Exeter Times, 1876-2-3, Page 2OND91T,'H11111011
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thatereitefniearidge,.. .
.sakvitt. ,
1St, ThOsnTse
,Exetee ,„
lie/loan ".
.hrueeneld ,„
',Lendosboi•ough ,„
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Rine t Mine ... ... 4 20 A.44,
_Luc:know ,.. 4 eo " •
mad Nixed
'‘Winghion„.. 0 30.4.m„ 7 00 4.:u,
retieton .., b TIO " 11.1 45 '
.,111`11d011elel 0 00 " 11 so "
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- .Exetar ,.. C 50 ' 1 10 V, M.
.Coract114.a.,, 10 05 '" 1 44) "
'.I4oltdoli „. “.arril 30 '' ,1 15 4'
:$t, Thomas 1$ 15 P.m,
littluihen 5 10 "
Tt.)111tttO V V5 4
,Buitale (via SusPeneioll.Eridge)11 10 ." '
Mali Trains run daily (excez,t liumlays). 11 ixed
.Trai as run North--Montlay Wodnesda, twat Fri.
kdaY, ; Soeth-Tueaday, Thursday said SaturdaY.-
..Cenitectious nut 413 l.t Clinton tyith (1CalV1 Tritak
-aanailoto alai from Goderich.
l'.:(11rinul relik
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Monte BAST. 1.45;
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oIxu sou'rx
heeiteth abeet aekitos or ?reeking far E OFEICIAIA PAPER./".Tlie
their tAd while by the air I now the ollieiel paper of the °ono tY ef
ef suP'erior aeeWeetability the aelalltrY illtroO. it 11 aVillg at the last meeting of
ie blinded, the tavern-iteepers fortheir 'the Owanty Council. beet'. awarded too
OWIA inteie4s, and. 10 kile, intel;os.ts' uf printing eontraet of that , body for the
the litItior ate hyrt Preeeol
rowing. beneath the ettocture OreCtal MR8, Q unnipV14mu widew er the late
1/(,)1M1 QunitinglinanINI, p., of IV,litni.,
tO1M., W110 left for Seotland Bowe awe
ago, is tomming school in Carting, Lan-
aritAtirc, at a salarypof $ 40 a, yeer,
together with a tree\ litotes end fuel.
hs the Cove n 11,411,t for thesafely of the
temperance ,e,inse until they have it
eompletoly upset, the d ty woo, and the
,bulwark of tomperence peopte haa
received a 20`01.0 611,00k 1V14011
111alie it RS a mealla offenee and' de-
fenee less preeteeal than it ie pres-
Whether tbe iesuing of favor)) licene
See .0 tavern iin2pection ehould be in
the halide 01 uttuncioal et. Goverument;
officeee oartennly rnatter of admin-
istration, but the argument is. decidedly
a tiled the change, anti witl find bet
favor %wail the people. Toose of-
fieittis' aocuive their antherity from the
overument, ender:a nppoiuted by that
b dy. Therefore, in e very iiret iu-
statiee, by the atm IVet, is found, an oo-
portimitv te , retie), those political
frieutle who worked ee assidonsly toward
tionmoto power. In the nat-
ural following of eveuts 1110011 wonder
will be exeited if these men in their
tore de. not diepense their favors to ap-
Laicals ts of a like political creed. in pref-
erence to (twee of a centraey stripe-
We•would not attribute this to all, but
the generality of BaSOS Vie imagine
we %weld be round to be eorrect. Not
may this, hat the law paye these offi-
eials out of the funds obtained hy the
ieening of these licenses, as well •as
'other expellees connected therewith, -
Therefore, the tovernment &dims the'
lieense money, which is by the new law
no small Amount, and the local oar.
porations are forced to keep up a staff
ot police to ward off the effects of the
harm whieh whieh generally ensues
from rives -always caused from asso-
ciation ‘vith the t d they
are at liberty to pay them out of the
taxes raised by the corpoiations.
If the Government thought they were
foreed to enact some law ior retricting
a ol dimieishing the drinking usages,
and they were empowered to do so, it
would be much better to punish as a
terime the man who drinks to excess,as
a means to prevent the young from
drinkieg to excess. The, limitation of
the number of licenses will noei have
that effect, but will lead to the illicit
sale of liquor. Mr. Crooks bald the
Ontario Legislature had not the power
to grant prohibition, but he was aptly
replied to angther member, , who said,
1. le, MARTIN,
(t.oivillipsioN. MERCHANT;
'We beg to correct the repori that has
liven in circulatton, that we do uot take
tbutter, egys or any other kind (-?t* trade in
,a:ceonge for goods. l'he report is untrue,
.We pay the highest' price in trode fur all
'kinds of form produce. We not only pay
ithe highest priee for tratle,,bat we give cos.'
stainers better value jitr both their cash and
ttrade than any eueer &use tn reach of
Inquire the pricgof our Teas and
.-Raisins and all the othcr,special lines mon-
ttin'ed in another column: It's sikply ne-
tted -shiny what the ready cash will
VW° do not offer customers an' indttcentent
ttvaltru 5 om 'but we .ouarantet
- aavantayc of from eu TO :RI per cent
thy purchasing from ne rather than any
.4)118471 Aeig a credit Inisiness.-
' '''STANLE/'& 11111171i.
rhe txettir Alums
THURSDAY, FEB. 3, 1876
oaly iliberal-Conservative Jourualin Borah
ro correspondents.
-We invite all who can do so, to send us short
;descriptions of accidents or unusual °corm-
7rences in any part of the County. Write on
,one sae of the paper only. Igen yottr letters
,on. Monday or Tuesday, to be sure of insertion
iin the Tiates,of the same week. 'One cent pays
,the Postage if you leave the envelope open, and
,sendit as "printers' copy."
/1. *CM 4 ,
,Ciur friends of the Governmeift per-
..rsivater Eicuatt111.7y 15
•what cosmopolitan', having an admix-
•ture of Temperance polities, Reform
",.Polities, and Government politics, are
:seeminglyin high glee at the possibility
.of the country at last having recegui-
ition „of tne wishes of the temperance
mortion of its people. But we should
-rather have said, some of the temper -
;once people, for the majority of them,
:irrespective of any party feeling, ulia,i-
iinnously proclaim any attempt on the
part of the Goverpment to give them
law such as they now wish to pass au
imbecile attempt to retain power, by
',hoping thbreby to obtain the solid tem-
spenauee vote. This class of people have
,asked the 'Domilhon Government for
„Prohibition, and the step now propos-
,ed bY .the Ontario Legisiature to re-
,moget the Lieense Law will eatiee Pro-
.Nhibition anilsitiefriawaseiehaeosseoneeerle
:will' be pointed out by the Dominiou
',Legislators when next application is
;pads) to them for prohiliition, las being
las -ranch as the Province will at present
gitand. And perfectly true, too ;
NVItRilimovement to the country's weal
las prohibition will prcve itself to be,'
;will ever be ae complished unlees under
.the power of a great reaction which
-will be felt from one end of the Domin-
ion to the other. No reaction has ever
taken place unless the evil to be over.
/come is at its height ; then what more
:fitting time than the present for the
;suppression of the liquor traffic. We
will admit that under the Crooks' Bill
...the number of taverns will be lessened.
;Mallet course, if considerabfy lessened
.and the proper restrictions applied, the
record of crime may be proportionately
less, and of course the glaring evils re-,
;wilting from tho sale aud use of, the
traffie which are now te he so plainly
800D would then in a senaele confined,
but like the petted serpent, its sting
has not been removed, the poison is
.still there, antl. iit only ,bides its time
:to use th an on the. -le who may now be
,petting it. The qaitsi diminishing of
the traffic will soon show iteelf to be a
hane rather their the reverse. A etep
has boeu takeo hy the Local Legislat-
0, and :the credit wilt in a him meas.
ure be altered by the Dominion Parlia-
ment, who .will net eitee eboitt moviug
In the inattergis bet, ono stop at a time
;,is all And can ho taken in spell a mat,
ter -that, still, though, if if- enould be
itakon at, ell, .slmald have been is Ioeg
one, poefoenied hy the Ottetwa admin-
istrators, an.I dt prohibition at onee,--
By the iiew,lawgso favored and honor -
,ed wtli be tho stew who, under the cle-
niency 41te iGovernment, have the
Tower to ,sell,the they will 28 -
;sumo thein.olveil to te endowed with
)respeetability,above their fellowa that
'they 0,0)11001)10 show it. •Ana freen
this taut; and frog) the fad Hitt many
,others will think so, too, simply te-
ceatise they are the abseil the Gov ,
4erntrietit, they will possess an infloenee
',Car gteater rthao that (doss now n088088)
iand,,Which will beforo it can be eheeked
rs 1g; , 1 o ytiblie mind until eve %Vali
Word wall reoolVed ou Fri.daY :14st, ,a
letter addressed to Mrs, Samuel Johns
from Mr, Latta, formerly of Itcalger.,
ville, but now of Rim), Ca„ that her
linsballd, Ile heti reeeiVed Word, was
killed- He Was driving a load of tim-
ber to some ehipping point, whet' one
of the 14eces fell till hreeking his
leg, AP. Home means assistance wits
rendered Inin, and he was talten to' a
neighboritig cabin, but so Door was tile
attention which he received, he linger-
ed for a short time Dahl tie last expired,
dietaitt land without a friend or
relative to bethe his fevered brow. Mr
J. was about returrtiog tonne, and that
feet will make the lass fall more hatter.
ity upon his afflicCed widow. Mr. T ittta
estimated the sal iogs in Mr. John's
poeseesiou the time of his death at
between two and throe thous'and dollars
Qtteen's Bench were sound the House
bad the petver to prohibit the sele of
liquor altogether.
fatter and firigilk
PansoNA.T...-Rev; I. I3arr, formerly of
Exeter, is at present officiating in Pt.
PASSENGERS:- Northland south, the
passenger coach is completele
mad but little more crowding will de-
mand another coach to be placed on
the hue.
WOOD WOOD 1 -We will take any
quantity of good sound wood in pay-
ment for any indebtkdoess due .us, or
for subscriptions to this paper, old or
new. "You need not wait be come and
see tis about it, but bring the wood
right along, and we will allow the high-
est market price for it. •
BREAK DOWN. -A.8 MONAhh.`a en,
some mires fro the Ben d •
ing works to the station, the wager]
collapsed, and the load was unloaded
before the desired time.
ELECTED. -Rev. W. 11. Gene was
elected to the Office df W. P. in the Di-
vision of Exeter S. of .T. on Monday
uight hist.
b'eortenr.-February was horalded by
snav storm of gigantic nropertions-
the oaly fault, if 14.1.V,' waS, there was
m. re storm than snow..
TA:LEN OPF.:-Sinee the (Telling ef
railroad. the travel by stage has fallen
off so that the morniug stages to • Lon
don ale taken off entirely, while the
Clinton mail'is vied in a single bug-
gy, which will only last notil a change
in the mail serviae takes pkce in Ap-
Etterete is, rncler the care of lir. Hos-
sack of Liman, who has Ilion now
charge, . int pr Dying rapidly. .
APP.11N1E.O.--Mr. Will
reCelVea . 1 syruc-
lions' from Mr. ,c+. waudie. Route
Agent, and comt118need wort-, Fri-
ility Lath Low'terilf aud d ..patch are
worde upoii which the Co. weak.
Fute.--On Saturday nie 'last, the
chimney of Dr. Ilyttffinati's,i'• ''siclence was
disicovered..to bo on fireh and blazing
quite freely. The elite Ives at once
sor.nded, and the engine turned out,
but °Wine' 1;0 the yet inefficient state
of the eompany, did. not commeuce
work until the fire was oat.
DeNeorrev.-13v reference 'to a car d
in another colinne it wilt seen that
the old-establielied dentist, Me. 11 Kins-
man, is now as eyer prepared to satis-
ify all regeiring anything in his line.
POCKET -BOOK LOS1 .-Los a few days
on the L., B: enroll pocket book
containing railroad passes aad $4•50
in American money, The finder iney
retain the money, if be will leave the
pasees at' the American Express 'office,
V. P. C. A. -- The regular semi-
montly meetina of this Asso-
ciation was heldh on Taesdiov evening
last. A programme of an excelle»t na-
ture was provided, and although the
weather was stormy, a good atteodanc'
was oh hind Aft. 1.301t011'S 088037 00
" Abraham " was justly appreciated.
TO -NIGHT'S' LECTUR-0.--The lecture to
be delivered this evening, by the Rev.
Mr. Hutchinson, in Drew's Hall, in
this village, will deservedly be lare'ely
attended. From experience, we speak
highly hf the leetnror as a logician and
001t1rnewl hhil US an ()Loam'. He has
great fluency of speech, and a very re-
tentive and. powerfol memoryhttaribatee
not always to be found in the lecturers
(From 0m, Owx 09,1eqemi,e
LAR.c4ii AITENDA.1401 AT: DO
\ , ii.,
511400 the einutitte1000'100 oi wag
tertn, allthe schools ill. the 1,0141 , 4
been filled to their utmost eti, acitY, 'il
the highest department of-' unit
COUNTY LODGE L. 0. L. -The Coun-
ty Ladge met ill Soittorth ou Tueeday
last, nearly all the lodges being repre-
sented. The following o'fficers were
duly elected : •
Co. M. A, Simnions, Goderielf.
1.). M. J., Niblock,
Chap., Rev. Mr. Watson, Bayfield.
Sec., T. D. Stanley, Exeter.,
Treas. J. Joselyn, Clinton. .
D of C. -Sturdyi.----L-
C. Leo., J. Cooper, Clinton.
The next County Lodge will be '"helci
in Exeter.
school, titat'iti whieh Mr. Moir, t
tielent prinidpiti t i el .' Elio
0 t, 10113,
daMee has n101'010804 80 greatly by he
iiiiittx of children of the sithwatollag
havensliips whe ttesher to elite*, the 11igli
al1001, ttiat tt ournber of few forms
have been put io for their alontmodio
tioe. oalo. Aloir givee e ,t•y sittisfae-
tion to the parents, ',botli/ha his elan -
agement of the sollotilia', and in the
teitoliing of his own depirtinetit. The
large Attelidttlioe flatalf Fe`,.. eiShOolsi is
the'li8tIlt Of the endett rti af,110 ,trii 4.
tees who diseharge`theifilitty, with re-
gard to securing the sirvicee of uone
but first.clitee teachers,11 This year they
have been rewarded, fie in no tovvn io
the Province are tile tillools in a more
advanced state. The its eonte talk of
making the High Set ol a Collegiate
institute. ;
_ ,
,,: Momae', 11140, enompia ore tr(oiblitih I of 01 o tligusatid dolltrs for the fulfil,
ti, good wtoly peolile 0 the rieltiggelierit ,, Wt)OPHAISit.
inetrit of Itho oontract. of' Imiltlins, elite
, 0,
lion Kloes. not settfe,, elone, bat the gen- Altinotelt'flte tii,iv;:rsi'0-1'ory loi 1 ill'a W.11118 alld orottsit'it, 111 (11i$ VillJtcre --
4'400 ,t1l151 11,1.8 "Ii5" ie Illi'QN'ist) itt:'' ,, (0.114“; " yot. tc 411 till 1,1,),poilritoes, Do. ()allied, ' ' ,''' ' ..
„ tail, .011(1 11A,Ite to ItY0 t)( JilittHil 4104
1 tier heileil or softoted 1,eal,
the latter part of last 'week Mr. W. E,
Villkins, commenced purchasing, and
shipping graiii. Noug but the faireSt
satniftes Were' touched, the highest fig-
nree being paid for such. From 90 to
92 cents were the ruling' figures in
wheat, and 51 to 63 cents per bushel
Was paid for barley, itocording to sane-
Oles -which, we were infOrmed by Mr,
Marine's of this villagea, was two. cants
More 'than he received in St. Mary's:, a
day''or befoye tor .tt very bright 'spe-
cimen. Owinghte the efforts which Mr
Hayden, the energetic station emaeter
at this place puts forth .rno.a.--ohlrl
6::k &Tient, and our bap:a:-
Wilt 11,0t 1301V 1-0t .,f!',..)..;e,.itin''netse. for
want Of Care.
DRAMATIC ENTERTAllilb'N'I ,-T4 0 st.
Mary's Amateur Dran.atic Troupe gave'
one of its entortaininelits in the Town
Ball on Thursday, eve\iing last. The
prineipal play was Do'heittes 4rrOld's
nautical drama, "Black eyed ..-'4Oliti.11"'
PIO hall Wft8 C 1'0 'VS' 110(1-7i111111110(1 ilqapt,
anti ‘410 alitli01.1C8 were , WolI 81.11i4K1,4_ il
with' "the`PerferMarthre of the' woo ll -be
'Slings and 'llerlee, 'llhey , promie , to
repeet* the dose in a couple of w its.
Strew Fuse -Some one-ine \\Blips ard
who, it istlicmght by the eounci o f
that meheibipitlity, is far looinquisi ye,.
has teen in the habit of castigating he
members:',of.theNot noil thro' their c n
local (?) paper for ublication. The
-Clerlegolls %hills he, ileeseae, Of it
lust Week's issue of'61ehinciti-(?)vefit I.'
pitches vigerouely. into this individtial Song; " Tyroll's Lovely. Dell, ' by Miss
alio -mites. Medal ihe 'unassuming lion 'McTavish. which was 'encored. Reading,
de ,,p;-'unte of "Cosmopolitan" judging
from this specimen of the doughty
clerlee epistles the conclusion is irre-
sistible 4that he he has been ensoloyea
on the Globe -such elegant expre4'-'
sions as ihmengy antiquated cur," and
some few others- in comparisen with
which it is rather mitd,, ,being introo-
duced into most appropriate perte ofa
his epistle with an effect" WhiCh4one
conld only expect to find in the col -
limes of the leading Grit organ -in an
article, in short, which the C41 eat Die -
1,11 An 1.111110l:11 1.1.11ay.11/ LJLTI.J. 4.,t1li, 41 TFOS1
A Comasies,-0 1Pridtty the 28th
koat as 1.), otor AlacDomild waS dt'lving
•I•t I I
• la 14 on lit ale tiggy .40 100)
1?srtY Wit,11 agg011 owitaliw)g Mrs,
k. Shier and sortie of lier family wit°
viliago 4: "6 0.41nain does not apro,'r to ' i`flov,,,d hy L. itod,.Y, twoolu (A, v ,
11a1Rl fvli 1110111 k0 SliV groat 0%0 oi,,,-- Pieleird, that 0 by.law'be outmattol at
Air. A, Dinsmore is aoiog a go' el leei. its: most mooting 14,1 be 0000 10 1 to oon,,
lies6 10 lii,4 store ; meelianic, aro ,k/11:1, j 01'01 RPOOirlt.111011t, 0,( AFiOef11107' 11114
MO A ei rtain siy,n. that travel 10 Cm 3 PotiffinteepOrkt,--(htyried.
. ..
part is oxtew ort, is to be newel .ie Gle Aloved by W. H. Verity, seconded by
gen'K ;40U0 of min la)st .1, \\C.fkliieo,ot ,j, Pickard, tinit this commit adjourn
who iki in the le,tel formerly oeeiqued )o neert at Drew's laell ost 11/1,0oday 714,
by mg% E, Ch;•iskie, the latter gein-10- LOT., at 7.80 P. xi.
nom haviog pnyclissoll tloi lleitautiie M. Eehatehr.,
were gonne to church , at lierkton. isieuse, thitetee,, winch 110 is now over-
The're-ult +Ails ii, doable 00000esioo- battling.
ole, rail agit LH, ..i,e tea_ at ._ _le eh000nlee egugh ie new towel': to he 1C..t,N 0,1, RDIN
ti .(1 t .• I A, tt • d ' id tl .
eseitile‘ lalihurt, tot, so with the buggy A i. ' ' -, ' r i t . rt 1 l' X.0CWKET%i 2&It''11N1).- A W01111411
.e. atm a/ 2 elony yetbeto," c ell tove iwsoo• , , - ,o • ,, e i
pork, ‘ ,N, eipc oe ib leo\ oaH 1,8t,ard, , )
(mu ot hogse no/Divers; eceeieed eeeecee ph(hihiiii.,,,, 1,1,c,su (',.4. 5,6,i,,,, rumo,a, a UR:110a r.131(4.1'.‘ \4'..;, ,),Alll.1.4'.1110,'‘N ,d,lJe oil
coleholiad fructures disabliog it for life. few di:, y 0, je) 4ihraahhh,•to oroieht,e"the tome to Loudou, wi Monday forenoon
The Drasays the otw will euttle it. Of . a, .. Pah! 'Aondoll- ..fIllrwl 86 .B1.'n(x3 it',Illw•tY•
poerse le ,dees not mean the haggy eM/..../II6.•••••11,....••••••.011.
. '
buizgY\ftgaiost the waggini. Tile Dr. a „ , t. , ti.
neat etvete attrielte. hail her pocket picked of a purse, which
blo third party beitig implieated in 013 CLINTON. (font/tilled tr) '.,0 itild a till'011411 tiOliel tO
Detroit. Ilie worshiP the AlltYor 1 ro.
%vilest. Sin'ere is a rumor of an inv181.
,,,, , . .
(mallet vpiell. , - veled her with ayees to lier (bete . ia 5
transtictin, for the troll of which 1 , ,
teen L,ASE Or DESTITU rIoN.-T110 .1'01- taite,10147.110 being ii•iNidieSS and wiehreet
lowing deploeitble c.o.() of ae,i,i,etie,, i,,
Soriocg. Trainee Almerneo.-aExeter
Boara of. School Trustees met,, accorld-
Wet° notice, at the Secretary's offiee
on the 21st day of January, 1876. --
Board all present. Minutes of the lard
meeting read and '11pp-roared, wae
unanimously agreed that Jemee PiCkard
be Chairman for the present year. Pro-
pose& hy John Broderick, seedthled b;
Isaac Whitlocl, that John' newton be
SecaTreasurer.--Carried, Moved by
John rBroderick, se 37onded hy Isaac
Whitlock. that the Sh cretary get a tin
box with lot li end key.to keep the books
and other papers. --Carried.
mouely n.greed that Messrs. Lewis &
Tomlinson's hill for painting be paid ;
also James Piektird's bill for bell ; also
John McDonald's bill fur taking 001.1811:
for 1875. Unanimonsiy agreed that
Mr. Cline have the large room to teach
singing, after the school is dismisse.d.
thanks be. tendered to Mr.
Sanders. our late Seegetary, for the aide
manner in which he discharged his Outy
as Secretary -Treasurer for the past six
yeare.-Carried, The following, is Mr.
Sanders' reply: to' the Trastees of Ex-
eter school for -the vote of thanks ten-
dered biro at the last meetieg of the
Board. To the Board of Trustees of
Exeter school :-Permit, me to acki, ow -
ledge yom very kind vote of thanks at
the laqt gneeting of the'Boaid,
very kindly thank you for the' same. --2,
Rest assured that I leave yi serviees
with regret, ancl that I shall always en-
tertaia,the kbadliest feeliug towards the
Trustees of Exeter school., 11 is my ill
health that Caused the to resign. I nave
the honor to be, gentlemen, your obe-
die t servant,
Secretary -Treasurer.
, _
FAILED. ---The officers J f the
eometinaes rneet with their match 1n.„
imeieg a id bravery, 'a fact which wil
literitlly norne out by Mr. R,obinson north and smith ridings should be re -
b ) Ai 11 lh t
' ESCAPE 0M, 0) Mitt$T
A"V1"-- al81);t1t4 from Oinoltioatt
says that eight prisoners Athena
comity jail ottomptod to escape on tlio
2,80t lan„ by bornitig one .end of the
Wit 4tig, but the Meet berioniitig ititenete
they wore obliged to spell help to extin-
ginefe the dames sod help f,118151841V0
It0744, A7p,in
given by the Clilltou .Ve
short time sine, .(dtudeg the.° weath-
er) t he wife of it r`eceittly arrived. g.
lislremigrant tvits"dotillueil. Some of
the neighbors hearing of it, went in to
reuder what assistance they couid at
P1.1011 a time, and fouml the poor wont -
Ito lying on eorne strew, withoht a par.
hole of fire, and not a naontlifiel to eat
in the house. 14/itti that sisterly ltind
ness and sympa'hy whieh ehrtracterize
the telltale eex, and particularly those
of this town, the wants of the woman.
were at once Suppliecl, and everything
done for her comfort. The Council
have, we believe also given some assis-
tance tt3 the sufferers. We are inform-
ed tnat the husband is toe lezy to work
and that ou ecnno wood being offered
him if he woul 1 ceirrir it home, he re-
fused it, but we do not know wuether
this is so or not."
'Froth onr CorroSpunaent.
leoweesma Busmees.-A good etroke
was glverl awling s I all hole on of business was done at thil station
Thursday.e,yeuing„ the 20th inst. The last week ; large amoimts of flex -fibre,
hall was Orowdect to its utmost capacity wheat, barley,peas, pork &C., having
Coxes:al.-A very successffil conCert
by a very respectabla andionce. Never been shipped off, It is estimated that
bofere was there such an array of talent the freight bilis alone for the week
lorought to ;ether in this neighborhood 1111.1fit have reacheclthe neighborhood of
es there Wa8 011 this occasion. Miss $200. 5,, far there has beeo hot. one
. • .k.
MeTavish and Mr. Sant. Osborne, of operator m grogg. Were there "sterage
Sarnia ; Dr. Feed, of St. Mary's ; Mr, room and buyers enouell to secure:every
MeAlldni Mre. Graham, Miss Harrisoo, load that passess through the village,
and Messrs, D. E. Cameron, W. W. Centralia would be fcrind to be one of
sItotherford and Dr. McAlpine, of Perk- the. very busiest markets on the L., 1-1.
'hill ; ,Misses Shaw, Cornell, Hothitm,
and Mr. J. A. Brady, or Widder. Tile
& B. R.
PRIVATE SCHOOL. -It is Very grati-
first •oii the programme was a plant) tying to learn that this institutton at
forte l. Soloaby ',Miss I -I, i t ti am. Song, Centralia is well supported, most par.
, y 1 1. AM h 01110, ents being willing to pay a little imbue
"Iiraish Lion '' b et • S• 0 •b •
,„ , rather than Bend their children of ten -
which was stenh' in a masterly manner. der age a long distapee to the common
echool, especially during inclement
weather. The School is at present ma-
iler the management of o, lady who giVOS
the greatest satisfaction,and at a recent
examination her pupils were found to
have made unusual, progress. A social
is about to be held kir the benefit of
the children attending Ude scheol, the
partionlars of which will' shortly be at •
flounced. '
Feral' Boltta;'s by Dr, Ford, Which
se!'.I considerable laughter among the
audience. .Song, " 0; Give me a Home
by he Sea," hy Mise Cornell. Sunk,
" King Christmas," pry Mr. D. E.
CaMeronovas renderedewith great effeetg.
A. Declainatien," by Mr. J, A. Brady.
A. &let. " Tho,IVIinitte Gun at Sea," be,
Mias MoTityleh and Mr. Sam Osborne;
was reudered in excellent style. Song
" Waiting," by Miss Barrieons Reading
" Selection,,from Mark Tateih," by 'De.
1:rtitifala'AV-hhir sT`9,Pittlf1"•?°.•
, O. a: 4,q0/(t.
mepolitari," oy any other 11.'0,114'#, Pia110 forte solo,by Miss Hutliatu. Song;
•qinyngFcur,P we do not see thett'Mr';' Gather themin," by Di. Ford. .Read-
Johnstoh, should pievented by the lug " Prom School foe. Scaudalt, hy
preteeded horro! of fine'tesaling citizens Airs. Gialiam, which elicited much
from es Leg him amis. m'oat is pleasure 'tO the audience, it hit,ing seme
intbresting, at all eVents, if not b'oody. old 1 achelors pre,eent pretty well. „Song,
i3 iuteresttna beeaualketheo, eosatihaite,e‘Yeerniohs Weddinh Some " by Mr I).
, ' '
ants 'have taken the, uP• tredidd Oitine.vorit. Readiir " Eagle's Reek,"
thPir pi•bOneities shouid *have by Ruthe.rford.. Soug,
forbidden --the, editor (if yie gi,,Nos?„hi "ID iog White. Sergea...t." by Miss
self liaadog ceildescom01.4,g;-,fogithillA IleTavish, 'Which was encored. This
hand ip the , -ahlleara yoang ladyAios'spSsea,,a highly cultivat'.
the gladiatorin) araled as the champion ed yoiee,,anksings with great sweato ss
of honesty, while the 0,0iid ower. Song, A aay," bY
shard.' their able 'clerk; ' calls `CO -utile afiss,,Snaw. Soria, " So w ha bap:"
saints to witness, that they ,itee ;eerie,. gas, saseoh, reaueeo by rd,D,
onay persoi riled- a speetacle, by the ewe', airs. McAlpine . 1 he,
hipsniment on tlie platto e
u•ot od taste and levity. Tito pi
Imo 1-1,0,1 On the aceriei,,,, ICA • oly 1 ,
Mr.-. Gatti:4. roe „eat, in
srere :nen arranged, Will 11,
0011Cort W9.4 given, t1.0 tho eaten,- t
of the St. Chili. Berde-'s mdle-
the ieititership of pi,. 'Tio,
hand hi, made excellent .„„ in the
shm t spued of fo,,r iremt Ow lie.
selection,: of gureic ..vhieh they' reodared
eu this occasion is dose. vitig
higheSt praise, The lialJ is no; the laat,
40i. a entice; t. although very c,,an
; the ceilinir is altietether too
making it very diffictilt to sing. Much
eaglit ilue. to Mr. T., W. Bready,
Nlessrs. Climer(gi. Bleed, Ryan.
M,0111,gfrunpry and (3, olis11, for the Alai -
out manner in which the whole pro-
ceedings *ere conilpeted), The pr.00'eads.2
Caunda.Mellnali:tt Church.
Nay, V% 11i011 very arnusieg, if it does
not tend to elevate Our ()pillion of poor
11 ti 1111011 nature. Th e, clerk tallies on?,
or teo, that "mangy cm." counting
; and so does the forth estit.e.
think, however, that the editor ellows
nitnself to 'be carried to.) far in
minntes of the last meeting of the
council, that they re-apto-inted the
"old clerk." That WaS 1111 extreine1y
unkind cut. We . would adviee the
wordy belligerents to "hang their coat,
011 a willow tree," and a Al( non to spire
nriblic place, sly the St. Mary's' town
hell, end there-g.otng,,to a settlement.
'NI', woll.1-fil<" gratified ; lot a
bo -taken up white the excite -
meet high, and no doelat (almost)
coo 1 ti -.1),.77t
he to lint An`fNit pgy'for 'ist.14:11111
to replace 111 tilt? duple 041.0).6 (If the
tot wir ship elle -innoitiit '41iiche the coun-
cil claim to lutve lost through the dis-
heneety of &abbe. , , hope to e,alte. ereea US,B01-1NE.
this or some equhlly good' .sog,geetwitif
for the settlement of the difficulty CousomPitoormonicis.--Council m et
adopted. . ahoday, The fallowing gentlerneu hav-
mg been duly elected and having mitde
OPEN MEETING. -The St. Maty's Di-
vision, S. of T., held an open meeting :,,11111 sub8cribed the declarations of
office took their seats
1,1,a,11,10bne Par ti dt:TY,d ee 31 gs pleaosc,!)7e s iti a hfi ec t",Ci.:onitu.°1_0f junL, euo 10,1:1
were dilli-veteci " Rini.' for N. E. warcl ; David Milar
Councillor for N. W. ward ; Jonathen
THE. REGISTRY OFFICE. -The settl-e- •
, Slier, Councillor for S. E. wised.
a -tent of the long vexed queetion as te tilovecl by J. Halls, si 0. by j. Shier,
.,,:hether the Registry Offices of the 'That D. 1V1illar be Deputy Reeve for
18',76 --Carried. Moved by R. Mon-
'Sherriff Gibboir's officer. Some time, • , ' teith seconded y . 9,r a
united hits been settled at teat to the ' • `
Constahle Gill served' a writ of Thos. Coats be one of the auditors.--
ejec tment issued hy the Can. Com. on. tit11 18fgeti911.°1... •Pe(4)19*f9g-aSs..''.AlarY's Carried. The Reeve apfe lilted A. 13ish-
,opeal. P,.as tbe otl es aulitor. Moved
'seconded bY J. Halls, Tula .
eseess4ohn riveter and W. Brock be
weer] Inspectors for 1 876---Uarried.
alo'd by IL Monteith, seconded by
a Orrerrbees.holio occupies a lot belong and,adjoining cryi,,,t.
to the Coinpany, on the ,15th C,ou. tavvia, tura Stilatfordi-g
of°Stephen. Not heeding it, on' Wed- 'therefore de,eisrve„ oleeeglIttiona„leafeoae,
nesday :hot "Rabinsm, repaired Streator& ; ' `and then 6fia tilciatitY„epieree,
the place, with the in'tention of carry- seotative,'iriftbe 1,06a
ing out the lew, He proceded as far as nrighay influence.to,prevent the removal . ar. I hat Alm Llerlt,s salary for
the house and was on the point of exe- of the offiae to Stratford, ,piet,ty . Moved
crit•toti, when he wits met by a shower- noti-,11 should be' cut in lie .post for j-,,tr- Halls) seconit6d'by , That
of water of about the same tempera- -Thouras, as this is the fir t service he 'stiles. HeyWohd Assessor, for 1876
ture its that used M nas done the south riding. 'tut there
-iiiloadjourned te first Saturday in Feb-
waary. S. P. HALLS.
• Clerk.
Township Hall Teborne, Jan. 22nd
time, projected from the hand of the have been a good many "Aches in the
post this many years, whici more than
equal the registry office ser iee. How-
ever, he can say, " Now, eho will tell
me that I never did anything „for the
Peals riding ?" l3ett the Grits do not:
seem "at all pleased with the ection of
their representative, Mr.
female Trojan who seemed,bound to de -
since between Exeter and Clandebove. feed her house at all hazards. Not be•
mg able to ace implish anything, he
01 as fOrCed tO boat a retreat, which he
did. The next mco,e he mode was to
secure thc service of some of -the neigh-
bors aud Gonstehlg Gill. In a body on'
t,110 small brave and eeem
ingly invincible ermy marched forth,
itecompanied with. sfeighs, horses; and
otherwise equipped to do battle' evith
the Gibson's, Arriving at the liduse,
the hostile ones found the foe Withio.
but defended and barricaded at every
man t. At last by persuasion, etc., the
law disltetisers and their aides-de-camp
found themselves in possession of' the
house. If, hoe ever, in the firstinetance
they were outgeneralled by a %ropier(
bravery, in the second (boy- were
witted -b,y a woman's. tactice, On b Ids
,irotool the'rOorn„ 1aV t110' fitetlIOT and
oiled the children), fa,telly ill, unable
to be removed, a State WhiCh
Ilad per, the la ly the house, existed ,
for some time. The law Wal
at a salary of $65.-Clarried. Conn -
-ow, who 1 ,,
being a member of the Co,un Connell, ' 00.11PETI'TIVE/DXAMINATION.-Ne clotibt
was ono of a demi tat,irm eel, down to ctiotietilt:teyaetliferps earttiiili iiiii}itiviiels .bt1Loliiganlioxiiiotutsiliye
Toronto to Urge the claim cf thomorth •••
against the 000111. They te.t of sauel_ lirolting tor the result of the cornpeti-
chnig hirn for his acqotit bh it is nob tive netiminatiort. The results for
likely they whi do anything ii 6re titan Npiisiitflii.onilhiririteh dliiite,,Viee'ittl rpsecithio•eoill,s aenacin psue-
put .noprotest againet him on „aper. It
would he nereaeonable to doi•anytliing f_ht',t110111selres the 'result of their ef-
further ; for he was
SOrye , the .. riding lir. *ouriredY.II iii("79t,editit tr°itil.'t'ss. ilt'lletit:}e6 s"t1(;ewtini)67-1LiiPt f°(1;f6Y Ls"cog'inal),e.-
they electe,t1 another inan to alto cave Tw°1" of .t'116° ., .°I'Lit,iroDd.,, ,sulfici8nt
of them .in the loctoo; A, ,111-..Tr6" ‘1,i'.'",vii`.."`to,11a8•" Awl eight or the fort4-
cli'lliTt`elv8:, itibFie161°0 Ppei9,61,)1,I,°(,s't,'Yiv" itt,11119.:. tleft,tit,:;r:'''',',')Iltii 'i.eilitit'''r',1141'.,'1,11;;:,',,z,,11)',1(1:,,t r'ir'17i:Ig):1 S51; e8.1iNs to, ' 112, --2tisIenvii:
though ire Aliould". fieoPO'S'e:to,A ve tin.-> rwll'activ9, if h -c'''''":4 / A 00,,r7ILlig t() the
post office to Stratford, and 60 tae tl.'0;'‘ l'r-P46,,,qi'f;'''',1' ,017'0!-."' 0,1a1 tile ()twits
gran) nnoliet, the loc“)Pto .!:kYln, in'elio-'1#111'N'it- 2 saflea,hoieeimed as thole
purchased three yiel,r3 ag0,' won'. '`,24
have, tlie spirit to opito's'i tile? and Ditt'' `;80(to'd.
t o day. These qualities and the fienien„ tile field wits left wottld likelY lick ti)c (.)f ft"'l Pv"u'l ''f
exeelleney et' the sabject,, woke tlie
admiSalon (25 cents) a very low one•
Sureerroe.-0,n ,$heturday and Mof t day
last, five car-loitds of grAtitly,ere bong4
on ir,xe tor' tharkut. epd,4, ipped freal
this station. ',On Tupsday, 'three re
aeriV04411),2440 tiOW '
ee. the vmy.t- .tootttith,„.
great ie the Ota
ping along";
freight fw,ifq
freight, traio'hi
Every al tstriate day.
0) pass. aqttf,,,4 ov,,r the,1.04
, .
to the,victor. Bolero les,ving howevei
the Outdoor stook or it retnova,ble
ti ttlioe w t tvie 1 on the row], itlicl"
left there- The next scene Will be the
offidere with attendant physicien to ex
amino the sick of the house, Pots, and
kettlee ofavitter were vigonronsly st es In
ou,the stove at the time of the last
,yisit hot wore ha ply not ttsed• Tlee
,to'ors well ha' itialod with strong
-boardi*nailed across in several places
and a loaded 4tryt grired Mao nor. east
oorner of the room.
1414 ,Som). -41r. Timothy Cowley
bats has sold his farm lot 5 Cdri. 11, Ste.
nheti str..,Arthut. Leary, tor $5,600.
ed to strike tnetn, Mr. Trim les 11118 ni'd the,f/' 1),S' \V011'0,!3 tboir Parents
roajiago4 the, people too loog ooqo silOrtild ft,,,iii ',,Prond of their lonelier.
know their terurentmer 6. els all ,ayes' Welisataily conguttplate 0511' t 4(1 friend
baltitity they willi entertain him with §"t -8- ,jaftlist),Ii 015 the eticcese of his
a grand dinner On tirO ova of lite do- J001. ' ,
he eel a, lose° tom Reel:414y office kept aeragng 500 lbs,, tlio hettvie-it
1?arttire to Ottawa to look after the "in- Bidl eas,-- Last weeli, three of the
tereste f his constituency." Thomas 1 rgest '' ogs that have apitcitred on tile
131011 an ty.n a was foolish in aofng .what t. . Mat; s XI ay It o t this year weigh,eci
experipnee that can .,,,tive 1,visa ni, and o 1 (inn Itised liy, 'Messrs, .Delbridge
in St. Mary's. 1311f, i. LA only age and c ighin, 550: Tho,V Were one year
itIV8h44 1110'0,e1,810141)In'. fttrnellav(q)118°81.0eh8c0'71.11111'11:(11.1iollwg (..lefkillililt,%.(11V1018a1111)0,,Ctl11.0 Will be 1101d in
b' Or than to lit'Orl enntrltrY f' Iti8 0:14th ',,toi)nituar13,.oft; J.. (1.1nitiroetli trliatrolliret4thr'eesitilbetye
rests for the sake ,01 thoitarWho sre ''' a' ' a ' ' t
.'" ebilli11, ' -
devoted slaves,.
The Ocidfellowe of Exeter Lodge No.
C.6 celebrated the anniversary of their
Lodge by a supper, on the evening of
the 27th of Jkihury, 1876. They all
met in the Lealge-room at 7:30 o'clock
p. rn., e 0114 relied down. to the " Oen
trel Hie, 1," and there partook of a most
excelltoi prepared by .Mr. James
Oke, or, and to whom much
credit -hi Jae hie excellent taste and
good Dan to gen:6A displayed. After all
hnendoreamtezle,eti,hin irottxterlyneaditdosetitiiestai juodatglei
room, wheis ••eattouree, recitations and
singing took pleee. Mr. Brooks, the N.
G. of the Lod e, took the chair, after
the meetirg was called to order. Wr.
D•. Johns was called upon, and made a
short address. Mr. C. Senior next
gave readiog from Tennyson--titki
" Northern Farmer." Mr. I. Carling
was nexe called upen to give his annual
song, " Yorkshire Lass ;" •it was cheer-
fully given and received muell applause.
„tie tooh his Peat amid cheers. Mr. G.
Thexton was called upon to give a fleisch present. After taking the' pre.
speech. He was succeeded by Messrs. 83ribed oaths of office anl LI ti on
Jerinyn, S•zituley and Harris all of
whom tondo short speeches. Dr. Irving
xt eave an txcellent r€ading from
'Lin'iidi:vist,Ceib,i'rew.:it's RD:ay.
,1 tee , " the .0., of II,
i; utd1.,r.t. ' “i 1
.1 tip. Or a-fi q•ci
Telegraph to the Gardner SOWillg Mil.
Chine Company, Mounter',
Cornwall, October8. 1875 -Royal eat feet rate ,
at Glengarry CounteFair, over the Webster, os -
born and Now York Singer AMES 101,110X.
13011OV111Q, Sept 2001,1875 -Got nrst prize cm the
Royal at Pair here, beating Wheeler &Wilson and '
every other neaohnte. Great contest,
131'0CliVille, sent 25, 1875 -Royal tookfirst prize at
Unionville, competing with the Wheeler dc Wilson
singer, and others Evian:Ts &FlAcAnmAN
Tilsonburg,. Oct 11, 1875 -First prize for Royal at
TJnion. Exhibition here ovet competitore
Woodstock, Oct 0, 1875 -Royal took first prize at
Exhibition here oyer all competitors
Mdteunntv sTetykas
Paris, Oct 8, 1875 -}lave taken first prize with .
Royal at Fair here, boating the Raymond and '
singer. WItatax
prislisitePaatilFeetarQhcetret,58T1e8r75-sirilgeQr7111 01140.4:1-tWalerZefirTF8t,
and others. .Inxins,BlunnTe.
11a,r1e.y, Oct 18, 1875 -Royal takes trot raise et
this Fair for family work and 1,ight Maeufacto.-
ilia, WILLIAMS/1=15177
ria,alse victories conclusively prove thet .th
Light Bunning Boyal is the Peepl e's Favorite an
tne Best Family sewing machine. The marnital.
turers have lately added to it the greatest nevelt
of the age, 'the Royal 1 amp rfoider, tor sowin
machines, The lamp can never upset nor the oi
soli the work, and it is armegod. to throw the
light oil any part of the work, enabling the onora-
ore to work as well by night se by day, sold by
Unties Jones, the man who Stole
$180 from his employer Gtelerich
Township, has been promoted to the
Central Prison.
COTINCIL MEETING. -The newly „eige7
ea Cdeincil met, according to sttiteete,
oa the third Monday in January, it,81.6,
The Reeve, gr. R. Brown, D'ePtrt&
Reeve, J. B. Geiger, and Couneilors,
Messrs. Daniel McColl and J. C. Kalb -
WESTCOTT.-T21 Exeter, on the 24th tilt., the
wife of Mr. John Westoott, of a 'daughter.
On.Tnesday 25th tilt., by the
Rev. J: W. Holmes at the resideee ) of the
hide's psr mts, Mr, Wm. Hicks of Stephen
to Mahelab eldest daughter of Francis Jones,
Punvis--S7ose.-At the B. C. Parsonage Elim-
• ville on the 18th ult. by the Rev. W. 0.
Beer,' Mr. John Purvis to Miss Selina
Stone botl• of the township of Hibbort.
MANsisa--WnieLocx.---At the residence of the
' bride's parents on the 19th ult., by the
_ROT. Jir. Beer, Mr. john T. Manning sec-
ond son of R. Mannine', Esq., of Eqater, to ,
Miss Wizabeth Whitrock eldest daughter
yf Mr. Silas Whitlock of TJsberne. '
Ftephen, on the ls inst., Mr. PeO.
the new Council MU organized, all be- Ford, aged e years.
ing present but Wm.' Wilson. The
Reeve having, taken the (Altar, the CHARLES BROWN, f S a‘`, OF
Minutes of elle previoue ineetitig e'en. Mtrriage Licenses,under GI e new Aet,Oredi-
read and approved. ' Moved by J. C. to", Oat' 2.1--ly
K tllifleiscn secooded by D. i\lo(...e , 11. ,p.m.‘yEE, sTEF,B._0=0 to the pi.01,i584
N n. Wilaon; ' Fad -.VI le, bV. ap- S of the snbscriber, lot 9, lOrii coneesiion,
i, ioti. A.ailiter forthe eilrrof it V('?.tt,. • tOWIlatip of Hay, about the initidle of oeteaere
del Fiitist tee last, a brown steer -little white on belle, about
• 1,..11` it, Vt. /11/1".Y0illtlX1 Dal.
st4.00.1,(1. Amiitor. .1.quy,.,d, by 1.) .,,E., .0., 1, four Seat S Old.. Owner can. have it by in:vying
. ' -I 0 ' 1 31.0 /HAN'
'/IIP 0, tt v 1"." 1,1,''''.1' 0' 'I ."'' 5 ),,,. •• C ,..dett by J. 0, lialbtie I tl t 1 I I ' and PgYillg nxilans"s. '
te:o.r...r. ztm, IletP.,-,1 Ili. r . 10 ',l,-, 15 ..'. ,.• ,,i ,.) t. oif 13,)1.111niteellppOillted to revi-- 21 81
1, . t HENRY O. IVID1•11\1A":5:,
el ;old nee 1/11,.‘ ;11 OD ';;111s. 5a -snip laoal,,
r, r"--, N Thi. 18 to fo-bid
,.1e;', kivred.•!Git'*"... ;.i}"tt ! t NV N.. 10 he ittloe; ePt• '" 1 °
' ,t1,a e oirnnyetg•Ioot,11.a0t-f
thee arid ‘..11s ft4t,011,',1 v, t mot 18.1niyab's Jam, 5.r3
• 1101C,.. 71 0 IMt.t payllic14
11,31,d3 1,117110)k Taylor.
Exeter, Jan. 3, 1876. jO.LIN13I-SSE121.7.
081*-thi or about the 13th ja2:1-18atry.-
sirrted. has leeit a Promissory Note for ($500 --
Notice is hereby given that the under -
payable to ICC, elCICCL tbe 10th Jannary, 1875,
and guy person finding the seem is required to
,.1„;pv,,r a el, fon bWi111, re, notice bas 028401:51giveu
to the maker thereof to withold payment.
7,1-,,s1..,, ge,,... • Ply," a song, --- by Ettaltc,liK ,,I. c.,.., pa) the (lit! re,,,.t, 1,
titii, " ",ril.t 11',iitati. 11)12 5" n wo..-. the stAerat eiarti.'et int tied tho,e...,, Iron:
ti,ell sung aroi loft it.- eitit..ets.,- Messrs. stuns already paid by thon, ..if..,;i ;.t..k.
0. Senior,' ,Afili,lter aml Crueler were thai. tuo e6liv,41' be frirni,noti aith a
cslk-.5 upon and gi.-.*:, t,1,ort 's1)4•PC1)('s, 11;4 ,,,f tte,e„: pet sutlielently assessed
lkoonill Dot14'..,,t1te proer'Itinn '. 4,rotaiio' for the ii, me on tle, tedli..etor's roll, n lel
was riiii,&e. ' 1:-Dr.,Ireltig,, seeini +lea by of all thoetT (111)10 to pity Itte tbe .11.11.5,.*•,
'',41' 1.11. 12i0hard, ../th.1 CM.rriva,thrtt a Vi)tr:. N.L.wet1 by Jhhe B. Gehser, et:weeded oy
ot' thanks 411 tf,1)10IYa. tll Mr. 016,... for Daniel.I'deCi,11. that ilie f"..11.p..ing 1,,..
do, able ruar,ocr io,wilioli he got, Ai 11 the the :alai:its of the . severe] willeere for
e upper. Al r. Ca Soni,r mude a motioh. the corrent year, Ari.: clerk $1 10 ;
eeconded by Mr. Shelton, ano carried. ireiteurer, $70 ; assessor, '$85 S culleei-
that a vote of theidtgbe tendered to Rev. or, $60',;' ts verei inspector $1.2 ; hall,
Air. Gene, feline very °log melt end ie • ' keeper, $8 : seleetorS 'of jurars, eacli
structive addeess. The meeting closed
with singing, and the Bonediction, Rod
all repaired to tbeir respective homes,
;Ls the . night was fast approttehing the
" wee strat' ()ors ahint the twall', " :sp-
ite; s eutertemment.-- •
Ceuncil met on Monday evening last
all the members present Reeve Hodg.'
son took the chair ; and Mr. James
Pickard snliscribed declaration of office
end qualification. ,
Minutes of previous meeting read
d confirmed.
Tenders for building sidewalks and Geiger, that Hugh Love, Esq., late
crossings were received from the fol. clerk, be requested to hand over all
lowir.g persons:
Spicer and Dyer, George Hodgins,
Celia] and Fanson. & J . Brooks,
John Balkwiil, Thos. Bissett, John
Pratt, G. & A: Cottle, James Howard,
W. Bissett, W. Stogie, G. Mace, Henry
Taylor, Thos. Ballantyne and Anthony
Mr. Bellantyne's tender being the
lowest, it was
Moved by Drew, seconded by W.
H. Verity, Turq it be aocepted.---Car-
ried. Amount ohtender in`full, $952;-
Moved by W, If. Verity, seconded by
T. Pickard, That the balance of amount,
due to the Teww,hip of Stephen for the
year 1875 ($7.05) be paid: ---Carried.
commenlieetion from Mr. D, Mc.
Lennan on behalf of Mrs. McIntyre jr,,
praying. for a grant,. of fi.rewood' also
an account of $2.50' fqr wood porches,'
ed was laid before the council. Moved
by L. Ilardy, seconded by E. Drew,
that the matter be referred to Mr.
Verity for investigation, and that he
have power to act as he thinke best. -
Meted by W. H. Verity, seconded
by E, Drew, that the sem of $10 be
plaeed in the Mtn& of Mr. Pickard to
be exoended VeneVolence 011 40001111
Clack at the rate of $1 per week.
Carried, ,
Moved by L. Hardy, ,,econded by E.
Dre a that the •evo and MI, Pict:era
bo iiiitherizeit to have the Town 1301
repla.cdd a:-...sooti as possible. --Carried,
Moved bv J. l'ickard, second( d by
E. Drew, That Wm, Bawdelt be a-1,
Moved by E. Drew, seconded 'by \V",
Verity; that the Assessor be paid
$80 per 0 on nm . -Carried.
iiiroved by E. Drew, twool,(10(1 by II.
tfard,v, T1ott cyookor be
keeper the south end r f !his village.
Moved lor 13. Haitly# seconded by W.,
164; regielar of 'births, marl iegee and
deaths, each ee try,' ceu ts... Moved
by J. B. Gt4fir,'gsecooded by, D. tqc,
Coll that Zonal' latereashpoiut-
ed treas a re rt. --Named ,12.17,ae, erehelliet
Mr. Samuel Foster be appointed clerk
of this Council, and that ' by-law be
prepared at next meeting confl ming
motion. 1VIieved by J. C, Kalb-
Ileisch, secooded by D. McColl, that
the following be ppoioted to the sev-
eral offices, viz.: Ja11108 Bonthron, as-
sessor; Charles Bauer, collector ; Rob-
ert D. Borderiek, tavern inspector ;
Mrs'. lieiuhardt, hall keeper. Moved
by J C. Iialbfleisch, seconded by J. B.
books, papers, &a., 'belonging to the
municipality, now in his possession, to
Mr, 8anittel Foster, his successor in
office. Moved by J1 Kalbfleisch,
secord by J. B. Geiger; that the fol-
lowing account be paid, viz. : Hugh
Love, Clerk, expenses of election for
1876, $36; Trustees of school section
No. 12, fer use of schoolhouse at time
of election, $2 ; Wm. Pummel, repair-
ing scraper, $1.50. Moved by J. C.
Kalbfleisch, . seconded by D. McColl,
that all persons requiring tavern or
shop licences will apply to the inspect-
or before the 12th day of February
next. Moved by J. C. Geiger, secouth
ed by 3. C. Kalbfleisch, that this Coun
oil do now adjourn to meet again on
Saturday. the 12th day of February,
' Bousonsee-Mr. Louis Bushy late of
Lake View Rotel has let to Mr. Wm.
Welsh and J. Sandere the contract for
building a hotel 80x40 and has let the
contract to another party for the build-
ing of stabling and sheds,
Gianni Burmo.-Grain-boying is
pretty be iek here at present, no less
than four buyerd being on the market.
ViLLA(1* layrs Fon S./um-John flanton offers'
salellreee valuablo Iota on William street
• WITTI414. .811 01`,,
ifT Picket, of Atkansas-, reached Cass -
Exeter, January 28, 1876.
show it to all
has boon in
Exeter ovor
1112r itTHanIcS1
• th% tine. Office" and residence -next door to
C. Eacrett's truces Shop, Main street. His wife
aiso is always on hand to attend lady patients. -
'Fria work is guaranteed haferior to none, 117:1C1 Mt.
perior to that of most others. Terms more liberal
than any other in tine county; upper sot -very Jest
-815.00. Fillines warranted five yearn. To prevent
being misdirected. take care to enquire for the Old
Established Dental Office.
_a_ Lion in Winghare at 2 o'clock p m on
A contract for rebuilding the pine suporstructure
b the gra,v91 -road bridge. across Gregory's
mill pond, the new superstroture to correspond in
every partichlar with the old one -viz ;.-string-
en, needle beams, handrail, dm. The work to be
commenced forthwith saa carried out with the
littlest clospatch. A. BAY, Co. Surveyor.
Surveyor's Of5co, °Baton, Jan. 20,1876.
If you want
A Good 5 Cigar
Smoking & Chewing Tobacoo
Oigare --Wholesale and Retail.
Opposite Ross's Planing Mills
Oysters ! Oysters !
store, Post °Mee Mock,
vine, West 'Virginia, on (Ile 21t11 1113t. An oyceellent stook of Grootwieg a/v.1000feet
, ,.
indieted for tintlislanglit,er. Ito followed ory oa band,
iir) 01 0, i (1111 41f4011 fill, rlibinfig Gainoton,
(Jotneron to his hiding.place, and do, c_R(5),Tn19:8??1,,,,A,,,C„Fu,(),t.:8,5ithaAn111;,Citir,i!ollti.8'
.1,10)11t.)'"fdlet;i1 111(eil'115..-111-riirt0triiiiee'rlionsli)oaill,1110(12,01.11trbirlies:tvl setio:r nooks, s';,0 -',;71011,;;,y, wrAgazinel
with a d-1111)1 0- barrelled ride alld i' WO ALL TI/E, molls r Nov/11;s,
17iA„ls, attempted resistaitce. Iii the n ..._ . 0 , ..i , ,
II, Vetity, That Mr, Ballantvile.,be re. ntetee, Dattleroli taaa,eliot 0,11a Aholoot in. FaiN,:11 '''*thg IgAuln" 1q6"41"°f "r°").1 st Id ri5
<pure(' to give tvo.stireties in tne 81.1111 ettintl.y lane . ,at 8a1\11):01h5„-