Exeter Times, 1876-2-3, Page 1i )m1/44110 Othea,
1/1 5 111" b
ue I»XOwnit ge,
M,i),r CitattuateN )0 ,
q)i»ysiefAn.' ik• Surgeenli ,
railtnits DinTareitY ariaitrg
and SnrS00114'
144 "and Surg'con•
Oer t IlaN6vatil otge Mar )
littPelZ 17tenttort chronic, 'disoa606,
A:1 011;4, promptl$ 31,ttel)de d, aV100 free.
tiii4rdh W„1875'
I 0.7 11001i1,11, 0.1\1
I \ GB 3,DUATE f CV11.
o 0 tt et 6 1, 0
t/ 44:44 ,y`slefen, Singeon,
• .".06 kL11 reSt11011Q0-1,1XOter. 014,
;1410 11 0141t6---$ told a,111./0.4111 to 'to
1 alt. LANG L • B. C.
Graduate .ef Tflakty'C011egegMeni-
bi, of•the;Gollege niteeitieeseatel Snrgeonla of
it to fito.;0,701) St; • Granton
t i bialso proprietor of the,4) g store, and eon.
st titiv keeps owhanil lairge 6 pelt of pure drUge
gfc,41/ 41/T0dt/10S, and OyeStuffa,
t iraikten, Jnno i$,1874, 45-5m.
Surgeou Dentist,.
lin, 1 °ate(' pormanentlyin Exctor. Office in tan.
son New 13100k, 113-ly
LkG L,
; tem, ttornoys, Solicitors, Commissioners
R., cte.
( 14 IOL-11{tPrrort's Dr,00n, Water Street, St.
1411 E, liArtnixe, E. NV Tinton
P Barristers, Attorney' S '6 h
Itecry,_ Conveyancers, Cosi-laimits‘;ione°reQinmQ.Iii,
St.:Marv'0. '
1,00A.,-Illitton's Blook, W,aterSt..' St. Mary.;
e . Marriage Licenses under the new Act
t tie Post Office store; Zurich, Ont. 46-tf
FBROWN, Public Auctiooeer,
e . Wincliesea. Sales prompty attended to
q ()oils reasonable.
Winehelsen,, Oct.15,1878.
e . tioneer for the Co of Huron. 8ales prompt -
y attenth 0 to, tind terms reasonable Post office
hest), Exeter, • oqiiher 4 •
Exeter. Ontario. Oke Bissett, Proprie-
I ors. This hotel is new and fitted up in the best
141 yle. attinition paid to the want of the
It ;welling piTIMic. Largo faianale11001116 for com-
nurreial travellers. Good stabling and attentive
LU ONt., W. RAW IC RAW, Proprietor. Thi
tiew and commodious hot 6" i,f4 1104"..-00111pIated,untl
n tted up throughout with first -furniture.
Tic -
loot of Liquors and the choicest oi Cigars at the
intr. Thehonpe is callable of accommodation 85
)ntests. Excellent stables and an attentive hos-
t teri. (34-1y.)
sate BOWE Y. Pronrietor. Title first -0411 betel
/um/ lmt4/1/ ollang/4/.1 11a4.4.144 (rrten W. E. Wilt ns tI
110.0.16v), /t1-4.1 ig 1/.40 ggth new for: it)ir/
througbout. ; 3.0 n.1 fi mil the pt.: lion
t)sfic, tor to ,
bar r.,1;14 i !=, . 1
rJ,U11 ''11144 - • 41
t ; 1 - st alto It 32-1
Unite! ,t,"
,,•,• - fRt . I
e 11 .,g44 (if
• e 1 • t
tge ;al m tO t.tt, St. Sif rE 11; 1: ter
4. irf22.rc.
Exeter, Jaumfry 187C. 2tf-tf
SALEI.—The s lbsciiher offers
101 444416 a. house aucl Eta .31e, ttml ono acre ot
laud, otte.balf mile south of the Village of 1..;xetnr.
awl would exchange a light Nvagon-nettr1y Low -
for a buggy. For particulars tor the house and
1autl apply to Al-t1)1,10,W WALKElt, Centralia..
Centralia, Jun 22,1676, 23-tf
lots for sale iu theVillage of Exeter.-sonth
side Simcoe street -the house and mettle on thr
3rropertv annoy& For further dartiema FS 111110Y
to WELsli S014.
EXeter, Jun18, 3876 23-tf
A Dwelling Rousein the Village oe Exeter. AP•
ply to I. CARLING.
Two natters nearl.y new. see El/MOORE
DRP,D acres of wild lend, being lot 4in the
18th cOn,of Colchester. in 'alb Oettlity of Essex
well timbered with Marketable timber. To be
sold on easy terms, or exchanged for uitalile
YOIriTRINPICI3Vert trePlY to
VOL 3, NO, 24.—WHOLE NO 127.
KEEPt constantly on 'hand the largest and
B Assortment of
Patent Medicines !
Tooth, Nail, Hair, and .J1
School Books, Toy Books,
BlankoBooks, Magazines, '
A lbunesFaney Goods
Pencil Sia es, Lead Pen-
cils, tac. •
ci OLE Ageul r LAZA:WITS, 1110PR 3 S,
}..j Co.'s Lc omitted Perfected Spectacles an
. —
Prescriptions and Recipes quickly and aeon-
-4,41.6,217 Jar
redly opposite the " Central Hotel,"
Exetei. 0. VANDIT N & 0o,
Exeter. January 7, 1874. • 71 -yl.
•i:i1A.B.11. FOR SALE.—THE STJ.B-
.J-- scriber oers for 61116 the N.W. of lot 8
04113.3, Usborne, containing 50 acres of excellent
laud, 40 acros cleated, Maurice well timbered, a
fiwellitighouse, barn and stable t .,. the pre_ 'es,
also a good young orenard of graft irnit and 11110
ver -failing spring. Distant from Exeter four
miles. Per further particulate applyt0 DEMP-
SEY,proprieror, Exeter P.O. ' 78-tf.
T,1( ARM. for sale—One build -
en red acrel more or 10440, 1031 0.00
8th. con., Usliorne. County or Hurou,
75 acres cleared, remainder iu hard-
wood bush; welifeneed and in a good
slate or cultivation, underclrained, good oractrd,
s glenclid well of 'water, frame barn 80x70, a good
cellar under, 11, log house, anaoouvoniont to school
and church. 7401105 from 11/u01111, 5 from Grp Mon,
arid 11 from St. Mary's, on a good wavol road.
11`erms---$5,800; ,Ialf down and t .e 0311408 111 five or
seven years' tn.).). For farther particulars apply
to JAMES 8A1: .,011. on the nremises. I07-311
Owing to the death of his wife, tho subscriber
offersfor dahl the Commercial flotel at Dash-
wood, Lake Itoacl, township of Stephen, Co.of
Huron. The house is 301140, 2 StareYs high, having
good kitchen [bra wooeubea. A commodious
driving bones and oleo., two never -failing well
of water, a good garden 11110 cote° eons 01131110
promises, which eompri,es a 1, sere of land. Vor
further particulars apply to
. r fit T
• Silver Tongue
Clough & Warren
Senior's Photograph Gallery
Cheap for Cash
• Saw mill, two and ball intles west of Ex-
eter, ou the town line of Stephen and Bay.
Bill stuff cut on the shothest notice le's than
fifty feet,
DAY; FP4BRVARt°3, 1876,
T T )
The subsoriber bas a quantity Of excellent bone
and maple cord and stove wood, 'which he will sof
at reasonable figures, I. CABLING 105
Harry Brown, ot infertile his friends
that ho omi supply them -with all manner of reap-
ing, 31109Y1113 and threshing inaoltine repairs. Ito
is always ready to moot his friOndS,. and do his
best for thein by supPlving 1,110113 with wood. or'
iron work, . RABBI' 13,1tOWN
Ihoreby 09.1.1ti01) {AI persons against cutting or
removing timber 1:rot ia rho lands of the Oat/ ada
Company, ne I am anthorized to 'prosecute all
trespassers with the atm:gib rigor of the law,
• Treiber Agent Can. Co.
Exeter, trAy 89-,tf.
LANK le L() .--Between
Mooresville and lflatplagan's Corners on
Tuesday, January 4.1 11, a Iforso Blanket—all
wool, home made, too color. Any per-
son finding the san • • .141 retuning it to the
owner, or leaving it a, he rukes office, Exeter,
will Ito suitably rewardod.
Serapta P. 0.
3artnarY 14, 1876. 22-3t
DThe partnership heretofore existing in
the Village of Exeter betweon the undersigned
under the 118018 01 AfeIntyre. ct Co.; as Tailors
and Clothers, is this day dissolved by mutual
Exeter, January 20, 1070.
T. STANLEY, Witness. 2B -3t
Notice is hereby given that the partnership
heretofore existing between 0, Vandusen &M. M.
ltosebrugh, doing business in the Villit,ge of Ex-
eter, nadir thl 1111.Ttle 11,1111 style of C. VitutInsen
Co., is tine day dissolved by mutual consent. The
businei s hereafter will be carrigd on in the name
of C. Vaudusen LS- Co„ under the control of M. At.
a 11/1..rwillawk 011 :0,4+. .1....
Dated 44116 .14446 411,6
12th day of November 3878.
a. Moan...MI:flu, - O. VANDUSEN,
Witness. , f M. M. BOSEBEIJGX.
J• wxLLIr3,
12),,..aler in I.,umber
An extensive Stock 014 hand, The Lumber, for
Quality 04 pries, (minuet be best. A good (1.5)01(1
1140111 always on mold, cheap for Oasb.
'Weld East sills Main Street, between Gitid7 and
Vic Luria Streets.
(19-14') WMLV.
Savings and Investment
.1 ') N
nod M,): ..g s Purchased
-157rPt.i';•14-1:77'r'''''' d'add tt-estfideta e -
gm? ny y atit
i,4111T.V ptwinptly it approve:I City or fi'arm
0:1 n.Dpiicotion n. Mei (Meg
• 11, toe fin titer tile betler, Byseil
1.01,e0e, ii),,111, se-ssit
tie env:, mixed rae4 10 1138 011 1.)
1 11.11.1?, W.1).1\li..!.11 1,001 1.i()N WATC1 t • ne-tourili of Brantelo bleed in her
i the host in o, N,"1.1.1s. NeVertIllo88, 131111111 htih 'there is
ti in ttir. I call smell it."
" 014 oh ?" cried two or three 'voices.
" There Kerr. do pave us a little
The, Indkin , Hymn. I: •
en :to it 1,1" lt 104/43/1 110 111/1 1144,4ht
Den lilt/ luOIC 110/1111111101Vd; Sella up
upon zny knee0 lOw. •
Den that 011 high, shiev place, i
See Me in ni,ght with teary lase; '
De spirit tells me 80.
ge sends Ina angels take me
He comes himself, He hear 111e Pra.T/
If Indian heart do pray, '
Ile sae m81103,7, He 1nY heart,
Ilo 6113', peer Indian never fear,
Bo with you night and day.
So me love God with inside' heart,
He fights for me, He talim .my part,
God love poor Indian in de woods,
So me love God and that be good,
Me praise him two times more.
So when time comes poor Indian dies,
Mew.. great man above the skies,
And blanket leave behind.
Me have nobotter wigwam. there,
Me eetter habitation sharo,
With Jesus good and kind,
loese ner .1)Y Irea"OhorY.---T11011all• crent In vviudward end to a rent ttggerated especially that at Oftwnpoie
nY Java, Yon"' Tinnitetow esettpe io wan rent to ened by a, buge But the alacrity with which the British
wonderfel ins net which some Men which forniod 0, ma4nitoetit shade. Admit latrida Mapleson k3 brave (lotion
R'gr ZEraihoed. Tied tree- which had solit the marble, and mo! the "ttelnPt t° destroy til$41% of
qos, P°8'.esst Which nrns their' that 11"" IL0 exam -deuced a strange perfelno, but is an exftrnr say°d tlAnng 181' 1" In.
g,er yot neer, vas his in the llighest • • ia, no doubt.
degree. Perhai , too, hit had. Borne -
1118 mother who lad insisted upon his Mistraste and the agony through which
a, It.
TILE T lad E 14. Jr Vi"../1111.4'13"G.
Through 1856:d and the early part of
1857, the terrible mutiny in India had
been brewing. The apparent citese,the
greased cartridges, was the pretense:
The real motive was the wide -spread
conviction, induced by the repitesen-
tations orchids. Bralimihic priests,
aed the aristocratic suitrouodingel ol
both all desirous of a return to their
.0141 140W08, that the •prestige of the
could not held their own in Iudia.
"1 tell you," said Dactor I80,1110
Kerr, "that I was not twice a medical -
office r to ,a comity for nothing. I
knc 1V the assas'sill's face and atipect. I
have seen too much of them to be mis-
taken and I maintain that, Since the
business in the Crimea, tlie chief and
their military followers ahant thief pro-
vince have been visibly changing 'fur
the worse."
" Wily, X Tr," said hie Colonel, a
good easy soul, W110 Ilad grown to look
upon India as a eecond fatherland, "if
t del net know you to lie a brave Man.
I ehould say that you were Kerr by
nature as well as by name."
"Why," continued lir, Ke --r, " can
even see the change in- angpadore.
His 4301111t, nistice has positively changed
3t171 11 tiled:nit three menths."
- What 1 do 4011 mistrust even pates
e les patlore r urged the colonel ;
•• whet, you l(th) to0, that he ie 44
seesetent , s.
I yeasty caw': bele 11,"
"I !bust epeak Ley mind ; 11.11d I firm-
!. hedeve that we are quiet's living on
vo Gallo. tO Jungptit.ioro being
, our i c 's be is a long way
0 BE N T. --That welnestabliehed
314)301 3.41 Ltlenu,allOwn w, the "Revere -House"
.i.1oppositz the Post Office, T13 o 1111160 10 Welratted
with every accomodation for the travelling ‚47111)'
lice, Good stabling, lilonty of water, good collars
stand ono of the 110(31 (1: town. Proprietor leav-
ing owing to ill health Particulars, apply to A
I,10/1. PT, Prop '
FARM TO RENT, ---The subserthet
offers his farm to ignit, Lot No s, usienno,
eneclon nose, contai n a 10 acres , cleared, with
gend bnildings, arid an abundant supply of 'water'
'throughout the year, with. shant 25 1t0189
plowtht,Oonvonient to both sobnol and. church,
- tor ,t; miles, For further -Embalm.
litre apply' to 11 110143111410 tbo promises, or ,y
latter to l';ixoter post-oeioa.
1' 11 fty'aeres hind for fifth) s'outh half Mt 11,
4th concession Cabman,. lOrtV 81460 11(1 r ON0 11 -
lent cnitivration, inneeil rand undertirrain
On 4110.80 foriabl 1)'1011 ,}11111041
xtud kitchen, storey anti 0, half ; contains 4 gooa
Teems bellow nest vo oases end geod cellar, and
soft water cistern with, purer, AlSo rt good barn ;
80;52, it stable tinder barn for horses and eat- ,
tiv,a good ypang orcititvd 'hearing fruit, elk; s
good Well ef waterwah pemp, her(k 1,0 (01 3113
04108 of fall -when ehille place. Itis ritrin tee on
else xe !or rand tt Vfaryts Orvyri roraf',
,orn 1,-Zotor
01341 10 tetiletettlilJ.tean, and cn
aide Patera Wrfs womeql ,
1. to P. PIncergho.lcavyng a young' comity Un. illte
worlt place, TX WO,6 thought advisal)11; by
8 con ce mod 34) 01144)' it for sale W 81 be d
Yaat/Onable ter/118 For further nartif,,ular,,, mr,t,1y
tO 1431(414111335:0 ,13'1 IN PligeoMp,f;„ sy,f)"
IA A S; 11,f CR At) PAZ,
A len PAivr.rES, lethienetten en) TAM
,,45,,tete Haftli neetoron. dorestserl en the
'8311 sure and get tlig D.1Mcglochlon watch
,11e101'0 buying. You w,r, no other after sec
11,3 3410111, en r Y1)9011:1111811(1 them
Gold mid Silver, I ..71/i Gentleman's 83109
71 Dundee street. (,,igilii.). the testimouitas
Tile largest, hi:stand t;311., ;!...1.11.3t.C.Sli. of due Cold.
iTewelry, Sliver, a; '1))1;t6(1. Ware,. Fancy
Goodo, L1)() 1,.ovince, Repairing ,of
every description. 14.3"W.vOI,DUCHT.ON.
77 '; oilL9 fit London
llan Line!
• -
Harness ShoP
he wits so intent upen watching his Af-
fianced wife, that his soils• were riot on
their guard. By getting into his eat'.
dle he Ward enabled to see over thcatem-
pls. , There assuredly she Waft, and ap-
eatrently assisting at some strange Sae -
red rite; How long this lasted lie oev-
er knew ; bat when he saw them kneel
before her, when he marked her raise
her right hand, Oleo the conviction
eame upon him that she \vas in leant:Rs
with the mutineers, and it was time
for her to die.
His band bad not for a moment
baierloreeds the, revolvernwith which he
was an edmirable shot. Lo 1 he could
not move his band. A.ncl then only he
comprehended why no spy of those in
the temple had discovered Min, for
they had avoided the deep-shodowed
tree knowingit to be mo heanille, one
of those strange growths which are
popularity supposed to cause death to
those whose and under them, but %dale
power is nnly to create torpor and par.
3113311 inaction of the brain. •
What is to be done 2 He knew bis
horse could not but be under the loth-
eucaeetethe poison tree; that if he were
spurred -lie would remove him uut of the
drowsy perfume; but the noise of the
plunging horse would have put the
Brahmins on their gtiard. To warn the
station—this was his great desire, the
hope and end of hie -life. Already El-
frida luta passed from Ins mind. And
there he remained not daring to move,
jc.ieoTucesvtehra,,tiLueerulyiain„ ot.nie-nt
1.1''Isr:auosws t sansvendnbidde leisese *7133; aai wait
:be": lita b:fneueltni nllisfee 1 fa. n—a.
At last -the temple was empty, end
then the footfalls of the priests died
away at a point further frem the road
back to the ssation.
By thie time Itis losver limbs wee
becoming as tbrpid. as his arms, \vhich
now hung by his side. The revolver
sill at his waist was abandoned for the
fi •st time since he had set ont on his
work of retribution. He could not
speak; and it was only by tehorrible ef-
fort that he plucked the horse's flanks:.
The creature compiehended, aud,eiviug•
a low neigh, lie staggered round and
stumbled from out the shadow 'of the
poison tee.
In a moment the infinence of the
deadly perfume began to diminish.--
Wbo has not felt life return, or eeen it,
as death passes by and abandons his
? F. st he fele 11. breast heave
prey . it , ,
then his fingers moved, his ars, his
east. l..1...'. .1 fano , the rei•
knees pressed the horse's ribs, and at
But little remains to be said. Elfrida
thing in him of ite Spardeli blootl and Isame were the happier rot- the
,lent of his,fitther name, Jernes---this they had passed. Exactly ae only those
who nearly died of thirst know the lila,
first name beiug the Spahisn equiva-
Isame in that lanolage, antl spelt by those who have passed through the fire
measurable value of cold water, so only
list uoconamon utile beingpronennced
thisygt‘ in Engliihlauguage, as.it was of agony can properly wenteli and ascer•
tam the value of trust and lore+ and ut•,
uttered, Possibl it was that sense of
istelliyien.:11 and Wel4ien of mingled nat'l°11'
ter faithfulness.
mixed bleed inebinseir which made him
fan in loye vrith I lfrida Mapleson ; for
alities Allow that, to son -le extent, they
are lo ked upqh4yetberplOattgeit,
"4-4 °Rini` 'sotaaliiiig It'agv • em -
were but waiting for the coin-
pletio of Elfridtes nineteenth birth-
day, hen they were to be married.
Both vepe orphans, and as poor as Job,
Not no word said Jcnnec Kerr of tile
eerp it found in bis poeltet,but he kept
a stir .1) look out after Baractore Jung -
pard re, who, as distant cousin of the
eolo ens niece, came and went to the
statien as much as it pleased hitn. Ile
was very rich prince, and maintained
a in gnificeut but unquestionable es-
tabliahment ab,out ten miles away..
He never once, • deepite his instinct'
mistrueted the little blood in her veins.
altkough he well knew that Anglo In-.
dial' blood is by no means of the most
trtistworthy kind. At the same time
he,knew how &Wird can be Indian
servants of low caste, when they are
treated properly, and he was bno of
few Englishmen who treated his native
servants with absolute propriety afar it
lien e raes' ile to' it' Afar e m p 1 oyer \Men
he reaches india. Two Gr three of his
servants then kept asvery fair watch
nem the comings and goings of this
luxurious satrap.
- It was the fatal-aelay of Mary, and
Kerr had been laughed at the last time
at mess coucerning his mistrust of the
natives—for he felt that he could do no
good, and that he might be obligee by
enether serpeet who might be more
eniscLievoiis than his, predecessor—
when a servant came to him and said
the Sahib Baractore had met the mem-
sahib, Miss Elfrida, ou the previous
night at the end of the shrubbery be-
yond the colonel's bungalow, aud they.
were to meet agaiu there that night.
He- laughed, and thaukecl the sere
vent, but he turned very pale as he re-
membered that, she held been strauge-
ly cold and dista: t whaa he had called
met day.
Then for tile first time he mistrusted
eteseeixedblooden Wt.e..-ss;t0se,s5.41,1,esstese.to
Indiana 2. ' And then he Irememe
baud how he himself often defended
the Speeisle lace', to whom his mother
partially belonged, although be knew
,bus heart that the Iberians are not a
vtauelite race in this his history and
welfare of modern Europe.
Did he watch ter ? Ay, yes 1 Love
like bad breeding ; when it,is betrayed,
or is supposed tnebe betertyed,it makes
us aet:nieauly,,
peace!. You had better doctor yourself, ne- Saw them meet, merked hine
for this eubj set of disaffection is one kneel to her, noted her distress, and lot
weieli is driving you ball frantic.",
° hay ne more, but I shall
not think the le.'
Neat Moreing 'claybireak Kerr ,wee
ap with the run, and bad put on a rid:
ing snit laid out ready for him; itininVes
going out for a morning gallop, when
euddenly he saw a newly arrived copy
of•the Lancet; and knowing it would
contain a Certain article for which :he.
was waiting, gave up the thew:lit of his
,.upon a. cane -bottomed 80 50 ana
to road.
1-1El\TW7 IMA.111.1.Z11,
Manutacturer of bight and Ileavy Ilvrness,woulo
.nforin, the inhabitants of Osborne end Blan. hero
\ hat he has oti hanil. and is prepared to manufae-
Carrying tho Canadian and United States 14(11118.
ano of the first-class, full.powered Olydo-bnilt
steamships of the above lino, constructed 83)1)0'
1813)1141 for the navigation of the Atla n tic, vorag,
'311311010 3,050 to 4,2.00 10,1F. 1d9.30 Q1101.100 every
H9 turd my for Liverpool and T)oncicmderry,
Prepaid passage Certiflosios ismed at lowest
otos to p ersons 'wishing to bring out friends.
Teo stearnshfpa of the Oleligow Line will be
despatched from Olio )ec,
Vol) tickets and every in term tion apoly to
• 301I14 TM HON,
Times *Oleo, Exeter
'.flestess 1431,111) (110 eorteestrel enn sea settle
with veteleet, 40s4e11 'Nelson, et tle* eerlisst
/nett-seise/1e, .28, in the of Coneession 04
TT ,b9rno roerrost of Oetlistino thmieren,
(4"44)4l111'1'4 41 nto lets tleret, Cane -loth
o1eis1)5 agahr,)t 'the offt 11+1411 Cameron
dedealod, arc tegeos1orl to rive iihn thee,
:cosi es 051 er ht4ore cht, 1st (1)1"7 I0731,
;to t c said haven, Neesee, requese
,61(`AS1.11.4.111N12; thettlettale,,Y,x0oiti,i1x, 24)
He did not move for all 110111% so in-
terested was be in what he was read-
ing and it was only wheu he !rad finish-
ed. tile art.&13, that—the eagerness with
which he had read it hiOing bathed his
forehead `in perspiration—he put his
hand in his jacket -pocket for his hand•
kerchief: •t
In a moment lie was on his feet, and
had flung off the jacket.
•I -le had felt souiethine slimy in the
pocket, mid with tfie Zdinery Anglo -
Indian's presenee of mind in • reference
to eerpeets he had. rid himself of his
Nothing moved.
He turned over the jacket with cau-
tion, bat no movernent'wits to be dis-
cerned. ,
He inverted it, and out fell it vtry
smell dead serpent.
In a moment lie said : "Put there !
It is an aidon-sa ; they are never found
out of the jungle ; they 'lever coine ill.
to houses. I am a marked man. I
have talked too much of my suspicions,
and they have tried to get me out of
the way. 1 must have lain on 131 351141
killed it. Had 1 put my hand in my
pocket, I had been a dead men by this '?
2118 most venoueten; of all.* Put there,
I am prepidded to swear ! But by whom?
Not by one of toy own servants, of that
I am sure. Some one lies been there."
He called a servant. ,
" Yalhab, did all y visitor come for
me la:4 ineht after I went oul 2"
" No, Sahib Doctor, Ob one
, t yes,
visitor, Sahib" -4110 noble ) Baradere
,iiiiigpaelore. Ile stopped a little 111111'
113141 hero, end he go away." \
" That's niy Inan I" thoughtelle doe.
tor. " He.brought in a palei tube,
perhaps prepared to remain stupefied
for hours, but always able to, bite,
thotigh not to 'move, Now ',whet
will the colonel say' 2" •
Colonel Faded looked very seriods
tor eoine time, and thou cheering it )
he said ; "I should Fero- to think th 6
this paaticolna scamp of a serpeet evte
A danclerer, alai of his owo accord vit. t-
ad you 8 ftt)11 found. your jacket 1230 10
cinnfortitple and civilized than yid
i nu gin,"
t' You are incorrigible," said tha dttc,
tor." .. "Don't toty anything about /Ids
to blfy.
after a time she seemed to consent.
They moved away together, and al -
Inc st hinne,liately efter the trampling
of it couple of, galloping horses was; to
be heard.
" Colonel 1 Colonel 1 lend me your
huhter, Eumenido, will you?
It was Kerr calling througb the dead
of the night, outside the Colonel'
• toAre you mad 2" asked the Colonel,
`Inettitle his head out, between the blinds
from madness. kley 1 -lake Builleni-
dol 142‘:2.: esys„a;sbguotue-b"efore the °atonal could
say any more ;'peid before the gallant
old mom could put himself ha order to
make such a publie appeaxance as was
only becoming ie a colonel,. he heard
his friend galloping away. For des-
pite the colonti's ridicule of Kerr's
warning concerning the natives lie kept
his best charge s (Idled every night iu
event of a•.distur mice.
Kerr felt for hes, revolver, which had
never left him melee the diecovery of the
dead serpent, wide, he set upon his
chase. Ile kneel the horse tinder , him
and calculated that he should overtake
them in twenty buttes. The moon
was shining in gnificently ; the wind
was towards hien," and from them ; all
conditions in Ills favor. .
, What were Os thoughts as he sped
after her 9 Hehrever afterwards asked
himself. but this ono conviction grew
strong upon lern—that if her mixed
blood had takeuher beets to the Broil-
nias, he would Stye her Eoglish honor
by shooting lie iown. This was his
one fixed idea. , A. thousand others
flitted through lis brain, but he never
recalled one. lhe sole awful deter-
mination wits to save her from herself
beayoTdoilealttillt111,11111euth0e8r7td,h er"tIlriaills.ligpiir)egm b forot'orea
him. He nosnproceetlecl with 0311') tion.
He never oncethought of the wild, ant -
mats of the niiht, to whom lie gays
fair chrtnee alias ShrinIted the . road,
that his horsfs hoofs 'night make loss
noise in, the Inclergrosylls and tangle or
wood. At bst he saw them, 0,13a fiG
fothd 1118 14111) Iland tretnbling round,
his revolve/. Never 01300 did 110 "halt
or loose Olit, of them.
At 1sen they left the high rona ,3-3(1
i, , . , , , I
earnedAto the jimgle, Ho calettlated
that A had ridden ten teilee from the
et deal. They , turned, off ' whete toe
to ors of 0110 Of tii0)40
st Lively deserted temples ioso evhite
ei beattleful in the mootdiabt. ,
Ie crept alang, holding his horses
li litt; low, atm. dragging the unwilling
0, ,states after him. Tho 114331111031
woich iit, hinoto believe they were at
tile temple \vat confirmed hy the mon-
edottotte mart he betted of Brelimin'S
" I won't tor' don't tl'Attit alia w'll y)ices,
YeetitIrd c o warn e, g is ir
I the fresh night air soon made the blood
course through his veins. On, on, on I
he has forgotten Elfrida by this time—.
Its, with all true men, patriotism had
ovetcome and killed love. To save his
fellow -countrymen, is his sole thought.
Suddenly almost as hd notices that
the mare Eumenida is falling in her
pace, lie hears galloping behind. One
.of the siding, to which there was another
horse clearly, and several furthet off.—
points, and tarn the mail back
He kuows or thinks he does, that he is Pair of
to the down line, the ruin would be
pursued. The lights of the canton- (311
.complete. These thoughts take long to
ments are tot far ahead—now twinkl-
write, but an instant to flash through
ing out as he clitnbs a hill, now vanish -
the brain; and as I was thiuking, I was
ing as the road sinks. Tete hoofs be -
moving towards the siding, but slowly,
hind, are drawing nearer. Now 'the
and half stunned, as I crept over the
more distant are as loud as the first
line, dragging after me a, broken leg.
beard, and these are noisier still. His
The signals stood at all right: there
htroor;se, iasnflauillitnegr,saandloswh,omwsoasniginngs cor
was the distant, dull pant of the com-
ing train and I had two -hundred yards
As for s moment he stops, the noise
to crawl, with my breath catching, and
of the hoofs behind increases with awful
reptatty He is conecious death is_be everything swimming around me I
hit a him, aria x,....-4 _th, ,,,,,./44..44:ii, heo ,,,,..-.. .....4...0.
and those in, want of anything in his line will
qaudy their own interests by giving him ft eel be-
fore prirem sing elsewhere Itepairing proloptiS
&gamic:did:), Carriage tr'itr):nin chum. 75.1m.
For the protection of the public of British
North America. I doom it my duty to state
that ray Ville and. Ointment me •neither
in an nfachured nor sold in any part of the United
sbato$, 1(11.841 lmt. rand + box belars tb,c
itritish•Gover a Men t Stantniwith the words,'Hollo-
way's Pills and obit, none, Ciondoti;engr axed there-
on. On thelitbeil is the address, 583 Oxfogd. stroot,
London. Tide notice has become nscessary, in
consequence of vile and spurious Imitations 08
" Holloway 6 1.111i, en (1 Oil/hoe/It,"
being fabricated e%75358111011 Lille
New York, by par tio6 styling th ow -
solves 11 Bellow:try and Co.," wit!, an
Oa l nruod ti' it (11 mitAttInts---
U n p r 1 n ciploi, yowlers can Ob-
tain this trash at a very low price,
o,114,t3 the
NO. 02,1
14114,31 01 moot -
in iir,..‘.:.:011l/114
Cry MOT1t;11, 00, t 1411411
19V & stbre,
If re W's o,,r. 1.)100R4 ft)
p1. 10141(1)141 (',00111)t)
cordially invited te
` tend',
70,1y. scevotarii.
ends° deeerve you y
Bah/0 10, 10341 genuine iloilewity's 11118 and ' Oint-
ment, w Ilia)) are manufactured only at 5311 l/xfr.ud
street, .1,0m1011, •Persons Who mity be deceived
nice 90 00111 I 1.11.1 lento with in,is.1).fitty respact'blolirmS
in the British ProvinCos Who obtain my medicines
direct fr(J191" hero, h (No very properly suggested
that 1 8) 031) for t;ici betiont of themselves mid
the public, insert, their namcs in the 1 44]101 9, {Ali: 1.
it irmy ba Ito.own. twit medicines Can 1)0 had ;vim;
1810 from than. The following is a hill of the Oral
111(11t1,,ed to; and 1. nartioulaily 1 °commend t110/10
1Y11.0 1.1 03/ire tO got my modiaino41 to apply to some
Or (Ile 1101164:6 intlnad:-.4114100411.6. Avery, llroWn &
Co„ Itallfax, 35,5I MessrF , 14n syth. & CO., 'N. 0,
1)1 essra, T 31 llarker & Sous, 4131 j01111. N II ,.., .tt,f,r,. T
0444 11114115', Oh arloti 0 116W11, 'PVT .. Ntessurt 1...10,40...;
ley & co., Victoria, 13 0,., ',,,tosql.s, 7)f lore ,,C,.i
tOritl, I?, (1/ 111', J011/I 1'41 1101, CAI 0 tat O. Ist 13; tifeefirsi
I\ 1 novo ,.., C. .„ 1`,Lontronl ;" Mese; 0. J Winer it Alt).
ft In iltow, Ma', If ,I PAW, TOtonte / Mr. A Obilj..
In s a Ssnith, St., John. N 11 , Mr,4olic nonfi,G,„Ofte,,
Joh; 'Mows, El(iot& ,..:',) , e's .0 10 5 tone (Ilene/isle
Rt Jolit,i'i 11; Massifs, Ifilailnaion Brea., 81, ;mill,
ts141.1ttr It:1.'1..1(1qt \vitiator; raVF; 0Yy0a, i\ tOtdbi)
• The telegraph wire had told of the
light engine coining, and I heard the
slniels in the distance, Then on it
came ---nearer auct nearer. My signels
wore all right, and I was pressing on
my lever. holding it firm, ready for the
erigine to curve off, and on it came with
a rush and a shriek, racing along at a
merry rate ; when, just as the noise
was at its height, I seemed to hear the
gratin°. slide of a window sash behind
me, and some one leaped on my back,
pinioning my arms, and drawing a
rope tightly around them, at the flame
'moment that I was dragged back and
thrown heavily upon the floor.
Fortanately, I had held the .engine
fast long enough for the engine to pass
the points. But as I came a litttle to
myself, I remembered the mair; and I
knew that, willo lever was not shifted,
the train would go on after the light
engine, and there wenld be an accident.
But wlioever it was that seized me had
secured me tightly, with bitudane after
bandage, while I W0,8 half stunned;.°and
fielpless. I sew who it was ;
tor the light of my lamp fell full 011 the
wild features of Ned Hassel.
"Ned. --Ned, my good f•ellow, unfasten
me 1" I cried. •-
Lie still, John, and you shall see my
revenge on the devil that haunted me,"
he cried. "There wilt be a glorious
smash, end I can drag his crippled body
go luotr joofut917, ruins. It will be glorious --
I strove hard to free znyself ; and he,
with a gloating look, went to the door
opposite the window by antioh he had
emered, threw it wide open, aud looked
out for the coming mail.
"She's coming—she's coming!"
I made for the lever; but he saw my
object, and with a yell he leaped at me,
and we closed, streggling here and there,
striking against boards, shivering glass,
and I finding to my cost that, in
his madness, he was a stronger man
than L
If I eould have reached the lev r, and
'thundered by, r'wonid notliae. Care ,
but I never got near it. and, after a sec-
onds' struggle, I caught my foot, fell
backward, and with a sevage laugh, he
thrust at me Nab all his force, and I was
dashed out of the °pelt door on to the
platform; the handrail gave way, and I
tell heavily upon tae
Unless I coulcl get to the other end
T 911-41
Li—, 0 rave cnoteetie
tteu and. Nv
lltisinops th-at PRY
Ocorge: 1113I0041, ,14324324135i3 3)) )3; 'Mr
troth *4 to per „ cla.1),• con be Ptiretted i Adieu) N )3; Messrs W ze' rs
„, 4,t ,„ °Pe, 1..,14 1 )0 than /1;/./' 4'1 O1`11)-,44v1zq 6s, 5„22t)., and S dozen
erat 5 a wor < t I
41,,1 i.VAsia.itiptoa' street, Mass' te .:9(;)1})((5 w )1.611
Atldr1q441 boXto of 11.1Y • g6 f •
0 Los: nt en Inc .
anoetett stotsteeWeer
Plioni‘,torflarber Gvracc, ° "Mr
11 1 Cad, Or, y honors•bli), Per- 1‘.. 0 areal, The riieAlohme aro sehl tit the' lowesi
1 Y'1
e 0..
hoeIltrte:y10:10)4:,ol tie
garfie ,
spent, Probably !r°11.'...riitsd to fight from of Yardan-aank—strugael no again—
sank again •-got over the sleeper, with
ilemnitcl-thelm-si... As he does at, the
agony racking me; determbied to go on
hoofs come on with lightning speetl. A
as the to fue last; and ready, when the man
moment and be is the jungle ;
rushed by me on to destruction. to laid
hvooires:e:comes iu sight, he hears a loud
my body to the general wreck.
The shriek of the train, and I was
" Isame 1 Isanae I Save me I"
sixty yards away. God help me 1-1
It i3 Elfrida! She is yards away in could get ne further for g was fainting
a m: relent, and on comes her pursuers.
No another yard—another :
011, his haud is steady and faithful en -
Bell 1 Bell I help—for God's sake,
°ugh tow ! Pirg ! and the leading
helplI shrieked. For I heard the pat -
horseman is out of his saddle, andhe-
Ein g I ter of hurried feet coming along the
ing dragged on by his horse.
and tne horse of the second ridor is git lane on the other side of the hedge.
'Bell's voice answered.
and. stumbling. • "Here, quick, over the hedger 1
That is enongb for Indian courage,
shrieked. and he burst through as the
and three or four who remain, sunpos-
train was in the station.
ing an ambuscade has sprung upon
them, turn and flee. The second horse- "What, what is it ?" he Panted*
Distant" points—sliding shunt I"
man is on the ground, his horse hag
13e11's quick eye, used to scant for
fallen upon him. Never a • moment
wrong, and that I 'WM
His horse, a little recovered even 'Iyy dinarY was
pointing on ; so he ran, looking baok
his momentary rest, rushee onwead,
and seeing the mail swerve unto the
and soon passes it horse on the ground,
—the rider moti mless and powerless, 'idling* e
And than be ran for his life. So
the horse plungiuo, and every moment
close was he beset, as he forced the
td,eiestfigwnalsinsetstatillien clueletZdstmiriaing,).01118ofstwrithnogsee
lever from him with alt his might the
engine thundered by—the whole train
inetitict tells him it is Baradore.
curved off again in safety.
On goes his wearying horse, and it is
a8 lie reaches the cantonment that he
8008 her before hien the men tinning
01.1t) flt thE soolia of shot, alld t110 drums
Qf bo.
• mete' r°4;tree,
t'•ot)(n)us:shACYil 14'n'n4tki-000411114 110'4
•teeing leee year Of,
preeeeded with, ogo re3,11wd- Us ,
eKleeelltyir goofnlIctsus,rett. vedraatierVil,, Icblounitt'oorir"*1
thou adjourned till the foli(wing day.
Snomto i)ea.----Mittutee of teteivioutt
meeting read and apareeeel.
Mr. James Sotneiville was appointed
Arbitrator in the matter of the bridges
between Kinloss aid WawanOsh, Qu
motion a petition wag ordered tn he
pleas :tea ce the Legislature, to mak.
prevision for those not on the assess.
meet roll, performing one days statnte
labor. A peititi011 was ordered to be
presented to pealiament, asking that
the time for malting the assessment be
changed, so that the rissessore mey be
enabled to make the assesement during
the month of September every year.
The Council on motion adjourned 'till
5 p. m. On aesernbling, a petition
frit= t.1.10 County of Middlesex was TO -
fared to Road and Bridge .Cornmittee.
Tenders for the Egmonaville bridge
were referred to road and bridgeaorna
mittee. Circular from Immigratigp
Depertment referred to Finaece Com-
mittee. Letter from Ceunty Treas-
urer referred to,Finance Committee. Re-
port of Selecting Committee road,
amended, end .itclopted as follows, y,iz
Equalizanee, Itlessrs. • W4bster,
Young, Afenteith, Strachatn, Simpeon,
Cresswell, Hunter, Garvin, Kelly and
D. D. Wilson, Finance.—Mess's.
Cbidley, Garrow, D. Watson, Ford,
Brown, Keine, Hays, D. D. Wilson,
Hogarth, Black, Cresswell, Hun -
•ter. Taylor, Gatini,: Davis, Gibeon.
School and priuting.—Mesiire. Lane,
Gidley, BuiShannon,'Hodgson,.Garrow,
Watson, Elliott, Sletinnon, Geiger,
C. Wilson, Wariick, Hays, Pe -gator,
Yearly, Walker Miller, Gannt
Davis,' Road and Bridgese--Msers.
Webster, I-lodger/a, Ellintt;• Strichaii,
Brown, Keine; Malene, Procter, Shim -
son, Castle, Hogarth. Hannings, Mil-
ler. Taylor and potter. Wardens cone.
',Tait V 41, R tor.a-
mittee. Messis. Young, Garrow, Kul -
veil. Gaol and Court honsd.—Meesrs,
Lane, Buchatmoe, Ford, Slemmon,
Geiger, C.,Wilsoll, Monteith, Warwiiik,
Malone, Yearly, Walker, Black, 1 -Jen-
nings, Potter, Gibson. SpeCial. -
Messrs. Watson, Brown, Kelly, Mon-
teith, D. D. Wilson Girvin, Davis,
Gibson. Salaries.—'Cliiilley, . Young,
Hodgson Ford, Kathie; Pi -Octet. Black
Grant. 'The Warden- is ex.oftleio
member of all committees. Report of
Co. Engineer read and referred tc road
and bridge committee. Mr. Hutton
was heard by the Connell regarding.
Graham's Bridge.--Feferred to road`
and bridge committee. The Council
then adjourned till Friday morning.
At noon the other day a young man
of good book but poor raiment was ar-
rested on J efferson avenue fOr dentilten-
nese.' Ile waitted to make his way to
the Central Station alone, and when
abmpromsee by sayirtgA.^., 61 4'
" Then 'don't take me down Jill'
dark 1"
After being. tegistered by the captain
the pritoner asked what, charge was
placed against his name.
"Drunk," said the captain.
"Nothing but drunk 1" exclaimet:
"Make it highway robbery !" he
"Can't do it—you are drunk.'
"Make it burglary 1" continued the
prisoner, his face expressing the great-
est anxiety.
" Bar you are guilty of nothing but
r inkenuess."
." I know it, but won't yon respect
ray feelings ?" asked the prisoner.
" Haw ?" asked the captain.
" Auy common man can get drank,
but I came from a 'good family,: and I
13, r Samples WOrthl iieVeral dollars, vaistroao poet prleas, oi7entitioS Of not las
stops Lame Kerr. danger, saw that something. extraor-
calling to snits.
In all i 11 Stalit, before lie eine speak.,
she cries oat :
" was to save you all. I have their
plans. They tannight that \vas it
sibyl—that I could prr diet tor them. --
A ma) iny is ripe—bnt 11,1.0 safe, tied
WO 5111111 were all ill Inditn. I saw yen
tin Nigh .a gap in the w 11, rely Iertme—
saw your weverieg 1113011 striving to
grasp the 'inlet. Ali you eoultt have
killea nee, ittten W08 striving to save
you 1 But you would have doneit for
my honor's sake. I nevet• loved you
ieore then then, nrid saw the moons
l`glit ay If 1 31111431
Otir „pa 0 aeo ,; ant 8ftW
yoti dere oot, kill rne, traitoress, as yOli
thought Me, hecaatio of your love for
roe '
Ile alever told her that the friendly
poison tree saved lier life,
Quick 19 to my
it is foe to•trferrow, and tne mon intist
tide to•night,r. ,
,ks everyone knoWs 1 the &Wish in
dirt were not saved entirely from bldod-
'elaCall but. intookget liwno been" ot•
111. Caliste a lrrench actor was per-
"Make it the Nathan murderer and
I'll give you ten:. dollars 1" exclaimed
the excited and anxious young man.
And when they wouldn't- he sat in
his cell and wept at his degradation.
-410-- 1
A. citizen in Lexington has in his
possession a quill 031 35 condor which has
a history. It was given to Henry Ciay
in 1824, with an injuction 'never to cut
it until he was elected President, when
lie was to write his first message with
it. In case he were not elected, it was
not to be cut until a "constitutional
President wrote a eoustitutional mes-
sage from a.11 the States." After Mr.
Clay's death it was given to Mihlard
Fill:nore, but he was likewise, unable
to use it, During the last campaign
the owner determined to give it to Mr.
Greely should he be elected. The quill
which is still unent, is over three feet
long, and is as large roan& as a man's
forming in tile provinces. In a fairy
scene he lot 1 to appettr dressed as a
pe teant, then to suddenly clittnge his
eostume for that of cavalier, and
again et the end bf the scene to be
transfermed once more into the pea-
saut. To bring these changes about
with sufficient rapidity it was eeeessary
for the actor to put on 'three separttt
suits of cletning ; and in order to aveid
a too large appearance, he wore no
clothing under the third suit. One
evemeg it startling catastrophe was
only avoided by a tiniely • discovery.
Catlett) had dressed, and after talking
with the stage machinist,' was walking
forward to appear in the 84101?e, when to
his horror he eaW thira snit of
tolotliett lying over. his portanitteteitu.
Ile luta put on two snits, but had for-
gotten tbe third, 6/14 being rather
absent 4tunded, would doubtleas have
tal(ott eff the two suits shccessively be.
fdre lie could realize that he had no
thitd quePrise the Angie:hoe
There are other versions of the story
of Joseph and Potiphar's wife theti the
orthodex and generally -accepted (ma—
ne° following is attributed to M, de
Lesseps : When Potiphar's wife was
accused by her husband of having for-
gotten her marital vows for the sake of
Joseph, she attempted no denial, but
merely said that Joseph's beauty %VAS
SO great that any other woman would
have done the same thing, This she
offered to prove, and having assembled
all the young ladies of the Egyptian
Cottrt, placed theta in a row with their
eyes turned toward the door of the
apartment. In the holds of eaoh girl
sl:e put an apple and a knife, aria tom
theta to cut the apple when the signal
was givon. By prearrangement the
door suddenly tepotted, and Joseph tip+
peered in all hie beauty. Poti haet
wife gave the signal at that Moment,
rwa evety girl save One, instead of ert,
ting,the apple, out her band. Tbe
beauty of Joseph had so dazzled them
that they were linable to take theisseyee
off bitn. "It i* need,less to say that thert
Nyal tt general feeling that Potiphar'it
W11"? wag enite excusable. Tinl,titi
sbovvra hor 1144.4.444111 111110411', on hidotitalt•
et& to exidein, said that the
JOeeph ehe felt that it was noloug,
er eafe for bar to hold the lads, sad
1441 eine he Mitt eoed et Seeing the woit .ty is110 tAltiterOre titiried it froth he' btIfOts
fiOtOt ettdd'efily alipear in nothing bnt the tifitnal to cut the apple had bs*,
his I heeilttn4 ercost. given.