Times Advocate, 1996-09-25, Page 24Birth AIII1OUllIbCeSIIVIIIS Cards Of 'Thanks Cards Of T7asoks In Memoriam
VER • Roy and Norma
Glover ate thrilled to announce the birth of
their sew praaddaughtcr Kylic Elizabeth, a
daughter for Cathy sad June, weighing 8
lbs. 3 oz. ban a the Owea Sound Hospital
on Seplemba 16, 1996. A wee sister for leo
and big brother Brad. Another pwiddaugh-
tcr for Dave and Joss McDonald of Owen
Sound. 39'
MAAS - Jaya, Prank and big brother Ste-
ven are dhulllod to announce the atrial of
Ryan Christopher. born September 19, 1996
a! Si. Joseph's Heath Centre, Londod
weighing 7 the. 3 1/2 ozs. Proud gnrdpr
eats are Harry and Catherine Maas and Kay
Cunnington. Watching over from Heaven is
Grandpa Howard Cuanington. Special
thanks to Dr. Jadd. Theresa and Doreen. Dr.
Maynard, the third floor nursing staff at St.
Josephs, Dr. Chernick and Breads at South
Huron Hospital. 39'
PENN • Sheila and Al are happy to an-
nounce the birth of Samuel tan Jackson on
July 26, 1996 at Guelph General Hospital
weighing 7 lbs. 5 oz. A little brother for Jef-
frey and Adam. 39•
WILLIS (ROWE) - Not the flesh of our
flesh nor the bone of our bone but altogether
you are still our very own. Ed and Karen
would like to welcome home Nicole Chuan,
born February 12, 1996 in Tongling, China.
Very excited grandparents are Bill and Au-
drey Rowe and Marwood and Gertrude Wil-
lis. A great-granddaughter for Ruth Pack -
ham, Belva Rowe and Beatrice Richardson.
An extra special thanks to all our family and
friends for all their love and encouragement
along the way. 39•
Cards Of Thanks
BENNEWIES - Special thanks to our fami-
ly, friends and relatives for making our day
very special. We couldn't have done it with-
out you. Special thanks to the "Brady
Bunch". also Exeter Chrysler Ltd.
39' Ralph and Barb
JENNISON • Sincere thank you and appre-
ciation for the sympathy shown at the loss of
Dad, Poppy,Grampa and Great Grampa.
During Dad's time at home with all the spe-
cial people involved in his well being, words
cannot express how grateful we are to have
had you there for Dad. Thank you to Rev.
Cordell Parsons for prayers and comfort,
South Huron Hospital, Home Care, VON,
Palliative Care for being so kind, Dr. Wal-
lace and Mrs. Visscher so understanding,
Hoffmans Funeral Home,The Grand Bend
Royal Canadian Legion Br. #498, Parkhill
Daric Lodge #233 for special services,
Grand Bend Royal Canadian Legion Branch
#498 for lunch. beautiful flowers, charitable
donations, cards and food sent to our homes.
The support and kindness shown us will at -
ways be treasured in our hearts.
39c Sincerely,
Sharon, Dianne. Doug and families
TY - Although we Buffeted a wall financial
loss, the enthusiasm of the public made the
fair a success. Many thanks to our tnssy
sponsors. without you we couldn't keep go-
ing. Thanks to all those who volunteered
their time in any way all weekend. you also
kwf our fair going. Specid thanks to our
M.C. Leon Paul for a job well done on Sat-
urday and Paul McNaughton for the enter-
tainment Sunday at the ddkr's Jamboree.
KLOPP r It is with heartfelt gratitude that
the family of the late Harold Klopp wishes
to convey their sincere appreciation for the
many acts of kindness shown to us in the
loss of our dear father and grandfather.
Many. many thanks for all the comfoct�ng
words, prayers, charitable donations, floral
tributes, and food sent to our homes and to
the church. Special thanks to Pastor Rosa
and the wonderful ladies of St. Peters
E.L.W. Ow gratitude to the Y.O.N., Sarnia.
Lambton Branch, Sarnia Lambton Home-
care. McBeaths Funeral Home for your rom-
passan and support to all family members.
Words seem so Inadequate. Your acts of
kindness and thoughtfulness will always be
39c Sincerely,
The Harold Klopp Family
LUTHER • The family of the late Greta Lu-
ther wish to express sincere thanks to the
staff at the Queensway Nursing Home for
the special cue given to Mom and also
thanks to Dr. O'Connor. We wish to thank
family, friends and neighbours for the ex-
pressions of sympathy and many acts of
kindness, cards, floral tributes and food
brought to the house and donations to the
numerous charities. Special thanks to Rev.
Putman, and Rev. Peebles, T.H. Hoffman
and Sons Funeral Home and the ladies who
provided the lunch at the Grand Bend Unit-
ed Church. 391
NEiL - We sincerely want to thank all who
attended our SOth wedding anniversary cele-
bration, for the many beautiful cards re-
ceived, gifts and congratulations from Gov-
ernor General of Canada - Romeo Le Blanc,
Prime Minister Chretkn, Premier Michael
Hams, M.P. Paul Steckler and M.P.P. Helen
Johns. we are grateful. Much love and
thanks to our children and their spouses,
Brenda and Steve, Wendy and Jim, Jim and
Anne for their special messages, gift and all
the organizing. hall decorations, pictures,
cake by Bev, afternoon tea and dinner, the
latter two by Crediton Womens institute all
so tastefully done. To the grandchildren
each helping in their own way we are proud
- Jesse, Brruney and Carly delivering choco-
lates. Chris and Melanie, dinner music on pi-
ano and flute, Jason for making us all look
so good on video and Zachary, Jeff and
Joanne for helping with gifts. special
thoughts of Sherry and Shane in Lumley,
B.C. A day we will long remember.
39' Earl and Jean
REID - 1 wish to thank my family, friends,
and neighbors for the gifts. flowers, cards
and visits while 1 was in St. Joseph and
South Huron Hospitals. Thanks also to the
wonderful nurses at South Huron Hospital,
Dr. Wallace, Mrs. M. Visscher, the V.O.N.'s
and the Homecare workers. Your thoughtful-
ness will always be remembered.
-39• Nellie
9:30 a.m. Communion Service
Sunday School for all ages
11:00 a.m. Faulty Bible Hour
Tuesday evenings
7:30 p.m. Bible Study
94 Orchard Street. Exeter
Everyone Welcome
September 29
11:00 a.m.-12:10 p.m.
Worship Broadcast on
Community Channel
ComerThe Rev.
end lAein
PP ttersoon
18th Sunday after Pentecost
September 29, 1998
11 a.m. Morning Prayer B.A.S.
Al Ketpela Men's Chorus
Luncheon following in church
Nursery Available
Everyone Welcome
68Main 81otth
Rev. Detail Roushotns
Courlssy Car: 236.1967
Youth Worrier: Tracey Whitson Bohm
Sunday, September 29. 1996
11:00 a.m. Morning Worahlp
and Sunday School
7:30 Kergymna Bible Study
8 p.m. Gordan Auxiliary
7:30 p.m. Fun and Genies
Titlark $2.00.
Sept 30
Oct 1
Oct. 4
Oct. 7
Cot. 20
Nov. 11
Hobo Luncheon
Madre are moat askant
Corner of James and Andrew St.
Sunday, September 29, 1996
10:30 a.m.
18th Sunday altSr Pentecost
sas Rev. Cordell Parsons
Sunday School 10:30 a.m.
Courtesy Bob Coates2 Car
Everyone Wetooms
187 Huron St. W. Exeter
Pastor Kevin Rutledge
Assistant Pastor Johan Boyadtek
Sunday, September 29
Morning Worship 9:90 and 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School 930 and 11:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m. Everting Fellowship
Wednesday. 7:00 p.m. Fondly Nett
Everyone Welcome
192 Main St North
Pastor Peter TuinInga
September 29, 1996
1000 a.m./doming Service
Stxtdayrt Sawa 4
during orning 'WOO
7:00 p.m antes
Nursery Medals
Everyone Welcome
Mary C.)CS 1 � m.
CKNX 92010:30 a.m.
Deity T.V.
Faith 20 Gleba 6:30 a.m.
September 29
9:30 a,rrt, -11:00 tun,
Worship Broadcast on
Community nity Channell
THOMPSON • The family of the late Bea
Thhomisoe wish to express siacere thanks
and appreciation to all who os1rd us in
the bas d our father, graodfat�,
Waedfatber and gram -met -grandfather. We
sincerely thank teadam, friends and neigh-
bours for the beautiful floral tributes, cards,
phone calls and donations to various chari-
ties. Also the noes wat the house. ho
ecbrrougti food and
Stele Dr. add, Dr ll3be andial dn t ksthe nuto rs-
ing staff at South Huron Hospital. Exeter,
Hoffmsri's Ambulance, M. Box and Son Fu-
neral home, Rev. Steven Cox for his com-
forting message. To the ladies of Lieury
United church for the delicious lunch. Sin-
cere appreciation to his three grandsons and
three nephews for actin as pallbearers.
Your kindness sed thoughtfulness will al-
ways be remembered.
39• Lloyd sod Shirley Thompson,
Helen and Clare Sutherland and families
Desktop Publishing Exeter Fair draw win-
ner Ferne Stewart of Exeter. 39c
Hath Birthday
CADMAN - Please come and celebrate San -
ford's birthday with his family. Open House
Sunday, October 6, 1996 at Parkhill Leisure
Club, Broadway Si.. Parkhill, 2-4 p.m. Best
wishes only. 39,40c
Death Notices
DeKOKER - At London Health Sciences
Centre, University Hospital on September
20, 1996, Pieter J. DeKoker of Exeter in his
63rd year. Beloved husband of Abaa (Rien-
stra) DeKoker. Beloved son of Nellie De-
Koker of Whitby and the late Pieter DeKok-
er. Dear father of Peter and Melissa
DeKoker of London, Tina and Jeff McKay
of Exeter, Robert and Beth DeKoker of
Guelph, Nellie DeKoker and Peter Strack of
Toronto and Maryann DeKoker of Bramp-
ton. Dear Papa of Samantha, Mitchell and
Peter John. Dear brother of Neil and Lillian
DeKoker of Peterborough. Louis and Brenda
DeKoker of Lindsay, Susan and Herman
Duivenstyn of Brooklyn, Nellie and Bruce
Stell of Port Peny and Beryl DeKoker of
Sunderland. Predeceased by a brother John.
Friends called at the Hopper Hockey Funeral
Home, Exeter. The funeral service was held
on September 23 at the Christian Reformed
Church. Main Street, Exeter with Pastor Pa
ter Tuininga officiating. Cremation with in-
terment of ashes in Exeter Cemetery. Dona-
tions to the Ontario Heart & Stroke
Foundation would be appreciated by the
family 39c
RADCLIFFE - At Parkwood Hospital, Lon-
don on September 21, 1996, Lillian E. Rad-
cliffe of Lucan, in her 85th year. Beloved
wife of the late John (Jack) Stanley Rad-
cliffe, Phm.B. Dear mother of Marilyn and
Henry Knowles of Toronto, Carolyn and
Jake Sugden of Burlington and Russ and
'Beth Radcliffe of Lucan. Dear grandmother
of Krista and Lori: Pam and Craig; Karen,
David and Michael. Dear great-grandmother
-of Rachel Bud Mitchell. Dar s flack
and Mary Lou Pal eshi of Kincardine. There
will be no funeral hone visitation. A memo-
rial service was held at Holy Trinity Angli-
can Chinch, Liman on Sunday, October 13,
,1996 at 1:30 p.m. with Rev. Bruce Pocock
officiating. Qemadon with interment of ash-
es in Oman Cetneeery. Donations to the
Urfa - way Hospital Foundation, itckwo
Fomthdoa or Holy Trinity Ai -
con Church would be .ppreciated by the
family. C. Haetett and Home,
Loran in charge of arrangements, 227-4211.
RILEY - At London Health Sciences Cen-
tre, Victoria Campus on Monday, September
23, 1996, William W. Riley of Hama Part
ht his 71st year. Beloved husband of Elaine
(Glanville) Riley Dear father of Don and
Gayle Riley of Loran Ron and Marilyn Ri-
ley of St. Tomas, Floyd and Lynda Riley of
Camilla. Joanne and Rod McLaren, Cheryl
Smith and Carolyn and Randy Redmond all
of Huron Park, Marilyn and Bill Dixon and
Rob and Tracey Riley all of London. Also
arrived by 23 grandchildren and 11 gat -
grandchildren. Dar brother of Stan and Ei-
feat of Stretford. Predeceased by 2
• Jennifer and Herbert and sis-
las Jaeet. Dorothy, Alice, Rita and Shirley.
Priesda called at the Hopper Hockey Funeral
Horde. 370 William Sonet, 1 wet of Main,
Exetx on Tatadyr 2-4 ad 7-9 p.m. where
the Amend service will be held on Wednes-
day, Septembee 25 at 1:30 p.m. with Pastor
Kevin Rudedge officiating. Interment Exeter
Cannery. Donations to Loadoa Sci-
ences Came, Victoria Can would Health
by the may. 39c
SOMERVILLE • Peacefully surrounded by
his loving family alter a courageous btdde
with caster st Sit Joseph's Health Centre,
London, on September 19, 1996, Thomas
W. Somerville of Centralia, in Ms 57th year.
Beloved husband of Can, (Dennis) Somer-
ville. Dar father of Sandy Somerville Bon-
ner and her hnbend Craig of Sash Ste. Ma-
rk red Stacy Somerville and her hnsbnnd
Vile Troch of Cardona. Special Popes se
Gage. Deer brother clad tinder -114w of
Shaw and Larry kfhey
Bake Maar of Sed Paul sed Oro -
bit his d Wttlloa sea d m
sad his Mead Pat d ass Tom
aim freak ad Pam
mad R Mona d W acid Ras
and Roan Dark of Wale. Oast son -la -law
d Batty Dame d Mkaips ad C. Jim aid
Dea Dellis of PIsdk. Alma called at
hopper Hockey Prised Notts. Exner
vitae clan lased service as Add aSep-
tember 23 .with Pallor HkMYt Smith Ai -
`a*. keaum ewer Cautery. Mr. So-
�r 33 yeaalloyed a radtaughtt ii school
Id, Oxbow, George Saior Public and
�3 Deletions to the Town
! Hoa seders, V.O.N. Huron.
Fah or the Cansdiaa Cesar Society would
be apptechsed by dee Amity. 39c
DIJRAND • Is lovingof i dear fa-
ther. father-in-law and Pete Pete R.
Durand, who passed away September 28.
we are worlds apart.
Yew l always be right hue within our
A tray so big. a mart so strong,
A man who could never do us wrong.
Not a day goes by without you in our
gYaour kind and gentle ways will never be for-
You went away to join your wife.
With whom you spent most of your life.
I know some day we will all be together
But, until then, you will sways be right
here, within our hearts.
Sadly missed but not forgotten by your
children Ron and Leigh. Sue and Sam. Nan-
cy end ike, and grandchildren Vanessa,
Alex, Warren, Adrian and Kole. 39•
FORREST - In loving memory of a beloved
husband, father and grandfather, John For-
rest, who passed away 1 year ago September
30, 1995.
God saw the path was getting rough,
The hills - too hard to climb,
He gently closed your weary eyes.
And whispered peace be thine.
Your life was filled with kindly deeds,
A helping hand to all in need,
You did for us your very best,
May God grant you eternal rest.
We hold you close within our hearts,
And there you will remain,
To walk with us throughout our lives,
Until we mat again.
Too dearly loved to ever be forgotten.
Greatly missed by wife Josie, daughters
Debbie and Dawn, sons-in-law Jim and
Dino, grandchildren Drew. Destiny -Joy and
Nicolas. 39c
HARVEY - In loving mentay of a dear
Grandma and Great -grandma Dallas Pearl
(Young) Harvey, who passed away Septem-
ber 26, 1995 and a dear Grandpa and Great -
grandpa Leonard Milton Harvey, who
passed away September 25, 1988.
Our lives go on without you,
But nothing is the same,
We have to hide our heartache,
When someone speaks your name.
Sad are the hearts that love you,
Silent the tears that fall,
Living our lives without you,
Is the hardest part of all.
Loved and remembered always by Cheryl
Erich, Byron and Katelyn Freiter. 39c
HARVEY - in loving memory of Dallas
Pearl, who passed away September 26,
Oft and oft our thoughts do wander,
To the grave nix far away,
Where we laid our dear mother,
Just one year ago today.
Love hack and Jane. 39c
KRUEGER - in loving memory of our dear
Mom and Grandmother, er, Eines Krueger, who
away one year ago. October 1. 1995.
is notldtgso treasured and nothing so
As the love that a mother and her family
Through joy, through laughter, sorrow and
This love that we shared. doesn't need to be
It's a wonderful bond, that can never be
Always loved, remembered and treasured
by daughter Jean, son-in-law Bob, and
grandchildren, Scott, Lori, Mikala, Macken-
zie, and Kim. Tim, Jessica. 39•
PiCKERING - In loving memory of a dear
husband, father and grandfather, John E,
who II paq s, seaway 14 years ago, September
2The trees still grow and bend with time,
The flowers still sparkle with dew,
And within my heart there's a special light.
Burning bright with my love for you.
Lovingly remembered and deeply missed
by your wife Marilyn and family. 39•
Friends and Famiy are invited to
aft Show & Salle
177 Helen St.
Sem Sept. 29
10:00. 6:00
We welcome you back to
decorating and gift giving
Ideas of
V dried floral swags,
bouquets, etc. by PAT
• hand painted shirts, socks
and hats by LORI HICKS
♦ wooden shelves, doll
rocking chairs, shadow
boxes, etc. by KEITH
V folk art, stuffed bunnies,
dolls and wooden Jewelry
♦ country accents, pillows by
Susan Wrest
♦ hand sewn country hearts,
cows, cats by Lee Ann
( a ri son\\a'oiilit
r , tt al - t , lthnll l r,
ah' (11 .urn
• Meet our staff and suppliers
• Cruise and Vacation Reps
• Coach Tour Reps for Canada & Europe
• Orient & South Pacific Reps
Netv Winter Brochures
Tourist 'Worn stion
Yue Chi - China
Niel Macpherson Britain
235-2000 or 1-800-265-7022
OPEN DANCE on Sept. 28 at
Dashwood Comm. Centre at
8:30 p.m. to 1:00 a,m.
Everyone Welcome
Happy 25th Wedding Anniversary
Relatives, Neighbours & Friends
are cordially Invited to help
celebrate at the
Exeter Legion Hall on
Sat. Sept. 28 at 9:00 p.m.
Best Wishes Only
Exeter Curling Club L
,nnu.aG beef 1311 Q
Sunday, September 29 4:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Adults $10. Children 5-12, $5.00
Tickets available: Huron Apothecary, John Norris's office,
Royal Bank
Volunteerism is indeed thriving in our community
and that was certainly evident this past weekend
as the Exeter Fall Fair celebrated 142 years of
promoting agriculture in South Huron.
The sponsorship and participation of so many
greatly contributed to the success of the 1996
Exeter Fall Fair promoting Market Gardening. Thank you
forgiving your time, thank you for giving your talents, thank you for
your attendance, thank you for your support and sponsorship. Thank
you for being a part of the FAIR experience and we look forward to
your continued support in the future.
RhflbanneNegrtjn, President, on behalf of tbe Board ojDlred
Exeter Agrtadtural Society l
B.W. Pawley & Plum Loco
(Country rock)
Fri., Sept. 27, Sat. Sept. 28
Huron Park
Exeter Curling Club L
,nnu.aG beef 1311 Q
Sunday, September 29 4:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Adults $10. Children 5-12, $5.00
Tickets available: Huron Apothecary, John Norris's office,
Royal Bank
Volunteerism is indeed thriving in our community
and that was certainly evident this past weekend
as the Exeter Fall Fair celebrated 142 years of
promoting agriculture in South Huron.
The sponsorship and participation of so many
greatly contributed to the success of the 1996
Exeter Fall Fair promoting Market Gardening. Thank you
forgiving your time, thank you for giving your talents, thank you for
your attendance, thank you for your support and sponsorship. Thank
you for being a part of the FAIR experience and we look forward to
your continued support in the future.
RhflbanneNegrtjn, President, on behalf of tbe Board ojDlred
Exeter Agrtadtural Society l
Royal Canadian Legion
R.E. Pooley Branch #167
Exeter, Ontario
The members and executive of the Roy-
al Canadian Legion
flihufltdev, Sent. 28th - General meeting - 8:00 p.m.
Auditors report
ilighirdayjeggailth - Meat and 50/50 draw
4-6 p.m.
Everyone welcome
Sunday, $apt 29th - Branch mixed golf &
pot luck supper
Sunday, Oct Bch - Seniors veterans dinner In con-
junction with the 80th anniversary of the 161st
Huron Battalion
Beginning October 5, Saturday evening
Mass In Mount Carmel
will be at 5:00 p.m.
The Sunday morning Masses remain the same, with
Mass at Precious Blood Mission (Heid in Trivitt Anglican
Church, Main St. Exeter) at 9 a,m. and Mass at Our Lady
of Mount Carmel Church at 11 a,m.
Royal Canadian Legion
R.E. Pooley Branch #167
Exeter, Ontario
The members and executive of the Roy-
al Canadian Legion
flihufltdev, Sent. 28th - General meeting - 8:00 p.m.
Auditors report
ilighirdayjeggailth - Meat and 50/50 draw
4-6 p.m.
Everyone welcome
Sunday, $apt 29th - Branch mixed golf &
pot luck supper
Sunday, Oct Bch - Seniors veterans dinner In con-
junction with the 80th anniversary of the 161st
Huron Battalion