Times Advocate, 1994-06-29, Page 254 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Times- 4dvocate, June 29,1994 Page 25 011100 Births GLOVER - Christie n big s Jounce are happy r the . , of Justine Nicole l nbcth, June 13, 1994, weighing 7 v9 ou. Proud grandparents are Jim f3lovet, Exeter and Elizabeth and Case Brouwer. Egmondville. Special than you to Aunt Barbie and Dr. Lam 25c MARTENS - Andrew and Linda and big aster Melanie are thrilled to announce the safe arrival of Nathan Theodore. Nath was born on Sunday. June 19, 1994 at 10:48 am at St. Joseph's Hospital in London. He weighed in at 7 lbs. 7 ozs. and was 20' long. Nathan's proud grandparents ate Martin and Lil Mutens, Grand Bend and Margaret Van Dyk. Seaforth. 26• SCOTT - Dean and Trish Scott of Bruoe- f-icld are [Milled with the safe arrival of their fust -born, a daughter. weighing 8 lbs., 10 ozs. Shannon Victoria arrived June 14. 1994 at 5:31 am. at Seaforth Community Hospi- tal. Proud grandparents are Jim and Audrey Scott of Lucan and Sean and Marilyn McMahon of Guelph. Great-grandparents are Wilmer and Mary Scott of Lucan and Nora Wissel of.Granton. 26c SNYDER - Jim and Judy welcome with love their daughter Sarah Amanda, born May 31. 1994 at St. Joseph's Health Centre.. London. weighing 8 lbs. 8 ozs. A wee sister for Nicholas and Lisa Proud grandparents are Hubert and Norma Vincent, RR 2 Credi- ton. Fermon and Leola Snyder. RR 2 Dash- wood, and great -grandma Katie Vincent, Saubk Court, Grand Bend. 26' WEIN - Paul and Jacqueline (Hyde) and big sister Allyssa are thrilled to announce the quick and safe arrival of Kirsten Lisa on Monday, June 20. 1994. weighing 7 lbs. 5 ozs. Proud grandparents are Jim and Mary Lou Hyde and Wilma". and Louise Wein. 26c In Memoriams KOOY - In loving memory of our dad and grandfather Teunis Kooy, who passed away 4 years ago. June 25, 1990. Those we hold most dear, Never truly leave us, They live on in the kindness they showed, The comfort they shared, And the love they brought into our lives. Sadly missed and always remembered by son Clayton. daughter-in-law Alice and grandchildren Bonnie and Clyde Kooy. 26c Announcements John and Daottty Taylor F, meter, are pleased to announce the marriage of their son, Brad, to Ana Marie, daughter of Gor- don and Ann Marie Kiley, Sydney, Nova Scotia The wedding will take place July 8, 1994 in Sydney. 26• 90th Birthday The family of Oriole Westlake invites fami- ly. 'needs and neighbours to an Open House on Sunday. July 10, 2-5 pm. at the Blue Water Rest Home, Zurich. Best wishes ody. Cards of Thanks ALLEMDELBRIDGE - We would like to thank our family and friends who came out to support our recent Buck & Doe, despite the heal. A very special thank you to Keith, Sandra and Kevin Scott for the use of their shed. We had a great time and we sincerely appreciate all the hard work done by our en- tire wedding party and parents that made the night a great success. 26c Dale and Tanya FINKBEINER - Many thanks to my family and friends for the cards and flowers 1 re- ceived while in hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Lam 27'Doreen FISHER - The family of the late Wm. Gknn Fisher wish to extend their sincere thanks and appreciation to the Brothers and Sisters and all the family and friends for the expressions of kindness and sympathy shown in the loss of a loving husband, fa- ther. grandfather and great-grandfather. The flowers, donationwards, food and your support will always be treasured. Special thanks to Dr. Jadd, Dr. Rice, nursing staff of University Hospital, Hopper & Hockey Fu- neral Home, Rev. Hilborn and Rev. Parsons for their comfort God hath not promised skies always blue, Joy without sorrow. peace Without pain. But God hath promised strength for the day, Help from above. sympathy and undying love. 25• Mary Fisher. Bill and Wendy, Yvonne and Jim. Glenda and Ron CHURCH 68 Main Street South 2352784 Rev. Mark B. Gastrin Courtesy Car: 235-1967 Sunday, July 3 11 a.m. Worship Service Nursery Available Everyone Welcome EXETER PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 670 Main St. S. Pastor Vernon Dean Pastor Dave Austin Christian Education Director Mite Stehle Sunday. July 3 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.m. - Laotian Service in gymnasium 7:00 p.m. Celebrate Praise Service W sday 7:00 p.m. Family Night Nursery avaiable for ail services A place to meet God and a Mend' MINIM 40•141141f EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 187 Huron St. W. Exeter Pastor Kevin Rutledge Assistant Pastor John Boyachek 235-2661 Sunday. July 3 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m.Mornirg Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship Wadneedey, 7 p.m. Fanny Night Everyone Welcome EXETER BIBLE FELLOWSHIP 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30-11:00 a.m. Fellowship Time 11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour 7:00 p.m. Communion Solute. Nursery Available Tuesda evenings 7:30Y Bibb Study AM services are held at 94 Orchard Street, Exeter Everyone Welcome For mors information please cell 229-8881 July 3 11:00-12:10 a.m. Worship Broadcast ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Dashwood PASTOR LARRY STOJKOVIC For the months of July and August 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Bible Class 10:00 a.m.Worship Service Everyone welcome Wheelchair access TRIVITT MEMORIAL ANGUCAN CHURCH 264 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario The Rev. Fay M. Patterson Sixth Sunday after Pentecost July 3, 1994 11 a.m.Holy Eucharist Sunday School Nursery Everyone Weicane EXETER UNITED CHURCH Comer of James and Andrew St. July 3, 1994 10:00 a.m. Worship service Courtesy Car: Audrey MacGregor 235-0972 ta EXETER CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Main St Nota Pastor Rev. Sleds Vander Mw 236-1723 Worship Services July 3 10:00 a.m. Sunday St3ool for ages 3 -grade 4 during morning service 7:00 p.m. Evening Service Nursery Available Everyone Welcome Sunday Radio CJCS 1240 8:30 am. CKNX 920 10:30 a.m. Deily T.V. Faint 20 Globd 5:30 a.m. July 3 a� 9:30.10:45 a.m. Worship Broadcast We may glue without loving, but n cannot love without QMip.' Cards of Thanks JAQUFS - The family of the late Oliva Jaques wish to express their sincere appreci- ation for the kindness and thoughtfulness shown by his relatives, friends and neigh- bours. Special thanks for cards and flowers sent, donations given. visits to the friar home and calls. Your kindness and supped will always be remembered 26 Big Dorothy. and Harold and families PEPPER - The family of the late Bloss Pep- per wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives. friends and neighbours for the lovely floral arrangements. memorial dona- tions to the Diabetic Association, cards of sympathy and all the visits. Our appreciation goes to the staff at Queensway Nursing Home in Hassall and to the doctors and staff at University Hospital, London. and South Huron Hospital in Ender. A special thanks to Rev. Ed Laksmanis. the Hopper Hockey Funeral Home and the Hensall United Church ladies. Your thoughtfulness will al- ways be remembered. 27• The Pepper Family PEPPER - The family of the late Grace Pepper wish to extend their sincere apprecia- tion for the many expressions of kindness and sywpshy fo11oviagite-1914 of a dear mother and grandmother. Special thanks for ardt, visits, phone calls, food. flowers and memorial donations to the Heart & Stroke Foundation. Your thoughtfulness will al- ways be remembered. 26c YOUNG - The family of the late J. Alex (Sandy) Young wish to express sincere ap- preciation for floral tributes, donations. cards and food sent to our homes and to the church. Special thanks to Rev. Susan Shel- stad, the C. Haskett and Sons Funeral Horne and the Lucan U.C.W. for serving lunch. We are especially grateful to the staff at Craig- wiel Gardens for the kindness and caring shown to our father during his five years in their are. 26c The Young Family Deaths FINKBEiNER - At South Huron Hospital. Exeter. on Sunday, June 26, 1994, Estrella (Treitz) Fnkbciner of Exeter and formerly of Crediton. in her 99th year. Beloved wife of the late Daniel Fnkbeiner (1959). Loving mother of Allan and Irene of Crediton. Ho- ward and Mary of London, and Gordon and Florence of Exeter. Dear grandmother of El- lis. Judy, .Douglas, _Rodger --and Stephen: Richard. David. Craig and Carol; and Ruth and Helen. Also survived by 20 grandchil- dren and 4 meat -great-grandchildren. Prede- ceased by a son Walter. Rested at the Hop- per Hockey Funeral Home, William Street. Exeter. on Monday 2-4 and 7-9 where the funeral service was held on Tuesday. June 28. Pastor Vernon Dean officiated. Inter- ment Crediton Cemetery. -To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.- 26c GiNGERICH - Peacefully and with much dignity at Victoria Hospital. London, on Wednesday. Janet Z24• 1994c. Mr...Frvie Gingcrich of RR 1 Ailsa Craig in his 81a year. Beloved husband of the former Alice Pearl Erb. Beloved son of the late Samuel and Sarah (Gascho) Gingerich- Cherished fa- ther of Joan and Glenn Stapleton of Alvins- ton. James and his wife Ruth Gingerich and Stuart and his wife Linda, all of RR 2 Zurich and Mary Foreman of Zurich Dear brother and brother-in-law of Amos and his wife Della of Zurich. Roy of Bluewater Rest Home, Reuben and his wife Fanny of Ailsa Craig. Curtis and his wife Mary Gingerich of Zurich. Verna and her husband Alfred Ropp of Tavistock. Mrs. Marie (Helmuth) Gingrich, of Zurich, Albert aid Wilma Erb of Zurich, Anna Erb of London and Leonard Erb of Meltwater Rest Home. Predeceased by his brother Wallace Gingerich (Septem- ber 1993). Loving grandfather to Brad and Rebecca Stapleton. Kevin, Keri. Kraig. Brian and Connie Gingerich and Dwana and DeAnn Foreman. Mr. Gingerich was active in being pet owner of the Delaware Nursing Home, form president of the Exeter Com- munity Credit Union. known as Clinton Community Credit Union. active in the Mennonite Aid Union and tinny other ca- pacities in the Mennonite Church Visitation held on Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m and on Friday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. in the Zurich Chapel of Michael P. O'Comot Funeral Homes. 49 Goshen St. N., Zurich. thence to Zurich Mennonite Church what the funeral service was conducted on Saturday. June 25 at 2:00 p.m. with Pastors Philip Bender. Ephraim Gingerich and Mary Mae Schwart- ,cntruber officiating. Interment in Zurich Mennonite Cemetery. As expressions of .y wrathy. donations to Heart & Stroke Foundation undation or Nairn Mennonite C. Church Building Fund would be appreciated. 26c TRAQUAiR - In Stratford, Ontario on Sat- urday, lune 25. 1994 in her 85th year. Ai- ken Ada Traquair, wife of die lase Siewam Traquair and loving mother of Joyce Fns - cher. June Hastings. Jean Sayer, Kathryn Flemington. Leroy Traynor, Muriel Tra- quair, Glen Traquair. Sister of Beverley. Al- vin and Eldred McNicol. Kathryn Cooper. Rena Young. Muriel Moffat. Also survived by many grandchildren and several gresi grandchildren. Predeceased by son James. brother John McNicol, sister Velma Dick. and grandsons Kelly Fischer and Robin Flemington. The funeral service was held at W.G. Young Funeral Home, Monday. June 27, 1994 at 3 p m. Rev. Charles Swartwood and Pastor Leonard Bownun officered. In- terment in Avondale Cannery. 27nc OPENING DAY •' ler Stephen Twp. Pool Canada Day July 1 1p.m.-3p.m. 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. :. No charge .: CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROL P FOCUS O\ iOU ,If you are an older individual; ,who cares for a spouse, a ,partner, a friend or a relative , ,join others for 3 afternoons to, ,share ideas and get, ,information. Discussions start Thurs. JWv 7 Lions Parkview Place, Seniors Building, 271 Beech Street, Lucan, otithri8 ; NOM WO • 1:30'3:6%. t"3 r:hri: `""r1 Call: Middlesex-Lalon Health Unit, Public Health Nursing, 663-5317 extension 2461 , Sponsored by the Caregiver Support, ,Group and Middlesex -London Health; , Unit. Victorian Order of Nurses and , Thames Valley Placement ,Coordination Service. A World Wide Prams Presentation iA, true rife story of Dere Rower. Drive in for Christ Sunday July 3rd Double Feature! Kid's film will be shown first. "Home Run for Rusty" A lot of kida. A tot of action. At Dusk (approx. 9 - 9:30 p.m-) Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle 670 Main St. Exeter Everyone welcome! •1=4.•41110it Summer Camp Wahn-Kee-Wm 1994 8 __A. Register Now/ 0or 0 0 0 Space still available 0 SJury 10-15 - Intermediate Co-Eds. Ages 11-13, $145.00 0 July 17-22 - Jr. Girls & Boys, Ages 8-10, $145.00 July 24-29 - One parent family camp l July 31 • Aug: 5 - Intermediate Co -Ed Sports, Ages 11-13, � $145.00 tel August? 7 -14 - Lambton Centre Choral Camp, Ages 8 - adult, r 0 $160.00. Camping also available r) 0 ll August 16-19 - Little Peoples C& -Ed, Ages 5-7, $80.00 C August 21-26 - Jr. Girls & Boys. Ages 8-10, $145.00 00 `l For more information regarding Camp Wahn-Kee-Win, or to r o reserve a place for your children, call Audrey Dowber our d l Summer Camp Registrar at Lambton United Church Centre, 0 RR #i5, Forest, Ontario. Te/P'7hone 786 5663 C ./.1.1.l✓'1✓l1.l1.l.!...r..119✓✓1JJ✓1llJ.11JZ/Z/Z l' j 1 Wilifili/Iwww WV 4;, 349-2678 DANCE HALL 9 p.m. - 1 am. Line dancers welcome Fri., July 1 Lee Davidson & Sagebrush Sat., July 2 Beechwoods Blyth Festival presents Blyth Memorial Community Hall Sunday July 3, 1994 2 performances - 2 p.m. & 8:30 p.m. Tickets - $25.00 Phone 519-523-9300 I.. t Ticket outlets: Bluewater Office Equipment, Wingham, X57 1554; Crossroads Gifts, Clinton 482-5855; Campbell's Photography, Goderich 524-7532. C) J Lions Conquering Blindness through Campaign Sightfirst Baseball get -Away Weekend Sponsored by The 0800. value) EXETER LIONS CLUB 2crickets -2games - `lays vs `a' Saturday, August 6 and Sunday, August Z 1994 *Luxury ilccormnodatkon at crown Plaza (Sat.) e !lino Service to and from Toronto Drastic be made July 1, 1994 al 11:00 pm. al South Huron Rec. Centre Ticket= MOO Each or 3 for $10.03 Orly 2000 rehab Printed Lot License No. 1251567 Tickets available from: - Any Lions Club member - Stedmans, Exeter - Lions Chip Wagon, July 1st at Canada Da Celebrations lJ ..i.,...A..i."" I% 1....sAAAAAA^A., ,.* i.,A ,fit WE'RE MOVING!! • ► 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 • Ellison Travel will be moving across the street from our present location in the old town hall to our new location at 311 Main St. (formerly Exeter Electric) effective July 1, 1994 NOTE: Closed July 1, 2 & 3 to move • Please feel free to drop in and see our facility. Our Grand opening will take place in September with many exciting draw prizes. Watch for details in future ads. SAME OLD PHONE NUMBERS & 1;1 � I ow Mise SAME YOUTHFUL STAFF Ellison Travel Old Town Hall, Exeter 519-235-2000 or 1-800-265-7022 :iNEW LOCATION: 311 MAIN STREET>, a a a _ IS a a a a a a a a