Times Advocate, 1999-12-22, Page 1414
Exeter Times -Advocate
Wednesday, December 22, 1999
A holiday wave. McCurdy Public School students
David Vo, left, Chad LesPerance and Taylor Glanville
mug for the camera during the dress rehearsal of the
school's Christmas concert Last week In the back-
ground is Victoria Webber. (photo/Craig Bradford)
Choirs entertain seniors
The Christmas dinner for the Senior Diners was held
on December 15 with an attendance of 44.
The 50/50 draw was won by Arnold Vandenboomaaa.
A draw for Tim Horton gift certificates was won bi
Ila O'Rourke and Mattie Smith.
Elaine Weido and Ina Russell each won a box of
The draw for two plants were won by Mary Waters
and Doris Hamilton.
The junior choir of St. Boniface School entertained
with several numbers under the leadership- of Mr).
Gregus and Amy Rau with Shelley How at the
piano. Their entertainment was much appreciated by
the seniors.
Marg Hayter thanked then+4 for coming. and v ris ted
them all a Merry Christmas.
Christmas carols were sung by the seniors, accompa-
nied by Glena Horner on the keyboard.
Marg Hayter read a poem "Wishes for the New Year.'s
and announced that the. next Dining for Seniors drier -
would be on January 5.
Following the program, games of Pepper were
Thirty-three seniors met for dinner on December 8.
Earl Finkbeiner won the 5W50 draw.
Two choirs from the Zurich Public School entertained
with many numbers. These talented young folk are
always enjoyed by the seniors.
Grand BendAdult Day Centre
Bend Adult Day Centre
celebrated Christmas on
Dec. 13. Approximately 30
people enjoyed a fantastic
dinner prepared and
delivered hot to the
Anglican Church by
Grammie's Pizza.
The clients and guests
were glad to see that
Santa did not forget them.
They each sat on Santa's
knee and had their pic-
tures taken.
The centre is now open
on Monday and
Wednesday from 10 a.m. -
3 p.m. and is operating at
near capacity. If you or
someone you know might
benefit from this program
please call 238-6289.
Dear Santa:
My name is Alyssa and I am
3 years old. For Christmas I
would like a Furby and a
Barbie House. My baby sister
Amanda is 1 1/2 and she
would like Rock 'n' Roll Elmo
and singing Blues Clu. We
have been very good this
Love Alyssa and Amanda Kirk - ages 3 and 1 1/2
Parents: Dave and Tracy
Bidduiph Central delighted the audience with their
presentation ofThe Xmas Files. Here, Mt. and Mrs.
Claus, played by Ricky Ziegler and Lindsey Ferguson,
strut their stub during a musical number. (phot/Scut •