michelle Vincent, Lisa Martin Basketball - On April 7 at 2 p.m. at South Huron District High School the free throw basketball championships are taking place. The categories are boys and girls ages 11-14. We wish everyone par- ticipating "Good Luck". Christie Eveland, . Gary Austin le: 4 ; vs SING AT GRANTON CHURCH - Youthful singers Angie Nixon and Eleanora, Juanita and Brenadine Kop are shown with their coach Angie Nixon,and guest Bob Heywood at Sunday's Gospel Sing at the Granton United Church. T -A photo Messengers hold crokinole party by MISS JEAN COPELAND Woodham Mrs. Deanna Copeland spent the weekend with Suzette Pastuer, London. Mr. and Mrs. Reg McCur- dy, Jason and Jeffrey were guests at the Hodge -Perkins wedding in Brantford, Satur- day. Sunday they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Watson and Elycia of Stoney Creek. The Messengers held a crokinole party on Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Insley at- tended a family gathering in Crediton Sunday in honour of Mr. and Mrs. William Schwartz 59th wedding anniversary. Jeffrey, Joel and Rebecca Preszcator of Eighth Line have spent the past week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parkinson while their parents Randy and Brenda attended the World 1984 Figure Skating Cham- pionship in Ottawa. We are pleased to say Dick Jongkind has returned to his home following surgery. Mrs. Irene Hoffmeyer, Mit- chell visited Thursday even- ing with Mrs. George Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. • David Wheeler, Steven, Bobby and Craig and Mrs. Geo. Wheeler visited Sunday afternoon with Rev. John Cooke, Thamesford. i 94#00e SPE ,014 ZEHRS BEEF, CHI KEN, T RKEY, IMPERIAL SOFT WHITE, CRACKED WHEAT OR SWISS STEAK OR SALISBURY STEAK REGULAR OR DIET ifirini SWANSON DINNERS MARGARINE _ ..., OUR aE� , sa.,,,, E> - - LIMIT 8 PER CUSTOMER 326 g 1 LB. SLEEVE PACK SU 14 SPE NESTLES CHOCOLATE 750 g POWDER or 700 mL SYRUP BMW PLAIN -SPAGHETTI SAUCE 28 oz. 1.19 1 MUMS IMPRINT SWISS ROLLS PKG. 994 OF 4 CI EN - NOODLE 1329 884 PKG. OF 2 2% Homo or Skim Fresh MILK 4 Titre bag 2.39 LEANTA LYSINE ORIEN 239 245 9 NESCAFE YIr* IIWF IMATED OR COMM COFFEE, 8. JARoz6.4 S1CLES f.S9 CTN. OF 12 rr•a 5 VARIETIES EGG NOODLES 375 g g9 PKG. ASSORTED MVOSRs AUTO COLOURS MIROIM4i es tower LAURA SECORD 4 z 5 oz. OR 500 g PROS. f. ROYALE FACIAL TISSUE BOX OF 9 # 100 J supraSpEctAL MARTINS FROM CONCENTRATE 1 APPLE JUICE OUR REG. 1.59 48 oz. TIN ALLJIARIETIEM OF TAB, SPRITE OR CNA -COLA 750 mL 490 BOTTLE PLUS 304 DEPOSIT UPTON AUS TE1 VARIETIES CUP -A -SOUP APPROX. 99 85q EA N.CAIN FROZEN FRENCH FRIES PKG.1.5 . 89 OUR RE4 2.'.H KRAFT 16 INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED CHEESE SLICES 99 KELLOGGS '. C-3P0's HONEY FLAVOURED OATMEAL 8 CORN CEREAL 350 9 '4,89 GAY LEA SWISS STYLE ASSORTED FLAVOURS r VAIIETIEI HARM SOUP 994 28 oz. NULSMIS4 VARIETIES CHOCOLATE AR APPROX. 694 85 g EA. 1 VARRi11E$ McCORMICKS COOKIES 6009 PKG. 1.99 (Norm DEEP BROWNED BEANS 19 oz. 994 TIN ONION CHIP DIP 250 g 994 TENDERFLAKE LARD 1.38 kg 3.29 ULTRA BAN ROLL-ON 75 ml 2.29 ASSORTED CRACKERS 250g 1,19 TOMATO LAM COCKTAIL 28 oz. 1.19 BILLIE BEES HONEY 750 9 199 ULTRA BAN AEROSOL 200 mL 1?9 APP'EE 824 g 1.69 1 SUPER SPECIAL 1 HEAD 8 SHOULDERS REGULAR OR CONDITIONING SHAMPOO 99 BUDGETJ.ELPERS FORMS, FCLEANSI YOGURT SUPERSPOCIAL 1 TIDE LAUNDRY DETERGENT 69 • 6 LITRE 2.4 Kg JAVEX LIQUID BLEACH 129 3.6 LITRE JUG GPIARB13GUCAYS. 49 ,wKDR BASKET 1.99 YACHT MOP EA 1.SS I 1 SUPER SPEdIAL HUMPTY DUMPTY 6 VARIETIES MAGNETIC BROOM f?T SPONSE MOP 269 15 UTNE CAPACITY PLASTIC PAIL EA. 99' CLEAN UP CADDY 1.69 BRUSH PSET 1.99 LAM Sin 900 m( SIZE MRS SAAR WINDEX REFILL 1.39 GARBAGEO.10 BAGS 1.19 DOWNY 2 LITRE JUG FABRIC SOFTENERS ' IMITID SIPPER SSICPTRATED SOFTENER M 3.39 BLUEWATER FROZEN BOSTON BLUE FISH & CHIPS 750 g j99 TMN10 ROTTri KASS MUM II WINDEX eV 1.69 POTATO CHIPS ,IS 1p1 ACRYLIC FLOSS 135E FUTURE 3.99 9 MISIS1 5(111 KEA1IU azo 9 WINDEX 1.99 �JIIMIR N1t1 t (1111 2.29200g �1[�'.b 2.19 E4SYOff RENT A STEAM CLEANER OR RUG SHAMPOOER FROM US. YOU'll HAVE PROFESSIONAL RESULTS AT A FRACTION OF THE COST. IT'S EASY, SAFE, AND EFFECTIVE. IISINEI M I POMO KAM MER COMET 000 9 994 MIRE .R PMR RATR RAR 140 g CAMAY SOAP 694 M11113A11RI ADE 6.224 IITTRSOIT .5 k v CASC MINK NASTRN MI 200 g- ENDUST . 2.39 !WORM MIAMI 1 LITRE. 1 kg u� SIT:NI9R 1.11 UTNE ;ANT u PRP1 M IPRAY /01 700 IYI(. 1YORY 3.'9 FANTASTIK Z, 01 ums aunt 400 IM-- 3P1C a SPAN 1.29 SPIC & SPAN2.39, ALL MIMS@ rrssw MUM I.1 MR. CLEAN 1.69 RM. NM D ANN 621 g WSW K H 500 mL GLORY 2 3.39 FANTASTIK f. 79 LANCIA SPAGHETTI, SPAQHETTINI OR READY CUT MACARONI At SHDHS Times -Advocate, March 28, 1984 Page 13 Locals in all star game The annual Huron -Perth boys basketball All-Star game was held Friday at South Huron District High School. The finest athletes from • Huron grouped to face the best from Perth in two ex- citing matches, one for senior players and one for juniors. In addition to the games, several awards were handed out to the athletes. The two top shooters in the conference held a free -shot competition to determine who Huron Perth's best shooter is. The Mitchell Blue Devils senior team was also honoured for capturing the Huron -Perth ti- tle, the WOSSA title and the OFSSA title. Still, the games proved to be the highlight of the even- ing. Each team in Huron - Perth was allowed to name their two best seniors and their two best juniors to the teams. South Huron's Brian Topp and Scott Miller had the honour of being selected as the two top junior Panthers, and Brent Atthill and John Mol both proudly represented the senior Panthers. The juniors were the first to hit the floor and play. Both Scott and Brian appeared in top form and managed to adapt well to their new team- mates. The game was a rare chance to see basketball of such a high quality. The high calibre of play made it easy for one to forget which side they were cheering for and applaud good plays by both teams. In the initial portions of the game, the two teams played a very close game and the match seemed deadlocked. Shortly aftwards, however, the Huron team began to dominate the play and hand- ed in a decisive 70-45 victory over the Perth teams. The seniors played a much closer and more intense game. The two teams seem- ed to provide each other with the perfect competition. Perth held a small lead for most of the first half. Before the half ended though, the Huron squad was able to edge ahead of Perth for awhile. The second half roared on the way the first half ended; the score quickly teetering back and forth. Slowly, however, Perth seemed to build up strength and was able to widen the scoring gap at a steady rate. Perth finish- ed the third quarter with a comfortable 14 point lead, at 69 compared to Huron's 55. Perth took advantage of its lead to try sane rather spec- tacular plays. The Perth team tried several court -long passes and played quite hard. Huron did fight back hard, but was not able to halt the charging Perth squad. Perth won the match, defeating Huron 93-74. Euchre season ends at NeiI's The regular euchre at Neils school was well attended Monday evening convened by Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Roll- ings, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carter. Prize winners were as follows: high score, Ann Gilmour, Harry Noels; lone hands Jessie Lewis, Ron Fahner; low score Charlotte Barker, Murray Shoebottom with the lucky number going to Don Fahner. Next party is April 20 and will be convened by Jack and Ann Gilmour and Andy and Marian Thompson. Quilting seems to be the order of the day. Mildred Hirtzel, Viola Atkinson and Mary Kooy were at Jessie Lewis' Monday and Marguerite Greenlee's, Fri- day of last week quilting. Miss Wendi Horton Peter- borough spent the weekend at home with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Riley and family. Mrs. Minnie Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison were Saturday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Har- rison, Strathroy. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Noels, Exeter were Sunday visitors with Tom and Mary Kooy. Alice Koehler became grandma twice last week. Connie and Pat Masse had a baby boy Shayne Patrick Monday and Cathy and Mike Arnold had a baby boy Christopher Michael Edward, Wednesday. Sunday dinner guests with Alice Koehler were Pat, Con- nie and Shayne Masse of Dashwood and Mike, Cathy and Christopher Arnold of London. The senior citizens met in the Community Centre, Mon- day afternoon and will meet again on April 9 at 2 p.m. GOSPEL SING AT GRANTON - A large crowd attended'a Gospel Sing at the Gran- ton United Church, Sunday night. Above, program organizer Doreen McRobert chats with singers Brianna, Johathan and Matthew Hill. T -A photo Euchre enjoyed at Greenway By ANNE WALPER Greenway The euchre party held at Corbett School Thursday evening was well attended. Following are the prize winners: Lone hands Perry Cunn- ingham; high man Jean Miller; high lady Kay Arm- strong, low man Murray Shoebuttom, low lady Gertie Hodgins. Hostesses for the evening were Millie Steeper and Idris Young. The next euchre will be Thursday, April 5 at 8 p.m. Watch for the Corbett Can - munity Dance which is being held this year in the Lucan Arena Saturday night, April 21. About fourteen members attended the meeting of "The Willing Workers" which was held on Wednesday evening at the home of Ken and Joyce McCarter. After the meeting Carolyn Woodburn and Cathy Walper assisted the hostess in serving a tasty lunch and a time of fellowship was enjoyed. Lyle and Millie Steeper returned Sunday night from a Caribbean cruise. Cleve and Eleanor Brophey accom- panied them on the trip. David Ilodgins is a patient in Strathroy Hospital and Mrs. Bill Bullock (Wilma) is a patient in hospital. The Lenten Service was held Sunday in the United Church with Rev. Peebles as speaker. The Anthem by the choir on Sunday was entitled "Love Found a Way". The story for the children was called, "Side-tracked" and persistence is the key to staying on the right track. Rev. Peebles' sermon was on "Finding and Facing Christ". The next Lenten Ser- vice is on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Evelyn and Manuel Curts held a birthday dinner for their sister Viola, Sunday. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Curts of London, Ken and Luella Smithery of Corbett, and Mrs. Laurence Curts of Grand Bend. CaII for free estimate and we'll tell you how you can save. L,W. Kleisstiver Ltd. Beabsimzed 137-MiaI PIu.,N.♦IE441149141.aa k.1 -.aa�rn.wwal� NAM 1' ) Township of Usborno NOTICE HURON COUNTY ATLAS Let it be known that all inquiries relating to the new Huron County Atlas update should be ad- dressed to the Municipal Offices at P.O. Box 1420, Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S0, or phone 1-519-235-2900. Items on Hand at the Municipal Offices include: 1. Guidelines for Articles for Huron County Atlas 2. Application for Space in the Huron County Atlas. Please note that all interested parties have un- til April 15, 1984, which is the deadline for sub- missions to the county. LARRY H. STUCK, A.M.C.T Clerk -Treasurer Township of Usborne ,.� .*. . v•ao $ . '44 4 JIL )": 9. Os. ..41ARGV:41 . I IA i• THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS "Happy Face" Arrangement $8.95 untPy P1 'CPS EXETER 235-2350