Times-Advocate, 1999-03-03, Page 6LUCAN After one
year in operation, the
Ausable Centre Is all
grown up.
The' centre held Its 1st
anniversary celebration
last Friday,, which in-
cluded speeches from
the centre's board mem-
bers, an award presenta-
tion from Middlesex MPP
Bruce Smith and the
opening of a new exhibi-
Smith presented a
community enrichment
award to the late Mert
Culbert who, according
to Smith, helped share in
the vision of creating the
He described Culbert
as "an individual, a char- t
acter" before presenting I
the award to Culbert's i
widow Muriel, who said c
she was honoured to re- r
ceive the award.
The centre's executive s
director Rosemary Gah- t
linger -Beaune said Cul- a
bert was "very in- o
strumental throughout" th
the centre's first year.
Board president Tom o
McInerney spoke to the W
centre's patrons and told by
them "quite a lot has ne
been accomplished" over ru
the last year, explaining M
that $230,000 was in-
vested into the centre
mostly through federal
and provincial grants.
There have also been
Initiate donations:
In addition to Its art
gallery, the centre pro-
vides an employment re-
source centre, space for
performing arts, meet-
ings, conferences, career
training ted tourist In-
McInerney said the
centre will begin helping
one local organization
per year in fund-raising
efforts. This year, the
centre will be working
with the Lucan Public
The centre also wants
o use the vacated Vil-
age of Lucan office for
is employment resource
entre and conference
Gahlinger-Beaune, said
he is looking forward to
he centre's second year,
dding, "We're still in
ur infant stage and any-
ing is possible."
Friday also marked the
pening of "Natural
onders," an exhibition
Granton artist An-
tte Goodale which
ns at the centre until
arch 24.
` C
Middlesex MPP Bruce Smith, left, presents the com- a
munity enrichment award to Muriel Culbert, who re-
ceived it on behalf of her late husband for his work at a
the Ausable Centre.
The 1ut,an Area Heritage
Association has some big
Mike Andersonof the
association spoke to
council last week and ex-
plained the association's
new developtnents.
First, the museum has
been moved from its
Main Street location to
Frank Street and opens
Also, Anderson re-
quested council pay for
two tourist signs pointing
toward the museum and
the log cabin, which will
have its official opening
on May 29.
Anderson said the
signs, which cost $153
each if placed on the
highway and $60 each•in
town, would attract peo-
ple into Lucan.
Among Anderson's oth-
er requests were a com-
Kippen area
man charged
KIPPEN — The Huron
OPP have proved that
making it to a private dri-
veway doesn't mean
you're off the hook for
drunk driving.
A 47 -year-old Kippen
area man is charged with
impaired driving and dri-
ving with over 80 mg of
alcohol in 100 ml of blood
after an incident on Feb.
OPP officers witnessed a
red '84 Chev Caprice lose
control as it was trying to.
turn into a driveway
while they were driving.
on County Rd. 3 in
Stanley Township near
The driver of the
Caprice tried to flee but
was caught after a brief
oot chase, Huron OPP
onst. Don Shropshall
aid. The man showed
ymptoms, of impairment
nd was arrested,
hropshall said.
The man was released
nd is due in Goderich
ort on April 12.
The Sunshine Kids Co-operative Pre-school made the
to Kicks Aquatic Centre on Monday, morning. Derric
Diane take a swim around the wading pool.
finality calendar on Muin
Street beside the picnic area and Ander-
post of- son said there are many
lice and forgiveness of youths aged 18-24 will -
property taxes for the ing to work to get the
heritage association. Ile community "back on its
also asked council to feet"
nominate a member of
ex -
the communityAnderson also for an plained a Ride Back in
Ontario Heritage Award. Time program, which
The association is plan- will see seniors in the
ning a heritage park and area being videotaped
for future reference.
Deputy -Reeve Bob Ben-
ner asked Anderson to
provide a list of his re-
quests to council, after
which they will be dealt
with at the committee
Anderson said his goal
is to establish tourism in
Lucan Biddulph.
Frauds highlight light
Two guilty pleas in separate fraud cases and an 18 -year-old get-
ting 90 days in jail underlined a short day in Exeter court last week at the Ex-
eter Legion,
Highlights from the day:
18 'ear -old gets 90 days
RR1 Hensall's Ryan Cheyne, 18, was sentenced to a total of 90 days in jail
for his role in a break-in at a William St. Exeter home on Feb. 20.
The OPP caught Cheyne and a woman coming out of the home at about 2:30
a.m. A third party was found upstairs along with a pry bar believed to
been used to pry open the back door. have
from the residence.
Collectable currency was found on Cheyne as well as a "walkie talkie" not
Judge R.G. Hunter sentenced Cheyne to 60 days for break, enter and theft,
30 days concurrent for fail to comply with probation conditions and 30 da s
consecutive for a second fail to comply with probation conditions y
$300 or
Huron Park's Sheltie McLeod, 24, wasank ente ted
udge R.G. Hunter to a total of $300 in fines afters he
eaded guilty to two counts of fraud under $1,000.
On Dec. 10, 1998, McLeod used another woman's
ank card to take $500 out of the account two times
om the Exeter Bank of Montreal. Before withdraw- Exeter Court
g the cash, McLeod deposited envelopes that did
t contain any money or cheques.
She had obtained the card after the unsuspecting woman gave the card to
cLeod to take money out on her behalf.
Full restitution has been made to the bank by McLeod's father. Hunter sen-
cednMcLeod to $150 for each count.
Guilty plea in cheque fraud
xeter's Vongpharack Vannavong pleaded guilty to three counts of fraud un
r $1,000 and is to be sentenced March 25.
annavong pasSed three bogus cheques at Huron Park Foodtown, the first
for. $170 in cash and groceries on June 8, 1998 and the final two for $170
h on June 12. '
The cheques were on a, clased account.
Trailer break-in nets fine, probation
onald Sinnamon, 24, formerly of Main St. Exeter, was fined $750
and v _ 12 months probation for his involvement in a botched break-in at re-
struction trailer along Cty. Rd. 83 at the Black Creek bridge west of Exetera
Aug. 3 at about 1 a.m.
Sinamon and three other men were caught by the OPP after unsuccessful)
ng to get into the trailer. y
e defence argued Sinnamon has made positive changes in his life after
ing arrested including holding down a job, not -associating with the people
got in trouble with and moving back to his parents home in Seaforth.Sp
odstock's Colleen McKay�32 peadeddoeSn't pay
guilty to possession of stolen prop-,
under $5,000 in connection to a shoplifting spree in Exeter and Lucan on
16, 1998.
Kay was sentenced to 12 months probation and 75 hours of community
res McKay ripped off.include Exeter's the Purple Turtle, Canadian Tire,
Authentics Sports Den, Thomas H. Fine Men's Wear and the Lucan Li -
Store. All the stolen items, valued $620 in total, were recovered by the
who caught up with McKay at Murphy's Pub and Eatery after staff at the
le Turtle called the OPP about the theft.
Kay was living in Ingersoll at the time of the thefts and plans to move
to her native, B.C.
Probation for custody scrap
ter's Timothy McQuiggan, 34, was given a suspended sentence, 12
s probation and. was ordered to have no contact with his estranged
after Hunter found McQuiggan guilty of assault and uttering threats.wife
charges were laid by the OPP in connection with a June 2, 1998 incl
cy's home in Crediton. dent
y, 26, testified her husband pushed her up against a door and threat -
to punch her in the head when he visited the Crediton home she' just
into with their. three sons aged 7, 5 and almost 1.
visit was unannounced and not on the regular days Timothy is granted
ion rights.
nee attorney Jim Zegers of London argued there were inconsistencies
en Tracy's testimony and a police statement she made after the incident.
ed he. was trying to prove Tracy fabricated the charges because she
aid she might lose custody of the children.
countered Timothy had been harassing her over the
on dates and the June 2 incident "was the last straw tba tie the
hy testified he never pushed or threatened his wife. He said the
vitod him Into the home but never went farther than the sed
Tracy said .Timothy had entered the main part of the home). ebsed
thy said he was simply trying to calm the children down► at the' time
re at first excited to see their father and then upset ovor Trays insis-
thee leave and later that the children got in the car so they could -leave
r dismissed an unlawful entry charge against Timothy but: found
of im
assault and uttering threats, adding he believed Tracy's evident*.:'`
at Tra
was afr
ting her
dren in
who we
tense h
with th