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Times Advocate, 1997-02-26, Page 19
• Al / Times -Advocate, Febriiary 26, 1997' Page 19 Defence visitor John Richardson, second- from right, checks out activities. of the Grand Flotilla, composed of seven corps of sea ca- dets visiting Centralia international Academy on- Sunday. Richards. is parliamentary secretary to the- minister of na- tional defence.' Acce %ding to academy president Tbm 'Law- son, this is the fir time the institution has been -given such attention. Questions about education Oueslion of the Week OSST(' Itistrict 45. issued the:third of live Question. til the Week to he issuedlhroughout the months of February and March. The question being asked by'Hunjn's Secondary School teachers lav posted in front of Secondary Schnols across !Junin County and the -Province of Ontario) of the • Conservative government is as follows:: Helen Johns ;N/'P Huron, wrier go%ernment'i recent anions have t!ornwi edueanon and schools into turmoil, the ,morale among teachers and In . parnrtilar .support staff is approaching an all time low:.(Jur question this week . concents the outscorilig of educational service.S and their downloading in . inraticipoiliue.s. •r What guaran/ee wit l etre ,'iveminent make to tasparet.rthat costs tire. government defines as Nin-elassrocnn including' instructional support as facher assistants hnd office staif custodial and maintenance -services, . construction capital and pupil transportation,'a total of approsintately'52.8 - billion. will not he added to their municipal taxes in addition to the other costs downloaded on municipalities? Will tour goverrbnent -guarantee to continue prat•iding what it defines as "nun- classroom "-services' . Bill 104 not only cuts the number of school boards and trustees, limiting accountability to the local taxpayct, but it-crcates an undemocratic,Education Improvement Commission to oversee the elected trustees not only in .1997, but until the year 2000. Further this commission is directed -to "make - recommendations to the Minister of Education on how to promote and facilitate,the outscouring of non -instructional services by district school boards." a. The Ministry of Education. through its study 01 education costs. has • redefined the Ontario Classroom stating that;services such as heating. lighting. •office and custodial service.. transportation. school capital and maintenance arc 'nom -classroom' expenditures and as such are not included in the government's commitment of funding for classroom education as outlined in "The Common Sense Revolution". . The Minister of Education and Training has announced that the business functions of school -boards such as custodial and maintenance services should be provided by non -school board employees, and further has stated that municipalities will pay for construction costs and provide non -instructional services. This could mcanthat these functions may he downloaded onto already burdened municipal tax bills. The Puhlic Deserves to Know who will be responsible for such expenditures. • OSSTE. founded in 191.9, has 50.000 rneinbers across Ontario'and 244 members in Huron Caroti: lts•mentbership includes public secondary teachers. occasional teachers. continuing.education teachers, Secretaries. psychologists. social workers, speech-language pathologists. custodians, attendance counselors. and other educational workers. OSSTF/FEESO. Huron A4PP Helen Joints will not be responding to any further questions from the Federation'tlrrough the media. She has indicated . she will respond directly to any letters and phone calls. Public speaking winners Exeter ,Public School public speaking winners went on to compete in the regionals at the Exeter Legion on Tuesday night. Pictured in back from left are: Alyza Tarmouhamed, 1st Intermediate, Kathryn :":4aham, 2nd Intermediate and Bethany Wagler; 2nd Junior. in front is Faith -Anne Wagler, lst in Storytelling. Absent for the photo were Zak Homuth, 1st In Junion Division and Kourtney MacDonald, 2nd in Sto- rytelling. 11 Hensall Legion public speaking winners decided By Liz Sangster Hensall correspondent • HENSALL - On Tuesday' evening. February 18, a Targe number Of par. encs and students gathered at the . •Hensall Legion for Public Speak- ing competition. All the contest- ants did very well, making it a diffi- cult job for the judges, Rev. Dan Roushorne, Lori DeWys and Dave Frayne. The, first place winner will • advance- to zone level on March 1 in Clinton. - Story telling winners were as fol- lows: 1st 'place, Brittany- Pilgrim,. Hensall Public School, 2nd place, Dana ' Martin, Hensall Public - School and 3rd place Jordan Skin-. ner. Zurich Public School. Juniors (Grades 4,6), 1st place Marcia Me-. leck, Zurich Public School, 2nd 'place Matthew 'Martin. Hensall Puhlic ,School,3rd Ashley Erb. Zu- rich Public School. Seniors (Grades 7-8) 1st place, .Melissa- -Welsh, St. .Boniface School, 2nd Brianne -Webber, Hensall Public School..- 3rd Candice Becker, St. -".Boniface. Storytelling Honorable TENDERS REQUIRED Town of Exeter The Town of Exeter invites tenders for the cutting and trimming, of grass at: 1. Exeter Cemetery 2. Sports Fields 3. Parks - 4. Facilities . - Tender forms and details may be picked up at the Exeter Municipal Office, Main Street, Exeter office hours of 9 a:m. and 5 p.m. Monday to Friday Mentions went to Julianne Hart- man, St. Boniface, Brittany Becker, St. Boniface and, Amanda Neeeb, Zurich Public The junior Honorable Mentions were Denise Ritchie. Hensall Public, . Natalie Lovie and Jenna McKinnon. St. ' Boniface. Senior Honorable mentions went to Jaime Eckel and Josh Verhoog; Zu- rich Public,and Payanese Fragiska- tos, Hensall Public At Hensall United Church,. Rev: Peebles message was "i Believe In". He had a special message for the children.. - The World Day of.Prayer will he. held- at Hensall United Church on March 7 with Rey. Peebles as guest speaker. Everyone is wel me. 'y On Friday. . March 21 the restau- '_ rants of Hensall will he participat- ing in "Coffee Capers", with a por- tion of the.revenue from coffee sold being donated .to Epilepsy Huron - Bruce and Perth. The Three Boys. Erb's Garage and the Kozy •Korner are all involved in this project. The sympathy of the community is . . extended to Pearl Taylor and fami- ly. Dick will he greatly.missed-in the community. - Exeter planning fee HURON COUNTY - The county will deduct planning fees owed to tt by the Town 'of Exeter from future urban rebate payments and will charge the town interest on the balance at two per cent over prime rate. Exeter is the only county municipality which doesn't. participate in • the county planning fee structure. Exeter owed the county $17,472 at the end of 1996. which includes amounts for 1994. 1995 and -1996.- • The argument .is over the interpretation of a -1990 agreement be- tween the county and Exeter- which the county maintains allows it to charge a county and municipal portion of planning fees. Exeter says the agreement doesn't allow the county to charge fees for planning ap-. plications. • Lucan Community Centre Bingo Wed. Feb. 26 Bingo starts 7:30 p. m. Regular Game $1,000 ,,jackpot Game 50 calls or less $300 bonus Total prizes $3000 Due to the licence regulations, no one under 18 allowed to play Licence #537495 The Huron County Board of Education ,, invites tenders for FiRE SAFETY UPGRADES to VICTORIA PTBLIC SCHOOL , F. E. MADiLL SECONDARY SCHOOL Sealed tenden addressed to The Huron County Board of Education �(dl be received at the office of The Huron County Board of Education. 163 Princess Street, Clinton, Ontario. NOM ILO. until 1.00 p.tfi. on Thursday. March 13, 1997. These are two Separate project.. - Bid Bonds in the amount of 52.300 for Victoria Public $chool and S18.000 for F. E. Madill Secondary. School. are rcquircd to accompar-, the tenders. The successful bidders will be required to provide a.50% Performance Bond -or Agreement to Bond with the tender submission. The Owner will accept a certified cheque in the amount of 50% of the estimated cost in lieu of Bonds A limited number of tender document will be available to General or Electrical Contractors only, as of Wednesday, February26. 1997. from the office of Garratt & Marklevitz Architects. 516 Huron Street. Stratford. Ontario. NSA 5T7. upon deposit of a certified cheque in the amount of $100.00 per set. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted . A Carter Chair P Carroll Director s. FFICESUPPLY SPIE OFF Stencils Admit Tickets - singles Mechanical Pencil Refills Calligraphy Markers Drafting Pencils All Art Supplies Onion Skin pkg. 1000 - $5 WHILE SUPPLIES LAST 424 Main St. Exeter • 235-1331 • Fax 235-0766 JADES SEMI PASSE SARA ALAMO TRAM [ICHOR CRAB IFYOUREGOINGTODO OCHS IMS TARO TASSE SATIRE CHIN BAER SOMETHI.NGTONIGHT MACKO SIN NAN ORNATE ODEON LINER OLIVE PEGS FAR TM RE NODES USE SEED OTITIS STASH ACME AVENUE TNG THATYOULQDE IN NURSERY HENS EERIE SNIPPY PO©© PCT PLACE OSTEO AIR SETS SEPOY ANODE CACAO SEVERE SORRYFORTOMORROW EROM E12O MON REMUS GIAN AGASSI BADOR URMS GUS BACH MORNINGSLE.EPLATE ENTO EVICT EONS EAGEL ESSO SATES SPAS NYASA n Royal Canadian Legion R.E. Pooley Branch #167 Exeter, Ontario BRANCH NEWS Thurs. Feb. 28th - General Meeting at 8 p.m. initiation of new members Honors and Awards presentation CALLING ALL MEN!, An invitation to come and learn how fives are being changed through the mirii8try of PROMISE KEEPERS 0 Premise Keepers Video Presentation Testimony by Gus Ayirn (CFPL Weatherman) p Pastor Marshall Eizenga of Waterloo. Pentecostal Church will speak on one of the Seven Promises 3 Pfaise Band led by Phil Main of Wingham SAT. MAR. 8 7p.m,. COMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH. LUCAN Corner Adelaide Street North and Hwy. 7 "WAKE IJP CALL" Sponsored by West Central Ontario Task Force PROMISE MMEIMIMUMe MCN 0/ I TTY FOR MORE !N1ORMATION CALL (519) 235-0846 Coming events MEAT AND 50150 DRAWS every Saturday afternoon. 4-6 p m. at The Ro;Ad Canadi- an Legion Br *167. Exeter in the Club rooms. License 4M40'59103696m support of the Huron -Middlesex Royal' Army Cadet Corp 361fnc 1 BROOKEHAYEN FARM in Lucan offers English Riding Lessons to children ages -1 I2 Lessons star at 510 Call Donna at 227.0736 for more information. i9.101.I 1c COME TO THE ANNUAL PANCAKE SUPPER at Clinton and'Distnct Christian School. Friday. February 28. 1997. 5 to 8 p m. Adults S5. children $3 50. pre-schoolers free. Enjoy the game room. - - 8.9c EXETER $PORTS CARD SHOW, Exeter Legion. March 1. 10 a.tn - 1 p.m. Admis- sion SI 00 For inquiries: phone 485-4133 8.9c INFORMATION SESSION. Visible bhnonty Representation on Region 18 Training Board March 2. 2:00 9 m.. 235 St. George. Mitchell Are you a member of a visible mi- nority commun$N' Interested in the process of choosing a representative for the Train- ing Board' Contact Valerie Petrie 524-5747. - 9c THE HURON PROVINCIAL LIBERAL ASSOCIATION'S Annual Banquet and Meeting is March 3 at the Seaforth Legion Hall. Guest speaker is Dalton McGuinty. On- tario Liberal Leader and Leader of the Opposition. Everyone welcome: For tickets phone 235-2853.482.9437.357.3855.887-9381 or area VP's. 8.9c EXETER ODDFELLOWS March 4 meeting will be followed by lunch and entertain- ment Annual Friendship Night Saturday. March 22. 1997. Kirkton Woodham Commu- nity Centre. Dinner at 6.00. SIO: Dinner and Dance St 5.00: Dance only 56.00. All wel- come. 9' HURON BRANCH ONTARIO GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Meeting. March 5. 1997. 730 p.m.. Pioneer Museum. Godench. Guest speaker- tan McAllister, For infor- mation call 228.6795. Everyone welcome. - - y' THE WORLD DAY Of PRAYER will be held on March 7 at 2 p.m. at the Bethel Re - fumed Church on Huron St. -East: Everybody welcome.•Babysining wilt be provided. 89110)• HURON COUNTY BEEF PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION Beef Barbecue and Dance. Saturday. March 8. 1997. BMG Community Centre. Brussels. Dinner 6-8 p.m.. Dance 8:30.12:30. Music by -'Beechwood". Tickets 512.00 per person. Contact local di- rectors or call Rosemarie Bishop 887-6186. 9.10 SOLO TOURNAMENT, Seaforth Legion. Saturday. March 15. Registration 12:30 Em. Tournament starts 1 p.m. Entry fee 55.00 per person. All proceeds go to prizes. veryone welcome. 8.9.1101c THE LUCAN IRISH are presenting a Yuk Yule's Dinner Show and Dance at the Lit - can Coasmwuty Centre on Saturday. April 12. 1997 The performers will be John Patti- son. Scott Harris and Johnny Gandhouse. The agenda for the evening is as follows: 6 p.m. -7 p.m. Social Hour: 7-9 p m. Roast Beef Dinner. 9-11 p m. Yuk Yuk's Show. l l p.m. -1 a.m. Dance. Tickets are 520 each and are available from Wendy Handy at 227 4166. 7-95 HEPLSALL UNITED CHURCH Anatol Beef Supper, .Apnl 23, 1997. Details to fol- low. ' 41