Times Advocate, 1997-05-07, Page 14Page 14 Tint' -Advocate, May 7, 1997 �OMMIIN!TY Province backs off planned municipal downloading • . Small rural• municipalities are . • still concerned with .c.hanges to the Farm Tax Rebate HURON/MIDDLESEX - The provincial government's • changes of these services. ' to its Mega -Week downloading • "Not liming seen the number ex - plan is being applauded by .urban- •actly....1 still think we're going to centres,- however, municipal lead come out on -the short end of the ers in rural communities are giving 'stick," said Hoogenhoom.• adding, it a Luke -warm reception. - "I've heard all kinds of numbers of In January the Harris • govern- what it really takes to upgrade • pent announced it will pick up the housing units." education -tax hill funded by local He also anticipates further down- - residential property taxes in return loading of for shifting billions of • roads and pos- dollars. in social ser-...sibly. . am= vices. costs to the mu- •'bulance ' se.r-. nicipalities.vices. . municipalities has also been •shift- ed, • • Althottgh the province has pro- vided some relief to municipalities, • Exeter Mayor Ben Hoeigenboom • is .skeptical that municipalities will get a fair deal from the province and is worried dollar values have not been attached to the provision However. a corn- -. promise . was . an- nounced by the. prov- - ince last Thursday to -relieve the municipal- itics of some of the "The smaller municipalities are going to be Lucan Reeve severely affected Rob Brady was by this farm tax - not impressed downloading." with the down- loading Chang- . _ es. downloading by paying. for many ol'the-costs it planned to transfer to the local level. . In rural communities the county would likely administer programs such as subsidized housing. The province has hacked off down-:. loading seicial assistance and -long • - tcrm care. It has agreed to `pay, • $200 million toward the• cost of re pairing, and upgrading housing units. Municipalities will still take over the responsibility for sub- : sidized housing, beginning Jan. 1. Other concerns municipalities face. especially in rural Ontario. is the change to the Farm Tax Re- bate. The responsibility for con- necting links on highways within "We haven't crunched the num- bers . yet, hut it looks like more - smoke and mirrors...we don't think it will make's significant difference (o the overall cost." he said. Administrator_ Ron Reymer wel- comed the government's decision to -pick up 8(1 per cent of social as- sistance costs hit added the $5.4 Killion in education costs will be funded by local properly taxes. - "It (downloading change an- nouncements) will help us to a cer- tain extent as it wilt lessen the un - Certainty about ' how •Welfare payments will go, but we ntwi have 50 per cent -of education Crites. hack on the tax hill.' said Reymer trying to make. 'sense of the reversal "i • Take a Ride Back in Time • .IUCAN - Here's your chance to jump on a wagon and take in some local history. Lucan's second annual Ride Back in. Time begins. at the-. Scout/ Guide Hall at 6 p.m. on May 10. Front its starting point; wagons • travel through the streets of Lucan to the race track behind the arena. . Despite a brisk north. wind • that descended on last jc;ir_s event, or- ganizer Mike Anderson d,(friis "every wagon was full;" with be- tween 250 to 175 people taking • part in the 90 -minute performance featuring local actors. ''• The rough weather. he added. complimented the event's settler theme. - • This year, 10 locally-wriucn.skits ' • will line the crack. Although Lucan Area Heritage hosts have received think (the government's) intention was to niake the lines of revenue generation clearer .but- its -still not very clear." Both were concerned that the planned Farm Tax Rebate down- loading, announced in January's Mega -Week Announcements was not addressed. "That.wa4 very disappointing be- cause it leaves our amalgamation proposal up in the air," said Brady. In March. Lucan passed a resolu- tion asking the Minister of Mu- nicipal Affairs to refrain'fn)m sign- ing thein atnalgamation proposal with Biddulph Township because the Farm Tax Rebate would have a significant- financial impact on the restructuring plans by transferring the cost of a provincial farm sub- sidy to the municipal tax payers. Reymer said he was not surprised the changes are tayloir-made to take the pressure off the,"big players"in- the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. "The larger urban centres were concerned about the welfare costs and from their standpoint it's a win. but the smaller municipalities are going _to he severely affected by this farm tax downloading." he said. . requests for replays. of last year's - scenes, Anderson claims every scene is new this time around. "There's so mucli history -in this -arca,..we probably could do this for. 20 years and not repeat - any scenes." he explained, adding the • event will feature many of its prig • - inal actors. • The.historical skits -offer glimps- es of time and emotion. For- .ex - ;tipple, one skit centres around a: new pioneer arriving in Biddulph Township while•anothcr details the feelings of a woman who wants to leave the -Wilherforcc area. •, .Tickets are available at Clarkes Food Mart or at the gate. Theeost is -$5 for adults and $3 for children.; Preschoolers get a free ride. • For more -infomation. call 227- 4204or 227-1213. Lucan's Ride Back in Time features local actors including, . fromeft, Mike Anderson, Coby gutter and Donna Jones. The !flay 10 event consists of historical skits performed si- multaneously around a race track while the audience watch- es from wagons. SABLE.. 873 t' Y! 7,44 " ,e7F f The Ausable Bayfeld Conservation Authority, volunteer students from South Huron -High School and four area schools made a contribution to the_ environment during Earth Day -last week. Students from Exeter Public, McCurdy Public; Usborne Central and Precious Blood schools picked up garbage found on and around school property. SHDHS students helped out by showing the youngsters what could be re -cycled. A,nu .tuber of local businesses -con- tributed by donating gloves and garbage bags 'and some provided refreshments. Usborne Township Deputy Reeve Rob Morley poses with -Usborne students, from left, Pervy Kirk, Mat- thew Miner, Jennifer Veal and Chandra Dougall. is an the alt.. Exeter Times -Advocate Hap you: To}acesI a a. -o R��� 41' 5 laila"e401A To loses to area sri‘jingles describe a thentsdres or tore ad fo ads, calf 1-900.451-4323 Ext,13i ' ur ff''li2. ilYieleptirsib& MNwi6 �y4we� err w Maw arN ewe • tdl�rrorr vN.w.ro'.. �.► see 00 Fematee9�t. �bWes 9ASICImERES'0 C4EI EKeifr i no re shy SW5it. asrhnqortq. o504703 tux de. r. , . $2.49 per mminutee?p161'10 19891 L4 -ut. s A4. - _ cutgg considerate s *00 loves annuls. WHAt PO YOU LIKE/ *04.7663 • SWF. 61.5. blue eyes. senFrNFe4 swigs • GET t0 KNOW ME danon9 walks. the beach. see699 honest Fotlg red SWF. 19. 53'. black net, brown cants fun -burg WY Ada 9663. eyes. *goys rea0m9, camping• darc99 seek - 99 honest. emcee, rig. "ca'99 51.1 Ada 6622 W MY WORLD ' Pr167 cod 5W mom. 26 5.6'. 13071. .006093 tif4341, walk4. The bexh,-0'441. seeking store. pesanal4 SM. caro likes cnsse, Ade9623 • CAP0IYATE ME Phyfca6/ fl SWF-27, sr. 030es. auburn Pal ',al Fla eh071 104 Mdoces..hfe weer ,ane9, rack prrpr+q. camping seekn9 threst 1oyak VAdkosg SY Ade 5066 04110 0140W ME SWF. 40-56'. 20374. dank down hu. bbe 1763.9704 94009.0N. enjoys Cooking Dean - n9 040* cath kids. sees not. An400us. good -bakes; 5M Ada 6101 BELIEVE at SWF. 27 tat dart nee tine eyes. good pet- sanaky. etre:Awed. enjoys Swmenng. Ocoee dancng seek happy. 0009 511 AO( 4676 MUST LIKE KIDS SWF 32. 56', 14075. smoker. frown Ng Mut eyes. 90ety 449om9 4nd071il en101e read % gong to wads, seeks kind 5M. Shan or non-ORAN Ads 7186 EVERYDAY LIFE 51NF. 54. sr. ;ayes -64966 nae. TWA` ryes. cdwc4. easy90n9. essays 070041. arra% troot seeks honed, hu o9ou4 SM AS 6162 SOFT-SPOKEN IM969e04. nc02btkng SWF. 42, s -r. 11577. frown hoe blue eyes. enjoys muse. mosses. 06a44 seeks sncee SM- 35-45 who 4 0e - ahoy easy9099 Ade 7900 LIKES TOMMY SWF. 30.1209. bol( Restos. easy t3 901 along kWh. 40 Oys 4ar.cm91?k'F'9 ea's, lor:9 trivet seek good 1006.9 SM. 413 s^aa' 444%3(1 Ade 7645 000N. CALL! SW mom 28, 57. dune'. GA eyes. funny. waving. Wes tattpq bkpg. sanitises 04t dew* and dhan'dsome Ae,s. setts 6417 M. M+o 4 LIKES SPORTS Nee. Mtra0tv4 SWCF, 43. enjoys *awl 54094g. yarn; ienms wants 10 meet a SCV to cdnpan0ns'9 posse* b9 teem sera. 000909 A469977 A BIT SHY -Ower. humorc4 .0091014 SWF. 49 dal 04e gees eyes. med,.m height enjg3 read n9 annsale see6e9 honest. kind 5M 4a 7855 OE NICa1 SWF 20. 55•. shot redden down 'wgreen eyes. 1"01070enjoys hockey gNlet x004 w61 fonds. 54ekrg easy9099 0041<101' 5M Ade 4676 PROet.S4, MAL CAgog" SWF, 26 meows bye. brownish Mond nor? 9044, Cps, NjOtt 008694 091. horseback ,00, SnpMOl•ang OOt5an. seek Arrows. rrustw00hy SM Ada 9116 A SURVIVOR WN-tM•d. WN-npby'ed WOE 44. p6ys'- caey 5acut6. twang An404. 0401St 0740 talc SM, *m a eve proof chea4460 Ade 3425 • GREENEYE9 (kAgor'9 SWF 25. S'r. bows Ort Nes bk. r% 064119. !scants swcnmhg. raaM9 re- Pg g00Shed 49. 5144 090000 1, 0WCh.. gong SY 68 9 RESPECTFUL Oval. Ns/W44 SWF, 49. 53'. 17504. bnAW%, Nes classeal 6 901*! 0049.4. 144 00,0411, *7uld 0186,.M Y. 300900 con, COrel i aa who e 844 6796 noels dna TURTLE FAN Y«K.Ovi. op,nmt44d SNCF. 23. 5 1' Myth hal. 90eeA,gee, le. WN ae Wears annuls. reed% arced wet 840440104- texeca 15M Ade 6527 MOTHER OF ONE . SW Mr'. 29. Mown Kae, toe ryes. n36Ws are ra4379 her 110 year OU Oiu44.0. walks. moves seeks poste. respectful SY. to snap sm,es «R. Ada 6435 • BEAUOFUI Owgong SWF, 20. 5. 11001. Suture. WOW. *9lyed. 5.91779 10990'9. IF* 04- doWi daug 05A- good conon0at1ons seeks ease to gel Yong', 43. sincere 5WM Ada 9011 NASHUMAR Ready SW man 21, 5 r. 406 497 peed. blade tag. Ma eyes. 00y0ys darty;. manes. taking web. 9040 hemn90 'ea4 Sts seeks cent easyg0n9 neeA91015A4 Ade 5549 • WHAT DO YOU ENJOY? SWF, 21. s'r, 15571. 64eeo4 biome. enp7s danm9, wrong poetry. walk. *bras seek1 handy na•Sf. (3009 SM. who Wes chdaen. A015282 VERY WDEPENOENT ' Muscular SWF, 40. 5'6'. down hielyee. bubbly. 9re986441. 4np1091d, ens mew rlwg. *ekes; god, seeks cochlea. era. . IOuI.. 1Ku'1 SM. who n 50Kcess'u1 Ad( 9919. - SM' YEt 0W00040 S.W. 26. dyed Hack tar due eyes. N5. enpo/ed. enjoys sOaN, sports. lading seeks Torte% romvNc SM. NS woo Wes world; M. Ade 9919 WANG MOM SWF, 24 56', bn04e nae owe tett 049o - Ing, envoys OowA.gbaseball long wait. .44elt g 30^'00141. 0.00110 SM. who. Nes ti10en Ads6600 TREAT HER EQUAL' have. Malay SWF. 49. 5'. 1209 enjoys (44409. gardening *400394, 41.099 mores. r04 40C 3nr4rs, hate4 seeks hon- est SM. tangle a 01186'0nf39 Ade 3290 ANVDUTD00RACTMTY Fun3a rg. we%roved SWF, 56, 51'. 1600, down hag enp70 sits% Swish ' rung 44099, 0009 010 fr14ea, sesta behest hue 511 Ada 9300 cant SKIES WITH YOU Gc4(Oa99 SWF. 49, Ore, 014Meght• Seat p40100404 byes Maes *albs ant M0. Ms 7474.39640. Nuts he3(' set eel SM, web a sent d Nina AM 906E KEEP YOUR WORD Brunel% SWF. et•590. normal might. •',473 ;x440.09. 60940406 rdn g. was deafest 84674, peaCN4 5M, ewe opens a'd esden Ade 2546 SECURE £EMPLOYED/ Aeraase SWF 42. 57 Mut ey 34]•'31. w04 NW, 410W/ed. 04091 an0499. 23I1ng ee With 10001 14441 1pOnt6- .47,4 04043( SM *015657 ' CAREFREE & CLASSY SWF le 56 sersgebud. Moiled Mona. 42473Dngstudentsag's prang wln h9ndS. I,r'le Me1r,"1.1. NutW Sates f%e y Du - tchene SM Ada 9%6 ' CHARMING NLONDE Wry. 0101 SWF. 25, Sr. 1059 . g'ay Ops. •'kis swe'rren9, pool walks. 40Cwak0e9. seek Arnraas. hwr..y happy. cm43eu. n0ncnhcalSM A419411 GRACE LAND FnP5ly: Mswop SWF. a3. 5e. rad nag. cosec's Etat r'Wroa049, sea1mn9 to area c4r'9 tun SUM. %10404 W cam Ada 1415 - SWEET DARLING SWF. 50. S1', Monde has. Klee edes• s4040 000944696 Wrests ^etude M- 4oe eca(.1s. sewn cal mks wog SM, for caArn9 3mes AM UN FOR ORACEIAN01 Fun to be *eh SWF, 42.5'4'. ted her. glut 07 1'100110. 104041 0411(09 9901 and Pas mwroa1lu s1/as tamest O'A900g. ohmic: cu6at SM Ad1 3502 • • 4111110 1�F Confidential! We know you would rather not discuss your personal life with a complete stranger! Auto Ad allows you to use your touch- tone phone to answer questions about yourself and your ideal mate. You record a greeting arid we tum it into a print ad. No live operators and no waiting! ••. AMBI10U56A611CULAOE SWF. 15.51 tae eyes. eel -9000(74. pot, 004 bendy. ,Me•esl.^9. 00,079 (39.74 sOCW3n9. t'e arts. seeks passionate. 01go ng. NS move SM. *3o espysagra tee Ade 9073 • BLUE-EYE0 BRUNETTE Wel-educred. 903437 SW ram. 31. 57'. lue-?gored but not urge, eneys aerobes. p'arng on me computer scwpeu wants la meet an haest. deck.. 5M. 5 9'..'0 stare Ye "*00 M19251 - ' GREAT BIG SMILE SF. 25 51', 41141 blonde has. the eyes. enj071 horseback tidal. se:.ng. not rq. snit- .% latng, seeks evroTu4 hy'e00. un3e•slan4n9 SM. A418831 - 00060' PERSONAL! re OWE 47 57'. bide nag Teen eyes. easy to 910 erg em- en0y3 '02009 Mari M. the. bean. Pea 0.Ur5Ns. seeks 0M2s' CS.'.3. rrma'•4 5M ace 3625 - y Ia5W1ERE5T57 ce SWF, 19.55'. blue-eyed blonde. student 2',0ys spa's. sees .ntee34nt. r 01 7"=`d ._;km3 SM Ade9215 T00CH OF CLA55 Bobby. • oul9ptg SWF, 49.57' 145.14. 'spm Ng. hes 004'n9 horses, skr99 scar* mg.; seeks honest. COns06041e. .0p'ront. 'esponste SM. Ade 9136 - - A 6000 FRIEND TO BE WITN Funny. hardy SW5 23 5'r. 6've.ey64 Gore. enjoys 64.N. seeks hen4y. tiusl q. hottest SM Ada 9616 - 5tIM AHD CONSIDERATE ;teasel. efuma0us SWF/ at 5'r, auburn tar Due ayes. seeks weep. kW sense.* Su who bekeves n God Ade 4003 • teem ON 609E PA9.rg. prWni61W SE- 50. Cr. 611411 nae blue eyes. appy: art seeking 9910' sla7rg humorous SM Ada 8501 SNARE EASY 111E Healey. nappy SWF, 55. ea *0,ao d nerd work Opp gong to dances. 4009 puzzles. que1M000 al home. would 1410 meet a nee SY. who 4 pleases to be nth Ada 1766 ' IM INDEPENDENT Outgoing SW man. 31. 53'. dart nag. blue eyes un4 103014 a •'4 enjoys walks. manes. - tene wth her kids & Mends. crafts. seeks can 30.4 X0044- run SM, who Nes chicken•. - --QST LADY - 5WF. 31.3 4', 9040 auburn has. ban eras. huNw stay wagon; likes spats. waan9. axing oaf' tiles, seeks cann9 SCM. N'S, won 4 7340 445 sellar nleres04 A4* 7063 • EASY 101 GET 101040w Fuo t9a'e.1 SW mom. 19. 43'e 61x4* 'H•. Owl eyes e0007s 000043x6 0.49. 73009 /Ail (-•e a *1,.300. sews nCe. 9001 tacking SM who 303910 be wen Ada 9761 L0YE5 HER JOB Funbvna SWF, '8. 56'. 12591. entoys spats. a 4or9 anything outdoes :«ants 00 mere a- •"elf ge't good 0o*r9 5V ': g; ;,•' end nave a l nt fu^ wan 4.3( 6370 • • HAPPY -GO SULKY . 570443 SWF 46. 51. cern tar gees eyes.'8.45 044309 43,'elr9 04 pants; 000k 99 to honest. up tort. 0(100410 5M 447 7375 WAt0HE9990095 Pete/ SWF. 25 s r. canoe 'a • lk.e eyes M9arg Student. eny091 h00Se*act long. Ming, seem•'.'" seeks honest snore bustwrhy 5M Ade 2324 - LET 56E Howse *040396 rod SWF 25 52' Ory 6004.047. Veen eyes. Nes o N01y 95 M w,T he"ds. watch hockey 'oolong to tunny. eTadna!y stable SY to snare a vestal .41404409 444 2303 MUST DE ATHLE110 Blade, 2414e SWO.. 39. has real eyes. Nes to 13041 a lot have a 900d len. 4 Wry ectwe el sports easy Ice 707sc41914 SM.lo she. same (rests A019019 THE GIRL NEE DOOR Shy 610.rst SWCF, 25.5 3'. med4m bed Wes *07409 ''Mels rea4F9 bolds 04.979 M nen 1nen4, lookgg you wel-msnner44 SCSI. 4000 also gots 10 01$40 re9ley Ale 5778 NO HEAD GAMES Pete SW mem 26, 015as . down tar, 6k,* eyes .-Went 0.39]09 envoys Ong wound spots. seeks 141100. SKNe. roe 5M who enjoys Gds Ade 6549 - 000004906549447.95 - SWF. 25. 57. ire brow* has. green eyes. mews, butd. r'Noyed VOW, snip's Ms ng«aks mp43. see099 keronoC peso, - able SM M144470 • YOUN06 5H60EtY Good -ranged. ac0Y0 SWF 18. 54 . 130ts. Woes traps. enjoys 101 Mora. ',met 900* cps. leeks adranwe. happy SM Wader area A44 9799 WANTS SMOOTH 9A1kw46 - 'Hapcy SWF 29 59'. 409 4y bra to comfort. enjoys Deng round people. being *eh ny , sou sods Re Mdoorsseeks areal, Su3(. «r0y 5M. V o a Hetyoren'ed 304 9544 MMDOF HER OWN Fam1ir04n03 WAVE 49 55' 170ts. boon hag hazel eyes. /ems ere? 00494s. warts, good con5e'Ntm. sees SM. cam Sm Oar rreesb 9aasbn Ade 6347 SWEETIS44CERE - Am'Nc SWF 19. 5S'. 13004. free 0age7es NIKOS (00^9. a4tt,g, 92790 seeks 3Na0Me spo440eous SM. wen Nes *-meal *019903 Make Se*klrmlpp Fond?.* Cal 9.900.401.4325 r.t 139 t i $2.49 per minuts 414 _ • 015792106EAR Marled SWM 24. 4404yea. 3064ee KA444 coots4q rotharec wassells oda pa ether 3714 57, who Nee i3a0M *44 9435 t, REAL 9P0Rt SPAS 70, healthy SOF tacv1 401031 yam, 'e.g. %dna /troy. 9verry. cast. andreSS Mtt.'s. wap to a Ace 00y. can pass4n a0,/ est3Db0ed SF. % store Gays Mt S636 • FRAN09 MST SWM. 34 6s,•. 03501, bn9 AO Ns. *Ago r9. *My 10 911 NOn9 wt«. t.",44. 400975 (001,8 MOWN. C141‘.r HOS I4,. cwsecan4. Weal SF Ade 4)24 Instant Mal(hinrt; Our database does the work for you! We start searching for your suitable system matches immediately after you place your ad. 'to hear greetings from those who fit your crite- ria, all you do is call 1.900.431-4323 Ext. 13S (32.49 per minute). • NOW ANOFOREVER Attach.* SWM. 24 5s, • 7C0s-brew•+.na.. Obi eyes enjoys 677'1 mee199 peace. sees hvslwrty tunny dawn -00.1300 57 Ads 9690 - • 5EE HOW IT GOES • Dut9orn9 SWM. 30 61'. 23500 . wr9 Drown • 0030 erfp+0yea "odes :c pliers.seekseats passive* hunl]us cr '00 'nenns0p Ys1 Ma 7324 OsmoONA1100 . SW11. 21. 5e'. 15004 0p- 6,own 330. • gees eyes "*est 1u 0ny. 60profed enjoys 0Curea'n tar; "9000 Ca••p"9seeks phys- ically 11 SF •w 9, 4902• "•'ere$o Ade 568' RESCUE MY HEART P0009002. upbeat 5M. 58 58'. 113L's. bxd tar. enjoys 43.0`^9 and dno9 04. seekm3ge93'as p'yrcaiy'e SF Aye 6566 7 HAND IN HAND Vey 0.ea10y WA. 10 enthuse 64.09. ,et•e4 Gres Sae tat* ren'4 b60; w30s god 5a..s 7':e! 4470 090 4r 09 N1. seekS' COmca4ble SF's co09a"415mp Ad48754 - - FROM NOW ON • Ft endo S2M-3e.20.:ts Gown hat 40j070 tee n',se 400.•25 *sties to meet caul.- ur3estan409 SF to enjoy tee wan Ade 1323' LOVES LIFE & H15 JOB Nappy SW dad. 30. Sr. 19594; Gown het. Wtbo are hockey, baseball. gra. '09010 eg. seeks cnee490 SF who Ives to 9.2 5.4,04 Ads 4460 -LIKE FARM LIFE? 5W0.1 35.57. 185ts . down hag the eyes. .sty. easygo09 400y3 p'ryo9 50.3110.121 ,9 Wats "10044. seeks 0140140010y'9.373772 . Sr Arte 8266 SENSE OF HUMOR - 5WM. 24. 62' 2201. 6434ryed blonde. Iauglf a lot. 41ry'ay44. kkes 003749 n714 14Mnn9b m4k. rectos* awes. seams "use 030nane1. ine%sF Arta 2702 PERFEC110N7 0,4gp0g 544, 3e. 67. 195os . employed. enjoys campug..the M30Cri seeks ppen- nwbed. honest. trustworthy SF. to a Teas - 9944 re!ald'snp *3/ 4111 • 50 MUCHMORE - Hurroous $WY. 20. 56'. 19709 Glad hat. enjoys carputerl. beach wads. srowmwt1- 09. rearing the Stk. seekr9comm.,ca! se. compattle SCF Ade 8631 - 50 MUCH MORE *112(10,. e9pkye3 SWM. 26. 16515. k9r1 frown nag. 11ue eyes. envoys moves. Oer1wan 119039 u (049 k detonable. detnable Sr - Ade 9096 • ' •50AMAZING Fu*b0, 9 empla;e4 SWV 35 5.0' 11513. 0,0.10)061.3'. 4'<y5150nng 03-9- 0.9 nocke9. 97109. se0n9-7N3rab4 SF 351e 2192 • &REA! Gut' Easy931; SYN. 30. dose rag (.104(34. post ye, kkes 00ld000 act saes. tended. het • '09 homesho00. seeks Oases '0 *410. te,. 1vate Sr *de 2993 l IFEIONG MA' E 0,3.0' ].;3.•03 SWM 24.59 !Efts en•0ys 1,0t7Cy0140 400 .09 ape, ]044(4 acme es. seeka9 a 00044602:4 54 w00 S 9004 cam cnl00en All 4213 'SPEAK YOUR MIND Easy90ng SWM. 34. 5'10'. setts I10 can nage 2442 01es: 6,170 sports. (13109 rat spendn90004 cam WS seek hg 0 rte SF, who 6 easy ;'ark to A4? 9513 1039 own - wn 1u1 5941. 25 61'down tag 114 4721. MplCte4 7',(70 re 44444s sports. seekg9 ru+9en1. eronaus 904 007"71 SF Ade 7767 . 5HARE MY LIFE SWM. 50 58'. 16Cts .7.74'4 include swmmn3 stamp caked 9 9r•0;es.'con-• cae0tn9lookn9 to. SF Ace 8759 - BUILD A FUTURE • 527 happy SWM. 03.56'.170ts . rameown. N. enjoys 1s0n9 w^on9 lag walks. 0.7030; r, meet a Doe 1,15 5 04 who wou'd s00e4a4. we 16 son *lams, 0319910 ' - EASY TO PLEASE • - G-M'Jk-3 SAY. 19, Wrested :^.sports a-:.GRbng lO•n9s wants %meet a cute SF. 03 spend tel w73 *3(2237 HOCKEY FAN SWM. 28. 6s,. 21074 'sycng tumorouo. 5x'30, enjoys ors. 1:'0.es. seeks 040- (09'460I SF *da 9693 SFARK(OR LIFE • • 4301sre 5WM. 31. -1r'. 16071 .long 4ark Farr easy9003. enobyed. 21193 4004naR- -*g. the teas seeks 30101. shm N'S. 6ngh1 sr *3' 3E9' •• CANOE 5E1b0U5 SWM. 35. heaWset muscut3'. gac49. (.3700 sve emekye4kkes maycyces: works; cn. Wel 0-093. long wa.•40 seeks to-ar0e. 00-93120159 A443541 : - •LEI5 TALK SOON Avatar INA $M. 24 Irq bpwn hag hue eyes. •'joys meetn9 new people. play7n9 mise. 0340 games. re4399. warts la meet a sweet cars; SF fa l•e^dsnp, maybe rno•e Ada 3046 THE 6000116E . *.eragtrbckmg SWM. 22, keepi active. enjoys 4'93 tut. 03rcng wat0h,ng moves seeks sncere. honest $E *00 401 try, era ues10 lake 1009 ']Tonle ways lyll 1391 JOKES A BN SWM. 28 down hag bum eyes. 04418 good bang. toes Mldg'9.44+00; poets. hep • ng k4s. seeks car.ng. 1e13up901199 SCF Ade 7745 IN6f NEW East Hien SCM, 55.5 t1'. 1959barb', qty 030„p 10.050nal. Inlays a *4040. 3 .Meres10, seek•n9 11001st. 70443301. SF Aa 3317 A51AM 34004000014501362590'. blond hrg gasses. en0079 9ng404e11e9q COOM1n9 O4 IONS. '4192 0ea0ng 0040. party ng seen? SE. 1161 S1rear ,mN0S1. la pp0t14 .e140040*p AP 8731 ROMANTIC 510E1 SWM. 34 22541. shy, tunny 470,0 60rw•9' baseball. mp41, sluts ea0y9Yg u• Ye 0040009 SF who 4 fug 13 be w61 Ade 7314 MM CM4(4 SWMs4A5. 23. 10E46 slaky1EETarea 930+0 halo 604 eyes. Met 1441% 0.099 •eacen9 sweeten; SF, who has a weggcu0403 ch4.4014. Ada 7796 A CARING IPIDMOUAI Hwy 5WM, N. sr. 1459. long Drown 4033 *0061.00 4911 5041 407031 0303 mo3' e1.N0tn3 4430913 s• i^0e4t'0e'l Iva 5F, ro 4 *4931a make a re3ashc wet Ada 9260 BUe0IYOUA0NY How:y 0Yfl9. 43. 56'. 16000. 600.0 M, but 1790. M9009 10,071 Mckry 9awes fsh'n9 to w11I 649 0ee60 40.9444 wet groomed Sr. 440 a rod peons Ada 9312 t•KE5 fO WAIK t • 5100 11 5'7. bow, ha' Kw eyes 6097 enjoys woof w00n9 tercel P4 3010001 30069p 000 newest 34(07 %hens') SF . 47114' C SWEEP 411061, F,nry 5V151 30 Me et el cord 14'1 0044 cwt 60090724. enjoys outdoor 444445. seeks smear. Vendee gD04ockng here out hotly warts SF who 054104134 on Pe mope Ate 6567 • • 'Cowart Ha SYN 41, 511'. 20413 df'. sea a 7' enl07shs79hn9 (4 3 shap9.341460 300 .93 301r'ous S. *so'kes l0IsyAde 9829 CANOE SHY AttaQW 5W dad. 3'. 6. 1909. rely DM3 ham. brown 2741 0.91,000u0. 0416. ' 4090074 1 4b1= Was,. err seeks Ma00 (H, Poway %Kerr 5F. WO Hes (41 *410136 • FOR WHO FAM • Fun 86 1941 SWM. 10 medum131 bob mu1Cule 4995910. Mgt na6e7. 14104 walks. sh7 909 • '',Overtly 5F Ade 9646 . de teuatut, Year dr1 SWM, H. Pearl M pilot en101s long 11002641 41.04 1009 4911 oarnq 0e a 84140?7 55: eAo May ids Ada 2000 COUNTRY BOY pagon9 5WM 20.55'. 146ts , Gown rag bke eyes. enjoys paying spans hu'10n- '9.-snOw00ohng Seeks 14974E 5e. egg, s*1W nteresrs. Ade 3084' WITTY IKIMOR SWM. 21. 510'.• 16506 hum4.ous. -4.0.90oyed. enjoys working 041. cOoesing ;nose.. baw99. seeks; honest, easy099 road*. SF, 1a post* le'ab0rsrp Ade 3786 WANTS A T14NKER Ss" SWM. 20 den t!ue eyes a 411'02 hype loves to pati. ksle'• 1a must. read' tools btke9 for as eten9er4 SE cane .1 mte'esre3 9 the want round them Ada 195* AGE WEIGHT HEIGHT7 SWY. 23 ^e4vm 63,0. eaSygOing Mpys ..944.'9 Focley .'.307 6 toa04!.. seeks humorous. 0.in ks.rg SF Act 3539 • NEED A HUG* Husky SWM. 27 6 0 19004. fussy enpbyel. enjots canoeing (meet. goo: 6.•res. see '3 'ustwrny: Irut0ul. tones! SF 17 4'3.2 tele cath A199738 • WISHFUL THINKING SWM 12 S8'. '740 easy3009 enjoys Wes.; •.a w3'Chng marts seeks 019:'9 S7. cath spew .n1Nests Ada 1583 M GOOD SHAPE 5WM. 25 56'..35ts :Geld 'a• eyes. peso^a0'e. tumorous. 44er!..7.0 nardw3Lng. lees Znaw•-ct0.n3. 037,3 seeks werOelse3 canp3'ak. grog S Ade 6515 • FEEL FREE IO TALK. • E 97'oied SW dal. 27 510' 1859'short dad hag • bSe eyes' eri0ys wocosson y 1'0010000 •spendn9 hme w•th ny kids. wZr1s U 0ee1 a •ru11w]•i•y 5e. ty p3sst!e 0e'3•00ns'9 Ada 7191 HAPPY MALI 5W1.1 30 58'. gasses. '-,5'ahe. some 1•hes runny errp0ye4..590 w004w0k0g sr;wmobsrg. seeks tee, sincere Sr tit 736 , - • BE TTER0IMNAYERAGE SLYM 23. 63'. 1600ba-a4 Hes. 930044. tunny .rrpl01e3. kms Doer 93. ware's6039. 5now7Obt seeks ha, - est easy9ong. run-loeug 5F cam goes Ate 9524 ANON -DRINKER - Laotack SYN. S0. 6. ark Kae. t40wr eyes en30 (0(0ea16,9 0311k0 seeks N$ u1' Fa4 0MeSt. halppy.go-IIKky SF 003'e ',"w w47 47. 6591 • (0000 PERSCe4ALITY Asera9eJ00keg SWM 30. ' 165ts. nee 6010 .e^flys Sn0«tnpb lr9 • 0900,061 Cr000 Country 'sw.09, seeks, nCe SF 0011203. • EaseY to 941 Hong w 10 •501. 24 3 r 170ts d0wneh.twn3 hag. Wel eyes. enjoy? tshing-Campeg 010'* wa0s wen Ia'n y 33g. seeks tun -100055F Ada 9432 COLLECTS MAGAZINES Fun. 004200'12'-30 -0,1091 0001431. 01193 SW51 22. 62'. Wow; na0eyes. enjoys d'areng. *30009 4400114 4401. seeks senseve arm; SF Ade 9636 • IN Go0D 5HAPE East Tech, WY2 dad. 67.61. 200ts easy wag Woad e';0ys w4k..7g on ant93e ars. Seek, 002109. ea1y90309. arng SF Ada 309? • . NON-41306MENIAL SWM. 48 Ferry 609003rd. 2040ys gar. 4e00-09 03i4e5306 04009 104119 0w03 Ca0pw9. WYSS serous 00013Me, 4307g0- ,'9, honest sign SF Ade 4320 ' LOYALOYAMUST' E^e'geto SWN. 30 6. 18510 Gown ra• Ne VMS' erloys working 0u1. -lore. 43'7- 49 aQF $14ee6Kg1 500400. 3083(154.. 4!Ktona'e $F A • NOJEALOUSYREASE' SWM. 47. 57. 18594. bond has. b1.e 4711.1.Oy'S hur009 boating moves seek - 00g hustwrlly. honest Sr. A0a 7346 Not BAD LOOKING. Humorous. t1 can tt seas Still 46 5 9 SPT 6.14. mustache. r'edyo 9004 ca' 'kesron. antiques. camping garage saes s4Ns SF, *'O 3 -easy w 971. Hong we: 034 7446 WILDLITTLE GUY. SWM. 35. 7359. b'on3 04, hazel ryes. . nor Dad •.o(An9 .Tpwye3 . Nes' tbhr3 nests rke 044(0-see01 ad rerous n0^ - est Cr aterte SF Ada 9590 WANTS TO et HAPPY Peres $YpM 59 531'.17595.0099 Ea• - ,r9, •'071 mp'e4: 04.0,19 bk.; walks seeks monogamous honest SF. who 6look • • meg la 40(400.7 speedo add 1680 SOMEONE TO TRUST • ou'9rn9 SW dad. 27. 511'. 2259, den • ear green eyes. a On. Wei 10 woe around Ise house. bang la honest 5T. ro 4ny *x44 to say *0318 41 her 0044,4 Ade 9368 . . MME ME HAKY O109om3 SWM. 45.59'. teats . born tai hue eyes. 404071 wog. chem; cowry 04St '003149 to an honest. humor ,s easy93 09 5F Ade 7657 TRUST EACH OTHER " ' P0A05 DRUM5 Fury SWM. 25. average t-'^ an be sen. 0us 2,10,0 )'9 s3:e• 23115x, and rat.. •. *y ':2873 seek; el•31032 790473S: depended* 57. to spend 30041,•01 stn ?4(9133- - • REtATION5Hlr7 SNI! 31. F9'. '9360.43,003' N 0'))247 41016330..'41-3.d•r-r3;.0 •n -.es 1-.1g eal60. seeks 33w^ '7ea'' 4'0011 Sr. Ado 4357 • • FAMILY LIFE ' Nevetn.a'red. ch140*se 5WM 34. 130ts'. brawn ra • eyes. ares 4y4,9 Bobs. wood. work '9. 06050 racily C..430095r. p•0era347 1ha4t0s 231 1727 ENHANCE Ref LIFE 004ect0341t SWM -38 2 O'hed. e'4ys • rea3s9w300w04n9. commune, watt. seek "09 1•,1w0My 5F '00 poste re'86gl^shp .6310557 HAS 9.74149 IN PE OPLE Sry 13,14h4 rg 5W01 22.5 8'. enjoys same • scadsnee long Iva*s M 4.e teach. the de. 3415 w3Mi t0 meet 3 "u3(w0Py 5! . 10 sh3•e a ustr9 re4bai'p Me 8326 0.4 NOT A 0R,NKE R Srcre 5WM 57. 59,•'.550.1 3300 heath lives% noble 608699 the 0140000. arc see30 1303' (30009 sn3•:03 'y,'. 005995F.041903$ NAVE SIMILARMIER[515? Caring shce4 SWM. 30. .6 0. down hl reies. enf013 cc -4,143. sag *ass. MAK WNW* 3aMet. 0000/093000. seeks I06nq 'o'es1. en'Ned 5F no 930+•es Me 9673 • • SNOR165WEE1 SWM. 19.6. 1700.000 .00099 e'00y3 weer 15'31 090 00Y0n9.9X41mes .seeks tn. lers Ade lug Tir All You Need to Know • 7 piece a yoke greeting CAT 1.400-213.7516 Er1.135, enter ag6on 1 21 taws to Men to ads or km your message CAW 1.9004514323 ERE135, $? 49 per Mande. ester (9640 1. - . 10 Osten 10 messages cal I.600213.7514 (01135 enter opal 2 once every 7 days fa FRU E ce cel 1.9004514323 40.135 52 49 per treadle enter Optoa 3 To hien to Or, N you moose. lure a message for your Suitable System *kW cal 1.9004514323 Ea1.135. 5219 pet mek4e. ever op10n 3. For complete conlbemyaldy gore your Instant 6fadbor nwraer nstea4 01your pMn FOTO( when joy leave a message C39 1.9001514323 EEt.935, 52 49 per mixes erect Op100 3 10 hien to responses tee tar you and Mod cal cafes your tepees were wad 65 ,. 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