Exeter Times, 1876-6-22, Page 1DIVAN'$
kard'e bleek, Exeter,
00 W A N, AI D., Phytiielati and
sutee0n,A0, 1,S:0, 0 MQ0-qieXt deOn to MX,
ok 0 Store. Naiii-etreet, Exeter, /SeeidenSe--at
0, MAU'S
1$100:RE N.D., 0,M
Vu.A.1)1444%t tet•A ill Vilivore ,114
e al ritysielen., eargO(M1
04100 en I reeldenee—lweter. Ont.
(Mee hourr3-6 to 10 aart.,and 7 tO 10 P.M,
Phyeielane,, Surgeons, Aceenehouili. Office
-,Donanion Medical 14aberatory, one door north
of Davie' bleekeneith shop, klain et., Exeter. Ate-
slael•we, Er, BrOWning's, Unroll, et' J. W. RUMS.
noo Id, U., Gradiret,olrietetia. College, Member Co.
lege Physiciane & Surgeons, Wu. D.3viNo, 14,f, B.
tiradtuttell,nivoreity Trinity College, Ateniber
ego Phyeieraue 0.0d Snrgeone: 611-t.
iiraitton, june 18,1874, 45-6m•
Clover Seed tor sate.
stantly keeps ort hand a large stock of pure drugs
Paten tMedieines, end Dye stuffe.
mid is aloe proprietor N the Drug store, and con -
0440'10. 011ice—Drug Stem, Main St. Grantou
1)Rs LANG., M. B., M. De, L. R. C.
WA (et 010 College et Physicians and Stirgeons of
P, $. a, GraduAtte of Trinity College, Mem'
Surgeon Dentist,
has treated permaneutlyin Exeter. :Office in Fem.
son 1QW13LO0k. 113-ly
promptly attended to. Office and residenee—
nearly opposite John's Tin Shop.
IIliINSMAN, Surgeon Dentist,
,-e—e- who hasbeen in Exeterover4 yrs.lis stillon
and all the time Office and residence,next door to
C. Eaerett's Harness Shop, Main street, His wife
also is always on hand to attend lady patients.—
His work is guaranteed inferior to none, and su-
perior to that ot meet others. Terms more liberal
than any other in this county; upper set—very ...wet
—$15.00. Fillinos warrautedfive years. To prevent
being miedirected.take care to enquire for the Old
Established Dental Office,
rrietere, Attorneys -at -law, Solicitors in
Ull , Conveyancers, Commissioners in B.11.
and (Aeries Public, St, Mary's
OS elon—Hutton's Block, Water St., St. Mary's
tors, ttorneys, Solicitors, Commissioners
B, R., &c.
01,8[013--FIUTTON'S BLOCH, Water Street, St.
dont; E. Ifennitra, E. W. HARDINal
sTh, Marriage Licenees,under tho new A.N,Credi-
..4) ton, Out. 24-ly
v • Marriage Licensee under the uew Aot
at the Post Office store, Zurich, Ont. 46 -ti
r BROWN, Public Auctioneer,
L • Whichesea. Sales prompty attend ed to
%emus re isonable.
Winche'sea, Oct. 15,1878.
bure.—The above :riotel has changed hande
midis thoroughly refitted for the comfort of the
traveling public. Good liquors and cigars at the
bar. Attentive hostler always in attendance
Rooms tor Continental Travelers
T(ING'S HOTEL, Market Square,
.se Stratford, Robert Shore, proprietoor. This
hotel has lately been purchased and overhauled.
excellent aud roomy stables. Attentive hostlers.
Is. every acconiodatiou for the traxel ling bublic,and
best liquors and cigars an the bar.
tratford, MaL 9, 1876 30-6mos
A. L .,11‘,„0 T E L,—This house,
who has
the nittaagement of Mr, E. Chhis-
_ It° IL 0 %imees -;x r 19,tcti t e 4, and grsakapkii
he. udid and sbod-2"sheF'50 ft. long—
attentike hostIcre good liquors and cigars. 25
k_..) Exeter, Ontario. Oke & Bisset, Proprio -
,os. This hotelis new and fitted up -in the bee
style. Special attention paid to the want e of t•io
tiaVelling public. Large Familia roorus for porn-
travellere. Good stabling and attentive
nostlere. 10648
ONt., W. HAW K HAW, Proprietor. Thi
new and commodious hot ells now completed, and
tted up throughout with first -furniture. The
hest of Liquors andthe choicest of Cigars at the
.1;ar. The house is capable of accommodatinu 35
-,?uests. Excellent stables and an attentive hos-
tiers. (54-1y.)
McFALf 5 ProPrietor. This first-olati hotel
has lately changed hands (from W. ns to
W. Bowey), and is fitted -with new. furl. !biro
throughout. Free 'bus to 'and from the station
Office for the new line of 'busses to London. The
bar is replete with the choicest liquors and frag-
rant Havanas. Four commercial sample room.
Good stabling and attentive hostlers. A bus
runslieand from Clandeboye. A good livery
stable n connection. 144
PER .•
C. •. ' • .• •• • ••, •
..VANP•11.84: I Y.. :4114' :CO
J(Mgr et:Instantly op nand the largest and
Beet Assortment of
Patent Medicines !
Tooth, Nail, Hair, and Cloth
School Books, Toy Books,
BlankoBooks, Magazine's,
A ibumsFancy Goods
Pencil Sla es, Lead Pen-
cils, &o.
OLE Agents for LAZARUS, M011111S,
0o.'s Celebrated Perfected Spectacles an
Eye -glasses.
Prescriptions and Recipes quickly and accu-
rately dispensed. Remember the Place—Di-
rectly opposite the "Central Hotel," Main -et.,
Exeter. C. VANDITEN & Co.
Exeter, January 7, 1874. 71 -yl.
Savings and Investment
Debentures and Mortgages Purchased
Parties requiring ilioney can obtain ad
vancesprompay on approved ei ty or Farm
On application at their office
London Jan 12th. 1866.
(Jyte-rs ! Oysters!
Store, .Post °Ince Block"
An (excellent stock of Groceries and Confect
ery on hand.
4;" Sportsmen supplied with Amniimition.
School Books, Stationery, Magazines
X .11. -8,6..8 Machine Needlesof every kind So
MI SCELANEOUS 30 or 40 Village lots
Harry Brown, or Winehelsea, informs his friends
that he can Bundy them with all manner of reap-
ing, mowing and threshing machine repairs. He
is always ready to meet his friends, and do his
best for them by supplying them with wood or
iron work. HARRY BROWN
Til-RESTORED.—Just published, a new addi-
tion of Dr. Culverwell's Celebrated Essay on the
radical cure (without medicine) of Spermatorrhoea
or Seminal Weeknese, Involuntary Seminal
Losses, Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapa-
city, Impediments to Marriage, et.; also, Con-
sumption,'Epilepsy and Fits, induced by self-in-
dulgence or sexual extravagance, &c.,. P•iice of
sealed envelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated
author, in his admirable Essay, clearly demon-
strates, from a thirty years' successful practice,
that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may
be radically cured without the dangerous use of in-
ternal medicine or the aclplicaticn of the knife,
pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, cer-
tain and effectual, by means of which every suf-
ferer, no matter what his oondition may be,may
Cure himself cheaply, ,privately, and radically.
This lecture should be in the hands of every youth
and everyman in trio land. Sent under seal, in a
Plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on re-
ceipt of si r cents or tweicost stamps. Athirese the
publishers. F. BRIT ,-AN & 5 ON, 41 Ann st.
IsTew York. Post Office Box 4586,
with frontage to Zurich Road, for sale at
Already, at this place the are about to he ereeted
a number of buildings; There is also a good,
Splendid opening fur Imackernith, Joiner and
Carpenter, Shoemaker, and all other branches
of Trade. The Station is numbered second ir
point of business on the
L., H. & B. R. 11.
For the protection of the' 'public of British
'North America', I deem it my duty to state
that my P1118 and Olotment are neither
manufaxturednOr suicide. any part of the United
Statee, Each pot and box bears the
British Goverantdat,Stanip,iviththe words,'Hollo-
way's Pills and Ointrilent,London,"engraved there-
on, On thelabel ie the address, 530 Oxford street,
London. This notice has become riscossary, in
khsequence of vile and spurious imitations of
ollo way's Pills ' an d Ointment,"
atie Maiden Lane
ties styling them -
and Co.," with an
mak thus—
vendors can ob-
it very low price,
hal g fabricated
New York, by par
selves " Holloway
assuined t r a de
Ungrin eiNled
andsodeceive you uy . •seuiilg
same for my genuine Holloway'a Pilie and Oint-
ment, which art inanufactured only at 533 Oxford
street, London. Persons who. may be deceived
please eorrimixicatewithree.Many respect'blefirine
in the British Provinceswho obtain my medioines
direct from hate, home very prOperly suggested
that 1ehould, fOr the benefit of thwesolvee and
the pilblic, insert their names In the papers, that
It may be lodown that medioines can be hati goeu
hie from them. The following le a lista the firm
tilltided to; and I particularly °commend thee°
Who desire to get my Medicines to apply, to AMU°
Of the' hetnies narn.6(1:—Messre. Avery, Browu &
Co., Halifai„ N. 8; Messrs. Forsyth & Co., N. S.
Messrs. T13 Barker ,k Seas, Kt John, 1,1 13; Mr. T
Dee Brien y,tharlotte ToWri, P I ; Messrs, Lang-
ley &Co., Victoria, 13 C.; Messre, Moore (lc Ce.,Vic-
B Ce Dr. 30110,Pa1le1, (Blatant, N 33; Meserif,
Muero & ltIontroal; Meeere. ,T Winer dc Co,
narrillton', Mr, 11, Bose, 11001104 Mr, A Chip,
Man Sinith; St, John. N 13; Mr. ,Thhn l3Ond,00der-
lcb Moser. Elliot& ToronClialoner,
St John, NB; Meson, lfemngton'ilree., St ;Um
3113; Mr 13 Priddy, Windsor; Mrs Oryen, Morden,
N fl; George Hunt, jr., rredriekton, N II; Mr
,W P nompeen, Harbor Grace; N •` Mr ;I' 11
Wilfry,Fredrickton,N" II; !dowel \V ceD
MOritreal, The Modleib ea arc Sold at the helmet
wholetelle nett prices, iti quantitiee of " not lees
than 40 Woiill-viz„ es. 8., els., and 14,per dogori
boXes of Nile or pot§ of Oie tinoot, for which ro.
reittanee must be Sent in &dye nee.
THOMAS norstow AV
For further particulars, apply to
Heave Remedy
Perry's Cattle Feeder
tar Thoee preparations are the most reliable
in use.
1: Two cutters nearly new. see DR MOOR
OR SALE.—Two corner Lots oppo-
site Dr. Hindman's. Apply to JOHN P
MARSIdILL, Exeter.
V sale.—The undersigned offers his eubstan-
dal brick dwelling -house for sale, situated
mile north of Ellinvillo. The purchaser can have
whatever q rantity of land he may want, not ex-
ceeding 5 acres with house.' Terms easy. For
further partioulary enquire of TEtomAs ANDREW,
Elimville P 0. 31-tf
TooR SALE.—The subscriber offers
1' for Bale a house and stable, and one acre of
land, nue-half mile south of the Village of Exeter,
and would exchange a light wagon—nearly new—
for a buggy. For particulars for the house and
land apply to ANDREW WALKER, Centralia,
Centralia, Jan 22, 1876, 23-tt
FARM FOR SALE.—The undersign-
' ed offers his farm coniposing lot 1, con. 6,
Osborne, 7i miles from the rising village ofExoter.
Good two story brick house, good.hame gasover-ot
good orchard bearing, ae. 4. r4 (44141-A-W4W,Mte
hiVglrmuaeres of good
nd, 80 aortal cleared. For terms apply to •
$5-8121 T00ISA13 JACQUES, Elimville P.O.
scriber oilers fOr sale the N.W. of lot 3
con. 3, Osborne, containing 50 acres of excellent
laud, 40 acres cleared, balmice well timbered,
dwelling house, barn and stable c..1 the promisee,
also a good young orcuard of graft fruit and a ne
ver -failing spring. Distant from Exeter four
miles. Per furtherparticulars e,pplyto L HEMP
SET, proprieror, Exeter P.O. 73 -ti.
ROPERTY FOR SALE.—Two lots on Main
street, containing one-fifth acre each;
good frame cottage, containing Rix rooms; good
well and pnrap, and stable on the premises.—
Tho above is eligibly situated for business, as
the lots are both front lots, and convenient to
the street leading to the station. For particu-
lars apply to J. WHITE, Tates Office, Exeter,
VARM FOR SALE.—By private
12 in the township of Unborn°, containing one.
hundred acres more or less, being Lot 8, South-
west boundary in the Tovruship of Osborne.—
There are good buildlnes on the premises a good
gppply of water. Being situated Bevan miles
;F,.xeter and five miles from Granton. Foi
V."45:'"'—'• apply to jOuN ThOINs, Whalez
s 140t1
Machine Shop in Saforth
A. large quantity of Private Funds to lend on
Real Eetate.
HAXING fitted up the promises formerly
occupied by Gray & Scott, we are pre-
pared to contract for
Flouring, Grist and Saw Mille, Sh ingle, Head-
ing, Stave ahd Hoop Machinery -
Blacksmith work and general repair prompt,
ly attended to.
0 iigalest chtting
11°I'ebY danthin 411"Dtd);'gVan6 of the Canada
re)1"ving t4ilbr afginatttntneeecl to prosecute 51
CoMPanY, n,9 - Olaw.
tit spaseers with th14°ttikOk f en 0
,90111.1 SPACIPIAN'r
Timber Atieut Cat !tl):
Ester May13'
Shafting, Pelleys, Grate )lar and other castings
Bra,ssand Iron Fittings. Pipe, &c. supplied.
Foundry Miltufaeturing company,
Near Mansion House,
eeaferth,Feb, 5,1870. 25
needs, Mortgagee,
aeasonable Terms. Property for Sale
and to Rent. Apply to
A, LAKEInsurance and Land Agent.— Office,
Faeson' Block, Eeeter.
Exeter, May 10th, 1876. 3m
AY, JUN** 18761,,
aohlhg agave ott and'—
Ot a 40 g,Oleatt furrow alone oho?.
Three times on earth the Saviour tile
To wrest from Death his prey. The first, w
sThotri0 kr 'saelnerwtdhagargiheft,erf11
h, i:pareelgeeenPo,ean.dfie
Or comfort. Unto them he said, "Be it,
To you _Recording to your faith," and ls
The maiden woke to life and joy.
Next, on
The pathway to the grave, the widow's soul!:
Ile raieed. How sang witn joy the mother's
heart •
That her laid stay was given her again,
And how the multitude beheld with awe,
The might of him who come to eeek avid ravi.
Lastly when Lazarus had lain four days
WithiOhe " gloomy portals of the tomb,"
The Saviour raised him up to life once more,.
That they, who in His power believed, mig4
see 1'
The glory of their God.
And still these miracles are done,and pass
Unnoticed by our eyes, and lost are we A
In worldliness. The Saviour's power dreent
The heart of him, which has but entered on ,1
The downward, evil course: still the cold.
ts good,
with heavenly grace H
Nor is there one go dead to virtue or
ere the 'skillfifl strolte had de-
w relaxed and the smile (mune
shoWn 'with a, milder lustre -
Whistled gently to biniself
eefq across the roOra
wipeAts., razor.
tiuie "he reue*ed-
mirror, ' drew in hie
repped his'jaw--took a de -
t survey of his ground, ancf—t
off" 'about half an ineh of his
ight ea,r, as neatly as could be, done
by any barber in the land.
Oh, Moses ' lie yaled. Jy the
holtey-pokey Oh -�o.00 •
Ann Maria put down her book and"
adminiatered 'consolation.
That's just like a maul' shaP•
• Wbatetier possessed you to . out y
tieflike that anyhow _
iihet up, you mumbled ',Toe,
ngrily. What/tre you °
having anyhow?'
out the viater.pipes, saw and loved the Mara
hbier euteitling aaPbPlanriutt,°41itanlEy gstyPreeli°rtierdi .41 :*114;'1:'°1:'jy to":"tirottdciut97€,Yr44gw'aennti,
her that his time; Weilld soon 'he' out, gra
ig her father's lordly mansion to thaw ylliagee—
'but 40 Wet her ob/SOtion toliS lick of Tree re • allthOrFOil to Pay the
and told her how the bills ayee made 44C:004,43poi:04.tigt 43.0,b0:els,t a,ud that" 'the,
fOrtune, The hanghty and infatuated
40_04. I*:
* hti,fieeOnded by-
woo ved.frofwth ridges know -
Orl rejected hie „nail and int4rried' 'the
Tashisnahla., y. ' ‘,...,01144, Ntrli *401,
.61,10' Bet 'tfp if ' iff0.' itt: ,40itl)i-
„paaasiolimi As and avenue,' .,,ltitander?
tiii-„)1,70 thi'ittteraatives oflOrtiiiria7
The 'plan:thee-rose steitclilybeett
wealthy, - and: ,ptircliased tlitf,"''-fe
mansiork,r. When the young ititilienk:Win
vompe11e4t1ireueli going Sort on No.,
spring at aninopportuna,Moment,4O
Sell out- Os* property. The Tinting iitie-':
band ,telik . to drink, and -finally .l;Wei
liiiiieclike, :pauper's grnVei; and last
"night hi"tarving widoW' asked and le,
ceilved.$' -:s :on . the ".,:doortittips of a
bowie ' 'i 1 h -'” '1Vii,"'" rnia. . the
006'04 -
About s,
halide of her disear pia
'More than y-ou do, ,,preetiOu ' retr its °truer and tiro
plied hie wite. Didn't Used tcwatek
My father when I was' a did .) , like COUNTY COUNCIL:
to know? Many and many's,. the time
4've seen him,- take right Id of his
Se sunk in ein, His power cannot reviee—
nese, Ancishave himself as' as a
His hand load upward to eternal life.
Mrs. Laurie keeps a very select
boardiug-house in our vicinity. She
is a busy little body, neat us wax, and
an estimable cook. So her table is
always spread, and her So,
ate, she has, in general, notlack of
steady boarders, who, in consideration
of the good cheer, are willing to pass
over certain trifling infirmities of speech
and temper on the part of the good
woman of the house.
The other evening Mr. Laurie came
home looking unusually smiling and
good-natured, aud topic his seat amone
the other boarders at the table, with
an air that told of a ruind at ease and a
all, brimraing over with good will to
After supper he tiptoed softly iuto
the hall, and lifting his Ulster gently
from the rack, drew forth from an in-
ner pocket, it long queer -shaped pack
age, with which he quickly darted up-
stairs to bis own sanctum sanctorume
Mrs. Laurie had had her eyes upon
him throughout the meal, and had no-
ticed, as she afterwards said,that he Was
' dretful oneasylike." So I suppose it
is not muck to be wondered at if she
dM happen to be peeping promiscu-
ously out of the parlor door, at the
very moment when her gentle spouse
winged his frenzied flight to airier re-
"whistle 113 less than no tirtiel There1'
'If his nose was au long as.yburs is,
Ann Maria, 1 don't wender 'the old than
'could -twist his,Afe around so easy.'
'.It ,WaS large'enough, be leek decent,'
retortecP;AMaria, ''and that' is
40,0'6111mi somebody else .can say that
rlinOw of.' '1'
tlt had rum-blessoms enough' on it
anyhow to raise fruit for the whole ter.
itory,' said Mr. Laurie, defiantly.'
tt' It wasn't poked into other people's
business all the time,. like that sharp
*edge of your mother's yogi insulting
guppy you 1 And if he Was
yOu'd never dare to abuse his daughter
hi this way, and you know it!'
'Here she began to sob piteously, and
urie grabbed up his hat end fled.
rs. Laurie leaned over the banisters
d "lifted fir her voice" after him—e
!" My folks are as good .as your
folks any day, Joe Laurie 1" she cried,
"nd they never lived on the third
thior of tenement houses neither, nor
di& their own washing and . teerrowed
ot er folk's soap, nor let thejf children
gr w up in the streetse.''-that they
di n't 1 And do-opteion forint it,,Joe
net HerOke-front door lasenged
ently to, and a very red-faced
an sat down on the stairs and
so ed 'pathetically as she listened to
thkdoleful strain that arose from a
borider'e zoom below :--
Tell MO 11 t in mourm
nful nubers,
ife lefeif)litfi'emp,y dream!"
I _Latteltik_1„1.0.e
glens above. tt? .,the Centennial -4W al1.
do5iwid-o on7o;li instant:then she' die -w -PR"- go
her breath hard and bit her lips. Wba't P- rear Story.
ailed her Josy ? What was in that
mysterious package ?
The good lady ts it little given,to at-
tacks of the green-eyed monster '
iso of
course she naturally concluded that
there was a woman in the case,' or at
least the picture of one.
The door of thechamber was locked!
More mystery! Mrs. Laurie rapped
on the panels and demanded admit-
tance, in a tone that brcokea of no de-
nied. Her guilty hrsband unlocked
the door promptly.
'Come in, Ann Maria!' he said
He was radiantl He was happy!
Mrs. Laurie looked at him reproach-
fuly and began to grow hysterical. He
beconed her gleefully toward the toi-
let table.
See here, Ann Maria,' he said, a
penny saved, is a penny earl ed, old
girl, and no more of my hard-won mon-
ey goes fosupport a lot of lazy bar -
Ten cents a shave Aun
biggest: faiid'I&Pfit ! Why its just the
again they're tap .ignoranteses ud_f hen
edest oot of blockheads you ever came
across—a rubbing their greasy hands
under a teen's nose, and it smellirg so
of hair-ile --Jewel. It makes me sick
to think of it! And then the time you
lose in their pesky shops waiting for
your turn to be served and the twaddle
you're forced to listen to --bah ! Ann
Maria, it is unb °beside 1 I made up
my mind all of a sudden to -night, hur-
ried out and bought it snaving set, cup,
razor strop, and all cemplete. Hence-
forth I 811011 shave myself, Ann Maria,
and the barber's may go to the—Oen-
termini 1'
Ann Maria looked at the shaving sot
and her face softened.
Call you do it?' she asked. 'Did
you ever shave before, Joe)?'
No -o1' answered Joe. valiantly.
'But that makes no difference. Its
just as easy as falling en an orange
rind, my girl l'
Mrs. Leurie looked dubiously at her
hopeful lord, but she said nothing.
Taking it book she sat heeeelf dowr by
the grate to read, while her bigger
half itubuttoned his collar teed cufis
and prepared for busihess.
First he soaped his face all over
thoroughly with the lathe, looking in
the mirror all the while and smiling
pleasantly at his own reflection. Next
he took the rezor ;out of its case and
tried the edge upon his thumb
and grinned as he thought of the dis-
comfited barbers. Then he looked Be.
riotts, raised the glittering Ivottpon
high, equared his elbow, and had just
puffed out his lips and puckered up his
chin, when—Ann Maria sneezed ener-
Mr. Lenrie is a very nervous tutu
and it sneeze is his pet abotnination.
On the present occasion he consider-
ably startled, init he spoke not a word
—only looked at the beloved of his
bosom ititently.
Mrs. Laurie felt injured by the loolt,
and idle said SO. Whereat, in 1110
language of the tender husband, he
told lier to shet up her month and go
to bed Also With the traditional
obedience of sieving Wife she never
budged a foot.
Mr. Lamle turned around arid re.
were ail °tee more. Ile raised the' pltunber's aprvehtteel )00 While riett• in the Teedlieratee Ilan in the 0044 hinellthlrettitY IttY hie hana8 on
tile" tic)11`
patted, Lite t.rta its stern tea fashionable young man, the other the
faced the glass, but the smile had de,
Dealer in Lumber
An exteneive Reek or hand. The Lumber, for
Quality or prioeoiannot be beat. A good assort -
merit always on hand, cheap for Cash,
Ward East sate main Street, between Gidly and
Vietotie, Streets.
p for Cash
GftVe Unitorial Satisfaotion ,
Last geason, therefore buy yeur eeede tide settee)]. ,
Ci.tiAtGE ;, MILD,
Z40)14621 ZOO& StOrttt
CITY HALL, ItteillVfOND are',
teat eietelogeo for 1476 hp I published and free to
511.-4 end for ono,
Lintdout Metall 801676,
FtW mill, two and a half 81111e9 west of Ex-
er, on the town lino of Stephen and Hay.
Dill stuff cut on the shortest notice les than
fifty feet.
see— ,welessisseto
There is a young gentleman in ft
Nevada town who is looked upon as a
sort, of woman hater, and who, it was
believed until lately, wculd not marry
the handsomest and best woman oil
earth if every hair on her head was a
Kon-i-noor diamond. On account ot
leap year some yoneg ladies concluded
to put up a job for this young man,
and arranged it for one of their number
to propose marriage to him, while the
others watched the fun through heles
bored in a partition.
: The gentleman was invited to call
at the house of the young lady who
was to do the proposiug, and on the
designed evening he was there seated
in the parlor, while the accessories to
the plot were stationed at their eye-
holes. After some desultory conversa-
tion about the weather and- the club
party, the young lady suddenly
dropped on hor knees before the gen-
tleman, and in endearing terms de-
clared her passion :
•-• ."-11"”--sile...e. 44_ " I long have
alitiss of 'moiety have I —a.--
ceal,my passion. seg149-ylete,to,00e.
give 1 to oppressed woman one blessed
priv ego, is now here, and I take ad-
vent go ef it to tell thee I adore thee.
Lool not thus coldly at me, dearest;
spure me not from thy presence. See
me Oa my banded kneea imploring that
you Will not say IRO nay. Grant me
but lone kiss from your ruby lips; fold
mbes nitto rmairnme,s oannlly say inothat
, fot reliuyonr wilt
for 4e. '
Ccntrary to expectation, the gentle-
man displayed not the least astound).
men daring the foreihing recital, and
whe it was concluded he went over to
the' 'Ove, and folding his arms under
his coat tails, thus replied:
'i'n told your dad owns it hundred
propered to do all Ithute
House Tainting, Paper-4anging
'Whitening, &e.,
ete ee ohable end punctually.
le/TRIttel, Maiteetreet. Motor.
xoter, April 10,1816. 4 -tint)
Moved by Mr. Monteith, seconded by
Mr. Ford, that the E egineer be instrues
ted tOMsave the approaches on the
Base 'ie bridge, near Surnmerlull Put
„agproper state nf,repair. Carried.
The opiiiion of C. -Cameron;
Q. C., in reference to Graham's bridge
was read, in effect that the CountYnot
having assUmed the bridge and'accord-
ing to-lreoedent could not. be corn -
pelted to rebuild the bridge.' s If there'
is then no Obligetion to rebuild, there
was no valid reason for closing, tile
bridge or havitig anything, to do with'
it. "-,
The report of the Road tine 13ridge
Committee was read in substance ..as
With reference to the petitiou of W,
Hutton and others asking that Gra-
ham's bridge be rebuilt, and M. Gar -
row's motion requesting the ceimmit-
tee to get the legal pinion of Mr. Cam-
erod, a,ud a statement of the case hav-
ing been sent to Mr. Cameron and his
opinion thereon received, the coiiiinit.
tee recommend that no action he eeken
on the petition, and also that the. re-
port of special committee of the Jaime
ary session be rescinded. With'iefer-
enoe to the Engineer's report, the
committee reeornmend the Engineer to
make the necessary rcpairs on the
bridge over the BayfieM river, near
• Ret;
to' the.
n01.0" -Of
and had
nrifor tnet
rebut 40
three em
to renaoir
*Ipttir 4V2NINO.
riforatifi.ng:„ the svil
aiidoo,p1aeed, Ho. ,
1sas foun(1 to bo
03' me 1ueaoy't
g doors loailingi,t he outer
seem*, I'd call
.othlwet en oS ?t; t c*, ht aged:6fe
ms to„
*4 found- ',it person -named
iroare-of,Age, lodged ,there
eriine, but because ,Of rbis
18 anything but eredztabl
wouitilitelrerntniellnd°:f hat
'tenet -allow' the jail to be
useeof. refuge. We also
e Atkin° ward- a perfickff Of the
tiDonadd who had 'fallen
tttiilci,Worl4ng in, Colborne
tetlieffir tliat,lib is now
t1116s11".- aalainds4tteunbwododuld again
#Prt ' ' 0°14`.„-- We would
that 'he ",,his ',sent' to,, his
hat adinjttanee -0 Such
be,-reitised, in future.
that proper Steps- be taken
�rto an asylum.
tliex. Gusseer,
' Chairman.
ni std1 e. icer:oliCuo:47/ t;hy abyp3fiat, bean1 !tgt oharteoyt or oapdbc to:, natepha;bii;dyr
the regular prices,foi:Printing
'Moved in amendment' to the above
TePort by Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr.
flaVeei, that the proprietors of the
Exr,ren Tails be not paid 425 for loss
thein for this Ooneetl, -when certified.
Turner's mill. 'The nineittee also P7°Rri‘tePtird'oB°rtP7t;f7F14i:eatnb.oYe ' nunittee was
16 votes, and, re
recommend that the Endipeer lay some iatd an adopted in su tame as fol -
stone round thee pier ateetiane es er ewe ; e -
bridge instead of drietneeseeeeesee,.., sesmeseteeeekpeseeeee E
-yoult-xnu-ru.ii-sunrvirrer...„-qs7.7au-oe.t- •P-'-`-'”' '" "" '.. -,. 'Tre CM-`4401Ti ,
the, Engineer to get some repairs made With reference to themotionle ye
, 4, am
mined. The committee recommend recommended that' Ise—, • To
to the bridge at Grand B6nd to keep it Samuel Hannah $35 for land taken for
up until next spring, aud to make ar- gravel road, recommended that he re-
rangements to have it new bridge con- ode's+ $30, provided he gives a,, receipt
structecl for next winter, provided the in full for the claim; also recommend
County of Lambton pays 'one-half the that $100 be granted each if the Rid -
expense. W.th reference to the am- inf.; Agriculturl Societies. In regard
tion of Mr. Young for the County to to motion for $100 towards work on
assume the gravel roads, the commit- Carrick boundary, and mceion for re -
tee recommend that each municipality paieing road in Colborne frem Anthony
keep up the repairs of their own roads. Allen's to Maitland bridge, would re -
The Engineer is instructed in accord- commend that the sum be not granted.
'thee with Mr. Strachan's motion to We have much pleasure in stating that
have the approaches to the bridge at a cable telegram has been received
from A. M. lies'', conveying the gratify-
Morrisbank repaired.
ing intelligence that our debentures
Council went into committee of the have been bold at a premium of 21 per
whole on the report, Mr. Proctor in the cent. We would also recommend that
the Clerk be authorized to strike the
Mr. Hodgson, that the report of thelzeives a statement of th
Moved by Mr. Davis, seconded by rate for 'school equivalenet,ainwhoeannthferorme-
special committee recommending a the department. The:
ammed and we
Treasurer's se -
grant of $600 to Mr. Hutton and oth- eurities have been
ers interested in Graham's bridge be deem them satisfactory.
D. D. Wteeoer,
not rescinded. Lost by 11 majority.
Moved in amendment to the report
sIttlimr. of
tr$aitcoi,:ono, sezonded by Mr.
oe passed to raise
Kelly,0attilisat tah eby b- lraiwd
expen ed on A.pulication of Mr. Dickson, turnkey.
were recineetine Cou nein _to_ .etv.tl,, eesse
the sup'. h.--_g_e_8. of vehicle
same principle as the boundary line granted.
appropriation, unexpended moneys to The report of the Equalization Com-
be certified by each Reeve. Lost o_n a mittee Was read, which when amended
was as followe :--
division by a majority of 11.
Moved by Mr. D. D. Wilson, secon- The Equalization Committee in the
ea by Mr. Wm, Young, that clause 18 performance of the duty laid on them
of the report be amended as follows: by this Council have encountered a
That $10,000 be granted for the pur. labor which might well appal the most
poses of repairing the leading roads in hiborious and stout-hearted. The proper
the county, that is the roade of which examination of the schedule of scales,
the bridges were assumed by the Conn- prepared by the Registrar of the Coun-
cil in December, 1878, and that the ty, a thorough investigation into and
Engineer be hereby instructed to ex- comparison of the values of property
pend said sum in repairing equitably as as shown by the rolls and rendering a
far as practicable the various leading calm and dispasedonate judgment en
roads in the county, said repairs to be the evidence and facts adduced, is the
made at once under the superintend. work of a month rather than of a
ence ef praettical men ill each section. week. An exainination of the eetra-
Alter it good deal of discussion the first ordinary roll sent by the officials of
two amendments were put to the Coun- Stephen, where the nesessor's figures,
oil with the results named, and the last showing the separate valnes of real and
cnotion Was withdrawn. ' personal property are pasted over,
The Warden resumed the chair, when which pasting over the conimitte could
the report was adopted. pot remove , without destroying the
Moved by Mr. Gibson, 'seconded by document, is an illustration to the
Mr, Heuningethat it be a standing in. point, and one that will doubtlesa con -
steadiest to the Engineer that the ap- vine° auy one who is sceptical on the
preaches to all County bridgea cf the pinta. It is a pleasure, however, to re -
length of not ntore than 150 feet on cord the fact that a greet number of
each side be kept in repair by him, the rolls were, both as to `" get up"
without special orders in each 638e0, in and assessment-, unexceptionable. A
the same way as he does on boundary inuoli needed improvement might be
bridges.— Carried. . mule by assessors if they would show
Isloved by Mr. Yontig, tieconded by the value of each parcel of property
Mr. Buchanan, that the County give a separately oe the roll. It ie the opinion
special grant of $600 for repairing that of the committee that the values of per -
part of the road south of Anthony Al- sonal property as shown by the rolls
len's to Maitland bridge.--Referr0d. is on too low a scale in the town and
NrOVed by Mr. Wilson, seconded by 'lla e roperty. Your corenaittee in
Mr. Lane. that the °outwit grant the
r R,
SUM of $100 to cut down the hill on
the boundary line between Carrick and settles se ,a guide to and by no means
newielt. on condition that the County c011ehiSiVe" evidence en the point of
of truce grant the IMMO amount and Value, they liftVe thlrefere exercised the
that the Township of Ilowiek ad On' greateat latlit140 ill their illagtetiett
rick giva 4150 etteh.—Referred. and ha' arrived Et Whi011 WO tenet
The return Of the 0011811S Of the Vii- will prove tiatisfaeato.ryiL catsomtt.
loge Of Myth Was ‘SreSetited, showing Chairman
a population of '171 eon's, '
Moved by itIr, Kelly seconded by Mr.
Pittrottootettponor or, bat: 1.inawgt ft. Ihi mee ivai oillhei arogkno dobrfo,a fl3ti ii otbil 0. land
returning °Meer to hold the ilvitielte.
tion and that the iltst election be held,
4 W
shone of North Carson, and that
you'le got two brindle bulldogs in your
own Tight without incumterance ; like-
wise T am informed that you are a good
handlat making slapjacks and biscuits ;
that you don't chaw gum, which, by
the ay, is i owerful expensive these
hard times. In view of these facts, 1
cons nt, and leave it to you to name
Hcirrifie,l, the lady tried to exelain
that }t was all a joke, but the gentle-
man .serild not accept such an existence -
nen, lid threatens a breach of peomiee
suit unleas who fulfills her promise, in
which event he will summon the peep -
ars tt tvitnesees,
2,4! Romance ol Chicago
Yettorday evening, a pale, thin wo-
inan,meanly clad, was seen shivering
on the doorstep of a faShi0116b10 Mb.
sion en Ashland aventte. Her whole
appearance betokened poverty arid mis-
ery, The master of the house, a °cm.
parsOvely young inan :lad in it costly
fur overcelt, ran up 'the steps at the
same moment and gave the poor orea.
ture a quarter, which she redeiVed
with profuse manifestations of area -
hide, It SeeiTIS romantic, but it is rt
feet that eleven years ago that young
woman lived in that same mansionithe
beautiful, idolized and accomplished
1:rlge°14t38::?e44rt :rnQg neeitieu
toymlfty per ee
ply IQ two, three or foar ginefaes o
winea toCaltee tile, arenkennese, Ana
tory, fix ' al,e0, end ntittder, of one
0(3)ni:IvOlizei;i81$ '0..r tietnIon7Yliet:rItceniliov:4Vmilrbttr°eavt.
eider t ct the 'seine work of the ones
my of 1 righteousness atid good Or,
der. The ditterfnice in the ettanlity
and cost is the only tztateriel eonsider.
align. Intoeicatiou !nut the eonso.
(pont results itro elifie produced
when eisough of the ititoeit-
t7xiti3leagtesacallind("litniairlatteaakehneinneeTebilst ini; ,
ffaIl ever mast be a foe to the litietten
system. It remeine, ,itillike feed, un-
eti.og the hloed P008018 88
abruaiirnriataitidt tain4(eir: proninisoanin. ioregaca
.iii.el'3811"It'awilhqiitei:nttaiti°eees u
talt°tetf lin: ilt i: aten
glass In
of the milder drinks, itseffeots' are none
ctiiip61 ere'osfel.' d' :net alii nai teTril let 91 i tthlie' nilo,nt" lel ;1ri
01 t°119:s
1 efais 1 liolipfi .1 te:4t1 v10.111: ie;:oba:eoti tut 1:1 hivtlaedei rseas4iesyitti 91t:: tendeksbideiljoilii:nenrmacIttYmeraobtel Inapt lialase:enshtvigif,m:ott, dr:not!ftwleri:eenntmlhea::::ar .1.‘1 teal VgaPeiPprt Yblernat flitaetlaiY:19:7; '
Vletilli, tyritnized over' bY
glass eau neVer take,1 r, the
droulfarde have, been ne ye '6Ar8114
ths fb1:41 Itn'isbislotrfiacal 11187ot:if:I. (bus
eThIlfaei as-
anItdochment shows it large increase of the
population, if NYS 00Mintie it to the
foregeing cetstis. On the 81st Decem-
ber, 1875, the 'total of the Populatiou
amounted to. 42,757,812 tnliabitants.
DeCember, 1871, 41,058,792 ,
inhabitant's 'were counted, incluing,
est' course, the troops then stationed in
France. Aceerding to theseefigures..
there hiS been an increase of 1,699,020
inhabitants within four, yeare, or an
much as 1.01 per cent, a'yeer. Within
1867-71 the populatiOn incieased
by '951,617, or only 0,58 roe cent:
"(average) a year. (El tlieSe latter
figures Alsace aud Lori aine:qiece been
inelnded.)Within the ..ltiee census
peried the populations theedfdree.en.
creased by 700,000 inhabitantssiotS0.73°
per cent., more than '
going period of four yearaellidy re
part of this difference may rAibixf •
to the war between Ger,mapeessese
France. The principal reasou,s, of -the
increase lie in a reduction Of 'emigra-
tion and in it Strange over=balance of'
births _against deaths. If, we look at
the figures of each separate countyeyre"
find that the population ef Prues,-"' "
alone, increased by1,082,215 inhabit-
ants, whilst iee'averege yeaely increese
had, -amonneed to 07 Isee'' cent::
against 0.69eqf the foregoing period .e
creased by 200,000 inhabitants—that
is, 1.92 per cent. a yea,r, against 1.03
per cent. in the foregoing 'census peri-
od. In Bavaria, Wurtemberg, Hesse,
and Baden the growth of the popula-
tion has not been as strong as in Prus-
sia and Saxony. Of the other twenty
states, only Mecklenburg, Lubeck,
Waldeck, and Alsace-Lorraine have suf-
fered al eductien in the number of their
inhabitants. The reduction is, how -
weer, very much less important than
it had been in the foregoing period of
four years, and the sole cause was em-
igration, which in these states took
place on a larger scale—ie Alsace -Lor.
raine on account of political reasons,
in the other states on account of the
slow state of industrial progress.
On the llth of May, at five o'cltck
in the afternoon, Prince Mouroussi (a
Judge of the First Court in Alexandria
in Egypt) w6.S on it visit to Com t Ziz-
inis , at Riunleh, a little town near Al-
exandria. The day had been very
warm, and both gentlemen were oven.
ing themselves of the cool evaning by
struggling ni the water. On longer
examination both gentkemen discover-
ed that a yourg inau was drowning be-
fore his eyes. Immediately the Count
gave orders for help to be given to the
unfortunate rnan, who was visibly los-
ing strength, and servants were also
sent to the nearest guards' station on
the coast. In the meantime the Priece
-1qourousi undressed and threw him-
self into the sea, with the hope of !sav-
ing the &awning man. .In spite of the
violence of the waves he was fortunate
essough to reach him, hnt just as he
was going to seize .1iim by the hand a.
wave separated them, and the young
fellow was driven further 'off shore.—,
By this time the coastguards had ar-
rived, and were energetically urged to
give assistance, Bnt no. These it or -
thy officiels replied "that ninety thou: '
staid Chris ti Isle not
oaihsto ii)oe s6ba,,
that ttnheemy w„ould not raise it finger to
help the foulest insults the struggling men
in the sea, end 'the lookers-on wete
powerless to aid them. Two areelcs
at last cut off it boat belming to the
Schutz bathing establishment and has-
tened to the rescue of the drowning
youth, and succeeded. in towing him
and bringing hitn to shore. 13tit here
the linssulutau fanuti38 would. not al.
low the body to be taken from the boat
nor evottld they allow medical attee-
dente te interfere, The gnards sur-
rounded the boat, and by fore° drove
arriving at their . deliVerende have away8t°111r °ail:ate° dt e°bIttler°08rtsd 3'113111°a; maralainn0k':1B:1t0It7e
'tibRegistrar's schednle of' The guards Went so
fttr as to- pravellt
the Prince i res. g himself* ,,ancl. tank
the two Geeeks prisoners. Totvarde=
eight o'clock the Coantess Zizinia sent
to Inforre Count VOidons of the affitie.
But whet he 'einem it Was tee late,—
ail he could de Was to deliVer the Greek'?
frern eonfmenteut, and Prioce Mote,
la a recant itadrogi to femide oussi ryas altowed to dress himself.
Itant:stofto,r toolingillarttinati,trieooth:ttlraictittirethof ti!eStit.; -tabbyy :tittle tri It 11 1,11 ti 111 DI
art their' hair that the bishop ‘ekoadtai°,tololst'ttirTillillYiolPell:1811)eestoaftoliiIrnaMotrt
AS th6roughly small,pox by vacci13a.
daughter of wealthy parents,
siiitors sought her hatnio—one Was a