Times Advocate, 1998-08-12, Page 17Look what we made
Over 45 children attended Day Camp at Emmanuel Bap- .
fist Church the last week of July. From left, craft helpers
Elizabeth Tellier, 17 and Sarah Vanderlaan, 18 show- off
the puppets the children made during craft -time.
Ausable `Targets' its audience
LIJCAN - Ausable Theatre pre-,
cents the final show of the season
Target Audience which• opens'
Friday. Augusi-I4.
ArisahleTheatre is trincludiirg
their hit debut season with the coni-
edy about the scheming. -scaniinutg,
hilarious wirrld ,surrouning a
young writer's TV -script on ns way.
to. production. -
. The pia) , written. by the award
winning screen writing team of
Mar) Crawford: and Alan
Templeton. is a distillation of 10
years -of experience, working in the
Canadian television industry.
Target .Audience drew record.
crowdswhen first produced by
Ottawa's Great Canadian Theatre
Company in 1995.
Some comments from the first
production, include` ':.:a play that
scoots along with merry malice.
-drawing audiences -into the -net of
its comic conspiracy...snortit gly
•funny" (The Ottawa Citizen):
"snappy writing...turns this, sncom-
:style satire into a.theatrcal hit'"
(The Ottawa Sun.): "Target
Audience is right int the stark and
u strikes a bull's --eye on the TV
world" (The Charlatan).
Ausahlc Thcatrc artistic director
Jeff Culbert met the playwrights 20
years ago in Lesotho, Africa when
all three were working with World
University Services of Canada. and
has been waiting for an opportunity
to direct Target Audience.- -
Appearing in Target- Anthem e
are some of the area's most talented
actors; including Jayson'
Penner/McDonald,-Jason Rip .and
Virginia Praucn, all of whom have
appeared earlier this season at the.
Ausahlc Theatre, and newcomer
Rachel. Junes, who Just finished
playing -Puck in A Nltelramine, -
ht' .l f)reunt-at UWO. Three(
Audience is directed by Culbert.
The Ausahlc :Theatre :is eni.)ill
great success 111 its .first season.
with large houses and'great press •
id.Magazine says'"Ausahle Theatre
t e:•idence'lhat good theatre can he
'done well, snnply,anrf un a limited
budget. What' is essential.is not the
trappings 441 artextrrvagani r�rnut,
hut ci goihcf script. a tut oiFtalcnt ane)
Most of all 'an earnest love torr dra
Matizing the human conlllt400 -.
Tfte Lonilbim Free: Pressrreports that 7
"Lucan's new theatre is riduig
high".:The :Middlesex Banner
hailed (lie. first show as "A _great
debut - the price. is Well worth it"
and he Exeter Tinier -Advocate
states "Now Lucanites'with a thlrsi
for the dramatic won't have to
leave: home tb satisfy their nag -
Ausable-Theatre's, !4.ft season: u
designed to take theatre goers cif I
the Neaten track cif standard mer fare for plays they won't see
anywhere else. Target Audience is
the final offering in a unique scason-
01 works by Ontario playwrights.
Target Audience runs_ from
August, 14' to I6 and August 21 to
23 at the Au -sable Theatre located at
17(1 Main Street, Lucan (30 min- •
utcs north of London on Hwy. 4').
Single tickets are ;priced .at $15
( special $10 seats available .on
Sunday. -August 16 only.) All
shows run Friday to Sunday: with 8
p.rn. curtain: Please call (510) 227-
1453 for ticket inf-ormatinn.and
reservations. - -
. Provided by theAirsable Tlreurre
I ,nr . Lhiurrtle,, Air,\'tisf 12, 141'18
Page 17
Police Briefs
Lucan man faces kiddie porn charges
NIAGARA FAITS A l.tj•.ur man is la Ane dad pdnrn,, 1.q,h4
charges aftera (aita5han ('ustonl4 orris e4 found and seized ..•4c1 al item-:
containing child anti adult sexual material al the Qucenstun l sew istum
Bodge border crossutg ou Wednesday. • , .
John Storey, 34. uI Main St.. 1.ucart, is charged withiwo count, orf
possession 01 child pornography and one count each ul unpin my ding
porn and making child porn. HC'was re,eased 0n conehti0ns and is
scheduled to appcai in St. Catharines Court on Sept 2 and 1,010011 cowl
on Sept. 28. - -
The cusilints oft icei timid Iwo'hlack hinders containing coniputet
printouts, vttleotaites and nine: computer thsks s•snmauung child and adult
pili) in a (ruck being driven from the U.S. into Canada.
. "This was the largest seizure that they've had al the (Niagara Fall.)
border by a customs officer;" OPP Det. lisp Bob Matthews said.
Matthews is the officer in charge of Ihe,pom critic unit known as Protect
B. - • -
Storey was arrested at Ihr:horder by -Niagara Regional Police who also
:obtained -a search warrant lora 1.ucan•area home ,
" The-OPYchild porn unit and the London;OPI'crime unit seized a
computer, -three computer disks aunt printouts on Thursday. The items.
contain about 1(1O images depa'ung what the 01'i' calk "very young.
preputiescent.children involved in explicit sexual acts with other children.
•as well -as adults." '
The child porn making! etfarge"stenis from.reproducing du,ulme/as -
containing child pont which is considered pun produim1n under -11w
C'riniural ('ode -
Two jet ski accidents in the 'Bend
GRAND BENI) – '1%%1) jet skncn were hum 111 separate a,ciaents .t1
Rend bait/01-'011 Sunda):
North Lamhton OPP said 1)uhltri's Paul Ecke:t dump ed the wake .t
leaving Ihe.harbor at abrur 1:45 pr.ni The tet ski landed on the w:ueh,causwg
Eckert's tact lohit the handle bars cutting his chin auldunigue l:cdeit was -
transported to:South Huron Hosprtat 54 as,tieated :yid released.
Siratlurd'''Uaniel Bell also)uluped the wake oI a vessel tea% ins the harbor•ar
about 4 p.m. North-Lamhton"UPi' said Owlet ski Millie tiough of rhe wake:
sending Bell river the handle pars Bell Int his lace yin the tit» ti cowling of the •
was taken h) titmds tri South 1lulinl HospiCd where how as ire:tied and '
rereased ,"•
-.. -North Lamhton OPP sato d►atwli ler skiers attribute the accidents i i then
inexperience and hath wirethanktul the) we're wearing Mit-jackets
Hire a Student
Hoopin' it up•
First baskets. Michael.- Gaiser and Lorre .Van Valkengoed
get in a -quick came at the new basketball. equipment at
the Crediton 'Bali Park. The Crediton and Area Qpt)mists • ,
-donated the...equipnlent after receiving an anonymous
-$680 donation. The Township of Stephen donated- the
equipment and. labor -to dig. the hole, McCann Redi-Mix Inc.
donated the. cement delivery and Advanced Auto Parts did
the fabricating•
Great weather for garden party
1II_NS;\f-1 -' lull Gdhson plaid
yet again Mai- he i. `'"114c' 111.st w.ith--
By Cheril yn Btl!sina --the' Aust • ., w 114 n t ouernsw at
. —NW sIlly. Hunte-re;idemts_ travelled
titudentempluy:mentofticeclosesliorseasoth to his annual Garlleli; Parts .suit..
'The ExeterElum:ul ltesourcc (`entre 1411 Studcnls, 1s :I,..nrg un August i .a he w_Caiher ryas prrfe.t
Thursday, August 13. fallowing, another successful .season 1111 sun; lu3t >Ilghtl5 144 recast and .. (411114
inlr.'480 student posutons_w�ent through oto Exeter ani! (tudcnch 01
flees. this is an increase of. apprnximately 2(1 per gent in comparison
with- last .yea(' figures. The increase r5 01 particular significance he--
cause.i►ur numbers do not include the Winghant and area i0lis. which
have been included'm past years.
-On behalf:Of the Human -Resource Centre kir Students. fwoukflikc-
to thank all of the area's -employer. anrf businesses who helped -sup
port student-.cmpiloymenf this sumnier. By..providing •students wuli
sinning work, they have not only had the upportunit5 to earn cunlr••
money. hut have also gamed work experience that will amt them u4
then future employment efforts. -;1 hope that the e.xpeiieure W;t, rr
warduig -to you- and your .business, -and that you will continue to (Ise
our services in the sunnier, lit come-.
Employers who wish to place .student- job orders -following the,clus
ing of the student Office_ can call the Godcrtcli Human Resnuces i)e-
velopntentCanada-office at 17800-'465-51/0eict: 229 lour lob orders
will 'be placed -On the Jbb-Bank.and Inlolinc cur a tivu-.week
however, student referral seri_tces are not-available-durng thefall and
winter seasons. - -
'�rtntlarly.-students are 'rertiinde J that then 'lob search nerd not end
With the closing ot`the student -office.'Students are -still welcome to
- search for work On the Joh 13anks•witthin out offices- the Internet at
22?.hcre-un.ca or by lalling the Job Infoline at 235 2-191
t (lin a final note, l would like to thank the comnuuuty-of Exeter for
• n►akmg my third and stinal season as-a-Sunuuei Employment Officer icer: a'
challenging and enityahle one ;As a whole, Ole liKeter and area suis
dents are Sante of the most eme4'!cite and hard working nickuhials I
have.enctuntcrcd in the county Keep up the-excclleni work when )tttr
return to school, and best wishes onyour., future employment ethic,. •
Tax news good for some, bad
for others in Lucan-Biddulph
By Craig Bradford
T -A Reporter
1.UCAN=BIDDULPH — Village and township
bean -counters must feel like they're watching a yo-
yo who, ligul mg out this year's tax hills.
Both councils discussed the proposed tax assess=
ments at then respective. meetings last week.
Lucan's village portion of the '98 levy weighs in
• at $4113:(0(1 compared with '97's $293,126.- Bid-
dulph's total '98 levy (township. county and school
bards) comes in at $1.945.760.32 compared with
- '97's $2.086,263,25. All above figures are pending
Middlesex County's approval of its proposed levy
at. its meeting yesterday alter press. '
Lucan administrator Ron Reymer said the biggest
culprit in the vtlluge's levy increase conies from the
education component whose levy percentages rose
dramatically front last year. Reymer said although
the province protnised.n would pick up 50 per cent
of the education lab. Lucan is still. paying 71.1 per
cent of the hill if current figures don't change.
Reymer said must average sited homes will sec
`an about $200 tax hike this year with larger homes
getting a smaller increase -
Coming up with average increases in decreases
'based on homes or businesses assessed at certain
figures like $100.000 is difficult this year since the
province introduced the Fair Tax .Assessment Act
that reassessed each home across the province.
Since most homes either event up or down in value
this Year, the tax burden or boon must.bc taken'on a
home to home basis rather than an average across
the board. '
But in Lucan's case, most people will begetting a
tax hike,
"There is no good news here anywhere," Reymer
said. "Everyone' (across the province) is facing
this." '
Lucan Reeve Robert Benner is angry with theOn-
tart. Tories and said Prenner Mike Harris has. lied
to the public about provincial dowriloading, being
`revenue neutral'. -
"It's a huge campaign of canuuillage. stroke and
mirrors." Benner said: - But Deputy Reeve Harry Wraith said he's liked
what hc's seen of this provincial government so far.
• "1'd like , to give this government a chance."
Wraith said. • -
Both" Reymer and Benner didn't -see things• that
way. - }
"You 'look al the Fair ssessment 'Am. -and what's
fair about this," Reymer Said.though he noted some
homeowners will see a tax cut. -
Betincr •saved some of his venom for Middlesex
Conservative MPP Bruce Snaith who wrote lit coun-
cil telling them about the 530,000- the province
- granted Lucan under .one of its- p1 mgt 414115 10 help
'municipalities deal with downloading.. .
"Thanks for the $30.000," Benner said sarcastical-.
lye "Let's not mention" the $630,0l10 he tore out of
the other pocket."
Reymer said the -fallout of the fair 'Tax Assess-
ment Act "flies in 11.c face' of the province's prom--
.isc to create an attractive atmosphere for sinall,busi-
ness. Many commercial properties are facing -hefty
tax hikes under the new tax •system. .
• Lucan area residents will see the result. of pro-
vincial downloading beneath the- tires of their cars.
.'Reymer said.
"We' are now down to one• road;,project every
three years if we arc lucky," he said. "We used to
do one a year." '
He added municipalities need to get the message
across to the province that they have already cut
their budgets to the bone.
if county council approved its levy yesterday. fi-
nalized budgets. for both Lucan and Biddulph will
be up for discussion and approval at thei`respective
meetings on Aug. 18. ' - .
d1) 5 wiuin .44,1)1, IC'wcnn ento5ru
the gazebo. wluh •thcr, sat h5 the
full punct Some i 1141.e the gratii.:
arbor-andothers the patio -)able,
5y ith'unlhi'e11as rut -shade. (ilhsuu
scrscd call ill cake, and ire chair.
coffee anti tea. He was assisted by
col.nteers John. Rita., Sl:ue-JTssie
and Winnie Tile- .tguwal 1111+ io
(iihson'. has been a highlight 01'
the slimmers lin tltc pa -a 211 seats.,
The residents made rice krispre
squares 451111 sma4 tic' 104 the play
Hensall council
Council considering
testing water on
South Beach
GRANI) BEND - Village rest
gent- Robin Ayre has a simple ques-
tion tor council - Why_ . isn't the
5410111 Beach Partin. the .water qual -
ity testing program cariied titin - un
the North lie•:tch"
"Given that the. - South Beach is
used fir recreational purpose's -by
the public, why isn't Mete a dcs•g
.haled lot':u1011 at the 'South Beach
where the Current water qualm) tea
'results ciiuhl be piisted." (\yresaalso
asked u1 a letter .114 cou)1c1I
Village .Clerk Paul I withal! ex •
planned t0 citunctl Mat ti'e week's
samples are only taken between'
Oakwood and the pier. -
The village conducts both rapid
detection :and conventional v. mei
quality tests. - - .
Council decided it was tau late 111
.111c season to start testing the South
Beach's water quality this -year but
they will consider instituting a test
there in the future. "They will also
begin posting the South Beach it
high bacteria lesels are found on
i the North Beach.
Refuse problem
Ayres also asked council to -re
view their maintenance of South
- Beach.
"While the North Beach area re-
ceives what appears to he a regular-
ly -scheduled cleanup and manic,rc
the South Beach appears to' be ne-
glected in this regard," Ayres
Council decided to put more gar-
bage containers at the end of Lake
• Road and by the pier.
takes pay cut
Hi. \Nal .1 Herr -all members
of coon, li took :I, sll; lit p,rt : ut Mrs
year as e14UnCll pa",:.Cd iIs eentulrur
atlun (4yl:iw bur 1945 at.\1i,nday
night's meeting
Ree5t'(ec11`Penner 45411 recerse-
St 'Oh anau:tfi5. Mlle ..un'�dle+r.
will ,gel 51.11(111- Both I44uie' ale h
5100 decrease Irisin 1997 '
Pepper will also teem e 51,11(1(1'
:is a member of the Ficus:dl-Public
1'11 114es Commission. as wilt the
PUC 1,1nhnmsae,iter -
- Menthe's 0f eounCIL Commis-
sioners 141 the Pt i(.' and Con1n rlttee
members will ,also lecenT a ir.l%el
e51e ise allow Alice of 1.11 centsf..
k110111iue Milt a oIeJI 111111w:trite 01
$30/da5 What: icpresentimt the innplchpality.
• In addithtn to (hurt ,uu►►tal 11)1110
nrrauun. the reeve, i'uuncillias and
cominisstuuers will rei.stvg S 3(1 tar
each special night nlectuig attend- -
ell: $45 for cite,' 1/2 day ,special
meeting attended.: and S90 for each
whole day special meeting :ntend-
. C'4nlintttee--nlembels appointed
by council will receive 5311 for each
regular aud:special meeting attend
etc and cintmutlee c 11,opersum w 111
receive $35 (lir each iegtlar :incl
'Special Meeting attended
ciound Children 551114 will he enter-
(.along at Queensway soon
Ri'sidents.recentts lra5cited to
•'11,15 field and the -surrounding area
lot a . emr-drrse \'olunleer Jessie
• •\rchcr.assisted I,:e ...avant sundaes
added to the enioyr1hent of the after -
main -
Sint ley_ Luther led the worship -
.,cr5 ire
on July 28+' and Rev
Rutledge of Exeter Bapitist church
lea the worship 4,411 August 4, 13e:ha
a ms. 5ya. 5ttlunteer organist. fur
hc.tft sero cies and Marg. Cole assist-
ed residents'
Pickets for the RehronetIl Horne.
I airnl5 and l'onumunl)% 4cnlurs
lt,trhuche are a.ailahlc-at Bnlf
l 0t'snrt-: --FEau Salo—Ir.,— the._
Retirement Flume or ()ucei1554.i
\-111.1 :::111:1/4:1111 202 \3(I to
irsersc a ticket -Bring .,lawn chair
There" wall be several tree draw's
and lilts of ,h:0hecu.eti hanlhm g'.,
hoot.) s and ,salads. Gare Boyle of: -
London 5%111 be entertaining.
Festival School of
Hairstyling, Stratford is
accepting, registration for
their September classes
Make-up Artistry and
Nail Technology offered
at.no extra charge.
Financial assistance
available for those- who
I or further info0nC)t1On call
and '
The Ministry of Education and Training has recently released new
Ontario Curriculum Documents for
Health"and Physical Education, 19.98, Grades 1-8
The Arts, 1998, Grades 1-8 •,
French as a second language: Core French, 1998,
glades 4-8. '
These documents will be distributed to all schools in the Avon
Maitland District School Board on or before Friday August 21,
1998. They 'can be picked up at your home school after that
date. - '
John F. Patterson Abby Armstrong
Interim Director of Education Chairperson
Avon SC„ao:r
Learning for a Lifetime