Exeter Times, 1876-6-22, Page 4la 0 PU7004 Th0r0 040 instances in1 record 84°1 lug that honey bo2s have gone five o $it Wiles for honey, when thee woJ)ye ne none emateri TiiiS WAS preeed eprinkliug flour on theta on cot tain days, and the sanio btes being seen the above distatio froba inuet. be a verY Mild), calm day for b tly seelL a distance. Iltit ordir it they do not go over a. mile and a helf, and the most of tile honey they gather is found within a mile of their hives. m No person can ake be proAtable nnletas the most ct the honey is found Nvithin that distance. in wintl,y days bee e have hard work to fly even a, mile against the wind, Li some thieign countries the extensive bee -keepers are in the habit of removing their be trona place to place, about -three mile distantie,twico or three times a sea aou, where the honey harvest varies $ own tooth rndo tsnoei, The sympm tos 4.)f tooth ache s\Nine Aro eltnilar to those exhibited by mankind, y'r4 z loss Of appetite, eall- vittien or Slobbering, banging the tiesd, itietly to the side wbieli atilictedx peevishness, loss of all fear of Inall,100 t po ei‘o Leath. When hogs are at fed on strongly acidolated food fcr Any It length of time, their teeth may beconte dbieolored ; but it is a, question whether rity tite teettl at tile Same time ore untteri- y inittrod. so l000 as ne decay m ditninution of their siibelatice an he noticed, and while the appetite and ohelsiag" thetelties of the aninntle do not oppear diminished, no iuterfereece viH be 12ccessary." o time , tu&1 tli62, commie): 5radiue a mile and a half from their aeiartes far as bees generally fly. nun AND GRADE STocx. A farmer writes : 't We have plenty of stock if it were only kept the pure breed, rhere is too mu desire ou the pert of farmers to elute breeds, to cross breeds,eand thus ha nothiug that is pure. White such eystem is followed, we shall make b advauccnnent in breeding stock." If a farmer desires to bre fine "stock for sale, it is best to Re only thorough bred animals ; bat f hrs own use grade stock is often mot able. Many of our best cows a grades, The same writer adds in gard to farmers breeding pure 'Ell•Q Only : " Ete can sell his stock for thr or four times what it is worth for met It costs him no mot0 to raise ad any -surplus. stock he has he c convert into meat just as well as t mixed bred." it is not au easy ma ter for farmers, ueless well known breeders of choice blood stock, w th rea side for it at high prices, A eit has got to make a reputation, as a go breeder, before hm surplus auimals ct Le sold at fair prices. ene use OP PARIS GREEN. From authentic experiments mad it appeers that the ase of Paris greet in killiag potato` bngs, does not poiso the potatoes inthe least, nor Mini the land - for other crops, the not se son. Here is what an agricultur chemist says : " Four years ago, mule a careful investigation to detei mite whether the potato tubsr ab sorbed arsenic when Paris green wa applied to the pietas to destroy tui potato beetle. 1 tock potatces raise in the ordinary course, and repeated] dusted, and oth,,,rs to which all th Pais green had been applied tha could be used without killing the plant but in BO instance could I fled a tree o arseeic in the tubers. Other chem lets have made similar investigation with the same result.' In some case the pte'sons who apply the Pans gree are poisoned by it. The followine cases aw reported as heving occurred ili Michigau last par one case by careless handliug, the Paris green wa allowed to come in contact with a sore on We hand. " lt swelled enormously, but was subdued by vinegar and salt.' It another case the dust was inhaled, resuiting in much pain in the head and a copious discharge from the nose for two Weeks. In another case, the poison was permitted to outer a hole in the boot leg, causing some inflammation. Another Mall narrowly osexpod with Lis life from inhaling the uust, which he had absolately endeavored to excluoe with a veil over his face- He was sick two weeks. Another had his eyeshad. ly inflamed for a long time by the dust entering them, and some children were injured by playing among the dusted potatoes. HOG CHOLERA IN ILLINOIS. The loss by this disease in the West is enormous. The State Board of Ag- riculture of Illinois reports : " From the information so far obtained it is proved that the losses for the last year were fully equal to ten millions of dol- lars. So far the answers show that there is no general conviction of the origin and causes of the disease—no evi,tely acknowledged preventive, and • no remedy that is a remedy oftener than one time in live hundred. It is agreed ou, all hands anion swine - breeders that profound darkness en- velopes the origin and cause of the disease, and'that its cure is among the things which aro past finding out." Those who have mixed salt, flour or sulphur and .ground, charcoal, to their food, or placeil these things in a trough where the hogs are fed report that they don't have the cholera. CURING CLOVER HAY. Is or 41tese re make *taller end Chew rrem ghe same The above gueetion wasdiseussed pretty thoroughly at one of our recent as dairymen conventions. The write) took decided grounds against it and ecintmues of ho.tsame. opinion, We might as 83911 expect to eee prime but- ter made hi a titIlliOry OF glue factory, as in a factory where skim cheese 'are *made, for the whole inflicting becomes filthy from cellar to garret. , Good butter cannot be made in such faetory. Where fulhcreaan cheese are made there is a healthy smell. Our present market is depressed by inferior goods. It• goes farther than o good Ar- ticle, and thereby checks coneumption. When a consumer gets a pc or piece of cheese, he does not go to the grocery again for a second piece of the same.— If the maker was only affected it would ot do so much harm, but the tendon.. cy is to dtpress the price of fall -cream cheese. The practice will not be aban- doned as long as it pays to make it. We must appeal to the pocket, not the conscience. The miter has lost $10,000 duriug the past six years by making skim cheese. We have at last found the right way, and are now feed - lug our sour milk and whey, to hogs and calves, finding it much more profit- able than the old plan. Butter made from cream during the first twelve hrs. setting is much better than that made from;it daring the second twelve hours a.d cheese is certainly much better if made Loin rndk fromwhielf no cream has been taken. of got of ch go ve tat no ed ep or it. 10 'e - °It ee It. it, an lie ast- Id 1.1) Od LIi e, 1, 11 a. al 3 Some farmers recommend cocking clover hay after drying it a little the first day it is cut,and leaving it to "cure in the cock." Good clover hay oan be more safely made by cooking it as soon as it has had one good drying day, then turning it out about 10 o'clock the next day, if the weather be fine, but leaving it quite thick upon the ground, and inamecliately after dinner tarn it over carefully, so that the air can cir- culate freelY through it, while the sun einnee upon the surface only. Tne clover may lie two feet thick upon the ground, if the air can circulate well among it. When.turned out twice in this way, with good weather, it will be as good vlover hay as cm be made, and much safer to mow away compactly than the half cured clover that is kept steaming two or throe days in cock. THE PHYLLOXERA OR NINE LOUSE, In some sections of the country an insect called the Phylloxera or Vino Louse attacks the roots of grape V11168, Mid hitherto no remedy has been (lie - covered. Mr„ Dumas, a member of the French Academy of Science hits recently discovered a remedy reported es follows : " The remedy is the com- bined employment of sulpho-carbonate of potash, which kills the inseet at any depth in the eel', and of nettled° arti- maniacal and sulphimettoil manUres, M. Dumas Wilmot( is the fortimate dis- ,eeverer,though his atilt OtilleeMellt to the Academy Was not made until alter his process had boon tried by exhatistive experimenting bythe commission ap. pointed to examine jun) the variaas plans sabrnitted. ',This being the case, Dumas became the possessor of $60,000 °ward, besides ntimberless ether smaller plizes," BY,A.OE TOCTIl ntgWIN111., ailment, may be caused by in. o jury to the tooth receivod by chewing( u the dry and hard kernels of Corti, It I e Consists in decay of the teeth, The t Stain; Lrauran/ Sarl " Sneli tlocayod teeth may be remoto4 by Lb° eane nve etituneuti AS a dontiot would Apply to tt HAY. ADJOURNED COURT OF REVISION AND Aretate.---The Court of Revision for the township of flay met, pursuaut to ad- jourument an 'Monday, June 12th, all the members of the Council present, the Reeve in the chair, minutes of former meetingread and approved. The following changes were made in essessment roll for 1876 : Abel With per assessed for part of lot 1 C911. 1 ; .3I.Wo1fe assessed for pt.1ot24, con. 14. Lots 1 and 2 Hensel], taken from L. Bushy and charged to Mr. Wilson ; 1Vin. White assessed in company with James White for lot 14 con. 1 ; James Troyer for pt. of lot 22 con. 7; Ed- mund Troyer for parts of lots 21 and 22, and Charles Troyer for part of lot 21. The assessment of non•resident feuds on con. 8 were increased 25 per cent. moved by Mr. McColl, second - by Mr. Kallefleisch, That the Court of Revision and appeal for the year 1876 benowclosed.--Carried. CouNcrL MEETING.—.After the close of the Court of Revision the Council met in the Town Hall, Zurich, the Reeve in the chair. The tollowing business was transacted: Alex. Inereen appoint- oa to take charge' or gravel pet' nii hit 9 con. 2, and Gavin Foss for the pit on lot 12 cou. 1; The sum of $200 to be expended for repairing and gravel- ling e,outh bounda y 2roviding the town- ship of Stephen grant an -equal amount. Moved by .1). AleColl, seconded by W. Wilson, that the sum of $150 be ap- propriated to repair the roads in each tteed Division, each member of the Council having charge of the expendi- ture of the same. --Carried. The Reeve was authorized to put the cen- tre gravel road in a proper state of re- pair and to employ commissionersfor that purpose ;" Robert Ferguson was appointed as commissioner to expend the balance of surplus fund, in mak- ing and repairing bridges and gravel roads under the direction °Effie Reeve. The'following accounts were ordered to he paid,, via: Robert McAllister, cul- vert $4.50; James Bouthron, balance of salary as Assessor $5.00; Goclfry Nicholson, culvert $7.40, and H. C Kalhfleisch, cedarfor culvert $11. 26. Moved by D. McColl, seconded by J. C. Kalbfleisch, that the,Reeve, De- puty Reeve .and' MY: Wilson, Council- lor, be a—committeeto advertise for contracts to drain the swamp lands on con. 7 and 8 known as the big swamp, and to employ an engineer to assist them in preparing plans and spoeulations.---Carried. Moved by Mr. Wilseu, seconded by J. C Geiger, that this Comma do now abjoare to meet agaiu on Tuesday, Aug. 8th,at10 a. in.—Carried. S. Foirtnn. Clerk. A FEMALE ENGINEER AT THE CENTEN- NIAL.—There is a feteale engineer at Philadelphia. The steamengine which works the four looms and the printing press in the Woman's Pavilion, is run by e woman in a light brown dainty trimmed dress. Dee maiden's name is Allison, and she is from $t. tOethar- iues, Out. Her father was proprietor of a large grist mill. REMAREABLE TRANt•PORTATION4-11,1r. J. C. Temple, of Carthage, Missouri, with his eon, on the let of March stinted to 'Walk fronl that place to at: tend the Centennial Exhibition, trund- ling a wheelbarrow weighing seventy- two pounds which he had loaded with 00 peuncls °fore from the miues about Joplin, Jasper county, Miesouti. The pair arrived at Columbus. Ohio, last Friday, after traversing a clietance of Revell hundred fifty miles, and went ofi their journey, which is fiVe hundred wiles longer, The specimens of ore, together witlithe history of their trans- portation, are to be. place& on exhibi- tiom About fifteen pound 'of the ore ha e been loet on the joarriey, chiefly by wearing away. The EWA Ot France Railway Com. pany is about to place upon toe hue 8,)MO eatriages which have-tbeen fur. ni ished with mproved springs that se reduce the escullittien that of a trtrxibler Of water placed oti the tioot a one, travelling at the rate of Afty milos.an hem., not it ar011 WAS spilled, A daughter of Erm---The BOW book, il receiving ,t short" notice te lettee- Ali a hint that she had given a fa1s0 haraetor ft An' is it me Also charae. er yo'ca io after sting in me teeth! AS id he bringing me thrue character, id ino to lase it ill yotir dirty ie0 I" p tlIdtilti I fitlf14:70tm vOuttlle el abgo, 4::11t14V1OildRArtil• 11111'1,,ioll operation performed on a k>okiior win) bed 1114 1,108Q s1ic off. ills comrade bad jnst bum killed at is side when the stirgoon severed the nose from 00 (lead Milli and inuriedi. atoly sewedit ou t tlIQ filOO Of the living braveand it is now as good as his own snoring apparatus and beanti-, Aidr. The go/d in the vaults of the Bank (A14114200 at the present moment ex - (mods 500 tans in weight; in other words, it weighs snolt as much as 20 locomotive engibeS of tlie fir...3 size. What were the treasures of Solomon Crcesne to this ? To trace the pro. 00$S by which this immense Blase has, as it were, gravitated th Paris, would be no easy task ; 4150,000 weighs over a ton; X75,000,000 would, tberore, weigh 500 tons. An Elgin farmer sold a lood of wheat to a St. Tomas grain buyer ou Mour- day last fur $1 per Inishel, He had tl.le wheat stored in his barn for four years, and had previously refnsed $1.85 per bushel for it. The discovery of human bones in moimd on Wolf Island still excit great interest. The relics are those of seven feet six inch men. OS Rev. btephenson, who lately reigned his position in the Methodist conference, has joined the Preebyter- iane- The Manitoba sailed Friday evening for Lake Superior. She took up a number- of men and thirty-four horses for the Mounted Police, under the command of Sergeant Walker. A brakeman named James noway was killed Friday night on the Canada Southern Railway, about one and half miles west of Rodney, about ten o'clock. He wont back from the en- gine to put out a fire on one of the oars, and it is supposed he fell' off in the dark, as he had no lantern. He was found shockingly mangled, two trains having passed over his body. Abs. Donovan, of St. Mary's, who was committed to Stratford gaol two or three weeks ago, on account of beiug of unsound mind, died in that inetitu- tian last week. The Congregational Union now in session at Montreal has passed a de- claration that the civil power has, and ought to have, nothing to do with re- ligious teaching. The official returns from North Mid- dlesex increased Mr. Scatchard's ma- jority to 190. Mr. Joseph Wilmote, on lot 8, in the 8rd con., Markham, has a field of wheat (ten acres) of even, luxuriant growth, now three feet five niches in height, just bursting into head. From present indications a yield of forty-five bushels per acre can reasonably be anticipated. The crone in the township of Markham, ,Scarhbro', Whitchurch and Pickering are all looking very fine, A girl was found dead, hanging to a door with a cord around her neck, in Sullivian, Ind. Her behavior had not been good, and the supposition was that, getting thoroughly ashamed of herself, she had committed suicide. Nobody doubted the soundness of that theory until it was learuecl that a clothes line belonging to a neighbor had been shortened, and that the cut- off piece was the one with which the girl had been hanged. The neighbor had been her lover, and he has been arrested as a murderer; but whether he killed her, or only provided the means for het to do it herself, may never loo accortainoa .A man, his wife, and their four chil- dren tried to drown themselves together in St. Louis, but were rescued by a boatsmen. They were destitute', and the parents, after a deliberate discus. sion of the subject, had decided upon suicide. The oldest of the children, a girl of V i teen, had &op.° ced in that, determination, but the younger ones did not seem to comprehend the im- portance of the event. The now Military College of Canada was opened at Ottawa on Tuesday. with eighteen cadets. The principal is a British Cappelli of engineers, and it is intended to melte the course of studies exactly similar to those at West Point, on .which the Institution is modelled. The Canadians, in view of any pos:ible complication with America, expect to have a trained force of officers in a few years. Those officers will go on the general staff of the mtlitia, which num- bers 80,000 men. In case of war, how- ever, "Canada ma put 100,000 men into the field, by calling out the re- serves, who have already been through" the militia., three years per man. PAINTING! HOTTSE,! SIGN, FRESCOE And all kinds of Ornamental W ork ALSO PAPER HANGING AND KALSO- MININ G DONE BY G. W. Tomlinson. N.B. Graining a Specialty. May 16,876. OnEDITON ;WOOLEN MILLS, The undersigned having purchased the CREDITON WOOLEN MILLS and thoroughlyjefitted them, he would inform the inhabitants of adjOining ToYmehips thathe is new prepared to do all kinds of Oar ding, Weaving andFulling andoyery branch of Business carried on in any FiRs7.CLAS'SMZLrJ ild at as roast:enable rate il relent' be done !any * who're Mae, RALPH KIPATRICK, Late of Exeter 'Weolen 1,4()TICLP A Meeting, cif the. ;t1licieir4icildeisi ANCE C.(l. Of trinnnalt 6114 ITSBOUNEI Will he held at 'the the 29i'd tt*d, 1516, sM tWO . Welt:Sok P. Mior 4,11e 11, J. ilarnoe Moir, Rebt, &Old CiidteM Thoindla Failitiiiek DoW01Theitt/f,,NciV arid Thee dJJiu Dated at ParqilhAritli-Jerfe,,Iiits. oAttiy, TO tat Wlie ate Slit:feting tient: the; erkere and hidiaotatioiis OfYeetth,' Oftriy ditS-r, intiiihesSiir, rtota.ketia toidiP0 that Vt111 ditrei Yeare PREP OP, CtfARCIE,41,1120 groat relineelY itillialailare, setithAiiietitiC Said ft NelftticicillatiectitiliyelOPO'.tia. thetRilt iieliSittir r I85t4/41,.statien XY, Bible -Mini. ' Sig=of the hie Watolz, FANS° N'S NEW BLOCK (In the storevith Mr Paulson), Main -St .; Exeter HE attention of the Peeple.Of Exeter end surrounding country is respectfully iuVited to the NEW JEWELRY ESTAI3LISHM'T 0411 and see the New and elegant stock of all lciuds of Watches; Clocks, Cutlery, Silver-plated • Ware, and aEwEizawy of all kinds, NEWEST DESIGNS, LATEST NOVELTILIS —IN -- EUROPEAN & AMERICA?, pRoDucTs. and many other of usefulIncss and beauty at lc- t:emely low prices, Jewelry or all kinds manufactured to orcter,.a*I. Watches, Clocks, &a., repaired at short notice. sae All work warranted. 1 S E. ;JONES • Exeter, A I0.L. NO. 82(i 1 4. Night of ineei Jug—First Friday in, e v. ery month, over Stan, ley & Jermyn's stors, Drew's new block, Mall) , et. Visiting Brethrer 'Cordially invited to at tend. CATEN WILLIS, WM JOHN WHITE, 76-1v, ROO CLOTHING. Exeter Clothilig Store ! THE Sibscriber wishes to return . his sin- cere thanks for past patreanige, and would call partiaular attention to the priiig Stock a Gent's Furnishings just arrived. 1 have a fill assortment of the newest and most fashionable materials for Gent's wear, English and Frenoli Fancy Coatiuge, Englsh, Sootck and Canadian TWEEDS Broadcloths, Doeskins and Fancy Vesting& A choice stock of Hats and Caps of the latest fashion. Gents desiring a fash- ionable and perfect fitLing spit should leave their orders at the Exeter Clothing Store.— Perfect satisfaction guaranteed in o ery in Mance. MR. H. HA RRI still has ' amigo ,o the Cutting Department. All cloth bought o me cut free of charge. J. P. McIntyre Exeter, March 16 11-NOMINION GU.N SHOP AND RI FLE'FACITORY. R. W. SOPER Manufacturer of and dealer in Rifles, Shot Guns, evolvers, Pistols, Fishing Tackle and Hunters' up plies Gun -stocking done in first-class style. PinFire GIMEI altered to Central Pire. Sign of Golden Key, Cle.rence-street, between Dolmas ani King, Loudon, THE W.D.MeGLOCHLON WATCH he bosun the market Be sure and, get the V. D.lifeGlochlon wateli before buying. You will have no other after sol- ing them, All who wear them recommend them. Gold and Silver; Ladies and Gentleman's sizeS, 77 Dundus street, London. See the testiinohialii: The largest, bestand cheapest stook of fine GoW Jewelry, Clocks, Silver, and Plated Ware, randy Goods'&o., ate., in „the Province. Repairing every description. W. D. MoGLUCHLN.. 77 Dundee El Loudon EXETER PlaningMill;Sash;, DOOR AND BLIND rAtTQn r ,Th d undersigned would acquaint tho pubLie that they have commenced business in tho above line, Mid that they aro prepared to Contract far Building throughout, or for parties furnishinn their 'own material, and that they keep ceitstaci- ly cintancl Window Blinds, Mouldinr/s, ScrollbWork, &c., &c. Plan rig done to order with Dispatch. And tten1 our thorough knowledge of the begs and the improved matibinery ,which 'we haVe placed in the factoty, Wo foot denfident of ,t,Sri. Plane and SpecifiCations on ap plidation. Remember the teed, ' STATION STEEET4 Dy'o, Oktti Ii0Wigtr4 toter litaY 1it 1874. THOMPSON& WLLIAMS AGRtOUL1ufljflf PLEMENTle Boiler anct Engine Works MITCHELL, ONT. Two -horse power wood Sawing machine This machine has been thoroughly tested and given ENTIRE SATISFACTION It is supplied with a BAND WEIF-1-7"1.4 for drivi.g Straw Cutter, Grain Crusher, Or other machinery, without extra expense ex sept for the belt. TEIAL OFFERED. All lauds of FarmingImplements kept constantly on hand. BOILER SHOP in'full operation. tiVW 4,4)t.),,130E R Allan Line! Carrying the Canadian and Units taro Motts Slahrz Trouble of looking after Bag- gage, and purchase YOUR TICICE77/ FROM THE LOCAL AGENT and thus ayoid the trouble annfusion itt, the Rows Wharf, where you it tho "the Rates same US— Y. s' 8. et oda One of " of the eially for the nevi ing from 5,050 to 4 Saturday for Liv 11 -powered Clyde -built line, constructed espe- of the Atlantic, averag- e, winleave Quebee every and Londonderry, Sailing Mail Steamers : M QUEBEC: PRUSIAN, 27th May- nARATIAN, 8rd June. e,e04VIAN, 10th June. opeASSIAN, 17th June. ptcYFESIAN, 24th June. a,RDINIAN, lst July. prepaid passage Certifloates issued at lowest ENGINES.6. to persons wishing to bring out friends.; • of all sizes to order. Kept at Bissett's Tin 40p, Exeter, A.ddres5— GLASGOW DIRECT. The steamshfps of the Glasgow Line will be despatched from Quebec,. For tickets and every information apply to WHITE & SONS AGENTS promptly attended to,0 THOMPSON & WILIXAMS, "Times" Office, - Exeter. Mitchell,Ont.1 , . Enlargement of Premises ST. MARY'S LIME WOES. draw kilns beingnow ,11 fill operation and turning out daily a is...geqsuantity oi Li I 4Iti that for ay purposes and cannot be stunassed in the Domin- ion. Parties from g distance can always be supplied either at the lciPs or deliverd by teams at low- est rentuneravve rates. Orders from a dietaries promptly attended to. WHITSON & SCLATER. EXETER STEAM RAKE &CRADLE FACTORY G -EO. COTTLE MANI71,40TUTtElt a Wooden Harvest Tools Rakes, Snaithes, :Fork Handles, Grain Cradles, ETC. Ee willta're ready for the coming harvest, the celebrated Sulkey Hay - Rake A Novelty in this section. MERCI-I.A.NTS will find it to Their Advantage to Bny their Stock from me, as I atna prepared to deal with them as reasona- bly as any other establishment, and to give prompt" „. attention to all orders. . WHOLESALE & RETAIL. Turning of all kinds made a epacialty in the huRirtegs, GEORGE COTTLE Exeter, April 8, 1875. 82-61r FRESH ARRIVALS! AT 7E People 's Grocery Store. J. OBUNNICAN has received a largo stook of GROCERIES. cnocKERT 4c. also a largo stock of BOOTS dig SHOES " suitable for Fall and Winter, consisting of Men's, Women's, and Child- ren's Wear. Those in want of a first -doss article in the Boo and shoe line should not fail to EXAMINE MY STOCK I3ofore purchasing, OS my experience of thirty years in that line one Mee ine in purchasing to seleet that only which can robottonend, A LARGE LOT OF First Class 13aeon JUST RECEIVED. J.CRUNNICAN BRODERICK'S OLD STAND. elibiTADA COMPANY's14Atips,on Tho exacta COMpanY °HAI, for rime Soto VIA acres di their lands in Bosanquet, McGillivray Ste, Pheh dime briproyed bt the Lake teirwell drsinage Works. Lists Of Lands and earttottars at to tones ean bo obtained on iteetioattente TILE COVIISSIONERS, Toronto. nailed& oempeelyel orect TorOMO,27,th Ae0it,"76.4 rpHE UNDERSIGNED, GRATIFIED FOR the liberal patronage bestowed on him since he commenced business, would acquaint his numerous friends and customers .with the fact that lie has enlarged his present placo of business. and added largely to his stook of Leather, including French, Canadian and American, and he is prepared to fill all orders that he may be favored witli on the shortest no- tice'and in a style that cannot be surpassed in the County of uron. W. TROTT. Exeter. Jan. 18, 1876. 229 -ms EXPRESS. 111111111111 The American Enna Co. HAVE Opened. an office E XETER AND ARE PREPARED To Convey Goods oney and valuables to any point., GI-IL-4E1\1'B AC KS BOUGHT AND SOLD For further partieulare ripply to W HITE, cOrg AND EXitg • .e.34.:00. 0.EIEAP .:Firardiwarei Store S4141% other goods we haveturonowiug,,,,,bich witx, BE 'SOLD *AT ,..BOTTOM PRICES Hourigents Peerless Axes, Broad Ohepping Adzes, •Ilft1 1341)111 ' • pigsties of all kinds, Bells, Bunch Screws, Boring Machines, Borax, hain orange, Door Spaings, Dumb.belle, Fuse, Iiace Faucets, Glass, able, Grindstones, Hinges, Horse Shoes, Haminere, Lead Lanterns, Leather, Machine tt Paint Oils Nails, Paints Putty, Powder, Bevolvere Bove, Rubber end Hemp Packing Spades and Shovels, Scales, Shot, Saws, Turpentine, bag Twine, Vices,Vareish, Wire,Wh eel° Plans, Speoiacations and Estimates prepared for building. O'BYRNE de CO. C. M. WEB13. Gl-tANTON, HAS JUST RECEIVED and is now prepared to SHOW THE LARGEST STOOK ever shown in Granton, consisting of New Prints, Gray Cottons'White Cottons, new Costumed Black Lustres, Hosiery, Gloves, &c., &c. TAILORING DEPARTMENT New English and Canadian spring tweeds, new wor sted coatings, doeskins and broadcloths, the, laisit styles in collars and ties, &c., &c. A first-class French tailor on the premises, and a porfeet fit guar- anteed. New spring hats andeaps anq straw goods. A new steels of nails, glass, putty, paints, oils, dm., coining to hand, Builders furnished at reduced prices. C. M. WEBB. „ NEW Spring Goods :nun nos. SAMWELL NEW Spring Goods PICKARD Have justreceiyed and opened out, New Prints, very low, New Grey Cotton, very cheap, New Bleached Cetton, cheaper than ever, New Black Lustros, best makers—all prices, New Silver Gray Lustres, -very low, New Colored Silk, at Job Prices, New Black Silks, best value, New Fancy Dress Goods, all Prices, New Linen Costuraes, in great variety. In Gents' Furnishings we are also very complete, having received and opened out a first-class assortment of. New Spring Tweeds, New Worsted Coatings, New Black Broad -cloths, New Black Doeskins, New Black Cassimeres New Hats and Cays in all new styles, New Ready-made Clothing in great variety, Also it complete stock of Boots, Shoes'rockery, etc. A first-class lot of new Wall -paper' heap, for Spring Trade; also, A First - Class Tailor on the Premises. All entrusting us with their orders may rely on getting a perfect fit, and good workmanship .TUST IWEIVED EXETER Grocery and Liquor Store A large stock of G-reen, Japan, Young Hyson and Black Teas, Raisins. currants, Prunes plump Apples, CAN1111D sardines, Lobsters, Salmon Bitter Sauce and Pickles Brandies Gins Wines and Syrup, Rye, Malt, Scotch, Irish and Common Whiskies, Tobacco'o and Cigars, Wholesale and Retail. G. A. MACE, Main Street, Exeter. UNDERTAKING c. cra 2. O=LEIE", EXETER. and Vvirniture IVIanufactur era „ Uricler takers A-ArouLD SAY TO v v those who intend purchasing to do so front the manufacturer. Tile dealer who buy e to Sell again Must neeessarily haVe a prod. NVe claim to giVe the pin:Chasers the benefit, Which cannot tail to Meet the Views of the Grangere, Our expenseti taro leek thenthohe of eity maniiirketuremeonsequont- yWe can Sell theapet, E WOULD cad Spoelitlattention o our undertaking depart4 Mont, Which is More coin. pleto than over, as we 1106 added several new designa of late, The best cellintie eattkets, Sliteuclkand. every tuners 1 requisite at the lowest PrideS. Our OW hearse.15 prellOuaCilathy 'competent Judged titibS second to nose in it1 Provinee. Emblems for all the Different Societies. At S. GIOLE-V. n. CEVIARAZZ:61 VIVIVC M4INAciErrizs 1.1"0 TIA1 11 CAMS,I,1)V gAlriEettirreaDellhill? ata el )11°L6AtliaalIttlik11114ride 1°17t1b411414TOIDInttglIiieband. i t*I7A'.;ti'rtsolockInhallg11,1:61:tvr;g1:101'pll'e,'ttatito ordtn' nbat tttiWttttiiij dtheerethfltiltitabitigthrloYnt iitAlvIvialletoin11:(111 f"ttie' Volihtlitiet1 ilt6lettPf 411*' 1141 el° CL1qToi% Octoberit,