Exeter Times, 1876-2-17, Page 4L 7:4A Titeta lit the ,ittlaittioX0;14; ;Or V reAdor,, please, 'vest, %WA '11.8 biter the tollot Wool ociai, And, sec, *1 .4e: 4aut ditteViter ill011,0 1.1extatiotOrinttioltYlit voitotvo iitaeo io the tireseiiee Ot tuo '4" 41°1.0"OXVIIW40,0 tn), atelitacotat fibre, . , nag trio,glip tor a PiX-sOut , r14444444404.4iproqoae9 tio 1,44$0041i4.414t Ltientaitial Pr8 'Wive otztIiitisi$SPAiat4 , eatntf 4494 OiOatt jingling, 44100. 444 it' Ott/ '.0.116t Witile .400 4twauy ; .,00,1.44.4441rotiaaa 8414 we : a tio0,1/a, of ttine$' WV to be(lieohoJ. mytitiltiOutU2'nay 1°Q1c. 11),440 i40,1 ito41--wft11. ,y644A6,v?4irbtlao 'uQU iti1fitat tlit4 0040.Ltzi eqlt tHs Tlie thing VOIlt rit,ht litttin • t.kt44 wlteit itt lest 1(do 10; Jytei tha game. ^ Olaeb.q)laek- ; otlx4tiatto trati4u0teoiue Oittgotito$9441, 'We .4,01,404: , , ;. thenibe01.4.404 the PDX tybeitlis begAtl, the eifieitt ehtelitebtrit4ittelt I • ,44.1.401t-444401,4'iltiol;' 44014P itweilr those eillotle 44ymea .1.1tt4 timittsolvea to, thot nn ' V oto 1 e4t th e9i.c4jmutt 41100, MOir ,fitt(t40.4184.14..84 r1,1`every sep4retti. 4;atliiet' tite'.vur 'wheels mudtH Wee its.f4rged dtlt;t0ti',•48"ir'i.in4 bre obtivoug wooa. 44. Mo. . 141;.4411. Wto.' tiplittl0g4ith !a'a9he X'Oevitieit 44u4 tlittt I 144444 go ma44.1f.: 4444t.: 001.'4 •Foiled ne,picatz 1 oluld not ten ' ivh.ottietr, ilia 0030D, 4114tuij.or not, 'bad carefrilly litidnut •Lay day'e work the (lay before ----a bbrillinix tragt•Av in toe tiofal whieli 1aiti Writihit. I tient to my deu �1egni deed, oi blood• : 1 took: nkuiyveil, but till teottlt1 go to feta, was it Pilau* in the preseebe of the ca1 b1etripsslipi blaidt-tittekselmek, 1.0r a 43.7.06I t! fart liod' so 04444 ao o44 1.11,os0ttOo df „the piti•itteli- 'Jive Sleep. rot it sintle Wink! I was aliiiost t looatie when I got to Boston: Don't ask tue abottt al. I did the best tkintild, but every solemn' individnal sefiten&) WW1 tneshed •VaSsta4are r fonght, for Au and tangltal anti waten atal out with honr, hut it wee Useless., lily. head Nuai, ifrothars, punQh 1614 care, kept linitiming, '4 bine bripisiiiifr 11.11 1)111)011 in the presence of the passen- ttiguteeeut faro, a lialf f1)1: jive 1' Axil the west distressing thing six -cent fare,' and. sO an utl NO on, wits two, my delivery dropped in to the :11'itilkft4 peace or re.spita, ,The 1Y' t1atin 3..yano of those pulsing (York wils tullia se 41,1.1 rhymes, mid I could aottally tchab. plitinlY enough. 1 gave up and drift- seat...whaled people nodding iiMbi to the ed down tow»; and presoutky aisOovor- swing of it with their, tittipld t44.4a, my, feet wefe keePtlig tk) younia'Y believe it or not, that relentless jingle; When I could but idfe I got through the entire aS- and it no longer1 alterea my sop. setahltig,e were placidly bobbing their Drit it 414 Od thOielines ace°116' Wads in solemn union, mourners, un- "Watte'l thehleeltd t/ tht4newoteP' dertalter, and all. • 'The moment I had 044 went en barraging n16 04 before.. finished V fled to the ante -room in a And etiffefed ota through state boalering or feuzy. or COurse An t"448.4)" IL1tI8tt 'ilil"fr"Mug it would be my luck Pont a sorrowing dinner; suffered and biida sola Jitigied ,,„d tigt4 trittiddli ativit f 116, deceased thmegh the evenh'd to boa there, wlid liad arrived ficith Springfield and rollcd, toesed and jidgied right too late to get into the church. She along; the same as ever; got up at mid. began to soh and said night ffautic; and tried to read; but i011, oh, he's gone, he's gone, and 1 there WAS nothing. Visible upon the didn't see bica before he died I' vbiriing tiage o'leeVt "Punell 1 punch •yes;' 1gaid, 440 is putt 40 is gone, lu the presence (4 the pasmkare 1" be is dtititioli, will thiS :flittering neVer By 81.1 drise I Was mit of my mind, and cease?' tverybody marvelled and was distress- " 'You loved him, then Oh! Yeti, ked at the idiotic burden of ravings,— too, loved him I' l`Pultell 1 011, P1.11411 1 PA11011 lfl " iLoved him ! Loved' who ?' present:10-0f the passenjare ` wiiy; iny ;titer George ; my poor Two days later, on Sunday Morning, ‘iepllewt arose,, a tottei ing wreck, and went " 'Oh, him! Yes—oh, yes, yes, cor - fort:11,10 fulfil and engagement wit'u a tatnly—cer ch ---punch - •ifaltied friend, the 11.1v. to this misery will kill nie !' Wall: to the Italcott lower, ten miles " 'Bless you, bless you, sir, for those distant: fie stared at me, but asked sweet' words. I, too, suffer in this dear tid qiiestititia: We gtarted: Mr.-- loss: AiV,Fe yod pitNent during liis lant talked; talked, fi..110d--t-as I's his wont. moments ?' • 1" • ilud nothing ; I heard nothing. A "'Yes. I—whose last Moents ?' dig 'end of a mile, Mt.— said : "'Yes. (./11. yes--yeg--F•yes ! I Mark, are y%i sick?. I never saw pose so, I tbinl; so; I ddn't'lratiw; Oh, man look so haggard and worn and certainly, I was ilere.-=1 WilS there !' Saa soirtethin,g do!" " 'Oh, wihat aPrivile„fte what a pre Drearily, without entlinsiasn, I &Dias Pritil6P I • 4P,1 ide last wor,16— fictid• oh, tell me, tell me his last Nk (Maxim nomlw :016* a fair 13104 :14,tri.if) .oliApptid Lsoet?,. an' truitbhket VOW, :People.: •GROCERIES* 04141 litrar o4 1149 1441441k4, togotive14404 14.04 14417.isliati •or tlip eallee Pr elkuses1 •41141ototk1y reowa it 104 fkonglettil, *906,4t11;provi4loutiat, .Now Wore la tegaollt IA this iriatlit oot.tlog yowl iiontr,31i ., if WC W 1 hlit Pitt if is p's ..,:o,tre 4 14'Pf2$1.1 Peole • ptiOa •, The eatitie8, maY , ).10J t104 tlAroeiti &igetioto, )nei,al ly it will 1)e foUnd, tliat the vietipla ere relese w1).slA log the ide, 801. 0„ drys; And ett.'•oshitt tilom " ^ boa received's, Attie (ittfelt 11,119tge,Pb.ktMOr'.1/1. 014 00'14 nt.174, A. little, O 4'* by OV1otdrYing theM befo,v,go MIL 111,64it xmloh troehle and sisirering fari the hoe use ot ;map o tisee titlea4 phrt of this ()quilting r44.0 $01,Lp. 1.10011),YS. Ale OtlhQ 6,4111, witiob., of oyureii, heemeee :11.:37 add hard and then ertteks, As a tia,ttfria conseetteece. If after tlie necessary, itse or stifiti, or the action of' linte oil. the skin, a little vineciar st!onlil be applied, destroyipg the nILali, a part at least, of tde. refililkwonld be .ittoitied, Bot, atter the retibtil Of f:b.,.8 oil ant( After the Liao of titor some acrd, a little oily as &veer- ine, sweet oil, et40 ithould be applied, l'eStor;og the softniid8 of the skin this craoking would he educed. Still, again, Che free use of salt has mnob. to 40 with this eondition, pro- duoing an ntliamiterti action nearly allied. 03 the Fat ihounit '.13ta shall we eat no salt? That is ndt demanded, aod yet it is believed Unit most persons use far more Chau nature requiros for health. & Moderate use of ib vi11 nnt pcoduce this cracking Of the hand• or an tan ai,1 thirst as excess inanifest. ly does, 'at least in most if not in all eases Punch, brothers,pui,eltwititt bare What did Ile say ?' Pain:kin the piiegende if the. passen- " 'He said—he ssid—oh, my head, 4 are 1", trtt 't:' ' , my head 1 He said—he said—he tiece,. 'My: iiiiend eyed Me blankly, looked • said anything but punch, punch; otinell ilerplexed, and said : ' ' _: in the present,'e r).! LIM Passellikre; 1 Oil, "I do not thiuk I gut your drift, leave me, madam 1 in the n-anie or all lark. There does not seem to be any that is•gener,orts; leave mc to my • Y. C releVaney in what you have said; oer- 0es63 414, alis6rii rdY tie 8 Pitif l'a 1-ulti. Lin); illithing gad ; ,ina yet maybe it trip -slip for a six-eent fare, si Pink trlp Was the way you sitid tlie, wbrds,—i slip for a three -cent ff,l,'O---6Dj WALD et: never heard anything that sounded $o can no further go 1—puneh in the nye pathetic. What is" — sence of the passeitjare !' " .0 v friend's hopeless eyes rested upon But 1 neard no more. I was already mine a pregnant minute, and then he far away with my pitiless, heart -break- ing "Lillie trip -slip 1 r an eight cent saiairaPressivelY, ' , fare. buff trip -slip for a six cent fare, "Mark, you CP) DOL say any thi e .— link; trip -slip lor a three,,tont fare: You do nut offer me nitv hope. But, ah, me, it in just as well—just as well. punch in the presence df the passen- aare." I do nEit kunit iiliat Occurred You could not do the any good. Tlie tiering the other ninmiles. How- thfig . s, gone by when wdrtls ceeld e ' ter' all of a sudden My.--ss4dd his conifoit iiiii. Tlibfil±tlisre, --it is Cow-, li add till •iiiti iliiiiiildef and shouted: ing on me •ogitii) i 'alike tlin-slip foa au eight4ent fare, and a buff tzip-slip for , " Oh, wake up 1 wake up ! Don't tleep all day! Here .we are at tbe tow. a ng br, man I blind, and never get a res- Thus murmurifainter and fainter, tm onse. Just look at this acmificent my friend sank let° a peaceful trance, thitumn and forgot his sufferings in a .blessed at It 1 landscape! Liok'at itc'1 look FdAst your eyeon it 1 You have respite. How did I filially save him from the travelled ; you ,have seiln boaStPd land t oapes elsewhere. Coasylmn ? 1 took him to a ueighbolint; ine, liditi; deliver Ulliversity and made him discharge the an honest opinion. What do you say to this •?" burden of his pergebtiting rhyrue.s inbo 1 tfiiglifi wearily ati(I inurruntied: the eager ears of the poor, mithinkina. 4:4:44,:1444:!!:4444.!"!°/t):!'ti:11:::4Y9$'1')i'i9Pi41!;'t41 1:7:84;14';';' 1 4 to',144.10.otalotl(),friaot5 , 1k1e114.11. 0901)003f _ ,'iteattotrioaging pi4t voa.anuuo,, k01 op, .4'4011. ' 13,11111140e) til()•tatio,rsi of.• taw; tattatat ,fttitoill9xs arepartat ta',1Ca, tek,044.ttttat, 14.1.enelotAeOe. l)1,1.00g )1., 1, 1411 011oheel, Veri1100,; tan»tiots ')48i .... • as ARIMAcTURES4 " • 00.411•4T•tt t•qs ,QE1Q0Itt'llov2‘ o. •p,lso tt. large steels of (t, ZOCY'X'S OXICiZi saitablo for rUll 50 wititer, co.:obit:tug a 1\i,en's oule]l's an.d 014.11c1. - ren' r,p0,01,04 a wit of 41,, firs1..shiss arficiein the noo a3 la 5100 1t,10 $111/111(1 not fai) la EXAMINE MY 8T001( Bafore Titifehasibg, e lily exPorionee of thirty yea -s ii)l.l lino ens 1.0o9 me in puroliasing to soled that O.41y 0(1411.)000M111011‘1. A pastor visit0 Ofi d'ci3; it person who pretended that he could nob be, hove:Re tore a leaf front his MOM- erligiddra hook and wrote these words: "I do not believe that Jesus Christ is 1. -ay Saviour ?" "Theye ,sign that," said he, handing him the paper. "No nev- er, I will not sign that," replied she with energy. "You see then that you clo believe its Christbut were afraid to at). ' A LA.IIGE LOT 0I6 First Class Bacon C'RUIN• [CAN . 9.4,9 . STOYES Why Don't You Ci.o to Sohn ? ;rebus beeps up Mal p sirs& , a11,i o stwid,w1,0 ;0 110 110,6 1)0011101 13 yew's, JC111.115 $ ;,, 11 IP Dew en op now. .A dyb nay u e• e Johns' TW -shod .s. 1 SWn do lie b ii,ai,,•••qL01.0 ilild tee the first tun )1.41 see 4 tor 4o shbw you. 11 Wilde it. When got 1 dote you'll I; guy' Ws the place because there is 110 01.;101 place jual, litw lb in the world. . Johus sons stoves, gem -Tire area You'r, gee thew 010111 out ea the sd:lew m me.II o t .e,1;01, iu plain figures. Ycia dau't need 110.1, ler what, you want. You can pick them up anywhere. JOHNS SELL CHEAP PO his store is always full of mon MAU WQ111011 bast Saturday hietoro was oima. inn of men a wl Nomon, awl 116 hitti as much as bo could ( o to 1 1.1;e tbe looney. Sueli tr. lot of nio,,es I tell t.1.10$13 4110W,,I.00:2;13 it tit Yetirself; ' • • New Pattdrild of Santos COMMON 8EN8E 3T13.41,1VOUTTEP; 1-huye board abriin) you, and what I have hoto'd is true, The lidst-hsccoad to none in , eocuitry.. V7344). 00,i14 Ire0‘1, omozli'o Prenilasoo Why, it i% II Dyas at Drew's Hetet Sta.= IA4; alsa Pays easli for 'Iid , dtid Sheepskins, eithor there ()apt _ .V.ETE.Lk STEAM RAKE &CRADLE FACTORY Boolt Noxion.-'We are ltip'y to' in- form our readers that we have in out, possession a copy of the t ow Typo- graphical Atle,s and Gazetteer af the Dominion of Canada, loW being deliver- ed bit subsc ibers ; published by CI. Ta,ct-tibury, Esq: Being acquailited witli IfI r.Packabury's previous publica- tions, we were led to expect 11)1104 ill this new work, and we can °Lei:11111k say we are not clisappomt ed. The vol. - two is hanclsomo 0-(e, 3 8. iliches iLt sixe.. Abnet tiliri rfirsi me ;afoot 'pages are cleNoted oress desesilitive rotate?, COD fl ed esp.,- e*.ally to Cainnin,, treating ou Physical -6 'apity deolog: gloology, ifistnoy, Fiybteit, nvo ,g, Navir„a; ion, ICI;nor, 1 pliantte01 J j.,Noah &c. All ',NJ,* are dealt vih i.: a lw:vr, y, t „s.btidents. How is with them DOW apink A bilff trip -slip for a six cent fare • he result is too sad to tell: did trip-ilirfor a three -cent fare, I write this syticle ? It was fok jmuch in the presence of the passel:, wort yi eten a nohle..purpotse. ' It WIti j are." to ward Volt, i'eatler if yoe '51101110 CI)C,1 P Rev. mat ---- stood there,verv grave, . ,tt.• ,,- •: ' acyoes 44"use 311P-relic:es rhymes, to aAniti tull o'l co....cern, apparently; Alia looked thena—ayeid them as yott lcuLlct a pes- long at me; then ite said i 'Aiiirk, there is something about this Wence i that 1 cannot under:414nd. Those are 0 IT,T -ED1'-', IT'D DTJ'im 11 T.1. - itliout the sane words you said before ; ., there does 1201 eera .o be anythi '1 f.; i',1 The. -e tve a i., least two dp,try ilea no., them, ii Id ily.-..y nearly break M.1 li'eart ;.nitter-usa t,e,:o i a tIld -.(e'i,•..ilbo'rbobil of Wild.) yrrt t,,,,17 CICIII. Punch in the— Philaipl,:a who always sell their bot - hoe' is i,, i'..i.,•; f;c1 r.'", ter at one dollar a potoul, aafl ostitiot 1 1),,, 1, at. ills rat,t,f....4i.u.t and re supely all who desire to be their ens telltr,:l 111.1 ':i.13:.'. 1- ... 1, it•mis 1,ttso light- touiers. 04.e ot these att;ibil les his bd Witl, iitterest. .1:0. st11: ticcess to Vatee pots—ttood food ler "Why; what a eanlavaiing jiir81,,, i. ..... s ,,, s. reirorm teteperaiaire of 58 (le- is 1 It is alutOst tonsil:1; It flows rhjr. tees i i C.10 1.1.'11; town, and ...sent'uoss, O u nicely. 1. have nearly causlir Ca flt.iiiiliotti;,:i JO (t1idik hirety at. ,evsry staip ti 0111 illbi tiaid ivi'ltdri Vie mill: is ob, taitieti 1! c1 the deltas it tilteaLined foe the pound of better 37e 'Coeds his cows 4fi..en, slid na L1111011 at a lime, %.1.1 white elaver mod early IllOWil meadow hay. width he cuos fine, mcnsteos. ao il ,..o'les tv,..tii wli itt-i i silo; Ls. Pasteros •Nclw p great, burdon seemed to tv au*: . 0,0d ,wazows 41;i1 ;di:it qtpte free fiom troni My' tinulder8: That torttiting isee,ds. The iniik zoom is tent at a jingle ri(spalited out, Of itiv haalo, anti it:meantime of 58 degrees by flOwing it grate(al sense of rest and pNtee des- tptingr-water. bonded upon me. 1 was 110:A.11asted eitengh to eipt. ; and 1 did strig for half an hour ,straiglit niOng, as we went iog,gitirt„ hoirletvarci. "Then' -iny free'l -ougite found blessed speech again, and rhyme inyeelf. Say them over Just oboe inere; and tuen 111 hate them, sures", I said tlioni otei. Thou Mr said them. He made one little mis- take, which I corroded. The .oest lime add t)te a.ot them right. 7'he. /110r,,.. iji•ifit. . . . , , Flom poblislicti, relict'', s we glean the, ft)l'cwieg : trp.to Dec. 15, 1875, .f,'„om the pent talk of ninny' a weiLry liont beN')v• 1, tlie '''''.3.(lebbei" ofhogs Plwl'ad 11i 1 ii, Chicago 'was (178,158, against 858,452 ' 'tfilita to gil8.11 :133d • fi11?"Ct , ilt '',11°''',''T('t",, ", • 'io borrestion d I I) tt, time last year. In' "ttnd opi 3eyoul , ,1,1 ',Lianti,Ys oll."'' ''''). C`1r e Iltig:ti ob. 7'11, rbout i; le sa ll l: , fountain Was empty kIttld di.v. A.8 1 - '1 ' ' ' ' ' 4.1i, 14 1,ii,y 'fienll'il Ifiliti eilt.' 1),lirti'lltf I LalottillsyslileY,'ea.t.'.:14,510• 0.1-i'''''_'-'1-,,,',3,,-„,,,ia!do: ii()ti'°.:1918.',' sal: • , , t ,. , , t 4illavn't, we Iiiil it 118,y0.1 good time `.' 15.„7',..(1PL‘„, ' „ ' .B,tit 'now, 1 renientlier, y'eli hilient iiit'id l'u,e ,PeL'etar,v Of 4113 ultteago.raokers' it ‘voritto, two h, A 0.. loobio, 06the,ori. Etbsocistiou,rei)ejr.tri',,lioro generally a isvt,th' s;,,iii,etbiti,, i..,,. , whetter (tUality anti. weitlit 1)11' i lasf 0 Ett • • , i'plio'it-ov. i‘i7,,,..,..... turiaea . 1 erk yin,r, wtrtoil iit )44,'rt, ooirroo-.46,4168 for 611 1,„tit,,ti,e e,,,i, ui,011 ito, Ar0,,,, ,t4 ash .sieh, great &area:56113 fittialiell'as t cierpated htici ilaidi, ,,wft,fiout tti-iimpitioft, ';Itii;iii.. ,,tv14,11.,th„ta..Yett„t:.,,,,. ,6, ittiriltierr-1:'61,331Yt311,', ttlipiteettt 0,04stiougtiets 1, L, ' L. au sfr 51,arerOtit rioitite,ni tuts Weet, rttpddii brothers, pandit with owre I 'll'g ti)(6,titile l'et'°:' ''0,1, to Ita1,3 611,Sr l'' iitiniiii in tile ii.le..4,ettee Alf tilt paasen• 1,1-6,000,'Agt'Aii.04,070i000.0161"A"OViO316 r1111'il'' "tod 2,o6.0001136 year hefoittl'- ' : 'A, p,a)Ig Cfot Lt. roll11 led i ,a t 0, id P. ..D:L0,,A) o,,,A., .,h ',L,r'-' 110 .. All,fe 11 to myself,. ..11t3,,i,” fellow I be hal 'got' 'it l''':'8 riF ($teit,,L18Jiill'8,. i',1 •60(.16i?.,, td ,'Iriet, ill IlOW,7" , ' ' 1 1 . 1i ge'titill'61'ilotlts t)t', tlie L'Oitit'A 1....4id not see 111% roe 't",,A) 017 th'tee, Made Ci. lecitinti4n1 1,4 iltell'', e.ibia far• e's, Ah8.1,,, tliftt, ' 11 k# 11161i,,,, ,,:,1.'t.,06tati,,,y :1214o torwmcl, .ottb.0';14,eitit'k;i ..wlrititi ting 110 ,1],t,61e.,a my itlike 6,04 Stink, 11I1•6t 'of their' V41fif4.61.R '''9ill..0 ell tit'tr teat' • tlej(totecily 11110 it Boat. ' ' 116, Avv'tti ' Pa1.6f I 16.6P 466It %,,klit 0,dqt;:i01V63),,IY '6'ittlilt6a,1 , worrl i 110 ,'Wee a Wreak; ' 'Ho'. lifted ,,h;s' gall ilow.,p,:d or4rante• . '4,6 tifiq, 1,6(i'llo-e-a •., faded eyng to my 'Ado siia r ' ; . , 1'646 a $63., •.,/lit..011, 1:06111(1ga gr.8tti,g, Aix nt1.0?,,,it,•wo ,t, „„tia'otts, itiv,,,,,t. tgrwity fare froth Toronto.to Portiord, , . - tnent tli;tt 1 tnide in those- heattleise, LTIlteltiteittittelifts86Iraere are IdOtt be:lit' , , rlevtneet lloy have i!idatsts rii6 like it, Pea, '11P, th0 1tti Vtlitt itiett filttll tWithle.fgo it , ,e`Well,,.its- , , Inghtinate 461 atid night, lieut. iftef, bY i'llelie '6ItiggOW liYIE!J .l , , ,..' , ' . ;henry 'f,O title vory trrOment, Sinop I ' itttfi'l-tvilfoll vitt bd folii)4 tts Ue 1itgr66fV ' . 411"V $611 I',,i1AVe":146eeNtt 'tile tOtinleilte litiql. 16', iltillYs., 'iVl'AO`' i..ltini ii.6... aolitti of t1itt1o06.,, 't ft atiffuy:.•ttbtitlig: I littj,.- ,tt.xlit liesiltel,1434 tt thil 116* futon:oat, . .i4041416ti iiaiilif '. telegritipit Atillt Mott +tit 046601111611Ittf1613, Steefttuttlitg,3eti, VIto, ii., est. tisttit., _he teeasieti wit ; _e . ,010 1. )8'.„, , ., 0,14,0"iitt.6'' we ' .: ittit_e__ '''‘' D ' ''' tr r. 'I'''' ' 4 ' .' '''' itli- ' 1(''''' .13 ft" Att .'1'11. ' '' 'it ' - ' t il- ' ' , •Pitioatly ot vItittottfolokil;, rlie,,,iniksots-i, ritild 6.0tted, fO,ey. alld tij* rttte§ .:Ortitteettike' ,Iiiidefed, tit/461441160 a ettettliieltintro,' *of; : ' ' - '. ' ' ' ' ' '0*Iitie l' 6 ' ' ' , , r ••• • • • • r •' • , JT ,r •''' • ' • • % • . . , , factory, o 4.,%.7 re 1110 03) 1 0,0 .1 names are st'aleient ca) Lit • accuracy dWO tOrl•3.... sketches they give and tlie adduce. The first p 4;Wl P,100:1 11 tile work is one en P- rier .111A d; ruction. of Prof. SeN i .1 oy of the .0 eolog,ical Blaney of Canada ; de:it is a map specially tireparetl. show the various test liPes of til, 3 pro ,,esed Preifia Railway • net.t a limp 1... „ illustrate 1110 Oa„flion, and the disti ibution of , the year, shown in it:0111.s ; no .t gag - Grid map, of the wlmle Do ISiovinces, (.1.).•!ll .varior Provinces separately, titea tlie se, ies cocinty maps ou the di,Fferent pates for the whole oti the .0. ravinees oi (Marie and Q.J.eloee, di8tMetly every con- cession and int, wito theii resipietive number, aoil beautifully colored by Tottnsli:as. 1.I'beve is also shawl seven of er iertllog cities, colored in. wards, with st eets marked and na-ti.etl, aati the peircipal public plabes iodated and Asanecl Next ootoes tile Gazetteer pa,,i b. as it wete indea. to the wink wook. E%.eet city, town, village, post- Ffitai, aaila ay statioo o • steamboat la oil ing ar..aegeil 'their elnliatitic 0 tied, ,aati :OW :rig.:(01, .4u.: the PGa,i'Q.S.t. ‘voiy st'ation ,ii?ijilfs; tOW1)$1 eoti.illy, polutlatio,I. told ilsLe yilus(ls it est, 'bo ,fon.'. AlloLeLlte; , .1,0 feel ilwt it \NIP stro,,ily a wait io ron 1)y ,(1 WP bop. to fortliel; state at.(1. readers Viat we7feel ;:roud 21.1 hav;ng to say 1 9.18 pphllea,_ tioh wind; we can say of bat. few in Caoada its inagiiitede, that it is a Canadian wo r1.4 , prepared by Co nadi s, and ii- Catinda. 'tVo ars reqoested to say thli,;: a few 1)0.1 icileed ag'eots art wanted,. to , winpn tlio in.clusive -sight of te, i.itory will he givet, by-a- pl.,viint to (3.. N. TiocaLeur,v, Publisher, 23 tIt. Nicholas street; Montreal. ..... • rel C.; t:14 *t.1 are Stunners. ,t`i hem ir thesp parts. Then there ie sach lots ..1 Hot -Air Drums ^ VOA , the' liboral'initronago hestaisfott on Jilin twee be commenced basiee$4 woto aetiusixIt 4$ t'Liraeroue frietiOn and oostetridin with tho, net, tbat lio liaa enlarged lila presient plaeo of atIdea largely te,,,w4,,etowt. LeathilV,, 'including Vrench ,auct Aineridati, dud; lie is i.)ratiareld to till all orders liatite Italy be fayoYedulth oa tlit!', shortest no - 'ice, and in a style that cannot be sinpassod.M bo County of amain. W. TROTT% Hyoter, Jii 18, 1070. .229-tus C'OTHING Ezeter Clothing linse ! The undersigiNd baying secured the seryi- des ef lint -class tiutter, M±aTlenry (LA:r.:e elk CHICAGO s prenaredte(fill satisfactorily °Aide .Witb videll lie may be famed. The experiiince 'nuLsuccess of Mr, Harris' in orating and fit- ting garments 'warrant me in guaranteeing A PERFECT FIT to everyone who favors me with his order. On account of the hard times I am deter- mined to sell clothing at a, low prices as any GEO- c o T AE other clothing lionse in the West: I BUY AND SELL VOR CASH. A °hole() lot of Gents' Furnishing Goods ju received. Cloth. bought from me out freest harge. J P 1VIcINTYRE • and, other thingA. Such be:11101 w Coarnleliers' Table. cutlery:, Crtiete; 1.1kass Otiairo.elled lieLtles: Stung] tens mud Poti., Churns 1.1.11(.1 131.00)13 8, Baskws and Butcher Knives, Saueage Machines Coal Oil, Black lead, stove jape yea:digit, and hundreds oh other things —ehuteetul and good, aw) find them piled 170ow. the cella,. up to the i rug, NOW JOIVS IS ITO OARD niltweincyourat or Wooden Harvest Tools Rakes, Snaithes, Fork Hap.dles, Grain cit'atiles, ETC. tst ao l'0)11K1 111. 1111a r.0 man, s Ala pa/ h'm .dadv cowpliew,vi:s 01 001. P1141 1[10 t,711,1,1 '1,41ty (3.1! 1.44 t't.i.:14:;P, 1,0 ;4I) 1410:(1 00,1t11.1StlOtak4d V.11L1 11/$0o lii111- self u ia the ca•10 COUNT IIIS MONEY (11 bn 1.104 0.110). Ilept tO Seta lliM i$ 041 3, Ho is illw:Lys t..,eiuld thou, but if you : 1 , t )11.$ 11SOfI11 $101 021111111011tal 11, ..1,01, 'I ‘044,.$ C'ay you call, beeauce '-. 1-1W1,.0 you feel as if you wolo sod • .11 3,', on things cheaper than ou :AIN C -,'11,')10., .70X7IINTS ROOKS r -Sib -0 r •-cg .c,ue..1,-A.1 so feame 8110 o . 1„ , ,,, centie of .111ain 1; tot 3 ct.,e : r;..% e ao'7••,, • He will liave ready Tor the coming harvest, the celebrated Caoseil's Ms.r„i•zi,e, Salt, e.lay Maga. sine, Infants, Magazine; Satur- day ,Teniurd, 01 Rost, SI-m(111:V al Ho. Ci;;1•:;. Am's Fii:i);Iti,Witle Ao 71 e; terbo:z, 111 Band of •-1 Hope, Diti,.11 Wad:May.1 Ad - vile), Cloisiictu T, emury, Allnuns, Work boxes (.72 ,-417,1zitiog Desks, &C., tte., 1011 Glir,I,F2.TMAS. 'OYSTERS " Oysters! Oysters! AND GROCA ETES 0.11.E l?, AT G-- SI-XJNIDE 8:40..e, 1'os? (Mire Bloch. czcellept 11001. a H001108 0.1100007001 (11 y hand. Sulkey Hay .4 Rake A Novelty i.a th,d3 gee 1 1 0 j2 ME1.4. Their Advantage to Amy their Stock from will f'ind ib to R. 4.71N proparod to deal with them as rename - LAY WS any other usta blisnwen t, aucl to give pucenyt atte at (ea to all • WHOLE SAL E & liETAIL. EOIC TOBACii0E3 s. salmi led wit o Awtoti itioo. S'oriAi,on 3,10,,,,.azin,es ALL' THE LAI` V NO V 6LS. 7,1.11,:kiwiag 1%1,1A:shine Needlesof ovory Itlau fo 51' 10, G 8ANDBES. 41 all: .23.11a6 DI all kinch; Mane 0. 8pe.6111t,‘ tho 1,11,1000. U.bO1Ui 601".1:L.L, 0110100, ,A1 11. 110o. ORYPO30184 ORO 5$1" Fitrnjsi ' „ -VSTE713')-3sfr.3„ 0-111,41sTTC.):1°?1T Tfte ps.,40 rO'e .cLoTEIiG lo,r54'0 oa14 Pi1), Alta r .V1,..?tedOt aVerOoatings. , 13:044dalollos, 1)(40-014ins, Uo, A "1'.11i1ST-OLASS 011op,psAit oroyerceat Cient's ru)nisltings he fetnid complete irt 411 its latuaelics, censisting isti)ort 1441014 (.)ollaya ; Pa),)er Ctuffq General Taaria Traveller,MUy Mulligan Guarafif $ydenlialti 091111)7 lt,oYalr Polly Verdert Polideei YOU, 13oli ancl. Waoll•Tellains 4 Koepo 111114ensein , A Vrosil $tooltof Teas and Fruits jtist ceinieg for X-inas. , t)0 anaperfeet guaranteed. Notiffs the time tOr gOOCI THOMPSON & WILLIAM . KEMP'S TOBAOCO S 0,RE If you Wit114 odba6c-,‘_:nt Cgat TRY , „- 11"115.riv, COT , °SilliCiltillot 84 "Clio,wili r.P Tobao 013116. Ar'lloi es al (i flu ite 40'1:,:tr.:1,•1`6;3.p.ePc,f.,olt), Opposite Ros Ptak) 41..g Mita . . .111.X 1'' ' • ' ' r 764 • AGMOULTUJIAL DIPLEIT ENTb thite avey Shire Tweed 43 Wool Woo t Shire & Drawers Oaehmere Mullion/ Viludsor rey Scarfs BoWe, &e, el oyes and Mi 1 13421i, Rid, Calf, Cloth 75) VIILL (75 Gents Futnish'ng- :04!) 01I11E11,A.I. Boiler and . Engine Works 1/ITC-HELL, ONT. 'J''0ohOfO powei wood Sawing machine Iwo -Hilo has been tholomhly tested and giVen , itNTI:Et SA TTSFA CTION 11 iS SUpplied BAND WITE E for thivin,3 a Straw Cutt G -rain orusher, Or aber machinery, without Satre expense ex oept for gib •TRIAL OFFRED. All kinds of Farmingl mpiements kept oonstant77 on )nand. BOTLER` SHOP li.full operation. EMTG oeull o: der. nmr.6,1xts Kept at Bir-sett's ru 6110)), ENeter, proniptly attended to. Addres g -- 'MOW SON & I.LTJT.A TILE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO AN. -I.. flounce that he has just received a splendid assortment of . CANADIAN, SCOTCH & ENGLISH TWEEDS, BLACK BUOADCLOTHS; DOESKINS, ETC., . which for STYLE AND QUALITY WILL DE liAltD. TO BEAT ! • ro OI -tr NT a .4 Ooihtif 4m WIN of (../onnangh ob4 1,"0:1a0Q 0411algo Oitptain, Shir gads; Solialree, Searf Pins, Eiia, 111 ;Id B.a a Ts ci)ti „ ISAAC CAALaisrai bogs leave to thank his friends in limeter and surrctuncling country for their liberal patoneg in the past,and hopes to, merit a fair slis,re of their trade in ee future, haying Dopfatatent 4 rci it,Ic with 1-' cry modern prevenient. itrid fuinisliod monthly with FAS `7, ZT ole AlIlerle all ttleh :1.1(1 All 'Work gu9.e11n1eed, and 1121 in the mb fashionable style. Call early and 000 one of the 01(0)ev04 and 14,!st 5e1,.0112d. stock, in town, 1110. prices for cash. C.s01711 ........1•••••.••••••=.•*.M.MIRMeril•••••••1.141••••••**...010., FLOUR Mc LENNAN'S, OLD GRIST MILL Exeter. TBE STIMCBIBER BEGS TO M- AL timaie that havilg nee., (Iv 0004 7141.1)10a aud Refitted. the Machinery, He is now R,,eparen to do , CRIETIVO ON HAND one of the Largest and Best Assorted Stooks Usually fdlind in a, General st67e, cOrsiSTING OF DryaGoods, Groceries, Etc., Ready-made Cothing, wines and li- quors, Hardware, Crockery, Boots Riad Shoes Leather, etc. Please give I. C. a call as he is determined not -to be under - old by any establishinent in this section of courrty. in a iiiat4lass manner, and for a few weeks while film is plenty of water power, will chop clean DRY GRAIN FOR gCENT B PER BAG litivey it along beForo the stream heezes up: FLOUR AND FEED Who' esale When taker ftom the mill by the pur cl iaser. kid tt•ni ional improveliteht that; 11 Tided, he is now pre- pared to .1- PKOENIX Cot -an B.3:',,5.ust 1.01•TIDON, - c'ti(1)13ING every day. Parties can have their grist 1111110 the same day atith. thew. • • D. KLENNAN Jill...eter, MC 20. 1875. =1111.110 o uN DRY Wenitytcra. Sts., . - ONTARIO JOHN EILIOTT, PROPRIETOR. MAtc OD BP, 0.3( VI e.cl, 0 ,v,r and, 6.'&ezx' Cultiva- It 0 gang ,-rlows, snop • . La 111.0118 tbo pfbain• t'qtuil',,,,,,ttor.aud tfei1r,i0,` ;1,11'3,1i01.i110.14 NEW BilTetTER 6.,6 Ansa` tits O1' 1i llilieltennif4i Slum e.1,e, hp tia )1,11101144o tja't Las '1,601.:‘ 0,0 4 4 , toteme t0111131111.8116; ; •ntiaonsittitim Alk;tiAliflOg .{ )11' m n f -;;;e: rtFa3 ; Lt. n,NA,^.- rttt AND Ar.if,, 'AC abli: ENT USED It ILIATIVERS 11.47..r.: RS* JUST ECEIV281) AT THE - .„ XE'1°_LIR Grocery .and Liquor Stor e A. largo stocl, of 0:apan, Young 1-3.:yson. ancl Black: Teas, tizints. Ozzrrants, DmErs AlipLas, CAINT1\TED sardines, Lobsters, Salm Bitter Sauce and Pickles, Brandies, Gins, Wines and Syrups, Rye, Malt, Scotch, Irish and Common "Whiskies, Tobaccoesi and Cigars, Wholesale a.,rid. Retail. C. A. MACE, Main Street, Exeter. pg(ti4 0 . 11111') (3d ilihI 1)11 P10 if:;,3;11-011: 11 1311 0I'r:'1 el• ts (11tct81 4111)0 tet4 .' 'holy oreloe, .t t; .2, • . 1:611f,.1:46Intic.))11 11, kto,,,.(1.11.4, fik,ilcaff,, '11\011111 E8t11(i 6c''sfTtIre'itt, 11 01 lj 13t0 6011 be 'ti't'orystinitirs,i,,i.1)slia 31 tr 1,111a1,1'. 43'14 11 09114'1004 110181)11)3'0 N wit . 1,651..114 00,11.6q 1.)1 10011;12 v.0111017,.., 3,0,1110t i.,.,t1.,1.11.1.$,-,,trt111 (31;'11.1.,f4t6. Ii°3111x)11 • ,rne,44 gout 1:),1,1.6W '11°t°34 i'4166* tit,rfArift,,i)11.4 1,134'8vogon . ' SAMWELL PICKARD beg to ihfdrin tlie public that (bey have engaged M R. BRIG -HT Fovmerly with McIntyre 8c Co, to conduct their TAILORING DEPARTIVIEVT and feel coufident that all orders entrusted to them will give ENTIRE SATISFACTION_ All cloths purchased from them will be CUT FREE OF CHARGE They haVeliltrtrreeefred-a laPge lot of All -wool: Shawls Ewa Blankete, bought much below their value, which they are now offering at Great Bargains, StOok VUll in all Departhaentsr Issmollissi•sosimPssrer.01;10 UNDER1rAKING Gtd cazzimAtz: n==TER. ITTiclertakerst and Furniture Marrufactuter IATOTILD SAY TO ,\Y Y these who intend put ob tieing 010 80 rc/Il) 1n;.,aufa0tlire1. ,tpluter Who Wirt; te Sell tf;0111 1111)01) itecCanatfiy havf, tt, 112(1. AVti• 10r Int 30 gtilc 11i)ro1i110:10' 6140 1)110blik 11111011 eatinet 111 fo moot tho VIC:41$ nI tbo 41,10 alga Vr Il 1,12.nfa )1 'k11.I'OrP,t4111$c`till011. 1.:1"”'Ilettix sell chea(3er. •11:.)' 11 .. 7.B . W,0 II' LI) tail Specialittt.entioil to our inloortslting depart' moot,. tvition is repro Ceti. ilete 1)15 3' eVert ttS WO liaNte added several tiew tresigus . . ,1 11o' .tn1C1t7i1It)6'*t5111q- .14,1g1l8.;;l,t;t4 , , tuner 1 requasite at tril :!,,,"" • ' 1031055111,160144. 011.1; '113* ...,-,-4.0. \ ,,,,e "0: , 1 110 18, r(ronoitteed , by, . irlHiiir/13.11 .gpstligIrtl 143gr l6 4..'ii ' '• . '''''h, W16L* 1)6601100. ' . . ',- lit i ell -file': ortilitSO05 ti ' - (1. ii"‘t C RTEt "V al„.1 -Z/.1, i.,,,,,,1:,(3&:!,•1,itivi.',,ar,,,,,...,:i!:,,,,,c..\,,,6,,,,v).,,„t1:1,,n3:,6t, .,.'t,i:,,',lis,,..i',';'jclt::,..p::;6i,:d;;..:'!::o1/27;t,f;.f:.:;:,'1',ii.'''Y:,'.,.l:1:''is'd',',1'''jtl''.i7.'t':i'',.'',1:'''vll.i''v,'t,:,,t11;h'!'yoA'it,"y'i'::.,.:,',it:,4.i:c'::17i:::o1,'.ta','',li.':,.t,:'t.t,k.ttll:t.,"i,'I.:tul't.)''I#,S';''::rti''.tltA,ti:oi:i:8'6\;:"iI.,.:.t:''.4,t::'c.i:I',L,.:y.x:,:;i',..:',..,','":',...,,,,,, ,,,,,, s'''''',‘; :, ,, '. ',' r,'', ,„14 ,