Times-Advocate, 1984-03-28, Page 5Thames Road Fellowship meets hTheeMMarchwmAM eeetiag11g of the Fellowship Group was held Sunday evening with 21 in at- tendance. Mrs. Phil Johns welcomed everyone and had as the theme "Spring," and she read a poem "Spring Is All About Me." Phil Johns read the scrip- ture part of chapter 2 or Song of Solomon, Psalms 89. Don Bray led in prayer. A story "I Remember When The Chicks Arrive" was read by Mrs. Don Bray. a poem "A Thought For the Day" by Mrs. Johns. The offering was received by Phil and Don with prayer by Mrs. Johns. Mrs. Johns introduced Mrs. Verna Hicks, Exeter who showed her pictures of Africa and Southeast Asia. The pic- tures were real interesting and Mrs. Hicks gave a wonderful commentary. She was thanked by Mrs. Bray and presented with a gift. A delicious lunch was then serv- ed and a social time was spent by all. At the close we all join- ed hands and pronounced the Benediction. Sunday April 1, Sunday School will commence at 11:15 a.m. the same time as church. Church service Rev. Robert Matheson was in charge of the third Sunday of Lent church service. He told the children a story entitl- ed "When Dreams Come True". The Scripture Lessons were' read from Exodus 17; '3-7, Romans 8:1-5 John 4: 27-42. The sermon was entitled "What Israel Wanted, Jesus Had." For a long time all the Israelites living in Egypt ever dreamed about was freedom. Freedom probably meant dif- ferent things to different peo- ple. It would have been much like the world of today when many court cases test our human rights legislation. We all dream of freedom but seldom do we dream of responsibility. The wilderness experience, though, taught the Israelites freedom is not bliss. Freedom requires work and risk. The recent political situation in Argentina carries the same message as well. But too often when we think of freetiom we think of physical freedom rather than spiritual freedom. I api speaking of something well beyond the nature of freedom of religion. The Messengers meeting will be held Wednesday, March 28 at 6:45 o.m. in Elim- ville church. The April meeting of the United Church Women will be held Monday April 2 at 8 p.m. A guest speaker from the Big Brothers and Big Sisters Association will be at the meeting. Mrs. Kay Morley, Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde were Tuesday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson of 10th line Blanshard. Mrs. William Rohde visited Wednesday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore London. March 20 was Mr. and Mrs. Passmore's 55th wedding anniversary. Karen and Kathy Rohde, Exeter spent the weekend with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde. Tammy Rohde was a guest, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dawson returned home, Mon- day evening last after holidaying in Texas . Mr. and Mrs. Hedley May, Exeter and Miss Sharileen May, London were Sunday noon guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hodgert. Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Tanney and Darren, Exeter visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hodgert in the afternoon. Miss Lindsay Knight, Hen- sall spent the weekend with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. George Kellett. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. William Robson and daughter of near Clinton to our com- munity. They are living in the home vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hern, Zion, and Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hodgert were guests at the wedding of Barry Hodge to Karen Perkins. They were married at the Mowhawk Chapel Brantford and the reception was held at the Holiday Inn, Brantford. In last week's news it should have read Mrs. Earl Rock not Mr. Times -Advocate, Marsh 28, 1984 Page 5 Stom 4.4 CfrCabinet"e Jim Holliday call anytime 235-0349 - installing new - remodelling old - vanities, wall units - wide selection of hardwoods LAST See the largest selection of men's clothing in Huron Count On sale at guaranteed lowest prices CHANCE TO SAVE ENDS THIS SATURDAY The weatherman refused to co-operate with us for our spring sale last week and many shoppers missed the opportunity to take advantage of our tremendous sav- ings. THAT'S WHY WE'RE EXTENDING THE SALE, UNTIL HIS SATURDAY ONLY SUITS Our reg. price $300 Again featured at $100 off • No refunds at these low prices • Alteratons extra Our regular price Sizes 34-48, Shorts, Reg. & Tails TWEED SPORT COATS $6995 Reg. ;16000 All DRESS SLACKS 1/2 Price Lee PAINTER PANTS $999 SPECIAL RACK OF SUITS SUITS SPORT JACKETS BLAZERS SALE $239s5 1/2 price Reg. 116000 11e. 4500 X12495 $9995 A'll LONG UNDERWEAR 1�2 price N Topcoats, Ties, Belts, Dress Shirts, Knit T -Shirts, Spring Coats All 20%Off SWART MAN'S Of EXETER E 386 Main Street, Exeter Phone 235-0991 • HEAR ABOUT FARM SAFETY — Steve Motizs of the Ontario Farm Safety Associa- tion attended an assembly at Usborne Central School recently. He is shown here talking about tractor safety to Andy Grubb, Michael Hern, Geoff Strang, Brenda Hern, Tracy .Tryon and Christine Taziar. T -A photo Riverview WI hears speaker from Maple p Sy ALICE DICKENS Aliso Craig Several members of River- view Women's Institute at- tended a special meeting at Coldstream hall on Monday night, March 12. Mrs. Agnes (Fletcher) Foster, Maple Ontario, formerly of Lobo township is a member of Elder's Mills In- stitute. and is at present the president of the York West District. In a humorous way she brought to the 100 North Mid- dlesex District W.I. members highlights of the ACWW she attended in Vancouver in August, 1983. Evetyone was interested to hear that as they contribute to the Pure Water Project, they are helping the people of Peru, who are so thankful to have clean water to drink, to wash 'and cook with. In conclusion she left this thought with them - If you have an idea, plant it. Dig it in deep and water it well. Nur- ture it, and watch it grow. You may not be around to harvest it, but somebody else will. Green foliage plants were won by some lucky people who sat on specially marked chairs. Mrs. Jean Lee, having the most grandchildren, took Give... THE HEART FUND home a plant. Congratula- tions Jean. Residents of Craigwiel Gardens ' apartments gathered in the south lounge for a Kentucky chicken sup- per on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Filip Johansen provid- ed a cake in honour of her hus- band's 80th birthday. Following the meal there was a slide and film presen- tation by the Ausable- Bayfield Conservation Authority Area in the Craigholme auditorium. Earl Rees, member of the Authority was present to in- troduce the Authority representative, and Reeve Don Shipway was there to move a vote of thanks at the close of a very pleasant evening. A crowd, well over 100 of residents, apartment folk, friends and families gathered in the Craigholme auditorium, March 16 for the March birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mac- Donald of Listowel delighted the audience with lovely old Irish • songs and many familiar hymns. Following this, the Craigwiel Activity Centre committee showed "Four seasons of Japan" and "On- tario Munch -Brunch (Ap- (ples)", two very interesting films. To close another Birthday Month, birthday cake and ice cream was served. If you're looking for carpet or vinyl for a small -area or an entire house • SAVE TIME • SAVE MONEY • SEE US FIRST Do it yours.If or hav* our installer Ed Allen do it for you 355 Main St., S., Exeter 235.1990 Mrs. Betty Gilbert and Mrs. Dorothy MacDonald attended the funeral of their brother-in- law, George Brooke. The Activity Centre com- mittee invites the village peo- ple as well as seniors in the area to come to Games Night at 7:30 p.m. in the Craigwiel Activity Centre on March 28. You'll enjoycrokinole, dominoes, rook, euchre and UNO. Won't you join us? Mrs. Lorna Priestley and Mrs. Ethel Phillips were delegates for the Baptist church for accenting the Lon- don Portuguese church into the Middlesex Lambton Association. Creditor East By MRS. STAN PRESZCATOR Mrs. Alma (Gordon) Morlock returned home from Victoria Hospital, London. Sympathy of the communi- ty is extended to the families of the late Katie Schenk and the late Terry Glanville. Chester and Leslie Glan- ville, Providence Bay Manitoulin Island have spent the past week visiting friends and relatives and attended the funeral of Terry Glanville. Mrs. Ed Regele and Nor- man Hubbley, RR 4 Walton were Fridaydinner and sup- per guests with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Prestcator and Brenda Glanville. Brenda Glanville celebrated her doth birthday March 27, and Mrs. James (Lorna) Barnes her 21st, March 19. Mr. and Mrs. Braden Whilsmith, London spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Doll Finkbeiner and Suzanne, RR 2 Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Preszcator and Brenda Glan- ville spent March 15 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCallum, RR 1 Walton where they celebrated the lat- ter's mother Mrs.Ed Regele's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Regele, RR 1 Princeton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Regier, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Preszcator were Sunday sup- per guests with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. England and family, Huron Park and spent the evening with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Isaac, Centralia. Its ourfirst anniversary as a "Clover farm" store 1/2 mile south of Dashwood s main rnterseclon Phore 237.3311 Sirloin Steaks 5.70 kg. T2.59 Ib. Mozzarella Cheese 4.61 kg. 2.09 Ib. Country Style bone in Chuck Beef Roasts 1.29 .b. 2.84 kg. Family Pack, 3 fronts, 3 hinds Chicken Quarters 991 2.18 kg. ib. Granulated, 2 kg. Sugar 89$ Produce of Texas Cabbage head 69C sail, Paper Towels 794 We reserve the right to limit quantities Prices effective t111 closin March 31 2's PHONE 237-3677