Times Advocate, 1997-04-16, Page 101 axe 10 1 line=, Advocate, April 16, 1 q9,
Stephen Central's Time and Talent Auction
Stephen Central Public School held its
"Extravaganza Night" Time and Talent
Auction on Friday night. Above, Ron
Johnson after directions from his wife,
holds a live rabbit with
assistance from
At right, Josh
displays his
donated prize-winning
fowl Brett Coulter also
donated his time as an auctioneer. The
successful event raised approx. $5000
Achievement Night held in Granton
By Muriel Lewis
Grunion correspondent
GRAN FON Sympathy is ex-
tended Irons the community to the
family of Norman Hodgins former-
ly of Granton who died on Wednes-.
day, April, 9 Funeral service was
held at St' 1alt es Anglican Church,
St. Marys on Saturday.
Spring • must have _turned the
wrong corner and run into. winter
1 arry Lewis has returned home
and is visiting at his home in the
At.thecGrantun United Church 00
Sunday, April 13 Pastor Normalie
Voakes entitled her sermon 'Busi-
ness Mtg' base on lessons from
Acts 3, I John 3 and Lukc 24.
At St. Pauls Anglican Church in
Kirkton the Rev. Glenda Meakin
led the service of morning prayer.
Her message was that God is al-
ways near and His presence can be
felt in all creation.
The spaghetti. supper is being
held April 20, 5 to 8 p.m.
The general UCW meeting was
held on Tuesday evening April 8 at
the church. President Doreen
McRobert opened with a reading
'Mirror' and the Lord's Prayer. The
guest speaker was David Whiting
of Lucan who was one of a group
of 40 perple (orni London Confer-
ence who went this past winter to
Bluefields, Nicaragua.
These volunteers went down in
four work groups for two weeks
each to put a roof on a school addi-
Bluefields is located on the At-
lantic Coast of Nicaragua and nine
years ago was devastated by a hur-
ricane. Two years after the storm
volunteers .from London Conlcr
ence helped the Moravian Church
volunteers begin a much needed ex-
pansion to the school but the roof
was never finished until this • past
winter. Each volunteer had to come
up with $1200 to cover travel ex
pensesr Whiting was thanked by
Florence McRobert and presented
with a gift of money.
During the business the North
East Middlesex Regional Rally at
Zion United Church on April -24
was announced as well as the West-
minster weekend the last of May. A
•donation was made to the Bryans-
ton Sea Scouts to help thein attend
the Jamboree at Thunder Bay. A
special donation went to the M & S
fund in honour of the 35th anniver-
sary of the UCW: Also the group
donated money in support of the
Granton Vacation Bible School.
The Stewards Breakfast is to be
held April 20 (8 to 10:30 a.m.), the
Mother and Others Luncheon on
May 10, the Food Grains Kick-off
on July 6 when Humber Valley
U.C. of Etobicoke will he coming
Busy painter
Four-year-old Jessica Brock concentrates on T shirt paint-
ing with her Sunbeams group at Thames Road United
Church on April 3.
up for a service at St. Patricks R.C.
School the Anniversary church ser-
vice will bc June 8 with/Jim Swan
as speaker, and the beet supper is
scheduled for June 18th in the park.
The meeting was closed with
prayer by the president and Unit
five members were in charge of the
program and lunch
4 H Achievement Night
The Granton 4 1-1 club held their
Achievement Night on Thursday,
April 10 at the Mason's Hall. Lead-
er Jean Mcllhargey welcomed eve,
ryone and Mary Ann Ladell told
the gi uup about hei work as a
Uairy Educator and- promoter. She
also fired a host of questions at the
club members pertaining to this
project on milk makes it better and
the dairy industry in general. Ladell
was introduced by Krystal Harrigan
and thanked by Lenny Vanden
Berg. Leader Margaret Bryan fired
the questions for the Go for the
gold competition when teams were
formed and points given for the
quickest correct answers. Charlotte
Mcllhargey as youth leader did a
presentation on making butter from
whipped cream. •
Awards were presented by the
leaders to new members Lisa Dokt-
er and Scott Harlton for 6 clubs to
Lenny Vanden Berg ans4 for 12
clubs to Shannon O'Shea who. also
had the best book.
Geri Fashions visit Blue Water residents
ZURICH - Monday morning
Marlene Williamson as pianist and
Rev. Brian Williamson as assistant,
played hymns selected by the resi-
dents in a sing along in the auditori-
um. • The Williamson's enjoy fel-
lowship with the residents and are
always willing to assist when a ad-
juvant on duty doesn't have the
skills to tinkle the ivory and ebony
The residents of Blue Water Rest
Home enjoyed a day of shopping as
Geri Fashions of London came for
their annual .display of seniors
clothing. Family members assisted
the residents, the nurses checked
wardrobes for items each resident
might require, and the adjuvant as-
sisted with fittings. Resident Vivian
Fremlin assists the residents and
family members by sewing name
tags on all the new items at a small
fee. -
Wednesday afternoon the resi-
dents gathered in the auditorium to
watch "The Tall Tale", a Walt Dis-
ney movie 'about an unbelievable
adventure. •
Wednesday Beatrice McNab cel-
ebrated 86 years young with her
sister Della Gratton of Grand Bend
and Della'.s daughter Nancy,Hanni-
gan of London and their friends and
church members. A quiet gathering
beside the piano in the auditorium
was held to mingle and sing hymns
in tribute to Beatrice's birthday, but
also in memory of Della's husband
Lyman who's funeral ceremony
Beatrice was unable to attend earli-
er in the week.
Rev. Robert Graham, a retired
Nazarene Church minister conduct-
ed Thursday afternoon Chapel Ser-
vice. Fr. Matthias Wronski, St.
Boniface Church, Zurich celebrated
Friday afternoon the residents en-
joyed a bus trip into the country
with volunteer driver Jim Purvis.
Phlippa Steckle, Sarah Stewart, Su-
san Leslie, Clara Hamilton, Lottie
Gascho, Bob Carson and Kurt Geb-
el . visited St. Joseph Shore #l,
Grand Bend Beach and the South
Shore and looked at some freshly
caught fish. Then further south to
the Pinery and hack home again on
the county roads.
Saturday and Sunday afternoon
• the residents enjoyed watching
,."Dances with Wolves". The resi-
dents enjoyed afternoon tea in the
new west lounge and having mani-
cures as well on Saturday and Sun-
day. Sunday residents Bob Carson,
Clarence Gascho, Lottie Gascho,
and tenants Beatrice Rader and Ma-
rie Gingcrich attended Sunday
morning service at Zurich Mennon-
ite Church. Best wishes to Mac Fox
'Shalt Tin'
We offer 5 Targe bedrooms for
our bed and breakfast guests. We
also offer accommodations for
your off-site training and
meetings, private pool parties,
private parties and small
To make your arrangements,
please call
R.R. 1 Centralia
Capsule Comments
with Ernie Miatello
Everyone nas heard ot the "placebo', a medication
that has no active ingredients but still has a positive
effect because the patient believes in it. A new term
being used lately is 'nocebo-. This refers to a per-
son's fear anxiety, and hopelessness resulting in
negative expectations to therapy. The result is failure
of the therapy. Positive thinking is a great healer,
Our three saliva glands secrete about 1.5 litres of saliva every day. The largest
ot these glands is the parotid gland. Remember the mumps when you were a
kid? 0 was these parotid glands that were swollen and so painful.
Women shouldn't use their saliva to wet eye makeup. Mouth bacteria can be
citified to the eye in this manner and cause infections. Also, sharing eye make-
up with another is not advised. It could transfer infection.
Male impotence
fairly widespread lkrasearch Is r
ulate oal productto helpThdrugs problem.
ibe ten ut one trying
they are needed. Although still 1-2 years away from release, they will be an im-
provement ori current therapies involving penile injections and various mechani-
cal aids
We are having a "Womon'a Health Awareness Day" on April 25th
from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Olve us a call If you have any questions or feel
free to drop by during the day to speak to the registered nurse who
will be here.
Phone 235-1982 440 Main St., Exeter
"Your Health Care Pharmacy'
who is a patient at St. Joseph Hos-
pital, London.'
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leslie of Bay-
field enjoyed a birthday lunch with
Susan Leslie, who was celebrating
97 years young on April 8.
The residents look forward to an
April birthday party with Zurich
Mennonite Church on April 14,
luncheon out at Millingtons of Bay-
field and the Christian Reformed
Church visit April 15. April 16 it is
tea and poetry in the auditorium
and the Girls Club of Zurich Men-
nonite Church will entertain on
April 17.
—1 , r
Sales Respresentative
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Saturday, April 19
on hand to answer any questions and to do
(Exeter Only)
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A well prepared resume will help you
get the job you are looking for!
A resume detailing an applicant's work history and
education is extremely helpful to an employer who
is seeking a person for a specific job vacancy.
Your personal resume should accompany
your letter of application.
Here are some guidelines to follow in preparing your resume:
O Make it clear, concise and easy to read - and no longer
than two pages
O The resumes should be typed on 8 1/2" x 11" white paper
with enough white space to prevent a cluttered look
O Start with your name, address and phone number
O Next under a sub -heading "Work History" detail the
previous jobs you've held - in reverse date order
- that is, last job first.
O Use a separate paragraph for each position and
precede it with the dates you held that position.
O State the job title, a brief description of the
responsibilities - and the results you achieved.
O The next section of your resume should come under the
sub -heading of "Education". Start with the highest
degree obtained or grade completed, followed by the .
name of the institution at which you studied. Follow
this with previous education attainments. At the end,
list any specific instructional courses you have
attended, in conjunction with your work.
O Under the sub -heading "Affiliations", list memberships
and/or offices held in professional or industry
O Under the sub -heading "Personal Interests" list any
activities which you feel will be of interest to the
employer - such as volunteer work, etc.
Your letter of application and your resume will be the
factors jhat make the employer decide whether to short
list ou for an Interview. So make It as Impressive
as you can - but stick to the facts.
We can help you get an impressive and
professional -looking resume
Call Debbie Lord at
424 Main St. Exeter (519) 235-1331