Times Advocate, 1997-06-25, Page 4:. ld✓urate. Jury' 25, 199'7 Publisher & Editor: Jim Beckett Business Manager: Don Smith Production Manager: Deb Lord 1atorldrnp.. Barb Consitt. Chad Eedy • 'kits. Heather &Air. Chris Skalkos. Craig Bradford Brenda Burke. Kate Monk. Ross Haugh Provuci,Qn'alma Ballantyne, Mary McMurray. Barb Robertson Brenda Hern.'Joyce Weber. Laurel Miner -rtieswortdtion AI Flynn. Al Hodged Front Office &'Accounting; Elaine Pinder. Sue Rollings. Ruth Slaght Ruttlanne Negnjn. Anita McDonald. Cassie DatrymOle 00,9%•••co The Exeter Times -Advocate. is a'member of a family.of community newspapers ...; r •)rte? "''• L providing news. advertising and information leadership. ' ,1919-1 Rasto9Wc's' �l/ EDITORI Li Only in Canada you say? Pity i l _ .atriotism is something Cana- dian` handle.with caution: We are a bit siivictous of emotional outbursts and Elms ‘s:aving at the hest of times and tend to -grit our teeth when Americans stand up. hands over their hearts, and.try H) hit -the high notes of The Star • Spangled Banner. - We tike pride in our heritage of law and order - atter all, Canadian settle- ment took place from .east t� west with tile Royal Canadian Mounted Police leading -the way. The land -south of the Great Lakes.was settled in a hodge- •pod :e fashion with the rebels and n'er- do-wells leading the way. We have Dudley Do -right. they have Billy the Kid. - We take pride in our unique identity as Canadians.. in our linguistic quirks i You d on't find accents up herein the Great White North. eh''), in our hockey. in our Neer. We have our national heroes - Laura Second is a good e-xample. En the States. they would have made several movies about her but all we have is a 60- -second historical sketch on television sometimes... oh. yes, and a candy com- pany named -atter her. Only in Canada. you say? We have had more than our share of political unrest; up to and including.re- hellion. We have had a prime minister' who often consulted his long -deceased mother-before—making-important deci- sions. otherbefore—making=important_deci- ;ions. We have - had sports ;tars. •. In wartime. Canadians earned them- . selves the reputation of being tough... scrappy soldiers. ready 10 bravely de- fend the underdog but always hesitant to push our way of life down anyone's throat. We may not be able to define what makesus Canadian. and we may .not be able to list the differences between us and Americans for for that-maitter. be= tweet us and the English and French). hut we know we.are Canadians. and we air different. . As Canadians. we know we invented hasketball..Hockey is our sport. And as for hasehall, we take pleasure in politely explaining to Americans that the first re- corded baseball game took plaice in - Beachville, Ontario. . - - .But we just don't go in for -the rah -rah - rah, heat the drum. wave the flag sort of " patriotism. It's not that we aren't patriotic. If you believe that. you can test the theory by saying there is no difference between Canadians and Americans and we may • as well become the 51st state. Then put on your flak jacket, hard hat and running shoes. - Make no mistake. being Canadian is . very important to us. We may not he as ' demonstrative about it as .other nationali� ties, but we keen strongly about "the true north strong and free Whyelse Would .we put up with eight months of winter En recent -years, there have been efforts to Make us more openly patriotic in the American style - large red and white Canada Day cakes. tlags everywhere. and little kids with hugles playing the . National Anthem. The governmeni `gas tried to legislate Canada Day festivities and switch us from celebrating.Victoria Day. And .they've tried to legislate flag -.waving, with a certain. success. Our_ge' erzt�j eaction.has been t(1 cele- brate bli h daTadli.Day and the Victoria Day weekend. We Canadians may he modest souls, but we enjov.a good party. Why accept only,one weekend_.of fire works -and fun when you can have two'' As forthe flags... our heritage minister still has a ti�"ht on her hands. . ' This Canada Day. enjoya game of baseball, shoot ia few hoops 'and draw a red maple leaf on your forehead if you : want. But please draw the line at that hand over the heart bit. There's something about it that is... well. it just isn't Ca ra- dian. SarIVeen ( i1• V%'ft s do What's on your mind? The Times -Advocate continues to welcome letters to the editor as a forum for opal discussion of local issues, concerns, complaints and kudos. The Times -Advocate reserves the right to edit letters for brevity. Please send your letters to P.O. Box 850 Exeter, Ontario, NOM 1S6. Sign your letter with both name'. and address: Anonymous letters will not be published. A A View From Queen's Park By Eric Dowd TORONTO -- Premier Mike Harris is com- plaining that his provincial opponents keep re- hashing the federal election, but he will have to live with it for a long time. The Progressive Conservative premier faces • several problems as a result of the federal cam- . paign. New Democrat leader Howard Hampton reminded him of one when he asked Harris what his stand is on accommodating Quebec. Hampton wanted to know more` precisely whether Harris supports Jean Charest, the fed- eral Tory leader he refused to endorse in the election, in trying to accommodate Quebec. or Reform leader Preston Manning, who he said tried to win seats by attacking Quebec. Charest's accommodation would include rec- ognizing Quebec as a distinct society, which Harris said several times in the election.he is against, as did Manning, who als..:eft a prime minister fronrQuebec could be not fair. • . Harris remanded that he is on the side of On - tartans and will work with Liberal Prime Minis- ter Jean Chretien for the good of the country. But Chretien also,supports distinct society. as - Harris and his party did. with the reservation it still had never ben been explained fully. in op position before 1995. Harris now says distinct society is'obsolete and few even in Quebec want it, which is inac- curate because polls show a majority in Quebec and such leaders as Chretien, Charest_and Que- bec Liberal leader Daniel Johnson support it: although naturally it has no appeal to separat- ists. Harris will now be pressed by opposition parties and media to come up with his solution and they will remind him, as Hampton did, that former premiers from all parties in the legisla- ture. John Robarts, William Davis, David Pe- terson and Bob Rae, gained reputations for building bridges to Quebec. • The federal vote also will intensify charges that Harris is on the wrong track in cutting tax- es a this time. Premiers normally are not called Publications Mail Registration Number 0385 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Orle year rate for Canada subscribers - $35.00 + GST Two year rate for Canada subscribers - S63.00 + GST OTHER BAILS. Outside Canada - S102.00 ' Published Each Wednesday Morning at 424 Main St.. Exeter. Ontario. NOM 1S8 by J.W. Eedy Publications Ltd. Telephone 1.519.2351331 • Fax: 519-2350788 G.S.T. *R108210835 I) I hnlrA by `Adler I rant,, mf) cae Student Empl�yment Boy Carrie McCone Managing your references Whether or not you ,et a lob will often be. defer-ntned. by who .itr ,Iva as ('k-r-ences and what thev say about volt How much thought have 'slut pint into your rcterenc s WHO THEY \RE: - References :are pellote .vho have seen you pet -tin -ming the tunes related to !.he uh 01 arc mnfytnh tor. Ili .yltu !lave sect] , 11 in enough Itih . )1. non -tiff) auatlons to comment knowl- edgeabiytupon your `ti.u-acter.• - These ;dude: former ctn- plovers. people \ ou ha ye yiil- inteered for. teachers. ,:ounscl- lors. \•lfuth _roup leaders and coaches. ' HOW FO l S1- fHE�I: Reference inns' know that ytnl.l are Iii(klnt lin- work. arid. nurse given their permission eo he :i titacted. • .References must sav good things about you. - References must he .able to speak from their own direct- ex- perience of you. - References must he .[hie 10 rnake. statements directly .tppli- .2able t� ithe lob you arc a{Jph, ' ink fora ' Either list your references on your resume or write "Ava,I-` able von request.- ' (-onta]}1 '.our references priori() every soh interview. - Vlake ;tiro your references can he contacted lastly. • Do not use relatives ,as reter- ences.• References are a good way fo help -you with your empkiyment ..search. Make 'tire that when ou decide who you would Iikc to rise for .t t'elerence that you .are comfortable with the person. ilial you ,:huo'e:. By becoming a reference. they .an say what- ever they feel is actable when referring you to a position. i would Iike'all potential em- filoi•ers to i;emernber that refer- ences are :i good way to decide • \\ nether or not our potential .applicant would be ;suitable for the pasted position: , it is worth the time 19 contact the reterenc= es evert if -you are fairly conn= dent in the potential applicant especially . in eases involving child 'care.. By having prepared references, when applying `for a lob. volt ::an avoid having to prepare rhetn and on -hort.notice 11 .in employer asks tor thein aircctly. References do not Lake ;t long time to pre-. pare;. tf ,you arc willing to take the lime to all the people you. have chosen for a reference, then the longest part is finished. They are worth having prepared and .ur a gsood ideato use when .rpplving for sutitmer employ- ment. Vest ,vicek i Will he talking .about lett Interviews. .Until . then..nuod tuck and if you have .any LitiestionS regarding this. ar- ticle or any interest in student employment. please feel free to contact me at 235-111 l Harris faces several problems as a result of election on to.defend themselves for cutting taxes -- the cheering is too loud. But Liberal leader Dalton McGuinty has argued that Harris should riot be cutting servic- es to the hone to provide tax cuts, and he now claims federal voters have sent a similar mes- sage. Therfederal Liberals won overwhelmingly in Ontario and their platform included balancing the budget. before cutting taxes, on the ground paying down debt helps the. economy more. • This argument that the budget should be bal- anced first has been bolstered also by an agen- cy which helps set provinces' credit ratings and refused Ontario a higher rating because it uses some savings from reducing services to cut tax- es instead of debt. The agency has rated the 'lories no better than the tanner NDP government. which they used to scoff spent like a drunken sailor, so they have to shell out millions of dollars a year more in interest; ensuring the criticism of Har- . ris's tax cuts will mount. ' Harris also has left many in his own party up- set because. he recused to endorse its federal leader as repayment for Reform's not running against him in 1995. These particularly are the more moderate Red Tories who had worked for Davis and buried theirdifferences with Harris because he was nominallya Tory like them and successful. Davis came out of retirement and asked Har- ris to support theirfederal party. but was ig- nored. His former communications adviser, Sally Barnes. who expresses the views of many around him, warned that the election, in which Reform did poorly in Ontario, showed this is a province of moderates and Harris's Tones risk being thrown out if they fail to recognize it. Some longtime Tories in letters to newspa- pers say also Harris let them down by refusing to :support his federal party and embarrassed them by holding hands with Reform. so Harris now has a unity problem in his own party to worry about.