Exeter Times, 1876-2-17, Page 313,1 th(10 \rite nothing in his favor', when Mown it 1 fine you'll\ Jars," ;Johnny :item said, , wi Pool)," seid Wsiley,. w otppeal and the trio 1klit .the sto. a harry,owstr, J think you (4 WJlisegehew. 1 aeons to. be tho of thie trio'e apite e 1/ot how wa epite to be notile to bear print 2' Iv next question ; and to saltleitinti 1). Me for ,goiost syith *wit to the C' Atterney erylog, and eying Ithon4nable fal eehoeile, *ty. hat plait titoY fan on to get it. io operatic entok 'posai1)10 was ha suggested at last that if Gill ()mild e he was afraid of my eon,: they bind hios over to keep the peace. fo Years and that woald cost me'eoistet in money, and trouble tise other too ; '0 is was abottt tivelve sto fetish him, the mileage woold be end altlidiegb, it was against the la put all the costs on the acenseds pa still he (Wiley) woulit eee to it flu should be dime in tilts ease, and Gill nothisag. No :sooner eaul t done; the'oath was taken, and a e stable sent off popt beet°, and when came buck—$4.1O, to pay for toilets 25 ass, for Gidley's fee ; $4.3.5 00 Pay thataud then gist bail, yourself $100, and Nei eecurities in $5.0 ea OP go to ; that's so unich, and done.. What else can we do, 1-Johave. it ; why, the Assizes are est ha What'e to hinder us from going to G oriel), 'get so and so to tint yon On. track, and go befoTh re e 'Grend Tu swear an assault against boll). $imps and Prout that Zusich affair. T thing was dime as proposed ; but t trial was postponed till another tor That, sir, is part -of tile doings of t trio to carry out their bitter spite, a when anything goesittrainst them, as t appeal elem. what7do you think CI \\Trail not do I can tell you, in ti nee, what Gidloy did do • be Sent letter to ,the villaeo Oonneil, and ask for money to • bear Gill's costs in t 08,80 out of the public fonds. But th honorable body knew that Giil got in the scrape by his own doings, and ve properly' aeclined. This appeal ease, may here mention, :Gill withdrew:fro Goderidli and took it to Toronto hefo the judges ; it was thrown out of con !tod Brnwn's verdict sustained'. Sett me s isigning.hirnsell ihistitia,t' sent letter to the Exeter Tntt&„ telling. he the case want. •Chis brought out M Gidley In a letter in the ',same 'paper, i a tirade of misfit us and viedietiv 4wif againet Brown, accusing hini t dying Gill font play, also referre to me as being the author of the lette Int-1,V d said he new it Was me, for h , me enter the Tusene Office snort] b peblicatinn. which was.false. aleo th) t I, as "JustiOtt," wen with B .own to the G-nwn Attorney ip :ndeeich, and told. him a tissne of lies could not do less than answer tha e' er, t least that part of it which re taered sn plainly and so curtly to me E aid sn, and tnld Mr. Gidley I knew ntIC.ng of the letter nutil read it h the panels 1 also told him that the he rre enid the Attorney was now aware o .-to° frnm an. that. quarter, and the. wit:31r ,m y himself., which was Thale so 0. is brought bim out again • his tinio in a mixed sort of Ivey. IL 4:C(1 be believed 1 CVOS not " Justitia,' Ina would shnIce bands with me on that Ina 1, but not f the other Portions of ny letter ; for he said be still retained .he opinion that he was right. Right 11 what ? Biota in believing, Orel '?I'rnsve and t tisine cif liee ? - • • ir, if there bed 'been flare drops of the :dd eeof n, sten tfereen in his body, after ending out I was not " ffuetitia;" as he •IWItfi he has, and knowing where the ies (if any) came from, he would have Loolostized for dragging my ;tame into mblic print at all, end there the matter:, would have ended. But, sir; he has r,hormighly convinced me that there is rot oie. drop of sneh blood in his veins, arid I have' cencluiled to pay no more atention errythinst be mev write: and' I have only wrote this lin let the people see why I have had anything -to say in vont' papernt.t By giving it an insertion, you will much oblige yours, WILLIAM SinPsow. Exeter; Ft bruary 10, 1976. 11511tittellitletiimm.„.41' 1'f '1 It)) to tile 13'4rf7int)r Sewing, Ma- chine Comeany, corawan, October 2.1678—Royal got er'st pee at csionsesers coun. ty ovor •tai) wets( or, os - bora ilnki New YOrk SinPr jA1.458 138110Vt110,•SOPtWth 1$75---a or, first PriSo on she llOYal at Fair here, beaine Wheeler& wiison and overy Other machine. (lista contest, ,JA:nES Emtirtilre 13rockydie, tropt 0.5,3578 --Royal tool:first prixe at 'Unionville, competing wit it the Wheeler & Wilson sink,tor, anti others ];`,.vima•Ts &.11ACA57r35 Trisontrarg, Oct 41., 1874—Firt,:t prize for lloyal at 'Onion ExbilatiOn here ore' all conleetitors •1‘14,rTunw srraw,ityr Wooastock, Oct S, 1878—Royal tookfirst prise. at Exhibition hole over all conoletritors .1).f7i0r111ly strawAnr Paris, Ott 8, 187,5--Harc Laken f,rst prize with Royal at Fair acre-, boo ting. the Raymond and .singer. sr:r toza Napaneo, Oct ill, 1875 -Royal het token RYSt pl'i48 at l'air here, over sir ger, Kowa, W1011101' X', and others, ,T4118ES 73.A1211)ITT Harla,Y, Oct 13, 1878—Royal takes first prize at this loan. for tinnily work awl Lighting Manufaatur Wo.,LtAt saw= _ Thee e victories conolusiyely prove thattb igirt g Boys' 18 the People's Favorite en 'tnc Be K FaMilY SaWing machine, The manural tor ere have la toir r*dc1rjto it tlto greatest unroll .bf ',tho age, the lkoyal 1,amp Holder, for Qewin ' mac blus. eThe lamp can never upset nor the oi soil the work, and it is arretnged to throw thr light on any part of the work, enabling the °Porn .'ore to work as well by night as by day, sold bY JAMES P.ICKARD. Exeter, otea_weemsmemseaserssataisesemewewesweseeseeswesseu CORRESPONDENCE. „.* While our columns are open for d is- , ,cusson; we do net hold ourselves responsible for.theopinions expreased by correspondents. To the Atlitor of the Exeter irncs: Sta.—As both yourself and rends s must be tired of hearing so much: through your columns 'about this Proud affair, I send you my last communion) tion on' the selatees, and -if it should ter)) out to be rather lengtify t hope you will excuse 1TiP., as E mean to give,„ the sub. tance of 'the whole transae ion, so tha,. ur readers can see why so much tal.. hes came out of so frivolous a niatter,‘ for there, are a great many persona wh. ) not seem to understand the first 0'. '1 it; and to bogie at t.e beginning, I ma; suy that, in the 'first phoe, john had been appsnitted to colk et the poi tax -hi tbe viilr3 e. Pratt ts it seems, 1.1))6. Ewa in Exeter in the winter. and in Ili • spring hr1 moved to Zurich; hut coif, dux he 'was in Exeter oe business, Gill hailed lin,. fur the $2. Prout tin • in, }nut made arrangi,opw ir; A flay, where he row' lived. This itict suit 'G. 11, for it cheated him out is t. Lent), as he'hat g, percentage for cellee tins). •}Te went to 1. Gidley, J. P., an roailily got a smemous to bring 1111- • (Prort t,) beforo 1.im. .foliony serVild. 00 Z ri 1; brit nefortumo) .Paeto oto no )1. ear. Tins r0t-pet1AL ire 01 110311 Gil fili„iley, and J,11031. wits; sent off aJl i; in lei el; hill; uert ;. or cr11. for tem& met .of coasts— :tat) went to riel., gt bis p r el ri-stit, wit .» •ai. ,tey csaiefitoce er melee tation weateeer. tt bents- ;shout none dinner wee inslered fer both, rird whil, • it wAai barigp.E`Da rva. ;\1.,r,8 Pree,vg en, Gill,got low it!t,..rcation about, o131. co onterftiit money, she said he 111,4: palmed -off on her some time Gui 1. tnad„joiriped up in a, moment. •ea tight Front by the collar, saying,. 13 csme out or this ; OTT ar teem; u." in her horn e !" prow .fishca tbut they have dinner fret; lint en, come fit; mite, nt lh3 830110 31108 pill ling ham U Ilin de* r, where there nl" very high Steins', clown Vk1ire1i they fell, tnssling pu, ihe grorind. :Meantime si-v -or eighepereons, eyOli WM, zanier- trel round. prentt yelled out, that, 113 r.oisi 'being hi. ten, nt. the :la 1110 ()Ming 1121> 1(1 which Ives stream ing .vith blond. On 3110' 81,111.* of the moment my sou, who was hired with Prent at the time, jerked Gill off. The latter then .begau cursing .e.nd telIllg what he would tn him' f interferieg .trbett my ,,told him be .did not wont n Editot of the keeter Times : to interfere, but lie eyrild not stand and Dsmu read with a great deal see one man tearing .another to piece): of interest; the letter of "Cosmopolitan" 2ilce a dog, with his teeth, even if he resPecting orir munleinal •affaire, which was a constable. XolinnY went off with appeared in the St. Mary's Argus of the his prisoner. itnsl Gulley • & Co. fined 27t1> Jarmar37. I also -read the effusion bhp, costs tind all, ovnr sixteen dollars, of the eloquent clerk of Ilia township which he paid. Next,Tront had Gill and fullysexnected that."Coamopolitan" up before ,tias Brown. J. P., of Zerieli,!'would. have repiied to him ere this,. as for biting and otIRrwise 'maltreating the eloquent clerk has made assertions Lim without cense while a prisoner in ,for the truth of which be .pledges him- his•custody. 011 the -day of the trial eel" to produce proof from the archives (which Gielley calls- the mock of the township. 1 will now take op ,Giclley and Dew, J.P.', v e to Zurich Mr. Johneton's letter. The clerk do. 10 aount to overrtile Brown (nr what /lies that he on any occasion overstep- ' did they wont there ?), and clear Gui. pod the bounds of his office, which may Bet when they found nut the purport or may not be true„, as 1 have not at - of the evidence that Wag to be given, tended any meeting ef the Council ; and they seiv it was no go, and on Brown therefore cannot say anything aboutibe askiee. 1 hem to sit they ileedined, and truthfelness of the assertion, ,Bet by til d 0 scare bim that iinplication in the succeeding sentences was case over which he had DO juris- he asserts his right to do so. Now Mr. -dieti ; it was 41, ease for a higher inhnston Mlle, !MOW if he knows any- •coust, and he had bettor. take care whet. thiug (and I certainly do not accuse he was about or he r,veuld get, into him of ignorance, whatever opinion I trouble. It (hd scafe Brown, enoegh may 'nave of ins brazen assorance)that 1 postpone the case for a week, till he he lets no right to gay a siegle word nor woo, to Goderich, and enquired. of the to open his month while the council are lawyers there. rip to this time,. I had transacting throhusiness of thetownship no interest in the matter whatever, het "eVeu if hisinterest through that of the. as I hear(' my 8013 waselikely to get ifs ToWnship should, •euffer .btscitsiee he ;to trouble with Gill about it, r and a is the paid servant of the Council., se." few others- went to Zurich to hear tha lected by them, todo certain work,such triiii, and also to hear the right way of its leiiping minutes of the proceedings, '3318 Ct11p0. Wa heard what eye -wit- (c.' The council are elected to transactp siessks hail to say about it, and I was the business of the Township. alld if sorry enough my son had interfered in they do wrong, are responsible to the any shape, but didn't see it would people. With just as much reason amount to much. However, as Drown might the Clerk of the Ontario Logis- was going' to Goderieh in the morning, lature lay claim to give his opinion -on 1 thought I would stay all night and go mattyys under discussion in the House with him and see what the lawyers said, as does Johnston to interfere with abont sey son's part of the affa1r. We: deliberationof the eouncil. This polo won s to one lawyer, and Brown told him tion of his letter, and the' defence of the whet Gidley & Co. said ';.,about him sit.' Council, which be stqngly disavows in aing on the tie, He laughed at the idea the first part of it, de#,s not reflect Very a it man of Gidley's pretensions talk -1 much credit the/councillors, who ing snail 110l')$0flS J then told him! 0033reS8 thereby that they do not possess what, the Witnesses said about tray son's' sufficiett ability to elefend themselves, pstrt of the &flair. We then went to .E.Ie next accuse e "Comtopolitan" of be (300 tho Crown Attorney, and repeated irsg "painfelly igneratt of the subject whit the Aqa )ratcptyere paid' Iron's two to font'e lays per inuotrod sores InOre than for - 11 aP- snorts,' which certainly dooa not /o 1 9lt o will like reduced taxation, Now rrom what nrt in 1 ION° last writte4) and any person in read- lllansh'ard eau eatief,y himself of its ohjeet troth by examining the colleetors roll s that if the amount he had to pay does not as the Satisfy him) it must be clear that the 111144.1 elerk 'WAS hunkil "painfully 'ignorant" rstvu whentvrote these statement's op that those olse at he wits presuming on the painful ignorance" of the 'People of the m It , s, township and plausibly attempting to ppily get the readerof the streses to believe wear what was not true. I may say in con. could elusion that the refined irony and the 'robe billingsgate with ')„\ Inch hiS:letterubLulndo hing has been unavailing insofar as the gist. wise of the matter in dispute is concerned, Mies and iltrust• that shouldWie eiooterizt clerk, big ; again desire to see isimself io print as IN to the defender of the council, that he will irty, take the advice which be so freelV gave tit) eost ban vel Icl the ry, on lie 110 nd be ey lai a ed at to (37 nt re 1 1 •P ANNUAL SALB as pornmenced. GREAT INDUCEMENTS WILL BE Obla.WRED REMNANTS OF T*EED, REMNANTS OF CLOTHEC,. REMNANI'S FLA.NNELS, REMNANTS. OF DRESS GODD$ and inform himself in the matter so that he may not again be under the REMNANNTS OF LUSTREIS REMNANTS OF PRINTS necessity of palming off his miserable OF COTTON. BEMNANTS dross for 13110 sterling coin." [The week.] above was crowded out last is. ••• 70 ete Editor of the Times: Sm. ---When last week I sent you that letter, in which I tried to explain t your readers why Iliad anything to say at all in your columns on the Front ann. ; I said t woukl be 11.13 last on the ,sub ject, still mean it to be my lat-t; but 'I beg leave, as it is not 1:ub- 11;i1aed yet, to be permitted to add a small piece to it by way of post suiptt as, when I 801)13 113,1 was 11013 aware Mr. Gidley was coining out with anything more on the euhject. But as he has done so, I would like to say a fey words in reply. Mr. Gidley says I carne out at the eleventh hour and- plead ignor- ance of the transactions that arose on the first day of the affior in Zurich ;, but sir, my letter will show that I was not ignorant of the parts that contained any truth ; but the lies Gill and Gilley added to it, I was ignotant of at the time. Mr. Gidley eeys he only left the Illaglish church And went back to his 11 own chase., (the Methodist), in which e he was brought up. But, sir, I tl think any man that eau nome out in w public print and use suell language as infamons,"detestable," abomi- n &c., &c.., is very little credit to e. any church, hos do 1 think it will avail 11* a man of that stamp anything no mat- ter what church he may belong to. - 1',1 With regard to the bracelets he taunts me about my son weartne, to Goderich, 371 —whp was the caused that ? (Gill and Willey), and that in iy cause them some t joy at the msautime, as 113 always does to men of their stamp. t 0, wad some power Vie giftie To see ourselves as others see us. How many people, sir, has said to me, that or, al living men they think , Gidley should have been the last one to s, Nave thrown up to me anything about f Inv sons and can tell me a story about e of his, that not only wore or wears bracelets nil tus >lauds MA 011 his feet, also; and sa s, after What hi *has &Lodi • about mine, 1 ought to twit him with U.! I. say, no, sir, I would not be si con- • temptibly mean ; for Mr, Gidley, no doubt, ts like other fathers, if their sons sometimes atop a little to one side, they are sorry enough for it. I will conclude by thaeking Mr. Willey, for the short ))rayer he has pu_t up for 1118 at the end of his letter, after callirg me an infs.' NORTH OF CABLING -'S STORE mous an I detestable old liar, and 1 ilope Ire has not made a mistake in the word " bless," for it is said, " The prayer of, the righteous man availeth musk" W. S. Also a Lot of Woolen goods, Socks, Mitts, Clouds, Searle, Felt lakhis, irealtfast Shawl, Men's Shirts' and Drawertor anda few pigof Choioe Blankets; Woolen Shawls; ands few sets of Children'e Farts together with some job lots. All to be sold very cheap. .Ute OA.. SALE IS NOW GOING ON AT CARRROLL'S 11.0TZL CREDITON, ONTARIO. A LARGE BANKRIDPT STOCK OF T. TIMAN & CO., MONTREAL, CONSISTING OF DR,Ir GOODS, ENGLISH, SCOTCH and CANADIAN 6savirslcos, Black Broadcloth, Brown wad Grey Meltons, Doeskins Over - coatings, Wool and Paisley Shawls Cornwall Blankets, • Horse Blankets, Lae Curtains, Marseilles Quilts, Counterpanes, Table Linen Towels, TWILLED SHEETS, PRINTS, GREY AND WHITE COT - TOWS, SILK POPLINS, Sleigh Rugs, Carpets, 011 Cloth, Woolen Shirts and Drawers, Overcoats, Factory Flannel, Ladies' Overshoes, Felt Shoes, Mon and Boy's Braees. 'All kinds of Finny Dress Grimm, Table Cutlery. Pen and Pocket Knives, Watches, Jewelry, ke. The whole Stock to be disposed of Without Reserve. Sale each day and evening at I and 7 o'clock P. M. Sign of the Red Flag. SMITH & BENNETT, Auctioneers. NEW HARDWARE STORE IN TH NEW BRICK BLOCK, Toth° Editor orthe Times. Dear Sir.—As I was travelling on my route. I called at Kirkton, .to warm, and feed ail, horse. I picked up a Tarte (that was the title of the spicy paper) lyieguear, to flee the news. attentiou was taken up by an article, head- ed" The Cubkoo," and I was much iuterested while looking over it. There was an individu- al sibting there, who had been taking his glass and enjoyiug himself. I addressed my- self to -him, and said: I seethat you have the Grangere here ?" To which be replied that 1 must be a stranger if not aware of that. 1 told him that I only passed- mice in a while. "Weel mon," he said, " the (.rangers area queer set; they think they are going to turn the world upside doun." toldhim I did not belong to, them, and was not prepared to say. He then informed me that he thought that thernan who wrote the " Cuckoo" hadhetter look at home —it is dangerous to throw stones in glass lion- ess. Be himself might be sitting in a nest that ought to be occupied by someone else. I was told to listen, and be meek' tell me what hehad heard about some of the Grangers, They had a friss one night amongstthemeelves,and one of them left the Orderz-a, strange character, and if all that is told is trtie he had better go some, where else. ' The nIkis, heis endeavoring to satisfy liis passion in the most dishonorable mantles. I asked if he could be a man and capable of understanding that he Should act so. •fie said he was it marriecl man, andhad a wife and family, and he furthermore told rne that a lady in the neighborhood, next time she was tormented with his advances, intended tv. dole out mammary punishment with powder and ball, at step -ate, if he continued he Certainly sluiuld receive the benefit of the law, es the whole neighborhood was talking about The ladies were swearing Vengeance; one say- ing they will T180 1113 water and so on. After listening to my companion's story, I asked the man's name, but was refused it, until shall vis- it Kirkton again, when you may hear from me again. A TnAVELI,.R. P. F4.--Mr.Jonath11n Shier is opening oat a store hero, he having boaglit Mr. Maples' stuck, orosiarmna. A PRACTICAL TEMPERANCE SERMON. A. young .man entered a tavern an called for a drink. 'No,' said the len lord, 'you bad delirium tremens one and I can not sell you any more.' II made room for young men 1311513 1137(1 jus entered, the landlord waited on them The other stood by silent anclowhe hey harl finisned he thus addressed tb. andlord :—'Six years ago, at tneir ag stood where those young men are now —I Wits a man with fair protipocte OW at the age of twenty-eight I nint rock, body and miod. You led in o drink, in this room I formed the hab t which has become 11137 1(310, now sel me a few glasses more and your work ill be donel I will soon be ,out of th ay,, there is no hope for me, but they an be save& 1..)o riot sell to them ell it to me and let rae• die and the otld will be rid of me, but for ,hea '1)15 Bake 13811 110 more to ithem." The 131(110)7(1 listened, pale and irembling W °iles clown the ete mister he exclaimed G,d heip ine, this is the laet drop ill eel! anyone! And he kelst his' Word, 'fine it) how they pack butter in Cal. ornia, take 1181130)13 made to fit 1 13 8 1: we told,the inilteri and lie said just,' whereof he.whtos".ankstatos that the, V Same ,as; th•C other; and 'we Caine '"rateiis tWe 46 dollar fewer 11 8 10a10. anti 500410 W011t again 131) Zurich to hear the trial, and Gidley & Go,were again there, too, and when each witnee t signed to hie evidence, Gill wse eeked if he lied any queetions to ask them, Ile invariably sold " No, nothing a) ask ;" slid yet these are the men who can mite 1ettevs Go yOri, nt the triet And Willey toile yen both him and Robert Dew cant rositively swear that lirown did not take down the 04- douce riolit that was in '4# Y and ho then asserts tat "the taxes ;veto loWer thun they hi I been for sev, oral years preVious," , ere Wo bow° twn distinct M4'0,0010018, As to •the first doce not the eloquen cierk know why tho rate wes} lower t an fortneely ? 1)otat he not Ictiow that/this wae ae- coniplished by it Inc:reale In vallutfo n of the property 1 the ".11ywnsbin, and tl that had not thi beefy done the rate, 8 instead of being wo mille lowers W011ia Si have been high than formerly As to p lid they het Pay go there, and let the second stet( ten , 1 Mr, jobestoo b seek queetione ; Brown gave tl eyrt tstil OrtIV take 3/133 trouble t,0 inqatro, d , ry ho filet, ic,,, ot..0 hp ....di '.11 /id th the rtittiority of the t 1 Oosely m the Passel, oe other package, s the ertse natty be, The 'butter is 11. pressed into little oblong smite, some, nng like those in Which table salt is (111 1.13 is then packed within the 1013 in Cho barrel, headed tip, and the olotgo is then filled withetrong, pure rine, Thus it, may he earried long istamees by see,„ rend willpoints out Wed and , EXETER. HAVE OPENED OUT A Complete Assortment of GENERAL HARDIMARE And invite Carriage-maliers, Blacksmiths, Builders, Painters, Mill Men, and the Farmers to call and Examine Their Stock. HOURIGON'S CELEBRATED PEERLESS AXE'S, IN ." DOUBLE AND TRIPLE STEEL. A variety of other Patterns which will be sold Chomp. Flint's raalike of oross-cut, Circular, Brick and Hand Saws. 1 I 1 I Paints and Oils G -lass Locks Hinges .Chains,.Ropes, Scales. ALL KINDS OF EDGE TOOLS,—SPADES, SHOVELS, etc. Our experience of neatly twenty-five years as .Arehiteet Builders will be a great assistance to our customers in selecting goods. (0 21 gly (0 SI Is offering Special Bargains in the following goods : Ladies fur sets, Ladies clouds' Ladies Winter Jackets, NT'S FUR OAPS KNIT SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, HEAVY OVER -COATS, WATER- PROOF COAI'S, Undercoats, Pants and Vests Heavy Beavers, Petersham a and Mantle Clothes, Strong Canadian Tweeds, and Fancy Canadian Tweeds. Plain and Check Wincies, Fancy Flannel Shirtings, Heavy Bed Blankets, Horse 131ankets in great variety, Car- pets, Hemp, 'Union, all Wool, and Tapostrx. HE WOULD CALL $35ZCSAito 44,121VZ 162021 Too STOCK OF DRESS GOODS , Many lines of wItich have been bought at Job Prices, and will be sold at about half their value. Al goods sold suhject t a discount of 3 per cent. for oasli at time of sole or payable on lst April next ; otherwise interest at 8 per cent, per annnni be invariably charged after that date. Positively no second price. The pub ic are esp- c fully )equested to call ant inspect those goods and 'judge for thems,olves. JOIEN ItANTON. E SUB ANI GIV: To GREENWAY A c NSW STORE, NEXT DOOR TO JOHN'S UN SHOP Seseseoeseee...esees...messeesser. ta'z' PRICES AS LOW AS ANY. - Remember elm place, sign of the FLAG. EXETER' BAKERY. 0 ' A. SKINNER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BAKER A,ND CONFECTIONER, AExeter and vicinity for 13:1=es past liberalr.ailoma4mizihnoginfirtioemerit the same by supplying S. takes this opportunity of thanking his friends and the inhabitants of SUPERIOR TO ANYTHING EVER BEFORE OFFERED IN EXETER WEDDING CAKES MADE TO ORDER, SOCIALS AND PARTIES A SPECIALITY. • FAMILIES WAITED ON DAILY. FRTG3 EC BREAD Clon.staz.tly On Han' 1414 the Exeter North Post-oelee. and T. Short's, Crediton, and Mitchell's, Centralia. Exeter, Desember 2111h, 1878. (19.1y) DOMINION LABORATORY Androgynous Lacoba Titiens I HATE this day appointed the Proprietors of ths DOMINION LABOBATORY my lilo!e Agents in Exeter for the above PINE -FLAVORED CIGARS. They will always have on hand a full stook. Exeter, February, 5th, 1876. M. LESSER, Montreal. GROCERIES. GROCERIES. ifY STOCK now being complete, and baying resolved to continue selling at prim" VERY LOW PRICES And also by -using my very best endeavors To give all entire Satisfaction And I thet efore hope to receive a reasonable share of public patronage. Flour .and Feed now in Stook. ALSO A LARGE LOT OF Different kinds of Fish. WHICH WILL BE SOLD CHEAP. Having resolved to enagage in SHIPPING EGGS TO THE AMERICAN MARKET, Would inform the public ,that the HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH Will be paid for Eggs from the opening of the present egg season at my Grocery Stord., south side Drew's Block, Main St., Exeter. R. A. LEGETT. THE L., H. 8c B. R. IS COMING And we are Still Ahead. and have opened out the LARGEST. CHEAPEST & BEST stock of Goods ever brought into Exeter. Of Everything in the General Line of BUSinfilli. consisting et • btap le & Fancy Dry -Goods., Millinery Ready- rnacle Clothing Goats' Fa:mishit:To, Hats 8c Ceps, Carpets, House Furnishings, Hardware, Groceries, Bee mid Shoes, Stationery, Wall Papers, Crockery and Glassware, Patent Ifedieines, dm, dm. I have also seemed:the services of • MR. W. H. IVES of Bowmanville, lote of Toronto, as manager of my (nothing Department. All work sent ens by him guaranteed to be eeaond to none in the Dominion. Pant cutting a speciality. Any persons favoring us with a gall will find the goods aud prices right. Remember, this ifl tbe pleco to get everything you want at low prices. N. B.--4111cinds of Farm Produee takes exchange. JAS PICKLED Exeter 0, 1875. UNDERTAKING DREW S. DREW S. AVOTYLI) call the tato! lioo of the publie to hie large stot4t of Parlors, drawing & bedroom Furniture A. large Stook Of the abeve *rig oilier Fellatio* hi% hand; end *hi& Will be Sold at greasty *ceased! Wee.. Exeter, tailsruary Pt, tete, lroEm DItE'VV". 100 43ordg wood wanted in exchange for Varniture, CLEARING SALE:: ,competronv gENDEIISOIsT !WRITE'S mamas TO O. S. swot ST, MARYS, out their Winter Stook 111XCEIS AND BABFAINS T1NUSUAL AT RtTAIL Icky BE LOOKED Fort, BEN*DERsON WErtTE. iDorliElcruAgiNorflirtTN sHoP AND 1Pistols, Fishing !rookie and Hunters' Supplies' R. W. SOPER. Menu l'!;cturer of, and dealer in , n Meg, firti./ allfitia itevoirerel 0037-stooking done in flrat-class etyle. EinFire Guns altered to Central Fire. Sign of Golden Key, Clarence.street, between Dundee and Ring,London,, VARM FOR !SALE—Lot 21. South- eactern boundary of Usborne, containing 100 . , Acres. 'There are two dog dwellings, 'good frame barn with frame shed •isid stable* two rood welts andurnall orchard. There are about 17 acres of fall wheat sowed, and it considerable quantity of.: fall ploughing done. Eighty acres cleared. Torn. reasonablo. For further pardeulare nobly to JOHN 111cDONALD on the Prow 18051. 20.1m CARD OF THANE8.—Ttle under- signed begs to return thanks for the efforts put forth te by those prlient at the fins on Tue... • day evening in.st, in saving his properti fro* the devouring element. -7. CARLING... rpENDERS. — Sealed and separate -L 'rendere win be received the undersagneil for tbe eresstietios.aetouues.eneassentBrietSieuse In thaVillage of Emote= Vesiderelolielefbribe 21s1 inst. Plans and spociiicatione may balloon it Sainwell dr Pickrrd'st othere all necessary infer - mitten may be obtained. The lowest ner any tender will not necessarily be accepted, unless otherwise satisfactory. RICHARD SELDON. 11. x1NS- MAN, Furgeon Den- tist, 'thetas been in Exe- ter OT•T 4 yrs. it still: en hand all the time. Oftiee and residence—next door to C. Etserott's Slyness Shop. Main 'trot, His wife also is always on band to attend lady patients. -- Hie 'work is guaranteed inferior to none, and in. perior to that of meat other.. Torras more libeled than anyother in this county; upper set—very -est —015.00. Pinnies warranted five years. 'to prevent being misdirected.take ease toenquire tor the Old Established Dental 0111oe. Brick Store and dwelling house,—Also frame house and' stabie, for sale, centre of Mai* street Exeter. BIBLES. Prayer Books, Hymn Books, ,.• Cassell's Magazine, Saturday Maga- stine, Infants' Magazine, Satur- day Journal, Day of Best, • Sunday at Home. Children's Friond,Wide Awake, Chat-. terbox, Friendly Vit4tor, Childs' Companion, Band of Hope. Britisli Workman, Aa. 44 vises, Christian Treasury, British E. Juvenile, Albums, Work boxes C.) ria Writing Desks, &e., Ate., M / OR CHRISTMAS. AT W. GRIGG'S. XPRESS. The American Express, Co. HAVE Opened an office —IN -- EXETER AND ARE PREPARED To Convey Good itortey.ana valuables ao Amy 'point. For,furthar partioutira aptly t 3 W J8WHflt, itce,